bgmontt · 1 year
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Anyone else want a very butch girlfriend who’ll protect you like a Fabergé egg?
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bgmontt · 1 year
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Levi Ackerman
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bgmontt · 1 year
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Maki Zenin
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bgmontt · 1 year
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bgmontt · 1 year
might as well while the least fav color poll is running. REBLOG SO WE GET A GOOD SAMPLE SIZE
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bgmontt · 1 year
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happy birthday to a very special girl :]
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bgmontt · 1 year
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Danganronpa x TOH art style 💕
A little different post, but this was for my friend who loves TOH and it was honestly so fun to do!! Might do it again with a different cast honestly
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bgmontt · 1 year
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bgmontt · 1 year
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SDR2 and V3 in The Owl House!! 💕
(The UDG girlies will get their own post dw)
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bgmontt · 1 year
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Hajime, Nagito, Chiaki
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bgmontt · 1 year
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I’m going to do a series of all the dr3 cast like this hopefully
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bgmontt · 1 year
i miss my wife tails
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bgmontt · 1 year
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power mother fucking couple
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bgmontt · 1 year
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bgmontt · 1 year
Out of Touch
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bgmontt · 1 year
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bgmontt · 1 year
Everyday I think about the way Kokichi called out Kaede about the death road of despair, and how Kokichi rightfully pointed out that the way Kaede was pushing them was cruel and for her own desires instead of the group. How he intuited and empathized how most of the group was exhausted and bitter about this attempt at escape and that it was ruining morale harshly. How he agreed with the plan at first but when it became clear it was pointless he forced Kaede to notice the harm she was doing to the group. It’s one of his biggest scenes and show offs of his talent. He takes control of the situation, stops a harmful activity, and tries to adjust attention into finding a more practical way of escape, advising against further pushing themselves.
Unfortunately Rantaro is more on edge then it seemed as he jumped to the only other exit they knew about, the killing game. Kokichi does not confirm or deny this, instead pointing out how that’s Rantaro’s interpretation, treating the accusation more like a curiosity about Rantaro’s character. When Tenko freaks about the thought of the killing game Kokichi tells her to calm down and offers her gum and mentions you can blow bubbles with it. As that kind of lie would be pointless and go against Kokichi’s apparent goals of getting the group to stop doing the Road. I choose to believe it was an honest offer. Chewing, and especially chewing gum, can be a good way to de-stress and calm down. Unfortunately Tenko is…Tenko, so she just threatened to smash his head into the ground which is kinda a confusing response even for her.
From there Ryoma points out how they’ve fractured, Kaede realizes how she’s messed up and genuinely does apologize for what she’s done. While Shuichi and Kaito run to her defense, Maki however totally agrees it’s Kaede’s fault which is really funny to me because this is like the one time she will ever agree with Kokichi in the game. As then night time is called Kokichi schedules a meeting time for them to regroup at the next day. After nearly everyone leaves Kaito says it’s just everyone blaming her and how it was out of her control she shouldn’t apologize, it’s clear Kaede is shaken and deep in contemplation about her actions and how she could have gotten someone killed even if she silently thanks him for sticking up for her.
At the meeting Kokichi asks Kaede if she is okay, pointing out how sad she looked after everyone blamed her. In true Kokichi fashion he calls everyone mean and points out how the group was sore losers about the whole thing and how Kaede was trying to encourage everyone. When everyone calls him out as the one who started it he calls them all mean and cries. Kaito takes this as a moment to affirm what Kokichi said though, no one took responsibility and just blamed Kaede. Kaede intervenes and says it doesn’t bother her and how she should have taken more responsibility for others feelings and she apologizes again, making it seem like she genuinely believes in her apology and understands how she messed up. Kokichi seems happy everything has been settled and when confronted stated that he was lying to unite them, and says 50% of his lies are told with good intentions which Himiko seriously doubts.
By bringing it up in a way that put more annoyance on himself then on Kaede, Kokichi prevents everyone from ganging up on Kaede again and the issue from going unaddressed. It gives Kaito a genuine chance to defend Kaede while pointing out that Kaede did have good intentions at the end of the day. This lets Kaede have a chance to genuinely earnestly apologize and show that she’s learned from the experience. Everyone feels satisfied from the encounter because Kokichi engineers it that the edge of everyone’s annoyance isn’t pointed at Kaede but instead dulls it and points it at himself by making everyone also annoyed about how he lies, something much harmless and easy for him to let roll off him.
It’s a BRILLIANT TWO SCENES OF LEADERSHIP, this is kokichi at PEAK LEADERSHIP, and it’s GENUINELY SO IMPRESSIVE TO WATCH. The way he stops kaede but also makes sure she’s not turned into a target, the way he jokes and pushes the group in subtle ways to avoid conflict and clear the air without anyone having to take more blame then they needed to. How he highlights the good and the bad and takes steps to mediate when he thinks it might go badly, he’s in his ELEMENT, AND IT WORKS! Well at least until Monokuma brings up the motives, but at that moment of clearing the air Kokichi both taught Kaede an important lesson on being a leader and reunified the group by preventing anyone from keeping a grudge. It’s SO SO SO GOOD, its SUCH A GOOD SCENE.
He leads so well even when letting someone else take the leadership role, he knows when to accuse and when to defend or when to be serious or comedic, instead of forcing his way into a role that requires everyone to listen and respect you, he aids in and teaches the person who had managed to land in that role. It’s such an impressive couple of scenes of a side of Kokichi we BARELY get to see after Kaede dies. However, just from these scenes, you can really tell if you pay attention that Kokichi is capable of being an INCREDIBLE leader, one deserving of the title of ultimate.
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