azurexpanther · 10 years
       I will have my                     ♔ croωη;
 I will have my         freedom          
  & I will have your                                                HEAD.
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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azurexpanther · 10 years
                                                                 I can feel the                                                    D  A  R  K  N  E  S  S                                                                       coming                                                                       And I’m                                                           A  F  R  A  I  D                                                                      of myself
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azurexpanther · 10 years
I’ll swallow my blood before I swallow my pride.
Al Capone (via nervenzerstorung)
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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✿- “Is that so?”
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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"Technically speaking, if I hear another word coming out of your shit mouth, I will shut you up for good."
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"Technically speaking both of our phylogenetic trees are more or less equidistant from rodents. You’re a bit closer to weasels while I’m a bit closer to mice and such. As per ‘vermin-like behavior’ within our military I have a considerably less-impressive record of disobedience, saboteur of operations, and being a general nuisance compared to you.  Technically speaking, if anyone was a pest, it would be you."
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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[i cant even....you know who i....what?]
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I can’t believe I am here at another milestone. I don’t even know how to thank you guys. I was going to do my big follow forever at 1.5k but I actually have something else that I am excited for planned for when I hit 1.5k ( that’s only 100 away if I ever make it that far ) so I decided to do it now.
First of all— in the 10 months I have been role-playing here on tumblr I have made some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for, and I have also had the pleasure of watching some of the most talented writers ever grace my dash. It has been such a blessing to be involved with you all, I can’t even begin to describe it.
I love Soi Fon so much and I am glad that you all have allowed me to share that love for her by writing with me and supporting me. I could not ask for better followers. So before I get all sappy I am going to go ahead give recognition in the normal follow forever format and then give some shout outs* ( all under the cut because this got long omg ) to some really special people that I could not have made it this far without. 
I tried not to include any multiples ( aka for those of you who run more than one blog; I only considered one blog per person ) but I am not perfect so I know I probably let a few squeak by. Also, please note that I did not exclude anyone purposely and I am sure I left out a ton of you by mistake. I will edit this accordingly if I left you out and realize it later, because I want recognition to go to everyone who makes this blog possible ( my entire blog roll tbh ), but especially those of you who continue to be inspirations to me with your unconditional friendship and limitless talent.
Thank you all so much.
(  *Below the cut: patereius || organdoom || cambixn || inspirenjional || candysensei || iustitiacaecaest || soul-fracture || r-y-u-s-e-n-k-a || swallowing-snake || disperdo || dehonestus  )
 N I B A N T A I
( those I consider my main partners/ friends/ feel particularly close to )
oddhealer || lichtprinz || eldirexto || marigoldsandpoetry || lunarcustos  || bloodthirstygod || busui || gensoku || loyaltyisblind || xaoli || unxhana || txsla || mxntis || shunkoprincess || fushimiofannex4 || king-munakata || sahkeh || chxshio || aboomoo || henjiin || hanabiira || vulgardisplayofvanity || ichxgo || teme-kun || c-h-i-t-a-n || stormxknight || halbmetall || mortxmer  || oni-analyst || dropdeadgroovy || ablackwing || immortalcorrupter || princesa—serpiente || kaminaridansa || consumiing || naru-uzumaki || wisteriaessence || ikkaku-marmalade || bloodybusiness || otoribooshi || xaoli || secretus-reginam || yato-noragami || inxue || bravurax || mandyisms || corruptionofheart || hisfledgling || kunaihime || falsitas || namikazing || nocturnix || malevolentias || wisteriaessence || sireniagravitas || doctor-rukia || viperisms || blossomkunoichi || dolorcomplexus || secretus-reginam || sentxki || tabernae || arisaxa || illusixnistin || halcyon—heart || praktikos-emporo || engxtsu || ressxnga || renascentia—mortem || raiiton || afrigginlady || unchainably || anivara || lxppi || lunadilucia || pulchraossa || uozx || tiger-braid || von-kip || ohagireaper || arousing-dissonance || apoxtate || afrigginlady || aversa-pars || cagedprxncess || x-m-p-e-r-e-u-r || sumxre || brennuvargur || nwxdsipu || carminecervine || ekragei || cixerva || gewxlle || kuchxkx-byxkuyx || chuushin || le-papillon-stoique || chui-no-fuyu || hxnamori || soulrexper
( mutuals who light up my dash with their presence a.k.a mutuals that I should write with more often )
starxdouche || parasiitic || n-o-x-c-r-i-s-t-a-u-x || edhelernil || erkiengill || roundhaus || caedxs || sextarex || grimmjxw || canisextrarius || persxqui || beaufsichtigen || iimpius || llxvia || grishildr || xhaeres || cxneris || kingofxcuses || mercenaiire || couragexus || otwilightprincess || survivalisforthefittest || hiistrio || yuki-no-shiro || bondofhatred || floribusvirent || fulmen—-s || veilled || mothersins || mubouna || moretsuna || firepxwer || soldierxoflove || predatorio || tenantics || grxmm || redkensx || huntressoffae || hushedillusion || baka-naruto || brazenrivaille || reprehendit || luneneige || ishidauryuu || coxqueror || llvitsa || rukaea || cubixus || cursxdsoxl || nerierui || liliumpurpureo || loxiisms || despicablii || mixuchi || militemflorent || milxti || mediic || sadistaidd || soozabimaru || kenosiis || scarysunako || somedayhokage || acidiast || amjustice || atemoia || auxiliumheros || aisumadoushi || azurexpanther || kingofxcuses || fractumnexus || uchxha || meowgito || thousandbirds || nixalba || divergentfists || divoratrix || duvoziir || vixissx || hiinode || wrathings || regaliis || rapusodosu || goukai || brideofsparda || uchihasavior|| umberling-queen || gxwelle || impxster || hinabae || pxisoning
                                                                                     & blogroll
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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"You shouldn't be talking to those superior to you like that, vermin."
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"Come now grimmjow, just because you got your arm back doesn’t mean you should be so ambitious. You should try starting a little smaller with like your leg or your ego."
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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"You really are a fool."
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✿- “That would be an interesting challenge, Arrancar. Perhaps many would thank me if you were finally gone”.
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azurexpanther · 10 years
            He did his utmost best to stifle his annoyance, but no matter how much effort he put into staying levelheaded, he started seeing crimson. 
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"So, who's gonna lose their fucking head? Think hard."
"You’re not just a regular moron. You were DESIGNED to be a moron."
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——ƒ——And she did so grin as the man read the sign that had been taped to his back. “My my, I wonder who could have put that there~”
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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"And what if I ripped you apart?"
◎ "How crushed would you be if I punched a hole through your sister again?"
send a ◎ and a question and my muse must answer, even if it’s a secret.
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✿- “Extremely crushed. So that was you, the Sexta Espada correct?”
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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azurexpanther · 10 years
           She had clearly forgotten that the language he spoke was not one of reason but one of circumstances, and those he could easily bend to suit his needs. And the current state of things wasn't kind to her. The more she fought, the more she was hurt; and the more she was hurt the more she wanted to fight. He didn't want to stop, her little blunders provided all the pleasure he needed.              Seeing her attempting to lift herself up and fight as honorably as was possible he chuckled. Admitting her defeat surely contradicted everything she stood by. He wished to crush that curt attitude, and utterly repudiate every hope she might have held onto. He was stronger. He was faster. And more importantly, he was unhurt.
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                      "Would you not give a damn if I killed you?                        Right here and now, in your own room,                        surrounded by those who pretend to care,                        yet are unable to do anything to protect you.                       Just imagine it, your guts splashed across                        the room, flies feeding on your rotting body.                       Actin' all high and mighty ain't gonna get you                       nowhere now. I am the King, don't you forget                       it. And if you want survival, be obedient."
Had she forgotten that he never even listened to her? While she had withstood such a jab to her injured leg, another sharp prod to the top of her form was enough to unbalance her already quivering body from the shock. This new set up of being one legged was hard enough to balance; the only way to do so was with unbalance and it was easily shaken, it was a wonder she had stayed stable from the hit. 
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And like that, the fabric upon her toes easily slides on the sleek floor sending her towards the ground. Her other shoulder makes a thud as she luckily missed a duplicate smack to the back of her head, but only because she was so intent of looking at the arrancar in the face. She waste no time in trying to get back up, relying on her biceps and forearms to lift her injured form, her sheathed blade still in her grasp if she needed to further her defense. 
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azurexpanther · 10 years
                         life is a                                        s t r u g g l e                                                                  that I intend to                                                                                             w i n
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azurexpanther · 10 years
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       Reaching his victim could prove to be an impossible task, or at least one that demanded incredible amount of careful planing and precise execution. He was, after all, locked up in a place no one could infiltrate, let alone retrieve a criminal who were to rot for the rest of his life.
"I want to visit someone. All I want you to do is act as decoy."
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The sneer grew more profound, causing the Witch to be uncomfortable. The expression seemed to give the pinkette a glimpse of what truly laid underneath the others surface, and that alone made her unsettled. Listening to his request, she furrowed her eyebrows.
What fool made this Ruler wish their death? Was the thought that whispered in her mind. Nodding slowly, she said,
-“I see…And you wish for assistance do do the deed.” A statement, not a question. Why else would he bother telling her of his plans?
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