blagam0nie · 2 months
Like, in riordanverse you can be a hero no matter at your race, age, gender, religion ect.
But you can be a villan only if you are ADULT, WHITE MAN
It's "exlusive" baby😊
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blagam0nie · 2 months
Guys, I made an edit❤️
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blagam0nie · 2 months
I'm scrolling whole octavian tumblr and I found this masterpiece👍🏽
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Same Energy
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blagam0nie · 2 months
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Tavi is doing his best to paint mike's nails, but his shaking hands make it messy. Luckly Michael doesn't care, he just enjoy the moment.
I just wonder why Tavi's shirt is so big 🤔
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blagam0nie · 2 months
Dakota: kiss the prettiest person in this room
Octavian: Michael
Mike:*blush, moves his hair* yes?
Octavian: Move out, I need to get to the mirror
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blagam0nie · 3 months
Dakota 🍷
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blagam0nie · 3 months
I want everyone who hates Octavian to see this. And Rick, to make him write more about him
octavian gets a shitload of hate, and I get it bc his character was written in the most basic boring way ever. BUUUT he had so much fucking potential, he could have been a fascinating character
guy was a politician, why did he do what he did? what type of corrupt politician was he? did he have selfish or glory motives? did he want to be remembered as a hero or did he want new rome to stick to their loved traditions? maybe his family had fallen out of power and he wanted to give them their prestige?
did he have a family? friends? what did people in his cohort think of him? he had some support —real support, not the blackmailed people— what happened to them?
there’s just so much we don’t know
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blagam0nie · 3 months
Apo... Lester joins my clay family
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blagam0nie · 3 months
Is it a plane? Is it a bird?
No, it's clay Rachel E. Dare
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blagam0nie · 3 months
If Rick won't make him alive I'm gonna cut all of his tedy bears
prayer circle: 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️OCTAVIAN COME🕯️ 🕯️BACK HOME PLS🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
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blagam0nie · 3 months
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Guys, them >>>
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blagam0nie · 3 months
Will Clay Solace
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Ok, He's cute ❤️
And don't you dare not waving him back
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blagam0nie · 3 months
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I just wanted to say that I love you guys, whole octavian fandom. You make me smile, sometime laugh. And I wish that this art of our cinnamon rolls will make you happy.
OctaKahale is actually the sweetest ship I ever have
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blagam0nie · 5 months
I beg for more of that shit
Octavian : I'm trash.
Mike: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Octavian : You smooth motherfucker.
Octavian : And yes it does.
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blagam0nie · 5 months
My Tavi fancanon cuz I have geo exam tommorow but I'm too lazy.
• He's really hard-working. Like he often does paperwork untill midnight, even when he's sick (he gets cold at least once a month). The only day when he refuses working is friday 13th. Tavi doesn't even try to get up from bed, becuse he is sure that something is going to kill him that day.
• Being Bi is like being blond in Apollo's family. Apollo is bi, Will's bi, Nero is Bi (he litteraly had a husband). Tavi is bi too but he doesn't have time for such a stupid things as "romance". He had a crush for Jason when he was younger, but when he got paranoid about being betrayed he killed that feeling. When he saw Jason talking with Reyena about Piper and hurting her with that, tavi was happy that he doesn't love him anymore.
• If someone kicked Tavi out of New Rome and gave him computer or something like that he would play CS:GO saying bad words in russian angrily or steals swimming pool's ladders in the sims 4
• Tavi and Jason are simmilar hight and nobody noticed the diffrence so Tavi starter to wear high heels or platform shoes just to be taller and be able to look down at Jason.
• Tavi thinks that he feels so chill with Michael becuse he uses charmspeak (he doesn't).
• He still cannot belive that when he literally tried to murder Will's friends, his home e.t.c., the worst thing that Will was able to say was "anemic loser". Like Will just can't cook.
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blagam0nie · 5 months
Ok, but Jastavian can't exist without the kiss in Venus temple.
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blagam0nie · 6 months
Octavian is not the villain all of you make him out to be.
He's annoying. He slices open teddy bears to supposedly see the future. He's a rich boy (although we never actually see him brag about that). Out of context, he sounds like a demonic toddler. He's a blackmailer. He's a fucking asshole. But that's all.
Not trusting Percy? Perfectly normal. If all your life you were told that there's this group of people that you've been in war with ever since before the Roman Empire was a thing, that this group of people hates you with a burning passion and wants nothing more than to see your doom, that you've hurt and humiliated them and they've hurt you and humiliated you back, that they inferior to you in every way, and then a person from that group showed up at your doorstep, chased by monsters and started making friends with a suspicious looking guy that turned out being a spy and an undead person, would you trust them?
Personally, I wouldn't. Remember, the audience knows and loves Percy, but to a stranger Percy is a random, aggressive, powerful dude that causes chaos everywhere he goes and is the main suspect in multiple cases of terrorism. To Octavian, a person he knew and had worked with and might have enjoyed the presence of suddenly went missing, and then this troublesome, forbidden kid shows up and hangs out with a spy and a zombie. What reason could he possibly have to like Percy? How is he a villain for not trusting Percy? He's just being a freaking sane person dude.
Not go mention that Percy was also a forbidden child, one that typically everyone is wary of. And what does the greek forbidden child that causes chaos and develops friendships with spies and zombies do? He goes in one quest and is immediately granted the position that Octavian has wanted and has been working for for years, which happens to be the same position that Octavian's... Friend (?) had before he literally went missing. Doesn't it sound a bit suspicious when your powerful friend disappears, and a powerful potential enemy with questionable company shows up and steals your friend's job?
What luck, am I right? For a powerful enemy to show up as soon as there's a position of power open that needs to be filled by somebody who has power? Who's to say that Nico, who was later on proven to be a spy, wasn't send there by Percy? Who's to say Percy wasn't the one to kidnap and maybe even kill Jason, so that the position of the praetor would be open for him to take, and then allow Greeks into the camp so that they can destroy it and win this endless, centuries old war between Romans and Greeks?
And isn't that exactly what Percy ended up doing? He was granted praetorship, allowed Greeks into that camp on a heavily weaponed, flying warship, and they ended up blowing up part of the camp!
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And what excuse do they give him for that? "This dude you don't know and don't trust and has built this warship got possessed by a ghost who we claim is rising but have no real, solid proof to support this claim. But she is rising and she did posses Leo, he didn't want to do it, he's a good guy that just happened to walk into your property with a huge weapon and blew up your house by accident. Despite all you've ever been taught about Greeks and despite that all the history books have told you about how much they hate you, and despite the extremely suspicious circumstances surrounding the situation, and despite blowing up your home, Greeks actually love you and want to work with you. Trust me bro." And this was coming from the dude that was friends with a literal spy that lied and kept secrets from everyone.
You know guys, you're right, I'm starting to see why all of you hate Octavian so much. He's being so unreasonable and overreacting over such small things. 😐 /sarcasm.
And then you were all upset that he gathered an army to go to war against the people that threw bombs in his house to defend himself.
Octavian was a dick, that's out of the question. He manipulated and blackmailed people. But the only thing he did that crossed the line of "dick" and entered "villain" territory was being the primary suspect for Gwen's murder. And she didn't even stay dead, so even that is not that bad.
This proven.
And for scientific reasons, I want to see if I actually convinced anyone.
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