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My puppy tofu!
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*Something bothers me*
Me: Nope, I’m not going to let it get to me, I’m just going to forget about it.
*1 hour later*
Me: Ughhhh, why did that have to happen??
*2 weeks later*
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“Society makes us feel like we must fit in or we don’t belong, but it’s okay to be different, it’s okay to be yourself.”
- autistickeely
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There’s only one you in this world, so why are you trying to be someone else?
Embrace who you are. It’ll be worth it. 💙💜💙
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Me: I love this character Someone: Here are reasons why they’re autistic Me: *SOBBING* THANK YOU
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Headcanoning a character as autistic for the first time: I think they might possibly be autistic in my opinion, but that’s always up to interpretation and it’s fine if you disagree! Here’s an in-depth essay about why I think so, there’s sources on behaviours as well! But again, it’s fine if you disagree! I might be wrong!
Headcanoning a character as autistic for the 1928000th time: They’re autistic because I say so. Also I’m right so fuck you.
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30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2019 - Day 20
Discuss identity. Do you prefer person first (person with autism) or identity first (autistic person) language? Why? Do you consider autism to be an important part of who you are?
Personally, I rather be called autistic person that person with autism, because as we already said many times you can't separate a person from their autism. 
I don't like the term "living with autism" or worse "suffering from autism".
I feel like being autistic is one of the most important part of my identity. Being autistic is what make me see the world the way I do. It gives me a lot of struggle most people don't have of course, but it also gives me the passion I have for the things I love. I wouldn't want to have to live without knowing what having special interests feel like.
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This dog is so cute
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Autistic culture is not being sure what to do with your hands while walking because you’ve been constantly told that having your hands in your pockets is rude and dismissive and crossing your arms is rude and standoffish but you can’t just have them out doing nothing like a fucking HEATHEN
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i LOVVVVVVE listening to happy music!!!!! i love music that makes me smile!!!!!! i love music that makes me wanna flap my hands and shake in my seat
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Person: (makes fun of my special interest)
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30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2019 - Day 18
Talk about your autistic headcanons.
First I automatically headcanon every character I relate to has being autistic either I have proof in the canon or not.
But with that said, for my absolute favorite autistic headcanon I have a lot of proof. :)
And my favorite autistic headcanon is KARA DANVERS !
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As I already talked about that I really think that being autistic in this neurotypical world is very similar to being an alien in a human world.
Kara experiences the world differently than humans.
She sees things most people can see and hear everything louder, which can be overwhelming a lot of times.
She also suffers from being hyper empathetic, which cause her to feel guilty over things she has no reason to feel guilty about.
She sometimes struggles with social cues.
She can have meltdowns and shutdowns and it's seems that only Alex can calm her down when it's happening.
She does a lot of stimmy stuffs.
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http://autistickryptonian.tumblr.com/post/154143318686/kara-danvers-is-autistic.  This post did a better job than me at pick-up her autistic traits so check it out. 
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Whatever, KARA DANVERS IS AUTISTIC and no one can convince me otherwise.
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there’s going to be a difference sometimes between the stories that you find masterfully crafted and the stories that mean a lot to you personally and those two things don’t have to overlap completely or even at all to make that story worthwhile
and that’s a good thing to remember as a reader/viewer/etc but also as a writer because even if whatever you ultimately write is full of mistakes, someone out there is gonna take it so to heart that it fundamentally changes them as a person. and that is. Huge.
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It doesn’t have to be the best thing you’ve ever written to be somebody else’s favorite story
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If a person tells you they think they’re autistic, don’t just shut them down and dismiss them, LISTEN to them. They’re telling you this for a reason!
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