autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
you are worth everything you want out of life, you just have to take the steps to obtain it, no matter how much it hurts
Janders (via chopa)
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right person.
Steve Maraboli (via mysimplereminders)
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
She wanted a change, and she made it happen. She found love too, just not the kind she expected.
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
The biggest pitfall as you make your way through life is impatience. It creates stress, dissatisfaction and fear. Patience means knowing it will happen ... and giving it time to happen.
Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
Dependency in a relationship ... creates some very unattractive side effects - anger, jealousy, resentment, clinging, nagging - all very unpleasant to live with. These self-defeating qualities are the result of a deep-seated fear of losing that which we see as the basis of our entire identity.
Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
I can’t emphasize enough the importance of solo adventures. Everything from eating lunch by yourself to strolling in the park alone all help to shape your sense of independence. If you’re never by yourself how will you ever know yourself.
(via c0ntemplations)
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
Redefining power
“Power within the self … means power over your perceptions of the world, power over how you react to situations in your life, power to do what is necessary for your own self-growth, power to create joy and satisfaction in your life, power to act and power to love.
This kind of power has nothing to do with anyone else. It is not egomania, but a healthy self-love. In fact, egomaniacs have absolutely no feeling of power - thus their compelling need to control those around them. Their lack of power leaves them perpetually in a state of fear, since their survival depends on the outside world. No one is more unloving than a person who can’t own his or her own power. Such people spend their lives trying to pull it out of everyone else. Their need creates all sorts of manipulative behaviour.”
— Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
With the recent attacks on Paris (and elsewhere throughout the years), I’m left not with the question of “why Paris or why us?” but rather “why carry out something so inhumane in the first place at all?” 
What if this was the reason? A group of people want to claim power by controlling, instilling fear in others and watching them tear apart. What they don’t realize is they can think of power differently - the type of power to change themselves - their choices, their decisions, their actions. One that doesn’t require the ‘sacrifice of others’. It’s disgusting to see what they’ve done. And yet, all it takes, is a shift in the way you think. Education, not war, is what it takes.
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autumnhaze10-blog · 9 years
Whenever we take a chance and enter familiar territory or put ourselves into the world in a new way, we experience fear. Very often this fear keeps us from moving ahead with our lives. The trick is to FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY. [...] So many of us short-circuit our living by choosing the path that is the most comfortable.
Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
I have been trying to write for a while now. I have all these amazing ideas, but its really hard getting my thoughts onto paper. Thus, my ideas never really come to fruition. Do you have any advice?
Write the ideas down. If they are going to be stories, try and tell the stories you would like to read. Finish the things you start to write. Do it a lot and you will be a writer. The only way to do it is to do it. 
I’m just kidding. There are much easier ways of doing it. For example: On the top of a distant mountain there grows a tree with silver leaves. Once every year, at dawn on April 30th, this tree blossoms, with five flowers, and over the next hour each blossom becomes a berry, first a green berry, then black, then golden.
At the moment the five berries become golden, five white crows, who have been waiting on the mountain, and which you will have mistaken for snow, will swoop down on the tree, greedily stripping it of all its berries, and will fly off, laughing.
You must catch, with your bare hands, the smallest of the crows, and you must force it to give up the berry (the crows do not swallow the berries. They carry them far across the ocean, to an enchanter’s garden, to drop, one by one, into the mouth of his daughter, who will wake from her enchanted sleep only when a thousand such berries have been fed to her). When you have obtained the golden berry, you must place it under your tongue, and return directly to your home.
For the next week, you must speak to no-one, not even your loved ones or a highway patrol officer stopping you for speeding. Say nothing. Do not sleep. Let the berry sit beneath your tongue.
At midnight on the seventh day you must go to the highest place in your town (it is common to climb on roofs for this step) and, with the berry safely beneath your tongue, recite the whole of Fox in Socks. Do not let the berry slip from your tongue. Do not miss out any of the poem, or skip any of the bits of the Muddle Puddle Tweetle Poodle Beetle Noodle Bottle Paddle Battle.
Then, and only then, can you swallow the berry. You must return home as quickly as you can, for you have only half an hour at most before you fall into a deep sleep.
When you wake in the morning, you will be able to get your thoughts and ideas down onto the paper, and you will be a writer. 
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
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Alex Cornell
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
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"I’m trying to keep psychological vampires from sapping my life force."
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
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"I’m trying to raise a thinking child in a world that is constantly telling him what to believe." "How do you do that?" "Travel and tell the truth."
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
People cannot consistently behave in ways that are inconsistent with the way they perceive themselves.
Victory Over the Darkness, Neil T. Anderson (via chopa)
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
F. Scott Fitzgerald 
Book Geek Quote #549
(via bookgeekconfessions)
(via 12minds)
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autumnhaze10-blog · 10 years
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Another 5am walk. Wasn't the same as the first. #sunrise #goodmorning #victoria #inkstainedsky #earlybird #summer
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