bee-writes-spooky · 2 years
Under that Mask
A small blurb of a mini side plot I really wanted to write ♥
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The scent of pumpkins and fall hit you in the face when you opened your door for the trick or treaters standing outside with bags held out in the air and a smile on their face.
You happily smiled back at them. Halloween's your favorite holiday of the year because of, well, everything! The candy, the costumes, fall, and everything else.
You bent down to their height, "What cute kids! A witch and a sheriff on my doorstep." Looking at one of them and then the other. They giggled in joy.
You reached into the bowl which you had carried with your non-dominant hand, grabbing a handful of candy and handing it to the small witch. You repeated your actions with the mini sheriff.
Both of them gave you warm and gleeful thanks of joy before departing with a wave goodbye.
You waved back at them, however before you could have ever retreated back into your humble abode, a man across the street stared at you with wide eyes and a grin. Everything else was dark due to the broken street lights on your block.
He approached your home with slow yet heavy, almost ground shaking steps.
His figure was much bigger than your own but you were definitely able to reach his horns. You tilted your head back, looking at his eyes with a small frown on your face, gripping the half-filled bowl tight as to not let it fall.
"Did you know a human arm has roughly around 1800 calories?"
The man grinned wickedly down at you and asked with a rough and deep voice. He seemed to take pleasure in telling you these livid facts of his.
You kept your ground as you watched him cautiously, dead in the eyes.
Then you couldn't help but slip into a chuckle, then it turned into hard laughter. The devil man doing the same.
"I gotta hand it to ya Bob, you got me there!" You looked up at him with a wide, happy smile of your own. Your free hand ran up his chest and onto that red, horned mask of his and lifted it up a little.
A familiar, cute smile was present under it.
Then you brought your arm behind his neck and pulled him down to give him a big peck on the cheek. When you were finished, Bob took his mask fully off before leaning down and kissing you fully himself.
You giggled against his lips.
Soon you parted, "You followed Lila and Jaune on your way here, didn't you?" You tilted your head and asked.
Bob didn't say a word, instead, he nodded with a deep and satisfied hum.
"Well, let's get inside before the cold seeps into your sweater there, hon."
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bee-writes-spooky · 2 years
Summary: A small 'What If' where Bob never really wanted to be a cannibal and eat somebody but eyes told him to, or like possessed him to do so. Now what happens if his s/o finds him in a bloody situation?
Warning: Blood, some gore(?), angst, death, mentions of cannibalism, drama.
A/N: Hopefully this was good. this plot came off of the top of my head and wrote it at 2 am — lemme know how it was! :) Prolly will rewrite this or sumn in the future.
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It was late in the afternoon as you closed up your own shop. You had you're own business in town while your husband had his. He had insisted and proposed his idea of you and him working together side by side as owners many times but you always politely declined, wanting to continue your own business.
Being the understanding man that he was, of course he understood that you wanted to have your own work. But his offer still stands.
Locking the shop up, you sighed happily, ready to come home to Bob again.
With a smile, you walked through your usual route back home as you recalled recent memories of you and him. If you were being honest with yourself, Bob had been acting odd this week. He hadn't played with Lila or Jaune for a while like he used to do every afternoon break.
You were sure he hasn't even spoke to them for a while now. They had asked you about it this morning, sadness all over their face.
Bob had also been a bit distant, paranoid even.
You really did plan to ask him about it but things got in the way and whenever you did, he always shrugged your questions away like it was nothing.
A frown formed on your lips as you neared your house. You reached into your bag, searching for the key. As you finally found your key, you inserted it into the lock and unlocked the door.
And in it's result, it creaked open.
The familiar scent of your own home made it's way to your nose. You stepped inside and closed the door as you call out your husband's name.
“Bob?” You called. “Honey?”
No answer.
He isn't home.
You sighed heavily, placing your coat onto the coat hanger. Maybe you could make dinner for tonight while waiting for him? Maybe listen to some news to pass the timr?
With that, you went off to your kitchen, finding a radio to turn on. As soon as you found one, you began to make a favorite meal you and your husband loved as the man on the radio began to speak.
Chopping up the ingredients, your head was lost in space as you thought to yourself. The sounds of radio chattering had blended into the background.
What if Bob had gotten an extra shift? Or a sudden big order?
Or worse?
You shouldn't think about that. You caught yourself scratching at the thought.
Before you could fall even deeper into the well, your ears practically perked up at the radio's news;
“At the time of 5:33 pm, 4 people have gone missing this week. I repeat, 4 people. I request you all to keep yourselves tucked in your homes an-”
You gulped as you shut out the radio noise once again.
4? 4 people? You couldn't believe that. Everyone in this town knew each other's names. There's no way crimes like kidnapping or murder could be rising now.
Still, shaken in shock and fear, you decided to call Bob. Just to warn him.
Placing the knife down with the chopped ingredients, you washed your hands before walking over to a nearby phone.
You dialed his number and waiting for him to pick up. It went to voicemail.
'He must be busy,' you thought.
"Hey there, sweetheart, just wanted to call in to check up on ya. I was listening to the news today and just wanted to warn you that apparently four people have gone missing this week. Im just worried for our safety, especially yours, right now. Call me back soon, hun."
You tapped on the end call button before proceeding to go back to work.
You were anxious. It had been roughly 3 to 4 hours. Bob was supposed to come through that door like a proud grills owner and maybe even scoop you up with a smooch.
You're anxiety had grew from extreme worry alongside the thought of the harsh reality that life bestows upon people had finally reached your husband.
The dinner you had prepared had already gone cold hours ago. There, sitting, in the dimly lit dining room as the moonlight shone through the gap between the two cream colored curtains that blocked most of the view of the window.
And yet not a piece of your meal had been touched.
No, you couldn't eat without Bob's warm presence. The sweet smile he gives you everytime you placed his plate in front of him even though he insist he'd cook.
You lost your appetite.
You then had decided to go look for him, you brought a flashlight, your phone, your coat and a scarf. It would be cold at this time of night.
Turning off the lights to your home, you stepped out of your home once more. The freezing air hit your face as you walked. You winced but kept your pace. The only thing that kept you going was your husband.
Familiar faces walked on the cold concrete sidewalks. Passing by without another thought. Some waved at you, maybe even shared a hello, but you only could nod or hum as you swallowed your pain.
Your eyes darted to the wedding ring on your finger as you scrunched your brows together in worry. Memories flowing back to you.
Soon, you finally hit the block the restaurant was built upon.
But — it was already closed.
True fear started rise within you. You could feel something in your throat. A breathy sigh escaped your lips. A misty fog in shape of your breath manifested due to the cold air.
A loud metallic noise was heard from an alleyway just beside the restaurant.
If you weren't petrified with fear, you were now. In other times, you would have dismissed this as a cat or possibly some homeless guy going through junk. Either way, checking it out wouldn't be the first thing you would do.
Suddenly, you could hear soft cries. Maybe wails.
Hurt washed over you. Why?
... You hesitated ... Yet you did it anyway.
You called out.
"Hello?" Voice quivering from the cold and terror. "Anyone there? Bob?"
You didn't even wanna hear a reply. Or even another sound. Eyes darted towards the sky, capturing the bright moon above you as it shined down on you as you choose to step an inch forward towards the dark alley.
Ashort yet pained cry escaped a person's throat.
It called out to you. Almost asking for help — asking to confirm if you were really there.
"G..Gumdrop?" The sound of your fiance's voice and the use of your pet name immediately raised your heart rate. The feeling of relief washed over you. He wasn't dead, or missing.
You quickly ran into the corner, taking the flashlight out of your pocket. It was dark and you could barely see anything.
The flashlight clicked and the light beamed bright from it. You shined the light onto the direction ahead of you, too excited to see Bob again that why he was there in the first place hadn't registered in your mind yet.
"Bob, I—" The small smile on your face quickly turned into one that of pure horror. Your eyes widened, mouth slightly ajar as you stood in place. You felt your heart drop into the pit of your stomach. Hand gripping tight on the flashlight as the other end of the glowing beam of light landed on Bob's kneeling figure, watching you.
He was towering over something — someone. Blood flowing close to where you stood. A gun by it's side on the ground.
The body had been missing an entire arm and a shoulder as they clearly died due to blood loss. It looked like it was ripped right off.
You saw him there, trembling, blood all over his face and hands of which he brought closer to his face, as if trying to hide himself from your gaze.
You should have been running! Backing away as you call him a monster. He killed somebody for Christ's sake!
But you saw the horrified look, the shock in his eyes. As if he was being forced to do something he didn't like. His once calming eyes had turned to one of bright cyan.
He mumbled out your name accompanied by many unintangible words of what you could assume was apologies.
Bob looked away, "A-Ahm sorry, gumdrop. It, It made me do it." His voice was filled with dread and regret. He wanted you to look away. "Ah.. couldn't control.."
He looked more terrorized than you. It made you want to just go to him and hug his figure to comfort him.
"Bob, Bob.. What- What happened?" Voice trembled and hands shook while you continue to scan his barely covered face, hoping he was telling the truth. Your feet were glued to the ground and yet you could feel your legs shake.
"Please, go." He pleaded. Bob looked at you, his hands moved away from his face.
You were mighty scared, yes, but you didn't follow his pleas. In fact, you did the exact opposite; you stepped closer. Your legs still felt wobbly but that's what your body thought was right at the time.
Bob shook, Why'd you come closer? More incoherent words fell out of his mouth.
You continued to come closer to him. Your face was filled with fear and worry. But that wasn't going to stop you now, was it?
"Gumdrop, please." He almost begged.
"No." You stood your ground. "I'm not going to leave you here.
Bob blinked in confusion. "Ah ate somebody.. ahm a monster."
"Not to me." You were at least four steps away from him, flashlight still in hand. The freezing air didn't bother you anymore, especially that you had something more important to tend to.
Bob looked away again, attempting to hide his bloody face from your eyes.
"Look at me." You ordered yet your tone was soft. He obliged. "If you were a monster, would you hurt me? Or anybody on purpose?"
You gulped at the question you gave him. Maybe you were too confident.
"No! Why would I ever hurt ya, gumdrop?" Bob's tone was filled with hurt. Why would you ever think that? Were you really that afraid of him? But how could you ever come back to him after what he's done?
"Then you're not a monster." You came to a conclusion. You were much closer to Bob now, about an arm's reach. "You're scared. You didn't want to do it."
Your lips trembled and your eyes pricked with tears. "There's an explanation and I know it. I might not understand it right now but I'm not going to stop loving you."
Your husband's eyes stared into yours. He was searching for a lie, a catch. That you were just playing with him.
But he couldn't find it.
He muttered something that you couldnt hear. You asked him to repeat himself.
"Even if Ahm like this?" His breath hitched.
"Even if You're like this." You're hand touched his shoulder, feeling the soft cloth of his red sweater, not minding the sticky blood on his torso and arms. You couldn't bare to leave him like this, in a dark place. Metaphorically and physically. You couldn't just run away and make his life worse.
Bob couldn't bare to lose you.
You coaxed him to stand up. You were going to help him, no matter how fucked up this is. Even if it means cleaning up the victim's body.
He obliged and stood up, returning to his full height as he looked down at you with doubt. His eyes were still of a cyan color. You're absolutely clueless but you know it wasn't his fault.
"Why?" Bob whispered to you. "Why didn't ya just go home, darlin'?"
You smiled sadly at him. "Home is where the heart is. And by God, Bob, it resides with you."
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bee-writes-spooky · 2 years
Welcome, Welcome!
Greetings reader! This is a blog dedicated to the Spooky Month fandom. I write fanfics for all of you to enjoy! As long as it follows the rules, Request and ask and your wish is my command.
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You may all call me Bee! I am a learning writer. My pronouns are she/her but any is absolutely fine. I have ADHD so that means I suck at paying attention or staying focused so please understand that updates can be a bit flaky.
I do enjoy mixing some comedy into almost all of my works however angst is so good too!
Feedback, reblogs and comments of positivity make me extremely happy! So they are more than encouraged!
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Things That I am willing to write:
Platonic Relationships
And etc...
Things I don’t want to write:
LGBTQ+Phobia (Homophobia, Transphobia and etc...)
Any form of hate (Racism, Misogyny and etc...) BUT mentions of it in specific situations that will be solved are okay.
Any CCxCC without a reader 
Graphic self-h@rm
Super duper angsty depression (But depression is still a-okay)
And etc...
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