autaminua-blog · 6 years
Depression is like carbon monoxide, they’re both silent killers.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
I’m really not okay with how much she looks like my mother....
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Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others even, and perhaps most especially, when that person couldn’t see it in themselves
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
If nothing else, could you at least leave your blog active so that we could continue to send you happy messages and tell you how amazing you are and how much we love you? When an internet friend’s URL goes dark, it never stops haunting everybody else. Shit, I still think about online friends I had from over 17 years ago, people who have “simply” deleted their online account but it somehow managed to still leave a lingering hole in life. 
wait wait do you mean like deleting your blog?????
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I don’t know man my brain is weird it can go from ‘I HAVE SO MANY HEADCANONS AND IDEAS AND I FEEL PROUD OF MYSELF AND THIS IS SO FUN’ to ‘I’m wallowing in a pit of despair everything I touch dies I should probably become a hermit and stop talking to everyone bc they must be tired of my shit what is the point of anything anyway’ 
in a matter of seconds. 
So yeah, that thought crosses my head more than you could imagine but right now I most need food so I’m going to move my arse and go out and buy cake. 
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
To Bruce Banner, Infinity War, Thor Ragnarok and Age of Ultron were all just a really bad week.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
There’s more spices on a single Dorito than a medieval peasant would have had in their entire life
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
You know what else is square? Bread. 
this bitch wheaty. YEAST
Me: *making toast*
City council: You BeTtEr STAwP!
Me: *butters toast*
Council: BItCH stAwwWWP!
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
George Washington died in 1799. The first dinosaur fossil was discovered in 1824. George Washington never knew dinosaurs existed.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
Dang I thought you were a girl lol
Are you man or woman?
I’m a guy. I usually get mistaken for a girl by almost everybody that I talk to. I’m kind of regretting the alias that I picked because of that. I should probably just put that in my bio so people won’t get confused.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
17 years after I asked my mom if I could buzz my hair (”ABSOLUTELY NOT”), I grabbed the buzzer and did it, guard #6. It’s been eight months and I’m never going back! ^_^ 
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
Umm where is her church family?? Where are her mission leaders?? That poor family deserves better from their religious leaders. 
UK Christian.
There is a pregnant mother in East London who just returned from the mission field who is homeless (she and her children). The local council says they can’t help her because she’s been out of the country (on missions work helping people) for the last few months. Is there anyone East London who can help our sister named Lily Erickson-Hull?  You can donate anything to her that may help as well with no pressure. Donate directly to her. Her PayPal is [email protected]. I mean even just boosting this helps.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life.
Voltaire (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
this, this so much.
nobody ever talks about how selfless it is to choose, over and over again, to not commit suicide. nobody ever acknowledges the tremendous sacrifice suicidal people make every time we choose not to kill ourselves. when a person who is suffering so horribly that death seems like their best option decides not to take their one way out, and to instead remain in hell, day after day, year after year, because they don’t want to hurt the people they love, they are doing something extraordinary. not killing yourself when it’s all you want to do is the purest act of love i can imagine. dying for someone is easy – you don’t have to deal with any of the consequences, you have your moment of nobility and then it’s all over. but living for someone, when the simple fact of consciousness is literal torture for you? every single suicidal person who ever made a choice to not kill themselves in a moment of misery is a goddamn hero in my eyes. wanting to die and still surviving is an act of titanic courage and self-sacrifice. we deserve more credit for it.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
holy SHIT lol that was a wild ride
"Sorry proffesor but" She said while putting her hair behind her ear. " I must say you and proffesor Sirius look really cute togther!"
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Student: You and Professor Black. He said we were allowed to call him by his first name so-
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Student: Professor? Are you alright?
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It was just a dream…
Professor Remus Lupin is offline!
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
I can feel the cracks growing 
as they splinter my soul
and I wonder how much longer I have before
I break into pieces.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
Daily Public Service Announcement
Hey. Go to sleep. The dreams are slightly less deadly than reality.
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autaminua-blog · 6 years
Slowing inching your way forward at a red light is the adult equivalent of trying to leave class seconds before the bell rings
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