big-toe-energy · 2 years
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Stranger Things + text posts pt.5
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big-toe-energy · 2 years
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it was indeed THEIR year!! 🎓🎉 suck it principal higgins
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Daddy Diaries pt.2
Parings: Steve Rogers x (younger)reader
Warnings: SMUT, ddlg kink, daddy, swear words.
Kinda longish
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Part 2 to my mini whatever this is but you and Steve have a DDLG relationship and in this one you have an attitude and he puts you in your place! ;) also in these I imagine long haired and bearded Steve
It was 5 am and you were sound asleep when you felt a light rubbing on your back.
“Hey princess daddy’s gonna head to work, I’ll be back around noon. I love you.” He placed a kiss on your forehead
You rolled over, “can’t you just call in sick??”
“I’m afraid not beautiful, but I get to come home around lunch time so we can go out to eat anywhere you want okay?” He smiled at you
“Okay!” You said excitedly
“Now get some more sleep princess.” He kissed you and re-tucked you in
“Have a good day at work I love you.” You snuggled into the bed with your teddy bear
“I love you more” he whispered while walking out the door
After a few hours it was time for Steve to come home you had done everything you needed to do for the day, but you were still in your PJ’s.
You heard the keys rattle in the door while you were sitting on the couch in the living room, you got up and bolted to the door.
“DADDY!!” You practically screamed when he walked in.
“Baby!” He sat his stuff down and then He grabbed you and wrapped you around his waist
“How was work?” You kissed his forehead
“It was good, we learned more information on the bad guys this week.” He smiled
“You gonna beat them up?” You giggled
“Yes baby I’m gonna beat them up.” He chuckled
He sat you down and moved his way into the kitchen
“Hey beautiful what do you want for lunch?”
“I dunno..” You raised an eyebrow
“Also little lady, why aren’t you in regular clothes?” He said placing a hand on his hip
“I don’t want to wear clothes.” You said crossing your arms
“Oh you don’t want to?” He stepped closer to where you were, raising an eyebrow.
“No.” You said firmly
You took off your shirt and underwear “see I don’t need clothes, they are stupid.” You crossed your arms
He grabbed your waist and pulled you close.his mouth was next to your ear, “That’s quite a big attitude for such a little girl.” He whispered. You tired to get out of his grasp by squirming but taht only made him grip your sides harder
“Baby girl all you’re asking for is to be punished.” He shook his head
“No. I’m being good.” You gave him puppy eyes
“No you’re being kind of a brat.” He said in a low voice
“If you don’t get dressed in the next 10 minutes we won’t be leaving the house instead you will be getting punished baby.” He stared deeply into your eyes
“No.” You grossed your arms and turned out of his grasp away from him
Suddenly he grabbed your body and picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bedroom. Once in the bed room he layed you across his lap with your butt in the air, he slowly rubbed your soft cheeks before laying a solid smack against your left cheek. “That’s the first of 10.” Then he placed a solid smack on your right. You let out a small whine and he smacked you right cheek again, your wetness was growing after each hit, you were already at 7, you had 3 more to go. You wanted him to be in you, so you started to shake your ass up and down, “that’s not going to work baby.” And that only made him hit harder, the last 3 hits were the hardest. Your ass was bright red and covered in hand prints. He sat you up slowly on his lap, looking into your eyes. “Baby girl, I love you. Have you learned your lesion yet?” He kissed your forehead lightly seeing how glazed over your eyes were. “No.” You knew what you were doing and so did he, you wanted him to play rough. You wanted him to rip you apart. You wanted your way and you were going to get it. “Excuse me??” He raised an eyebrow, “I said no. Didn’t you hear me?” You crossed your arms and cocked your head back. Before you knew it Steve had wrapped his big hand around your neck and you were underneath him. “Good girls get to play, bad girls get punished.” His gripped tightened gently around your throat. He used his free hand to move his pants and underwear down his waist. You used your hands to play with his cock, you rubbed and grabbed at it until he moved his hips out of your reach “You know baby, this will go so much faster if you apologize.” He smirked devilishly into your eyes. “Fine. I’m sorry daddy, I’m really sorry now may I please have your cock?” You whined. “Good job baby girl.” With that he thrusted into you hard and fast, pumping in and out of your tight pussy until you were putty under him. Small moans escaped your mouth as he kissed all over your body. You were close to the edge you could feel a not tighten in your core, you knew it was coming, you were trying to focus on the words but he was fucking You senseless “daddy... can I please.... c-cum..” you moaned. “Sure thing beautiful.” With that you released onto him gripping his body closer to yours, “hey baby I’m gonna cum too.” He smirked and 3 more hard rams into you and then you were filled with his warm cum.
Steve plopped down next to you and you rolled into his chest.
“How was that baby? Are you okay?” His eyes glimmered
“I’m fine I promise daddy.” You blushed snuggling into him.
“How about you rest and I go run and grab us food from that Italian place you like?” He places a kiss on your forehead
“Sounds good to me, thank you.” You smiled brightly at him.
With that Steve stood up,threw his clothes on, put his shoes on, and proceeded out the door while you drifted off to sleep. Sex really takes something out of a person. ;)
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Okay Boomer!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Gen Z reader
Warning: just an age gap some grandpa Steve
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Basically you are apart of the generation Gen Z and you’re dating Steve and you have a crack head sense of humor and show Steve Memes and Tik Toks and basically home boy can act like a boomer. It’s a blurb, so enjoy!
You were laying in bed while nestled in Steve’s arms, you were scrolling through tik tok on your phone and cackling at the random videos that popped up on your feed.
“Baby, what’s so funny?” He asked staring at your phone with a confused look stuck onto his handsome face
“Watch” you handed him the phone
Playing was a video of someone getting a tattoo of Shrek Mike Wizoski on their leg, something that was hilarious to you but not so much for some who is much older and not from your generation.
“Baby I don’t get it, that’s not a good looking tattoo. Am I missing the joke?” He raised an eyebrow
“Stevie.. it’s a meme, to me this is like peak humor.” You giggled
You say your phone down and sat up facing him in the bed.
“I’m much younger than you and we come from very different times, so my generation is full of juul pod addicted crack heads who laugh at anything.” You giggled looking into his pretty eyes
“I know y/n. And that’s perfectly fine. There are things I laugh at that you don’t get it and it’s because I’m, what is it you call me? A ‘boomer’?” He chuckled
“Yes babe, a boomer”You giggled
“Can you show me more videos please? I want to see more of what you think is funny and what these meemees are” you smiled going to hand you your phone that was laying next to his hand
“Really?” You blushed
“A thousand percent baby.” He smiled
You layed back next to him and for the next hour showed him more distorted memes and tik toks, he finally figured out what the gimmick of each thing was and he started laughing. You even got him hooked on saying “okay boomer” which he uses in any situation, especially when talking to Tony.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Baby doll
Parings: Billy Hargrove x Henderson! Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of smut, mostly fluff, and crying.
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You had a really bad day and everything keeps going wrong and you’re just frustrated and you leave school early and then billy comes to check up on you and he holds you and it’s fluffy!!!! It’s been a while so i might be a little rusty!
You weren’t in a good mood at all today, you woke up already in a bad mood due to tossing and turning in all night, and you woken up with a pulsing migraine. You had hoped that your day would potentially get better when you had got to school, but sadly It didn’t. Instead when you got there someone had taken your parking spot, and you were 10 minutes late to your first class of the day.
As you went through your first 2 classes you were excited to meet up with your boyfriend, Billy, like you did everyday before 3rd period. You waited patiently outside of the boys locker room for him to come out,and as you saw him approach through the window in the door a big smile started to grow on your face, but he walked out and walked right passed you. He was talking to Tommy and laughing. ‘Wow, am I invsable?’ You thought. You were catching the hint that your day was not going to get any better, so you decided to just head home. On your way out though you stopped by the library to find Nancy.
“Hey Nancy, would you mind telling Dustin not to wait on me today, I know he rides his back, but he usually likes racing me home.” You rubbed your eyes
“Sure thing, y/n! You okay?” She smiled at you
“I’m okay, just not feeling to good. Thank you!” You gave her a sheepish smile then headed to your car.
Once you got home it was 11:45 am, and there was still almost 3 hours left of the school day, you walked right to your room, took off your pants, and took some Advil and went straight to take a nap.
An hour or so had past when you heard someone frantically ringing your door bell. You stretched and rushed to put some pants on then went to see who it was, and there stood billy with a concerned look on his face.
“Baby, hey what happened, were you not at school today?” He furrowed his eyebrow
“I was, I left early. Wasn’t having a good day.”You huffed
“Oh.” he looked down at his boots
“I waited for you today before 3rd,but you walked right past me.” You wanted to cry, you didn’t really know why though.
“Baby.. I’m so sorry. Can I come in?” He looked into your eyes and you melted
“Fine. Come on.” You crossed your arms
Once he entered and you shut and locked the front door behind him You walked back to your bed room and he followed taking off his jacket along the way. Once you got to your room you removed your pants again,and layed back in the bed. Billy took off his boots and removed his blue jeans and snuggled into bed with you.
“Wow didn’t know this was a pantsless party baby or I would’ve brought a rubber.” He winked
“I can’t stand you.” You giggled hitting him with a random stuffed animal that was laying on your bed.
“Hey y/n,I’m really sorry me and Tommy got caught up with talking, we were talking about our plans for prom this year, and I got caught up in talking about you baby.” He brushed your hair out of your face and placed a kiss on your forehead and pulled your body closer to his.
“Aww Babe. That’s so cute it’s like you like me or something??” You giggled turning your body to face his.
“No shit.” He chuckled deeply.
You two kissed eachother deeply then he pulled the blanket over your body’s more.
“What time will the dweeb be home?” He winked
“At 3:30, maybe later, why?” You looked up into his baby blues
“Just wanted to make sure that you have enough time to take a nap and enough Time for us to put our pants back on before he walks in here.” He rubbed your back while you curled into him more.
“Fair enough.” You smiled
You shifted so you could hug him tighter, you loved his hugs. You loved being with him, he made you feel so much better.
“Sleep well baby doll.” He kissed your forehead
“You too lover boy.” You placed a kiss on his chest.
And you both fell asleep that was until Dustin bardged into the house yelling for you.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Dating Billy Includes:
Pairing:Billy Hargrove X Reader
Kind of a pt.2 to my first dating Billy head cannons
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Him only wanting to spend time with you
Makes you go to parties with him if you can
Having to deal with his “friends” not liking you
“Fuck off Tommy, she’s my girl and if you don’t like her well then just fuck right off.”
Sneaking around away from Neil and Susan
He wants to keep you away from the toxic people in his life
Max knowing about you two but promising to keep it a secret
A lot of hanging out at your place
Or sneaking you over to his when Niel isn’t home or Asleep
Trying to get him to stop smoking
He cuts back a little
You have to wear his jean or leather jacket everyday so people know you’re his
Sometimes you feel like you’re just an item
“No baby, I love you and I don’t want anyone to mess with you.”
Him wanting to drive you everywhere so he can see you as often as possible
He gets sad when you go out of town with family
“Billy I have to” :/
“I know but I’m gonna miss ya.” :(
Going to all of his games
He gives you all of his jerseys or team shirts
He never wears a shirt tbh
Shows you off to anyone and everyone
“This is my girl, y/n!”
“Isn’t she just a doll.”
Having your own inside jokes that no one gets
Max not getting them and being absolutely confused
“What does that even mean??”
“Don’t worry about it kid.”
A lot of sexy time
Anywhere and everywhere
Like rabbits in heat
“Billy I’m not skipping chem so we can do it in your car.”
“Come on doll last time I promise!”
Random girls hitting on him and him just simply saying “no.”
He gives you constant reassurance and makes sure you know that you’re not a joke or a game to him.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
The Daddy Diaries pt. 1
Parings: Steve Rogers x (younger)Reader
Warnings: Language, slight smut, DDLG relationship, BLOW JOB!
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You and Steve are a couple and you live together and this is going to be a 2 or 3 part “series” where it’s like you guys have a daddy/ little girl relationship and it’s fluffy and smutty. I’ve seen a lot of daddy don Steve Rogers x reader and like I really enjoy them so why not make my own 🤷🏼‍♀️ okay enjoy!
You were sitting in bed watching tv and cuddling with your favorite teddy bear that Steve gave you,
“Hey princess.” You hear from the door way when you looked up there was Steve in his suit.
You loved how he looked when he was in his suit, it did things to you, things you loved.
“Hey! What are you doing home early? I thought you had a mission today, daddy?” You said in a soft voice
“Well, we were supposed to, but it turns out it was a fake threat. Now what are you doing still in bed baby?” He walked closer to your side of the bed
“I was just about to take a nap! I did get up earlier tho, I picked the living room up of all my stuff and I took a shower like you asked Daddy.” You smiled up at him
“Okay beautiful, well I’m gonna go take a shower and how about you find out what you want for dinner while I’m in there, or you could join me?” He smirked then leaned down and kissed your forehead
“Can I please join you?” You sat up and removed the blanket covering your legs to revel you were only wearing one of his t-shirts and fuzzy socks, no panties.
“Sure thing angel. Are you not wearing panties?” He smirked devilishly at you, eyeing your body up and down.
You shook your head and hid your face in the shirt.
Steve just chuckled “come one baby.” He reached out a hand, you gladly grabbed it and he led you to the bathroom
You sat on the edge of the tub watching him remove his suit, you watched as he unlaced all the buckles and unzipped the back of his suit carefully. You watched his big strong muscles flex. You were giving him major googoo eyes.
“Like the show princess? Here stand up so I can help you get undressed,okay?” He said softly guiding your body up off the tub
You raised your arms up and he slowly removed the slightly oversized shirt from your torso, once the shirt was removed he placed a soft kiss on each of your shoulders that made you hum with happiness.
You removed your socks and there you were both completely naked just staring at eachother like you could eat eachother up.
He made his way towards you and lifted you up and placed you in the shower, then he slowly stepped in behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your soft waist. “I love you.” He hummed
“I love you too Stevie.” You smiled brightly
“Princess that’s not my name.” He said sternly
“Oh I’m sorry, I love you too daddy.” You blushed turning to face him
“That’s my girl.” He moved a hair out of your face and smiled staring deeply into your eyes
You grabbed his face roughly and brought him in for a deep and passionate kiss, one that he clearly liked.
“Wow, What was that for?” He giggled
“I really missed you today you left this morning without saying good bye.” You pouted
“I’m sorry love, I got up at 5 and I didn’t want to wake you up, I know you’ve barley been sleeping.” He kissed your forehead while the water ran down your body.
“Still!” You gripped making a fake pouting face.
It’s true you barley were sleeping, you kept having terrible nightmares that someone was going to take Steve away from you or that something terrible was going to happen. It ate at you every night for the last few weeks.
“You know I love you more than anything, right?” He said softly while putting shampoo in his hands
“Yes I do, and I do too.” You smiled
“Good, okay princess turn so I can wash your hair.”
You did as you were told. And he started lathering your Head with bubbles and scrubbing lightly.
Steve loved taking showers with you, he loved taking care of you. He knew you took care of everyone else in your life, so sometimes you forgot about yourself, and he wanted more than anything to take care of you for a long time.
“Rinse now beautiful.” He smiled at you
You rinsed out your hair and switched spots with Steve so he could get clean
“Can I wash your hair daddy?” You gave him a big grin
“Yes, of course!” He leaned forward so you could soap up his hair.
“Good job baby!” He smiled then rinsed out the shampoo from his shiny blonde hair, then he pulled you in for a kiss. You deepened the kiss and you started to feel something harden against your stomach.
“Daddy....” You blushed
“Yes?” He said raising an eyebrow
“Your cock is hard.” You hid your face into his chest while you blushed
“Wanna help me out?” He winked and you couldn’t resist
You got onto your knees and you grabbed it with your dominant hand and started to jack him off, a moan escaped his lips. You lightly licked around his plump tip and licked from the base of his large member to the very tip. You slowly bobbed your head along his member, slowly picking up your pace. You were encouraged by his big hand lightly pushing on the back of your wet head.
“Shit... princess I’m close.” His head was tilted back and he was holding one of your hands in his.
You used your free hand to play and move his balls, then you gaged deep and long on his long cock. You then moved your mouth to suck on his balls and moved your hand to jack off his cock, that drive him wild. With one movement he moved your head from his balls back to his cock and started to thrust himself into your throat lightly. “Can I cum in your mouth baby?” He moaned out. You nodded in agreement and with one more thrust his load was released into your mouth, and you swollowed every single drop.
You slowly stood up and Steve held you close while the water was dripping on the both of you. “You did so good baby girl. How about we finish up then we go cuddle order food then watch movieuntil we fall asleep, you’re bed time is in 3 1/2 hours baby.” He kissed your cheeks then your forehead.
“Okay daddy.” You smiled at him
You finished up your shower then it was on to the rest of the night.
I hope you guys liked this I took a break over the summer so I’m getting back into fan fiction! :)
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Dating Billy Headcanons
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Being his first real serious relationship
Him being terrified he’s going to mess up somehow
“You are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
him putting up a front around his “friends” and you calling him out on it.
you guys get into a fight over it
he doesn't want to lose you because he's used to being a dick to get what he wants
Possessive tendencies 
“ did he look at you?” 
“if you talk to her again you're dead.”
you are the only person who can genuinely make him smile and laugh
Him wanting to show you off anywhere and everywhere
like the pool at Tina’s birthday.
Him sneaking over every night to sleep next to you
you are his safe space and he's yours.
Playing with his hair while he falls asleep on your chest
you singing and humming him to sleep
A couple of bad fights over dumb stuff
Loving each other unconditionally
Great sex
Always only wanting to be around each other
Sneaking over to and from each other’s houses
Late-night car rides
Car sex
You both encouraging each other to do dumb shit
“you should go get your nose pierced it would look so hot princess!”
“I love you forever”
always complimenting you
“Nice ass baby”
“you're so stunning !”
“ How did I ever manage to get you!”
I know this is all over the place I'm sorry!
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Beautiful girl
Paring: Billy Hargrove x reader
Warnings: language
You and Billy go on a date for the first time and you think it’s a joke and call him out and he’s basically like “no I actually think you’re fucking beautiful” also if you see y’all it’s cuz I’m very southern and I just idc anymore
“Hey, y/l/n!” You heard coming from behind your locker door, you knew exactly who it was.
“Yes Billy?” You shut the locker lightly
“I was wondering, if maybe, you wanna go on a date with me tonight? At the new Italian place by the movie theater?” He smirked eyeing you from head to toe
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan Hargrove!” You have him a sweet smile then walked towards your last class of the day
“I’ll pick you up at 6!” He called out
“Okay!” You yelled back
The school day finally ended and you went home and started getting ready for the date. You went through all your clothes 3 times before finally deciding on a cute sun dress and slides
Honestly you liked billy, you liked him a lot. Over the past few months you’ve grown closer to eachother, it was great! You had met in bio, he was your lab partner for frog dissection day, he made you laugh when he picked the frog up and made it dance, he told you he loved your laugh and the days following he talked to you whenever he could. It started off with him talking to you more in class then moved to meeting you before and after school to talk, to eventually hanging out all the time.
It was now 5 minutes before billy was gonna get to your house, you did a few last minute touch ups to your hair and makeup then you went and sat in your living room waiting for him to get there.
Right when the clock struck 6 you heard your door bell ring, when you answered it there was billy with a stupid smirk and a large bouquet of flowers for you.
“Oh, thanks Hargrove!” You said grabbing the flowers and setting them down on the nearest table.
“No problem! You look great!” He smiled
“Thank you!” You blushed
You guys walked to his car with his arm around your waist, then you got in and headed to the restaurant
Once y’all got there he looked at the hostess and said “reservation for Hargrove” you were shocked, billy never did this, he never took girl to fancy places nor ever made reservations for anything,unless it was to fuck a random girl, and he never brought a girl flowers, what the fuck was going on???
“Oh yes right this way” the hostess looked at you two and led you to your table
Once you sat down your waiter came, “what would you like to drink?” He looked at you first
“Water please” You said with a smile
He looked at Billy “I would like a cherry coke please”
Once the waiter left it went quiet until you broke it
“Billy, what the fuck is going on?” You said cautiously
“What do you mean y/n?” He furrowed his brow
“What I mean is you brought me flowers, you asked me on a date, you took me to a kinda expensive restaurant. Did you actually want to go on a date with me or what is this? Because you have never done this before for anyone.” You said trying not to sound snappy
“Well, this is a date. I like you, A LOT! I mean, you’re the only girl I’ve ever felt this way for. You’re beautiful and smart, you have such a nice smile, you’re so kind and loving, you have the best eyes. All the other girls at school are just play things, and I actually haven’t been flooling around with anyone in the past 3 months” He blushed
“I like you too. I’m sorry Billy. I believe you, and thank you.” You smiled
“Don’t sweat it beautiful.” He rubbed your hand that rested on the table
“do you maybe wanna like date date?” He said awkwardly
You knew billy and this was not like him, he really liked you.
“Yes billy!” You blushed
The waiter brought out your dinner and you just talked and laughed the whole night.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Angel Cakes
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Pairings: Mikey x Reader
Warnings: anäl, butt stuff, cüm eating, nsfw
You and Mikey are the only ones in the lair on a nice night, you guys cuddle and make out a little bit, and then have a fun time! ;) (also like I’m writing this as if you are kind of a thing and like definitely fucked a few times before!)
You knocked on the lair door waiting for someone to come and let you in. Mikey opened the door for you and pulled you into the lair,“hey cutie.” He said with a smirk
“hey Mikey.” You replied with a smile.
You looked around the lair with your eyes “are you the only one home?” You said sweetly looking up into his big eyes.
“Yeah I am!, Why do you ask sexy mamma?” His eyes wide in anticipation.
“I dunno, we haven’t really gotten a chance to be alone in a few weeks.” You grabbed his hand and blushed.
“That is correct, well..” he stepped forward and leaned his head against yours “what’s going on in that head of your angel cakes?” He bit his lip looking into your beautiful eyes.
“I was- I dunno...” you started to rub his large muscular arms up and down, “I was thinking we could have some fun.” You looked up at him innocently.
“Oh yeah? Okay then cutie lets go.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you to his room.
When you walked into his room, he closed the door and sat you on his bed. You looked up him as he removed his mask and extra gear. “Mikey, you look so sexy without your mask on.” You were staring at him with lust in your eyes.
“Oh yeah angel cakes?” He said with a cocky grin
“yeah.” You said In a low voice. He pounced on you, he started kissing you deeply and passionately, his lips felt so great against yours. You both slid your tongues into each other’s mouths, his tongue danced with yours perfectly, his tongue roamed around the inside of your mouth while you roamed your hands over his big muscular body. You were becoming soaking wet, you started kissing his neck, he moaned out then pulled your hair back to kiss you deeply again. He grabbed your top and slipped it over your head, “wow baby girl, no bra today?” You blushed at his comment and he quickly moved his head down to start sucking and biting on your nipples. You moaned at his movement. He bit harder, you rubbed your hands all over his body, then he took his other hands and snakes down your pants just a little bit, and slid his hand to your wet pussy and started to rub your clit. “Mikey- oh- can you please finger me?” You moaned out, and he did what you told him to. He pumped one of his fingers into your wet hole and it felt amazing,he put another thick finger in and he lifted up to start kissing you again and rammed his big fingers into your pussy. You moaned loudly in delight, “it feels so good Mikey!” You screamed “baby I haven’t even given you the main treat yet.” You shuffled his shorts off of his body then he slid your pants and underwear off of your body.
His cock was huge, it was at least 12 inches, super thick and had a very plump tip, it was wet.
“Want my cock baby?” He rubbed his tip over your folds.
“Yes please!” You begged
“Okay angel cakes, but I wanna fuck your ass today, that okay baby?” He rubbed your cheek and looked into your eyes
“Sure.” You smiled
He flipped you over on to your stomach and lined himself with your ass, and slowly pushed himself into you, you gripped his sheets and winced a little until he fully got in, “this good?” He moaned out to you , “Yes Mikey!” You screamed
His cock started slowly slamming in and out of your tight hole and it felt amazing
“Fuck Mikey!” You screamed
He spanked your ass hard
“Angel cakes your hole feels so good around my cock, I’m gonna cum soon” he said giving your ass a hard smack
“Please Mikey cum for me!” You moaned
“Sure thing sexy mamma” he grunted while gripping your hips hard and tight.
You could feel Mikey release his giant load into your ass, “fuck baby!” He rubbed your back gently
“You like that Mikey? You said sweetly as he pulled out of you, you tired to roll over but he stopped you by grabbing your hips.
“Baby I’m not done yet.” He went behind you and licked his load out of your hole and then turned your face to his, opened your mouth then he spit his cum into your mouth.
“Now I’m done.” He said with a big smirk.
You swolled his cum and stared into his dreamy eyes
“My ass is so stretched out!” You said feeling your hole
“I’m glad angel cakes!” He layed down next to you and snuggled you.
“Y/n, I think we should date. We keep making out and flirting and having amazing sex and I need to know what we are!” He said abruptly
“Mikey, I thought we were kinda seeing each other? But like if you want to make it Offical, then yes I will be your girlfriend.” You snuggled into him and kissed his plastron
“Hell Yeah dude!” He kissed your head
Then he pulled a cover over the both of your naked body’s and held you close as you drifted off to sleep.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Cuddle bugs
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Parings: stiles stilinski x reader
Warnings: some language
You and stiles are a thing and have been for a while it’s a rainy day in Becon Hills and you two snuggle all day and don’t leave his bed unless its to get food,and it’s just really fluffy! Enjoy :) It’s gonna be a little long hope that’s okay!
It was Saturday morning at 6:30 a.m when you got a call from your boyfriend, Stiles:
“Baby, are you up?” He said sweetly
“No, Stiles, it’s 6:30 I’m sleeping.” You snapped
“Well, I was watching the morning news with my dad before he left for work and it’s supposed to storm and rain heavily all day, and I know you hate storms, so I was just wondering if you want to come over before the weather gets bad and spend the day with me?”
“Okay sti, give me 15 minutes, and I’ll be ready to go. I love you.” You said I’m a groggy tone
“Okay! I love you more!” He said excited then hung up.
You got up and quickly threw on a Beacon Hills High Lacross hoodie that stiles gave you, leggings, and fussy socks. You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, threw on deodorant and some perfume, and quickly fixed your hair.
You sat on your bed and waited for stiles to show up, when he finally did you were so tired that you accidentally grabbed a blanket that was on your bed and carried it with you to his Jeep.
You hopped in to his Baby blue Jeep and buckled up,
“Good morning beautiful!” He said with a cheesy smile
“Good morning butt head.” You said with a grin
“Nice blanket baby.” He said sarcastically
“Stiles I’m tired and you woke me up 15 minutes ago!” You protested
“I know baby, I just love giving you a hard time.” He rubbed your hand sweetly as he drove from your house to his.
Once you guys pulled into the drive way you could already hear thunder rumbling. Stiles hopped out and went over and opened your door for you. “Oh thank you kind sir.” You said with a curtsy when you stepped out of the car, “of course fine lady!” He replied with a bow “come on let’s get you inside.” He grabbed your hand and walked you inside his house and up to his room.
Before he could say anything you had plopped down on to his bed and already snuggled into the covers, then you patted the side of the bed motioning for him to join you. “One second darling.” He hummed while removing his shirt and shoes. When he was finally just in his socks and plaid pj pants he slid under the covers with you, and wrapped his long arms around your body and pulled you close.
“I love every single thing about you y/n.” He kissed your cheek sweetly
“I love every thing about you too Stiles.”You blushed
You both fell back asleep for another 2 hours, when you both finally woke up you guys were hungry. “Stiles, does your dad have stuff to make chocolate chip pancakes?” You asked with a yawn
“Yeah! Baby we do!” He smiled
“Great!” You spring out of his bed and ran down to the kitchen and shortly after he followed
You got to work on making the pancakes, you threw all the ingredients into a bowl and while you were mixing long, comforting arms snaked around your waist
“Whatcha dooooing?” He said pushing his lips together
“Making us breakfast.” You replied tapping his nose with the whisk you were using
“Hey! That not nice!” He pouted tumbling back a little bit
You shrugged.
After the pancakes were all made you and stiles sat down at the kitchen table to eat:
“Baby— these are so good.” He said while shoving pancakes into his mouth
“I’m glad you like them!” You giggled
After you guys finished eating you cleaned up the pancake mess and went back up to stiles room
You plopped down on his bed, “I’m soooo full!” You groaned rubbing your tummy, before you knew it stiles lifted up your shirt and started to place sweet kisses all over your stomach.
“Stilinski that tickles!” You laughed out
“Does it feel better? I’m not stopping till it feels 1000% better!” He smiled
“Yeah it does! Thank you very much!” You hummed
“Good!” He got up and layed down next to you
You layed your head on his chest, you could hear his heart beat,It always made you feel safe and comforted. He started to play with your hair, running his fingers through it and twisting it
“Baby” He said sweetly
“Yeah sti?” You rubbed his chest
“I love you, and I don’t want to ever lose you. I just- there’s a lot happening lately, with everyone. I don’t want anything to happen to you like what happened to Allison. The thought of losing you, I-I don’t know what what I would do.” His voice was lightly shaking
“I love you too. Baby, you won’t ever, ever lose me, I promise.” You squeezes him lightly
At this point the storm had rolled in so it was pouring rain and thunder was booming loudly, the sound made you flintch a little bit, he pulled you in closer to his topless body, holding you tightly.
“Baby, I promise you’re safe.” He said reassuringly
“I know- I just hate how thunder makes the house rattle.” You said quietly
He rubbed your back sweetly, you turned to kiss him and he gladly kissed you back. “I love your kisses” he grinned at you
“I love yours too!” You smiled back
“Hey! Wanna watch a movie?” He said excitedly
“Sure babe, what movie?” You kisses his cheek
“Umm.. Spider-Man Homecoming, X-Men first class, legally blonde?” He ran his fingers through his hair
“How about x-men first class? We haven’t seen that in a few months!” You smiled up at him
“Okay baby!” He hopped up to turn his TV on and pop the DVD in then came back and plopped himself back around you.
“You know- graduation is right around the corner and I know we’ve barley talked about it, but I want to live with you. I know it’s been in the plan but neither of us have fully talked about it before, but I want you y/n, you’re my home.” He said looking down at you
“I’d love to live with you Stilinski, you’re my home too.” You kissed him deeply
“Fuck yeah!” He yelled out
“You’re a dork!” You giggled
“I’m your dork!” He bopped your nose
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Sleep over part 2
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Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader, Dustin Henderson x reader (sibling)
Warnings:language,smut, nsfw, unprotected sex (plz wrap it up) also cock and pussy are used :)
You and Steve have a sleep over for the gang at yours and Dustin’s house and when the kids finally fall asleep oh it’s all fun and smutty and fluffy like it’s not hard core but she’s good💕
You and Steve had been cuddling for an hour before you heard the noise from the kids finally stop. “Do you think they’re finally asleep?” Steve said while rubbing your side. “Maybe, I’ll go and check on them.”
You got up and proceeded to walk from your room to the living room. Once you got there you saw that everyone was passed out. They all looked so precious: Mike and el were cuddling on the floor and Dustin and Lucas were both asleep on the couch. You moved to go grab a blanket from the back of the recliner ,which Max was sound asleep in, and put it over Dustin and Lucas. Will was asleep next to the tv. After you checked up on them you headed back to your room.
“They are out like a light.” You said crawling back into bed with Steve. “Then maybe we should have some fun of our own, after all this is a sleep over.” He said with a giant grin. “I like the sound of that.” You said in a low seductive voice. Steve presses a deep passionate kiss on your lips and wrapped his hands around your waist to pull you in closer. “What am I gonna do with you beautiful?” He said in a low voice “ I dunno?” You said sweetly. “I think I have an idea.” He said while moving on top of you.
Steve started to pull down your pants. “This okay baby?” He asked sweetly, you nodded. Once he fully pulled off your pants he spred your legs and layed down between them. He started to rub your pussy through your panties “Ohh baby you’re so wet.” He said mischievously, then he moved your underwear to the side and started to lick. He started from the bottom then moved up to the top, like he was lapping up all your juices. You moaned in delight and started to move your fingers through his luscious hair. Steve went to suck on your clit, causing you to tighten up your body a little bit. “Omg, baby, that... that feels so good” You whimpered. Suddenly he stopped what he was doing and sat up, “un-uh, I don’t need you to cum just yet. I want you to show me what you can do.” He rubbed your cheek sweetly. “Okay baby.” You sat up then moved to allow him to lay down, you slowly removed Steve’s boxers and his shirt, then you went down and slowly started to suck on his tip, you licked from his balls all along his cock all the way to the tip, then you swirled your tongue around his cock. “Fuck baby that feels so great.” He moaned out. You fully took his cock into your mouth and started to bob up and down forcing a light gag when he reached the back of your throat. Your mouth made his cock sloppy with spit and you were loving every second of it and so was your beautiful boy. “Baby girl... you look so pretty. I think I’m gonna cum.” He breathed out “no - no Mr.Harrington, I don’t get you, you don’t get to.” You teased. “I hate you” He said jokingly “well I’m that case, you don’t get my pussy.” You said cockily
Suddenly he sprung up and pushed you down and now he was on top of you. “You know what I think is unfair baby? The fact that I’m fully naked and you still have my hoodie on.” He said in a low voice. Steve lifted the hoodie off of your soft body and now you were completely naked. “Stevie, can you please fuck me? My pussy is so lonely.” You said sweetly “of course beautiful.” He kissed you deeply
Steve got off of you “Hey pretty girl, flip over for me please?” He said in a loving voice “okay Stevie” You obeyed his request. once you were flipped over he lined his hips up with yours and slowly teased your entrance, “I don’t have a condom baby.” He said franctically “Hey, it’s fine baby I’m on the pill. It’s okay” you reassured him. That said he slid himself inside of your pussy, his cock filling you up perfectly. “Fuck pretty girl.” He moaned out, he started pounding in and out of your pussy ,his cock hitting your G spot repeatedly. “Stevie... it feels so good” you cried out. He was still slamming his cock in to you hard and fast. “I’m gonna cum baby.” He moaned out “do it Stevie, cum in me.” You begged. A few more slaps of your ass against his hips and you both came, you came all over his cock and a minute later he came in your pussy.
Steve took himself out of you and layed down next to you and started rubbing your back. “That was amazing baby girl.” He said in a whisper. you turned so you could see his face and snuggle into his chest, “I love you Stevie.” You said sweetly. He squeezed you tightly, “ I love you too y/n. You mean so much to me.”
You kissed him lightly and he held your hand “goodnight beautiful” he said “goodnight handsome” you replied. And you both drifted off into a good nights sleep.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
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Just in case you were feeling discouraged.
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
Sleep over part 1
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader, Dustin x Reader (sibling)
Warnings: language
You and Steve are dating and you are Dustin’s older sister and you and Dustin have a sleep over with the gang at your place.
It it was Friday morning, you and Dustin were getting ready for school. “Dusty, you want me to make you toast before Stevie gets here?” You called out to him. “Yeah!” He shouted back.
You made your brother breakfast and quickly packed his lunch. you put a banana, a turkey sandwich,a snack pack, and a bottle of water in his lunch box along with a little note that said “I love you :)!”
Even though he was in 8th grade, you still took care of him. Your mom was barley ever home from working all the time or away on little trips because she would get overwhelmed with raising the two of you. You been taking care of Dustin since you were 10 years old, that’s when your dad left and your mom was never the same.
Steve pulled up to your house right at 7, you made sure that your brother had all of his stuff for school and that you had yours as well, then you were out the door. When You arrived to your Boyfriend’s car he leaned over to open your door from the driver side seat. “Hey beautiful.” He said while beaming up at you. “Hey baby boy.” You smiled back at him. “Guys can you please wait to do that later?” Dustin said rolling his eyes. “Close your eyes dusty.” You said leaning in and giving Steve a big kiss. After the kiss Steve looked at both you and Dustin and said in a cheery tone “okay everyone ready to go?” You and Dustin both nodded.
Once you had dropped Dustin off at the middle school ,you and Steve arrived in the parking lot of the High School. You guys started to talk about the plans for that night: “About the sleep over tonight, I was wondering if I should keep one of my bats in your room and one behind the couch Incase anything happens?” He said sweetly
“yeah I think that’s a good idea, but we shouldn’t tell the kids, we don’t want to stress them out over something that might not happen.” You smiled at him
“wow you are so smart baby!” He beamed at you, and you blushed.
“Thank You Harrington I try. Hey! Are we still getting snacks and food for tonight after school?” You asked proceeding to hold his hand
“of course we are baby girl.” He kissed your cheek
You both hopped out of his car and proceeded to your first class of the day, holding hands. You were both in different grades, him being a senior and you a junior. You didn’t mind though it was nice. “I love you!” He yelled when you started to walk in separate directions and let each other’s hands go, “I love you too!” You yelled back. It was gonna be a good day.
The final bell rang and you ran out into the parking lot to meet up with Steve and Dustin who were already standing there waiting for you. You looked at Dustin with a stern expression, “school doesn’t end for you for another 10 minutes, why are you here already?” You said with a ‘I mean business’ tone. “I was just so excited about tonight I kinda just left class early, I asked my teacher and everything. please don’t get upset with me.” He said looking at you with big eyes. “She’s not gonna get mad at you kid, we both understand that you’re excited, and we are proud of you for asking your teacher first.” Steve said reassuringly. Dustin looked releived. You gave Dustin a hug “please just don’t be a dumbass.” You said lovingly “I won’t.” He said muffled by the bear hug.
You guys all loaded up in Steve’s car and headed to the store to grab snacks before the party. When you guys arrived at the store Steve pulled the car into a spot and parked it. “Okay what are we grabbing? We need a set list so we don’t buy too much food.” Steve said sternly “ohh putting your foot down, what a man.” You said in a mocking voice. Steve tapped your arm playfully. “Ummm... lets start out with chips and dip, brownies or cookies, and drinks!” Dustin said “that’s great dusty!” You smiled back at him. You all got out of the car and headed inside the store. You grabbed a cart and you all started to walk down the isles. You reached the cake mix isle first: “dusty, you want me to make you box brownies or my brownies?” You asked in a caring tone. “I like your brownies y/n, boxed tastes like shit.” He replied “language!” Steve said sternly. You guys walked around the store and finished grabbing everything you needed for tonight.
Once you guys got back to your house you guys started to set up for the sleep over. You had also stopped at the movie rental place and let Dustin pick out 3 movies for tonight and he picked: Beverly Hills cop,caddy shack, and breakfast club.
You went through the rules with Dustin:
No one sleeps in your room
You all sleep out here
Don’t leave the house
Don’t do anything stupid
He rolled his eyes “ I’m not 6 I know the rules y/n” Steve chimes in, “Hey! we just want you guys to be safe.” He said in a protective tone
Shortly after the gang arrived You started to work on making your “famous” fudge brownies and Steve ordered 3 pizzas from Tony’s.
When the pizza arrived and everyone ate, you let the gang figure out what movie they wanted to watch:
“I want to watch Beverly Hill cop!” Chimed Lucas
“I do too! Or Caddy shack!” Mike said
“I wouldn’t mind watching the breakfast club!” Max said sweetly
“Hey! Dipshits and girls, why don’t you guys just toss a coin or something? Or let Will pick?” Steve said placing his hands on his hips
“Umm.. could we watch Breakfast club?” Will said sweetly
“Yeah of course! Breakfast club it is!” You said putting the movie into the VHS player.
You made sure the gang had everything they needed for the night, and you went to the living room where they all were sitting and started to go through the rules for tonight:
“Okay guys, me and Steve will be in my room tonight to give you guys some space and room to have fun! But here are some basic ground rules:
No leaving the house with out us
Backyard is perfectly fine just don’t leave the property
You can be in Dustin’s room just not sleep in there
Don’t stay up all night because you guys need sleep
Me and Steve are here if you need anything just knock first then come in
We love you guys and we want you to have fun”
You said lovingly. “Goodnight guys, again if you need anything I’ll be in my room!” You said while walking off holding Steve’s hand. “OKAY! “ the group said in unison
Once inside of your room you could hear the kids yelling and laughing, so you knew they would be busy for a while.
Steve came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist “I love you, I love you so much.” He started to place sweet kisses all over your neck and rubbing his hands around your waist.
“I love you too Stevie.” You turned so you would be face to face and placed a deep and passionate kiss on his lips.
Part 2 will be NSFW with Steve so like I hope y’all enjoy this!❤️❤️
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big-toe-energy · 5 years
I want you
Paring: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: I don’t think any maybe like light angst
You and billy are close friends and he admits to you that he likes you a lot and that he really wants to be with you.
You and Billy had been friends for a few months now, and as time progressed you became closer. It all started at a party you went to at the beginning of the year, Billy was there and you and a group of people decided to play 7 minutes in heaven and when it was your turn to go creepy Craig really wanted to go on with you but billy, come to find out, told him no and went in there with you because god know what craig would’ve done. Billy didn’t pull any stunts with you he just started a conversation, you being blindfolded so you had no clue who you were having such a fun conversation with. You guys talked about yourselves he surprisingly didn’t do much talking he mostly was asking. Then right as you were about to leave the room he undid the blindfold and looked at you and honestly wow it was like you were in another realm of existence. He pulled you close as the guys outside of the door yelled “30 more seconds!” And he kissed you deeply and with passion. You left the closet blushing, and he did too, which was new for Billy Hargrove. After that he tried to talk to you all the tome at school, you had 3 classes together and he sat next you and you started to basically do everything together. Now you’re the only one who knows the real Billy Hargrove and not the “keg king” version. He was your best friend.
“Hey y/n” you heard while getting books out of your locker, when you looked up there he was the pretty blue eyed boy. “Yes billy?” You asked sweetly. “ I was wondering if you would like to go to Benny’s with me tonight, they just now started serving breakfast all day, and I know you love their cinnamon French toast, so do you wanna go?” He asked in a very shy tone, you weren’t used to. “Yeah! Definitely! What time Hargrove?” You asked beaming. “I was thinking I’d pick you up at 6:30?” He asked rubbing the back of his neck “yeah! It’s a date!” You said and hugged him then turned to walk to class.
The end of the school day had rolled around, but since that morning you kept questioning if he liked you or not, and it was really making you lose your mind. When the ball rang you went to go meet billy at his camero like you did everyday. You of course arrived 5 minutes earlier than he did, he usually showed up alone but this time he arrived with Cathy Baker on his arm, and they were laughing and talking. Once they got to the car he looked at you and you looked disappointed. “Hey y/n I’m dropping Cathy off today too, her house is on the way to yours hope you don’t mind!” He said with a smile “yeah no not at all.” You replies looking at the ground. You normally sat in the front no matter who was in the car, but nope not this time. The car ride was filled with Billy listening to rock and Cathy going “woooooo! I love this song!” Luckily you were at Cathy’s house just 5 minutes after you left school. Once she got out Billy asked if you’d sit in the front and you said no. The rest of the drive was silent. Once you got to your house you got out and he walked you to your door, “see you tonight still?” He asked sheepishly “yeah, unless you want to bring that Bimbo again.” You said harshly “it’ll just be us okay?” He said with reassurance “okay billy.” You said and rushed inside. He fucked up.
You got ready to go out with billy, you guys went to Benny’s all the time, and it didn’t matter when you went or what you wore, it was your place. You got all dolled up because you wanted him to know that you were just as or more attractive than Cathy. You put on make up, which you never ever did when you hung out with Billy, and you wore a revealing dress that fit you perfectly. When billy showed up he came and knocked on your door, when you opened it you were still upset from earlier but when he saw you man did it make up for it. “Wow, princess you look stunning.” He said in awe “thank you” you blushed. He braved your hand and walked you to his car. Once in he turned on the radio and started to drive off, he gave you his jean jacket Incase you got cold, you had worn it a few times, you were the only person who was allowed. The drive was silent, well besides the music blasting.
When you arrived at Benny’s billy came over to your side of the car and opened the door for you. When you got seated at a table you sat across from each other, you guys usually sat right next to each other. Even Edna, the waitress, noticed the change. When she came to take your orders she said “trouble in paradise kids?” And you just awkwardly laughed. When the food arrived billy finally broke the silence, “y/n, I’m sorry about this afternoon, I am, I didn’t know what I was thinking. I was trying to make you jealous and that was really fucked up of me. I just really like you and you’re the only person I tell anything and everything to and I’m sorry.” You were in disbelief billy, the I hate everyone and like I don’t do love and Romance, to you he likes you. “I forgive you. I like you too, Billy.” You said I’m a modest and psssive tone. “Princess, I want you. I want you to be mine. Please?” He begged “okay billy, id love that.” You said with a smile. Your best friend was now your boyfriend and you were so happy. You spent your night at the dinner talking for hours and holding hands. Everything felt right.
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