#yeah this is
yuuzeart · 1 month
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No more angst, only love and kisses for this cowboy
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how does Matt put on makeup? (Cuz.. you know.. vampire stuff..)
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he gets one of his bfs to do it <3
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heavymetalchemist · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a family-friendly Nintendo product made me interested in fanart of a big red-haired villain pounding a little skinny guy that wears green, I'd have two nickels.
It's not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice in one year.
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ex0rin · 5 months
hey king, thoughts on the silent hill quote that goes
" I place my left hand on your face as though we were to kiss. then I suddenly shove my thumb deep into your eye socket. Abruptly, decisively,like drilling a hole "
personally i think of it very often, im obsessed with it
as someone who's a chicken shit and loves horror but has a Very Hard Time with playing horror games i can safely say that i have not ever read this before but it's part of an entire poem???
read the whole thing rn and uh, holy fuck okay then --
feeling a little insane about it now tbh so thanks for that!
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pilferingapples · 2 years
“it is easy to be kind” says man who died from trying to be kind exactly one (1) time in his life
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mortiflyer · 5 months
the dog is in him but only kind of. on most weekdays, perhaps. and it’s a teacup Pomeranian. but it’s there
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Reblog if it's totally okay for something to come into your askbox/dms and tell you what was yipee and not yipee about their day. Or literally anything else.
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xribcage · 2 years
Cannot stop thinking about pathologic cowboy au just country boy burahk with little kids sleeping in his bull barn and city boy Daniil coming to the country to study and having to bunk with Artemy. Cue hallmark movie esque rich person has to do manual labour montage
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goshdangitpaul · 8 months
Perfect meanings
When I fail assignments in English,
I wonder if I just can’t get it
What my teacher wants me to get
I see the words in a different color than her,
They’re more than black and white
The text is orange and red to me
My themes I can draw from them
They’re so different
They’re so wrong, according to her
I wish I could think like her
So that my paper would have an A
I wish I could live like her,
So that I am exactly what she wants
But I’m not
I’m not normal.
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celestialsolstice · 8 months
yall ever have one of your super close friends basically call you annoying in a round about way behind your back <3
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bornetoblood · 1 year
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I may have  gone a little too far in places
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Crystal, have you SEEN this?! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFbyr9Fv/ I have no idea what the hell this man is on, but I'm starting to suspect your daddy tags are uhm accurate? 🙈. Good luck dealing with this, from your daddy blog anon.
Absolutely going to adopt "Good luck dealing with this" as my new sign off when posting damaging content 😂😂
I don't know if we'll ever top "You wanna fuckin scream for me" as the holy grail of unhinged Ash talk breaks tbh but this... the escalation of intensity and aggression? 😌🤌🏻
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normalbeing404 · 1 year
They should really make quattro formagi pizza with cheese sorts that are very similar so they don't clash with each other
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diorysuss · 2 years
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here’s something i started at 10 pm and ended at 10:40 enjoy
warning of graphic violence of a finger getting bitten.. off, shadows over loathing spoilers and general ares activities
Ares stepped into the office of the general, pissed off. They smelled like shit from crawling in the sewers, felt like shit from running one big fetch quest for all of the prisoners in the office and they were personally ready to fuck up some shit. Each step he took filled up with the same feeling he had felt most of his life; rage. It was consuming him by the second, pumping in his head, dripping down to his chest with heat and pushing his legs forward.
The silence in the room was deathly. Bruise had been watching the young man speed-walk their way towards his own desk, and truthfully, was a bit intimidated. There was no words exchanged in the entire 5 second it took for Ares to come towards Bruise. Just a silence that could crush even a General. But Bruise was not an ordinary general, and God be damned if he gets scared by this interloper with the intelligence of a ration. So he stood his ground when the pig skinner came over, slamming his hands on the beat-up desk.
“What do you want?” The general had sneered in front of Ares.
“I want you to fight me instead of running away like a pussy cat.” Ares spat back. They were pulling on nerves and they knew it; Bruise had squinted his eyes and his eyebrows furrowed on his head. Ares grinned wildly at the sight, pissing the general off even more.
“You think a little piece of hair such as yourself can beat me?” Bruise pointed a finger at the man, jabbing it into his nicest leather jacket. They quickly smacked it away; god be damned if they let that man touch his Italian leather! And the next few movement happened in such a blur he could barely register them.
1. Bruise had grabbed his jacket in an attempt to intimidate him.
2. They punched the other man in the face, hard and fast.
3. Ares was in a headlock before their fist even left contact with Bruise’s face.
They were struggling, face going pale as Bruise tightened his grip. Each punch to his own face was painful, he could feel one of his eyes blackened and blue as the onslaught continued. Ares closed his eyes in a poor attempt to think; but it wasn’t really thinking. It was that little voice in his head that had gotten him through most tough situations in his life. They didn’t know what to call it, but they sure as hell were going to listen to it know.
“Bite him.”
Ok. Sure, little voice in his head!
Ares didn’t know when, or how he even managed to be honest, the next time a punch came, he opened wide
bit down
And when he felt something, increased the pressure by 10 fold. There was an audible noise of pain from Bruise, who thrashed around his hand wildly instinctively. But all that did was easily allow the little nub to detach from the whole hand, and something started flowing into Ares’s mouth. It had the irony taste of blood, but it somehow tasted even worse. They ignored this, and practically flew from the Bruise’s grip. Ares did, however, eagerly spit it out afterwards, the weird black magic that was on Bruise’s hat mixed with his spit and flowed out of his mouth.
Bruise looked at his right hand. It was currently missing half of a ring finger. The shock came to him all too quickly. What the fuck? What the hell? What did that.. thing do? Never in his lifetime had he seen someone do something so.. deranged. And he was an army general! Bruise had stammered onto his couch, while Ares was busy clearing out himself. He had looked to the mouth.. portal thing, seriously considering if he could run towards the Black House and make it to the tell the President that Murray’s Nephew was insane.
“W-what the hell do you want?” Bruise had uttered out, gritting his teeth to show no fear. Ares had slowly turned their head towards him, teeth baring like a wild animal, ready to claim its prey. But all he did was point to the portal, and spoke one sentence; “Get out of here. Now.” Bruise wanted to make a snarky comeback, or something, anything to show he wasn’t scared. But he didn’t. All he did was walk towards the portal, looking long and hard at the person who had just bitten his finger off. And Ares stared back.
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maxphilippa · 2 years
Please take in count that as much as I would like to talk to you, I am genuinely scared of messing up and I can't find the courage to text first. It is not because I find you boring, but because I don't know how to talk and I am intimidaded by you, and I wish it wasn't that way genuinely
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lovely-v · 15 days
It’s crazy and fucked up that being yourself is actually the solution.
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