bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Holiday Special
In honor of the holidays i’ve decided to make a holiday special! 
This does contain spoilers of what happens after the ending of CR•W! 
If you don’t wanna spoil it for yourself then i suggest reading it after CR•W is complete! 
F.N’s pronouns are they/them in this so it can be gender neutral 
With all that being said, please enjoy my present to you all and thank you for all the support! 
The holidays were a grim reminder of what F.N didn’t have, a stable family. A loving non-abusing father and a more than living mother, Gaz eyed the teen while they stared down a happy family that had walked by while they held the unwrapped gifts Price was putting in their arms. “Now hold still F.N, you’ll drop em’ if you doze off” Price called out effectively snapping them out of whatever trance they were in. 
“Right” They shifted and held the boxes tighter. Gaz tilted his head in worry. “You alright F.N?” they nodded and turned to look over at him “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” Gaz shook his head “Just seemed distracted” He mumbled. They made their way down to the first floor of the mall where they found a mall santa. “Say why don’t you go get a picture with him, yeah?” Price encouraged the teen. 
F.N shook their head “No thanks, can we just go home? I’m cold” Price’s smile faltered a bit but he nodded “Let’s get going before it’s too dark then” they walked out of the mall and got into Price’s car. F.N looked out the window, watching the lights that seemed to be decorating every inch of London, they were almost nauseating. 
As soon as they got to Price’s house Gaz bid his goodbye and left to his own house to get ready for the Christmas dinner Price had organized. “You go to bed, I’ll get dinner ready and wrap the presents” Price patted F.N’s head “And don’t forget to change into the christmas pajamas MacTavish got you, he’ll whine if you don’t” F.N sighed “Right, I’ll do that” they mumbled before going up stairs and into their room. 
They sat on their bed for a few minutes before changing into the very colorful and tacky Christmas pajamas Soap had given them with the brightest smile on his face. They climbed into bed and closed their eyes, F.N laid in the dark room for what seemed like forever. Wishing to just about any god they knew to wake up back home. Up in the mountains with their more than alive mother and wishing for a loving non-abusing father. 
Soon sleep over took them. 
The sound of F.N’s shovel hitting the frozen ground was the only thing besides their labored breath that rang out through the snow covered forest. With another powerful strike the ice finally cracked and they hit the cold grass underneath. They swallowed and panted out loud before going back to digging. 
After a few minutes of digging they stepped back and looked over the two graves they successfully dug out. Still panting and somehow sweating in the freezing weather they walked back inside, they looked over the now dead man for a few seconds before slowly pulling him from the bed and dragging him outside. 
The once pristine snow was slowly tainted red as the blood from Mark's bullet wound seeped into it. Slowly, F.N laid him into his grave and stud back, they looked over their father before crawling into the grave beside him. They panted softly as they stared up at the gray sky, snow slowly began to fall down onto their faces. 
“I wonder…if mother would have stayed, would things be different sir?” When they finally got up they had to shake off the snow that piled up on their body before beginning to cover him up. The smell of freshly cooked food caught their attention, they looked around in confusion. 
Before finally noticing that the chimney was on, with a frown of confusion they tossed the shovel down and began walking to the front door. As soon as they turned the doorknob F.N jolted awake. 
The smell of food got heavier when they opened their eyes. “F.N wake up” Simon was at their bedroom door, he had flicked the light on and stud watching them slowly get up and rub their eyes. “It’s christmas, you got to open your presents” F.N slowly nodded and slid out of bed. Simon snorted at their pajamas before leading them downstairs. 
“You wore them!” John grinned like a little kid “I wore them” F.N mumbled. “First we’ll open the presents and then we’ll eat” Price explained, Kate hummed as she hung out on their couch with a drink along with her wife and Gaz. F.N sat beside her. “No, no F.N, you gotta sit next to the tree, like a little kid” Price grinned. 
“A little kid?” They mumbled Simon snorts and took their spot on the couch “You have to be close to your gifts to open them” Gaz explained. The underneath of the tree was covered in decorative covered boxes, a few set aside that were clearly wrapped by Price. Most of the wrapping paper wasn’t even on. 
“Those are for them, these are for you so go ahead” Price explained as he moved his poorly wrapped gifts away from the one underneath the tree. F.N sat on the carpet beside the tree, Price lifted up his phone and waved it, asking permission to take a picture. With a sigh F.N nodded and began opening their gifts. 
Each of the grown men, saved for Simon, oohed and aahed at the presents F.N received. They opened their gifts after F.N and then sat the table for dinner, Kates wife had a thousand questions for the teenager who answered each one. “Your hairs gotten longer” Simon mumbled to F.N “Has it?” They asked taking a strand between their fingers. 
“It looks good on you kid” John patted their head, F.N hummed and nodded. They suddenly felt as if their heart was heavy as they took a bite of the food Price had made. They wished they could be celebrating the holidays with their family. They wanted to eat their mothers cooking and open presents in front of the decorated tree while they’re father took a video. 
They wanted their family, with a more than living mother and a loving non-abusing father. 
Through the mist of all the laughter and talking Simon noticed how quiet the teen was. Usually, they would at least say one or two things when everyone was around but their mouth was shut tightly. He eyed them before clearing his throat, which snapped them out of their trance. “I forgot a present for Price in my car, F.N come help me get it” He stood up “Ok” they mumbled and followed after him.
Simon helped them get their coat and hat before opening the door and leading them outside. They walked to his car “Get in” He called out as he sat down in the driver seat. F.N didn’t question it and climbed inside, they sat in silence for a few minutes before Simon shifted in his seat to glance at them through the very puffy coat Soap had forced him to wear. 
“Are you goin’ to tell me why you looked lost early?” He asked, F.N frowned and looked at their lap. “I’m grateful…..for everything, but sometimes I wonder what it could’ve been like if….” They trailed off “If your father wasn’t a complete psychopath” Simon finished. They nodded “We could’ve been a normal family, I could’ve been a normal kid, no killing, no fighting for my life, just normal and happy” They mumbled. 
Simon sighed “I’ve wondered that too, the first few years I got away from that house, but I’ve learned that thinkin’ about things you have no way of changing’ or controllin’ is useless and a waste of time” He leaned back into his seat. “You should think about the things you can change and the things you can control, like whether you want to enjoy your first christmas as captains’ kid or not” F.N looked over at him. 
“Is it wrong for me to feel like this? It sounds like i’m ungrateful that John went through everything he did just to adopt me” Simon shook his head “No, you’re just a kid and you’re still processin’ everythin’ that happened up in the mountains, you deserve to be unsure and confused just don’t let that take over and blind you from what’s goin’ on right now” F.N nodded. 
“Have you calmed down yet?” They nodded again “Alright, let’s go back inside before I lose a toe” F.N chuckled a little as they climbed out of the car and walked back inside. “Took your sweet time didn’t ya!” Soap alles out “Couldn't find it, think I left it back home” Simon grumbled and took his seat. F.N sat down and continued to eat “Oh! We should take a family picture!” Kates wife suggested. 
“F.N doesn’t like pictures, we’ll have to pas-“ Price was cut off when F.N spoke up “No, it’s ok, I wanna take a family picture” Price stared at them surprised before smiling “Well alright then! A family picture it is!” 
The holidays were a reminder of what F.N now had, a stable family. A loving non-abusing father and as many uncles and aunts as they could possibly need or want.
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bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Love your writing ♥️
thank you im glad you enjoy it :)
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bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Mission Failed: Burned Candles
“You said you would stop!” Cold eyes started back at the very pregnant woman who had tears rimming her eyes from frustration. “Do you have another way of getting money?” He asked as he sat down “This isn’t about money anymore Mark! We have enough of that already, what this is really about is you quenching your blood lust!” She yelled back. 
He paused and leaned back into the couch, the woman sniffled and her frown deepened more as she realized he wasn’t going to say anything. “You piece of shit! I moved all the way up to this shit mountain because you said it would be safer! I abandoned the people I loved the most because you said I needed to! You isolated me from everyone, just so that you could keep doing this horrible job!” Alice said in between sobs. 
She shook her head and took a seat at the kitchen table when she noticed how tired she was getting. Alice let her hands drop onto her swollen stomach as she sniffled “You said we would be safe, that you would take care of us, but everytime you take a job, everytime you hurt someone you put us in danger” She mumbled numbly. 
Mark sighed and stood up “Don’t stress yourself out like this, you’ll hurt her” He stared down at her. Alice glared up at him “You’re the one making me stress” she grumbled, he hummed and put his hand on her stomach. “I’m keeping my promise Alice, you just can’t see that” Mark said before walking over to the front door. 
“Lock the door after me, and stay inside, I’ll be back soon” He called out and walked out. Alice whipped her tears and slowly stood up, her body ached as she walked over to the door and turned the multiple locks on the door on. Mark rubbed his temples as he walked to his pick up truck to go meet his target. 
The dirt road was bumpy as he attempted to light his cigarette while driving, his phone began to ring. “What is it” He asked, the man on the other line took a minute to answer “The target’s about to start moving, you better hurry your ass up unless you don’t want to get paid” Mark huffed. “Got it” He grumbled and hung up, soon he pulled up to the motel his target was hiding out in. 
A man was standing outside smoking a cigar, his brown mustache was slowly growing out into mutton chops. Mark opened his backpack and took out his silenced pistol, he checked the magazine before shifting in his seat and tucking it into his pants, then he picked up his camera. 
He stepped out of the truck and nodded at the man as a greeting before going up the shitty motel stairs. The man nodded back and continued smoking, Mark looked for the target's room and knocked on the door. His target opened the door with shaky hands, his eyes widened in shock and fear. 
Before he could yell for help Mark covered his mouth and pushed him back inside, he pulled his gun out and shot him straight in between his eyes. He caught the man and tossed him on the bed, Mark picked up the camera and snapped a picture. 
With that he tucked his pistol back into his pants and walked out of the room while putting the ‘do not disturb’ tag on the doorknob outside. He sighed and rubbed his face before taking out a cigarette and patting his pockets for his lighter, he cursed under his breath and walked down the stairs. 
He saw the same man from before and walked over to him. “Got a light?” He asked, the man grinned and nodded before pulling his lighter out and lighting his cigarette. “Thank you” The man nodded “Meetin’ a lucky girl?” He asked, Mark chuckled “You can say something like that” He answered before checking the time and seeing that the cleaner would be there soon. 
“Thanks for the light” The man nodded and waved goodbye as Mark got into his truck and drove back up the mountain his home was. He stepped out of his car and immediately began coughing into his elbow. He stared down at the dark blood that stained his long sleeve, Mark glared at it before choosing to ignore it and walking up to the door. 
He used his key to unlock the door and stepped inside. The screaming and crying coming from the bathroom made his skin crawl, Mark rushed to it, leaving the front door open. “Alice!” he called out as he slammed the door open, his wife was laying in the bathtub, in the middle of giving birth to their daughter. 
“Mark! Please!” She cried, reaching out to him. Mark quickly looked for any supplies he could find before kneeling besides her and rolling up his sleeves. It took 5 hours of coaching and helping his wife push their baby out. Mark cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby in a towel before turning on the sink to wash her off. 
Alice panted heavily as she leaned her head back on the folded up towel Mark had put behind her head. Her chest rose quickly as she watched Mark wash the blood off their baby, her fingertips felt cold. “How……how is she?” She asked, her lips cracked and her eyes sunken in, Mark glanced at her and paused. He kneeled down beside the bathtub and handed the baby to her. 
“She’s fine” He mumbled as he watched his wife weakly shush the crying baby, she was in a daze as she hugged her baby weakly. “Oh, she’s perfect, my little F.N, my little dove” Alice mumbled happily, Mark stared down at the baby while watching his wife slowly lose more blood. “Mark” he looked over at her “Hm?” he hummed, Alice smiled “You’ll take care of her right?” He nodded. 
“Say it” Mark shifted “I’ll protect her” Alice smiled and let her shoulders sag. “I want her to be an artist, or a musician” she kissed the now sleeping baby's head. “Ok” he nodded, Alice sighed and looked up at the bathroom ceiling, her skin was incredibly pale and her eyes were slowly blinking. 
Mark stayed quiet before reaching out and caressing his wife's cheek. “You’re too good for this world” he mumbled before taking the baby and putting her in the nursery Alice had painted. He walked outside and opened up the shed behind the house, he picked up a shovel and wandered into the forest on the mountain. 
When he returned to the house he picked up a blanket she had sewn and picked her up in it. Her limp body was still warm as he carried her into the forest, and into the spot he had chosen for her. Mark carefully placed her in her grave before covering the hole with dirt. With that he walked back home and sat outside for the rest of the night. 
He was getting old, Mark sat outside with his new born baby. He was sick and getting weaker by the day, and his employers were noticing. Mark looked down at the napkin that was covered with blood drops, Crow was coming to an end and he didn’t like it. 
His eyes landed on his newborn daughter. The sleeping baby curled up against him as she slept. Born far away from civilization, born at home, no medical records, no fingerprints. Mark stared down at her as his grip tightened a little, the perfect assassin, the perfect tool. If he had to go down, the name Crow still had a chance to live on. 
“Drag it from here to here” Mark dragged his finger from side to side on the deer's stomach, F.N stared uneasily at the knife she held in her small hands and then back at the helpless deer which was still very much alive. “But, It’ll hurt her” She mumbled and looked up at her father who glared down at her. 
Mark glared in frustration down at his 7 year old daughter, a replica of his eyes staring straight back at him. “How will you defend yourself in combat if you’re too afraid to kill something so simple as an animal that can’t run” His scowl made her flinch, F.N turned back to the deer before shaking her head. 
“I don’t want to hurt her!” She protested, Mark groaned and snatched the knife from his daughter's small hands. In a swift motion he gutted the deer, its insides spilled out in front of F.N, its blood soaked her snow boots and stained the white snow under them. F.N stared in horror as steam rose from the gutted deer and her father began collecting the meat. 
“You’ll never get anywhere, if you aren’t ready to kill Crow” Mark explained as he packed up the meat. F.N was still getting used to being called Crow, a nickname Mark had created when she was around 4 and started using instead of her real name. F.N turned away and vomited onto the snow covered ground, Mark sneered at her before standing up and beginning to walk back home. 
F.N whipped her mouth and quickly followed after him, she quietly followed him. The silence was broken when her father began coughing into his elbow. F.N looked up at him but didn’t say anything, when they made it home she was sent to her room until dinner time. 
She stared down at her blood covered boots and quickly kicked them off. Everytime she closed her eyes the image of the deers intestines sliding out of its stomach would appear, leading to nightmares for the rest of the week. 
The next time Mark took her hunting F.N wanted to make him proud, not angry like usual. 
“Here to here” Mark instructed, F.N shakily took the knife from his hand and pierced it into the deer before dragging it down its stomach. Mark hummed as the blood covered F.N’s boots and hands “About time” He mumbled before beginning to instruct her how to take the important pieces of the deer. 
“Drag it from here to here” Mark pointed at the man's chest and then down. F.N started at the tied up man, laying in the medical table her father had in the shed she was never allowed into. A familiar knife was pushed into her hand, a 14 year old F.N looked over the shaking man, he only had shorts on. His shirt was cut off a while ago. 
“I don’t have all day Crow, do it” F.N inched closer to the man before placing the tip of the knife against the very top of the man’s chest. He was pleading and begging against the gag in his mouth, tears were running down and being collected by the blindfold over his eyes. 
Her breath was heavy, F.N gulped and adjusted her grip on the knife. “Crow!” F.N flinched “Do it damn it!” “Bu….but this is a human!” She argued, Mark looked down at her with the coldest glare she had ever received from him. “You did it to an animal, you can do it to a human, now cut him open!” F.N panicked and stabbed the man. 
She shakily dragged the blade down his chest towards his stomach as blood sprayed onto her face. The man was struggling and thrashing around like a fish out of water. F.N stepped back when the goal was reached, Mark yanked the knife from the man's pelvis and looked over at his newly scarred daughter. 
“Come, you’ll have to know what organs to hit” He called out, F.N was shaking as she walked closer, before she could get any closer she vomited on the ground at the slight sight of the man's open stomach. Mark sighed “Clean up” 
“Drag it from here to here” Mark instructed as he pushed the sniper rifle over from one man to the other. A 15 year old F.N stared through the scope “Take them out” He ordered, F.N shot one man before quickly shooting the other. “Here, go take out one of the other two, bring the other alive” He ordered and handed her a pistol “Yes sir” She mumbled and made her way to the targets. 
The man that was tied up and blindfolded begged for mercy while F.N branded him with her father’s employer's logo. “We can stop, just tell us who ordered the hit” Mark sighed, the man screamed about how he didn’t know and that he was just hired for muscle support. “Kill him” Mark growled and yanked off the blindfold.
“Please! I have children! I’m the only person they’ve got, if I die they’ll be alone!” F.N stopped as she pressed the tip of her pistol against his head, “Kill him, you can’t be easily persuaded by some sad words Crow” Mark scoffed. “Please” The man begged, F.N frowned in confusion, she didn’t want those kids to be alone forever. She didn’t want to disobey either. 
“Still have work to do on you I see” She looked over at her father before he shot her in her abdomen. F.N fell backwards and gasped when she managed to catch some sort of breath. The wound was bleeding quickly, staining her white shirt red and the floor the same color. 
“Get up and kill him” F.N held onto her wound as she struggled to get up. She held herself up with the arm that wasn't busy holding her wound, Mark frowned and shot her again. This time it landed in her shoulder, F.N bit the inside of her cheek to hold in the loud cry. 
The man that was tied up watched in horror. “Get up, and kill him” Mark demanded again. Adrelinen ran through her veins as she forced herself up, she shakily raised her gun and shot the man who was begging and screaming until the very end. As soon as he died F.N dropped onto the ground, unconscious and bleeding out.  
The candles beside her bed were lit, F.N got up in bed and looked around. The dove paintings that covered her childhood room brought her great peace, a safe haven from her happy-trigger-fingered father and the last thing her mother left her. 
F.N stud up and walked out of her safe haven and into the dark hallway outside. “Sir?” She called out, no response. F.N frowned and began looking around the home, when she got to the last door she stopped.
“Sir?” She knocked “I’m coming in sir” the door creaked open and she stepped inside. Her father laid in bed looking sickly and weak. “Come here” he called out, F.N walked closer to him and stood beside his bed. “I taught you everything I know, and I’m hoping you follow in my footsteps” He sighed. 
He shifted in his bed and pulled out a gun. “I need you to do one last thing for me” F.N nodded. “Kill me” F.N frowned at him, she hesitated before taking the gun “But….” she mumbled. Mark shook his head “It’s over, I don’t want to die of an illness, I want to die from the hands of my flesh and blood” F.N nodded as she raised the gun to his head “One more thing” F.N looked down at him. 
“Good luck, Crow”
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bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Mission 3: Alone
A Crows Ghost
Ghost was unforgiving with his attacks, his fists were heavy on my arms as I blocked his punches. Both our firearms were somewhere in the dark mud, neither of us being able to take our eyes off of eachother. I put up my arm to block his leg from bashing into the side of my head and moved back, but he was determined. 
“Ghost-” I couldn’t begin a conversation as I dodge his knife. The sound of shadows carefully going down the hill to find us caught my attention, I made the mistake of getting distracted and Ghost took the chance to bash his fist into the side of my head. I grunted and jumped back, I was dizzy as I tried to get back to a defensive position. 
“Workin’ for Shepherd, spyin’ on us, I should’ve known, can’t believe I got blind sighted” He mumbled, the shadows were getting closer. I took a deep breath and dropped down, he jumped back but not before I snatched the extra knife he had attached to his thigh belt. 
“Ghost, we need to go” I whispered-yelled at him as I spotted flashlights. He ignored me and threw a punch at me, I huffed and suddenly he pounced at me. I fell backwards with the huge man on top of me, reeling his fist back. I opened the knife as a distraction and he took it. He turned his head to stop the knife and gave me an opening to kick him off me. 
“Please” I begged “I’ll explain everything as soon as I can, but they’re coming” He looked up at me. I closed the knife before tossing it back to him, he stared at me, both of us panting heavily. My head was still slightly spinning from his punch and my arms were sore from blocking. 
He caught the knife and slid it back into his thigh belt as he stood up. “You stay in front of me, any suspicious movement and I’ll kill you” I nodded, the shadows were a few feet away from us, Ghost grabbed my arm and pushed me towards Las Almas. We walked into a building quietly, I moved slowly to not make him suspect that I was going to do anything. 
When we got into an abandoned building he stopped me. “You’re a prisoner now, Crow” He explained, I looked down and nodded. He walked closer to me and ripped off my radio, I stepped back in surprise as he smashed it “No callin’ your shadow friends” Ghost grumbled. 
“It’s not like that, I didn’t know they were planning this Ghost” I tried to explain but he shook his head. “You took the job, you lied to us and pretended to be some weak little girl” He growled, neither of us broke eye contact. Eventually, the sound of shadows getting closer made us turn away from each other. 
“Let’s move” he ordered, I hopped out of a window and led our way into another building. A shadow suddenly walked into the building, he looked over every corner with his flashlight. Ghost pulled my shoulder back “Not one of them? Take him out” He whisper was barely audible as he pressed one of his closed knives into my palm. 
I took the knife and opened it, I stared down at the knife and suddenly got deja vu from his words, I clenched my teeth before moving behind the man and crouch walking up behind him. I twirled the knife before standing to my full height and reeled my arm back before plunging the knife into the gap of his helmet and shoulder pad. 
I slowly laid him down on the ground and yanked the knife out of his neck. “Nice work, Crow” Ghost mocked as he stood up, I nodded and watched as he took the AR-15 from the dead man. “Look for an oil filter, come back as soon as you find it” Ghost ordered, I nodded and walked out of the building. 
I walked through the back streets looking for any kind of vehicle. I stopped when I saw Graves with a group of shadows. “You know your mission shadows, find me those brits, Crow is being held hostage by Ghost, bring her back alive” I frowned, I waited until they left before continuing my search. 
I found a motorcycle and took its oil filter before going back to Ghost. “Wow, you really came back” He said sarcastically as he took it “Graves thinks you’re holding me hostage” “I am” He stared down at me. “I left with you willingly” I corrected, I started me down for a few minutes before walking out of the building with me behind him. 
“Where are we going?” I whispered to him, he didn’t respond and kept walking. I stared at the back of his head, I felt guilty, I lied to them and almost betrayed them too. I was only doing my job though, I willingly left with Ghost so the real people I betrayed were Shepherd and Graves. 
I shouldn’t be feeling bad or worried about these men, I was just supposed to spy on them. “The church, that’s where we’re going” Ghost finally answered. I stayed close behind him as we walked down the back streets, and suddenly Ghost stopped making me bump into his back. 
“Take them out” he ordered, I peeked from behind him and saw two shadows talking not too far away from us. I nodded and crouch walked behind them, when I was closer to them I kicked one of their legs from under them, making him slam onto the ground face first and stabbed the other ones thoat, letting him drop onto his knees. I turned to the other one and stabbed him too before turning to Ghost. 
He walked up to me and nodded, we dragged the two dead men farther into the alleyway and kept going. Eventually we made it to the church, Ghost lifted me up into a window so I could open the locked door from inside. He sighed and put his backpack down before taking a seat himself. 
I sat down a little far beside him, crossing my legs and looking down at my blood covered hands. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever, my mind wandering to Soap and if he was ok, hopefully he’s strong enough to survive that bleeding wound. Ghost was staring at me, most likely expecting me to attack him or something along those lines. 
“I checked Alejandro’s phone after you made the call to your parents, there was no outgoing call history, why?” He broke the silence. I looked up towards him “No parents to call” I answered, he hummed “Are you really 17?” I nodded “Why are you a mercenary at 17” I paused, Ghost continued to stare at me as I searched for an answer. 
“I didn’t really have a choice” I mumbled, he tilted his head “Mind tellin’ me why?”
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bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Mission Complete: Missionary 
When we arrived back to the base they took the woman into a shipping container and Alejandro, although he looked pretty pissed off, set up a chair for me. “Here sit down hermanita, we’ll be out in a little bit” He reassured and walked in after the other men. The chair I was sat at was in front of a foldable table that I rested my head on, all the running and bombs I’ve had to deal with made me forget how tired I was. 
I could hear them in the container, Alejandro was yelling at the woman, I now knew as Valeria, about how she was a disgrace to the army and what not. I leaned back on the chair as I listened to their not so quiet conversation before Alejandro bursted through the doors in a rage and walked out. He shut the door behind him and took a deep breath before glancing over at me. 
“Are you ok?” I asked after a little, breaking the minimal silence thanks to the other mens conversation being muffled. He sighed and nodded before pulling up a chair beside me. “What I would give to be 17 again, you still have your whole life ahead of you hermanita” He chuckled, clearly trying to forget about whatever they had discussed inside the container. 
I looked away and nodded “Yeah” he gave me a worried look at my bland answer “You’re excited to go home right? The times almost here” I nodded. “You don’t look very excited” He mumbled, I shook my head “I am, It’s just, you guys haven’t taken down the guy who’s doing all this and I’m worried” I lied. 
He hummed “That’s not something you should worry about, leave all that worrying nonsense to us” I nodded “Let’s see, lets take your mind off of that, how are you doing in school? Straight A’s I hope” I shrugged. “A’s and B’s” He smiled “That’s not so bad, almost perfect” I nodded. 
“How are things with your parents?” He asked “Good, maybe a lot better when I get back” I answered, he nodded. “I know that if I had a daughter who went missing I’d treat her como una reina una vez que regresa” He sighed and leaned back into his chair. 
It was strange coming up with imaginary parents who were worried sick about me being kidnapped, and an imaginary school that I was doing so well in. Once this is over, I’ll be alone again. Of course I’ll be filthy rich, but completely alone waiting for another call to go kill someone. 
The other men suddenly came out of the container making both of us turn to them. “Alejandro we got a hit, lets go” Graves stopped beside us, he looked down at me and then at Alejandro. Alejandro stud up and sighed “We’ll be back, you can tell me more about your parents when we return” I nodded. 
“See you soon F.N” Soap smiled and waved at me and felt my lips turn upwards as I nodded back at him “See you soon” he stared at me for a little before ruffling my hair and walking off. “Don’t go near that container, if she says anythin to you through the door remember it and tell us when we get back” Ghost pointed at me. “Ok” I replied before he patted my shoulder and walked off with the others. 
They left quickly, I could hear Graves’s helicopter taking off. I waited for a few minutes before standing up, the garage-like place I was in had the shutters open. I looked around a little to see if anyone was around before shutting the shutters and picking up my chair. 
I walked to the container and opened it, Valeria looked up from her hands and tilted her head. “Coming to rescue me, little one?” She smirked, I stared at her for a moment before walking in and slamming the door shut behind me. I sat my chair down straight across from her before sitting down. 
“You helped Hassan move the missiles he was supplied with by the Russains, did you lie to those men about where they are right now?” I asked, she tilted her head “I knew there was something about you, they said you were an innocent civilian my men kidnapped pero no, eres una maldita espía, a fucking spy” She cursed before chuckling. 
“Y esos pendejos no tienen idea verdad? They have no clue, who do you work for huh?” She glared at me “Mercenary” I corrected “Who I work for isn’t any of your concern, what should be your only concern is that if you lied to them and you actually know where the missiles are, Las Almas won’t be safe anymore. Not with Sin Nombres protection or Los Vaqueiros” She scoffed “I’ll personally see to it that It’s burned to the ground with everyone inside, and with it your empire”  Valeria stud up. 
“¿Quién crees que eres hija de puta! Threatening a whole city like an idiot!” She circled around me mumbling and yelling curses at me while doing it. “Did you lie to them?” I asked again. She spat on the ground and took her seat again “No” She glared daggers into me “Who are you, your name isn’t really F.N is it?” She hissed, I stood up and picked up my chair. 
“It is, pero prefiero cuervo” I said as I left the container and shut the door behind me. I yawned as I put the chair in place again and opened the shutters, I sat back and decided to take a nap to wait for the men to come back. Hopefully all together and intact. 
The sound of gunshots woke me up. It was raining and night time already, I quickly stood up and made my first priority to get out of the compound. I looked around for any kind of weapon and found a stack of throwing knives. With them in my pocket I peaked out of the garage and realized that the gunshots were coming from what I think was the cafeteria which was a separate building further into the compound. 
I frowned and started walking to the exit where shadows stopped me. “What the hell are you doing?” They stepped back “We didn’t realize it was you” One of them mumbled as they let me through. I glared at them as I walked out of the exit and onto the road that led straight to it, I could see three army jeeps driving up it. They got out and I waved at them. 
I moved to the side to let them into the compound but one of the shadows waved his arm to stop them. I frowned and walked over to the jeep that Alejandro stepped out of, Soap got out and put a hand on my shoulder as Alejandro walked up to Graves. “What’s this?” Alejandro asked, gesturing to the shadows that blocked the path. 
“This is the immediate future, step away from the gate” Graves ordered as the shadow that was riding with them got out holding his guns. “What?” Soap asked in confusion still holding onto me “You heard me” Graves said smugly “You’re crazy, this is my base” Alejandro chuckled in disbelief as he gestured to the compound. 
Graves smirked “It’s not a base, this is a sizable covert facility and I admire it….so I’m taking it” Graves explained. I frowned in disbelief, what the actual hell was happening. “You boys have been relieved, thank you for your service” Graves announced. Alejandro scoffed “No, no, no I don’t take orders from you” Graves sighed and shifted “Didn’t Valeria say that? Now that makes me wonder what else I don’t know about your affiliation with a drug-lord” Alejandro turned to us for a moment. 
He turned back to Graves “What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo….” Alejandro started walking closer to Graves but Soap let go of me and grabbed onto Alejandro’s shoulder to stop him. I looked at the scene in disbelief, the missions not done, Hassan is still out there what the hell is this dumbass doing!
“You’re out of line Graves” Soap warned “Don’t do that, Don’t…do that” Graves pointed at them before pointing at Ghost. “No one needs to get hurt here” Graves smirked a little “Are you threatening us?” Ghost’s voice echoed through the rain “Soldier, I don’t make threats' ' Graves called out back to him “I make guarantees, so let's not do this” He finished. 
 They stood in silence for a bit “I’m calling Shepherd” Soap turned back to the car “Generald Shepherd sends his regards” My eyes widen “He told me y'all wouldn’t take this well” Graves announced. “He knows about this?” Ghost called out, Graves nods “He’s put me in command of this operation from here on out. So y’all need to stand down, It’s time to let the pros finish this” He said. 
I noticed Ghost and Soap exchanging a look “And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of negotiation, It’s not, I’ve got my orders and now you have your” He pointed at the men. Alejandro shifted “And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? My men are inside!” he yelled, Graves stared him down “I’m afraid not, your men have been…..detained” He sucked his teeth. Alejandro tensed up “Cabron!” he yelled before charging Graves, I stepped back as they pressed him against the jeep and handcuffed him. 
Graves pointed a gun at Soap and I while a shadow held Ghost at gunpoint too. “Graves what the fuck!” Soap yelled, Graves sighed “I told you not to do it” Then he looked right at me “And we’re going to need our little errand runner back” Soap let out a confused noise.
“Crow, let’s go, come on now, you’re no longer needed to keep an eye on these boys” My blood ran cold as he called out for me. “Who the fuck is Crow?” Soap asked, I flinched at his question and at Graves’s snicker “Well, she’s Shepherd’s and I’s little errand runner, thanks for keeping her safe” Ghost glared daggers at me. 
“What?” Soap asked breathlessly, Graves gestured to me. “No, she’s just a kid” He put a hand on my shoulder and slightly pulled me closer to him “Just a-? Just a kid?” Graves laughed at Soap and shook his head. “That ‘kid’ you’ve been protecting is a mercenary Shepherd hired to keep an eye on y'all, that ‘kid’ can take down five of my shadows with a knife alone” He snickered. 
One of the shadows held out my vest with my Crow patch attached to it. “No” Soap mumbled under his breath “She’s a child Graves!” Alejandro struggled against the shadow holding him against the jeep. “A deadly child, yes” Graves corrected, I hesitated, technically I did my job. I spied on them and made sure they didn’t figure out that Shepherds idiotic and illegal mistake was exposed. 
So technically I should be putting that vest on and leaving with Graves and his shadows to continue the hunt for Hassan. I shrugged off Soap’s hand and walked over to the shadow that was holding my vest. “F.N no!” Soap called out to me “Atta girl” Graves snickered as I slipped it on “F.N you don’t have to do this, we’ll get you back to your parents safe and sound” Alejandro struggled again. 
I glanced at him and put a hand on his shoulder “Thank you Alejandro, you shouldn’t have resisted though” I mumbled feeling uneasy about my decision. “Take them out” Graves ordered “What?” I turned my head in shock as the shadows shot at Soap and Ghost. Soap grabbed one of them as a hostage while Ghost attacked another one. 
Suddenly, Soap was shot in the shoulder “Soap!” I called out but he quickly rolled off the edge of the road and down below. I quickly ran to the other side of the jeep with my pistol out to look for Ghost, I shot down the shadow that was on top of him and helped him up. 
He suddenly lunged at me with a knife in hand. I held my wrist under his to prevent him from stabbing me as I struggled against him. My back was pressed to the cold wet road as I looked up to see more shadows coming towards us, I mustered all my strength and all the adrenaline to move the massive man. 
I held onto him tightly as I rolled us off the edge of the road and down the hill, holding his wrist up to prevent from getting stabbed and getting deja vu in the process. Soap was injured and alone and I’m stuck with a massive man that towers over me and sees me as a threat.
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bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Mission 2: El Sin Nombre
“La casa de Sin Nombre?” Alejandro shook his head “No. One of his Lugartenientes” he corrected. We sat on a roof overlooking the mansion down below. “A cartel Lieutenant” Soap mumbled “Orale wey, estás aprendiendo, my sources tell me all the VIPs in Las Almas will be there tonight” Alejandro explained. 
I moved to sit down besides Ghost who glanced down at me from where he was standing. “Some are invited, others are umm…” “Volun-told?” Graves picked up, Alejandro nodded “Yes” he confirmed. “What’s the meet about?” Graves asked shooting a quick glance at me before turning his attention back onto Alejandro. 
“Nosotros, Las Almas is burning, and they want to know who lit the fire” Alejandro responded, Soap smirked and looked over at him. “Sin Nombre will be there, yeah?” Ghost asked Alejandro sighed “No guarantees, but this is our best shot” he turned around and walked closer to us with Soap. 
“Then we take it, I got enough shadows here to take over the whole damn country” Graves turned to us, Alejandro gave him a strange look “I prefer if you didn’t” Graves scoffed “I’m just sayin’, one house shouldn’t be a problem” they made a small circle, leaving me out of it. 
“We need Sin Nombre alive” Ghost said sternly, Graves clicked his tongue “Well…Then we need to meet him” He said. “How?” Soap asked looking over at him “Give ‘em what they want, intel, they want to know who’s here. Let’s tell ‘em” Graves explained. 
I scooted back and leaned on the small stone wall that surrounded us as I watched the men discuss their plan. “In person-?” Alejandro looked at Graves as if he was stupid “Correcto” Graves grinned “Get one of us inside, find the boss, roll him up” They stayed quiet for a moment. 
“I’ll do it” Soap finally spoke up “You go in there, and they’ll kill you, hermano” Alejandro warned “I’ll take my chances, we came here to stop a missile, let’s stop it, I’ll offer intel for a meet with Sin Nombre and if he’s there, we pounce” Soap grinned. 
“Orale, tienes huevos cabron, you make it in you’ll need eyes and ears, I’ll go too” Alejandro grinned back “I’ll take overwatch and look after F.N, Shadow circles the target in a helo” Ghost finally says something. Graves nods “Roger that, they are going to want proof, show ‘em this” Graves says, ripping off his company's logo patch off his vest and giving it to Soap. 
They fist bump each other and Graves walks off “Call me when you need me” We make eye contact as he walks away. “Alright, let’s gear up and get after it” He gives me a wink before completely leaving. “We’ll be back soon F.N, Ghost will take care of ya” Soap reassured me patting my shoulder. 
Ghost gives me a side eye before turning back to packing up. “He’ll warm up” Alejandro chuckles, they soon leave the way Graves did, leaving me alone with Ghost. “Let’s go” Ghost calls out to me once he finishes packing his equipment. 
I stood up and followed after him. He walked quickly and without stopping or slowing down, leaving me to catch up. Soon we got to where he deemed was the best place and started setting up. “Do you need help?” I mumbled, he stayed quiet before slowly turning his head to me “Stay quiet and stay low, take a nap or something.” 
I huffed before laying on my stomach besides him, using my arms as a pillow to rest my head as I listened to their conversation. “Shadows on station” Graves called out “Copy. All set here” Ghost responded “Seein’ room to set down on the roof” Ghost looked through his scope “Check” he mumbled. 
“Eyes on two, armed at the front door” He informed, I squinted my eyes in a poor attempt to see that far, which didn’t go unnoticed by him. “Alejandro, how you doin’?” Graves asked “Un Vaquero inside” Alejandro responded. “Goddamn, how’d you do that?” Ghost nudged a pair of binoculars to me before going back to his scope. 
“Violently” Alejandro whispered back, I stared at the binoculars before taking them and looking through to see two of the guards shooting at Soap who had his hands raised “Visual on Soap” Ghost informed “Moment o’ truth” Graves sighed. “They see him?” Alejandro asked “They do now..” Ghost nodded a little. 
The men looked over Soap before putting a sack over his head and picking him up “They’re taking him in” Ghost informed while the guards patted Soap down. “Kids got sand” Graves snickered “Hope he makes it” Alejandro sighed. My stomach turned into a knot when I saw them taking him into the building and away from our line of sight. Ghost looked away from his scoop as the men met up inside the mansion.
We stayed in complete silence as the two men inside looked for Sin Nombre. I kept my eyes on the windows of the mansion to see if I could spot Alejandro or Soap. Ghost shifted in the silence while I put the binoculars down. “You’re parents” He started, I looked over at him in confusion. 
“They must be worried sick” He looked down at me, his eyes were unsettling. They were empty and serious, they reminded me of coal. The way he said it sounded both genuine and sarcastic at the same time, I nodded “They sounded worried” I mumbled. 
He hummed “I bet they did” Ghost looked back through his scope. I looked away trying to figure out if he suspected me or if he was just really bad at small talk and can’t stand the silence. “Ghost we’re in” Alejandro broke the tense atmosphere “What’ve you got” Ghost asked. 
“El Sin Nombre is in the penthouse, third floor” Soap spoke up “Elevator is a straight shot, we just need Diego’s keycard” Alejandro added “Where’s Diego?” I looked back through the binoculars and spotted Soap with a guard that I assumed was Alejandro walking around the roof. 
Soap was wearing a white ski mask as he followed Alejandro around. “The ofrenda, second floor” Alejandro responded “You seein’ anything L.t.?” Soap asked, Ghost took a moment to look around the roof “If you can scout a way to the roof, there’s access to the penthouse” he said. 
“I’m headed upstairs either way” Soap huffed as he began looking “Cuidado, hermano. Guards find you up there- or in the garage -they’ll shoot on sight” Alejandro warned. Soap stopped and turned to him “What’s in the garage?” He asked, Alejandro shrugged “No idea, but it’s important to Diego” he answered. 
“Find El Sin Nombre and let’s get this done. Out here” Ghost said before turning his radio off. I looked around the roof and spotted two guards beating some man who had the same white mask as Soap into a pulp. I watched Soap look around before disappearing inside. 
“When do you think I can go home?” I spoke up to break the silence, he stayed quiet for a few minutes “Don’t know” He mumbled. I frowned “You are going to bring me home right?” I pushed, he nodded “That’s the goal, you’ll make it home don’t worry” After that he turned his complete attention back to his scope. 
I nodded and turned away, hopefully the questions helped destroy any suspicion he had of me, if there was even any to begin with. “Graves, Sin Nombre is posing as a female sicaria. We’re moving in. You set?” Alejandro announced “Check” Graves replied. “Ghost?” Alejandro called out “Ready” 
Graves’s helicopter flew over us and toward the mansion. “Down! Get down, now!” Graves called out from the helicopter, I could see the sicaria being cornered by Soap, Alejandro and the helicopter. “A bullet will make you kneel!” Graves called out before the woman kneeled on the ground. 
Ghost sat up and started packing his things as the others cuffed her and put her on the helicopter. After that they came and found us, a shadow threw a ladder down to us which Ghost made me climb up first. Soap helped me get up and take my seat across from the sicaria. 
She stared at me in confusion as Ghost got up and sat down. “Ghost wasn’t too mean was he?” Soap chuckled, I shook my head and leaned back while we flew back to Alejandro’s base.
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bestfrozenskittles · 2 years
Mission Complete: Intermission
Ghost kept his eyes on me, whether it was to make sure I didn’t try anything or just spacing out I didn’t know. My civilian clothes were ice cold from the river we swam in earlier. Alejandro had turned the heater on to keep me warm, but it didn’t really help. We stopped behind a building and they got out “Alright F.N here’s what we’re going to have you do” Soap said as he opened my car door with the other two behind him. 
“We can’t keep you safe out here so you’ll be staying in here, stay low and stay quiet, there’s someone coming to pick us up his name is Rodolfo” Ghost spoke as he reloaded his weapons and fixed any tiny mistake on his vest. “He’ll pick you up first from here and bring you with him to get us once we have Hassan, do not go with anyone else, ask him what his name is before getting out of the car” Alejandro finished. 
I nodded and moved to sit on the floor of the car, Soap offered me a smile “He’ll come for me right?” I asked, I had to stay with them no matter what. They nodded “Definitely” Alejandro, I nodded and got comfortable “We’ll see you soon hermanita, stay low and stay safe” He patted my knee and moved away from the door. 
Soap smiled at me and nodded “See you soon F.N” with that he shut the door and they locked the car. I stayed quiet for a few minutes before quickly digging in my pocket where I had shoved the paper in earlier. The mushy ruined papers covered my hands “That’s one way” I mumbled and pulled apart any of the bigger pieces even though the writing was not legible at all due to the water. 
I rubbed the mushy paper on the seat and looked around the front seats for anything they might’ve left behind, but of course they had taken everything valuable. The only thing I found was a radio that was built into what usually would be a normal car radio. I turned it on, people speaking spanish blasted loudly, I panicked and quickly turned it down. 
I sat quietly for a few minutes to see if anyone would come by. When no one came I leaned over the armrest and began changing the stations, soon I was on the private station Shepherd had set up for me. “Crow to Gold Eagle Actual” I whispered into the radio, I waited for a bit before Shepherd began speaking. 
“Crow, this is Actual, what’s your update” He said, I pursed my lips and pressed the button “Alejandro, Soap, and Ghost are currently rushing in for Hassan with help of Graves from the sky, they don’t have a reason to suspect you general, so far I mean” I responded. 
“Alright, keep up the good work, and Crow?” I hummed “Yes sir?” I asked “Stay alive, Actual out” With that I put the radio down and turned it off. I looked down at my damp clothes and sighed. Graves’s air flying overhead was faint, I peaked out of the window and watched the men rush in after Graves’s shadows shot down any hostiles.
“As soon as this is over I have to head back to America and get my money” I spoke out loud to myself while I closed my eyes and laid back onto the truck floor. I could get used to barely having to do anything. The sound of a car driving close to the truck I was in made me sit up quickly. 
“Shit” I cursed and dug around in the pockets behind the front seats, the only thing I found was a wooden pencil. “Fuck” I mumbled and curled up against the car door that was on the side of the car that drove up. The person stopped in front of the door and waited for a few minutes, probably trying to look into the blacked out windows.
They softly knocked on the door twice. “F.N? Are you in there? I’m here to pick you up, we have to hurry” A man spoke, I frowned and got up. From his personal files I could tell this was Rodolfo, Alejandro’s second in command. I unlocked the door “Rodolfo?” I asked, he nodded.
“Let’s go” He helped me out and we got into the jeep he was driving. “We have to meet the others up ahead and get out of here fast” He explained as he drove, Rodolfo looked over at me “Are you alright? No one tried to get in right?” I nodded. “I’m fine, just a little scared about all of this” I mumbled. 
He nodded with a strained smile on his face “I know, It’s scary, but you don’t have to worry about anything, you’re under our protection F.N” I couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment before nodding “Yeah…” I looked away. The rest of the ride was quiet as we made it to the pick up spot. 
They had Hassan in cuffs as they shoved him into the car. “Good to see you hermano” Alejandro greeted Rodolfo “Likewise brother” Rodolfo smiled at him, “And it’s good to see you’re safe hermanita” I nodded and looked over at Hassan who stared at me. 
Soap got into the trunk of the jeep and we drove off. “How ruthless do you have to be to bring a young girl into this” Hassan spat, I frowned. “You’re men kidnapped her” Ghost glared at him “Or do you not remember that part” Soap added. Shit.
Hassan shook his head slowly “Not my men, I’ve never seen her in my life, I told the cartel’s men to not get civilians into this” Soap scoffed “That’s rich” He chuckled “Looks like they didn’t listen to you” Alejandro glared at him and put a sack over his head. 
“F.N, I found water for you” Soap called from the very back of the jeep. I turned my head and frowned in confusion “Huh” I let out before Ghost grabbed the more than beat up bottle and passed it to me. “It was in the buildin and hasn’t been opened'' Ghost added as I took it. 
I looked at the bottle “Thank you, you didn't have to” I mumbled and opened it. “How sweet, a little gift before you get the young girl killed” Hassan snickered, Alejandro rolled his eyes “Shut up” he groaned and elbowed him. I didn’t realize how dehydrated I was until I drank some. 
We drove up a road and into a very small town, they spoke to Graves who was still watching us from above. Suddenly a man with a cart began pulling his cart into the middle of the road. Rodolfo yelled at him to get out of our way and had a small argument with the man before Alejandro told him to just go around him. 
Rodolfo suddenly drove through the man's car and down the street. Before we could get too far another car sped towards us and crashed into my door. The car flipped and I bashed my head against the dashboard, everything went black. 
When I woke up I was on Ghost’s back before being lifted into a helicopter. The sun was so bright and I couldn’t keep my eyes open for too long. “Close your eyes you’re safe” Ghost voice made my ears ring, my head was leaning on someone’s shoulder and an arm was across my front to stop me from falling forward. 
I leaned my head back to see who it was and saw Alejandro turn and smile at me. “The light will hurt your eyes, keep them close” I listened and closed them “What’s your name” I mumbled quietly to him, he chuckled and said something to Soap “Alejandro, that’s Soap, Rodolfo and Ghost” he pointed at them when I opened my eyes again. 
“Who names themselves Soap” I whispered to him, I heard him snickering at Soap before I fell back asleep against his shoulder. When I woke up again I was in a truck, it was night time and it was parked in the middle of nowhere. I sat up quickly and my head started pounding. I looked out of the front window and saw the men I had been traveling with talking to Hassan. 
I caught Graves' eyes and he gave me a subtle sign to get out of the truck. I frowned before opening the door and stepping out, Ghost stood beside me as the other three argued with Hassan. “Alright!” Shepherd called out to stop them “What about the hostage, where is she?” Graves sighed “Right here, just woke up” He looked over at me. 
“She’s in perfect health, doesn’t have any information unfortunately” Soap explains. “I’ve never seen the girl in my life, I’m not even sure where she came from” Hassan suddenly spoke, I frowned and glanced over at Graves, he sucked his teeth before sighing. 
“The cartel men kidnapped her thinking she was threat against you, a little innocent girl who couldn’t protect herself, she’s in this mess because of you” He huffed, Soap nodded “Civilians like her are goin to get hurt because of you” He growled. 
I glared a little at Graves before they ended their conversation with Shepherd and Laswell and put the sack over Hassan’s head. “F.N” Alejandro called out “You haven’t been able to contact your parents right?” I shook my head “No” I sighed. “Here, use my phone to call them” he pulled out his phone and handed it to me.
I looked at it and nodded before taking it. I walked a little bit farther away and pressed the phone up to my ear. They turned and started talking about something else while I spoke nonsense for a little while before ‘hanging up’ and walking back to the. 
“They said thank you” They nodded “We’ll get you home soon, for now we still have some things we have to take care of” Alejandro opened the door for me. “Let’s get going”
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bestfrozenskittles · 2 years
Mission 1: Cartel Protection
Hostage Secured
“You only have about 10 minutes to get into that building Crow, Ghost and Soap are on their way here, if they find you sneaking in they’ll know” Graves spoke while he tied my hands in front of me tightly. “I know” I mumbled, Graves glanced at me and chuckled “Good luck with it, we’ll drop you off here” He backed up and looked at his handy work. 
I was in civilian clothes, no vest, no weapons, no radio; and I felt vulnerable and uncomfortably weak. The helicopter we were in lowered down to a safe distance “Gotta roughen you up Crow, nothing personal of course” I frowned in confusion “Wha-” before I could finish my question he punched me in the jaw. 
My face turned to the side from the force and I groaned, while I was disoriented Graves pushed me out of the helicopter. “Have fun!” I covered my head as I hit the ground, I took a moment to regain some sort of balance as I watched the helo fly away.
“I’m going to kill him when I get the chance” I mumbled “10 minutes' ' I slowly stood up and began making my way to the building the men would soon arrive at. I sighed and looked for a way in after awhile I found a window. “That’ll work” using a fence as leverage I jumped up and held onto the window ledge. 
I pulled myself up and crawled into the empty bathroom the window was in. I looked around and heard two men talking outside the bathroom door, quietly I got into the bathtub and let out a sigh. Soon the sound of gunshots filled the room. 
“Soap! Clear the room!” I closed my eyes and leaned back “They’re here” I whispered to myself, the small movement made me feel the bruise Graves had given me. A man I recognized as Soap bashed the door in and pointed an M249 to my head “Clear for Hassan, but there’s a hostage here!” He called out to the men behind him.
“Hostage?” Another man, Alejandro, walked up behind him, I groaned and opened my eyes. “Are you alright? Can you stand?” Soap asked putting his gun away to help me up, Ghost watched from the doorway, looking me over before turning around “This is Ghost to Actual, we found a hostage in Hassan’s previous hiding spot” He radioed in. 
Alejandro helped Soap pull me out of the tub. “Hablas español o Inglés” Alejandro asked me as he watched Soap cut the ropes off my wrist, I shifted to rub my wrist “Both” I mumbled. Soap finished and looked over my bruises “Actual, you said hostage Ghost? Keep them with you, ask them questions, we can’t send an evac right now” Shepherd answered.
Ghost took a moment before sighing in frustration “Alright” he mumbled and walked back to us. “Figure out if she can stand, we’re taking her with us” Alejandro looked over at him “It’s too dangerous, are they not sending anyone?” Ghost shook his head “Negative, she's staying with us, she's under our protection”
“Alright, can you stand?” Soap asked again, I looked up at him “I’m….I’m not sure” I mumbles. “Hold onto me I’ll help you” I nodded as Soap wrapped my arms around his neck and helped me stand up. Soap took me to a couch near a window and sat me down. “They must’ve moved him” Alejandro sighed, I glanced at the table beside me and noticed some papers Shepherd wouldn't want anyone to read through. “When?” Soap glanced at him “Recently” he answered. 
“Quds force flag, that’s his flag” Ghost pointed out, Alejandro huffed “He was here” Soap nodded “Alejandro���s intel was good” The sound of vehicles caught their attention. “Comandante el ejército está aquí” A man said through the radio Alejandro moved to look out the window “Mierda!” he cursed. 
Ghost moved with him “What is it?” he asked. “The army” Alejandro answered, I frowned as I realized again that I didn’t have any other choice but to put my life in these men’s hands. “We’ve got reinforcements?” Soap asked, Alejandro shook his head “Negative, 0-3 retroceder, retroceder ahora” He spoke into his radio. 
“Entendido” Soap looked back at me “Stay down alright? You don’t have to worry about anything we’re gonna keep you safe” Alejandro nodded and grabbed a pillow “Put this over your head and lay down we’ll tell you when It’s safe” I nodded and took it “Thank you” I mumbled and did as they said.
“What are we doin?” Soap asked Alejandro, the man moved positions and got ready “Covering my men, once they clear we’ll fall back” He answered. Soap frowned “You want us to engage the fucking Mexican army?” he asked in surprise. 
I moved the pillow from my head to underneath my chin to look over at them and to hear better. “No carnal, these troops are paid by the cartel, they’re helping the cartel protect Hassan” Alejandro reassured, Ghost hummed and walked over to the couch I was on, he pulled the pillow back over my head “Stay down” He mumbled to me. 
I huffed but did as I was told. “Hold your fire, we’ll dig in until my men are clear” Alejandro explained. Ghost looked out the window “Multiple vehicles, troop transports, light armor” He called out. Alejandro nodded “Hold fire, let them get close” as soon as he said that a bullet shot through the window and broke it. 
“Weapons free!” Alejandro called out as they started shooting back, I tightened the pillow over my head as broken glass fell on me. They yelled out information to each other as they cleared out the corrupted army troops, soon Rodolfo radioed to them “Commander we’re clear” 
“My men are clear! Let's go!” Alejandro yelled, Ghost pulled me up off the couch and grabbed my hand as we followed Alejandro to the back of the room. I snatched the papers on our way out and shoved them into my pocket. “This way!” He called out and led us to a window as the army threw smoke grenades into the windows. Soap opened it “Here take her, make sure she’s safe” Ghost hands me over to Soap who nodded, Alejandro jumped out the window and onto a shack roof underneath it. 
“You’re turn” Soap helped me up onto the window ledge, I jumped down and jumped over to Alejandro with Soap following after. Once Ghost caught up to us we began to run. I coughed into my arm as I followed the men down a dirt path “The armys right behind us!” Soap called out as he reloaded his gun. 
“Copy that, we’re moving!” Rodolfo called over the radio. Soap turned to look at me and quickly grabbed my hand to help me run faster. “Keep close” he said as they kept running, Alejandro cursed under his breath as he realized how close the army was to us “Down the hill! We’ll lose them in the mountains” He yelled at us.
“Fan out and stay close” He said into his radio “La vieja ruta?” Rodolfo asked. “Straight to the bridge Alejandro responded, as soon as he finished speaking one of the men was shot down “Rodriguez!” he called out. I cursed under my breath and held my arms over my head “The armies on us!” Soap called out. 
“Get to cover and return fire!” Ghost ordered, Soap nodded and pulled be behind a rock he pushed me down and started shooting at the army. I could hear Alejandro checking up on the man that was shot, after a while the bullets stopped “Are we clear?” Soap asked, “For now, we gotta keep moving!” Alejandro answered. 
“Lets go” Soap grabbed my hand, I tightly held his hand as we began to run after the others. “You know these trails?” Soap asked Alejandro who turned to glance at him “Very well, but so does the army” he answered. “We can’t hold off an army. We need extraction” Ghost called out. 
“Rodriguez, llama para extracción” Alejandro ordered “Sí comandante”, we stopped at a small cliff, Soap jumped down first “Come, I’ll catch you, promise” He smiled up at me. I was taken off guard at how gentle the guy who looked so roughed up was being to me. I hopped off the cliff and just as he promised he caught me before I hit the ground. 
“Thank you” I mumbled, we ran a bit more before bullets being shot at us stopped our running. “Contact!” Ghost yelled, he backed up and pushed me behind a rock a bit too harsh, knocking the air out of me. They shot back while I regained my breath. 
Rodriguez called for extraction besides me. “We clear?” Ghost asked “For now, they’ll be more vamos” Alejandro answered as we began running again. “Any word from Rodolfo?” he asked Rodríguez who huffed “No - perdimos comunicaciones” 
We crouched beneath a knocked down tree “Puta, let’s keep it moving, through here, the mountains are blocking the comms” Alejandro grumbled. “Your man get the call out?” Ghost asked, they slid down a steep hill before us “Let’s hope so” Alejandro sighed in frustration. 
Soap slid down before me and helped me up when I followed him. “What’s the plan?” He asked the others “There’s a bridge at the river, extraction will be there” Alejandro explained. An RPG being shot at a tree ahead of us stopped us from going forward. 
“Contact! RPG!” Ghost yelled, Soap pulled me with him while I looked for the person with the RPG. “Up there” I pointed at the man on the cliff “Good eye” Soap grinned at me and took him out. I pressed my back onto the rock while they fought back. 
“Almost out” Soap huffed, Alejandro looked over at us “I have ammo here!” he called out. He tossed a box of ammo at us, Soap was too busy shooting back so I caught the box and pressed it against his chest to get his attention. “Thank you!” He said while reloading. 
The shooting stopped soon after “Anyone hit?” Alejandro asked, “Negative” Ghost answered. Soap turned to me “Are you alright? Did you get hurt?” He asked, other than the lingering pain of Ghost shoving me behind the rock by pressing on my stomach I was fine, I shook my head “I’m ok” he nodded and turned back to the others “We’re good to go!” 
“Copy on me!” Alejandro called out, we followed after him until we made it to a large gap between cliffs. “We’ll have to jump here” Alejandro explained “Can we make that?” Soap grimaced at the height and so did I “Do or die, brother” Alejandro chuckled. 
Soap jumped first landing less than graceful “Your turn” Alejandro put a hand on my back “He’ll catch you don’t worry” I looked up at him for a moment “I hope so” I mumbled. He chuckled, Soap held his arms out to me “Come on! Promise to catch you!” he called out. 
If I die, I’m suing Shepherd. I jumped onto the other ledge and into Soap’s arms “Good job!” He grinned at me, I felt my soul leave my body for a moment before we slid down a steep hill. “Pinches cabrones aren’t far behind” Alejandro huffed “Where to Alejandro?” Soap asked. 
We stopped at a cliff edge overlooking the mountains, and a long way down. I stayed close to the mountain wall with sweaty palms “You nervous?” Soap asked and I nodded “Not a fan of heights” I sighed. “Soap push forward. Rodriguez, keep working on the radio, rest o’ you watch for snipers. Use that ledge. There will be a way up the mountain”
“Got anything?” Ghost asked, Alejandro looked around “They’re out there, believe me” he answered. Soap jumped onto the ledge below and helped me down, Rodriguez was fiddling with his radio, trying to get ahold of Rodolfo. Soap climbed up a tall rock and pulled me up afterwards. 
“Rodriguez, any radio signal?” Rodriguez shook his head “Negativo” he answered. “We need to get to the river” Alejandro called out, I helped Soap look for the path we needed to take, I found out behind some overgrown bushes. “Hey, It’s here” I pulled Soap over to the path. 
“She found it!” He called back to them, we moved down the path before Alejandro stopped us. “Escucha…You hear that?” Ghost nodded “Incoming heli” He said, Alejandro nodded “Si. Get into a firing position. We’ll take them by surprise” He called out. 
We stopped running and looked for cover. “Which way to the bridge?” Ghost asked as we looked around for any army men. “Straight ahead. Past the helo, they’ll try to cut us off” Alejandro answered, Soap nodded “We’ll have to go through them” He said as he put me behind another rock for cover before beginning to shoot back.
“Weapons free!” Alejandor called out, “Secondaries” Ghost huffed out. Alejandro threw a box of ammo at us, I caught it and handed it to Soap. “Appreciated” He smiled. “Clear” Alejandro and Ghost said in unison. “Go up that hill, the bridge isn’t far” Alejandro said as we began moving again. 
“They may position shooters out here, watch your backs” He told us before we got a clear view of the bridge. “There’s the bridge” He pointed out, Soap used his scope to look it over “No visuals on extraction” he called out. Rodriguez let out a sigh “Comms didn’t get through, hijo de puta” He rubbed his face. 
“We’ll radio when we’re down there” Alejandro sighed too and continued his way down the path. “This way” He cocked his head to the side, he jumped down to a ledge down below that seemed could give out at any moment. Like the other times Soap jumped down first and helped me down afterwards. 
“Watch your footing here” Alejandro called out to us “These cliffs are dangerous” Rodriguez followed. “You know your way?” Ghost asked while following them “We use to cut school and play here” Alejandro chuckled, Soap gave him a strained smile “Until the cartels moved in?” with a sigh Alejandro nodded. 
“Exactly, the narcos changed everything” He grumbled, Soap helped me down a ledge and I gulped when I saw the tiny little ledge we had to walk across. Soap grabbed my hand “I’ll hold on” he tightened his grip “There’s no chance you’ll slip then” I hesitantly nodded “Ok” I mumbled. 
We walked against the mountain wall slowly, a bullet shot right above mines and Soaps interlocked hands. My soul left my body “Oh shit-” I cursed regaining my balance “Sniper! Move!” Ghost yelled, Rodriguez suddenly got shot down, he fell down instantly. “Rodriguez!” Alejandro called out before taking out the sniper that killed his friend.
“Sniper’s down” He said “Bloody good shot, mate” Ghost complimented. We jumped to another ledge and then climbed up another one, my body was getting sore from all the ups and downs. “Army’s trailing us” Soap called out “We’ll gain some ground” Alejandro responded to him as he led us down another small ledge before jumping. 
We followed him until eventually we slid down a steep hill and to a dead end. “You led us to a dead end, mate” Ghost said, Alejandro shook his head “We jump from here! Don’t lose your weapon!” He smirked before jumping off the cliff and down into the river below. 
Ghost turned to Soap “Take her down with you, can you swim?” He looked over at me. “Yeah- but that's a long way down…” They can’t expect me to actually jump off this right? Soap grabbed my hand again “Hold onto me, we’ll go down together, you won’t get hurt, promise” He smiled down at me. 
His smile was somewhat comforting “Uh..alright, ok” I sighed. He nodded and brought me into a protective hug, I was caught off guard for a moment at how warm he was. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck before he ran and jumped off the cliff. 
Ghost jumped down after us, I held on tightly to Soap and shoved my face into his neck to protect it from smacking too harshly into the water. When we hit it I let go of him to give both of us a chance to swim up to the surface. “You good, hermanos?” Alejandro asked “Affirm” Ghost answered, Soap rubbed his eyes “Soap?” Alejandro looked back at him “Breathing.” 
Alejandro looked over at me “We’ll figure out your name later, for now are you ok?” I nodded “Yes” he smiled and nodded. “Move down river to the bridge. Use the rocks for cover” We all nodded and began swimming down the river “All stations, this is Victor-0-1- how copy?” Alejandro said into his radio.
“—dow 1! Do you—? -ya again, -o you re—?” I tensed when I heard Graves' voice through the radio. “Radio’s picking up something” Soap hummed, Ghost nodded “Sounds American” he added. “Here they come, weapons free!” Alejandro called out when the Army began shooting at us. 
We took cover behind some rocks, I took the time to recover my breath. “Army reinforcements rolling in! Keep pushing up river” Alejandro turned around and began swimming down the river. Soap shot down some army men before we swam under a log.
“Enemy vehicles! Right bank! The rivers slowing us down mate!” Ghost yelled out, Alejandro began reloading “It gets shallow up ahead, swim up! Keep moving!” We began moving again. We stopped when the water got shallow enough “Vehicles on the bridge!” Ghost pointed out, “They’re not ours! Fuck-! It’s the army!” Alejandro cursed. 
“Get to cover!” Ghost called out, I ran behind some rocks and peaked over it. The cars were pulling up onto the bridge. “We have to hold here and get extraction” Alejandro explained “We can’t do shite against that armor! “ Soap cursed as he shot at the armored men. 
“This is Shadow-1! Engaging the bridge north of your position. Danger close!” Grave’s voice came from the radio. “Who the hell is that?” Alejandro asked, Ghost turned to him “Commander Graves, Shadow Company. They’re with us” he explained. 
Graves shot a rocket at the bridge, bringing it down. “Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7! Good shots! Fire for effect!” Ghost said into the radio “All stations, no enemy movement detected. You’re clear” Graves confirmed. We ran up a path near the river “Good to see you boy, who's the lovely little lady you got with ya?” He asked.
“Likewise mate, she’s a hostage we found and will be interrogating soon” Ghost answered, I should start getting my answers ready. “This way!” Alejandro called out “Graves, we’ve located a vehicle for exfil” Ghost said. “Roger that. Be advised, we got a possible hit on Hassan, two clicks north of your position” I looked up at the airplane Graves was in. 
“That’s cartel land. They have a compound there” Alejandro explained as we got closer to the truck. “Load in!” Ghost opened the back door for me, I got in and let out a sigh. “Let’s roll” Soap grinned and got in “I’ll drive” Alejandro turned the engine on “You boys good to roll up Hassan with some fire from the sky?” Graves asked. 
“What about the hostage, she’s still technically in danger” Alejandro pointed out, I rested my head against the back seat in exhaustion. “Graves, think you can take her with you? Back to the base” Ghost asked into the radio, my eyes widened a bit, I had to stay with them until they completed the mission. I can’t go back too early or I won’t get paid.
“No can do, we won’t be returning back to the base for awhile boys and Hassan might get away this is the only chance we’ve got” Graves saves the day with a lie, the men took a moment before nodding.
“Alright hermanita, you’re under our protection for the foreseeable future” Alejandro turned to look at me with a soft smile. I nodded “Ok…” Soap finally strapped in “Let’s wrap this fucker up, Graves” he grinned “Solid copy. We are pushing to the target di-rectly, Shadow-1 out” Graves got off the radio leaving us in silence. 
“Alright, so what’s your name?” Soap asked, turning a bit to look at me. I glanced at him “F.N” I answered and shifted in my seat, I could feel Ghost’s eyes piercing into the side of my head. “So F.N, do you have any idea why they took you hostage?” Alejandro asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror. 
“I don’t know, wrong place wrong time, they thought I was trying to sneak in” I answered “Did you hear them speaking about a man named Hassan while you were in the bathroom?” Ghost asked right after. I hesitantly shook my head “I was asleep for most of the time, I did hear them say something about trucks moving up to the north” I lied.
“How old are you exactly?” Soap suddenly asked, the other two turned to him. “You seem too young to be involved in any of this, I mean” he clarified. “I’m 17, just turned…” I mumbled “17?” Alejandro asked alarmed “I’m sorry you had to go through all this right now, but we’ll keep you safe” He added. 
“We’ll get you home safe” Ghost mumbled and leaned into his seat. “Your parents must be worried about you, how long have you been in there?” Soap asked, I looked away for a moment “Yeah…for about 4 days I think” I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. 
“Rest for now F.N, we’ll keep you safe”
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bestfrozenskittles · 2 years
Mission Failed: Lost Missiles
“So tell us Crow, how much are you getting paid for this” The driver of the transportation truck Crow was in asked. “Classified” she mumbled and looked out of the window beside her, he chuckled and nodded. “Alright, then do you know what we’re hauling?” Crow frowned “No” she huffed and shifted in her seat. The driver glanced over at her before looking back at the road.
“Must be important if we got someone who isn’t in the Shadow Company to supervise” Crow pursed her lips and nodded “Must be” her eyes fell on the truck in front of them. “Why are they stopping” She straightened up in her seat and put a hand on her pistol holster, the driver pressed a button on his radio “Shadow 7-3 to 7-9, what's the hold up?” 
“There’s a truck on the road, It won’t move” Crow heard over the radio, she could also hear the shadow that was besides 7-9 speaking poor Russian. “Go around them 7-9, this cargo cannot be late” She spoke into her own radio. “We can’t there’s an-” he was abruptly cut off when shots were fired.
Crow ducked and pulled out her own weapon, “Shit” the Shadow that was with her cursed and ducked down alongside her, the sound of foreing vehicles surrounding them made her more tense than she already was. “7-9, 7-7 what's your status” Crow called out through the radio. 
“This is Graves, Crow what's the situation” Crow sighed and rubbed her eyes “An ambush, there's casualties but I don't know how many” Shepherd looked at Graves “Crow you make sure those cargo trucks are safe” Shepherd demanded. Crow huffed and looked at the Shadow that was with her. 
“You stay here, make sure no one opens this shipment, understood?” He nodded and watched as she slowly opened the truck door and slid out. Crow rolled under the truck and looked for any sign of the attackers. Once she made sure no one was around her she rolled out from under the truck and made her way to the cargo truck that was behind them.
 The Shadows that were in the truck quickly let her in. “What’s going on?” They asked “An ambush, make sure no on-” She was cut off by a bullet hitting one of the Shadows in the dome. “Shit!” before the other Shadow could duck a bullet was shot into his head and chest. 
The truck door slammed open and she was dragged out by the back of her vest. Crow fell onto her back and immediately shot the two men above her, she got up and looked over their bodies. “No fucking way” a bullet shot into her shoulder and knocked her down onto the road. 
Three armed men made their way over to her. Crow frowned while holding onto her wounded shoulder to stop the bleeding “Crow! What's going on!” Crow ignored Graves and looked for a way out. Unfortunately the men were getting too close and with no other choice Crow rolled off the road and down the hill that was beside it. 
Bullets went flying as she rolled down the hill. She put her arms around her head and held her breath before she hit the river that was at the bottom. Crow let the river take her farther away from the scene and swam up when she thought she was far enough. 
Wet, cold and bleeding Crow sat beside the river. “Crow to Gold Eagle Actual, we’re looking at three lost missiles sir, lots of casualties” Shepherd rubbed his face and slammed his fist on the table “Did you see who attacked” Graves answered. “Yes” Crow responded, groaning when her shoulder began to ache. 
“We’re sending evac to you as we speak Crow, hold that information to your chest” 
“Yes sir” 
“You’re telling me, that Russains were the ones that attacked the cargo” Shepherd stood in front of F.N with his arms behind his back “Yes sir” she answered as the nurse bandaged her shoulder. “They took the three missiles, they’re armed and dangerous” Grave crossed his arms, F.N nodded. “I heard them speaking to someone they called boss, someone named Makarov” Shepherd cursed under his breath. 
“Crow, how would you like to receive more money” F.N frowned, Graves looked at Shepherd “Sir? Are you giving me another mission?” Shepherd nodded “I’ll set up a meeting when everything is in place, until then Crow” Both men walked out of the medical room. 
F.N stared at the door, with a sigh she stood up “What am I getting myself into.”
Gasoline coated the paper and notes that scattered the building, a trail of it followed Crow as she walked down the hallways of the mostly destroyed building. “Gold Eagle Actual to Crow, Bravo team has just left the scene, how's the information” Shepherd sat in his office alone. 
“Ready for the order general” Crow tossed the empty bottle onto the floor. “Torch it” with that Crow struck a match and threw it onto the covered floor before making her way out of the building to admire her handy work. The building was up in flames soon after “Actual, any information they might come for later is gone” Crow walked to the helicopter that waited for her. 
“Great job Crow, now get back, It’s time for the second phase of your mission” Crow hummed and took her seat. 
“Welcome back Crow” F.N nodded at Graves and crossed her arms as she stood in front of Shepherds desk. “Now then, It’s time for things to get even more difficult, your mission is to keep a close eye on task force 141, and to keep them from finding out my involvement with any of this. Any questions?” 
F.N glanced at Graves “How exactly am I going to get close enough to them to make sure they don’t figure it out?” She asked “Easy, the men have figured out that the narcos are working with Hassan, we’re going to stage a kidnapping in which you are our lucky victim” Graves walked around the desk and towards her. 
“They’ll ‘save you’ and keep you safe, from there all you have to do is cover up any tracks we might’ve left behind that they could see” He finished “Pretending to be a damsel in distress, how embarrassing” F.N mumbled. “Well then is everything understood?” F.N sighed “Yes sir.”
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bestfrozenskittles · 2 years
———————————————————————————— The night air felt warm on the less than sober man as he made his way from the motel room to quiet his car alarm that had randomly began to blare in the middle, he let out a sigh and thought of the booze waiting for him back in the crappy dirty room. He frowned when pressing the unlock button on his keys didn’t work “Stupid piece of shit” he mumbled under his breath and got into the car to manually turn the alarm off. 
Once it was off he let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. The thought of the men that were after him suddenly brought him great stress. The reminder of why he’s drinking so much tonight made him rub his entire face for a moment. When he looked back up he noticed that his rearview mirror was pointed towards him instead of the back window. 
He sighed again and fixed it, the sight of a black masked person made his blood run cold, the eyes of the girl in his back seat were a cold contrast to the hot bullet that left her silenced pistol and entered in between his own. With a click on her radio she began to speak “Crow to Gold Eagle Actual, your target has been eliminated” She slid out of the blood ridden car and put her weapon away before pulling the mouthless balaclava off her head. 
“This is Gold Eagle Actual, wonderful job Crow your pay is in the agreed spot” With that, F.N took her radio off and shoved it in her backpack with the rest of her stuff before walking away from the scene with her head held low. She walked down the empty streets of London before ducking into an alleyway.
F.N squatted down beside a pile of trash and picked up a brown handbag. A quick check of it revealed her money in cash, she closed it and walked out of the alleyway with the bag on her shoulder. The journey home was quiet and long, she looked at the people sitting on the bus alongside her. Hyper aware of the other humans that surrounded her.
Two people sat behind her while one sat in front of her. A child and a mother sat in the seats directly across from her. In total six people were on the first floor of the routemaster. When her stop came F.N stud from her seat and made her way to the exit. The driver bid her a farewell, distracted by the sudden human interaction she stuttered and ran into someone stepping onto the bus.
“Sorry sir” She looked up at the tall man who had a warm welcoming smile on his face “No worries, you’re alright?” The mutton chops combined with a mustache gave him a fatherly or grandfatherly appearance. F.N nodded “Yes..sorry” She mumbled and walked past him. John stepped to the side and watched the young woman walk off before stepping into the bus and taking his seat. 
After showering and eating something her work phone began to ring. The familiar number that belonged to the general with a sigh she picked up “Hello sir” she spoke first into the phone “Crow, I have another job for you, triple your last pay” Shepherd leaned back into his chair as he stared down Graves. “What is it?” Shepherd nodded “I’ll send a car for you, that car will take you to the airport, I’m afraid this isn’t a job I can explain over the phone.” 
“Understood, the usual agreed location will do sir” Shepherd shifted in his seat “See you soon Crow” F.N tossed the phone onto her bed and got dressed again. She picked up her backpack and stepped out of her hotel room to leave the building. It was already late and the last routemaster was on its last route for the night.
F.N managed to catch it and got on. “Didn’t expect to see you so soon” The older woman driving smiled at F.N only to receive an awkward smile and nod. She turned to find a seat in the mostly empty cart save for the familiar man who sat at the very back with his eyes closed. “He fell asleep and missed his stop” F.N whispered to herself before taking her seat behind the driver. 
When her stop came up F.N noticed the black car waiting for her. She got off the bus and walked over to the car, the man in the car quickly drove her to the airport. From there she was off back to America, where another car was waiting. Shepherd and Graves waited for her to show up “Crow, welcome, I’m glad you could make it all the way here on such short notice, this is Philip Graves your new partner if you accept the offer.” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Crow, I’ve admired your work so far” The man extended his hand, F.N took a moment before taking his hand and shaking it. “What exactly will you have me be doing general, if I’m having to team up with another mercenary and tripling my last pay it must be more than important” Graves crossed his arms and looked over at Shepherd. “I need you to accompany and help Graves in a drop off of missiles to the Middle East” F.N frowned.
 “I’m sorry general but isn’t smuggling such dangerous weapons illegal?” Graves chuckled “Well I didn’t think a borderline assassin would be above that” Shepherd put a hand up to stop Philip from going any further. “Why exactly is it that you want to smuggle the weapons anyways? Why is the Middle East so in need of them” Shepherd shook his head “That isn’t information I can tell you Crow” F.N huffed. 
“How high are you willing to go with my pay general”
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bestfrozenskittles · 2 years
"Your mission is to keep a close eye on task force 141, and to keep them from finding out my involvement with any of this. Understood?"
prologue Mission failed Mission 1: Cartel Protection Mission complete Mission 2: El Sin Nombre Mission complete Mission 3: Alone Mission Failed Mission 4: Prison Break Mission 5: Hindsight Mission 6: Ghost Team Mission 7: Countdown END
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bestfrozenskittles · 2 years
reader inserts of games i like
AO3 - @frozenskittles
WATTPAD - @bestfrozenskittles
readers will have options of pronouns after the original is completed
(if the original has female pronouns there will be nonbinary and male pronoun versions after its completed)
most relationships will be platonic.
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