bienbala · 1 month
I was heading fast, moving past the aisle, trying to sweep my way from the crowd to reach the entrance of GALLERIA, the opening ceremony was about to begin and I was already late as Geo asked me to be early to handle the guests. Oh, geo is by the way my friend, struggling artist finally going to make her break through,opening her own gallery. Not right to say that though,she gained recognition years back but she always yearned to leave a mark of her talent. Her work was insane, had caught plenty eyes before too, and so was the crowd there. She is gonna smack me in the face. There was Julien Barbieri, her mentor, THE JULIEN BARBIERI, what he wants to be acknowledged as. Oh there's Michelle, of course to promote his upcoming film, I never liked him either as a person, he bought Geo's favorite work forcibly only to get it auctioned. And many more famous people. Finally I reached the entrace. "Georgia, oh dear, so sorry it was urgent", I gave in a tight hug, pulling back I could see her glare. She pulled me to her side handing me the guestlist. "I know, I don't mind it, check this out for me now"
Julien was bestowed with bouquet and requested to cut the ribbon of the gallery. I was barely looking there, as my mind was puzzled by looking at all the names and the tiny tick-marks near it, the job was already done, Geo, classic Geo, she understands all but can't back off from her tantrums. All cheered and clapped, I came back to my surroundings, and started clapping though my hands were already full, and here all it wents, my handbag slipped off and so did the bouquet and gift i bought for Geo. I bent down to get hold of everything amongst the stampede heading inside, a long arm reached out, clasping the bouquet before it got smushed under someone's feet. God, nobody cared afterall except this gentleman.
I turned around, kneeling, balancing on my heels, about to trip, but soon he grasps my elbow with his other hand. WHY?? I thought to myself after looking at that unrealistically handsome dude, and realising who actually he was, why it had to be a fussy situation on first meet. We both stood up. How tall he was, gosh, and how hopeless were you darling yourself. "Hi, Carlos Sainz, you seemed in a hurry." "Oh...yeah..I...jus-just...", I was trying to dust off the dirt from the hem of my dress, and also terribly looking for an answer, it wasn't that hard but I could just mouth words and there was no voice.
"Here let me hold it for you", he took my bag and and the tidily wrapped gift. I adjusted my dress to fit and took all my stuff back, "I was just, you know not aware of the gathering here, this huge, and was late too, I messed up", I shyly laughed it off. "By the way nice to see you here, thanks for visiting, Geo would love it" Carlos was so calm, it help me hold on my nerves and allow me to be straight forward, nullifying the awkward.
"Ah, it's fine. And you are ?", sticking his hand forward. I shook his hand "I am Geo's friend, and somewhat the organizer here too, an irresponsible one though", he smiled on my sarcasm, oof how good am I with guys you know... Oh no, oh no. Again a miss, I need to be inside checking the arrangements. "I'll see you again, later, I gotta go inside"
"Yeah su-", before he could complete I just passed a smile and ran inside.
There were a lot of people, a lot of noise, though feeble, I couldn't hear much from every group surrounding Geo's work. But I surely needed a break, looking that everything was going well, a successful evening, I thought of escaping into the balcony. I surely had a heavy day. I rested my arms on the rail, and felt someone just came around. It was Carlos. "Hey..." I tried to give it all to my smile.
"You seem so done, you aren't a party person?", he said teasing me.
I smiled, "Not really, it is just work that exhausted me today, but here it feels okay, seeing Geo happy, it completes the purpose. And I don't like partying" He chuckled listening to you. "What do you do?" "I am a surgeon, and today I had a surgery to perform, I got...late because my patient was almost...." I paused as I just couldn't carry on the conversation. "I am sorry you didn't ask for that much, I just exaggerate sometimes just to be honest". He didn't seem to get bothered that much, "So you had a long day huh? That's impressive"
"Having work load impresses you?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"No, the work load, not that, but you surely, I don't know what happened with your patient, God forbid anything bad would have, but after that you are here attending your relations as well your job, with the best you could, it's impressive" I was mesmerised at his emotional tuning,he knew what the person next would like to hear, "First of, my patient is healthy, I am a reliable doc, and I surley do try my best to be omnipresent"
He nodded and went off, "And the second thing?"
"I, impress you?,how could i come to your liking so fast huh?"I smirked giving him a side glance. He looked down smiling then looked towards me, " Why would I not? You have an attractive persona and you gave me flowers on our first meet"
Flowers? hm? He bent down to pick up the bouquet I bought today from the stand beside him. Really? I was so in hurry I even forgot I left the flowers with him. He raised the bouquet upto his face and peered from behind raising his eyebrows. I COULDN'T HELP LAUGHING, rather, SCREAMING INTERNALLY!! He laughed too. "I am so sorry again, to leave you with this", he gave me the bouquet. I pushed it towards him. "I believe you should have it". He held the flowers scanning them, "Aren't these for Geo?" "Yes but I think, you should have it, it is a token for your kindness today" "Oh, so now you find me kind?", he was looking at me playfully.
"Okay... so now I can't justify more mister, but yes you were kind to me, and these are to remind you to be kind always." OMG, I could see him blush!!! " Okay, then, thank you for the honour", He craddled the flowers in one arm, he was gleaming like a kid. IS MISTER SAINZ INTO YOU DARLING??? I DON'T KNOW. HE IS INTO ME?! GIRL HOLD YOUR HORSES
We both walked inside to find only a few people left here,and then we bumped into Geo. "Hey, you people, so you have met, but as a host let me introduce you again", Carlos and I exchanged glances.
"Here, this is Carlos, Carlos Sainz, the driver" "F1 driver Geo-" "Yup whatever, and my childhood friend" "She would never take me seriously, will you?
" I giggled covering my mouth. "Nope I won't, and this is my dear friend, very close one from the past four years, since she moved here, Y\N, she is a surgeon, so smart and very much single" GEO! this girl never stops, I hit her at the elbow throwing a stare but she didn't bother. "Hi, Y\N", Carlos moved his hand forward, only for me to realize I haven't introduced myself by my name. "Nice to know you" "Same here" giving an awkward smile I shook hands with him.
Amidst all this Geo disappeared, wow. And was so hungry, I decided to leave now. I turned to him," I think I should be leaving now", his face washed off. "Yea- sure, I could drop you if you want to?"
"That really won't be a problem, I am staying at a hotel nearby, I can reach there, thanks though" "Okay then" We both reached the entrance together, I waved at him before we headed to the opposite direction. I felt something weird down my stomach, an anxious feeling as he went out of sight, but I rather kept moving as I couldn't stand there anymore, my hungerpangs were so severe I could really eat a meal for two! That could have been really strange in front of him, for a first time meeting, that's why I didn't dare to ask. I was socially drained and wanted my peace and so I hurried to the nearest restaurant, and after that I reached my room and slumped over the bed. I could only think about what all happened today. His face, him kneeling down to help me, his eyes, his voice, every single thought about him. But the thoughts were so heavy I dozed off.
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bienbala · 3 months
pairing: carlos sainz×reader
"Hey babe, looking beautiful", Carlos came from behind and whispered in your ear as his hand crept on your waist, gliding over the satin to hug you. You smiled cheekily ,he pressed his lips gently to your collarbone. You turned to look into his eyes, clasping his neck gently, you gleamed at the sight of him.
"Ready for dinner? "
You gave a nod and slid your hands into his. The breeze gushed through his hair making them wave gently, it was slight cold at the beach but you didn't feel it near him. A tinge of warmth always radiated from him making him cosy. Your dress fluttered by a gush.
"Let's go", you said and started to move ahead when his hand brushed your arm willing to stop you. He pulled you in again.
" We should, but not yet, we can do something before it".
You gave him a sly smile, "like what? "
"Like we could have a little dance"
"A dance, here? " You scanned the surrounding seeing you two standing under a din lit shed, next to your hotel room, with creepers twinned to its edges making it more dreamy. But where was the music?
Carlos pulled out his phone and his face getting tense as he focused on something. He then rushed to a side placing the phone down, came back to hold your hands. You both used to dance a lot at home when together,mostly funny dancing. As he lowered one hand to your back, soon you heard a sound and you let out a cry, "Carlo, you didn't, awe". He knew how much you loved aged romance, violins, royal dances, he saw you letting out enough awwsss when you were watching Bridgerton, telling him how cool is the vibe. And he took the perfect idea playing Wildest Dreams cover from the series. How he really knows to pick songs according to the moment.
"Shhh...focus on dancing", but little did you both know what to do, you swayed back-forth, he twirled you, held you from the back and grooved, moving bodies like wave. The song ended and he lifted you and swirled you in the air, bringing you down. Both peeled in giggles.
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bienbala · 8 months
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An imaginary piece... CHARACTERS: Avathara- INDIAN ROYALTY GIRL; Advik- YOUNG EMERGING ENTREPRENEUR BOY ▫️◻️▫️◻️▫️◻️▫️◻️▫️
Walking down from the aisle of carved sandstone, on both sides bordered with white camellias, the pretty white flowers that have been the pride of the Royal garden, the favorite of the first queen of the palace, Rani Chandrani, the beloved of the greatest warrior to ever rule Amargarh, Maharaja Ranjeet Singh. All these flowers were a gift to the Rani, as a symbol of compassion and loyalty, and were all over the boundaries of the bageecha, surrounding huge marble fountains, where white doves dunked and bathed and flew away letting a shower from their feathers. The aisle led to the sandstone built shade, with hand carved see through jali, there laid a diwan and Avathara came and sat there.
She had always admired the beauty of this garden, the white all around, shined brighter in the setting sun, the birds let out a melody, the old sunken love gleamed with the glowing whites around. Avathara always came to wonder how the romantic legend was still alive here. She peeked through the jali at the sunset, roamed around, then sat back again. Just to think clearly had she come out from her room, once for a while away from the Royal duties and obligations, so that she could see things through. In few minutes the pillars were lit and the helper of her dadisa, her grandmother entered from the aisle to the steps of the shade, bowed, "Rani sa asks you to come inside as it's dark". She nodded, as the help left, she sighed, looking around again, left the bageecha, expecting herself to come here once more to think through.
She was immediately rushed in to her room, and shown the dress she had to wear for the evening gala, with the neighbouring royalties and rich class allies. It was an annual event now, as no one went battling with the neighboring kingdom's in the 21st century. People from different rajgharanas gathered every year, around 8 Royal families. But Avathara cared less, being more bothered about her college starting next week, she was stuck in the thought of right and wrong, should she prefer a career or the inherited responsibilities. Whatever it shall be, she was looking forward to her college debut.
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It was dark enough by now, the palace was glittery gold with all the lighting striking against the magnificent walls, the hallways were decorated and a savoury aroma was arising from the main kitchen. Seemed like a big deal and quite convincing to withdraw Avathara's attention away from her dilemma towards the grand evening. Holding her gigantic beaded skirt delicately she floated across the corridor reaching towards the front lawn where the guests had started to gather. Raja Ratnaval, one of the old friends of her grandfather, Raja Ranjeet II, was found introducing his young prince to her dadi sa. Avathara rushed next to her and greeted the friendly Raja and his young son, only to know that the young prince was thirty, not so young and was seeking to ask for her hand. Before the conversation became focused on the not so young prince and princess of Amargarh, Avathara came to her own rescue, leaving all telling them she had to check up on certain special arrangements for the night. She was heading towards the evening orchestra, she had decided the ragas that had to be played tonight and wanted to see everything was alright. She was a trained classical artist, obviously she would be wanting to present the best to her guests, she always tries to give her best, for all what she is capable of, and this didn't include being a pleasing wife to someone, that too to someone that much older than her. And it was not that marrying at a young age was a problem to her, but it was one right person she yearned for, about whom she has forever believed, would befriend her all life and make it easy for her to love. She never wanted a bondage, of course she had heard of Rani Chandrani's true love. She kept such hope for herself too.
Her beaded attire and the pastel silk glistened in the lights, making her an eye catcher. She was Avathara- meant 'reflection', she was named by her father because she carried the charisma and beauty of her mother, like it's a mirror image. But she found it half a truth, as has been quite distant from her parents since she turned three. They don't live here at the palace, they usually visited her once every month but from the past 10 years they have met her only thrice. Where they were, how they were there own their own, what they were upto back then and even now hasn't been clear to her. She had been clueless and curious about this forever.
Though she was breathtaking herself but she was oblivious and rather unbothered of the fact. As she walked back from the orchestra she bumped into a tall feminine figure, draped in a heavy lehenga, delicate hand work, the lady radiated nothing but elegance. She turned her focus to the face of the person, only to realize it was Kanika, the golden city's princess, her childhood friend. Avathara heaved looking at her gorgeous girl and went straight for a hug.
"Missed you a lot princess"
"You should be lying when you don't even want me to know that you are leaving next week", said Kanika moving away to give a sarcastic frown.
" Miss don't be mad at me I was so confused by myself, what's happening, what should I do, would I just end up doing something wrong out there alone, how would I...... "
"Calm yourself"
" I have been waiting to meet you, you understand me, you always do"
"Yeah, I do.... " They hugged each other again, Kanika giving a right assuring squeeze to her. Avathara pulled away smiling and headed towards her grandmother beckoning her, turning around she gestured to Kanika,"Meet me after the party".
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The grand event ended near to ten o'clock, the two girls almost tottering in their bulky dresses, their way back to Avathara's chamber after a lavish dinner. Kanika mostly stayed back here for atleast a night when she visited. They entered into the suite and rushed towards the bed, laying at their back giggling, like they always did. Breeze swirled the silk curtain, the waning moon was lighting the room floor. Avathara turned to her side to face Kanika. Kanika tilted her head saying, "You have something up? "
"I just feel, I have this feeling you know, though I have lived away from here for camps and events, but always with people that I have known. Either it's the cousins or dadi and dada, earlier, or it has been your family. I never had to directly deal with people our there. And though I know now I get a chance for that, but, it's just, so peculiar, being on tour own and so far from home... "
"Whoa, miss, that's not a huge deal, I mean you going to college is, but being out in the world by yourself is what everyone experience somewhere, and they really are able to get through it. You will handle it. "
" I know, I would find a way somehow, I mean I got to and I would at last, how bad can a college be? Not at all, it's just getting along with people, I have null idea about it, I always meet people through family "
"That is just how you think, leave college people aren't that bad either girl, and you are a princess you might end up getting some princess treatment too" Kanika nudged her chuckling.
"No... Won't that be naive and rude, to demand certain behav-"
"You are so loose with this topic. I meant maybe you find some friends, maybe a girl, maybe a boy, maybe your lover boy-"
Avathara shooted a frowned glare at Kanika, for her to tease her that way.
"Why do you pull my leg, I am not going there for all of this. Even if I crave love doesn't mean that I would go hunting for it, it would happen when it has to. I am more focused on my degree, I really want to know myself through things, try out my potential. I don't think I have time for anything else"
Kanika turned to her side and cupped Avathara's face, "I never said that you are going out to try you love luck, I know you always aim your target, but I have a strong feeling, someone's waiting for you."
Avathara went to cup kanika's face, and giving her head a shake said, "You are excessive sometimes you know, I guess you should sleep. "
Both started to laugh and slowly dozed off amidst their conversation.
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