band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: 馃幎God rest thee merry gentlemen you cannot go that slow馃幎
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: Low brass you have your moment here! The rest of the band you are out making snowballs that you will use to attack them later and steal the melody
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: Is there someone on bass drum Loud Percussionist: No, he's gone today. I can play it thou- Whole Band: NO
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: The kid on the snare will lead the band by keeping the tempo. If not, I'll just throw this eraser at him
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: On the timpani dampen it after that last note Loud Percussionist: But it doesn't say so Band Director: Still dampen it Loud Percussionist: But usually if the composer wants it dampened, they鈥檒l put a staccato or som- Percussionists: JUST DAMPEN IT!!
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: I'm sorry you're going to have to give up the timpani part there. It's not that important and I want you on sleigh bells instead Loud Percussionist: I can do both Band Director: Nuh uh. I know you to well. You'll thwack the timpani with the sleigh bells and none of us want to hear that
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Tuba: I'll be right back Me: Alright Tuba: *whispers* I gotta tinkle
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Low brass instructor: Make sure you pay attention to repeats and D.C al Codas. It always sucks when you're that person who gets to the end and go CRAP His Siri: That's not nice Low Brass Instructor: Huh. I activated Siri. Hey Siri? Siri: Hmmm? Low Brass Instructor: Crap Siri: Crack Cocaine
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Conversation between Mod Euphonium and The pope
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Conversation between Mod Euphonium and The pope
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Music Theory Professor: What is Music Theory? Other than torture?
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Tiny Trombone: You regretting music yet? Mod Euphonium: Nope Tiny Trombone: Tired? Mod Euphonium: Nope I feel wide awake today Tiny Trombone: Oh, so you had caffeine today Mod Euphonium: I actually rarely drink caffeine Tiny Trombone: Impossible Mod Euphonium: I also get almost 8 hours of sleep a night Tiny Trombone: You terrify me
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Mod Euphonium: *waddles into low brass seminar* Tiny Trombone: Look! A new victim. Eyes so bright and full of life. Energy pulsating from her. Welcome to hell it'll be about a week before you're questioning majors and addicted to caffeine Low Brass Instructor: We've talked about this. No scaring of the new kids
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Music Theory Professor: Good morning! Students: *very weak good morning back* Music Theory Professor: You asked for it *plays very crunchy chord on piano*
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Music Theory Professor: *accidentally plays crunchy chord* Music Theory Professor: That's how I feel having to see you guys at 10 am
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Tuba: Maybe you should listen to what's going on around you Mod Euphonium: MAYBE I COULD IF YOUR TUBA WASN'T BLARING IN MY EAR!!! Band Director: Ooo things are finally getting interesting
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band-room-quotes 2 years
Band Director: TROMBONES BE MORE AGGRESIVE. You are arresting someone not taking them out for a cup of tea.聽
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