Mohammed Hamouda is a Palestinian engineering student and graduate of Al-Azhar university raising money to complete his Master’s degree in Germany. His GoGetFunding campaign has 2 DAYS LEFT to reach $22,000, and he has currently only raised $13,465, needing around $8,535. If we give it our all, I know we can help him complete his goal, even if odds seem close — please, DONATE what you can, and SPREAD this campaign far and wide so that those who can donate are able. Let’s get going to help build Palestinian futures!
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my sna randomly got assigned to a new person 🧍‍♂️ like completely reassigned and I don't have anyone now , wtf am I supposed to do rn???
not blaming the kid who she got assigned to but like
I still need help, a good bit of help? help I wasn't getting at the start anyway but not even that bit is gone
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didn't get diagnosed because my parents forgot to get all the forms filled
now I'm scared i won't get accommodations
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they'll hate us anyway,
I get this a lot as being a weird mix of agender and a trans man that makes 0 logical sense to anyone else
but im still expected to allow people to talk over me? I've been told to let trans women speak for me because they're "more opressed" or that I have it lucky? I don't, I fucking don't,
trans women do expierence more violent crime, but trans men expierence more sexual assault and abuse [about 54%]
it's not oppression Olympics, we're two sides of a shape, as are our gnc siblings, we should be SIDING WITH EACH OTHER, we should help each other speak for ourselves and what we expierence .
and to those who think that trans men don't expierence misogyny and we miraculously immediately past at the start: go fuck yourself
I'll be loud about it, I'm going to stand up for myself
ive never understood the whole "dont say/do that, the transphobes will use it as a weapon against us!" thing. why do we need to be palatable to the people who hate us all anyway?
why would i give a fuck if someone calls themselves a transsexual or a transvestite or tranny or whatever. why would i care if someone has a unique relationship with their gender and doesnt fit into acceptable binaries. why would i care if someone doesnt want to look cis at the end of their transition. conforming to their standards of what a trans person "should be" wont make them accept us. we are all in danger, we do not need to be thrown under the bus by our own community in favor of the horrible people you should not be pleasing.
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getting my autism assesment in like 40 minutes, I'm really nervous sbrjakgnakrn
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ANOTHER AUTISTIC KAZ BREKKER TRUTHER ‼️‼️ to add a bit because I love this idea sm
- kaz hyperanalysing everyone because spotting things like spotting lying and malicious intent never came naturally until it was a life or death situation
- his plans being very step by step and factoring everything in, but never being able to get that plan across properly because it works in his mind but not when he says it out loud so he simply stopped giving away all the details
- kaz tapping his cane against the ground or a desk as a stim,
-kaz who's aware of every single noise and changes in an environment, but that didn't come from survival he's just always been like that and it just so happens to be useful now
-kaz who when he decides he's doing something, there's no way to get him to change his mind or plans unless absolutely necessary
Kaz Brekker, An Honest Man
Little Kaz Rietveld could never tell a lie, much to the dismay of his elder brother. Everytime they were caught red-handed, Kaz wouldn’t even try to lie his way out of it. His father praised him for it, and so did Jordie, even if he disliked all the times they��d gotten in trouble. Lying felt wrong, it felt bad. It made his stomach twist and his palms sweat. He didn’t like lying.
Acting was different from lying. That’s what he told Jordie, when he began to take an interest in the street magicians. It wasn’t really lying, when the magician played tricks and put on a show. And the actors at the Komedie Brute weren’t lying either.
When Kaz Rietveld was dead and buried, and Kaz Brekker took his place, he still couldn’t bring himself to lie. And he was always able to justify every lie he did tell, because acting wasn’t lying, and Dirtyhands was a showman. Kaz Brekker was honest to his word and kept any deal struck with him. He never lied, simply left out certain details. Not telling the whole truth wasn’t exactly lying. Jordie had told him that, when Kaz confronted him one day for some simple lie he’d told him.
Perhaps, in that way, Kaz Rietveld had never really gone away. After all, Kaz Brekker was a half-truth. Only the Brekker part was a lie.
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mmmm got new orthotics
comfy but uncomfortable at the same time, like once I get used to them they'll be great
they also fit with my boots that stop me from rolling my ankles 24/7 :))))
And they don't trigger my sensory issues ‼️‼️‼️
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don't reveal my plans shh
both your ratio and adventurine are gender goals
I'm consuming them for my HRT 🫶
quite the theme of purple wise scholars you have going on, autistic gale dekarios
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have a crappy argenthill doddle
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idk why ita sideways , also I did this in like 5 minutes,
they're t4t in my brain ok, they're both gender goals to me </3
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The Strawberries I started from seeds
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shout out to autistic people with obscure special interests without enough information to info dump about, shout out to autistic people with dark or 'creepy' special interests, shout out to autistic people who can't info dump due to memory issues, shout out to autistic people who can't info dump because they struggle with talking/communicating , shout out to autistic people who don't have stereotypical special interest, shoutout to autistic people with multiple special interests, shoutout to autistic people who have "childish" special interests , shout out to autistic people whose special interests don't fit the socially acceptable view of special interests
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I feel like I'm faking tics because I get a feeling where I need to violently snap my neck into my shoulder repeatedly or its uncomfortable-- sometimes it just happens
sometim3s I can't get the shivery feeling out and it's ew
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ran out of today's words but im supposed to be going out with friends soon :[ and I'm not good at using aac at all because I don't like it
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I don't have one of my orthotics in because I lost it and its so sore
not actually sore just
walking is hard and my leg feels numb and my foot won't walk
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Hey, so I've been scrolling your blog today and sorry if you've answered this before, but you mentioned you don't want people to say "going nonverbal." So what exactly do you propose that we say? I can't think of an alternative except "going nonspeaking" maybe which would just be the same thing. "Becoming mute?" Like what exactly are we supposed to say? It's not exactly a thing I can just avoid describing. /gen
Hello! So nonverbal is an actual diagnosis in some places. However, not everyone that’s nonverbal has autism. There are nonverbal people with cerebral palsy, nonverbal people with apraxia, etc etc. I think that verbal people shouldn’t be using it because not only do they not get what’d it’s like to be actually nonverbal, but they’re taking a term from a whole community. It’s the same with any other term. People who have migraines that cause them to have trouble seeing shouldn’t call themselves blind or VI. You know what I mean? Nonverbal was meant for people who can’t talk or talk VERY VERY little. And the autism community just kinda…stole the term. Why? I have no idea.
There are alternatives. Such as speech loss episodes, speech loss, verbal shutdown, etc.
Verbal people will never get what it’s like to rely solely on other people or a device to speak for them. Verbal people will never face the ableism we face. Verbal people will never understand those things, they aren’t apart of the community. The nonverbal community IS a community, with different experiences, different people, different things they face. That’s why they shouldn’t use it. Nonverbal people deserve to be able to go onto the internet and see people like them without seeing verbal people use their word. They deserve to go onto social media and talk about their experiences without people saying “oh I get what that’s like because SOMETIMES I’m unable to speak”. Because they don’t get it.
I hope this helps! Have a lovely day.
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do any artists (specifically disabled artists) have tips for how to draw when your hand shakes and you cant draw a straight line? because ive been trying to get back into drawing but i have issues with my hands and my coordination so everything i draw is really messy and im not happy with how it looks because of that! ive tried using the correction tool or whatever its called and it still just isnt working. thanks in advance if you have any tips!
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Sorry to do this, but I don't seem to have many options.
At the end of last year, my partner and I were finally able to live together after years of being apart. We had troubles with employment, and I've lost two jobs in the months he's been here due to my health. We're both trans and disabled so finding a job that can accommodate my health needs is difficult. It's especially hard when your health seems to improve and decline depending on which planets are in retrograde.
Before anyone says something about "treatable" or "manageable" chronic illness, know that I've been sick since I was a year old. I've heard every shitty suggestion, pseudoscientific treatment or cure, and I'm not going to tolerate that kind of thing. If eating only lemon rinds and uncooked brown rice worked I would have done it by now.
Roughly 6 months into us living together, we were separated again. Luckily this was temporary, and we are living in the same place now. The problem is that we both lost our more affordable housing while both unemployed and moving isn't cheap...
The new place is fine and the roommates are fantastic people who didn't have to give us a space. Finally being able to live together, and to be ourselves has been amazing. That being said, we're broke as hell. I just got an email saying my account has hit zero, and we need help.
I can't go back on my word with the rent agreement, and if we can't pay, we can't stay. Right now, there isn't anywhere for us to go besides our small truck. Please consider donating to help two disabled queers stay housed. We need $400 by the end of the month, and any amount will help.
Of course, if you can't afford a donation, then please don't donate. Thank you for your consideration. Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Ko-Fi: chiikysquirrel
Paypal: chiikysquirrel
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