betweenwavesandsnow · 6 years
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betweenwavesandsnow · 6 years
Writers block:
the aromatic unspoken,
the floating ideas
that words attempt at capturing
but untasted
they can't yet spell.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
Don’t hide yourself in the cavern crumble of self consciousness, don’t flood yourself in overflowing embarrassment, don’t avalanche yourself into silence; remember, the heart talks from the start to the end of life without pause  because in its beats there is no shyness.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
What I feel is thinking, and what I think feels. What is feeling but touching thoughts? A synchronic, emotive mind, ideas alive, is thinking that embraces the heart and plays the harp of feeling.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
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Falling sunlight dressing the leaves in gold. #betweenwavesandsnow #photography
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
Light your courage, live your life in dreams, your dreams in flight, for life, half asleep, between closed and open eyes, is a dream waiting to come alive.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
Insomniac Poet  Wor(l)ds asleep Mind(’s) a( )wake
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
Orgasmic Octaves
Skin dreams
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
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A Sunset, heaven sent, sends reflections into my mind, driving soul inspections, my heart is held frozen in time, in these moments, in this little experience, in this bursting alive of color... The vibrantly painted passion of the sky is exploding, the wonderous journey's end of the day sighs satisfied, burning in flowers and wonders if I, in my end, will too. -Betweenwavesandsnow #poetry #photos #betweenwavesandsnow #thoughts
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
You’re not tired of losing till you start doing what you're suppose to do.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
The look in the lake that looks back, the eye behind the eye, watching, deliberating, judging, wondering, wandering self lost in self found.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
What use is consciousness if I do not apply it? What use is depth if I cannot bring it to the surface?
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
Yours was a courageous light, unafraid, and daring to reach unreachable places, lighting dark spaces of discovery, unknown was knowable to you. Curious seeker, wanderer, dream traveler, path maker, in your journey the hands of your heart could not help but touch the hearts of others. Burning with its desire and passion brimming, it was wild with reckless dancing, laughing, illuminated, art itself living, you could be nothing else. Mischievous rebel with loud soul and risking fingers, I regret that I lost touch with you, that our last talk was an ask for me to speak to you. Well, I am here and you are not but that will not stop me. My heart is speaking and my soul is connecting, my spirit is leaping in bounds to reach you! It is spilling from me and pouring to fill the void that threatens to separate us. You are once again on a journey beyond my reach, but believe me when I say this, we will see each other again a little further down that very road. Though the path for me is dark, shrouded in mystery, uncertainty, and riddled with difficulty, I can still see your light. My brother. My friend. I miss you. See you one day soon.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
There are moments, in which, all thoughts are mystical, musical, and dancing possible, in once thought impossabilities.
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
Kendrick Lamar - Sing About Me, I’m Dying of Thirst
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betweenwavesandsnow · 8 years
“Sometimes I look in a mirror and ask myself 
Am I really scared of passing away
If it’s today I hope I hear a
Cry out from heaven so loud it can water down a demon
With the holy ghost till it drown in the blood of Jesus”
-Kendrick Lamar 
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