best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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I am officially going on hiatus. I will for sure be back but as of right now the Monster Prom rpc is a little slow and im burnt out from school right now. I’ll finally be done in December.
follow me on my main blog too.
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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Commission for @rootbeergoddess
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
Tiny unit –> Absolute unit
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
Wolf pup howling for the first time
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
Absolutely nobody:
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
Scott Howl was many things. Tall. Strong. Dumb. But a beggar? For mercy??!! NEVER!
“I’m not stuck here with you.” Scott declared, wrapping his arms around his brothers waist. He spread his own legs getting ready too lift. “Your stuck here with ME!” Scotts arms and back flexed and he squeezed his brother tight. And in a practiced movement, he suplexed his older brother. The silly string kept the pair stuck together as they fell too the ground in a heap. 
He’d let out a cheesy evil villain laugh, Only making sure to get as much webbing on him as possible. Revenge was a dish best served fresh ( although he’d definitely prank Scott back later ) so this would do for now. He’d throw on his best ‘Super Villain’ voice.
“YOU FOOL, YOU’VE FALLEN RIGHT INTO MY TRAP- IF I’M GOING DOWN YOU’RE GOING DOWN WITH ME BRO!” Truly a mastermind, Iconic even. Now they’d truly both looked like messes covered in silly string, And to think they’d have to go on a jog after this- what a couple of doofuses. “BEG FOR MERCY AND MAYBE I SHALL CONSIDER LETTING YOU GO.”
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
      Miranda managed to silently, quietly hold her tongue for once in her life, at least when it came to speaking with her friends. She didn’t speak up about how seriously she doubted things would ever be less tense - maybe long, long after they were both dead and gone, if Miri managed to play her role in the Merkingdom perfectly, but certainly not within their lifetimes.
      Of course, the merprincess was good, and thought no rebellious thoughts or considered doing anything other than what her father would want when she eventually took the throne.
                          If she ever did at all.
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      “I appreciate your flattery, dearest Scott. I shall see you this weekend, then - and I promise, you will not be disappointed.” A promise she knew she could keep easily. A better promise, well within her wealth and with no political concerns behind it. All she had to do is call for her ladies in waiting and have them set up the rest. Everything else would be fine.
       It was with that kinda sentiment that Miranda bid Scott adieu, the hope for Miranda to process herself better, to find something else to focus on, to have a good time with Scott with little concern as to what the throne or the other royals would think of her. And she slipped back into the school, away from the world beyond.
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Scott didn’t need too say anything more. What more could he do for a princess? Other then bow and scrape, but he could never do that. 
With his tail wagging, he watched Miranda bounce back into the school building. By her smile Scott could tell she was feeling better then last they spoke about the Homeland. 
Now where was Miranda’s sister? She wouldn’t be afraid too change Miranda’s problems the quick and easy way.
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
Ray's just gonna pop in and give his big lovable werewolf bf a kiss on the cheek!
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Scott is caught off guard and is only able too wag his tail like the blades of a helicopter. He puts a paw too his cheek, gently rubbing where Ray’s lips had touched. On close inspection it would be plainly obvious, that Scott was blushing beet red.
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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more wolf boy + richard!!
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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I created some self indulgent OCs today. They don’t have names yet but they met on supernatural Tinder and she thought he had a nice smile.
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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Drew some Monster Prom art Nothing’s better than a pizza party! I’ll have this available as a print at @wasabicon THIS weekend, hope to see you there!
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
So excited for ghoul grumps to start this coming week!! 💕😤
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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      “Oh Scott - there are many things to consider when it comes to fang-care!” Okay, that was a safe enough topic to consider, and Miranda was brightening up at talk of it. After all, that wasn’t an issue she had to have any particular knowledge about or attitude towards, and had experienced it enough to say that it was safe waters. 
      “There is the consideration of structural integrity to worry about, checking the efficiency of our serrations, encouragement of growth, documentation of rows, monitoring of health, styling for events - and the typical sharpening! But most of that regards us merfolk anyhow - you likely won’t get as much focus when it comes to teeth.” Miranda smiled, rocking a little on her heels. It was another event to schedule, yes, but it was easier and no severe implications, alongside more positive connotations - so Miranda could allow herself to enjoy it. “I do appreciate you planning to join me for this. It might not be a visitation to the kingdom, but I will spare no luxuries. It is… nice, to have a friend who cares like you do.”
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“I’ve never had my fangs sharpened before but they wouldn’t be any worse for wear. A sharpening and polish will be more then enough for me I think. No need for serration or uh, ‘documentation of rows’. I only have the one row too worry about!”
Who doesn’t enjoy a spa day? Scott hoped that it would take the pressure off Miranda. She didn’t even have too organize anything, her servants and helpers would be more then willing too lend a hand if she so wished.
“Anytime Miranda! Hanging out with you is the best cause you never do the same thing twice! It’s always something cutting edge or totally off the wall and listen, don’t worry about the kingdom visit. We can take a rain check for when things are less tense.”
Or when you take the throne.
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
If we were married I’d pack your lunch with one of these bad boys every day
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
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      The rise in volume made Miranda’s fins pin themselves back, still too… distracted to handle anything overly loud. Yet she ignored the spike in her heart rate, ignored any discouragement she might’ve picked up from Scott, and ignored any possibility that Polly might be talking about a kind of high from the candles. Could someone even get high on burning candles? Miranda certainly didn’t know, fire was a foreign concept to her for most of her life, before being introduced to Spooky High, and, well… Yeah, she got real familiar with it real quick.
      Instead, she brought forth a soft laugh and kept the smile on her face. At least the royal beauty treatment was something she could praise with few drawbacks.
      “The specialists in my kingdom are very talented on many different fronts! It might seem complicated at first, but I can promise you it is all well worth it - our fins, gills, scales, claws, teeth, hair, and bioluminescence are all expertly cared for, and they do have experience in taking care of fur as well! Would you be opposed to a more intensive care routine involving a proper scrubbing and bath, along with fang-care? I am well-due for a visit, and I would not want you to have nothing to do while I take my time.”
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“That sounds so fun!! The most I’ve ever done pampering wise was get my eyebrows waxed. But that was a few years ago.” Scott scratched his chest and could feel the wiry hair underneath the fabric of his clothes. A lil fluffing up couldn’t hurt.
“But the fang-care I’m worried about. I floss and do all that proper oral hygiene stuff already, what can they really do thats “pampering” for my chompers? Like a polish and floss up??”
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best-wolf-boi · 5 years
And there he stood thoroughly stunned and stringed, He looked as if he was covered with green spider webs yes, Even Mama and Papa Howl weren’t safe from being pranked under this roof. And he had to admit he got him good. His shocked expression would shift into a huge toothy grin as he’d chuckle.
“Awe bro you got me, I can’t believe I feel for something like that- I should’ve seen it coming.” He was proud, A day when a little brother was successfully able to prank the self proclaimed ‘prank master’ of the household was truly a day to remember. “Thought now that I’m covered in this stuff I have TO GET REVENGE.”
He’d exclaim the last part as if trying to startle his brother. BEFORE SEIZING HIM INTO A BIG OL’ BEAR HUG.
Scott was overcome with giggles at the sight of his older brother as a spider colony! Boy, he got him good! Scott’s tail was wagging so hard it was no thumping rhythmically against the wall until, he saw his brother approaching.
He went completely still about too bolt.
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“Bro wait!! BRO!!!” He yelped before getting wrapped in the sticky green webbing. The goop squished in his facial hair and in his ears! Brendan was only a few inches taller but it was prime placement of the majority of string and right in Scott’s face. “Let me go Bro! I have so much too live for!!”
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