avatarlovers · 1 year
Everything changed when Peter brought a girl named Wendy Darling to Nerverland. He became distant and was more around Wendy.
What was so special about that girl? Something was it, if she got the attention from Peter.
I sat by the fire eating my lunch. I was staring at Peter and Wendy. They looked so happy together and that hurt my heart. I felt someone beside me and saw Felix.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked softly.
"No" I said, my voice breaking. I got up from the log I was sitting on and hurried away from there to my tent before anyone could see my tears. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I collapsed on my bed and buried my face in my pillow and cried silently. I loved Peter very much. I thought we had something because we were so close before Wendy came. But it was obvious that he didn't feel the same. I heard my tent door opens. I looked up and saw Felix walking in.
"Hey it's Pan, isn't it?" I nodded and sat up.
"I love him Felix, but he doesn't feel the same. He obviously loves Wendy" Felix was thinking for a second.
"How about this? We act like we're dating. That way we can see if Pan really likes you or not" Felix suggested.
"Sure" I nodded. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
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The next morning I got up and went to sit by Felix. I was still a little tired. I sat down by felix and laid my head on his shoulder. In response Felix wrapped his arm around my waist.
"You okay there love?" He asked me and I was a bit confused why he called me that, but then I remembered what we talked about last night. 
"Yes I'm fine" I said and smiled. Felix kissed me on the head.
"Good. Do you want me to bring you some breakfast?" He asked.
"Yes, thank you Felix" I said. He nodded and got up. I could feel someone burning a hole in my back. I turned my head around and saw Peter, he quickly looked away. Felix came back and sat down beside me and handed me my food.
"I think it's working. I felt Peter glare at me and when I looked at him, he quickly looked away." I whispered to him. He smiled at me. 
"Good. Trust me you will be kissing and hugging at the end of the day" He said. I smiled back at him. He quickly kissed me on the cheek.
Soon Peter stood up and addressed the boys.
"We are going to play a game. We are going to play who can hit the most targets. Felix you'll be the second captain. Pick someone" He said.
"John" John walked to Felix. 
"Y/n" I smiled and went to stand by Peter.
"Daniel" After all the lost boys were on a team. Peter gave me the bow with an arrow ready to shoot the first target. I prepared to shoot.
"How's your relationship?"
"What relationship? And when did you and Felix start dating?"
"Umm, your relationship with Wendy? Yesterday" I lied.
"I'm not dating her" My eyes widened and I hit my head with my hand when I pulled the string too fast. I'm an idiot. Peter looked at me concerned.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"No. I'm an idiot" I shouted and I noticed Felix looking this way, but I didn't say anything.
"Why are you an Idiot?"
"Can't you see?" I asked him. He looked confused.
"See what?" I groaned.
"THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU" I screamed. When I realized what I said I slapped my hand over my mouth and ran off.
Peter looked at me.
"Have you been listening this whole time?" He asked. I nodded.
"I have a question. If she is in love with me, why is she dating you?" I groaned and facepalmed. Is he so blind.
"You are an Idiot Pan. We were pretending because Y/n loves you and she wanted to make you jealous. She was jealous of you and Wendy"
"Oh. She doesn't have reason to be" I slapped him in the face.
"Ok, oww. That hurt" He said.
"Go find her and tell her that you and Wendy aren't together because she thinks you are. So if you really love, find her and tell her." I said and he teleported away. 
I ran and ran so deep into the woods. The air in my lungs ran out so I collapsed on the floor and started crying. There's no way he feels the same. I started hating myself and I should never have said anything. All of sudden I felt someone's hand lift my head up. I looked up and saw it was Peter. I gasped and I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my wrist making sure that I didn't leave.
"Could you please listen to me. I love you and only you. Wendy means nothing, she is only a pawn in my plan. If you don't believe me let me prove it to you" He said. Before I could ask how, he leaned forward and kissed me. I never thought Peter would do this because it was unlike anything I thought he would do. The kiss was gentle, his lips were soft and before he could break the kiss. I responded and wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss. Peter responded and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. We broke apart from lack of air.
"I love you so much and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. Would you be my queen?" He asked. I kissed him again.
"I love you too and will gladly be your queen my king" He grinned widely and picked me up bridal style and walked to a tree and sat down with me on his lap, his arms around my waist, my head on his shoulder. It was perfect just me and Peter. 
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avatarlovers · 1 year
In this one shot you are Peter Pan 2003's little sister
Peter was chasing his baby sister around Neverland because she had woken him up from his dream about Wendy. Y/n had woken up before Peter and she heard him saying Wendy so she decided to wake him up. She smiled evilly and took a bucket of water and threw it at Peter waking him up instantly.
" Wendy?" Peter said and looked at where he was. He had dreamed of him and Wendy at a lake and he stood near the water and he thought he had fallen in, but when he saw his baby sister with a bucket in her hands and he realized his dream about Wendy was not real.
Peter glared at his sister because she had ruined his perfect dream. So he got up from bed, Y/n ran away from Peter and threw the bucket behind her and it hit Peter in the face. Peter stumbled back. "Owww" he said and rubbed his forehead and ran after his giggling little sister.
"Got you" Peter said and wrapped his arms around her from behind her, lifting her up from the ground. Y/n giggled and laughed.
"U go me" she said and turned around in his arms and kissed her brother on his cheek. Peter smiled at his little sister and loved when she tried to talk.
"Peter" she said in a sweet voice and looked into his eyes. "Ca u put me down?"
He smiled and put her down, but he didn't let go of her instead he tickled her. Y/n laughed and tried to get away from her brother's fingers that were tickling her stomach. Peter loved her laugh and stopped tickling her and looked at his sweet sister in the eyes. "I love you flower" he said and stood up.
"I luv u P" she said and jumped into his arms with her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Peter smiled and put his arms around her securing her so she wouldn't fall. Y/n buried her head in the crook of his neck and fell asleep.
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avatarlovers · 1 year
Y/n - your name
h/c - hair color
e/c - eye color
You had lived on Neverland for 2 month now and it was great. You didn't know how long you had been gone in the real world.
You got along with almost every lost boy but some of them didn't like that a girl was on the island. You had got closer to Felix, in the beginning he was closed of and didn't talk to you at all.
You were the one who started talk to him first.
You loved it here, you were free and could do want you wanted but needed to listen to Peter Pan. 
But today was not your day Peter was one second all happy and wanted to cuddle with you and the next second he was angry and would tell you to leave him alone.
"He have serious mood swings and if he want to be alone so fine with me"you thought. The strange think he would get get angry if you were alone with one lost boy and if they looked at you.
So you decided to leave him alone so you walk away from him and started to walk your way to Felix, who like your company. He was sitting on a log near the fire sharpening a stick for hunting. So you sat down beside him on the log and poked his arm to get his attention. 
Many lost boys were afraid of him and didn't get it how you could make him smile. When you sat down Felix knew it was you because you were the only one and (Pan) who would sit beside him and who were not afraid of him. Felix looked up from the stick he was sharpening and looked at you. " Hey Y/n what is it?" he asked you and smile at you. Felix liked you more than a friend but Pan had said to him that "you were his and only his". Felix felt a little sad when he said that. But that didn't stop Felix from talking to you.
You liked to hang out with Felix. He was nice when you get to know him and you got to see his soft side. "I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go hunt with me, i'm bored" you said and Felix rosed up from the log and took your hand in his" Of course" He said with a grin on his face. He dragged you away from the camp in to the woods. 
You and Felix had walk for a while and it was now dark and it was probably Peter Pan who mixed with the time.  You didn't find anything but you got to hang out with Felix. You could make him laugh. You told him of the adventures you did at your old home and how clumsy you were when you were little. Your family drifted apart and you were alone. Peter had found you walking alone on the street by yourself and you had not so many friends. Many of your friends were busy partying and you weren't a party girl.
Both you and Felix walked back to the camp laughing real loud. All the lost boy looked away from what they were doing and looked at you and Felix when you walk into the camp, you had even caught a special boys attention. You and Felix walk to the campfire and stop near the fire. "Thanks Felix I had fun" you said and smile at him.
He blushed at your comment. Felix look up into you e/c and smile at you " It was fun and you tripping all the time on sticks and logs " He said now laughing. You started to blush to now and it was embarrassing but couldn't help your clumsiness.
"Haha very funny Felix I can't help that i'm clumsy" you said and hit his arm playfully Felix was going to say something back to you but saw Pan sitting behind you on a log. Felix caught Pan glance and he didn't look happy he was glaring right at him. Felix gulped and looked nervous now. "Why is he glaring at me, I haven't do anything wrong "  he thought to himself. 
You waved your hand back and forth to get Felix attention back at you but that didn't work. You were going to ask him what was wrong but you got interrupted by someone breating down  your neck so you froze.
Felix looked pale so you could guess who was behind you so you turned around and came face to face with Peter Pan and he didn't look happy at all.
" Where have you two been?" He said and he sounded angry.
" We were hunting" you answered him calmly. Peter turned his attention to you
" It doesn't look like that. Where is the animal?"
" We didn't find any so we came back because it became dark" you stated and Felix didn't still say anything. You looked behind you and looked at Felix, he still looked scared and pale." why is he scared?" You thought to yourself.
" I'm going to bed so bye bye boys, have fun and don't kill each other" you said and waved goodbye to the two boys.
" She is mine and mine only" Peter Pan said to Felix and walked away from him and left a scared lost boy.
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avatarlovers · 1 year
Peter Pan Oneshot
You lived in the enchanted forest with your mother and it was great until your father passed away, your mother had change after that.
You sat in your room in your mother's castle. You were locked inside because your mother didn't want you to leave the castle.
Because your were a beautiful girl and many men wanted to marry you, she wanted you to marry a rich man so she could get the money.You had even caught a special boys eyes who wanted you as his Queen.
He had watch you every night through your small window when you slept in your bed. In his eyes your were a beautiful girl and that you shouldn't be locked away because of that so he had thought of a plan to help you escape your home that you didn't even consider as your home anymore. 
Every day servants come to your room with food and new clothes that you could wear and they were instructed to never look at your face. You had no friends your mother had only give you books that you could read that were most about history.
She didn't give you books about adventure because she didn't want you to have any ideas of escaping. (She didn't tell you that she was going to marry you away to a rich man so she could get the money.)She said that she only locked you in your room for protection from the evil and cruel world.
You wonder what was so cruel and evil about this world your mother had locked you away from. From your window you saw the people who lived in the village, they looked happy dancing outside to the music that was playing on the street.
People would dance together and jump around having fun when you only wish that one day you would be that happy and escape your prison. You sat by your window the sun shining through and making your whole room light up. The wind blowing outside making the trees dance .
You liked to watch the tree dance when the wind blew on them. When you looked at the tree  you saw something fly in there air and it wasn't a bird, it had more of human shape and was larger than a bird and it was it was flying in your direction.
Then it stop right by your window in front of you. It looked like a shadow of human and they eyes of the shadow was glowing white, it was looking into your own eyes and you looked straight into the shadows eyes, afraid to look away from it. What was it doing by your window, was it going to hurt you, you thought but what shocked you most was that the shadow was holding its hand out to you.
Did it want you to come with it or was it going to throw you out of the window? You didn't know if you should take the shadows hand or just be locked in your room forever. You then heard clicking sound of your mothers heels coming up the stairs that lead to your room, coming nearer and nearer. You looked to the door and back to the shadow.
The shadow grew impatient it just wanted you to take its hand before your mother would find it with you, because your mother knew who that shadow belong to.The shadow took your hand and dragged you out of the window and it flew up to the sky with you, its hand in your hand.
You could see the village and the villagers below you.You could see all the flowers in the flower shop, all the colors of them, you could see the Baker coming out with the morning bread. You could see what every villagers did. They looked so happy and you wanted to feel happy to and you wonder where was the Shadow taking you.The Shadow started to speed up his speed and was flying faster and after a while the shadow slowed down and that's when you saw a big island.
The shadow put you down gentle and flew away. You felt something soft under your feets. You were standing on a beach on the sand, you moved your toes and felt the soft sand under you.You looked around your surroundings where you were standing, there was a forest behind you, more beach to your left and to your right it was more rocky.
You looked at the ocean and saw how it sparkled under the sun's rays. It was so beautiful and it was your first time in forever you had been so close to the ocean. Then you heard rustling behind you and turned around, among the trees stood a tall boy who had long brown boots and was dressed in a green shirt and green pants, the sleeves of the shirt ended at the elbows. You looked up to the boys face and thought he was the handsomest boy you have seen because in your window you saw boys who lived in the village but you couldn't see there faces.The boy had the most beautiful emerald green eyes, sharp jawline and curly brown hair.
The boy walk away from the trees and he was now standing in front of you. You were a little nervous because your body's were nearly touching  because he was standing so close to you. " Are you done checking me out Love?" said the boy in a british accent and he was smiling at you." W.h.aat nn.oo" you stuttered " I was just observing you" you mumbled " Whatever you say Love" He said and took your hand in his and walk away with you then he said" Welcome to Neverland Love"
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avatarlovers · 1 year
Meeting Peter Pan
You were a girl who believed in fairytales and people thought you were crazy and told you to grow up but you thought what was the fun in that. Your mother had told you about a boy who never grew up, a mischievous yet innocent little boy who can fly, and has many adventures on the island of Neverland that is inhabited by mermaids, fairies, Native Americans/indians and Pirates. The boy's name was Peter Pan leader of a group of other boys known as the Lost Boys.When she told you about his adventures to your world, you got excited and believed that one day Peter Pan would take you to Neverland. Every night you sit by your window and look up to the stars but you look after the one your mother told you about " The second star to the right". You dreamed about the adventure you would have there. One night when you were asleep a boy and a little fairy flew into your open window. The boy landed on your floor and walk up to the foot of your bed.He studied your face and look when your chest went up and down. He was so fascinated by your face. He moved one of his hand and stroke your chin with one of his fingers and when you felt someone touch you, your eyes flew open and when the boy saw you open your eyes he flew up to the ceiling of your room. You sat up in your bed and looked around in your room and that's when you saw a boy above you with his back prest to the ceiling .You studied him and saw that the boy had blond hair and his clothes were not normal clothes, they were made out of green leafs. "Boy why are you up there?" you asked a bit confused. The boy didn't know what to say he didn't even think you would wake up so instead he drop down to the floor and stood in front of your bed. You threw of your duvet and stood up from your bed and went up to the boy and smiled at him but something was bothering you. Why was a boy in your room?" Where did you come from?" you asked. The boy pointed to the window "Did you climb up?" you asked because your room were on the top floor. The boy finally answer you " No I flew in here" he stated like it was the obvious. "You flew?" you asked confused, what you know people can't fly by themself, but you remember your mother story about a boy who could fly but you didn't remember his name because it was a long time ago you heard the story. " Why are you here boy ?" you asked " I heard your wish" he said smiling at you. You looked up at the boy and wonder what wish and how would he know, you never told anyone what you wished for and you wished for many things. " What wish? I have many wishes" you said and smiled. The boy looked at you and wonder if you had already forgot about him and he looked sad when you looked at him. " I'm here to make your biggest dream come true" he stated. When he said that you smiled big and now you remembered him and the place he called his home Neverland.
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