#isola shine bright
isolaradiale · 8 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Streets light up with hues of dull crimson and pastel pinks, the shapes of hearts littering window shops while glitter shimmers in the passing rays of sunlight. Even the night glows with decor, low hanging lanterns illuminating softly pathways, giving an allure of warmth and positive ambiance to those who walk by. What is placed up is not suddenly there, rather the efforts of the island locals banding together, making certain that the holiday itself is set up for all to enjoy and feel the welcoming atmosphere. Even if it wasn’t a festival, surely there would be no mind to treating it like one, even for just a short while.
“Huuuh? What do you mean ‘what’s it called?’ It’s Hearts Wake, silly! It isn’t really a party, but we like to celebrate it like one. So, drinks on the house! You heard me!”
Hearts Wake, they call it to those who ask, explaining everything to the littlest detail to anyone who decides to ask. There is something pleasing about it, perhaps even a little cute in seeing some outfits line up with the ornaments, if one was to think of it like that. Another day passes as the city glistens more with each passing day, vibrant in uplifting support and comradeship abound in any way a single person looks.
“You know, I had to do this all by myself last time...” a pout paints itself across lips, Pleiades crossing her arms a little bitterly as she keeps her seat, glancing over briefly to her occupied company.
Alathfar seems to be in the middle of scribbling some notes as Pleiades pouts at him. He can hear it in her voice without even looking up. "It's a good thing I'm not preoccupied this year, then, isn't it?" It comes off as a joke, but he’s relieved that his recovery had gone well. He missed doing these with his partner.
Pleiades adjusts her glasses, as the man looks up to give her a smile. She gives a small sigh as she moves forward in relent. A few taps on the keys is all it takes, setting up everything before leaning back against him, head lazy as glasses shine back the codes from the bright screens. All that was needed is one more press of a button, something to implement it all. Shifting aside briefly, she softens with a twirl of her ankle, offering an intrigued smile between the system and her company.
“Well, it is mostly your code, after all. Shall you do the honors, my dearest?”
A small laugh as arms wrap around his companion loosely. “I’d love to. Are you ready to see how they’ve developed?” 
He moves, briefly, and with a few more deft taps at the keyboard the sound of data begins to filter into the systems, molding from mere numbers and symbols that it might manifest an array of confections and other lavish products that begin to line the shops throughout Spirale...
                                                     ☆               ☆                ☆
So what’s happening?
First off, welcome to Isola’s Valentine’s day mini-event! You’re probably wondering what’s happening, right? Well this is where you’ll get it explained! While not a festival in name, it may as well be one, as everyone on the island seems to be talking about it. Cited as Hearts Wake by the locals, it can be easily gleaned that this holiday is very reminiscent of the typical love holidays you all may or may not be acquainted with, only focusing on the importance of all types of bonds, or more specifically growing those bonds. Things such as couples who wish to deepen their bonds, whether long standing or newly dating, or friends who want to become closer or learn more on one another, and even those who might want to become more than friends finding courage to ask. It’s also generally supported by the masses that those who have things they can reconcile with those they may not like or have misunderstandings with try to do just that if possible.
However, it seems a new brand of treats of varying kinds named DevoLine has, interestingly, slipped into the markets what seems overnight. Things ranging from cute little drinks, chocolates and other desserts, plushes, and even incense based goods for those who prefer fanciful scents. Must just be new items in stock, right? As if anything was so simple here on Radial Island. While the items are perfectly safe to ingest and even adjusts to the taste of the drinker, eater, or the one taking in the air as the incense burns to what they prefer in taste and scent, there’s a little something extra mixed right in to make things all the sweeter for the holiday. Like, say... a potion of some sort, for starters.
Regardless, they’re all labeled as a limited time ordeal, so you should get a hold of one or two before they’re off the shelves for good! Maybe they’ll even become collectibles worth something down the line.
How does this work?
Anyone who ingests these newfound treats will be affected by the potion itself. Whether you intake a little or a lot doesn’t entirely change the outcome, once a tad touches your tongue, you touch a plush, or you get a nice inhale, it’ll take immediate action!
There are many ways this potion can interact with someone who consumes it, though most notably with adverse effects that seem to want to flub up the entirety of the holiday itself. Rather than emboldening the positive bonds of others like the holiday attempts to push for, it seems to do the opposite, such as starting spat wars or even a full out scuffles between those who see each other as enemies or even as simple as a slight dislike each other, creating lovers quarrels over the pettiest of things, or even causing large dissonance between two people who are as close as can be and making a wedge between them.
However, despite the intention to sabotage the holiday, it seems that in the same instance this potion will sometimes fall in line with the idea of deepening those bonds. People might find the courage to confess feelings they might not have thought to before, making acquaintances feel a closer bond and wanting to build on that foundation for an everlasting friendship, or even friends with interest in each other taking that final step into asking one another out, maybe even incite an urge to reconcile things between each other. The list is, generally, endless from all the dynamics.
Essentially, emotions are a strange thing, definitely not something you can adjust on a whim, so anything you choose that involves the bonds of your fellows is right up the alley of this hectic potion.
What if my character doesn’t need to drink or eat?
No problem at all. While they may not need to eat or drink, the incense itself can be enough to participate if you truly want, affecting all those around it in one way or another. For example, if your character is a robot, it’s easy to say that the incense can simply seep into their circuits (how, you ask? magic. details. waves hands mysteriously...) and rewire them that way. Touching plushes also work, as contact is all that it is needed, so you can also go this route. You’re welcome to get as creative as you’d like with how they can be affected so you can join in!
Can I change the effects throughout the event?
Of course! You can either have your character indulge in another treat or nice, deep breath or just simply have it shift. Potions are a little weird like that, especially mixing with emotions, so it can be as ever changing as needed to suit your threading wants.
Will these changes be permanent?
Not at all, no! Once the event is over, all of the potion effects will disappear, though the memories of what happened can be used to build on what the effects did or not at all. In a way, it’s almost like someone intentionally did this to place you all to the test in regards of your bonds in general. What is the test for entirely? What an interesting question to have...
Do we have to have our characters participate?
Absolutely not! This is completely optional and you’re welcome to have your character not partake in the items or smell any of the incense at all, so no worries!
I have a question I don’t see here. What do I do?
If you have any other questions, make sure to send an ask to the MASTERLIST and we’ll do our best to answer any you have that aren’t here!
How long will this run for?
The event will run from 1/19 through 2/09 (ending at 11:59:59PM EST on the 9th)!
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dimittere · 4 years
the diamond falls, coating the water's surface thinly in sheets upon sheets. unlike ice, the crystals are not AFFECTED by the ocean's temperature or its turbulent nature; they simply ENDURE. such would be poetry and sweetness if his heart allowed for such a thing, but as it is, ganondorf is a cold, ROTTEN bastard, with a heart as hardy and soulless as the falling crystals. a relentless nature that would not be QUELLED. no softness and no compromise. a tilt of his head back towards the female. ❝shouldn't you be in the OCEAN by now? do you believe this ACCURSED rain could prevent your escape?❞
@mcircnyu liked for a starter.
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deathreversed · 4 years
Djeeta’s almost certainly fine. Whatever the world throws at the Captain, she always manages to overcome it. That perseverance of hers is one of her many charm points, alongside her kindness and strength. Even as flecks of diamond drift down and cover the island in their unbreakable sheen, Djeeta is surely no worse for wear.
But Nier will check on her, just in case.
It doesn’t take Nier long to arrive at Djeeta’s home; she knows the way by heart at this point. However, seeing the entire building coated in a thick layer of shining diamond is enough to drive the girl to tears and into a panic for a few moments before she remembers her cell phone. She’s only ever used the thing to get in touch with Djeeta and a few select others, but she knows enough to dial the number and sob into the receiver.
“Djeeta? A-are you okay? T-the whole island is covered in crystal, and I went to see if you needed anything, but your home is...”
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As her eyes turn back to the diamond-encased building, Nier begins to cry again. “S-sorry...” she sniffles, wiping her eyes with her free hand. “I-I’m sure you’re fine, but... I-if anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do. But you answered your cell phone, so you must be okay...”
She shudders and sighs again before realizing she hasn’t even given Djeeta a chance to respond. "U-um, sorry, I’ve probably been talking too much... Go ahead.”
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bigbangsmasher · 4 years
This is hellish. No, hellish means this only has some qualities of hill, that this situation is, in some ways, less than hell. It implies that Makoto is not feeling like she’s suffering some kind of eternal damnation for her multitude of less-than-moral behaviors, or that she knows that even death could not offer escape from this torment.
Even as she trots along the diamond-coated streets of Spirale, ears twitching at the lamentations of those around her, her mind is focused only on the tortures she must endure.
And then, a ray of light shines down. A blessing, no, an angel come to hopefully provide some sweet relief for the girl. It takes Makoto a lot of control to not break out into a full on sprint across the street at the sight of the dark-haired young man who she knows well, but who barely knows her in exchange.
“Watanuki! So good to see you! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? You been good? Good! That’s great. How about this diamond snow, pretty nuts, right? Don’t try and catch those snowflakes on your tongue, I’m warning you! Does not taste good, haha.”
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There’s no chance for him to get a word in edgewise even as Makoto leans in close, voice dropping. “Hey, is your house coated in diamond right now? Feels like most of the buildings around here are sealed off, and I...”
Makoto grits her teeth for a moment, composing herself. “I just... I really need to find a bathroom. Watanuki, I know you don’t know me super well, but I am going to fucking explode. You gotta help me, dude.”
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underteika · 4 years
Frankly, they looked a little thrown back. They open the door this way every time--turn handle, push hard with shoulder, go out. Muscle memory at this point, practically. So when the empath was met with resistance by the door leading out of the El Melloi Detective Agency, they stood blinking for a few seconds.
Maybe the garage-like door in the basement morgue... no, no luck there either. The motor was working, but for whatever reason, the door refused to rise. Back to the front door.
Another try. Harder, this time. Another kick at the lock with the good leg... Though the door splintered, it did not move.
(”...The hell?”)
They tried to look out the window, only to be stuck behind a sheet of diamond warping the image of the outside. Dark, now, with the streetlamps crystal’d over like the streets.
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(”...This, uh. This could be a real problem, actually. I don’t know what good breaking the window would do...”)
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blackmagi · 4 years
The only thing preventing is body from freezing was the odd costume coat Reines had bought him. Interesting tribute from a to-be-queen. It was ‘decent’, even if the hat was dumb beyond words. But it was worse than nothing. His light silk garments were quite useless against that weather.
He kind of missed the warm frilly kimonos he wore as a child. Winter in Kou was... 
“Eh,” he pulled the nearest door, careless if it was a home or a shop. It gave in, making him grin. 
The door clicked behind him, closed once more.  
It was one of those coffee shops, just like the one Reines had. Good. This assured free food and a warm place until he got bored and blasting the place became a necessity. 
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“Yo,” he greeted, careless who was there, a hand rose nonchalantly. “This is my domain now”. 
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eusarca · 4 years
“IS-MAE-L!” One lovely spirit briskly closed in from across the shiny street.
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Sounding so indignant and concerned at the same time had to count as a skill.
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ichorbane · 4 years
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❝ So. As it turns out, this stuff on the ground is not ice. ❞ Maybe his mouth is bleeding like, a little bit a lot, because maybe he was a little dehydrated and desperate when he found the knob to his home stuck. So maybe he found some shards nearby and put them in his mouth. ❝ I don’t suppose you know first aid for tongues? ❞
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warriorcourier · 4 years
@fcxrcin Roro has decided to check up on the Dojang during this odd diamond ice business. He’s got his long cloak fastened around his neck, makeshift pickaxe at his side to crack open and chip at anything locked in. In his hand, both as a walking stick, and a weapon in case things got dicey, is his halberd. He knocks on the door, shouting loudly. Maybe Master Hansol was locked in? “Master Hansol! It’s Roroanoak! Are you in there? Hello? Master Hansol?”
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Have been locked out of my apartment for days now.
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This sucks. I need away to get inside the apartment again.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
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"Yeah, well, I can do it by myself," mumbles the young woman who, busying herself at her desk, also takes the time to imitate her superiors under her breath. Mentions of 'the results could be dangerous if you get it wrong' are said to herself in the lone room, the tone one of full on mockery as Capella continues to type away at her brightly coloured keyboard. Despite her angry clacking at the keys, the various stickers attached to the tops of her fingers and knuckles remain in tact.
"Just because I like to spruce things up doesn't mean I'm an idiot--" continuing her rant, it seems that the AI's voice from the computer chanting 'WARNING' over and over again go unheard by the young woman. 
"I'll show them--"
"Yes! Stop interrupting me now!" yelling quite suddenly, Capella soon stops her venting and stares wide-eyed at the screen. Silence governs the office area for a few moments... Before a smile begins to creep onto her face.
"Oh, well. Would you look at that? A brand new anomaly... One no one has been able to do before! Hehe..."
☆               ★                ☆
Nothing new about that. The citizens of Spirale would surely look upon the falling snowflakes with little concern, finding it to be the season where such a thing would happen (on an island, somehow). As the evening orange soon sets into a dark grey and eventually, black, the snow continues to fall slowly but surely from the sky. A few citizens might have noticed that something about the snowflakes seemed... A bit different but without having a closer look, nothing could really be detected and thus, onward into their homes did the citizens go for the night, hoping to get a good night's rest.
☆               ★                ☆
Upon waking the next day, however, the citizens would find sheets of ice layered on the ground, houses and any object outside. Funny; no rain had been heard to freeze over, as far as everyone was concerned... But not a big deal, right? Setting out for the day, the citizens go about their business as usual. Though... The ice itself ends up catching the attention of many. It looked like ice but at the same time, it was far too sparkly to be so; far too bright and almost crystalized. If one were to touch it, they, too, would find that it's not particularly cold to the touch like ice normally would be.
Not only that, but it's not... Slippery. Walking on it causes no slips or falls but the odd, uneven texture is apparent through the soles of everyone's feet and shoes. It takes a little bit but eventually, people begin to understand just what this strange 'ice' is, soon realizing it's not 'ice' at all.
The sheets of 'ice' are actually sheets of diamond.
The citizens can notice it now; how the odd snowflakes falling seem to be different and now, they are able to place exactly why. Some try to run back into their houses, hoping to avoid the oncoming ordeal-- only to find that they can't open their doors. The sheets of 'ice' have now become layered over certain areas and in this case, their own housing. Try as they might, there is no way to crack open the layers of diamond to get back inside. Again and again and again do some citizens try to destroy some of the sheets of diamond covering areas and places they need to get to, however, nothing works.
Because nothing is strong enough to cut through a diamond, after all.
☆               ★                ☆
So, what's happened?
Odd snowflakes have started to covered the isle of Spirale, coating some areas in a special sort of 'ice'... However, it's not ice at all; upon closer inspection, you'll see that it's actually sheets of diamonds covering the ground and various other things! No matter how hard you try, these special areas of 'ice' won't break. Even worse, as the 'snow' continues to fall every so often, certain locations and areas of Spirale begin to get closed off.
Wait, what?
Yeah! You know how yesterday you could get into your house and it started to 'snow' when you left this morning? Well, now there's a layer of 'ice' over it and you can't get back in! That sort of stinks, huh? Unfortunately, the 'snowfalls' are randomized so it's not really known when the special diamond flakes will strike next. 
Will the 'snowflakes' and diamond 'ice' affect things other than the environment?
Yes! Long story short, they will also begin to affect the local monsters within the the outer areas of Spirale, such as the Mistwood. Rumour has it that even new creatures resembling diamondized, giant yetis are sprouting from large deposits of the diamondized 'ice', creating even more danger for those who decide to venture outside of the main wards where it's arguably more 'safe'. The ‘ice’ will also accumulate on objects left outside, too, so make sure you know where your weapons and tools are at all times! Unless you want them covered in diamonds, that is...
Will the diamond 'ice' affect my character?
Nope! You're not under the threat of being turned into a diamond person... But you're still in danger from being stranded out in the cold and being attacked by diamondized monsters. Heck, you're also probably in danger of someone else brandishing broken pieces of diamonds and using them as weapons! That also kind of stinks, huh?
Is there any way to break down the diamonds and the diamondized creatures?
As hinted above, yes! If you are able to find already broken pieces from larger diamond deposits (caused by other diamonds themselves falling onto each other), you are able to use those as weapons as you so choose. After all, the only thing strong enough to cut a diamond is another diamond!
My muse slept in when the first snowfall started; are they trapped?!
Essentially you can have the 'snowfalls' affect your housing (or a designated area) after they woke up and came back home. Or maybe they're just trapped inside there until someone else can break them out with the aforementioned, makeshift weapons? That's up to you!
Well, my muse can phase through things and/or teleport; they’re fine, right?
Yes and no! The diamonds are unable to be phased through so no matter how hard you try, it’s just going to look like you’re angry at the diamond deposits. As for teleportation, well... It only works if the place you are teleporting to isn’t completely incased in diamond.
For example; someone’s house is completely covered. In that instance, you cannot teleport inside of the house. However, the library is only half covered and thus, you would be able to teleport to the side that has not been covered as of yet. Think of the diamonds as a sort of neutralizing agent when it comes to abilities!
Do drabbles count?
Yes! However, they must involve your character interacting with something related to the event (whether it be any of the ‘ice’ or the monsters or both) and not simply an in-character reflection or commentary on what’s going on. Drabbles must also be a minimum of 500 words in order to count as event participation.
I have another question!
If you have a general question that wasn’t answered here, or if you have a question about your specific muse or a specific ability in mind, please feel free to send in a message to the masterlist and we’ll answer it as soon as possible!
How long will this event run for?
The event will run until February 5th February 7th at 11:59:59pm!
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dimittere · 4 years
bargaining suits ganondorf very little, being a proud and strong man that he is. bargaining is little else to begging, being at someone else's mercy, and no, he would NOT EVER allow for it to go that far again. hell, one could describe his entrapment within the SACRED realm, hell, what he considers his upbringing, dancing for the hylian nobility to ensure his own survival. one could deem the rope he walks upon a very DELICATE one. a taut thing ready to snap with one wrong move. so, he would not move falsely, would not break his mask. ❝you there,❞ he remarks, plain and to the point, yet airy. he doesn't beg. footsteps echo as he APPROACHES the other, taking stock of what he bears. the desperation clings to this city, a city desperate to carry on AFFAIRS like normal, thus he's unsurprised to see this individual carrying what could only be groceries. ❝i've had VERY LITTLE luck in restocking my pantry,❞ as if there's even a pantry left to restock. ❝i REQUEST a boon.❞
@lachasse liked for a starter.
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Whatever Badou’s idea is regarding on how to deal with these things, Nanao doubted herself. Like yeah, diamond beats diamond but how do they use that idea though?
She’s merely holding a shard from those creatures that she doesn’t know what to do with it.
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“Are you sure this will work?” One were roaming around while they weren’t noticed.
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floradorned · 4 years
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      ❝ This small, flat object provides meager warmth... I’ve yet to find a use for it. ❞   Nonetheless, the phone is carried with him in the off event it happens to have a practical purpose. As a tool against the cold, however, it is all but pointless. The guide emits what sounds like a sigh.    ❝ ... I suppose I should continue seeking other means of staying warm. ❞
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warpedglass · 4 years
“Oh so you can’t get inside? Terrible fate really, but I’ve always struggled with the thought of having to use doors. Any kind of entrance, really.”
While she thoroughly didn’t enjoy the cold, she did enjoy things that sparkle. She was wrapped up considerably well, and this kind of temperature was the only time she wore nearly this many clothes.
“Not a problem, darling. I’ll have us inside in just a moment.”
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With a flourish, because of course there was a flourish, she used her tendrils to create an oblong shape of darkness into the crystal surface which quickly filled in with that same rippling shadow. With all the considerable confidence she had she strode forward.
Right into more solid matter. There was a ringing sound and she promptly fell backwards, straight onto her behind.
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temperateskies · 4 years
@ferengivalues continued from here
The endeavor is a fruitless one. Always the diplomat Ichimokuren would rather reason with those with questionable moral compasses and work towards a peaceful conclusion than face the alternative-- The alternative being absolute destruction of their enemy. He’d rather not be the reason for their annihilation, not if he can prevent it. Even so, it seems the monster’s armor is impenetrable as if its been infused with immense spiritual energy.
“You may be right. This creature is of unsound mind, I don’t think reasoning with it will do us any good.” Just as he spoke, the diamondized beast lunged forward, it’s spikes would’ve pierced right though the former deity’s heart were it not for the barrier he enacted. It’s hulking form was sent flying on its back and for the moment they were safe. “I hope you’re not afraid of heights, Master Quark. I can get us out of here but you must hold onto me.”
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