granhairdo · 1 year
modern au gavroche 👀👀
him and azelma are living with courfeyrac
he had adhd and has a huge minecraft hyperfixation (he taught courfeyrac how to play and now they spend hours playing together)
he’s also obsessed with percy jackson and wings of fire
he has trouble with socialization and trust due to living with his abusive parents for a lot of his life
he’s in 4th grade and is an absolute menace in the classroom, public school does not work with his brain
courferyrac wants to homeschool him but it’s too hard given his work schedule
eponine sometimes is his school mascot to earn some extra cash and once he convinced her to dab at a school basketball game
he also wants to be one of those fast rubiks cube solvers but he’s really bad at it
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I need the Les Mis fandom to rise and answer this urgent question: what is the best translation of the brick? I don’t want one that cuts stuff out or simplifies or changes stuff, because while I know the book is extremely long because Hugo literally doesn’t know how to shut up, I want to read literally all of it. But like I don’t want one in a super old or dated style either because that’s just too hard to understand. Uhh it doesn’t have to be like perfect you know ok now I’m rambling but basically I just want recommendations lol
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awreckfics · 4 years
My sister made fanart for this fic of mine! It’s for this scene:
[Courfeyrac is filming as he walks into the living room, which is filled with light and birds are chirping outside. Enjolras and Grantaire are still sleeping on the opened couch. Enjolras is turned towards Grantaire, so their cuffed hands could lie in the middle comfortably. Enjolras’s fingertips scrape Grantaire’s wrist lightly. Enjolras is sleeping with his mouth slightly open, his hair is draped out around his head. His other hand lays between him and Grantaire on the bed, just a few inches from Grantaire’s side. His blanket is covering him from the waist down. Grantaire is sleeping on his back. His blanket is also pushed down to his waist. His left hand is laying on his pillow over his head. His fingertips touch the end of Enjolras’s hair. Courfeyrac gives out a shrieking sound behind the camera. The time in the corner of the picture reads 9:00.]
Courfeyrac (from behind the camera): Aw, how cute! Good morning guys! Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine!
[Enjolras slowly blinks open his eyes, which widen as he sees Grantaire laying on the bed beside him, then quickly flick over to Courfeyrac. He growls at him then goes back to watch Grantaire with a soft smile on his face. Grantaire rolls to his side to face Enjolras, still not opening his eyes. His left hand goes up to rub his eyes. He blinks up at Enjolras, then Courf.]
Grantaire (groaning): Don’t film this, you monster! Go, make us coffee instead!
[Courfeyrac laughs behind the camera.]
There are a few artistic changes but it’s just perfect 😍
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mysunfreckle · 7 years
The elf, the troll and the vampire
Elf!Marius, Troll!Courf and a bit of Vampire!Combeferre at the end, ~1k
 “Aren’t you glad we moved here, Marius?”
Courfeyrac is swinging his feet in a way that makes his friend a little nervous. He’s sitting in the open window, the sunshine and the gentle wind both tangled up in his curls and a brilliant smile on his face.
Marius smiles back. He likes it here too, he really does, there’s just no way he’ll ever match Courfeyrac’s enthusiasm. “Yes,” he says. “Everyone’s been very nice.”
“I know,” Courfeyrac gushes. He pulls a face. “But why didn’t you come with me to the beach festival? You could have met Enjolras! You’ll like Enjolras. I met so many nice people there! There was a mer-” He corrects himself. “-jiaoren called Joly dancing with Bossuet! They were so cute together!”
Marius nods gently. Courfeyrac is always meeting new people, he can’t keep up. Tall, cheerful Bossuet is nice though and so is Combeferre. Marius isn’t quite sure if Combeferre likes him, but he did lend him some books and that was very kind. Marius prefers reading to running around the town talking to strangers. Inconvenient, because that seems to be Courfeyrac’s favourite pastime lately. Well, his favourite pastime but one.
“How long do you think until sundown?” Courfeyrac asks merrily, swinging his feet again.
“It’s only just past noon,” Marius reminds him.
“I know, I know,” Courfeyrac sighs. He smiles at Marius. “I have new buttons to sew on my green coat. Will you read to me?”
“You don’t have to do the big eyes, you know,” Marius tells him with a laugh. “I always say yes.” He likes reading aloud and it’s nice to read while Courfeyrac is rummaging around.
“Yes, but I have to practise on someone,” Courfeyrac winks and he slides down from the windowsill.
With reading and talking and whatever else can fill an afternoon evening arrives and with it the dark. Courfeyrac is humming to himself and moving through the room as usual, but he’s at the window a lot. He doesn’t even seem to realize this, but Marius does. When Courfeyrac is back at his desk again, Marius goes to the window himself. He looks at the sky, that is really turning black now and says, rather suddenly:
I think I will go out.”
"Really?” Courfeyrac says, looking up in surprise.
“Yes…” Marius says slowly. “I…I think I’d like to be out in the moonlight.”
“Is the moon so bright tonight?” Courfeyrac is very inattentive to such things. He is aware of people much more than of nature, no matter how much he loves to be outdoors.
“No, but it is very pretty anyway,” Marius rambles. “And I would like to walk a bit. It is quieter at night. I mean there are less people, but it’s also quieter. Probably also because there are less people.”
“Alright, of course,” Courfeyrac smiles. He hesitates. “Shall I come with?”
Marius shakes his head. “No, no,” he says. “I know you wanted to stay in tonight.”
The truth is that that is what this is about. The past couple nights Courfeyrac has gone to see Combeferre and at the end of the afternoon he suddenly said that he’s staying home today. And so far he has kept his word.
That means – at least Marius hopes so – that Combeferre will show up here before long and he’s sure Combeferre at least would appreciate the privacy. Courfeyrac may think he is oblivious to most things, but Marius isn’t blind. He can see Combeferre likes Courfeyrac. That’s kind of to be expected of course. Everyone likes Courfeyrac. Or at least they should, Marius thinks. Wherever they go Courfeyrac has people that want to be close to him.
But this time it’s a little different, because Marius is pretty sure that Courfeyrac – who is usually Very Good at These Things, is being a bit…well…weird.
Like the not going out. Marius is sure Courfeyrac wants to see Combeferre and yet he doesn’t go. Marius knows why. It’s because he went yesterday and the day before that and Courfeyrac doesn’t want to bother Combeferre too much. But that is a very Marius thing to worry about, not at all a Courfeyrac thing.
And there are other things too. Courfeyrac talks a lot – that is not weird, he always talks a lot – but then sometimes he is suddenly quiet and other times he looks at Combefere like he wants to say something but doesn’t, and sometimes he just sighs in the most untrollish way. And he only does those things around Combeferre. Which is why Marius has decided that as a good friend the kind thing in this particular instance is to not be there.
The moon really is beautiful though. Marius doesn’t mind the clouds obscuring it whenever they pass by. He stands on the doorstep just outside the house for a moment and just watches. The night is quiet…
There’s a soft, polite noise and Marius looks away from the sky. Combeferre is standing at a considerate distance. “Oh!” Marius says.
“Good evening,” Combeferre says, smiling slightly.
“Hi,” Marius says happily. “We were hoping you’d come. I mean, I hoped you would, because I’m sure Courfeyrac does too.” He steps aside hastily. “I’m going for a walk!”
Combeferre looks half-embarrassed, half-grateful. “Alright,” he says. “Enjoy your walk then?”
“I will,” Marius nods. “Thank you.” He steps past Combeferre and adds helpfully: “Courf is upstairs.”
Combeferre smiles as he goes inside and Marius walks down the part of the street that is lit by the most moonlight. This is a good night for a walk. Yes. He’ll make it an extra long one.
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girlsontape · 7 years
just letting u know im always thinking abt courferre. u might think im thinking abt something else but rest assured im thinking abt courferre.
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
The Floor is Lava
So... I had the idea to write a Floor is Lava Les Mis oneshot. So here we are. The Floor is Lava, featuring the Les Amis de l’ABC
“Hey guys, sorry I’m la…” Enjolras stopped mid sentence as he took in the scene around him. The other members of the Les Amis de l’ABC were scattered around the back room of Cafe Musain, standing on tables or chairs, or balancing precariously on other objects, and, in Courfeyrac’s case, on another person. Enjolras sighed.
“Not this again,” he pinched the bridge of his nose. Gavroche gave him a smug grin from his place on top of the hanging lamp (how in the world had he gotten up there?).
“Is something the matter, good sir?” he asked innocently.  Enjolras ignored him, instead turning to face Combeferre. Good, logical Combeferre.
“Even you? Combeferre, I thought you were better than this,” Combeferre shrugged. He was standing on top of one of the tables. Courferyrac clung to his back like some kind of monkey.
“Those are some mighty brave words from a man standing in lava,” Courfeyrac said. Enjolras shot him a glare. Grantaire, who was spread out on top of one of the tables, looked like he was struggling to contain his laughter.
“Get down. All of you. We have important business to discuss. I have no time for your childish behavior,” He snapped. Gavroche raised a hand. Enjolras turned to him.
“Technically, I am a child,” Gavroche was still hanging off of the lamp. Enjolras sighed.
“Fine. You’re excused. But the rest of you,” he whirled around to face the others. “Better be seated normally by the time I return,” he strode out of the backroom, heading to the front of the cafe to purchase a drink. After a moment of silence, Éponine spoke.
“There’s no way we’re actually going to get down, right?” the others laughed and muttered agreements. There was a loud crash as Bossuet toppled off of the chair he had been standing on and landed on the floor.
“I’m okay!” he called, winning a round of laughter from his friends.
The End (I think)
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gutterratt · 6 years
les mis superpowers au
okay so  i’m working on this super powers au fic for les mis. and i need to keep track of the powers everyone has and stuff
Enjolras: His thing is fire. The amis keep an extinguisher nearby ever since that one time he set his muffin on fire because he was so worked up about how inaccessible vegan products are to lower classes.
Combeferre: My dude Ferre has what we call omnilingualism, which basically means he can speak and understand any language whether he has a previous knowledge about it or not, including sign languages and other non-verbal communications.
Courferyrac: Light Manipulation, even tho he can absolutely use his powers to create actual fucking lasers, he mostly uses it to change the color of his clothes so that they will always match 
Joly: Sweet, sweet Joly both enjoys and suffers his accelerated probability, which basically means he can tell what the outcome of his choices will be, however he can’t use his powers on other people and seeing past the general outcome consumes too much energy.
Marius: Marius has a quite the fame for being an awkward dork and humiliating himself whenever he speaks with strangers,  so it comes in handy that he can become invisible
Grantaire:  Precious Grantaire hides his earth/plant manipulation. While normal people spend a little of their morning shaving or fixing their hairstyle, R needs at least 30´ out of his day to cut the little wildflowers growing in his hair.
Feuilly: Enhanced Memory, Feuilly was beyond thrilled when he found out he could remember everything. Just think of all the knowledge he could give to the world! However he didn’t realize that his power meant remembering everything.
Eponine: She’s a healer, whether it’s small bruises or broken bones, she can heal matter of months in seconds, she can heal people that are near death as long as they’ve got a pulse, however it does not work perfectly, and the healed may seem a little “different” afterwards. 
Gravroche: In Gav we have a power mimicry situation going on, he can copy the powers of the people around him but he loses them as soon as he mimics another one, of course the power to copy other people’s abilities always comes in hand when you spend more time running away from pissed hotdog vendors than in your house
Bahorel: He can manipulate electricity, and bonds with Enjolras over almost setting fire to their bedrooms at least 4 different times in their teens, of course ever since the friendship, les amis keep a extinguisher that can handle Bahorel’s electric fires too
Jehan: Jehan is a necromancer and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise 
Bossuet: Bossuet is really grateful for his power to turn into stone at will, however, he is not so grateful about that time he destroyed his counter bc he forgot to turn back while cooking dinner (Don’t ask why he turned to stone then, it was a moth and it was very scary)
Montparnasse: It’s a secret
Cosette: She has emotion vision. This basically means she can see the feelings of people like auras
Musichetta: Divination, those “fortune-teller eyer” are more than just pretty, she can tell you pretty much anything you want to know if she can tune in correctly, she’ll make you lovely cup of tea and then proceed to tell you how many children you’ll have by just glancing at it.
Floreal: Weather manipulation, even though she’s soft as clouds and tries to avoid using his powers, Floreal has no problem setting a thunderstorm right outside your house if you get on her bad sight, just ask R, who had a raining cloud over his head for a whole weekend for losing one of her books while drunk
Fantine: Soothing-ness. Life with her truly feels like life, she gives off a feeling of belonging and calmness to anyone she around her.
Valjean: Duh, there’s a reason why Cosette always won the “my dad could beat up your dad” thing back in elementary.
Okay so those are the characters that I know for sure will be appearing on the fic, but in case I decide to add them later, there’s also
Claquesous: Teleportation, I mean, don’t get me wrong he’s a smart man with a lot of tricks up his sleeves, but not even him can run away from the cops uncaught this many times
Javert: Tracking. His obsession with Valjean comes from the fact that his the only man that he cannot track
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bootsselbst · 7 years
an/or: Courfeyrac + Marius, “I can explain.”
((I finally got around to working on prompts!  Sorry this took so long aklfhdsg))
It was not unheard of, nor even unusual, for Marius to come back to Courferyrac’s flat to see his friend examining himself in the beautiful full-length mirror that stood in the corner of his bedroom.  Courfeyrac put together each of his outfits meticulously, from the knot of his cravat to the fine cut of his waistcoat to the snug fit of his trousers.  (Not that Marius had ever paid special attention to the fit of Courfeyrac’s trousers.)  Courfeyrac needed to assure himself that there were no small adjustments to be made that could improve his look, and Marius had to admit he could appreciate his friend’s attention to detail.  
When he arrived home today, however, Marius found Courfeyrac standing before the mirror in his shirtsleeves, waistcoat unbuttoned; clearly his concern was not for his own attire.  Furthering Marius’s curiosity was the fact that his friend was standing far too close to the mirror to see his entire body.  Courfeyrac’s face was only a few inches from the glass, looking closely at something which seemed to be just above his line of sight.  He turned his head as Marius was closing the door; he must have seen him enter in the reflection of the glass.
“Welcome home, Marius!”
Marius smiled shyly.  “You too, thank you.”
Without commenting on this response, Courfeyrac turned back to the mirror and gestured for Marius to come forward.  “Look, Marius.  I’ve just discovered something very curious.”  He pointed to a spot on the glass, and Marius walked over to look.
When he arrived beside Courfeyrac, Marius did not need to lean closer to examine the spot.  After peering at the mirror for no more than a few seconds, his eyes widened in recognition and he took a step back.  The source of the mark on the glass was undeniable.  Marius’s face flushed pink; Courfeyrac raised his eyebrows.
“I can explain.”
Courfeyrac glanced from Marius’s face to the mark on the glass and back, evaluating.  “Ah, yes.  I had wondered if those were your lips, as they seemed to be about the right height, but I didn’t want to falsely accuse you.”
Marius swallowed, then gave a very small shake of his head.  “Not false.”
“So, Marius.”  Courfeyrac looked up at Marius quizzically.  “What exactly were you trying to accomplish?”
Marius snorted and pulled back, affronted that Courfeyrac was continuing to press the issue after he had practically made his confession.  “I think it’s fairly clear.”
“Well, yes.”  Courfeyrac sighed.  “It’s clear what you were doing.  What’s not clear to me is why you felt the need to kiss my mirror.”
Marius’s hand rose to cover his face, and he hung his head.  Why was Courfeyrac not understanding?  What did he expect Marius to say?  Was it really so difficult for him to imagine what Marius’s problem might be, even if Courfeyrac did not share his trouble with the fundamentals of courtship?  Finally, his voice rose from beneath his hand, muffled.  “I’ve never–I’ve never kissed anyone before, all right?  I was trying to practice.”
“You kissed the mirror for practice.”
Marius nodded.
“And did the mirror kiss back?”
Marius’s head jerked up, prepared to defend his honor and the intent of his exercise.  “In a way, yes!”  His lips had touched another pair of lips; this should count.
Courfeyrac did not mock him, he merely smiled fondly at Marius and shook his head.  “Oh, Marius.  As much as I can absolutely understand why you, or someone else, would want to kiss you, I’m afraid you cannot have the pleasure of kissing yourself.”
“And at this rate I suspect no one will!”  Marius’s eyes widened, startled by his own outburst.  A deep breath, and he was able to calm himself.  “Even if someone would want to kiss me, I doubt it would be a pleasure.”  
Courfeyrac tsked him.  “To think you were looking so closely in the mirror and didn’t see how kissable your lips are.”
But Marius heard only jest.  “Don’t mock me.  Please.”
“I’m not.  I mean every word.”
“Courfeyrac, who on earth would ever want to kiss me?”
Courfeyrac’s gaze traveled from Marius’s dark blue eyes down to his lips.  He took a short breath before leaning forward.
The softness and warmth of Courfeyrac’s lips on his startled Marius, though it did not surprise him.  These qualities seemed to be inherent in everything about Courfeyrac.  All too soon, his friend pulled away.  Marius felt bereft, somehow.
“As I suspected,” Courfeyrac gave a decisive nod, “your lips are entirely kissable.”
Marius felt his cheeks getting hotter, as warm as his lips had been.  Why was he blushing?  “K-kissable?”
Courfeyrac nodded again.  “Entirely.”
“Yours too.”  No, no, no!  Marius had spoken without thinking.  He needed to clarify.  “I meant–kissing you was completely unlike practicing with the mirror.”
Courfeyrac laughed.  “I should hope so!”  He smiled at Marius.  “And I assure you, your lips were kissable enough to kiss even a second time.”
For several long seconds, Marius could only stare at him.  He was completely stymied; what did Courfeyrac mean by that?  Was he reading too much into it?  Finally Marius replied, his throat feeling tight and his voice unsure, “Thank you.”
Courfeyrac continued immediately, as if the comment had been a set up.  “Were mine?”
Oh.  Even Marius couldn’t question what the implication was now.  He knew, too, his answer to the question.  “Yes.”
Courfeyrac cupped Marius’s cheek with his hand and leaned in to kiss him again.
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Don't waste your love on someone who doesn't value it
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BiRLY1
by I_have_many_otps
The madness of Grantaire and Enjolras rehearsing and dancing the lead roles in Romeo and Juliet but the gay version with the Paris Opera Ballet. Along with Combeferre, Courferyrac, Cosette and Eponine also playing roles. Who knows what will happen.
Aka the Ballet AU written by someone who has never taken a Ballet class and has only ever seen Swan Lake.
Words: 2630, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Enjolras (Les Misérables), Grantaire (Les Misérables), Combeferre (Les Misérables), Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Éponine Thénardier, Cosette Fauchelevent, Fantine (Les Misérables), Javert (Les Misérables), Jean Valjean
Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire, Combeferre/Enjolras
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ballet, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Pining Grantaire, Grantaire & Éponine Thénardier Friendship, Grantaire is a Mess, Enjolras Is Bad At Feelings, Oblivious Enjolras, Enjolras Has Feelings, Asexual Enjolras, Angst with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BiRLY1
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thearchivalist · 10 years
All I can imagine right now is Combeferre coming home in his scrubs, exhausted from a full day at the hospital, to find Courfeyrac lying across the table (paint-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls style) singing Doctor's Orders.
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cityelf · 10 years
Can we talk about Combeferre and Enjolras being cranky and sick together as college roommates with no idea of how to take care of themselves (idk man they've never been sick without their moms before)
I’m sorry I can’t get past the idea of them sitting back to back all pathetically blanketed up on a sofa with the tv playing some cliche romcom movie because neither of them can be bothered changing it and they’re all snotty and grumbling at each other like “Cobbeberre bake be soup I’b sick" "Enjrasssssss you bake BE soup, I’b sicker" "no you" "no you" "no—" and then the door opens and they both turn to see poor Courfeyrac come into the room and both simultaneously yell "COURBEYRAC BAKE US SOUP WE’RE SICK”
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climbabarricadeboy · 11 years
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gavrochewould · 11 years
Anonymous asked:
would gavroche get along with Bates and the Arful Dodger?
Gavroche would be great friends with the Artful Dodger, the two of them might make one the most successful conman duos in history if anything. Sure,they might have some different opinions and such (seeing how the French and the English didn't quite see eye to eye back then,) but the two would be like a pair of Enjolrases once they hit the streets.
He would also look out for Bates, being reminded of the times Courfeyrac had looked out for him too.
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pilferingapples · 12 years
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Last one for the night I THINK, I've gotten so weirdly productive since hitting this fandom, geez
(seriously I've made more art here than I have for anything else combined in like three years, I hope y'all appreciate because I certainly do, I have never had this much fun drawing ever)
Anyway, finished version of the sketch yesterday. Wish I could have done something more interesting with the colors, maybe, but that is nnnnot my strong suite. Maybe next time!
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