ayuvihealth · 2 years
Diagnosing Diseases the Ayurvedic Way
At Ayuvi you can connect with expert Vaidya who will not only help you with diagnosing your health problem but also treat it in a way that improves your overall health. All this while giving your body hardly any side effects and the best chances of stopping the recurrence of the disease. Get in touch with us to book your Ayurvedic consultation. We can help you deal with your health condition in the most natural way known in history. Read more about Diagnosing Diseases in Ayurveda
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
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Yoga at Work: Simple Asanas During the Day
Sitting for longer periods of time can be harmful to your health and can result in a number of medical problems such as obesity (especially extra fat in the waist region), elevated levels of cholesterol, high BP, and diabetes. And not just physical health, staying stationary for longer durations has a detrimental effect on your mental well-being too. Yoga at WorkDesk jobs don’t just reduce physical activity but also put a lot of strain on some vital body parts such as the back, neck and spine. 
Yoga at Work
Desk jobs don’t just reduce physical activity but also put a lot of strain on some vital body parts such as the back, neck and spine. That’s why getting up and moving about every 30 minutes from your place of work is recommended. But that by itself is not enough, this is where doing yoga poses at desk can be beneficial. Simple yoga asanas that can be easily done even in the office can provide a refreshing break and also prevent stressing out your body. Here are some easy yoga asanas that can help rejuvenate your organs & muscles, increase blood circulation, reduce stress levels and improve your overall health.
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
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Manage Type 2 Diabetes: 
Ayuvi’s approach toward the reversal
At Ayuvi, we believe it is essential to cure the root cause of the disease and not just the symptoms. The first process is to determine the Prakruti of a body, which can further help us understand a person’s appearance, temperament, and habits. Once the Prakruti is determined, the vaidyas at Ayuvi begin with understanding the root cause of diabetes, eventually planning out the patient’s journey with all experts on board, which includes a nutritionist, a yoga instructor who takes care of the exercise, and physical well-being of an individual.
While also taking care of the medication needs of an individual and tracking the body’s nutritional sufficiency, which at a later stage helps in the face and tongue analysis. Ayuvi is the go-to solution for anyone interested in taking an Ayurvedic approach to treat Diabetes with appropriate understanding and guidance. To learn more about us, visit Ayuvi or get an ayurvedic consultation with our experts.
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
The primary difference between modern medicine and Ayurveda is their approach to disease. While modern medicine treats diabetes as a lifestyle condition, Ayurveda for diabetes aims to identify and treat the root cause.
If you are looking for an effective, long-term solution for your diabetes, get an Ayurvedic consultation with experienced Vaidyas and nutritionists on Ayuvi to help you manage your diabetes. With Ayuvi, get personalised Ayurvedic health care tips and inculcate a prevention-oriented, natural way of living.
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
The source of all Ayurvedic and traditional medicine is the Indian food, especially the spices and herbs. Ayurveda believes that the appropriate food, eaten correctly, nourishes the body, mind, and soul. Read More!
Ahara Vidhi Vidhaan is a scientific dietary guideline, tried and tested since thousands of years, that recommends eating nutritious ayurvedic food to prevent health problems that arise from incorrect food choices. Book an ayurvedic consultation with an experienced Ayurvedic Vaidya for a customized diet plan that is based on the principles of Ahara Vidhi Vidhaan.
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
Role of Ayurveda in Diabetes Treatment
Compared to modern medicine, Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards health and believes that a harmonious balance between mind, body and soul is essential for all round well-being. The fundamental Ayurvedic belief states that any imbalance in the tridoshas can lead to Diabetes. According to Ayurveda there are 20 types of diabetes and it also states that solely controlling the body’s blood sugar levels is not complete treatment for the condition. Read our blog to know more!
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
Ayurvedic Weight Loss: Home Remedies, Tips and More
Here are some simple but effective ayurvedic home remedies  that can help you lose weight the correct way! These easy natural home remedies will help you lose weight naturally
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
Regularly following Ayurvedic treatment for obesity that include dietary & lifestyle changes, Yoga & Pranayama can help holistic weight control for a more fulfilling, long & healthy life.
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ayuvihealth · 2 years
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Role of Ayurveda in Diabetes Treatment
According to Ayurveda there are 20 types of diabetes of which 4 are caused due to vata dosha, 6 due to pitta dosha, and 10 due to kapha dosha. But Kapha dosha imbalance is the main cause of diabetes.
Ayurveda treatment for diabetes includes
Simplified diet Use of medicinal herbs Lifestyle changes Detoxification
Ayurveda believes that solely controlling blood sugar levels is not complete treatment for diabetes mellitus but that the treatment should also include ways to prevent further complications. Read More!
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
Ayurveda believes that weight loss is a gradual process that requires a diet & lifestyle of moderation and lots of persistence and patience to achieve the desired results.
Here are some very effective ayurvedic tips for weight loss
Drink warm water with lemon juice
Eating healthy, seasonally, and regularly
Having a regular exercise regimen
sleep is important, etc.
Read More!
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
What is Vata Dosha?
What does a Vata body type look like?
What is a Vata lifestyle? 
How do I know if I am Vata?
How to balance Vata Dosha?
Know all about the Vata Dosha Characteristics.
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
Stay Fit | Improve Immunity | Ayurvedic Nutritionist | Blogs | Ayuvi
Know some tips to stay fit and improve your immunity with Ayurveda. Read articles that will guide you to improve your health and hygiene with help of ayurvedic treatment. Visit and register now
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
Ayurveda for the mind, body and soul
Ayuvi is a platform designed to help you live a healthier, happier life through a combination of the ancient science of Ayurveda, modern technology and specialised guidance from experts.
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
How To Detoxify Your Body in Ayurveda | Ayuvi
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Know all about body toxins, ayurvedic panchakarma detoxification therapy and tips to cleanse your body naturally in an ayurvedic way.
Ayurveda, one of the oldest medical sciences known to mankind, unlike modern medicine, approaches health not only as a physical entity but in a more holistic manner where it stresses on a harmonious balance between body, mind and soul for sustained wellness management.
This balance requires the digestive fire or the Agni in our body to be in balance along with the three doshas, namely vata, pitta and kapha as well as the systematic and regular flushing of waste matter (malas) or toxins. Ayurveda believes that when these are well balanced the chances of diseases invading your body are minimal.
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
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Drinking water in a copper vessel helps in the overall functioning of the body. It helps to revive the blood sugar levels.
Turmeric has several antioxidant properties. Intake of turmeric in your diet helps in diabetes management.
Limit dairy consumption to keep your sugar glucose levels at normal. You can consume low-fat milk or low-fat yoghurt in moderation.
Add hot ginger tea in your diet to stimulate digestion. You can drink it with your meals regularly.
Consume foods like garlic, bitter gourd, Chinese okra, green vegetables, neam, curry leaves, light fruits, amla, and non-starchy vegetables.
Avoid fatty foods like processed meat, banana, pineapples, and other processed foods..
With Ayurveda for prediabetics at your disposal, you don’t need to be sentenced to consume a bland diet. Ayurveda gives priority to taste while ensuring that your blood sugar level and other health conditions are treated correctly. Stress and diabetes are intertwined, so it is essential to keep your stress levels minimum. Participate in meditation and breathing exercises to live a healthier life.
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
According to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, our skin is the mirror of our physiological, psychological and emotional wellbeing. If we are happy or elated, it is reflected in the radiance of our skin. If we are stressed or unwell, that too is reflected by the lacklustre nature of our skin. Therefore, Ayurvedic skin treatments go deeper and heal better.
ayurvedic skin treatment begins by first distinguishing one’s skin type into one of the three doshas, i.e. Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha. The five elements of nature, namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, combine to form these doshas. The properties of the elements then become the properties of that particular dosha.
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ayuvihealth · 3 years
For the most accurate diagnosis of your original Prakruti and acquired Vikruti in ayurveda, you can consult a certified Ayurvedic Vaidya. Our team at Mi.Bo.So, consisting of Ayurvedic vaidyas, nutritionists and yoga coaches, is here to guide you. Our Ayurvedic consultation package will include a personalised daily routine that addresses your diet, exercise, yoga and meditation, stress management, and sleep schedule. By correcting the imbalanced dosha ratio in your body, it’s easy to come back to your original, healthiest, balanced Prakruti and rediscover optimal wellness.
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