Peacock blue
peacock blue: is your muse honest? what sorts of lies do they tell, if not?
I imagine Haar to generally be an honest and blunt dude, but that seems to be an honor only reserved for people he respects, considering that he has feigned sleep on purpose while under the service of Daein.
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olive: is your muse prone to feeling envious of others? if yes, what is it that they typically feel envious over?
I had to really think on this, but I don’t see Haar being overly envious of others in general. That said, there would definitely be some aspects others have he may be jealous of. The main type of thing that sticks out to me would the diligence to carry on no matter what: regardless of the beliefs motivating an order, the ability to be honest even in the face of a precarious position, etc.
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colour meme: anise
anise: when it comes to self-care, what does your muse do to take care of themselves? do they take care to spend time on it, or do they feel they don’t deserve it?
I think it’s real obvious what Haar’s biggest thing for self-care is, but otherwise, I could see him at least doing good work with maintenance on weapons and armor. No better way to become lazy with anything else as long as the tools of defense are well kept, right?
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Another yawn and Haar would give off an amused huff. It made sense that one that sharp would have the forward-thinking to try and loot a sleeping man, he had to admit at least. “Indeed it is, I won’t deny that.” He would eye the younger man’s hand for a good moment. As willing as Haar was to make with the friendly talk, circumstances pointed towards Joshua being not too trustworthy for the moment.
“Name’s Haar.” He’d shift himself onto his legs now and dust off any grass scraps that had gotten caught against his clothes.  Well, a nap could always wait, he supposed, and it wasn’t like the delivery he had in tow was particularly urgent either.
The ground is a perfectly fine place to take a nap on (Open RP)
Haar gave another yawn and leaned over to rest his head in his hand as he remained sitting. He should be thanking Joshua for what he did? What an amusing thought, but there was a point to that. Time to stash his gold storage inside his own armor clearly….or some other obscure place that’s hard to reach.
Upon hearing the explanation to just where Joshua had shown up from Haar would blink out of surprise and then look up as the swordsman pointed. Oh. Truly negligent of him to not check such an obvious place. “Hmph,” He huffed in acknowledgement. “Well, I guess that begs the question of exactly what someone like yourself is doing here then. Surely you’ve got better things to do than to lallygag about in some remote place like this.”
“Hmm, that’s a fair point. I guess I do.” Joshua offers his hand to the Rider, for a shake or to stand up. Either’s fine really. The myrmidon would be easily make off with the man’s loot, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be chummy and give him a hardy slap on the back later.
“But ain’t lollygagging the spice of life? Duty is doing what you don’t want to, and all that.” Joshua almost withholds how Haar seemed to be doing just as much lollygagging himself. Almost.
“You seem to know that well, don’t ya?” He remarks brightly. Still, he held no ill will towards the man. “I’m Joshua. Nice to meet ya.”
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colorful headcanons.
( send me a copic color for a headcanon )
frost blue: does your muse enjoy the snow and cold? or are they the type to enjoy summer more?
peacock blue: is your muse honest? what sorts of lies do they tell, if not?
lapis lazuli: does your muse prefer the idea of exploring the depths of the oceans, or the boundless expanses of space more?
reddish brass: how likely is your muse to step up and take the role of a leader? are they willing to take the challenge, or are they more apt to being a follower?
burnt umber: how stable is your muse, mentally and/or emotionally?
champagne: does your muse drink (alcohol)? are they a heavy drinker, if so?
tea orange: what is something that your muse is fascinated with?
malachite: has your muse ever done anything that they winded up feeling incredibly guilty for in the end?
olive: is your muse prone to feeling envious of others? if yes, what is it that they typically feel envious over?
vermillion: is your muse courageous, or would they consider themselves to be more of a coward?
coral: what is your muse's romantic and sexual orientations?
bougainvillaea: would your muse consider themselves as blunt, or do they beat around the bush instead?
currant: what's something that absolutely disgusts your muse (can be a person, place, thing, ect)?
crimson: how passionate is your muse about the things they love most?
raspberry: what food and/or drink can your muse not get enough of? do they indulge in it often, or is it something reserved for special occasions?
baby blossoms: does your muse have a favorite scent? what is it, and why?
mallow: what sorts of things might remind your muse of those close to them? any scents, objects, sounds?
aubergine: does your muse prefer the day, or are they more of a night-owl?
acacia: how much does it take for your muse to hate someone?
cadmium yellow: what subjects or topics does your muse avoid, because they bring up harmful / painful memories?
honey: when your muse loves someone (whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial love), how do they show it?
chartreuse: if you had to describe your muse with a color, what color would it be and why?
anise: when it comes to self-care, what does your muse do to take care of themselves? do they take care to spend time on it, or do they feel they don't deserve it?
new leaf: what message would your muse send to their past self, if any?
moss: how easily does your muse adapt to any new situations they're thrust into?
silk: does your muse care about appearances much? do they spend a lot of time on their own appearance, or do they just go with the flow each day?
sanguine: does your muse typically have an optimistic, pessimistic, or some middle ground outlook on life?
atoll: if your muse could go anywhere, without any restrictions whatsoever, where would they go? why would they go there?
cool grey: if your muse could ensure one thing for certain in their future to come, what would it be?
black: does your muse have a 'bucket list?' list some things your muse wants to accomplish before they die.
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Trick or Treat! What would your muse dress up as for Halloween? What other ways might they celebrate the holiday?
//slams in 2 weeks late with pumpkin spice latte. I’m so sorry about this; heading off into the last month of the semester and things decided to pile up bad
I don’t see Haar particularly dressing up on his own accord so he’d probably be the one giving out candy….and that’s a probably hard maybe at that; with prodding from Jill or whoever else happens to be around. As for another potential alternative…maybe festive bar hopping.
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Haar gave another yawn and leaned over to rest his head in his hand as he remained sitting. He should be thanking Joshua for what he did? What an amusing thought, but there was a point to that. Time to stash his gold storage inside his own armor clearly....or some other obscure place that’s hard to reach.
Upon hearing the explanation to just where Joshua had shown up from Haar would blink out of surprise and then look up as the swordsman pointed. Oh. Truly negligent of him to not check such an obvious place. “Hmph,” He huffed in acknowledgement. “Well, I guess that begs the question of exactly what someone like yourself is doing here then. Surely you’ve got better things to do than to lallygag about in some remote place like this.”
The ground is a perfectly fine place to take a nap on (Open RP)
Not even an hour in and there was a disturbance: a call from his mount. Damned be these honed senses from his days of battle. It sure made it hard to stay asleep should anything decide to come his way, but it certainly was far from the first time this sort of thing had happened. In response to his companion’s call, Haar would reopen his eye, intent on making sure there hadn’t been someone trying to make off with his scaled friend, and sat up. Only the gods knew how much some greedy dastard could make off a creature like his friend. 
What he hadn’t expected was to see a red-haired young man reaching for his wallet and quipping about his choice of napping spot almost right in his face.
While Haar generally kept himself in check from lashing out too harshly, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be unamused with whoever it was that was interrupting his nap. “Yeah, well, I’m sure there are better things to do than pilfer a sleeping man’s wallet.” Haar huffed as he made an attempt to swat the younger man’s arm away.  The older man would then let out a long yawn and look Joshua over. Definitely wasn’t anyone he had met before, but the style of dress and coat was not unfamiliar in comparison. A certain blue-haired myrmidon in purple came to mind. “Would have mistaken you for a thief if it weren’t for your choice of clothing there.”
A good moment of pause would pass as Haar tried to blink himself into a state of slightly greater awareness. “…Where the heck did you come from anyways?” He squinted, trying to figure it out. There hadn’t been any obvious hiding places from what he had seen which only really left one other possibility….
Joshua was mere inches from the man’s gold when he heard his mount sounding an alarm. He held stone still and looked in silent horror as the man roused.
Well, he certainly didn’t look happy, but he also didn’t look like he was a breath away from mounting Joshua on a pike either. A literal and metaphorical slap on the wrist later, he was standing straight at attention.
“Thief? Ah, but that’s such a dirty word. I like to think of myself as the opportunist!” He says rather flippantly. “Really, you should be thankin’ me. Maybe you’ll know now to stow your goods well before nappin’.”
He tries to play it cool under Haar’s scrutiny, but notices how he looks around as he asks his question. “Came from? Oh uh, just up there.” He indicates with a single finger to the tree tops. “Little more secluded.” He continues with a shoulder roll. “I’ll give it to you though - not as comfortable.”
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What type of clothes does your character like to wear?
God I’ve been so terribly late with things here; So sorry for how long it took me to get to this! 
This is…definitely a thing I don’t usually think too much about, but given Haar’s rather lax and almost lazy demeanor, I’d imagine him to prefer casual loose clothing; The type of things that makes breathing real easy and comfy to move around and sleep in. If he’s off to do something more serious, can’t go wrong with his long tested armor though.
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☾ ✏ ♡ ?
☾ : On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing?
Already Answered
✏ : What are their creative outlets?
Oh god this one took quite a while to think on as I don’t really see much of anything that indicates that Haar is a particular fan of anything creative. Too much effort for him probably. But, if I had to say something, I could see him being casual with whittling. It’s a slow paced activity that he can go at his own pace with.
♡ : Is there a certain scent that brings about nostalgia? If so, describe a memory this scent brings back.
Another one that took a lot of thought….My best guess would have to be anything pertaining to notable memories with Shiharam? Things like the scent of the grass from the day that he first met his mentor or even the scent of the air from Begnion.
So sorry for how long it took me to answer these! School has been a real killer on energy orz
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FERP Anniversary Meme
Courtyard: The main festival area.
🍷 - give someone a cup of mulled wine or cocoa 🍎 - give somebody a snack (specify) ☄️ - give somebody a firework to light. 🍏 - play a trick on somebody. (specify) ✨ - watch the fireworks together. 🔫 - Use your skills to shoot targets and win a prize - or miss and cause problems.
Garden: The quiet retreat.
🐸 - hand somebody a frog. Perhaps it has something meaningful to say? Perhaps it wants a kiss? 🐰 - you see a rabbit in a hurry - Grab a friend and follow him!! 🌿 - You and another person are stuck in the hedge maze. 🍁 - enjoy the Liminal Castle’s carefully maintained leaf piles. 😘  - Invite somebody to a quiet corner where you won’t be found~. 🏃 - steal something. Food? Clothing? A kiss? (specify)
Ballroom: The Party Room. 
💃 - Invite somebody to dance 💜 - Invite somebody to slow dance 🐣 - Invite somebody to do the chicken dance. 🚑 - Invite someone to make a fool of themselves with you on the dance floor. 👠 - Challenge someone to a dance-off. Your status as a mover and shaker is on the line. 😓 - My muse finds yours on the balcony while trying to get some air.
The Dungeon: Win the crown if you succeed. 
🍄 - ask somebody you’ve never met about what is going on. 🎃 - fight the scarecrow armies 🔍 - You are now smaller or bigger than before! (specify) 🚀 - The teleportation squares from FE15 take you somewhere else! (specify) 😵 - You have been temporarily blinded by Fog Of War. You can’t see a goddamn thing, my dude. My muse has to help you out. ☠️ - You find a monster. It’s very big. 👑  - Emperor’s Orders: You have one command. Will you use it to have someone win you a prize? Bring you a drink? Carry you on their shoulders?
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Hi I’m so sorry for things being dead here. Been a hectic time with midterms but they seem over for now so hopefully there will be a small trickle of content again!
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@axecellent-paladin @lordalmightywindsock @perceptiveknight
You all really wanted to know what the sleepiest man would do when he found himself unable to sleep LOL. 
Just to not spam this too much, it’s already been answered here!
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⊗ + εжз ?~
⊗ : What is something that causes them to question themself?
The actions done under the guise of loyal Daein Soldier still lingers on Haar’s mind and makes him wonder if what Shiharam, and by extension himself, had wished for their troop was really worth it. It makes him question himself and contemplate on if it was possible to avoid what had happened in Path of Radiance.
εжз : What about nature do they find calming? What about nature do they find disagreeable?
Haar would find the fact that it’s not as loaded with bs as beorc politics and motives rather refreshing. It is one of a few things in nature that remains neutral and towards the side of peace (obvious exceptions being natural disasters).
If anything, the one thing Haar would probably find disagreeable is probably the fact that no surface in nature can be as comfy as an actual bed. It’s sleepable sure, but not always that accommodating.
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✓:  Name at least two people who can trust them with their life.
Currently, I’d say probably Ike and Jill…? Ike is because Haar seemed to enjoy his time under the hero’s command in Radiant Dawn and he seemed to believe Ike to be a more than capable leader who wouldn’t recklessly send him into a situation where Haar would get killed. Jill is simply because they’ve known each other for so long and hold a rather special bond with each other. There’s a sense of mutual trust and respect that I think would make Haar trust Jill to know his limits very well.
✖ has already been answered and ♡ will be answered in a different ask coming soon!
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❣ ??
❣: Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them.
Under the average circumstances, giving him his space and being a reasonable person is a good way to go about it. Haar likes keeping a level of independence for optimal napping mostly and is not overly fond of being assumed to be things that he is not, even if he won’t necessarily show response to it. Show some respect to that and he will find your company enjoyable.
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Not even an hour in and there was a disturbance: a call from his mount. Damned be these honed senses from his days of battle. It sure made it hard to stay asleep should anything decide to come his way, but it certainly was far from the first time this sort of thing had happened. In response to his companion’s call, Haar would reopen his eye, intent on making sure there hadn’t been someone trying to make off with his scaled friend, and sat up. Only the gods knew how much some greedy dastard could make off a creature like his friend. 
What he hadn’t expected was to see a red-haired young man reaching for his wallet and quipping about his choice of napping spot almost right in his face.
While Haar generally kept himself in check from lashing out too harshly, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be unamused with whoever it was that was interrupting his nap. “Yeah, well, I’m sure there are better things to do than pilfer a sleeping man’s wallet.” Haar huffed as he made an attempt to swat the younger man’s arm away.  The older man would then let out a long yawn and look Joshua over. Definitely wasn’t anyone he had met before, but the style of dress and coat was not unfamiliar in comparison. A certain blue-haired myrmidon in purple came to mind. “Would have mistaken you for a thief if it weren’t for your choice of clothing there.”
A good moment of pause would pass as Haar tried to blink himself into a state of slightly greater awareness. “...Where the heck did you come from anyways?” He squinted, trying to figure it out. There hadn’t been any obvious hiding places from what he had seen which only really left one other possibility....
The ground is a perfectly fine place to take a nap on (Open RP)
Good weather? Check. Secured cargo? Check. Optimal bedding? Haar would stare at the ground for a good moment to scrutinize the thick grass he stood in. Eh, good enough. Anyone around? The man would then look about the area. No one for now. It would now be a time to take another well-deserved nap. Haar would stretch and then lower himself down, crossing his arms behind his head.
Life as a deliveryman is great. He could head off whenever he wanted as long as there was an order to be transported and that meant many naps throughout the journey to boot. Haar would let out a satisfied sigh as he stared up at the clear sky. No creatures in sight bar his trusted wyvern partner. Just the way he preferred it. He would then close his eye and steady his breathing to drift off to sleep.
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☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
If it’s not sleeping, it’s probably helping Jill out with household chores. Gotta put in his fair share on the rare occasion that he’s home. When out on a delivery, he’d probably just chill in the nearest lodging and/or tavern. It is mentioned on his PoR Artbook profile that he likes a good drink after all!
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