battlesinmybrain · 12 days
“wine drunk”
I lay alone,
late at night,
sweet wine lazing through my body.
how can something that coats my tongue like honey?
and warms my belly like a sunny embrace?
make my world so dark, and me so lost.
my brain and my body are in disagreement.
my body loves the golden elixir,
my brain knows that it will not love me back.
just like you
oh warm, sweet, sunny, embracer of me
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battlesinmybrain · 2 months
-almost 22-
who am i?
i ask myself,
looking in the mirror,
after a shower.
my hair is longer,
and darker
my skin is aged
I don’t recognize myself.
i wonder how it came to be,
that I look and don’t know me
the loves of my past
have all failed…
the people
the passions
the hobbies
i wonder if as i gave up on them,
i gave up on myself as well.
how do you find yourself
after so long?
how do i see the little girl I once was
in my face again?
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battlesinmybrain · 3 months
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(paired with)
my relationship to sleep is the worst
i don’t understand dating culture
all the people i have ever loved were first my friends
how do so many things go wrong at once?
does the universe keep score?
will i ever be able to feel normal?
will i always be feel on the edge of unexplainable sorrow and madness?
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