b-elmount · 2 years
He’d been quite happy to explain the numerous uses and benefits of his collection. His shelves of exotic plants had been in a mess and Jade was frankly quite ashamed to admit that he hardly dusted them during regular days, except when an important date such as club events rolled around the corner. This time, he was only grateful that Julius did not seem to mind clutters of dirt and dead leaves sprinkled in between the empty spaces of the pots. 
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“That one is a blood mushroom. It is quite a rare breed to date, but there’s no need to fear despite its sinister exterior, as it’s proven to be quite harmless.” He replaces the pot containing the blood shroom back onto its position on the shelf and lifted the one that the Pomofiore student had apparently taken an interest in. “This? Why, it’s called the Amethyst Deceiver. It’s an edible breed, but quite frankly, not too delicious unless you cook it along with a few others. I’ve tried preparing them for Azul and Floyd, but neither of them were willing to take a bite.” Nevertheless, it’s quite beautiful. The way they looked like little caps of amethyst springing up from the ground is the reason why Jade had taken a fancy to them after coming across a squirrel munching on one of these little guys during his hikes. 
He places the mushroom back where it belonged and turns to Julius. “If I may be allowed to ask, perhaps Vil-san has given you an assignment about utilizing mushrooms for Pomefiore’s skincare routine? If that is true, then I do know exactly what you need.”
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though jade confirms the aforementioned fungi are harmless, he dares not touch them. aside from the fear of collecting a sticky residue on himself; it was just plain rude to do so. a collection was something hand curated by the collector for their own benefits and no-one else. much like his own perfume collection. he’d be quite cross with anyone who’d be willing to riffle through it without so much as permission. 
his eyes follow the effortless motions of replacing the caps to their origin-- even as they display the one he’d inquired about. it was doubtlessly beautiful, something you’d perhaps find in an enchanted forest rather than that of a simple hiking trail. a tiny little thing, only a keen eye would spot in the brush. 
though with a keen eye came a perceptive wit. jade immediately suspected the reasoning for julius’ visit-- though seeing the eel was an added bonus.      ❝ clever as ever. ❞ he says with a small smirk.  ❝ i’d hoped to do a bit of research in the library on the subject but i do value the opinion of a collector rather than a dusty old book. ❞
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b-elmount · 2 years
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It was a place to be, to sort one’s mind into a state of management and to help clear aside the emotions that felt like they were lost under his control since the time he had woken up. A lot of his life since that day has been pain, anger and sadness that held him tightly in a bubble of numbness in a sense.
Attention was upon the wall over the Therapists shoulder, a weakness of eye contact - a reluctance to be here and to be listened too, to be helped - Bran wasn’t 110% on board with this kind of aid really, he’s always been told that emotions were easy to fix that you shouldn’t need help with things you were feeling since you were the only one feeling them in that way. But he couldn’t deny it, he needed help this time - it was a bad spiral, since he knew only a few outlets and even those were limited right now.
His body was fighting it, the lack of activity in the gym, he’s lost a lot of his muscle mass, his fitness, he felt heavier with fat and just general weight on the shoulders. His hair a mess, unkempt even though he took showers every day, the energy he once prized himself for was down the drain and he felt every part of him hating it. His skin no longer flawless, long gone that notion was - now it was marred with scarring of his accident, of his near-death.
He sat with his full mask on, a custom-made to be less offensive and seem more normal to himself. It covered his entire face, eye space just large enough to not hinder his line nor side vision - a face curtain more so in design as it let him breathe much better than anything plastic or of the sorts. Black mesh strands that were dark enough to hide beneath it thus gave him a sense of control of what the other was to see from more angles. Hands in gloves with the missing digits adjusted for with less fabric and his dress wear - formal in suit and slack pressed pants but still, not showing a lot of what he was - what he became.
Listening to the others want for comfort, Bran did feel a lick of it - turning his life-lacking gaze towards them finally to take them in. Though it wasn’t with judging thoughts but to finally be polite and see who it was before him. A person with a mind capable to cut through the rest of the bullshit someone else was having. His shoulders rose with a deep inhale, shifting hands from his sides to rest one on his lap and the other on the armchair to stroke fingertips over the bubbled seam. “That’s good.” He started - lips wetted in the silence with a dab of his tongue. “I prefer Bran also.” It was a good icebreaker, so that felt good to speak after the moment of arriving.
“I’m sure you’ve had a lot of my type, unsure of where to start… I’m not sure how I’m going to help myself here but I’m willing to give it a chance.” He spoke honestly, a furrow of brows at the vulnerability so easily plucked from the back of his mind. But it was also a truth, he didn’t want to start something with a false hope it’ll work instantly, that and have this one a chance to understand him a touch more of what and who he would be like? He wasn’t sure his paperwork would convey it right, since the majority of it was done through his hospital and whilst he was very much on drugs.
“So - I’m hoping you’ll know where to start things off, Julius.”
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it is in his defined space of his office that julius is free to ponder even the more taxing questions of life. there isn’t a single decoration or piece of furniture out of place-- nothing to distract julius from anything but the patient before him. of course he is pleasantly surprised ! he certainly expected  H O S T I L I T Y , though none came. the files on bran showed he had been in a life-threatening accident and undergone some form of physical therapy. he could understand their attire, a formal suit looked flattering on anyone much less a person with a less than healthy amount of confidence. a mask; gloves... all perfectly normal for a person who was once in the limelight to hide away for whatever reason.
seeing as how the mask didn’t hinder their words, there was no reason to take it off. at least not today. it is interesting to hear pleasantries-- he would have expected them to be bitter if anything else. a good sign that a person in the dark is open to finding a way out. 
julius scribbles a few things in his notepad, the date & time along with a few formalities for the receptionist. he takes note of the drugs prescribed; pinching his brows together. why would these be prescribed ? though they may fix a few problem here and there such as insomnia and anxiety, they did nothing but add to a slew of issues only to be treated with more medications. that was often the problems with celebrity patients-- they are an easy money-grab. he pauses for moment to scribble in a few medications he believes will work better but he’ll save that discussion for the end of the session.
   ❝ you would be surprised on how many patients don’t know how to start. but in reality you’ve already taken the first step. not to sound cliche but you did admit yourself today. ❞ which is true-- a willingness to come in is one in the same as wanting to get better.      ❝ to start the session, we introduce ourselves which we can check off the list. some patients start small, talking about their day and how they currently feel, rather than diving head first into the trauma’s they believe are haunting them. that part is completely up to you. other’s who have a hard time expressing their emotions into words do so with games such as cards or inkblots.❞
julius had silently hoped bran wouldn’t choose the inkblots. only because it tended to get messy and was a rather boring start.      ❝ some people even prefer to avoid talking about themselves and instead talk about their family relations of close friends. ❞
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b-elmount · 2 years
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            “  ‘m wide awake now  ,  ”  the pathologist replies  ,  “  you said you wanted coffee  ,  ”  he continues  ,  hand reaching out to tug open the doors that lead into the hallway  .  “  let’s go  ,  ”  he tilts his head towards the hallway  ,  as if he’s just arbitrarily made the decision for julius  ,  as if the other had little say in what was going to happen  .  not bothering to wait until julius makes it to the door  ,  junjie’s already disappeared into the hall  ,  but instead of moving forward  ,  he WAITS  .  hands in his coat pockets  ,  he waits for the therapist to join him before moving towards the cafeteria for something to drink  .  maybe something sweet  .  hot chocolate sounds really good right now  .
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a small knowing smile paints his features. a hot drink can soothe even the most savage of beasts-- perhaps even the most cranky ones. he follows, skipping in his step to keep up only to find junjie had in fact  w a i t e d  for him. it did always seem julius was always playing catch-up. despite his fast paced life, he always found junjie was always faster and seldom waiting for anyone to keep pace. smart individuals would leave them alone-- however clever ones would need patience.
   ❝ i didn’t expect you to wait for me. how sweet of you. ❞ julius couldn’t help his teasing; though he’ll expect to be met with a qwip or two blaming tiredness.      ❝ i won’t tell anyone, i know you have a reputation to uphold. ❞
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b-elmount · 2 years
@b-elmount​​​ || cont.
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𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓.     the  black  hair  makes  him  seem  even  paler.  he  keeps  his  head  down  as  the  door  opens   &   julius  walks  in  with  the  white  trench  coat  billowing  in  the  wind,  seemingly  aware  of  the  butchery  that  happened.  though  butchery  seems  like  the  wrong  word  for  it.  butchery  implies  blood   &   flesh  smashed   &   torn.  this  was  strangely  immaculate,  almost  impersonal.  no,  not  impersonal  ──  cold.  there  are  people  in   ‘  new  eden  ‘   who  thrive  on  slaughter,   &   they  quite  literally  love  the  act  of  gutting  someone  alive,  the  feel  of  the  knife  in  flesh.  there  was  no  such  thrill  in  this  scene.  envy  had  murdered  the  poor  man  on  a  mere  whim,  just  because  he  was  not  juilius.  the  very  same  that  now  stands  before  him,  drawing  a  small  smile  ‘pon  those  wicked  lips,   &   even  more  so  once  he  kneels  down  to  question  the  gruesome  motive.  ohh,  how  he  had  missed  him.   ❝  welcome  back…  doctor.  ❞   it’s  been  three  days  much  too  long.
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 the purpose of punishing an individual for unsavory actions is to (in hopes) change the course of future actions. a lesson of sorts to be learned; however julius is no law maker nor a parent, therefore has no such compunction. envy will do what they want regardless of who or what stands in their way; that much was clear within their first few sessions. his suspicions of such were confirmed when a collogue of his was brutally murdered not a few days prior. though the program dealt with this matter posthaste, julius’ did wonder what sort of display this was supposed to depict. it could have very well had been an act of attention seeking behavior-- perhaps even a twisted form of  O W N E R S H I P  or liking. he would hate to see what envy did to a person they didn’t like.
 julius enters the room, a clipboard in hand with nothing but timestamps and formalities. he offers a smile,      ❝ welcome envy, you’ll need to excuse the scenery-- you’ve been rather naughty in my absence. naughty patients get treated to this room. ❞ he gently folds his hands behind his back, clipboard hidden as he takes a few more gracious steps inside the room. 
    ❝ that was quite a mess you had made. though if i may be so bold, i do prefer flowers as a form of flattery. ❞
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b-elmount · 2 years
“…jiiiiiiiiii–” The habitual vocal sound effect slips out under the housewarden’s breath as the papers settled against the edge of his desk. These were– Oh right. He’d almost forgotten about this. It hadn’t been a week since the last housewarden meeting wherein they discussed another one of the Headmage’s spontaneous events. This one being an uninvited open-house. Idia had no idea why he suddenly wanted to open the campus up to visitors and prospective investors (Crowley’s and Azul’s words, not his) all of a sudden. It wasn’t as if the lot of them were zoo animals to be observed–
–but this…this specifically was for the gala at on the night of the open house. Idia had been roped in to assist in set up. And the paper itself was a check list of his duties. Lighting rigs– security and scanning– music– all those easy as well. And…guest list? Why was he assigned to handling the guest list? And what was this fine print at the…
“….to ensure each task…blah blah…Julius will supervise…timely sign off–”
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A glance is once again returned to the foreign student standing impatiently before him. “I’m gonna assume you’re Julius–” He squints at the fine print again. “Did you read this? The whole thing?”
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   if julius were any less composed he’d have  s n a t c h e d  the aforementioned paperwork right off the desk at the mention of his own name. he was aware there would be a gala; not that he wasn’t in favor of showing off the more savory pieces in his closet-- but to to get his hands dirty with more menial work was outlandish at best. he wanted to frown-- pondering if wrinkles really were worth the risk...
   ❝ impossible.. ❞ he mutters more to himself than to the room as he bends closely to inspect the paperwork in the other’s hands. why in all of twisted wonderland did a second year student need to supervise a housewarden ?? it seemed his errand running would need to be extended, to that of a babysitter. he skims the sheet over, pausing only to read over the dreaded words. the tasks were all things the housewarden could handle; couldn’t they ?
   he hums, returning to his stand position.   ❝ i was unaware i needed to supervise, i hardly think you’d need it. ❞ this was the closest he would come to apologizing-- perhaps even a compliment.   ❝ a guestlist may pose a problem if you don’t rub the right elbows. ❞ 
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b-elmount · 2 years
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hello heathens 🖤 as promised, we now return to our regularly scheduled programming--- i hope everyone had a good break and will get some well deserved rest before the upcoming new year !
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b-elmount · 2 years
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hello heathens  🖤🖤 this is a small hiatus / low activity notice due to the upcoming holiday festivities. i will be returning to my regularly scheduled chaos monday the 28th. i hope everyone has a safe holiday / break & i will be 100% available on d/iscord 🖤🖤🖤
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b-elmount · 2 years
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— Ernest Hemingway, from The Complete Works; "The Old Man and the Sea,"
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b-elmount · 2 years
The supposed ‘need’ was barely acknowledged. A simple distant gloss over was enough to spell out its urgency and effort requirement to be negligible at best. It wasn’t as if Idia didn’t care for what Vil needed. It’s just it would take less than a cumulative two minutes to clear. Thus it’d be delayed just a bit to address the blatant insult that was just unleashed upon his safe space. His sanctuary! His castle! How dare he!?
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A temporarily sharpened glance was aimed at his unwanted visitor from where he sat. Though it quickly weakened somewhat and returned to a more uncaring expression as his focus then moved over towards the food he’d set up within arms reach of his supposed office space. Nothing special. Just take out. Maybe it was the peanut sauce he was smelling– definitely wasn’t him. He was sure of it. The scent of BO made him physically ill. He’d rather die than suffer that fate. 
Too bad the common misconceptions of his subculture are so painfully rampant. This guy being proof of it. What a drag. “Do you always walk into places you’re not welcome and just demand answers you’re not entitled to, my guy?”
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the sharp glance thrown his way is met with a equally stern eye. it wasn’t like julius wanted to be there either. it was much easier to let sleeping dogs lie than offer any kind of constructive critic to anyone in that forsaken dorm. he’d even opted for the tablet at this point though it would likely be no less rude; even if the younger of the two were there to buffer the interaction. julius disliked running around for this & thats when an email would suffice.
   ❝ consider it a kindness at my behest. ❞ he quips drearily as he sets the paperwork for the upcoming event infront of the other. how on-brand. despite the distaste in insults they were much more interesting than small talk. not he particularly liked small talk in general.      ❝ the faster you fill this out, the faster we can be done with this unpleasant visit. ❞
it wasn’t like he didn’t like idia-- he knew next to nothing of the man. though judging from the very few interaction they needed to have, julius could tell they had  n o t h i n g  in common. evidently he could cross favored food off that list as well. perhaps that was the smell after all. 
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b-elmount · 2 years
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b-elmount · 2 years
【 ⎯⎯⎯ ✉  ; rye 】 starter.
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during the winter months it seemed flower shoppes were not the target of mass shopping mania. most people were out shopping for gifts for the upcoming holiday season-- leaving flower shoppes rather  e m p t y . 
he never liked the displays in the summer; too many brightly coloured flora that didn’t suit his favor. though this shoppe showed great promise--  la floraye. the bell above his head chimed, indicating entry as he browsed past the poinsettias. ugly cliche flowers those. he spots a florist tending to foliage he cannot name,      ❝ excuse me, have you by chance have any snowdrops?  ❞ an unpopular request, however julius liked the simplicity of them.   ❝ i’m willing to special order them if need be. ❞
/ @astrumyuzu
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b-elmount · 2 years
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how rare it was for heartslabyul’s mad girl,  their fair lady,  to allow another to place hand upon her petite frame,  let alone take up hold of those silken tresses,  like fine ivory turned to delicate thread.  those who had without repercussion were few and far between,  and could only be counted on one hand,  be it because of the overprotective nature of certain boys within the dorm or her own elusive nature.  julius,  however,  was a rare exception.  one of the only people to date that marianne allowed such a privilege,  although the reason for such remained a tightly kept secret which might never pass her lips. 
❝ ugly is unfair  when it is merely beauty without warmth or the pauses between seconds. ❞  her words,  curious as ever,  are gently cradled in that near dreamlike lilt,  as if she were not anchored to reality like those around her.  ❝ like jealousy,  or his words,  merely the jagged moments we cannot truly appreciate.  but if we could  … ❞
it was always that,  wasn’t it?  if.  if this,  if that.  that fragment which ought to lead the way for this reply or that answer,  dancing just on the tip of her tongue the way rose petals might have once threatened to clog up her throat.  how she almost,  but not quite,  despised the word.  not hated,  nor loathed,  nor loved and longed for,  just a shadow of despised. 
❝  well,  it matters not.  it is,  after all,  something that shall only be for a moment.  tomorrow,  he shall forget how he wronged me,  and I shall forget that I have been wronged.  in my heart,  in my mind,  I shall forget that moment. ❞  long lashes flutter before delicate violet gaze rises to glance at the nearest reflective surface to peak at what has been done to her hair thus far.
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perhaps it was easy for the patrons of heartslabyul to let go of harsh words. julius on the other hand was starkly different. he clung to the whims of his rage like it was the only thing that fueled him to press on. a hideous desire to always have the last word in, edge wise. though his advice was somewhat melancholy he know deep within the confines of his heart he would have handled things differently. a violent urge to sing his little well-song to make the on looker regret ever saying such menial insults. 
marianne handled it as well as expected; with the utmost grace manageable by a single person. he  E N I V I E D  that about her, the way she would extend understanding to those to seldom deserved it. he refused to comment, it wasn’t his place to advise she not forget but rather hold a grudge that poisons the heart, no. he would continue to add the finishing touches of her braids, adding delicate flowers where he though they’d look best in the light of the shining sun. a small skill he acquired he learned from her; making flower crowns that is. his practice had paid off in this instance.
julius admired his handiwork for just a moment. his suspicions had been correct in the way of how well the style suited her. this too would be something forgotten-- when the warm water washed away any inkling her hair once held flowers.      ❝ while i agree an unsavory moment is forgetful, join me in this moment now and tell me how you like what i’ve done. i’ve made you look like a doll. ❞ and a doll she appeared to be. one that belonged on a prized shelf, untouched... forgotten.
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b-elmount · 2 years
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✉ ・゚: *   UNPROMPTED !  ┊   always accepting.  ↳   @s-talking​​ asked :   // HEADCANON TIME!  tell  us  of  julius'  1  guilty  pleasure ~
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it is no secret julius himself a  l a r g e man. however despite his careful words and massive sizing-- he loves to be taken down a few pegs. i’m talking a praise & humiliation kink. 
julius seeks partners he can share a connection with in more ways than one. he seeks to give the reigns of power to another person(s). it’s his guiltiest pleasure; and doesn’t care much for advertising it. it’s all too common people find out only to bully him, in hopes the degradation turns him on. which unfortunately is not the case. this bottom likes to  W O R S H I P  their partner like a god/ goddess. he doesn’t mind a little pain or a little rough handling as long as it is a person he whole-heartedly trusts. he prefers a little bruising if his partner is ever so inclined. he fancies the idea of being owned by his partner-- he’s at their every beck & call. even to go as far as to claim a fair bit of jealousy when it comes to sharing. 
his gulity pleasure is a specific kind of abuse. one welcomed by eager fingers. pain is the deliverance that tempers pleasure as they say.
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b-elmount · 2 years
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b-elmount · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I last drew Malleus,,
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b-elmount · 2 years
If you are a ship whore and you know it click reblog.
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b-elmount · 2 years
【 ⎯⎯⎯ ✉  ; idia. 】starter.
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one of julius’ least favorite things was playing  e r r a n d  boy for his housewarden. he especially liked visiting the ignihyde dorm about as much as he liked gouging out his own eyes. personally he didn’t understand why these papers couldn’t have just been digitally signed via email; but he was no housewarden so it wasn’t exactly his place to ask. 
   ❝ housewarden vil needs these addressed-- ❞ julius can barely get the words out before promptly covering his nose. what was that abrasive  S M E L L  ??       ❝ when was the last time you saw sunlight ? much less had a shower. ❞ he would have much preferred a talking tablet than this.
/ @ignitism​
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