beyondthecusp · 2 years
Elon Musk Buys Twitter Promising Free Speech
Elon Musk Buys Twitter Promising Free Speech
There has been varied and copious reactions to Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. Some have hyperventilated, gone catatonic, feigned insult and virtually any negative panicked reaction one might imagine. While in the media a few thought that Elon Musk purchasing Twitter has potential to level the playing field and allow all sides at least some level of fairness, most of the media have reacted as if…
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beyondthecusp · 2 years
Humanity in the Face of Unbelievable Inhumanity
Humanity in the Face of Unbelievable Inhumanity
The war in Ukraine resulting from the Russian invasion has dominated the news and been impressively depressing. When the Ukrainians responded to the Russian invasion, it was as surprising as it was unpredictable. The Russian response used World War II tactics of pulverize before entering cities. Nowhere has the barberry been more evidenced than in Mariupol where virtually, if not every, building…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Culture Wars and the Social Pendulum
Culture Wars and the Social Pendulum
Culture wars and the social pendulum are familiar terms in the Social Sciences, the ‘soft sciences,’ and are useful constructs. Representing the culture wars is the swing of a pendulum with it periodically changing direction with the pendulum always accelerating towards the center point. The direction the pendulum is tracking, either to the right or to the left, is easily determined by following…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Should Ukraine be Defended by the United States and Other Threats
Should Ukraine be Defended by the United States and Other Threats
The Constitution of the United States defines the numerous means of forming treaties and their required ratification. Once these definitions have been completed, the treaty is to be treated as the “Law of the Land.” Numerous, if not the vast majority, of treaties entered into by the United States went through a ratification by the United States Senate, after which, they would even supersede the…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Meanwhile, Here in Israel
Meanwhile, Here in Israel
We realize that the United States is currently turning inwards towards their own particular challenges. We have watched the news about horrifically high crime rates with numerous cities setting records of homicides and other violent crimes. Smash and grab assaults on retail outlets in places across the country, not just in California, without facing prosecution are reaching unacceptable levels.…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Oh My Crom – Omicron
Oh My Crom – Omicron
Fortunately, Conan never had to fight the Omicron virus or any other Covid variant past, present or future. Unfortunately, the real world where we all reside has had to face, are facing and will likely continue to face some form of illness resulting from the initial Covid virus. The reports that Omicron is more virulent are absolutely true but the reports of Omicron threatening to overwhelm…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
New Covid Variant FREAK OUT!!
New Covid Variant FREAK OUT!!
The news of the South African COVID variant leads every hourly update, if not completely eclipsing all other news, demanding we all FREAK OUT!!! It is probably obvious that we have completely had it with the Coronavirus and all the associated insanity. Allow us to restate a simple truth about the Coronavirus and the vast majority of the past and future variants;“There is a simple and all too…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
How Inflation is Good for Government and Special Interests
How Inflation is Good for Government and Special Interests
Reasonings favoring inflation are directly tied to the debt reaching unprecedented levels during the COVID overreactions, especially the useless shutdowns. We are not intending to comment on the necessity or what might have been a more crafted response to the imposed economic shuttering raising debts beyond any previous levels. This debt is mediated by devaluing the dollar, specifically against…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Expected Biden Reaction to Republican Wins
Expected Biden Reaction to Republican Wins
The news, no matter where you watch, agree that the results in Virginia are somewhat surprising and the New Jersey gubernatorial close race making the day a political earthquake. The big question appears to be will President Biden alter his plans and pare down his Build Back Better legislation. Then there are the lists explaining the shift to the right including but not limited to, inflation,…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
COVID Fixation, the Real Disease
COVID Fixation, the Real Disease
I have to be honest and confess I have no idea about what people are so fearful. Initially I accepted a level of paranoia resulting from governmental fear campaigns. I expected time would be a cure but I was dead wrong. Time passed and still people obsess about masks, even here in Israel where the population has one of the highest levels of vaccinated people. I have recently witnessed people…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
COVID Vaccine Mandate Madness
COVID Vaccine Mandate Madness
Yes, vaccine mandates are here to stay and they will not be restricted to just COVID. The flu yearly vaccine will wait until a serious flu epidemic strikes the entire nation. The government knee jerk reaction, in parallel with some intense media hyping the daily flu numbers of infections, hospitalizations and unfortunate deaths; will bring on new vaccine mandates. But why should a vaccine mandate…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
China-Taiwan and Other Threats
China-Taiwan and Other Threats
The numbers and types of threats in our world are mounting as the United States tends self-inflicted wounds. We will concern ourselves to the immediate two threats posed by China and very likely Russia as her ally. You have heard, as have we, about the near daily overflights of Taiwan by Chinese warplanes. Recent overflight patrols have reached sizeable numbers with one flight reportedly having…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Biden Makes Criticism Incredibly Difficult
Biden Makes Criticism Incredibly Difficult
I have thought about and even attempted to write an article about the current chaos plaguing the United States but ran into the same problem each time; I left the news going on the television. Is it even possible to concentrate on a single problem with such a distraction? Our consensus is that such is impossible. There are so many; one can almost assign one to each letter of the alphabet, honest…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
America Refusing to Resupply Israel
America Refusing to Resupply Israel
The recent Congressional omnibus bill meant to establish the national budget going forward had budgeting for resupply of the Israeli Iron Dome System intercepting missiles maliciously removed. Israel exchanged the targeting software and other engineering developments used by Iron Dome Systems for America manufacturing and supplying of Iron Dome System intercepting missiles for Israel. The weapon…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
The Death of the American Military
The Death of the American Military
The American Military is one of, if not the, most capable militaries on Earth. The rank and file, the actual fighting forces, are competent and capable of achieving near miraculous achievements. That begs the question as to why the United States has not actually won a war producing the desired results and removing permanently the existing threats since World War II. Perhaps a large part of the…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Coming Unvaccinated Covid Leper Camps
Coming Unvaccinated Covid Leper Camps
President Biden is setting forth plans for dividing the American public between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Slowly, but inexorably, the Biden Administration is inching toward forcing every American to receive the Covid vaccines in order to operate and survive in the society going forward. Already calls are sounding from coast to coast to close all interstate travel, refusal of hospital…
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beyondthecusp · 3 years
Feared News to Come from Afghanistan
Feared News to Come from Afghanistan
We fear future revelations resulting from the termination of efforts in Afghanistan and the disastrous lack of preplanning and pathetic execution of the United States withdrawal of military personnel and equipment. Missteps and outright blunders committed by the Biden Administration and top military Command and Control (CnC) within the Pentagon forces one to consider some horrifying…
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