Here’s a short dating sim for Plushia that I made with powerpoint. Have fun!
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baked-beanbag-chair · 2 years
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Don’t ask what made me make this, I have the worst headache and I will make more.
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baked-beanbag-chair · 2 years
Some Quick Researcher and SCP HCs
Hi there! These are some headcanons from an AU that I am working on on my AO3. It would be difficult to explain all here, so I’ve linked the full fic below where the first chapter explains everything.
Full Fic: Project Annie
Summary: I’m having a little trouble working on and coming up with actual stories, so I decided to make a quick chapter of headcanons about the researchers and even some of the SCPs that visit the school from time to time. I hope y’all enjoy!
Dr. Bright:
-You know that fun sub that every so often teaches your class and it’s immediately an awesome day? Bright is like that, except way more unhinged.
-Will go into long-winded stories if you ask, which he absolutely knows that you’re only asking to postpone classwork (he’s complying because he doesn’t want to teach).
-His lessons tend to be physics-professor level of insanity. Talking about Hume levels and how that relates to reality benders? That classroom is going to be cordoned off from future use until they can fix it….if they can ever fix it.
-Yes, students have gotten injured in past lectures. For this reason, he must always have an accompanying researcher to supervise.
-Responsible for graffiti in the boys’ bathroom. Clef may be an accomplice.
 Dr. Clef:
-Likely to put on a movie rather than teach if it’s a topic he doesn’t care about. The movies are likely to be historical war movies from WWII or the Korean or Vietnam War.
-If it’s a topic he cares about, such as weapons or combat, you’re in for a heckin ride.
-Will host obstacle courses and various tests to train students to be combat-ready once they’re in the field. Thankfully, he takes into account age and ability.
-Has flirted with many of the female-identifying teachers, which has gotten him nowhere except being slapped.
-Is not the kindest to anomalous students and has been reprimanded before.
 Dr. Kondraki:
-As mentioned before, he doesn’t like kids. Middle schoolers in particular are the worst.
-That being said, he can find himself relating to the so-called “quiet” kids. Mainly ones that spend their time busying themselves with work and being fascinated with the anomalous.
-Regardless of age, he will happily work with them and teach them everything he knows.
-His lessons also tend to be more tactile than anything. He’s likely to take students on fields trips into the actually field they’re studying in so he can better teach them.
-Curses and smokes regularly in front of the students.
 Dr. Gears:
-Surprisingly good with the younger kids. He understands they have big emotions and tries to talk through them, despite not showing many.
-His. Lectures. Are. So. So. So. So. So. B.O.R.I.N.G.
-Middle schoolers, being the chaotic children that they are, created a pretend cult around him called COG (Cult of Gears). They give him “offerings” in the form of anything metal, such as paper clips, silverware, and spare change. Unfortunately, the principal had to step in because someone stole various metal door handles and brought them to Gears. COG now operates in the shadows. Gears never pretended to understand and just shrugged off this behavior.
-Unsurprisingly, he has a robotics club that lets the students be creative as well as learn practical uses for machines in the Foundation.
 Dr. Crow:
-Can’t work with anyone younger than high school because they will be too focused on the fact that he’s a dog. Doesn’t entirely mind the kids, though he does ask that they ask before petting him.
-Other than that, the older students enjoy working with him and learning about his work.
-Has created an unhinged subsect of the robotics club (with approval from Gears) that uses anomalous chemistry crossed with technology. Despite causing many an explosion, this subsect is still allowed to function albeit with a long list of rules.
-Probably the best of these researchers to speak to about stress due to schoolwork. Firstly, he studied psychology in the past, and second, he understands trying to constantly be a good student is incredibly stressful.
-He also refuses to give up on students even if they don’t seem to care. He knows that the way these things are taught usually aren’t engaging, and when students don’t appear to care, the reality is they’ve usually been given up on and lost all hope.
 SCP-073 (Cain):
-Very laid-back, partially because he barely understands how to interact with kids nowadays. They scare him.
-He’s very kind and awkward, but at the end of the day he wants everyone to be comfortable in class. He allows snacks and drinks, music when appropriate while wearing headphones, and talking as long as it isn’t too loud.
-Will launch into a lecture in Sumerian or various other languages on accident. This leads into him often times teaching the students about these languages.
-Confused use of modern slang also, in the best way possible.
-Roasts historical figures he had the chance to meet.
-Definitely not there to give any real lessons, unless you’re expecting the lessons to be different games he enjoys playing and how to sneak candy from the teachers’ prize bins.
-Absolutely loves to play with all the kids and will leave no one to sit alone on the playground.
-Also, will be the first one there to comfort a kid in distress. Anywhere from a breakdown to getting hurt to being stressed over an assignment, he’ll sit next to you and help you relax.
-Unfortunately, must be careful around the youngest kids since they don’t quite grasp the idea of not trying to eat inedible things yet, so a teacher usually supervises.
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baked-beanbag-chair · 2 years
Picture Book (Dr. Kondraki & Child!Reader Angst/Fluff)
Hi there! This is part of a collection of oneshots I’m writing on my AO3 under an AU called Project Annie. It’s a bit long to explain and I have a full explanation on my AO3, but basically it’s where the Foundation creates a program where they adopt kids and train them to work for them in the future. 
Full Fic: Project Annie
Summary: As the introverted book kid of your class, you’re a bully’s favorite target. But that doesn’t stop you from enjoying your interests.
 Notes: Reader is elementary age, around 7 or 8.
The summer sun shined down on the blacktop of the playground, heating it up to temperatures perfect for frying an egg. Despite this, nearly every kid in your grade was running around playing various games during recess. Meanwhile, you just wanted to sit in the shade under the awning of the cafeteria and read one of those Eyewitness books about Van Gogh to learn about how his painting styles. The way he viewed the world amazed you, and the movement of his strokes gave life to the scenes he painted.
 A scream across the playground jolted you from your spot, and you looked up to notice that it was just someone trying not to get tagged. Internally, you groaned. You wished you could’ve been in the library, but another class was busy in there and your teachers were worried that you weren’t social enough with your classmates. To be fair, it wasn’t like you hated any of them…or most of them.
 In reality, you were most content when everything around you was quiet and you could sit down and read or draw. You weren’t someone who particularly enjoyed running around or climbing with others, but that didn’t mean you hated people. After all, your report cards always came back saying you were excellent with group projects, even if you did take on the majority (if not all) the work in said group projects. Overall, you just preferred to hide away somewhere peaceful and keep yourself busy with something you enjoyed.
 “Hey!” And there went any hope of enjoying the book any further. You tried your best to pretend that you didn’t hear Gunnar and his posse. Gunnar was one of your classmates and was notorious for being a bully to anyone and everyone. He talked back to teachers, got into fights, stole whatever he wanted from other kids, the classic schtick. And no matter how many times he got in trouble, he didn’t care. Word was that he was in the program because his father was a well-known member of the Red Right Hand, but others thought it was just talk to make him seem cooler. Either way, he had his sights at becoming an MTF member in the future, and eventually becoming part of that elite team.
 “Hey, butthead!” He was standing right in front of you; from your gaze you could see his torn-up, dirtied tennis shoes close to touching your only slightly worn ones. The entire class had just gotten new pairs issued just a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Gunnar, you reasoned. Cautiously, you brought your gaze up to his, noting on the way that the teachers on recess duty were out of view. You were alone, trapped with this bully and two of his goons. Even if they weren’t much bigger than you, you were on your own.
 “Why didn’t you answer me?” Your response came almost automatically, sounding extremely unamused.
 “My name’s not butthead.” Gunnar rolled his eyes, reaching out a hand covered in mulch and dirt from the playground. You shuddered to think about why and wondered why he didn’t think of cleaning his grubby mitts.
 “Whatever, give me the book.” Moving the book behind your back, you stood and stared him down.
 “Why would you want it? You told the librarian that you thought reading was dumb.” With a grin, he attempted to hop to your side and reach around to grab it, only for you block him and back up further against a wall.
 “It is dumb. I’m gonna use it to make paper planes.” His goons stood on other side of you, blocking your escape. Still, you didn’t want to back down. These books meant something to you, and you weren’t going to let some dumb kid tear them apart just to fly some stupid paper airplanes.
 “No, I’m busy reading it. Go somewhere else!” Gunnar’s anger was reaching a fever pitch, as indicated by his face which began to grow redder.
 “There aren’t any books anywhere else, so hand it over!” A yelp came from you as he slammed his shoulder into you like some sort of linebacker, hitting you in the stomach and causing you to drop the book. One of the other kids grabbed it as soon as it fell, and you were left to crumple on the ground as the three of them ran away laughing. Tears formed in your eyes as you tried not to throw up. No one came to your aid, none of the teachers had seen it.
 It wasn’t until a few minutes of crying and holding your stomach that another one of your classmates noticed and ran over to help. While you weren’t exactly friends, she was always polite and kind and you were happy to reciprocate. She helped you up and began bringing you to one of the teachers. That’s when you heard the distinct rip of paper.
 You looked over to see Gunnar and his friends running around, happily tearing pages out of the book and making shoddy paper airplanes with them. Most of them couldn’t even fly, just pathetically crashing into the ground. It was such a waste. A waste…that cost you one of your most favorite things in the world. And they were laughing. They were laughing at you.
 A rush of emotions that you had never felt before rose up in your chest. Fury burned through your heart, rivaling the heat on that day. Steam might as well have been shooting out your ears. An anger similar to that of a charging bull ready to impale someone on its horns. And it all broke once Gunnar’s eyes met yours and he said one fatal phrase.
 “Got anymore books we could use?” With that, you broke away from your classmate’s grip, making a beeline for the bully. You barely remember the conscious decision that led you to doing this. All you remember was knocking him over and then getting attacked by his friends. All Hell broke loose as the four of you fought, only to be stopped by a teacher running over and dragging you apart. The next thing you remember was staring blankly at the blacktop, your classmates surrounding the four of you with your teacher grabbing your arm to drag your away. You could taste blood on your lips, feel as parts of your face swelled. But all that pain was worth it. Gunnar was crying like a baby, his nose having been broken by you.
“This isn’t like you. I know you really liked that book, but that was not appropriate behavior.” You nodded, wincing as the teacher lectured you and helped you patch up your injuries.
 “I’m sorry…” She finished standing and washing her hands at the classroom sink.
 “Don’t say sorry to me. Say sorry to Gunnar. You’re lucky that the break wasn’t that bad.” You curled up in your seat, bringing your knees to your chest,
 “He ripped apart my book…�� After drying her hands off, your teacher turned back and kneeled in front of you.
 “And we can buy a new one. You can’t buy a new nose…okay, well technically you can, but it costs more than a book.” Finally face to face with your teacher, you exploded.
 “It’s still not fair for him to get away with it! He gets away with everything! Why doesn’t he just go live with his mom and dad?” She flinched, not used to you being loud, before taking a breath.
 “First of all, give yourself a moment to breathe. Remember how we practice that every morning?” Slowly, you breathed in for a few seconds before breathing out, starting to calm down, “Good, now I’m going to tell you something that you can’t tell anyone else. Promise me that you won’t?” She held out her pinkie. You hesitated before holding out your own.
 “Okay, now you need to understand that Gunnar cannot go back to his parents. His father…is no longer with us.” She paused before continuing, “Unfortunately, he was lost on an important mission. His wife, Gunnar’s mother, died shortly after he was born. He’s in this program because he has nowhere else to go. We’re working on these outbursts with him, but incidents like this will only make things worse. So please, next time let us know if he’s doing this.” You thought for a moment before nodding. Part of you was still angry with him for everything, but you couldn’t help but feel just a little guilty.
 “Now look, I didn’t want you to miss today’s guest, so I’m letting you off the hook for today. But I need you to be on your best behavior. Deal?” She held out her hand. You took it, shaking it.
 “Who’s the guest?” A small, uncomfortable sigh escaped her.
 “A researcher named Dr. Kondraki. Um…well you didn’t hear it from me, but class may end early today…”
“You were serious?” Dr. Bright leaned back in his seat after parking in front of the school, a smug grin on his face. Dr. Kondraki was ready to slap it off his face, but he couldn’t afford to be written up again. Especially not if these were the consequences.
 “I hate kids, Jack…I really, really hate them.”
 “Why? You got a lot in common with them! You both like bugs, get grumpy when you don’t get your way- “
 “Shut up.” Kondraki finally grabbed his bag, getting out of the car and walking toward the entrance of the school with his fellow researcher. He was starting to wish his punishment was being fed to 682 instead of teaching a bunch of brats about his job. It wasn’t his fault a junior researcher got killed in a breach, even if he pushed them in front of 049 in order to distract him and get away…okay, maybe that was his fault. Still, this was probably the worst punishment possible they could’ve given him.
 “Hi there, Dr. Kondraki I presume?” A teacher stood in the doorway, allowing the researchers in.
 “Unfortunately, where are the little sh-?” Bright interjected.
 “He means who are we teaching today?” A glare came from Kondraki before the teacher awkwardly led them down the hall toward your class.
 “You’ll be teaching grade 3, class Kappa today. And please,” The teacher glowered back at the scruffy researcher, “Do not use that language in front of the students.” Kondraki gave a silent, uncaring nod while the other researcher nervously laughed.
 “Noted! Thanks for showing us where the class is!” She nodded before walking off. Taking a final breath of air as a free man, Kondraki opened the door and walked in quietly with Bright in tow. All the kids immediately started to quiet down, looking toward the large man as he set his bag down on your teacher’s desk. You looked up from your book on Greek myths, immediately darting your eyes back down when his gaze swept the room. He was intimidating, especially to a class of kids who had been taught to respect all researchers who came to teach at the school. Softly, your teacher cleared her throat.
 “Class, this is Dr. Kondraki. He’s here to teach you about his work with photographing anti-memetic anomalies and the tools he uses. And this is Dr. Bright, who will be helping him today. Everyone say hello!” On command, everyone, including you at a low volume, said “Hello Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Bright” in a forced tone. He scrunched up his nose quietly, allowing Bright to step in.
 “Hey kids! We got a fun little activity for you all to try out!” With that, he held up an older-looking camera that looked like it could be from the 90s. You felt yourself cheering up a little, having read about how the camera was built to develop photos to be printed right after they were taken. Unfortunately, a voice broke you out of that excitement.
 “What’s so special about it?” Gunnar piped up from the back of the class with a sneer. The teacher frowned at him, but Bright continued.
 “Not just any camera, this is SCP-978, or as we call it- “ He motioned enthusiastically to Kondraki, who replied in a monotone voice.
 “The desire camera. It’s a camera that can capture your desires at any given time. Whether they are your deepest wishes, or perhaps just a toy that you saw in a magazine and wanted.” Your eyes immediately widened and you found yourself leaning in closer to get a better look. How could such a simple object do something so fantastic? Where did it come from? How did it work? You wanted- no, you needed to know. The cheerful, ginger researcher continued with a dorky smirk.
 “Who wants to go first?” Despite a bunch of hands going up and yours staying firmly by your side, his eyes immediately went to you. Perhaps because you were in the first row, an odd one out because of your quiet nature or your new injuries from earlier that day. Whatever made him pick you, it didn’t matter. You felt your face heating up as he happily nodded to you.
 “How about you, kiddo?” Your throat seizing up so you couldn’t protest, you awkwardly stood and moved to have your picture taken. As you stood in front of the desk, you felt as a hand carefully grabbed your shoulder and moved you in front of the whiteboard. Without looking up, you knew it was Kondraki who calmly muttered under his breath.
 “Stay in a neutral pose over here, okay? Can’t have anyone else in the shot.” A soft okay came from you as you held your hands in front of you and looked ahead at Bright who held the camera up.
 “Smile!” And with a flash that startled you slightly, the picture was taken. You awkwardly stood there a few moments before Kondraki motioned for you to take your seat again, you quickly obeying and rushing back to your seat. Bright strode over to him, handing the developing photo to his fellow researcher. The scruffy man examined the photo a few moments before holding it up for everyone to see. You nearly gasped.
 Of course, it was you, but not in the same pose or place. It was you in the library, curled up in a chair and reading a Magic Treehouse book about the rainforest. You seemed relaxed, a cup of your favorite drink and a small plate with your favorite snacks on the table beside you. It looked like how you would normally spend your snack breaks, even though it would get you in trouble sometimes.
 “This is what happens when the camera takes your photo.” Kondraki spoke up, “It seems your classmate would rather be alone and reading than in class right now. Can’t say I blame them…” He sounded a little exasperated as he finished his sentence, placing the photo on the desk in front of him. Suddenly a shout came from the back of the class.
 “Nerd!” Wincing, you knew exactly who it was. Everyone except you glanced back at Gunnar who grinned and walked to the front of the class, stopping beside your desk. He leaned on it, tilting it and allowing your stuff to fall off it.
 “How about you take my photo next? It’ll probably be way cooler.” You couldn’t help what you said next, wishing you had simply said it in your head.
 “Like your dead dad?” The room seemed to freeze for a moment, everyone staring at the pair of you in stunned silence. You could feel the wind from Gunnar turning to you, watching as the adults at the front of the room rushed to try and stop him. Then, you got hit in the side of the head, and everything went black.
“Alright, only one kid unconscious. Not the worst for your first lesson.”
 “How many kids get hurt in your lessons?!” You groaned, trying to cover your head and get away from the voices. Your head felt empty and yet so heavy at the same time. Waves of pain hit you again and again. The two researchers in the room with you took notice, quieting down.
 “Um, hey kid?” Reluctantly, you opened your eyes to see Bright and Kondraki standing beside the bed you were laying in. Looking around, you realized you were in the nurse’s station. Without warning, Bright waved his hands in front of your face.
 “How many fingers am I holding up?” The other researcher pulled him back, moving to sit on the bed beside you.
 “Quit it, let them relax.” He changed his attention toward you, causing you to look away like you had in class earlier, “Look, uh, sorry that happened. I dunno what you said, but no one deserves to get hit like that.” You kept your eyes on the blanket draped over you and mumbled.
 “Not your fault, I shouldn’t have said that…” He shrugged and patted you awkwardly on the shoulder.
 “Doesn’t matter, that other kid’s in a lot of trouble. Had to end the day early. That being said,” He grabbed his bag from earlier and pulled out two items: your photo from earlier and an interesting-looking camera. Your eyes flicked to it, looking over the two items.
 “Your teacher wanted me to do a one-on-one lesson with you. And Bright said I technically didn’t serve my full punishment.” A groan escaped him as he was jabbed by the other man in the shoulder. This earned a small laugh from you, which caused an involuntary grin to form on Kondraki’s face.
 “Alright, so I’ll show you how I take pictures with this. How does that sound?” You excitedly looked at the camera before nodding to the large man. A hour went by, Kondraki teaching you basic techniques while Bright supervised the pair of you. Eventually, they had to leave and let you rest, leaving you with your photo and a stack of books to read before bed. At the end of it, Kondraki walked out with his fellow researcher toward their car with a thought in his head. His companion noticed this, asking what was on his mind.
 “…do you think I could tutor them in the future?” Bright smirked, knowing he had new ammo for jokes toward him.
 “Maybe, it’s probably for the better considering it’d be harder to start fights with only one student.”
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