azuraskys · 2 years
I apologize for not posting on the tungle recently, I have fallen victim to the sickness (NOT COVID) and so I've been focusing on getting better.
I literally got sick 3 times in a row. And this third time it's not going away. So like (๑•﹏•)
I hope to see you all soon though!
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azuraskys · 2 years
WOOO REQUESTS FORMALLY OPEN!!!! i would like to ask about urbosa, link and revali with an S/O thats suuuuper into bugs. studying, pinning, collecting, whole shebang. tysm <3
Hello! It's me, Azura Mobile.
I really love unique requests like this! You guys have no idea. I also love the art of pinning bugs, especially beetles and butterflies, along with dragonflies. There's just something so ~aesthetic~ about pinned bugs! Haha.
Anywho, I'll get on with the headcanons!
With an S/O who loves everything bugs
Urbosa is honestly very indifferent to bugs. She's not freaked out by them, but she's also not very fond of them, either. She just sees them as any other creature, going about their lives in the ecosystem.
However, the Gerudo Desert is home to a lot of very fascinating critters. Here, beetles, crickets, spiders, and- of course- scorpions call the sands their home, hiding beneath the ground to avoid the hot sun.
If her S/O wanted to go looking for a specific specimen to capture and take back, she would ask her assistants/servants in the palace if they know anything about it. She would also direct her S/O to any entomology encyclopedias within the palace library, offering to read it for them if they couldn't read the Gerudo language.
Anytime her S/O wanted to go out and explore to look for bugs, she'd make sure they were joined by guards and assistants to carry any supplies, as well as provide shade from the sun.
When Urbosa joins her S/O on their search for bugs and any fascinating specimens, she would ask them all kinds of questions about the creatures they'd spot. The way they just explode into facts and thoughts makes her feel so happy.
Urbosa would definitely provide her S/O with their own little study/lab for pinning and observing bugs. Her personal favorite would be the ant farm, if they had one. She finds their ability to dig such intricate spaces pretty amazing!
Her favorite bug fact that her S/O told her was that dragonflies have up to a 95% kill rate when hunting prey, due to their extreme aerial predatory abilities!
Would totally buy her S/O a gorgeous dragonfly hairpin made of emeralds. It looks like an Electric Darner!
She totally has a ton of pinned bugs in frames hanging up in her room. People ask about them, and she just says "Amazing, aren't they? S/O put these together for me. I'm so proud of them."
Link would most likely join his S/O in their fascination. He likes to observe pretty much anything, so if his S/O called him over to look at this one super cool beetle, he'd be stoked.
In fact, he actually likes collecting bugs himself! Although... It's more for elixirs. Either way, if he ever caught a bug to use in an elixir, he'd totally let his S/O check out first. Link would also always go to his S/O if he needed help finding a particular creature to use. After all, they're practically a walking directory!
I think Link would like ladybugs. Sure, he finds stag beetles super cool, but ladybugs remind him of his S/O. They're unique, just like them!
He'd want to try pinning bugs with his S/O. His first try would probably be catastrophically bad, but hey! That one wing is in a super good position!
Since Link is super agile and fast, you can depend on him to catch anything! If his S/O was having a hard time getting a bug into a jar, he'd become determined to get it for them.
Link would join his S/O in the castle library while they studied all the bug encyclopedias. He'd fall asleep, but he still enjoyed it.
His S/O wants to go to a specific part of Hyrule to look for this one super cool bug they can't get normally? Adventure!
Link doesn't have arachnophobia! So he likes to hold spiders in his hands while his S/O absolutely studies the hell out of it. "Stay still and let's see if it makes a web in your hand- oh! It is! Look at that, Link!!"
His S/O should expect a lot of gifts. And by gifts I mean this bug he has in his hand, right now.
I'm so sorry, but at first, Revali hates bugs. Loathes them. But, he loves his S/O too much to be vocal about it, most of the time.
Of course he'd find his S/O's fascination endearing, but the subject matter; he just can't understand why anyone would like those- okay, that inchworm is pretty cute.
He would start to be indifferent towards bugs the more his S/O told him about them. "You mean to tell me there are over 300,000 species of beetle? That's... That's fascinating."
One time, when he was with the other Champions on a mission, he casually pointed out a very specific bug that landed on Link and said "S/O told me about these," with a big sense of pride.
I think there would be a time where Revali asks Zelda if he could take back some entomology books from the castle library (because their library is the most extensive!) for his S/O, just for a bit. I think she would find that very endearing.
For some reason, I feel like Revali would like moths! Specifically the very fluffy ones. If his S/O ever came across one and pinned it for him, he wouldn't mind keeping it at all!
He actually finds the art/science of pinning bugs to be very interesting and delicate work. Revali would like hearing all the tips and tricks from his S/O, even if he didn't really plan on doing it himself.
I think Revali would also like fireflies. A jar of fireflies, just sitting on a table in their home at night while his S/O studied them, would make him feel warm inside.
Revali would gift his S/O a gorgeous leather bound journal so they can write down all of their findings. It would have a string bookmark, with a charm of their favorite bug, complete with decorative feathers.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Guess what! I want requests! So, I've "opened" my ask box. It was never closed, but now I'm fully up for receiving headcanons/scenario asks. Matchups are on the way!
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azuraskys · 2 years
Tag Overhaul & Page
Hey guys! If you've been on the blog page anytime in the past hour, you might notice a new page named "tags" that has a compilation list that is partially unfinished. This is because I'm currently overhauling all of my old posts and properly tagging them, so they're easier to find! They'll be easy to access from the tag page. I will be adding a link to that page on the mobile layout soon.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Zelda's watching their Human S/o plays the Violin and when they played their instrument a load of silent princesses begin to grow around them.
Tumblr media
I just had to make this a short story.
Magical Notes
A gorgeous melody, thrilling notes rising up and down, carried by the wind and onto the hills. The player, standing tall, but swaying with every push and pull of their bow as it glided across the strings of their violin. This was the sight before the princess, her emerald eyes gleaming with adoration for the one before her.
Their song carried a weight to it. A story. It spoke the mind of the performer; their thoughts, their feelings. The princess could feel it. Her lover was playing from the heart. And how their heart reached her. It danced in her ears, relaying a melody of intimate emotion.
And it seemed the land felt it, too. Small buds took form in the grass below, growing, reaching into the air as if pleading for the song to continue. They unfolded themselves, glowing petals of white and blue shining in the sunlight. Yellow pistils stretched and uncurled.
The song did not falter. It played on, confident as ever. The princess, once again, found herself amazed by the one she called her beloved.
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azuraskys · 2 years
That’s sucks a dope name yoooo I guess I should ask you something what are your thoughts on the extreme sexual dimorphism between royal male zora and literally every other zora ever and why exactly do you think male royal zora grow enormously?
I've always thought about this, and I have come up with a few hypothesis of my own.
Most likely an ancestor of the first Zora was absolutely huge, and they designated them to be their leader. The trait is passed down from the royal parent to their children, and is a dominant gene. The trait is especially pronounced in the males- Alpha Male situation.
The Zora Royal family pass down a sort of power that makes them stronger. Perhaps they were blessed? More often than not the Zora rulers have some kind of powers, or are just immensely strong.
The Royal Zora are a... subspecies? (I think that's what you could call it, I took earth sciences and promptly forgot everything) They are essentially a little different than "regular" Zora, and thus grow larger. (Not to bring back Undertale, but think how Asgore and Toriel are "Boss Monsters"- more powerful types)
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azuraskys · 2 years
Can you do headcannons for the champions +Sidon with an s/o that has a very protective kid? Like the kid is very protective of their parent and doesn't let anyone close to them?
Hehe this one is cute! Also kinda fitting for today (or yesterday as I'm writing this at 1 am) since it's Father's Day. I dunno. Parent stuff!
The Champions + Sidon with an S/O that has an overprotective child
The day he met his S/O's child, he was little too enthusiastic and was let down pretty hard by the harsh "No. I don't like you" practically spat at him from the tiny child behind his S/O.
But! He would never falter because of something like that. He's sure he can get the child to open up and understand that he loves their parent, and would never do anything to hurt them.
Sidon asks many people for advice, including his father and particularly parents around the Domain. When he hears the things he tells them, like how they're sure the child is just very protective and needs reassurance, he thinks back to when he was a child himself and felt particularly jealous of Link's time with Mipha.
The next few times he sees the child, he tries to strike up a conversation, hoping that slowly but surely, he'll get the child to warm up to him.
Tries a variety of tactics, like gift-giving, sympathizing, and inviting the child along on an outing with his S/O, where he pays particular attention to the kid's demeanor throughout.
Sidon's only a little irked when he's prevented from giving his S/O a goodbye kiss by a little "No!", followed by his S/O being shielded by tiny arms.
Takes to relating them to a pufferfish. "Hello, little pufferfish! How are you today?" "Mmh." "Enthusiastic as ever, I see!"
She's very calm and respectful when meeting her S/O's child, taking the time to get to their level and introduce herself. When she's met with nothing but silence and a scathing glare, she's only a little put off.
"Oh, dear. I don't think they're very fond of me..."
Mipha has had experience with children, including her brother of course, so she's sensitive to the emotions of the child. But she's a little anxious that the child may never come to like her.
She can get a bit sad when her S/O's child rebuffs her for being affectionate with their parent.
Her suggestion is to have a talk with her S/O and their child together. Mipha assures them that she loves their parent like they do (she takes care to not say as much to not upset them) and would never come between their parent-child relationship.
Would probably throw her hands up in a panic if the child suddenly interrupted a kiss between her and her S/O.
Upon being told by his S/O's child that they don't like him, he narrows his eyes and opens his mouth to retort, only for his S/O to interrupt with a "Hey!"
He wouldn't say or do anything mean, but he also wouldn't entertain the child's irritation. The most he would do is let out a "hmph".
Revali finds the minds of children to be complicated, so while he wouldn't admit it, he would feel a bit intimidated by his S/O's child's feelings toward him. The last thing he'd ever want to do is upset his S/O by being inconsiderate of their child.
However, he'd probably take the time to remind the child that it's their parent's decision to be with him. "I don't like you." "Well, they certainly do."
It would take some urging from his S/O for him to try being gentle with the child and open up a little. He'd start by trying to tell them stories of his many feats, or maybe just something simple like something he did with their parent.
Eventually, Revali would, in his own way, try to reassure the child that he loves their parent and wants what's best for both of them.
"Listen. I love them, and they love me too. But, they also love you. So, try not to make things hard for them."
She'd find her S/O's child endearing. Urbosa is confident, so she's not intimidated by the child's attempts at glaring her into the gap between dimensions.
"They have quite the spirit, that one."
Urbosa, being the way she is, would find a way to have a heart-to-heart with her S/O's child, telling them that she understands where they're coming from. She would assure them that they have nothing to fear; she truly loves her S/O and would find nothing better than to be with them and their child.
However, if the child made things a little too difficult for them, she'd take them down a notch with a strong look.
Urbosa would let things work out at their own pace. She wouldn't rush into making her S/O's child like her. She'd let them come to her on their own.
If their S/O's child were preventing them from getting close, Urbosa would likely just give an expression of "Oh well, I see I've been beat" and give a good chuckle.
Daruk would approach similarly to Sidon. He would be excited to meet his S/O's child and would be thinking about all the fun activities they're going to do together. But, when he's met with nothing but a glare and has a tongue stuck out at him, he has second thoughts.
He gets pretty anxious about it. Daruk would ask his S/O over and over if they're sure the kid will warm up to him. After being reassured enough, he'll have a renewed vigor and get enthusiastic again.
"Yeah! They're gonna like me in no time! Then, we'll go bomb some Dodongos!"
He actually broaches the idea with the child, and while it's met with a small look of excitement, it's quickly replaced with a disgruntled look.
Daruk wouldn't give up, though. He'd keep trying again and again, and eventually he'd start to catch on why his S/O's child doesn't seem to particularly like him.
He laughs a bit to himself. That's what it was all along! They're just protective of their parent!
He'd take the time to show off his strength and ability, telling the child that he truly cares for their parent, and them too. He just wants all of them to be happy.
Link is actually quite awkward with children, so his meeting with his S/O's child probably would've gone a little weirdly no matter what. But the fact they don't like him definitely makes him a little upset.
Though when his S/O assures him that they're just a little protective, seeing as they're the only parent the child has, Link comes to understand very quickly.
He isn't one to rush into things. He'll go at the pace of the child, being patient and as attentive to their emotions as he can be.
Link is very gentle in approaching the child. He'll go out of his way to show that he means no harm to neither his S/O or them.
But he also wouldn't let himself get pushed around. He would act toward his S/O like he usually does, and if the child protested, he would let his S/O handle it.
It would take a bit more mediation by his S/O to lighten things between their child and Link. It's likely that, as a child, they wouldn't be able to read Link's silent cues as well as an adult.
As a result, Link would try his best to be a little more direct with his S/O's child and be more expressive to ease their anxiety, in his own way. He'd offer a lot more smiles, that's for sure!
If he's asked by the child "Do you really love them?", Link would answer with the most heartfelt smile and nod.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Hello!! I don’t know if you have done a headcanon for this yet or not ;;; but I was wondering if you could do a NSFW headcanon for link and s/o? Thank you;;💕
I'm so glad this is my next ask because I'm writing a fic right now where I am just DEBATING putting smut in it. Purely because I have a lot of headcanons for Link. He seems like a complex person, so I like to think about every facet of his personality, including the, uh... You know side.
Spicy Link headcanons under the cut!
While he may not seem like it, Link is a biter. He likes to bite his S/O and leave marks in various places.
However, he doesn't like to leave them in obvious places. He's a sort of private person, so any evidence of lovemaking stays in the bedroom.
If his S/O leaves scratches/marks on his back or anywhere on his body, he'll sometimes look at them in the mirror when no one is around. He finds some kind of pride in it.
Link is, surprisingly or unsurprisingly, not really one for rough sex. When he gets intimate with his S/O, he enjoys being thorough and sensual. Though that doesn't mean he's against it or doesn't like it.
He knows where the clit is, if his S/O is AFAB.
Does not mind when/if his S/O takes more control. He is perfectly fine being taken to his S/O's heart's content.
He likes to keep some sort of article of clothing on during sex. Usually it will be his shirt. It's not necessarily that he's self conscious about his body, it's more so a preference.
Once he starts getting more comfortable making love with his S/O, Link will make more noise. Being silent doesn't have to pertain to moaning.
He's of average size, and a little clumsy at first, but definitely learns how to make the most of himself.
While he seems pretty confident and in-control during, afterward he will get a little awkward. Does his S/O want to cuddle? Do they just want to sleep? He'll wait for his S/O to direct him.
Not really one for quickies, as he likes to take his time and not feel rushed, but wouldn't be against having one if he's particularly riled up.
Link prefers doing it on the bed most of all, as it's more spacious and comfortable, but is open to suggestions.
He is very methodical, paying attention to what his S/O particularly likes and dislikes during sex, sometimes giving a bit of a goofy half-smile when he does something that is especially pleasurable to them.
He is also very keen on consent. He will often pause and look at his S/O for reassurance that he can keep going.
Likes to bury his face in his S/O's neck when he orgasms.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Are you answering the Matchups? If we wanna send in some asks, should we wait till you finish answering them all?
I know this ask is old, but I'm gonna use it to tell ya'll what my plans are!
(Also sorry for no posts yesterday, I was super busy watching star wars with my bf)
My plan so far is to answer all the old headcanon and prompt posts I have in my inbox, which is honestly just a handful compared to all the matchup asks I have. People are free to keep sending asks, even if the box is marked as closed in my bio, because frankly I don't want to cut anyone off! It's more like letting people know I'm on a backlog and trying to answer what I have first.
So you guys can send stuff if you want, it'll just take me a while to get to them, and eventually you'll all be seeing a massive influx of matchup posts haha. I hope you guys don't mind too much.
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azuraskys · 2 years
But like what if the champions had an s/o that’s human that played BotW :00 so their s/o knew they would die and stuff
I really like this idea. Someone from our world just plops into Hyrule PRE Calamity, like super pre-Calamity. Maybe a good few years, to allow for relationships to grow, right? And once the Champions are called together, their S/O comes along to assist. God it sounds so good.
Headcanons for each Champion meeting their world travelling S/O below the cut! Its long;;
The Champions with an S/O that has played Breath of the Wild
He would have met his future S/O by the Flight Range. One minute, he was calmly training and practicing using his Gale, the next minute there's just... this change. A strange energy surrounds him. Its not necessarily malevolent. Its just... strange. Something has changed in the nearby area.
He comes upon someone shivering like a leaf in the cold, laying in the frigid snow of Northwest Hebra. They are severely underdressed for the weather. Not only that, but strangely dressed, too.
Coming up to the stranger in the snow, he sees they're barely conscious. "They should have prepared better," he thinks. Luckily, they don't appear to be frostbitten. But, its strange. There's no footprints to suggest they walked here, and it hasn't snowed recently. Its almost as if they just... appeared here.
He fights with himself for a bit. On one hand. this is a defenseless stranger, obviously in need of help, but on the other, this could potentially be something dangerous. After all, with talks of Calamity Ganon's possible resurgence, it has been reported all over Hyrule that the ancient Yiga Clan has resumed movement. This could be one of their tricks. But if not, Revali would just be leaving someone to die.
He groans and picks the person up, taking them to the Flight Range's loft by leaning them on his shoulder. He puts them down on the pillows and checks to see if the fire under the cooking pot is hot enough. Then he simply takes a seat nearby and fiddles with his bow to give himself something to do until this stranger wakes up.
When they do, his life changes forever.
This stranger, that he encountered purely by chance, is now talking of things unimaginable. They speak of a future laid with ruin, Hyrule's downfall, and most shockingly of all, his death. Revali, like anyone in that situation, refuses to believe it at first. He's insulted, maybe even angry, that they would dare to say he'd fail like that. He scoffs, asking them what proof they have. When they falter, it actually makes him anxious. Proof can be forged. But, a lack of it...
What the person said to him wasn't entirely unbelievable. Like him becoming a "Champion", for instance. He knew he was the most skilled out of all the Rito, and his Gale only added to that. He didn't doubt that the Royal Family would inevitably come looking for his help, seeing how desperate they are to build up manpower.
He can see that this stranger is very downtrodden by his skepticism. They keep pleading with him to just believe them, because they don't want to see him, or anyone for that matter, die.
"If what you say is true... then what can we do to prevent it?"
Revali struggles with the idea a lot. Especially the fact that he supposedly died. It almost makes him want to give up at one point.
But his future S/0 is with him every step of the way. They're kind, patient, and always telling him that his death wasn't his fault. It wasn't that he wasn't strong enough. It was that Ganon simply planned ahead, and they didn't know.
He's pessimistic at first, of course, but eventually... he starts to believe them.
Their relationship slowly grows from there. His S/O's insistence on being there when he trains, and constant pep-talking starts to begrudgingly become endearing.
"You can do this, Revali." "Yes, yes. I know."
They're never seen apart from one another. While they don't explicitly state they're together, everyone knows.
And when Princess Zelda comes to request Revali's assistance in the fight against The Calamity, his S/O grabs his hand and holds it firmly. They're going to be with him, no matter what. And he'd expect nothing less.
Once the Champions are all called together and begin the real meat of their endeavors, they tend to stay a few days in the castle. Revali would be okay with it at first, but after a while, he'd request to bring his S/O along. "For good reason, of course." He says. Zelda would remind him this is a serious mission, and that it isn't a time to be flirting, and Revali would probably retort a little harshly. But he'd take a breath and say, again, that he has good reason.
When his S/O comes along with him the next time, things are very professional, unlike what everyone was hoping for expecting. Revali asks them to tell the Princess what they told him, and he vouches for their honesty.
"I know, I know. I didn't believe it either. I mean, me. Dying?"
Daruk would encounter his future S/O while out patrolling the area one day by Goronbi Lake. They'd be unconscious from heatstroke, leaned up against a rock.
"Hey, buddy, you alright there?" He tries gently nudging them awake, but they groan. He knows Hylians can't handle the heat of Eldin Volcano without elixirs... and it seems like this person didn't get the memo. Worried, he carefully picks them up and takes them farther down the path, out of the hotter areas so they can cool off.
Being the one who found them, he can't leave them until he knows they're okay, so he waits patiently for them to wake up, all the while checking to make sure they're still breathing. Hylians can be fickle creatures!
But why are this person's ears so weird?
Daruk doesn't even consider the possibility that they could be a threat. If they were, they would have attacked by now. He could tell they were just someone in need of help.
He was lost in his own thoughts when the stranger woke up with a "oh my god" before promptly vomiting.
Who would've thought this would be the beginning of everything?
When initially hearing everything his future S/O would have to say, the first thing Daruk would think is "Are you sure the heat didn't mess with your head?" But just... seeing how earnest they are, he's inclined to believe them. He doesn't really understand this whole "magic" thing the Hylians talk about, despite essentially having it himself, so he assumes this person is some kind of magic seer, like the fortune teller who warned of Calamity Ganon's revival.
"So... What can we do?"
The stranger explains everything. They're serious, but optimistic. They're always saying to him "You're strong, Daruk! You just need the right tools, and I'll help you get them."
The two of them are inseparable. They work together to brainstorm different strategies for dealing with Fireblight Ganon, and how they can help fight in the larger battle. Daruk lets them stay in Goron City, making sure to catch every Fireproof Lizard he sees on his patrols so they're stocked up. He's caring like that.
Over time, their bond deepens. He sees how much they care for Hyrule, and for him (and how they're not a Hylian). But Daruk wouldn't really know it was love until someone pointed it out to him. That person would probably be Revali, through sarcasm. That he would have to end up explaining.
When Princess Zelda asks Daruk to be one of her Champions, Daruk and his S/O share a look before giving the Princess a hearty "Yeah! We're ready for anything!" "I'm asking Daruk, but, okay..."
Daruk would immediately ask to bring his S/O along to the castle. Zelda is a little put off, and asks "Why? This is a very serious mission!"
"You won't believe it but... They're magic!" What? "They can, you know, see the future. Like that fortune teller." Zelda's mind is literally spinning. His S/O? A seer? She needs to hear it for herself.
That's when Daruk gets them to tell the Princess everything.
"I believe them. They told me you'd ask me to be a Champion, and you did!"
Mipha would find her future S/O at the edge of a riverbank while out swimming. They'd be groggy, but not unconscious. Of course, Mipha would be extremely concerned, checking them up and down and asking if they feel alright. Their strange appearance is the least of her worries.
They're not wet, so it doesn't seem like they had trouble swimming. But if that's the case, why were they waking up at the edge of a river?
The first thing this stranger says is "... Are you... Mipha?"
She's a little surprised, but nods affirmatively. Now she's a little wary. But, she still wants to make sure they're okay.
Immediately this person just begins to ramble, fumbling over their own words before just looking up at her and Goddess do they look so sad.
After giving them a moment, she tells them to say everything again, but slowly. When they do, she just can't make sense of it. "What a cruel thing to say." She says, hearing them speak of Hyrule's downfall. The stranger in front of her pleads with her. Promises that what they're saying isn't a cruel joke, but what could very well happen in the future.
Honestly, it makes Mipha get really downtrodden. Just the idea of everything falling apart, her dying, Link dying...
"B-but don't worry! There's still time, we can prevent it!" The stranger grabs her hands and looks at her with hope. While she doesn't entirely believe them... she appreciates their optimism.
Finding out they don't have anywhere to stay, Mipha allows them to stay at the Domain for a bit. They start following her whenever they see her, talking about strategies to fight "Waterblight" as they call it, the best ways to handle Calamity Ganon, and how soon enough the Princess of Hyrule is going to be asking Mipha to be a Champion.
She finds their presence endearing, thinking at first that its because they remind her of her brother, but after a while she realizes that's not the case. She likes having them around because she likes them.
Of course, to her, Link comes first still. But that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate her future S/O. It just takes time for her to move on.
The day Zelda asks Mipha to be a Champion, it really starts to set in that her S/O was right. Mipha immediately pushes them in front of Zelda at the earliest chance, saying "This person has very important information that you must hear!"
Baby Sidon may or may not be EXTREMELY jealous of this stranger.
Encounters her future S/O outside of Gerudo Town, in the nearby area. They're passed out in the sand, starting to shiver from the oncoming desert night. Urbosa is cautious, approaching carefully and asking aloud if the person is alright.
They'd awake with a "Huh?!", quickly sitting up, causing Urbosa to reach for the hilt of her sword. The stranger would look at her and ask if she really is Urbosa.
This would be the final straw for her and she'd take out her blade, pointing it straight toward this mysterious person she's found passed out, in the desert, at night, who is now asking if she's "really Urbosa". Sounds like a Yiga plot to her.
"Woah, woah! I promise I'm not a threat!" She narrows her eyes. "... Ma'am."
After a moment, she'd put her sword away and sternly question them on what they're doing out in the desert. They'd sheepishly shrug, explaining they just ended up there. They are not making a good case for themself.
"Y-you guys need help fighting Calamity Ganon, right? I can help! I've seen what's going to happen!" This sounds unbelievable, until they mention that the Princess was going to ask her to be a Champion. No one else should have known that- it was only spoken of in private talks between the Princess and Urbosa at the moment.
She points her sword at them again. "How do you know that?"
From then on, she starts to see the sincerity in this person. They're not pulling anything. They're being genuine. Instead of waiting for Zelda to come to her, Urbosa immediately calls for Zelda to meet with this stranger. Its from there that their relationship deepens over time, as they assist both Zelda and Urbosa with the situation at hand.
If her S/O is male, that's a little bit of an issue. She'd likely set them up in the Kara Kara Bazaar, as they can't enter Gerudo Town. Otherwise, they'd stay with her in the Royal Palace.
She'd have them by her side often though. With the rising threat of Calamity Ganon, she has to frequently visit the castle. She'd take her S/O along, silently admiring how awestruck they are at everything.
He'd encounter his future S/O while out with Zelda, trailing behind her as her guard while she investigates a point of interest. As they're walking around, they come upon a stranger laying in the nearby grass, unconscious.
Zelda goes to help them, but Link stands in front of her, reminding her to be cautious. Carefully, he approaches the figure, hand wrapped around the hilt of the Master Sword.
But before he can do anything, they stir. Slowly rising up from their spot in the grass, they look around before looking right at the pair of Hylians staring intensely.
The stranger immediately tries to get up to approach them, fumbling over their words before Link unsheathes his sword and points it at them.
"W-okay, Master Sword in my face." Throwing their hands in the air they insist they're not trying to do anything, its just that they're kind of freaking out like is this really Hyrule????? Are you Link and Princess Zelda????
Antics ensue. After ensuring they're not a threat, Zelda begins questioning them on everything. They scramble to explain as much as they can, and how they really, really want to help in the battle against Calamity Ganon.
But after hearing everything, Link feels really upset. He feels ashamed. If what you're saying is true, in the future, he dies before defeating Calamity Ganon. He fails at the one thing he has been expected to succeed at his entire life.
His future S/O would undoubtedly notice this. When they're brought to the castle to assist Zelda and the rest of Hyrule, they try to catch him when he's alone so they can try to make him feel better.
"I know you won't take it if I say its not your fault, but its not, Link. You- No one could have predicted what Calamity Ganon would do. You can't expect yourself to always be prepared for the unknown- that's impossible."
"And don't try to give me the "its my duty as the Hero" thing. While I respect it, at the end of the day, you are one person. You cannot save the world alone."
Link would actually consider their words. At least, he would appreciate the fact they considered his feelings.
The two would start to bond during their time spent with Zelda, because if you spending time with Zelda, you're spending time with Link.
If his S/O was trying to explain something important to a crowd of officials and they were refusing to listen, he would shoot them all a stern look that would let them know the Hero himself trusts this person's word.
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azuraskys · 2 years
say for a fun a Headcanons all the champions reactions to hearing that there S/O returned from an exercise trip to get fit and thy see there S/O is all buff and has a 6 pack.
A buddy of mine saw the Champion's s/o take their shirt off in the shower and he said that they had an 8-pack... That the Champion's s/o is shredded.
In all seriousness though, this is a very unique request! I like when you guys keep me on my toes.
Putting this under a read more so its not too long :)
The Champions reacting to their s/o coming back absolutely ripped
He would have the most fun in this situation. Age of Calamity canonically confirms Link is a freak of nature, who can parry entire slabs of floor with ease. Having his s/o come back absolutely ripped would be like woah.
He'd check out his s/o's muscles before giving an enthusiastic thumbs up.
But overall, not much would really change! Link isn't really one to necessarily make a big deal out of appearances or ability, so he'd just act the same toward his s/o as he did before they got buff. Though he'd offer for them to come along with him if he's going for a run or something.
Link would want to see how many things they can lift, including himself.
To keep those muscles, you need protein. Link likes to cook... if they asked, he'd make a super cool protein-filled dish for his s/o just to try it out.
"Why didn't you let me tag along?" is probably the first thing she'd say. She's an athletic woman with a six-pack of her own, she'd want to experience whatever challenge her s/o faced to get this buff.
She'd offer to exercise with them to help them keep it up, or just for fun. She's proud of their ability.
Urbosa would want to start training her s/o to use a weapon like hers, if they didn't already. She likes someone who can defend themself properly.
Would playfully punch her s/o's abdomen and be like "Hard as steel! Nice."
But we all know Urbosa would love her s/o no matter what they looked like. What she's really amazed with is their dedication to exercise that much to even get a six-pack. She knows how much training you have to do to get there. Its hard, unforgiving work sometimes.
"You look different from the last time I saw you. Did you do something with your hair?"
Daruk isn't being stupid, he just isn't one to necessarily... notice changes like that in someone's body. His own body is what he worries about.
But after seeing how strong his s/o has become, he's super proud of them! Though he tends to overestimate their ability a bit too much.
"Try lifting this boulder- wait, what do you mean you can't? Thinking like that won't get you anywhere!"
Would offer his s/o Prime Rock Roast to "help with bulking up" if he hasn't tried that already. Definitely would get them a sized version of his weapon to have them swing around.
Makes a joke about "rock hard abs".
"Where on Earth did you go?" Is probably his thought. One minute his s/o was their usual self, and the next they're suddenly super muscular and able to do things they couldn't before.
But really, that's of no consequence to him. His s/o is free to do whatever they want with their body. He'll still love them.
Seeing as the Rito's main form of, well, almost everything involves being in the air, he can't really physically train with his s/o, but he'll fly above them if they go for a run or idly watch them while doing something if they decide to exercise at home.
The Rito diet is already really good for keeping muscle, so there's nothing to worry about there! But he'd probably suggest they eat a little more if they're particularly active.
May or may not side-eye his s/o's abs while they're working out. Not in a bad way.
Mipha would honestly just tell her s/o they look great! "I see you've been working hard!"
Swimming is a great physical activity. She'd love to do that with her s/o as a form of training/exercise, praising them a lot as they make their way through the water.
Mipha definitely loves her s/o no matter what, so her demeanor also wouldn't really change much. She'd just appreciate their vitality.
If asked to feel her s/o's abs, she'd probably touch them very lightly before taking her hand away and getting a little flustered. That feels very intimate to her.
She'd be very worried if her s/o chose to take up a weapon if they didn't have one already. She knows they're capable, but its still so tense to watch!
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azuraskys · 2 years
I have no idea if this is an ask per say, just me rambling, but here me out here. Rito... But they can just switch between Hylian (human??) features and birb features. Then you could most the time tell the difference because unlike Hylians their hair is usually bright, & the same color as their feather as birbs™ & as kids/teens they still have their distinctive blush. Then they can just- "Ooo, gotta blast" & transform. Just saying. Also hi love ya and ya blog! HYLIAN REVALI THO-
I absolutely adore this idea so much! Frankly, I just really love cool ideas about the different races.
I imagine the transformation between Hylian and Rito forms would look breathtaking, honestly. For some reason I'm thinking of when Howl became that bird-like creature in Howl's Moving Castle. (I haven't seen that movie in a very long time, forgive me). Just a slow onset of feathers growing up the body before the more prominent features (such as a beak) come in. The variation of colors! Gorgeous.
When they're Hylians and have the same color hair as their feathers, that makes me think they'd look like an anime protagonist among a group of background characters, haha.
Hylian Revali tho... He would be a very handsome man. đź‘€ Probably have really nice, striking emerald eyes like Zelda, and have a strong jaw. I want to believe he would have medium color skin, with freckles.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Hc: Humans have a tendency to adopt things that is not their own of sheer protective instinct, and binding habits
Like a Gurodo child that is orphan, now they have two humans parents that love them and teach them to be a strong independent woman
Some stray baby Zora? Now have a whole villagers of spear fishing and surfers teaching them how to surf
Some random Hylian teen? Taken in by a bunch of nomads and teach them alot of stuff that is ck consider orthodox for them
Gordon? Welp now they have someone to bind with,and also maybe some good trading as humans can't go to an active volcanoes or they die
Humans are very adaptable yet they do keep to themselves most of the time
(Once again, Azura Mobile appears)
I'm guessing this is like if Humans were their own race in Hyrule? Like the idea about the "Civilization of Humans" under the ground? Cause I like this!
I love the idea of Humans just being a sort of enigma. They just... Exist. They are strange. But, they're not bad. They accept anyone into their ranks. Almost like some sort of society, lol.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Are you also Azuraskys on AO3? If you are I love your story As Dawn Rises. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I love the way you write TP Link
OMG YES! I am! Thank you so much, I can't believe you found my blog, haha. I'm excited to continue the story too!
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azuraskys · 2 years
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this is so true. SO TRUUUUUE. too true for me.
Azura’s thoughts:
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azuraskys · 2 years
Questions: Why do u not walk outside of ur divine beast to see Sidon again? Or Muzu? Or ur father? Or well.. ANYONE for that matter? Is the theroy of Gnom being fuel for the shrines and therefore the champions being the fuel for the divine beasts true or false Mipha? And that goes for all of the champions.
I am a false idol. I am False Mipha.
That being said, this a thought I've had myself. Its true the Divine Beasts need the Champions in order to be used, so my assumption has always just been that the Champions didn't dare leave their posts in case Link needed them.
That, and honestly, it would stir up more trouble than its worth. Their time ended 100 years ago. To come back, only to move on after Calamity Ganon's defeat would have been cruel. Everyone is trying to move on.
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azuraskys · 2 years
Here cat for support
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Thank you so much you have no idea how much I love cats!!!!!!!!
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