bagelbods · 2 years
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what if i suffered a grave injury on a heist we were hired to do and others in our group tried to convince you to leave me behind because i was dead but you tried to save me with things you had laying around your workshop from other projects and when all else failed you poured the contents of a strange vial i was holding onto into my head… and we were both trans
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bagelbods · 3 years
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I got some headcanons about blonde tubbo
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bagelbods · 3 years
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crumboo crumboop
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bagelbods · 3 years
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a current era c!tubbo design ref! because my last two posts have been designs for past eras and my design is a bit different for current era
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: four digital drawings on a yellow background. the first is of emolga, a black and yellow flying squirrel pokemon, and 5up, drawn as a turnip in a scarf on its back. the second is of dumbdog, drawn as a fluffy dark gray and white dog with a green belt and pack, walking side by side with buizel, an orange seal/weasel pokemon. the third is of steven suptic, a white mansion curly brown hair, pouting and holding poliwag, a large round blue tadpole pokemon. the last is of ellum, a white man, glaring and holding an open pokeball as grimer, a purple slime pokemon grins from atop his head. /end ID]
professional fall guys streamers and their uquiz assigned pokemon partners
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: a pencil and colored pencil drawing of my oc ren, a person with long purplish white hair that’s parted down the middle. they’re wearing a puffer jacket split into yellow, white, purple, and black sections. the left white purple and black sections and the right yellow section has a flower pattern. the second image is the colorless pencil sketch of the previous image. /end ID]
i think pride flag puffer jackets would b cool :]
oc: ren (they/them)
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of a person with tan skin in a white suit. she has a wide stance and is leaning slightly back, one hand posed over her head and the other raised at her side. a string of colored lights shoots out of the hand at her side. her suit has a pink rose pattern on the legs, sleeves, and shoes, and the dark purple tailcoat, collar, and top hat have the same pattern in gold. a gold and orange dupatta is draped over her shoulder and flowing to the side, also with a rose pattern. she has a dark brown bob haircut and the background is purple and pink. a bigger, slightly transparent version of the same drawing of her is in the background. /end ID]
did a commission of @electric-lyra’s dnd character!! this was genuinely so fun to do and figuring out the colors and patterns was super fun! thanks for commissioning me :D
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: an animated gif of character captain puffy, transitioning between two drawings. the first is of her in her pirate days, holding a sword and looking menacingly towards the viewer. she is spattered with blood and one of her eyes has a large scar. black makeup is running down her face. there’s a flash of lighting in the gif before it fades into the second drawing, of present day character puffy. she is shielding her eyes from the sun and smiling, wearing a rainbow gradient robe under netherite armor. her horns are covered in gold markings and she is holding a book. the drawing goes dark, fading back into the first drawing. the final two images are stills of the two drawings. /end ID]
Where did you get the nickname ‘Captain?’
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of antfrost, a 20 foot tall cat, walking with captain puffy on his back and badboyhalo carried on his tail. bad and puffy both have horns that are several feet tall. puffy and bad are talking as ant swings his head back to smile at them. the background is a screenshot of a mc forest with shaders on. /end ID]
au where they are jus hangin out :]
(click the image for better quality)
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: a digital thumbnail drawing of tapl, captain puffy, badboyhalo, and skeppy as centaurs. tapl and skeppy have cyan horse lower bodies, skeppy’s made out of diamond. puffy has a sheep lower body, half brown and half cyan. bad has goat horns and goat ears and cyan freckles along his pitch black skin. all of them are wearing teal letterman jackets over light blue basketball jerseys. puffy and skeppy weird diamond battle axes while tapl and bad hold diamond swords. in the corner is the mcc logo, but the zombie is replaced with a cyan creeper. /end ID]
(individual drawings and lineart under cut)
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: digital painting of a space like area with a bright pink center that fades into a dark blue outer edge of the canvas. in the center is a silhouette of a person floating and looking to the side, all dark purple except for a loose cardigan the same color as the background. /end ID]
quick painting cause i was in the mood to art but i had just finished a semi big piece 💗💜💙
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bagelbods · 3 years
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I’m so hyped for MCC!!
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bagelbods · 3 years
holy shit asjfdslksdj thank u so much?? this is so very sweet of u aaaaaa the way u called out specific things u like made my heart go waaaaa /pos thank u thank u thank u ;v; <3 <3 <3
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[ID: two digital drawings that are identical except for lighting. both depict members of the eggpire (badboyhalo, ponk, antfrost, punz) and members of the pro-omelette party (captain puffy, sam, hannah, eret, foolish, quackity) waltzing together while surrounded by crimson vines. the eggpire wear black, red, & white while the pro-omelette wear gold & green, except hannah who wears gray. skeppy stands with the egg in the background faced away from the dancers. bad & puffy are the focus of the first image, bad grinning and leading puffy in dance. skeppy is the focus of the second. /end ID]
that red sure is gonna banquet huh
(click for better quality!)
design notes+ramblings under the cut!
Keep reading
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: two digital drawings that are identical except for lighting. both depict members of the eggpire (badboyhalo, ponk, antfrost, punz) and members of the pro-omelette party (captain puffy, sam, hannah, eret, foolish, quackity) waltzing together while surrounded by crimson vines. the eggpire wear black, red, & white while the pro-omelette wear gold & green, except hannah who wears gray. skeppy stands with the egg in the background faced away from the dancers. bad & puffy are the focus of the first image, bad grinning and leading puffy in dance. skeppy is the focus of the second. /end ID]
that red sure is gonna banquet huh
(click for better quality!)
design notes+ramblings under the cut!
pro-omelette are all wearing yellow/gold for omelettes with green for onions in omelettes
colors were color-picked from a photograph of an omelette and then blended/adjusted for lighting
the patterns on puffy and sam’s coats and boots are in semi-circle shapes, much like omelettes are
hannah is wearing the same colors as the eggpire even though she’s technically pro-omelette to symbolize that she loses control when she’s closer to the egg
i have so many other things to say bc i spent over 40 hours on this but i gtg for now so!!! ahhhh will add more later
i’m back! and i just watched the red banquet stream so aaaaaaa
the eggpire people (including hannah) are all “leading” the waltz (on the left) to symbolize that the pro-omelette people don’t know what they’re getting into
the patterning on hannah’s dress and sleeves are roses, but in groups that are shaped like eggs to show that she thinks she’s still herself but really she’s beginning to serve the egg
eret’s dress and cape also have rose patterns (no egg) to highlight the difference between them and hannah. i was gonna make the rose pattern on eret’s more random to look more natural but that would’ve taken so long alksjsdfj
i have a deep hatred (/lh) for dream smp canon heights so badboyhalo is 5′10 (but 9′6 if u include his horns) and puffy is 5′2 (but 6′9 if u include her horns)
ant and foolish are allowed to be tall bc i didn’t know what else to do but they’re on thin ice
oh man oh man so ponk and sam!!! ponk and sam!!! i’m so proud of my drawing of them
i wanted to make the white patterning on ponk’s suit a lot stronger (so his suit looks white instead of red). mainly bc i think it’s kind of messed up to see your ex-boyfriend who u hurt deeply and who ur still in love with dressed in a white suit (wedding symbolism) when he’s clearly not himself
more later!
am back again!! y’all this is really rambly but i like reading this stuff from other artists so (puts fingers together)
the lighting is a brighter orange and hazier in the first one and dimmer in the second to represent the egg’s control over bad. since the orange light comes from the shroom lights on the vines, it’s brighter when skeppy is in shadow, having more control over bad. when skeppy is brighter, the vines lights are dimmer, to show while bad is not himself and is controlled by the egg, skeppy still manages to come first for bad
puffy’s makeup is,, so difficult to settle on. jacobs sheep, which i base her off of, often have huge patches of black fur on their face and i wanted her makeup to reflect that. but that doesn’t... look good alkjdflsdj. i also want her makeup to be sort of pirate inspired? anyway black eyeshadow that comes down her cheeks is what i settled on (and gold glitter bc i like shiny)
it was pretty hard to make bad stand out against the dark bg? like i didn’t want to apply any lighting to his skin bc in my design, as a devil, his skin absorbs light. his skin and horns are just a void
i almost made skeppy human but with diamond patterns and diamonds growing from his skin but i decided not to bc i wanted him to look more unnatural? his mc skin is based off a diamond block, not diamond ore, so i wanted him to look like a cut diamond, clearly man-made
he’s also not wearing any fancy clothes to show that the egg is the only thing on his mind right now. he doesn’t care for the banquet or anything. only the egg. but it looks kind of awkward cause skeppy’s diamond ass is just in the center of the drawing slkjdflks
this is all i can think of for now but i’ll add more if i remember more :D
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bagelbods · 3 years
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puffy painting i’ve been working on for the past few weeks! i don’t really have the inspiration to finish it at the moment so here is the wip :D
[ID: an unfinished digital painting of captain puffy, modeled after her dream smp minecraft skin. she is leaning into her left hand and holds a pirate hat in front of her. she has four large sheep horns sprouting from her head and smudged maroon eyeshadow under her eyes /end ID]
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bagelbods · 3 years
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some puffy sketches! i wanna do a portrait of her character so i’m warming up by learning how to draw her face (also using a new pencil cause my mechanical pencil ran out of lead so a lot of spots are darker or lighter than i’d like them ahhhhhh)
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bagelbods · 3 years
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burning hands
[ID: a dream smp fan comic where ranboo, a being made of black smoke and light gray clouds, comes up the trapdoor into his son michael’s room. michael, a baby zombie piglin, cries on his bed. ranboo rushes over and wipes his tears, saying “hey, hey i got you i got you”. michael sees his tears are burning ranboo and freaks out, but ranboo continues to wipe his tears, saying “no no it’s okay”. ranboo gets a message from tubbo which says “need me?” and the last panel shows tubbo making michael laughwhile ranboo leans his chin on michael’s head]
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