betsybee8 · 4 years
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How do you measure success? One way i measure success is thru my laundry. I know crazy way to measure it! Yet the amount of laundry I do at the end of the salon day, shows how many heads of hair I made beautiful and smiling faces left the salon. What is your measure if success? How much laundry do you have? #beehivesalonbr #handmade #lindolyn13 #Louisiana #hairdressersdayoff #measureyoursuccess #laundry #hairdresser #beautifulhair #smile #Beehive #batonrouge #imakethings #maskedhairdresser https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDnH7LnzEe/?igshid=jcbhysgf2vsz
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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I am super excited and thrilled that my Bohemian vintage style earrings and Tiger ear barrettes will be for sale at the LSU museum of Art gift store. What an honor! 🥰Great to have local support for artists! 😍Thank you to everyone who has purchased my handmade items over the years. 😘As always my items are for sale in salon and on-line at lindolyn13.com #beehivesalonbr #hairdressersdayoff #hairdresser #Beehive #batonrouge #Louisiana #lsumuseum #shoplocal #imakethings #artist #lindolyn13 #bohemianstyle #vintage #tigerear https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvaO51nbDI/?igshid=1bfpsbenqpzpx
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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Thoughts that have been sitting in my mind for years..... I have been a business owner since I was 25 years old. The question that many have asked is "can i have a discount? I am your friend". The best way you can support a small business is to pay full price. Many small businesses set there pricing so that they have a good income. We do not over price or try to become rich from our goods and services. We love what we do and want to give people a quantity product at a fair price. Next time you go into a small business or purchase from someone you know, don't ask for a discount. Support them by paying full price. You would not want your boss coming to you and saying "hey since we're friends could you work the next 40 hrs at a discount?" My thoughts from my mind. Xoxox #beehivesalonbr #hairdressersdayoff #hairdresser #smallbusinessowner #Beehive #batonrouge #Louisiana #lindolyn13 #imakethings #dontaskforadiscount #selfemployed #handmadeisbest #shoplocal #shopsmallbusiness #beekind https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfr4bIn5Av/?igshid=1puqmxdk7765f
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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I just got ducked! @duckduckjeep He even matches my jeep. Time to get some ducks and play away. #beehivesalonbr #duckduckjeep #hairdressersdayoff #Beehive #lindolyn13 #Louisiana #duckduckgoose #jeeplife #community #greenjeep #hairdresser #offroadjeep #toplessdays https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYGj3gnJpR/?igshid=1x3toi3vs8bnb
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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My morning walk about in Augusta this morning. Hope all is well in Louisiana. Family time is the best time. @pexchosamericandimemuseum @pexcho66 #beehivesalonbr #hairdressersdayoff #hairdresser #batonrouge #augusta #americandimemuseum #pexchosamericandimemuseum #shoplocal #imakethings #graveyards #oddities https://www.instagram.com/p/CGK10ttn6pc/?igshid=2dkr2axjfsn7
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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Love doing handwork, it soothes the mind. New earrings in process. I need to add beads and other babbles to make them unique. Look for them on my website in the next week. #lindolyn13 #beehivesalonbr #handmade #bohemianstyle #crochetearrings #imakethings #batonrouge #hairdressersdayoff #hairdresser #Beehive #crafts #shoplocal #Louisiana #vintage #unique #unusual https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIxBwUHxIB/?igshid=17wk3y7e8ap99
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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Just 2 weeks until our 150 mile bicycle ride for Multiple Sclerosis. Donations for our raffles are still being accepted. $1.00 tickets for 45 qt. Yeti cooler. $25.00 tickets for the Ocean of Noise painting. Drawing will be on Oct 5th. $25.00 for a limited edition Team Beehive t-shirt. Link to donate will be in comments. #teambeehive #beehivesalonbr #hairdressersdayoff #yeticooler #art #fundraiser #endms #bikems2020 #bikemsinsideout #raffle #batonrouge #Louisiana #irideforms #150miles https://www.instagram.com/p/CFe3se9nXXE/?igshid=4kpvxhic921p
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betsybee8 · 4 years
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It is always a joy to have return clients!!!! Re-order of Customs masks finished and some new Halloween ones started. It is really nice to use all forms of canvases to create on. #beehivesalonbr #Beehive #hairdresser #hairdressersdayoff #iamessential #batonrouge #Louisiana #wearamask #imakethings #masksarethemodernhankerchief #masked #maskedhairdresser #customorders #halloween https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1xtj1HVFE/?igshid=186z7npo495w7
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betsybee8 · 6 years
You said you don’t see them, yet you really do......
Automatic Pilot Mode is it Distracted driving? 
As a mother of a future driver I started to reassess my own driving habits, skills and anything that had to do with driving a motor vehicle. I wanted to be a good example to our daughter. 
         I realized that I actually am a distracted driver, yet not in the ways that most people would believe or actually consider distracted driving.  The number one is looking at our phones or electronic devices (which i do not, it stays in my purse on silent) . Yet there are many other ways to drive distracted..... taking a sip of any type of drink, changing the channel to hear different music, finding a tissue or napkin, eating anything, shaving, putting on make-up..... i actually witnessed a women driving no handed (using her knees) with her full makeup pallet across her dashboard, mirror cocked so she could apply her make-up.  I could list many other items/ actions that are considered distracted driving yet you need to be the one to decide if they count in your mind.  We all are not innocent when we fuss at someone else for distracted driving. Automatic pilot mood is another form of distracted driving ( I will get into that in a bit).
         Getting back to our daughter, we were discussing drivers ed and when she would start to drive, get her license and possibly a car. 
I looked at her and said (in the most serious mom voice):
“I am about to put the deadliest weapon in your hands”...
Her response: “Mom I already know how to use a gun” ....
I say: “no baby a motor vehicle”. 
Her response: “I know momma you can kill a person with a car and get away with it! I don’t understand how that is even legal!?!?!”
Many people blame the “young” “new” “teen” drivers, yet it is the old drivers.  I am not taking about old as in age, I mean the seasoned drivers... the ones that “know” how to drive that are the worst drivers ever!
Let’s put it into perspective... when we first learn anything new; many (not all) approach that subject with caution, we do our research, learn all we can and carefully execute this new “thing” we are trying. We are very aware of all the factors that go into whatever it may be.  
Teaching our daughter to drive was a huge eye opener. She took the time to watch us as we drove, she payed attention to other vehicles around as we were driving, she also took note of other actions that were happening that impacted our driving. 
After she passed drivers ed and received her permit the real fun began.  She was so hyper aware of her surroundings it was amazing. 
When we drive attention to our surroundings gets left out. We do not actively comprehend all of the other factors around us. We mainly focus on the other automobiles that are in our immediate view. We go into automatic pilot mode (you know the “oh shit I don’t remember driving to work or home”). 
Automatic pilot mode happens because of routine actions while driving. 
          A person typically takes the same route to work, the store, a friends house, just about anywhere we want to drive we have our routine. We know which lights change the quickest; where the potholes are. We even know when traffic slows down because of a left hand turn during certain hours of the day. Our bodies go through the motions and our minds wander. We know just about every nuance of the road and traffic in our specific routes.  Therefore we stop paying attention to our surroundings.  
      As a new driver you are hyper aware of everything going on around you. Our daughter notices everything! She will point out mistakes that other drivers make. She will point out the person trying to cross the road, someone on a bicycle, the bird picking at trash, the debris on the side of the road.... you name it she sees it! I realized it is not the “new or young” drivers that are the problem it is the seasoned drivers who are so comfortable with driving they see nothing else on the road. i am not saying that new drivers do not make mistakes (they do) most of the people i know that distracted drive are seasoned drivers and the majority of them do it by using their.... cell phones.......
Kids these days do not use their cells phones in their cars while driving for fear of losing that device (many will argue this point with me). Their cell phones are their lives and they cannot live without them. You want to control a kid take away their phone...... (yet this is a whole different essay to write).
We already know that cell phone use is a huge no in the car while driving. Yet let’s get into Automatic Pilot Mode. 
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day that confirmed my thoughts on new versus seasoned drivers along with Automatic Pilot Mode. 
We were taking about the ever volatile subject of bicycle and pedestrian use of public roads and the lack of visibility they have to vehicles.  She stated that they needed brighter clothing, reflective apparel, lights, anything that would make them visible to cars especially at night. 
My response to her was this..... you are not looking for them that is why you don’t see them. Of course i received the puzzled look of “what are you talking about? i am looking”.  When we drive our cars we vaguely look for other vehicles that is what is around us the majority of the time. When we “suddenly” come upon a pedestrian or bicyclist it shocks us, then we get upset because we didn’t see them, then we have to veer over to miss hitting them, our heart is racing and we get mad because “i could have killed them what an idiot! “ When in all actuality the person was there the whole time, the person riding a bicycle didn’t just show up on the road, the person jogging didn’t just jump out of the bushes. They were there the WHOLE time, we were not paying attention to our surroundings, we were not hyper vigilant about driving our cars safely.  We were in automatic pilot mode, barely aware of our surroundings. 
At any given time when we are driving our car we see things around us, yet do we really comprehend what they are? Do you notice the trash cans on garbage day, or just the one left in the road you have to veer around at the last minute?  Do you notice the crooked stop sign, or do you just roll thru it because no other cars are coming? Do you notice the flag in your neighbors yard? Do you notice the signs in front of businesses advertising sales? Do you notice the trees, the flowers, someone mowing the lawn, what were they wearing? How many times do we actually pay attention to the color of a building or the words or the location? We really don’t, we are so comfortable driving our cars that we see without paying attention. We see without comprehending. We have become comfortable in our routine. Many of you could not tell me the streets that you cross, you could not tell me the color of houses in your neighborhood, you could not tell me the name of businesses that you pass on a daily basis. 
I hope that my words have made you think about your daily drive and how easy it is to be in Automatic Pilot Mode.  I hope that my words made you uncomfortable enough that you will change your habits. It only takes a moment to kill someone, you will live a lifetime with that on your conscience. Do you really want to kill someone? I challenge you to be hyper aware when you drive, I challenge you to drive your car, truck, motorcycle, semi truck, bicycle and if you are walking to do it with new eyes, hyper aware, quite being comfortable on the public roads.  Quit automatic pilot mode! Start looking around save a life!
Save a life drive aware!!!
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betsybee8 · 7 years
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I am going topless today... How about You? #topless #jeep #jeeplife #topoff #fall #sun #beehivesalonbr #beehive
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betsybee8 · 7 years
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PSA. When will people in cars learn this valuable law and human decency? We all have somewhere to go…we all need to get there on time….. so when something slows us down we get aggravated? That shouldn’t be the case. I decided to ride my bike to the gym today. The gym is literally ½ mile from my house. I did some other errands and made it a 5 mile loop to the gym. On my last 3 tenths of my route I am in the left turn lane at a traffic light and some person in a mini van honks at me from behind. I put my arm out in the motion of left turn signal, the light turns green and I proceed into the right hand lane of a 4 lane road. He rides my butt honking, guns his van while he passes me so close I see his angry face, then slows down to right hook me at the next street. Then he waits on the corner. (I did flip him off) I turned into the gym and then he sped away. My question to him would have been how could you live with yourself had you killed me? Was being an ass worth my life and possibly jail for you? Please Please let others know the law and what human decency is.
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betsybee8 · 8 years
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Cutting a pillow in half.... I was asked by a friend to make one pillow into two. How hard can that be? Open the pillow remove the stuffing sew it back together and wahla two Pillows! So I begin by carefully ripping the seam, then taking out the stuffing... it's another Pillow? Oh well, deal with that in a minute. Cut the main pillow in half sew it back together. Done easy peasy so far.... let's see what the stuffing is??? Gently rip that seam, oh my goodness it's feathers!!! Lots of feathers I mean lots of feathers!!! Need a bag to put them in, nope it took two paper bags to empty the pillow. Now I am thinking.... is it worth it to drive the 45 minutes to Joann fabrics to buy smaller pillow forms? Nah, I can do this right? It looked like I massacred a bunch of hens in my craft room! Feathers were flying everywhere! I would put 300 in and 1000 came out. I stuffed and stuffed and scooped and scooped..... Finally I am done.... well there are a few feathers still flying, yet the pillows are finished. I wonder how many hens it took to make a Bed? In hindsight I needed a build a bear machine to stuff them with. On to my next accomplishments.
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betsybee8 · 8 years
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Cutting a pillow in half.... I was asked by a friend to make one pillow into two. How hard can that be? Open the pillow remove the stuffing sew it back together and wahla two Pillows! So I begin by carefully ripping the seam, then taking out the stuffing... it's another Pillow? Oh well, deal with that in a minute. Cut the main pillow in half sew it back together. Done easy peasy so far.... let's see what the stuffing is??? Gently rip that seam, oh my goodness it's feathers!!! Lots of feathers I mean lots of feathers!!! Need a bag to put them in, nope it took two paper bags to empty the pillow. Now I am thinking.... is it worth it to drive the 45 minutes to Joann fabrics to buy smaller pillow forms? Nah, I can do this right? It looked like I massacred a bunch of hens in my craft room! Feathers were flying everywhere! I would put 300 in and 1000 came out. I stuffed and stuffed and scooped and scooped..... Finally I am done.... well there are a few feathers still flying, yet the pillows are finished. I wonder how many hens it took to make a Bed? In hindsight I needed a build a bear machine to stuff them with. On to my next accomplishments.
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betsybee8 · 8 years
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Cemeteries are so full of life.... the stories that are told and untold goes beyond our time. Natchitoches La. has one of the oldest cemeteries in our State. Rowen and I enjoyed an evening looking and seeing the lives that are there. My pictures do not do it justice... Looking at the years that are there in stone, this life of a loved one lost to a melancholy fate, who was that and how important where they to warrant a gravestone that stated that.   My imagination always wanders to make up stories of the lives that are there. Did the children that died ever get to play? Was she truly a beloved mother? Was he a devoted husband? On and on their stories go. What will my story be and will someone wonder if it is true????
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betsybee8 · 8 years
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Christmas Eve Bike ride, I haven’t road “Tucker” the hybrid in a while. Decided to check out the golf course where we are staying. I got 5 miles in before I was kicked off.... haha! It was fun being chased by a man in a golf cart. All in all I had a beautiful ride 10 leisurely miles. Tomorrow I will find a new route to take, I can only be a rebel so much......
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betsybee8 · 8 years
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Many gifts of the season are special and appreciated. This one speaks to me so much. I love books and bicycles! What a thoughtful unique gift from one of my dearest clients. #bicyclegirl #endurance #charityrider #uglyducklingupcycledgoods #bookends #merrychristmas #presents #giftsaregreat
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betsybee8 · 8 years
The winds today....average 15 mph with cross gusts up to 21 mph
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