awesomealayna · 7 years
Fanfiction Vocab
As anyone who follows my main blog knows, I have a definite shipper bias. I actually became interested in the language while searching for endearments I could have Spock say to Jim in my fanfiction. Whoever you ship, if a Vulcan is included and you create fanworks, it can be really interesting to include some Vuhlkansu.
So for a fun post on this early-summer Friday (at least in my part of the world), I’ve compiled a list of vocabulary and phrases that might be relevant to shippers and fanfiction writers.
Also, if anyone knows of writers using the language in their fics, let me know! I’d eventually like to compile a Vulcan language-specific fic rec list to share on this blog.
Relationship Status
Bondmate/Spouse Telsu Husband Sa-telsu; adun Fiancé Sa-kugalsu Fiancée Ko-kugalsu Lover Ashausu Wife Ko-telsu; adun'a
Sexual Orientation
Asexual (adj.) Riguv-, riguvik Bisexual (adj.) Dah-guv-, dah-guvik Bisexuality Dah-guv'es Homosexuality Ka-ashau'es Homosexual man Sa-ka-ashausu Homosexual woman/lesbian Ko-ka-ashausu Heterosexuality Vath-ashau'es Heterosexual man Ba-vath-ashausu Heterosexual woman Ko-vath-ashausu
Beautiful Vaksurik Beloved (n.) Ashayam Beloved, darling, sweetheart (n.) Ashal-veh Beloved, darling (adj.) Ashal-, Ashalik Cute Petakov(-) Love (n.) Ashaya
Romantic Vocabulary
Embrace Nartaya (n.), nartau (v.) Finger embrace (n.) Ozh’esta Honeymoon (n.) Wuhr-sa'le Kiss Shok (n.), Shok-tor (v.) Love Ashaya (n.), ashau (v.) Loving (adj.) Ashaun-, ashaunik Love potion Ashau-krel-masu Love story Ashaya-var
Sexual and Anatomical Vocabulary
Anal Pekh-razh-, pekh-razhik* Anus Pekh-razh* Body Vukhut Breast Thak Clitoris Ko-Lok Copulate Az’ir’kh’ar Ejaculate (v.) Khrasau Ejaculation Khrasaya Erect Abul-, abulik (adj.) Erection Abun Erotic Guv-dau-, guv-dauk Penis Lok Mate (v.) Katelau Nipple Thasek-gonaf Sexual Guvik Sexual favors Dihrf Vagina Keshtan-ur* Vaginal Keshtan-urik* Vulva Kotik si-guv-kruslar
*Thanks to the ultra-logical Vulcans, these aren’t exactly the sexiest terms, so use them with caution in your fics: keshtan-ur literally means “birth tunnel” and pekh-razh literally means “feces hole.” I humbly suggest that razh, literally “hole,” could serve for any sexy orifice.
I cherish thee Taluhk nash-veh k’dular (traditional Vulcan) I love you Ashau nash-veh tu Feeling “head-over-heels” for someone Shon-ha-lock/shan’hal’lak (literally the engulfment)
Note: T’hy’la, the word created by Gene Roddenberry meaning “friend/brother/lover,” will eventually have its own post, as there’s too much to cover here.
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awesomealayna · 7 years
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so Kirk has a snapchat
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awesomealayna · 7 years
Person: What's your OTP?
Me: *Get's out giant binder* Let's see...
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awesomealayna · 8 years
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So I looked up a mini golf place nearby and I guess they’re only open for 30 minutes in the dead of night on Thursdays only.
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awesomealayna · 8 years
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[I don’t understand why people dislike Harry Kim. It makes me really sad sometimes since he is my favourite character.]
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awesomealayna · 8 years
“what’s your blog about?”
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awesomealayna · 8 years
Your persistence is admirable tumblr but even with this godawfully ugly update i can still edit john greens posts. So once again. suck my dick
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awesomealayna · 8 years
I don’t have to make everything gay but I want to and I fucking will 
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awesomealayna · 8 years
when I say, “don’t you dare kill or otherwise take this character out of the narrative of the show” and they’re someone of a marginalized identity, i do not mean “i don’t want to see this character treated like a fully-fledged character equally at risk of the highs and lows of the story like any other and i want them to live eternally on a golden pedestal that makes them impervious to the effects of the actions of the plot and therefore a drag on the story.”
i mean, “until this character no longer bears the entire weight of the acknowledgement and representation of marginalized existence in this show, i do not want to see this singular thread terminate in tragedy like it always does.”
it is not a demand that you treat them as untouchable. it is a critique that you are still lacking. it is calling you out on having concentrated so much meaning and significance in one single character that you have made them too important to function properly like any other character in the narrative, and it is asking you to acknowledge this deficiency and not make it worse by also having them end like so many of their tragic predecessors have. 
Create more of them to displace that weight youve assigned these individual characters, unhobble them from this iceberg-below-the-water existence, make them (plural them!!) part of the foreground and background, on the protagonist and antagonist sides, small parts and recurring characters - make diversity not some stale, recycled one-note effort you lazily check off the box for, but a conscious effort in including pervasive variety in your story, so that these characters can each become a fuller part of the narrative and have the equal opportunity to be impacted, positively or negatively, by the drama of the story.
When i say, “don’t you dare kill this character,” the real thing im saying is, “dear god, do better.”
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awesomealayna · 8 years
Didn’t expect that.
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awesomealayna · 8 years
this is so funny
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awesomealayna · 8 years
I’m literally doing a rewatch of JUST Garak episodes. Having seen the whole thing once, I can fill in the blanks and I get to see Andy Robinson every episode.
I’ve been reading DS9 fanfiction and I’ve also been rewatching it with @markdoesstuff and it’s so funny that if you judge by fanfic, Garak (or Bashir) is THE MAIN CHARACTER of DS9, but really he’s only in 18% of episodes and you can go half a season without seeing him.
Wait, did I say ‘funny’? I mean I’m crying because I miss Garak.
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awesomealayna · 8 years
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awesomealayna · 8 years
Pretend relationship is my FAVORITE TROPE EVER, so I’m glad to see we agree.
Trope 1: Pretend relationship. Trope 2: Coffee shop AU
[ Pretend relationship. I’ve worked at a coffee shop, it’s really not that interesting. Ugh, pretend relationship has so much potential, too. ]
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awesomealayna · 8 years
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the term to block is “Б*ез н*азвания” (just remove the asterisks)
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be sure to signal boost this because some of the spam bot posts are really gross and unpleasant and i don’t want to scroll through that shit while i’m eating or something
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awesomealayna · 8 years
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awesomealayna · 8 years
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Reblog if you want John Mulaney angrily mooing at your profile pic.
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