awreckfics · 1 month
I just want everyone to stop for a second and consider the (actually pretty high) possibility that Alan Ross is an enjoltaire shipper.
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awreckfics · 1 month
the last binding trilogy by freya marske, or, when edwardian-era pornographic literature becomes steadily more and more relevant to the plot
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awreckfics · 4 years
SURPRISE! I’ve posted on my ao3 🎉
For the first time in a long while, Grantaire needs someone to talk to. That somebody arrives in the unlikely form of the young daughter of the owner of Napoleon’s Hat, Eponine.‹
This story is set in the same universe as the bus guy au. It explains Grantaire’s backstory a bit more, since I felt like that was something the original fic was lacking. ‹
I hope you will enjoy it!
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awreckfics · 4 years
Short and random exr
The work title of this was Random Pormpt in the Midst of Exams and I have totally forgotten about its existence until today, so that says a lot... anyway, I guess it’s enjoyable enough, so there you go
“Well, that was quite the fight for you two” Courfeyrac appeared next to Grantaire, leaning casually against his table. Grantaire – already smelling something shady about Courfeyrac’s appearance – looked around in the room for someone to save him from his friend but it was only the two of them around. Everybody else was getting up from their seats and filing towards the bar, since Enjolras had decided to close his and Grantaire’s last argument by screaming the meeting is over, before storming back to his place next to Combeferre. The end of the meeting meant it was time to go over to the bar and order something for their usual post-meeting socializing.
All of the amis seemed to oblidge to this unwritten rule except for Grantaire – who already had a drink on the table before him – and Courfeyrac, who decided to interrogate the poor drunkard instead of his usual bar run for some reason totally beyond Grantaire.
“Well, I wouldn’t say it was anything special” the boy shrugged after accepting the fact that he would have to face Courfeyrac’s nagging alone, taking another sip from his beer. “Though, on a second thought, I did spice it up a bit this time. I don’t remember ever supporting an opinion that was entirely mine in these arguments of ours. That was actually quite scary
 thinking back” he stared at the table, visibly taken aback.
“Maybe I can clear that dilemma up for you” Courfeyrac leaned closer excitedly. “Change your opinion about it, so you don’t agree with it anymore.”
“Oh, that’s very heroic of you Courf, but you can’t. Sadly, it is true. I do never regret bets. If I win, I get money or other useful services, or I get to say I told you so, which is very satisfying because it gives me a feeling of superiority I rarely get to feel, since as my friends might say I undersell myself or as I say, I’m a lesser human than most. And if I lose, I still get a moderately good story to tell about it, which makes it easier to make friends, cause hey, a man with poor conversation skills gotta cope. But you know all that, since you’ve heard Enjolras scream at me about this quite recently.”
“Okay, if that’s so, I bet you I can make you make a bet that you will regret” Courfeyrac added as an afterthought. “I realize it might sound confusing. But you get the idea, right?”
“Yeah, I think I do. And if I refuse this bet, you’ve kind of won it already” Grantaire nodded appreciatively. “Well played, but I am not one to give up without a fight. Actually, I sometimes am” he reconsidered. “But not with bets. Out with it! What shall I bet on with who?”
“Oh, I so hoped you would say that” Courfeyrac’s eyes lit up. “Enjolras!” he singed, waving at the boy in question to come over, which was quite frankly a bit intimidating and made Grantaire think Courfeyrac might just be onto something, but he had dug this hole to himself, so he forced his features into a lazy smile and leaned back on his chair.
“What?” Enjolras asked as he approached them.
“Grantaire wants to make a bet with you” Courfeyrac smiled.
“No” the man in question answered flatly, before moving to go back to the others.
“He wants to bet you to get by on twenty-eight hours of sleep at a week, sleeping only two hours at night and two when you get home from work. And, if you do that, he will shut up and listen to the meetings without disruption for a month” Courfeyrac added, which made the leader stop in his tracks.
“Really?” he turned to Grantaire, obviously suspicious.
“Sure” the man shrugged, though he really didn’t know how he would shut up for a month if it eventually came to that.
“And what do I have to do if I lose?” Enjolras asked.
Grantaire glanced at Courfeyrac, who just shrugged (not helpful), so he settled on

“Ah, well, I don’t see why you would want to take part in this bet, but fine, I’m in” Enjolras nodded, before going back to the bar.
“I don’t see why you would want me to do this either” Grantaire turned back to Courfeyrac.
“Oh, just you wait” was the only answer he got that night.

One week later, Courfeyrac announced a party at his flat, which was mandatory and sounded a bit dreadful if you asked Grantaire. He still didn’t understand why he would regret making the bet with Enjolras. All that changed over the course of the week was that Enjolras became a bit more irritable then a lot less coherent. If Courfeyrac thought any of those symptoms would bother Grantaire he was very wrong, because the more irritable the Enjolras, the better for drunk Grantaire and incoherent Enjolras was just adorable.
The party however dreadful it sounded at first, was actually pretty chill. They all sat on the floor talking and eating Mexican food that they ordered. Grantaire had even forgotten about the ongoing bet with Courfeyrac. He was in the middle of analyzing the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction to a mindfully listening Jehan and a confused Marius, when Enjolras suddenly draped himself over the ground, his head landing in Grantaire’s lap.
“A-A-Apollo” the man stuttered, not too gracefully. “What are you doing?”
“The time’s up” the man in question mumbled into Grantaire’s jeans. “The week’s up, I can sleep now.”
“Not to judge the decisions of a god, but why here?” Grantaire gestured at his lap, fighting to keep his voice level.
“Cause, you are my new pillow now” Enjolras muttered and the next moment he was asleep.
“Aha, and so my plan has succeeded. I believe I won our bet, R” Courfeyrac appeared as if summoned, though Grantaire was pretty sure he was in the kitchen just a moment ago.
“I haven’t regretted anything yet. The discomfort caused by a few minutes with a sleeping Apollo on my lap will hardly surpass the drunk story I can tell about this. Though, now that I said it out loud, I’m kind of panicking” he admitted, not even trying to hide the sudden horror that overcame him. Apollo sleeping in his lap? How could he possibly survive? And why was Courfeyrac’s wicked smile even wider than before?
“Oh, you think this is just for a few minutes? How long did you say Enjolras would sleep after last week, Ferre?”
“At least ten hours” Combeferre looked up from his phone, barely hiding his own smirk.
“And either you move in those hours and wake him, or just stay where you are and suffer. IN conclusion, you will regret this bet either way.”
“Oh my god” Grantaire’s eyes widened as he realized what his friend said was true. And he had walked right into his trap. “I hate you so much, Courf!”
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awreckfics · 4 years
If anyone from the US reads this, I just want to tell you that even my students in the poorest region of Hungary spoke up against racism today. The whole world is rooting for change, keep going!đŸ’ȘđŸ»đŸ’ȘđŸœđŸ’Ș🏿
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awreckfics · 4 years
The other day I learned on Twitter about a girl that was nearlly named after the river on her town. So, reblog with what your name would be if it was based on the river on your town (or the closest river)
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awreckfics · 4 years
I studied for 2 minutes and were like: let’s make me as a witch instead😂
Thanks for tagging me @cx-shhhh
And I’m tagging @starrylittleprinces as always cause I’m boring, I don’t have many friends here and I really wanna see him as a witch boy
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This is the page you can use
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awreckfics · 4 years
I’m super disappointed in tumblr right now.
I’ve just finished Outer banks and hopped on Instagram to see what the fans are making and it was full with JJ and Kiara ship videos and I was just standing there like excuse me? Were we not watching the same show where JJ and Pope are the gays at the back of the class?
So I went to check out tumblr cause I was like: oh tumblr crowd won’t fail me, I’m sure they saw that too.
So I type in obx... and what do I see???
Freaking JJxReader fanfictions but like at least a dozen?????? I’m sorry are we on Wattpad?
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awreckfics · 4 years
*Hamilton movie coming out on Disney+*
*Disney+ not being purchasable in Hungary*:
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awreckfics · 4 years
YouTube just got filled with high school online graduation videos
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awreckfics · 4 years
Enjoltaire, Courferre and JBM for the ship thing!
Uuuuu a lot! Yesss
1. My take on their canon relationship:
It’s just a wonderful ride of ignored feelings, fights and tears
2. Do I ship them:
Is the snow white?
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them;
They are perfect together because exactly what the other one needs to help them get ahead and bring out the most from themselves. They balance each other out perfectly, Enjolras giving Grantaire motivation to get it together and the confidence that he can and Grantaire loosening up Enjolras a bit. They are also not afraid to push each other’s buttons which they both need very much.
4. Headcanon, if any:
I think they respect each other very much and support each other in every part of their lifes. They are also very snuggly and can’t sit normally next to each other they must cuddle! Enjolras is taller. Grantaire’s mom always makes Grantaire’s favorite dessert the way Enjolras likes it and it’s driving Grantaire crazy. Grantaire is always sick after they come back from dinner with Enjolras’s parents because Madame Enjolras always orders tiramisu since that was what she ordered the first time Grantaire was invited to dinner. The truth is, R is lactose intolerant and just wanted to be polite and then never gotten around to actually let Madame Enjolras know the truth. He thinks it’s might be too late by now anyway.
5. How much do I ship (%):
Uuuuu a lot.
1. My take on their canon relationship:
I haven’t finished the brick yet and in the scenes I read so far they don’t actually interact with each other that much they are both more focused on Enjolras.
2. Do I ship them:
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them;
I really like them together because I imagine Courfeyrac is always being goofy and crazy and inappropriate while Combeferre just stands behind him and looks at him fondly. And Courfeyrac doesn’t mind because he’s the only one (besides maybe Enjolras) who knows that Combeferre can be all goofy and crazy and inappropriate in private, though in a very different way than he is. They go well together, it’s not hard to imagine that they could fall in love. I also like the idea of Enjolras’s best friends dating. It just gives the triumvirate’s dynamic another layer.
4. Headcanon, if any:
Well in my orchestra au I they sometimes act like Enjolras’s parents and I love writing that (that story will be finished someday). I also like the idea of them going on the funnest dates. Like they don’t just go to a restaurant they go rock climbing, to a painting class, to an interactive museum, to ballroom dance lessons. It doesn’t matter if they good at these things or not, they just love trying new things together. (I have a chapter in Twelve days of Christmas with Courfeyrac where they have a rather cute date if you are interested.) They are clearly the ultimate date master couple in my mind.
5. How much do I ship (%):
Like 80% I ship Combeferre with Eponine too (if someone asks I’ll tell why) but I don’t really like Courfeyrac paired with anyone else. It’s hard to imagine him settling down with anyone but Combeferre.
1. My take on their canon relationship:
I loooove that it’s actually hinted at in the brick, that’s so awesome
2. Do I ship them:
Oh yes
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them;
Come on? Who doesn’t ship them? I think they are the ship most of the fandom agrees on. I mean, you can hardly find fics where they aren’t together.
4. Headcanon, if any:
Joly and Bossuet had known each other (and R) since elementary school. They both had a crush on each other from their late high school years but always thought they were in the friend zone. Then in their early twenties Bossuet met Musichetta on Tinder and he was so relieved that he finally really REALLY liked someone else besides Joly and maybe he could finally get over him. And Joly was genuinely happy for them but since he lived together with Bossuet and Grantaire, he hung out with Musichetta a lot, even on one on one when she dropped by before Bossuet got home. And he... started to like her too? So poor Joly was freaking out and thinking he was the worth person ever for not only loving his best friend but his girlfriend too. Meanwhile Bossuet was also freaking out because he loved Chetta but his feelings for Joly just didn’t want to go away. Then one night Musichetta asked him what he thought about Joly and Bossuet genuinely thought she was going to break up with him but then she confessed she liked him as well and wondered if the three of them could go on a date together. They both agreed they never heard a better idea in their life. (This was a long ass head canon so I won’t include more)
5. How much do I ship (%):
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awreckfics · 4 years
Mozart is a good guy... I played his music and my violin teacher complimented me😊
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awreckfics · 4 years
Ship Files
Send me a ship, and I will tell you.
1. My take on their canon relationship:
2. Do I ship them:
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them;
4. Headcanon, if any:
5. How much do I ship (%):
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awreckfics · 4 years
also Jehan... and the prompt is Grantaire following Enjolras into the dark because I am indeed gay and emo...
/give me a prompt and I'll write you a poem/
I left this in my inbox for a hot second because I can’t do poems😅😅 so this will be very lame
Grantaire has green eyes
Enjolras has blue
Their life may end
But they die holding hands.
Tadaaaam. There you go Walfie 😂
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awreckfics · 4 years
Your comrade has such a nice piece of
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When your revolution suddenly gets real
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awreckfics · 4 years
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But you can’t concentrate cause...
When your revolution suddenly gets real
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awreckfics · 4 years
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