authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
Hi Tumblr! If you’re reading this, I could use your help :) I entered one of my book covers in this contest and I really need votes. Mine is The Wickedness: Return of Luther Elias Shaw. I really appreciate your help! 
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
When I meet someone new...
Me: Hi!
Me, lowkey: Read my book :)
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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New star of BBC AMERICA’s hit series Doctor Who Announced Today
The BBC and BBC AMERICA today announced to the world that Jodie Whittaker will be the new Doctor Who. She will be the Thirteenth Time Lord and take over from Peter Capaldi who leaves the global hit show at Christmas.
New head writer and executive producer Chris Chibnall who takes over from Steven Moffat on the next series made the decision to cast the first ever woman in the iconic role.
Jodie Whittaker says: “I’m beyond excited to begin this epic journey - with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet. It’s more than an honor to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can’t wait.”
Chris Chibnall, New Head Writer and Executive Producer says: “After months of lists, conversations, auditions, recalls, and a lot of secret-keeping, we’re excited to welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. I always knew I wanted the Thirteenth Doctor to be a woman and we’re thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for The Doctor simply blew us all away.  Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role. The Thirteenth Doctor is on her way.”
Peter Capaldi says: “Anyone who has seen Jodie Whittaker’s work will know that she is a wonderful actress of great individuality and charm. She has above all the huge heart to play this most special part. She’s going to be a fantastic Doctor.”
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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Can you get me to 100 patrons?
I've decided that in order to get you interested, I should do something big. That is why, if and only if I get 100 loyal patrons on Patreon, I will do a hilarious (and kind of embarrassing for me) live lip-sync concert of some of my Writing Tunes that I listen to. I'll gather a list and you will vote! I'll post a poll if I get to 50.
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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Nothing Spreads Like Wickedness Story Contest (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/fgEorDKUCE Write a story about your encounter with the infamous Luther Elias Shaw - this is the perfect time to place the blame on someone other than yourself!
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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The Eyes of Devin MacIntyre (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/5VGUr4DrAE "The Washington D.C. Mental Institution is a psychologist's dream. They house the nation's most peculiar patients whose illnesses are as of yet unknown. The residents are kept under close surveillance 24/7 so scientists like myself can determine the issue and try to help." Allison Cameron is a psychology major at Washington University in D.C. with a passion for helping the mentally ill. On January 14, 2017, she experienced a trauma that will haunt her memories for the rest of her life. This is her first-hand account of the five disturbing days after being attacked by a patient at the Washington D.C. Mental Institution. This is the story of the terrible mental strain one can sustain after looking into the very eyes of insanity, the eyes of Devin MacIntyre.
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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The Wickedness: Return of Luther Elias Shaw is now available for pre-order at Books by Basil!
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
When someone says they don’t like your characters
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
Killing a character
Me: I love this character I've created.
Brain: Kill it.
Me: What, why?
Brain: Because you can.
Me: But I don't want to.
Brain: *chanting* KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT!
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
I'm sure she'll be happy to see us.
William Rindenton, The Wickedness: Return of Luther Elias Shaw
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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I’m at the 90% mark based on this lol
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
Person: “How’s your writing going?”
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
This is where the elves come from...
When writing your contract, Satan misspelled his own name, causing you to sell your soul to Santa
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authorbasilebacorn · 7 years
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i think my bookshelf is coming along nicely 💕
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