awreckfics · 5 years
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Today’s mood, folks!
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awreckfics · 4 years
*Hamilton movie coming out on Disney+*
*Disney+ not being purchasable in Hungary*:
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awreckfics · 4 years
Mozart is a good guy... I played his music and my violin teacher complimented me😊
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awreckfics · 4 years
Everyone on the internet seems to be watching Brooklyn 99 all the sudden and I’m just standing here like: WHERE TF IS SEASON 6 ON HUNGARIAN NETFLIX?
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awreckfics · 4 years
Late night online flirting is the reason my sleep schedule is messed up.
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awreckfics · 4 years
Grantaire for the ask game!
Thank you for the ask!😊😊
What is the one thing you believe in most?
This is a hard question. But probably that if you try to be the best version of yourself everything will be alright.
So believe in yourself kids!😉 (that is advice from a very experienced person, lived the total of 19 years, very old, listen to her 😅😂)
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awreckfics · 5 years
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I’m aware that I’ve become a mug poster on tumblr, but look at this gorgeous mug that just arrived from Redbubble. @deboracabral it’s amazing 😱💖
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awreckfics · 4 years
When your project partners are being responsible and messaging you things like “I’ll finish my part of the project today, I think” and you pull up your fic and start editing it anyway. Dead calm. I don’t have a soul left.
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awreckfics · 4 years
If you get a selfie from your guy friends nowadays there are only two options really... they’re either yetis or bald
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awreckfics · 4 years
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@starrylittleprinces tagged me to do this
Also, I probably listen more of the stuff in his, just not consciously (I listen to a lot of random Spotify playlists)
I don’t know many people on tumblr, but please go ahead and fill out mine (if you send it my way, I’ll be very 😊)
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awreckfics · 4 years
Bahorel and Lesgle for the barricade boy ask thing ;)
Yeeey, more ask! Here you go 😉
Bahorel: What was the worst fight you were in (and with whom)?
I’ve never been in a physical fight... I mean apart from fencing.
But like as in fights in friendships and stuff the worst was probably in seventh grade, when everyone just wanted to be mean. My friends thought I told their secrets (wasn’t the case) and turned most of the class against me. We found out the whole accusation wasn’t true and we made up but didn’t immediately became friends after that. Eventually we all grew up and we are friends still on this day. No beef or anything.
Lesgle: What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?
I don’t know, if you have enough confidence you don’t feel the things you do embarrassing 😂
Anyway, I think it was probably pretty embarrassing, when I went to a New Years party where I hardly knew anyone and got super drunk before everyone else.😅
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awreckfics · 5 years
Me *opening tumblr at 22:59 when planning on going to sleep at 11*: I like living dangerously.
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awreckfics · 4 years
Of course, the inspiration to write hits me when I am supposed to be working on a ppt for a competition that is due midnight. Now I’ll just procrastinate and do neither
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awreckfics · 5 years
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An accurate picture of me scrambling for ideas when I (who knows nothing about the zodiac) see @starrylittleprinces put a post about Sagittarius season on his blog, which made me wonder if he was a Sagittarius and then eventually realize that his zodiac doesn’t matter because his birthday is coming up soon anyway and I want to give him something awesome and now I need IDEAS
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awreckfics · 5 years
16,19,25,35 because I’m also interested in these sue me
16. if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?
Noooo, I don’t want to! Pls😩
Space kinda freaks me out. All the other planets are unliveable anyway and I don’t know enough about space to know more planets than the ones that have the same sun as Earth. (I can hardly even tell those apart.) Can you tell this question kind of stresses me?😅
Anyway I don’t like space. The starts are pretty, from DOWN HERE. But that’s all.
19. what do you think our purpose is in the universe?
Is there one tho? Why would there be? Humans need to chill out, we are not that important, especially if you look at the whole universe. Just be happy you exist and try to be the best version of yourself.
25. what country’s history do you find the most interesting?
Oh man, that’s the real question!
I mean definitely Italy with the Roman Empire and all, also the Uk and Ireland, France.
Serbia, Russia
And there’s a bunch I don’t know a lot about but I wish I would, especially in Africa and Asia but also South-America.
35. when you get angry, how do you show it?
Sadly, I’m an angry crier. It’s the tragedy of my life. Even if you have valid points, no one takes you seriously if you cry and that’s just makes you angrier and that makes it harder to stop crying. It’s an evil circle.
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awreckfics · 5 years
30 for obscure, 27 for fanfic, and 1 for ugly prompts.
Im so sorry I spent so much time answering to this one!!! Here it is:
30. what instrument do you wish you could master?
Piano for sure! I try to teach myself but I can’t read in f key so I can never quite figure it out. Also guitar, I learnt a little but I guess I’m not made for chords. Perhaps the ukulele instead🤔 that has less strings.
These all sound so nice but what I should really do is practice violin because the upcoming concert is going to be exciting with my current knowledge 😅
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
This question really stresses me out everytime it comes up because I don’t keep track of the things I read and especially not who wrote them😅
But hold up I have some! Even though I don’t really concentrate on authors when I read fics, I occasionally click on certain authors after a reading a good fic from them and read *dramatic pause* all their fics muhahahaaa *instert the Elmo with flames gifs here*
So here are some of my faves: @shitpostingfromthebarricade @kjack89 @mysunfreckle @thepiecesofcait
This ask is also so stressful because I’m sure I left out SO MANY
I only posted the ugly prompt ask not to lose it in the sea of tumblr, I wanted to write something to your prompt anyway but it didn’t happen and I feel way too bad answering so late as it is, so I won’t answer to that one, sorry
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