ok I’m new to the scene but i immediately wondered what the fuck an ericson D&D group would be like
Ruby or Aasim DM’s, I imagine - or they take turns or co-DM
Louis plays a bard - of course. Uses his spell list primarily to fuck with people but can also whip out some disarmingly good roleplay when the occasion calls for it Violet reluctantly plays a barbarian but finds it’s so much fun that she gets REALLY into it Willy plays a sorcerer and keeps raising platforms with people on them and envies Louis’ bard spells - tries to find similar battlefield-control spells to use creatively. he often succeeds, too Mitch plays an artificer. Nobody is surprised. He goes into excessive detail about the alchemical bombs he makes and how you could actually make a fire potion given the right ingredients. He doesn’t use a character voice to do this. AJ is initially unsure, but ends up playing a ranger. He wields a knife and a handaxe, and has a lion companion after Clem explains what they are. He is the same age and height in the game as he is irl. Aasim suggested he could play a gnome, but AJ was happy as a human. He eventually multiclasses into rogue. Clementine had only vaguely heard of this game beforehand, and when Ruby suggests she play a paladin, she wasn’t so sure. She’s still not sure she fits the description of one, but she’s having fun protecting the group and using her radiant powers to kick the ass of the undead.
Omar is all powerful and knows every outcome.  But no seriously - he’s more content to watch than play. Occasionally he’ll lend his voice to provide monster noises, which he’s surprisingly good at. 
Tenn would only play if Violet promised to play. He ended up playing a druid, and enjoyed using Druidcraft to create beautiful things, and would describe them in detail. He tried to make friends with every animal he found, sometimes too shy to speak up above the noisy group, but Ruby got the message and would often prompt him. 
pls feel free to add or change anything! I just wanted to get the thought written down :p
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“I’ll kick a tree’s ass.”
“You should seduce the boat!”
“I killed a man today. In space. On a dragon. With a shovel.”
“Can I have flaming pistols?”
“No, you may not make a human centipede out of your army of 50 children.”
“Can I pay them money not to come near me?”
“I’m pretty sure fish don’t accept money.”
“I don’t know what we need to bleed on.”
“Let’s bleed on everything, just to be safe.”
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say we’re not going to solve this problem by bleeding on it.”
“Your ass is not a weapon you are proficient with.”
“That is the only dwarf ass I’m going to draw for you today.”
“Oh shit, I forgot the princess.”
“Did you just pull a gun out of your hair?”
“Who just carries spiders around in their pockets?!”
“He fought like he lived… Full of spears.”
“Ok, so there’s a lot of teeth in this water.”
“I’m not sure how to split a throne evenly. We all have a sitting schedule?”
“How many noses are going into this chicken?”
“We just turned a ritualistic orphan sacrifice chamber into a nightclub.”
“You started a cult!?”
“We need to give this guy a proper burial. After we loot his body. And take his teeth.”
“Yeah, he’s a ghost now. But I can punch ghosts, so it’s fine.”
“Have you ever seen a dragon choke on one hundred and thirty five orphans? Because you’re about to.”
“I can be responsible for my own severed leg, thank you.”
“Look, if I’m going to be a part of this Badger Cult, I expect career options!”
“I can’t believe you just pre-battle blazed it.”
“You lose the moral high ground after the second murder.”
 “I am literally dying for your sins right now! Do not fuck this up for me!”
“Summon the monkeys! They will be relevant!”
“What happens if you die in Hell?” “Double Hell.”
“Long term goal: we put your corpse on the airship.”
“Does it still count as ‘evil’ if I feel really bad about it?”
“Everyone is ambidextrous until proven otherwise.”
“You blew up the sun!”
“Hold my record player, I’m going in.”
“I have never tried to stab you in a combat situation!”
“Want to use my knife? It’s only been used for our own ritual blood-letting.”
“I’m not sure we can even beat a log right now. We must negotiate with it.”
Out of Context D&D Quote Starters:
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Doctor Who sentence starters
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Birds of Prey | Sentence Prompts
feel free to change words and pronouns as needed.
“Oh, hey, you’re that singer no one listens to.”
“Oh, hey, you’re the asshole no one likes.”
“I’m not shopping at this store. I’m robbing this store.”
“Psychologically speaking, vengeance rarely brings the catharsis we hope for.”
“Unless we all want to die very unpleasant deaths, we’re going to have to work together.”
“What the hell is up with this bow and arrow shit?”
“I love this chick. She’s got rage issues.”
“Your protection is based on the fact that people are scared of you.”
“You made me want to be a less terrible person.”
“If you want boys to respect you, show them you’re serious.”
“Nothing gets a guy’s attention like violence.”
“I underestimated you and I’m sorry.”
“I’m used to it.”
“I’m sorry, (name), I’m just a terrible person I guess.”
“So… we broke up.”
“She stole my fucking car!”
“That is childhood trauma right there.”
“Fine. But if you try to run, I will kill you.”
“I’m not proud of what I did.”
“I had to find a new identity. A new me. It wasn’t easy.”
“I guess all good things have to come to an end.”
“So, we broke up. I handled it real mature.”
“The inflection in your voice, the way you can’t hold eye contact, and the fact that you’re a filthy little thief, all suggest that you do.”
“Well, sounds like a dick.”
“You’re so tiresome! If you want my mercy, shut that hole in the middle of your face and listen.”
“(Name) is gone, but it’s just a matter of time before some other asshole tries to finish what he started.”
“You’re a filthy fucking rat.”
“That’s why he needs me to look out for him. That’s why he needs me to take care of him.”
“Still a work in progress.”
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louis + 😉 !!
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I’m gonna miss them 😭
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