banapis · 3 years
A Note from Your Long Absent Scribe and A Snippet.
Well, dear people, I hope this current year is treating you much better than last (talk about medieval overtones...a plague, strange superstitions, ghosties and ghoulies (and not the fun kind.))
I can't make any promises, dear reader, but I hope to be a little more consistent here. I even have a snippet from a story that kind of imploded. A snippet it truly is and I thought it was too good to risk being lost in the depths of my SD card. Maybe we'll even get to find out what happened before and after someday.
Copia looked around at all the various tools scattered around the chamber. This was not the Copia they thought they knew. This was not the suave, yet sometimes seemingly awkward Cardinal Copia. This Copia was deadly. This Copia was about to show them a few of the secrets they thought they wanted to know, thought they could torture him into spilling. As he picked one of the tools up and examined it, his voice went low.
"Amateurs. Nothing but rank *amateurs.* You know nothing of true torture. You tear and bite at the flesh, but you don't understand. You don't understand how that is *nothing.* Skin. Flesh. Pain so temporary. So fleeting that one never remembers the actual pain, only the memory of it. Otherwise, most women wouldn't endure the pain of giving birth more than once."
"No, children, I'm going to show you what *real* torture is," he said as he stopped and smiled at them. "And oh, what *delights* I have to show you."
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banapis · 4 years
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Hello? Is anyone still out there?
Please allow this Scribe to apologize for being away for so long. I did not mean for it to turn into a sabbatical or to leave any stories hanging. Hopefully, Copia (that is who he will remain here, for a little while at least, since he's out in the middle of who-knows-where and those Ministry rations are probably still reason to go on a killing spree) will still speak to me and allow me to tell his stories.
Meanwhile, please also allow me to leave this WIP here. Somewhere down the road, I may tell the Papas' stories. Of course though, when I went to draw Papa III, he didn't want to be Medieval. He wanted to be all fancy and Renaissance, with the brocades and such.
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banapis · 4 years
Yeah, mine is set in medieval times. I haven't added to it in a bit, but I plan to get back to it as soon as life settles a bit. (You'd think all this self isolation would help that, but it's been just the opposite. lol)
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banapis · 5 years
Sorry it took me so long to answer, @mizaidbz. Thank you so much - I'm honored!
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banapis · 5 years
Why, thank you, @mizaidbz ! 😁
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banapis · 5 years
A Note from your Scribe...
This Scribe apologizes for being even slower than usual in posting. It may continue for a few more weeks - I'm trying to get as many paintings done as I can for the Nashville Tomato Art Fest!
I'm excited, slightly nervous and dreadfully out of practice. I haven't painted in about three years, but someone reminded me that I said I "needed one more year" to get back to it this time last year. Nothing like the Universe giving you a kick in the ass to hold you to your word.
If you're curious, you can find sketches, drawings, cats, future paintings and whatnot on my Instagram page:
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banapis · 5 years
Please indulge this Scribe in posting a small snippet...
The Cardinal kissed the young woman's neck before he started undoing the stays of her dress.  Before completely undressing her, he drew her in close as he began chanting the cantrip that would release the black plague within his body. He chanted in Italian with a low, sing song voice as he nuzzled and nibbled her ear.
As he did so, the woman sighed and smiled.  "That is beautiful.  What is it?"
Copia straightened as he slid the dress off her shoulders and it fell to the floor.  "It's all for you," he said as he leaned in to press his now deadly lips to hers.
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banapis · 5 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!! :D ♡ (~Mintyghoulette)
Why, thank you, Minty!
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banapis · 5 years
Oops...I inadvertently broke it with my absence. Thank you for the hug, @violetoftheflies!
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banapis · 5 years
This Scribe is humbled...
My self imposed break went a bit longer than I meant, but imagine my surprise when I see all the notifications of likes, follows and whatnot! Thank you for visiting my odd little world!
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banapis · 5 years
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The Vagaries of Magic, Chapter Two: A Pale White Companion
Many pleasant miles on the verdant path had passed beneath Copia's feet and dusk was not far off. He was sure he was still being followed, but he had yet to see exactly who - or what - it was. He almost wished the ghouls were back so they could scout the area, but he could not retrieve them from their realm for a while yet. 
It was odd.  Sometimes his follower made a ridiculous racket as it crashed through the undergrowth by the side of the path, like a wounded animal. Other times, there was an otherworldly hum as the leaves were kicked up in the wake of something unseen racing toward him, but it never seemed to reach him. After a while, he had almost longed to hear that hum. It sounded as beautiful to him as it was terrible.
Dark clouds had started to gather earlier and now they were making their way across the sky. It promised to be a turbulent night and he hoped to find shelter before the storm arrived.  As he walked on, he mentally added "A soaked and miserable Copia in an inadequate tent" to "Those absolutely vile travel rations" on the list of reasons to go a killing spree.
A mile or so down the path, he found an abandoned barn, but it didn't appear to have been so for very long. It was reasonably clean, either someone had let the animals out or had never brought them back in one night. There was plenty of straw laid by, ready to be spread into the adjoining stalls.  By the smell of it, there was a loft full of hay as well. The sweet smell of the hay sparked memories of his home back in Norcia as took off his cassock and set about making camp. It reminded him of the chamomile his Nona grew. For some reason, he also remembered the time his sister had her eye on a boy and he chuckled. Copia had spiked his drink with a strong tincture of cascara sagada. The poor boy cramped so badly he thought he was dying. I wonder if she ever forgave me? He grinned wider.  Knowing her, he thought, she probably still names the rooster after me knowing one day it will face a hatchet.
He was almost finished with camp when he thought he heard a light knock followed by some scratching on the door. Off in the distance, the hum had also returned.
Pulling his black handled dagger from his pack, he quietly walked toward the door. He pushed back the latch and the door started to open under its own weight. Suddenly, Copia didn't have time to react as something made its way in and he was attacked by what seemed at first to be a very big, screaming demon.
"Aw shit!!"
He had enough time to flail his arms in an attempt to protect his face, but almost as soon as it started, the battle was over. The dust and debris began to settle as he shut the door.
He tried to knock the worst of the dust and dirt off his clothes while he got his first good look at his attacker. He raised an eyebrow as he watched his now not so large assailant wandering over and inspecting where Copia had set up for the night. Apparently, he did a decent job because she found herself a spot in the straw and made herself comfortable. It was obvious that he was not going have any say in the matter.
Giving in to the inevitable, he followed her example and settled into the straw with a sigh. He put the black dagger on the straw by his side before pulling one of the apples and his white handled knife out of his pack. As he peeled the fruit, he tossed the broken pieces to his new companion, who seemed to be delighted with her good luck.
He chuckled as she daintily picked at her food. Suddenly, he was glad the ghouls weren't here after all. "I can imagine the stories the ghouls would tell if they found out about you, yes? 'Ut oh! Here comes Copia, the dread Red Angel of Death and His pale white...chicken. Look out! He may be out of a job soon. She looks like she's going to lay an Egg of Pestilence!"
The hen simply replied with a quiet and contented "brwaaaaaaaaaaaa."
He snickered as he sliced the apple. They ate in companionable silence as the rain started to fall, pattering gently on the roof. He removed the seeds from the apple core and tossed it to the hen before rummaging in his pack for something more filling.
Suddenly the otherworldly hum came closer to the barn. Copia forgot all about his pack because there seemed to be something hidden within the hum, but he couldn't quite make it out. He was listening to it intently when something crashed heavily into the door.
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banapis · 5 years
I'll try not to wax too rhapsodic about my imaginary boyfriend - my love, center of my imaginary worl.....:::ahem:::
I mean...
Yes. I like this band. I am interested in your proposal.
You like the band Ghost / are okay with me sending you Ghost memes / want to talk about Ghost with me ily
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banapis · 5 years
This or That
Thanks, @atricksterproblem for the tag!
This or that: bold which you prefer, then tag 10 people. 
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorms or lightning
Egyptian Mythology or Greek Mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
denim or leather
opera or ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party
I'm bending the rule - if you want to play, then consider yourself tagged!
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banapis · 5 years
My dearest Copia:
Perhaps you should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque. You would have gotten Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil home by now.
Just sayin'.
All my love,
Your Scribe.
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banapis · 5 years
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(First things first - would anyone be interested in seeing more finished art, perhaps paintings or digital? Maybe even buy some in future?)
Papa II is a knight of the Church. He's heading toward the holy city, but he certainly isn't going to help anyone in their crusade to save it in the name of their gods.
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banapis · 5 years
Banapis is the crescent moon that hangs over the garden in the H.P. Lovecraft poem Nathicana.
Guys please reply to this with what your url means or references I’m really curious
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banapis · 5 years
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