blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 4 ~ Good Sleep, Sick Kid
November 21, 2018
"Mommy, I just threw up."
Not necessarily the best Good Morning I could have gotten today. But, hey, at least the kid made it to the toilet! I hate when they are sick. The fever is gone, but now the coughing has gotten bad. I mean, it's horrible.
Anyways, last night was a good sleep. I hate when I sleep in late when the kids are home, but they didnt get up until right before me so I call that a win-win. Plus it's Thanksgiving break. We need the rest.
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Look at that REM sleep! I must've had some good dreams last night, because I stayed in that phase a lot. I do remember a dream where I was pissed at my husband and family, but I can't remember the details. He's lucky I'm not pissed at him now lol
And I barely woke up! That is amazing for me. I always wake up a handful of times. Based on the chart, I got at least 4 1/2 hours of solid sleep.
I really need to try to go to sleep earlier, but between being a night owl and using what little time I have after everyone is asleep to just "do me" I'm not sure I can give up that time yet.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 3 ~ Barely Made It
November 20, 2018
Well, I barely made it. My son is sick so I spent most of the day curled up in bed with him. I'm not ashamed about that. And I did get my walk in.
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I hate the discrepancies between what the Fitbit records and the app I use. I'm not sure which is more accurate. I mean, it's not a HUGE difference, but I'd rather take a 18:59 pace over a 19:32 pace. Lol
Regardless, I'm happy I got out and did it! And I'm happy I at least met all my goals for the day.
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Not impressive, but as long as I see those green circles, I'm happy.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 3 ~ Sleeep
November 20, 2018
I guess I needed the sleep...
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After I got the kids on the bus, I went right back to sleep and crashed...hard. all of the benchmark estimations were average and I feel a bit refreshed and rejuvenated. I always tend to sleep better during the day. I'm a night owl so it's so damn hard to go to bed early.
I'm trying, but I'd rather be up reading or playing video games than tossing and turning and wishing for sleep.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 2 ~ Complete!
November 19, 2018
Today was not a good day on the personal side. My beloved uncle passed away and my youngest was sick. I am emotionally drained.
However, I did manage to do my walking this morning after the kids got on the bus AND I shaved off a few minutes!
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Note to self: there is a LOT of school traffic this early in the morning.
But I jammed to some TØP and walked my ass off. My legs get a little stiff after this amount, so I may stay around 2 miles for a couple of weeks and then add a half mile each week after to work my way back to where I was.
I also got 2 more badges today!
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I walked up and down stairs a lot today and the hills in my neighborhood are no joke, so yay for that one.
I also have my daily steps set at 8k while I work back up my stamina, but after all the extra walking today, I easily topped 10k steps, so yay for that one as well!
Two days in and my hips already ache less. Even though personally I'm going through some shit, the physical exertion definitely helps to clear my mind.
And I met all my goals today, including my active hours (I'm only doing 5 now since my morning and nights are busy).
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So today I walked more, further, higher, and longer. Pacing when I'm stressed sure does eat up my goals lol
I'm still proud of myself. One whole day without a cigarette and I'm doing OK. I have lozenges to help with the craving and I find sucking on short straws helps with the habit of holding cigs. I WILL quit this time.
I'm not failing again. I'm 32 years old. I want to live a long life and sitting around being lazy as shit, smoking, and feeling like a failure isn't helping.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 2 ~ Still Sleepy in SC
November 19, 2018
Last night was terrible. I felt like I tossed and turned all night. It was short and brutal. But strangely enough, I got up this morning and immediately went on my walk. Instead of laying back down, I got out there and did my shit!
4 hrs 45 min
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So yea, not the greatest night of sleep for me. And then this morning did not go as planned.
My husband started his new job. He got there 30 min early only to discover he left his 2nd form of ID in our other car so he had to come home and ended up being 30 min late. He hasn't called me in defeat so I'm assuming he wasn't fired before he even started. He's a good man. They'd be stupid to let a mistake ruin his dedication to his new job.
Then the school called and my youngest is running a low fever. Hopefully he'll be ok, but we shall see.
And today, I quit smoking. We've cut back tremendously over the past month, but I woke up today and said NO MORE.
So wish me luck.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 1 ~ Victory
November 18, 2018
I fucking did it.
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THAT made me feel amazing.
Right at 1.8 miles, a year since I've willingly walked. I jumped right back into it like little time had passed.
Today, my hips were stretched and my thighs were burning. I walked with my kiddos so it was a slower pace, but I. Did. It.
Exactly what I needed to motivate me. Exactly what I needed to see first hand how 3 months of intensive walking in 2017 still positively affected me today. I had no idea I could jump right in. I feel the urge to double my time and pace, but I'm taking it slow for a couple of weeks.
Slow and steady wins the race.
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So I know 8,629 steps is nothing. Hell, I used to average at least 10k, but again, I'm starting fresh. I met all my daily goals, including 64 oz water intake, except for active hours. For some reason I missed 2-3pm, but it's no biggie.
I'm damn excited and proud of myself.
This time I'm not giving up. I will use this blog to track my progress and I think I may start a journal. I forgot how walking can clear your mind and let the creative juices flow.
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And I got my first badge. Teehee.
I'll admit, the badges are an awesome touch and a great motivator.
So there ya have it. Day 1 is complete and my new journey is starting out flawless.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
Day 1~Sleepy in SC
November 18, 2018
I forgot how beneficial it was wearing a Charge 2 at night. Monitoring my sleep was always one of my favorite parts of wearing this nifty little device.
6 hrs 19 min
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So my light sleep was below average and my REM sleep and Deep sleep were above. I can definitely say I was dragging ass this morning and I yawned...a lot...when I went walking. Of course it's night now and I feel a 2nd wind blowing in strong.
But I was able to knock out a nice walk with my kiddos, get 3 loads of laundry done (well, not put up), made a not-so-healthy dinner (baby steps), and started a new book.
Not a very impressive day, but I'm happy to say I hopped right back into walking pike I hadn't been away for almost a year.
I'm damn proud of myself.
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blurry-walker-blog · 6 years
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It's 3am on Sunday, November 18, 2018 and here I am about to bare my soul.
In 2017, I bought myself a fitbit charge 2 and set out on a healthy lifestyle change. For three glorious months I walked and ate healthier. I got stronger and more confident. I walked farther every week and my body quit aching.
I was so damn proud of myself.
And then October 13, 2017 happened. My mother had an accident that completely changed our lives. For an entire year I dedicated every second of my life to visiting her, taking her to doctors, and being her caregiver. I didn't see my husband or my two kiddos that much. I had zero downtime. And I tried, I really did to keep exercising, but I was just so mentally exhausted I gave up.
Such a huge regret of mine.
My mother is now in a place that can provide more care. My life has slowly gone back to a level of normalcy. My body once again aches and I'm not happy.
Time to take back my motivation. Time to take back my drive. Time to take back my confidence.
This is a new beginning.
No diets here. No quick fixes.
This is just a 32 year old woman, wife, mother of 2, amateur writer, wannabe blogger, fitbit addict who is ready to take her life back.
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