banddreams · 11 years
Not band member specific and (Y/N) _______________________________________ You were home from tour before him and had been writing for the new album the past week you'd been home. It was weird being home without him because it felt so lonely when all you had was a few fish in a fish tank. You sat on your bed, guitar under the arm, composing your next piece. You were going for something happy this time to show your fans how he made you feel and how you'd finally found the one. You sang to the melody you had so far written, "And now all I want is..." No. That doesn't work. "All I see is..." You let out a frustrated sigh. If he was here he'd know what to do... A voice sings round the door "All I see is your beauty smiling back to me, (Y/N)". Funny, that sounds like- He was home, a few hours early, too! You get up and run over to him, swinging your arms around your tattooed prince. Smiling softly, you thank him for the line. Your prince picks you up and places you opposite him on the bed as, in his sweaty and tired mess, starts to play what you have written out. When he gets to where you stopped, he looks up and smiles at you, "This is like you written on paper; beautiful". As you blush like a schoolgirl and move over to lean on his shoulder, he asks if he can feature on the song. Him? Feature? It would be perfect! Of course you say! He would bring so much to the song! He asked you to sing it to him, so you did, eventually when you finish he beams his smile at you which makes your insides melt like ice cream in a heat wave. "That's what I wrote the song about..." you say softly to him, through a smile you can't hold back. "What?" he murmurs, confused as to what you're on about. You reached to kiss him, telling him exactly what the song was about.
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banddreams · 11 years
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Being on tour with Of Mice And Men, you're best friend's with Austin, and he brings you on stage to sing with them right at the end, finally throwing you in the crowd...
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banddreams · 11 years
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Hey guys, it’s Amy! I’d just like to say before I start this, this imagine is for/dedicated to April because she asked me to write her a Tay Jardine one because she has the biggest girl crush on Tay ever imaginable. So here it is…
Imagine:One morning you were woken up by your beautiful girlfriend, Tay lay beside you staring at you. She smiles at you loving and says “Good morning, Gorgeous.” Today was the day she was taking you on a date, you didn’t know where. After you’d both eaten breakfast, she told you to dress in casual but warm clothes, so you did. When you were ready, she dragged you out to the car skipping and giggling with happiness. You both jammed in the car, dancing and singing along to both of your bands. You eventually arrived at the destination: the carnival. As you walked to the entrance together, she intertwined your fingers with hers and giggled at you softly as you kissed her nose. Suddenly, she let go of your hand and started running towards the carousel shouting behind her at you to follow her.  She eventually reached the carousel and hopped on, as you were spinning round, admiring her beauty she was taking pictures of you posing to post on instagram, your fans loved you guys together and supported you so much. The day went by quickly; you won presents for each other and had an all-round amazing time. You had wanted to go on the Ferris wheel all day but Tay insisted you left it until last. Eventually, you queued up for the ride and when getting on the man at the front winked at you both and said “have fun ladies” you knew something was going on. You and Tay sat together holding hands as she leant on your shoulder admiring the sunset. As you got to the top, the ride stopped; you started panicking but Tay told you everything would be okay and told you to look up at the sky. All of a sudden, a firework display began. You looked at Tay in awe “t-this is for me?” you stuttered, she nodded her head “I love you so much April” she said as she leant in to kiss you.  As you pulled away, you looked at the sky as the fireworks began to end; suddenly the sky lit up with the words “Will you marry me?”  you began to well up with tears, emotional. Tay looked at you, got down on one knee and says “April, I love you so much, you mean the world to me. You’re so talented, beautiful, funny and supportive and all I can ask is that you spend the rest of your life with me?” You nod as tears begin to fall, unable to speak. Tay stands up and slips a ring on your finger. You hug each other and kiss. After the ride was finish, you head home. “Today, was truly a good day” you thought as you lay in bed once again with your soon to be wife. 
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banddreams · 11 years
Imagine Playing A Gig And...
Seeing the crowd are singing along to one of your songs, you swing your mic up so they can sing it and they complete the rest of the song. You’re standing there, crying from joy, in a silent room of 2,000 people who all just screamed your own song back to you…
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banddreams · 11 years
Being on stage performing and All Time Low ruining your set by carrying you off stage as Alex takes your mic and sings the rest of your song in a stupid fake (Where you’re from) accent
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banddreams · 11 years
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Imagine: There's a day off on tour, everyone decided to go for a meal then to the movies, you're hanging out with Jack and Alex when everyone's about to leave, but you guys aren't ready yet so you told them you'd catch up later. Upon leaving, you can't find the restaurant because no one told you which one you're going to...
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banddreams · 11 years
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Imagine doing a podcast interview with Alex and talking about all the ships and fan fictions written about members of All Time Low and your band.
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banddreams · 11 years
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Hey guys, it's Amy! I'd just like to say before I start this, this imagine is for/dedicated to April because she asked me to write her a Tay Jardine one because she has the biggest girl crush on Tay ever imaginable. So here it is...
Imagine: One morning you were woken up by your beautiful girlfriend, Tay lay beside you staring at you. She smiles at you loving and says “Good morning, Gorgeous.” Today was the day she was taking you on a date, you didn’t know where. After you’d both eaten breakfast, she told you to dress in casual but warm clothes, so you did. When you were ready, she dragged you out to the car skipping and giggling with happiness. You both jammed in the car, dancing and singing along to both of your bands. You eventually arrived at the destination: the carnival. As you walked to the entrance together, she intertwined your fingers with hers and giggled at you softly as you kissed her nose. Suddenly, she let go of your hand and started running towards the carousel shouting behind her at you to follow her.  She eventually reached the carousel and hopped on, as you were spinning round, admiring her beauty she was taking pictures of you posing to post on instagram, your fans loved you guys together and supported you so much. The day went by quickly; you won presents for each other and had an all-round amazing time. You had wanted to go on the Ferris wheel all day but Tay insisted you left it until last. Eventually, you queued up for the ride and when getting on the man at the front winked at you both and said “have fun ladies” you knew something was going on. You and Tay sat together holding hands as she leant on your shoulder admiring the sunset. As you got to the top, the ride stopped; you started panicking but Tay told you everything would be okay and told you to look up at the sky. All of a sudden, a firework display began. You looked at Tay in awe “t-this is for me?” you stuttered, she nodded her head “I love you so much April” she said as she leant in to kiss you.  As you pulled away, you looked at the sky as the fireworks began to end; suddenly the sky lit up with the words “Will you marry me?”  you began to well up with tears, emotional. Tay looked at you, got down on one knee and says “April, I love you so much, you mean the world to me. You’re so talented, beautiful, funny and supportive and all I can ask is that you spend the rest of your life with me?” You nod as tears begin to fall, unable to speak. Tay stands up and slips a ring on your finger. You hug each other and kiss. After the ride was finish, you head home. “Today, was truly a good day” you thought as you lay in bed once again with your soon to be wife. 
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banddreams · 11 years
I'd just like to tell all of our dear followers. I am Amy, this account is not only run by me, it's run by my best-friend April as well. We should be putting our personal blog links somewhere on this blog sometime soon so you can check them out if you want to:)  P.S: we love you all<3 
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banddreams · 11 years
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You're standing side stage watching all time low as they're all like brothers to you when you notice Alex doing the leg thing, you burst out laughing and he snaps his head towards you and gives you a confused look but carries on performing. After the performance, you're attacked with sweaty hugs from all 4 boys. Alex begins question you about why you were laughing at him so you explain everything about 'the leg thing'. The next day, you're side stage watching the guys again, they're half way through performing Backseat serenade as you notice Alex do the leg thing again as he turns his head and winks at you jokingly. After the song Jack picks you up and carries you on stage as the boys force you to perform a song with them as you couldn't help but grin.
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banddreams · 11 years
Imagine Being On Tour With Adam Elmakias...
He's on your band's tour bus for a few nights and he fell asleep while editing photos in his bunk. You get his laptop, google nude pictures and photoshop Adam's head onto it. You post it on his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr
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banddreams · 11 years
You still have your band blog and using it to interact with fans and reblog their selfies
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banddreams · 11 years
Imagine Playing A Gig And...
Seeing the crowd are singing along to one of your songs, you swing your mic up so they can sing it and they complete the rest of the song. You're standing there, crying from joy, in a silent room of 2,000 people who all just screamed your own song back to you...
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banddreams · 11 years
Your band is just starting out and it's one of your first gigs in California. You pour your soul into your set. After the last song you feel tears run down your face from being overwhelmed by the joy of having a amazing reception from the crowd. You go back stage only to be surprised by Jack and Alex who watched your show. The ask why your crying and hug you while they tell you how amazing your band is. I didn't know if this was the format for the submission. But I love you idea for this! Thx
Haha yeah it is its cool, I haven’t actually got round to opening the submit post so I’ll post it like this:)
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banddreams · 11 years
Your band is just starting out and it's one of your first gigs in California. You pour your soul into your set. After the last song you feel tears run down your face from being overwhelmed by the joy of having a amazing reception from the crowd. You go back stage only to be surprised by Jack and Alex who watched your show. The ask why your crying and hug you while they tell you how amazing your band is. I didn't know if this was the format for the submission. But I love you idea for this! Thx
Haha yeah it is its cool, I haven’t actually got round to opening the submit post so I’ll post it like this:)
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banddreams · 11 years
You're In The Studio, Recording...
You just finished and you’re really proud of your upcoming album. Jenna came to visit you in the studio, she listens to some of the new stuff and falls in love with one of your songs;
"Hey, (Your Name), can I be on this one? I love it so much!"
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banddreams · 11 years
Your Band Are Having A Bus Party...
It was a great night and you fell asleep on one of the sofas, you go to your bunk to find Jack asleep in it. You wake him up; "Jack..?" "What? Why am I in your bunk?" "I was wondering, too!" "Oh well, come cuddle me!"
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