be2tbuy · 10 years
((follow my potterstuck sollux for a gr9 timeline.))
((same icon? yes. same blog? no. follow my potterstuck sol! uvu ill be over THERE if you wanna talk to my captors.))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
((im p done w/ this sol but while i decide if i will reanimate him somewhere else you can find me on my dave.))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
Tumblr, I desperately need your help.
Or, more so, a friend of mine does. Our little town has been through a lot. While I am busy emotionally recovering from having narrowly escaped three tornado touchdowns in my small town, our community has banded together to help support those who lost their lives during these awful storms.  Two days ago my friend was in a very bad car accident. She's banged up and traumatized, but otherwise fine. However, her two children and husband were in the car with her at the time. She was eight months pregnant at the time, and in the car with her was her 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter. The little girl survived with some cuts and bruises, along with seat belt burns on her neck. No broken bones, though, and is expected to make a full recovery. The accident was caused by slick roads. It's still being determined exactly how the accident happened, but it is believed the second car involved hydroplaned around the curve and directly hit the driver's side. Her husband leaned over to protect her during the impact, hoping to save her and their unborn child by sacrificing himself. They survived, however, he did not. Her son, only 3 years old, passed away during the accident too. She is not much older than I am. She has two funerals to pay for, and two children to raise alone after losing the love of her life and her first born child. She is truly taking this situation very hard, and at the moment is in ICU. She is alright, and will be released in due time, but right now she needs support more than anything. Our community is small (physically the one I live in). We can raise some, but it's no where near where she needs to be at. They are looking to raise $10k. Which is a lot of money, but all things considered, not enough for her to keep her stable for a while. She has no way to support her children, no way to provide funerals for her family. Her GoFundMe page is located HERE. I know she was not part of the Rooster Teeth family, but I know what an amazing community this is. She suffered an awful loss that no living thing should have to go through. I want to do what I can to try and get the word out. Even if you can't donate, spreading the word would mean the world to me. Anything, anything at all, helps her out.  If you are interested in the whole news story regarding the accident, you can view that HERE. Again, if you can even just spread the word to help out this family it would mean a lot to our small town. we are a very close community, but there is only so much we can do.
(NOTE: I posted this originally on my RT profile. If you see it there and are skeptical about it being here, just know that this is literally just me taking that post and putting it here.)
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be2tbuy · 10 years
crownsandcuttlefish replied to your post:crownsandcuttlefish replied to your post:((would...
well i think all of ur muses that ive seen are super on point. id go w either jake or sollux bc there are so few of them. (but ur solluxes have always been a personal fav of mine!!)
((pbbtbtb ty ;w; those are the two im most confident with im just llike augh which one get a little bit more interaction? because id rather not have the blog die 8( ))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
crownsandcuttlefish replied to your post:((would you say theres a higher demand for humans...
trolls, probably. the only reason i would say humans is bc everyone has a boner for dave strider
((im basically torn between reopening sol elsewhere or reopening a new jake uou))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
((would you say theres a higher demand for humans or trolls))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
((i've come online to say i'm coming back.
not to this blog. he wasn't interacted with enough.
but i'm coming back.
and it's gonna be good.))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
ii've been doiing thiing2.
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be2tbuy · 10 years
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be2tbuy · 10 years
ju2t bought purple ray ban2. iif there wa2 any 2mall chance that ii would have 2ex wiith a women ever agaiin, ii ju2t buriied iit.
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be2tbuy · 10 years
Send me a ✉ and I will generate a random text from this website that my muse will send to yours.
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be2tbuy · 10 years
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be2tbuy · 10 years
don’t u hate it when u wake up and ur awake
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be2tbuy · 10 years
ii lo2e a follower every tiime ii refre2h my da2h. 
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be2tbuy · 10 years
((also check out the thing because we’re great))
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be2tbuy · 10 years
Tumblr media
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be2tbuy · 10 years
Pick an age or point in time, and ask a question. The character will respond as that age.
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