blaggando · 2 years
\Contemporary Art, NFT and Startup..Where? In Turin.
\Contemporary Art, NFT and Startup..Where? In Turin.
As every year Turin become the Capital of Art in occasion of annual showcase of contemporary art At the turn of October and November, the art world moves to the city of Cavour and the Savoy for a week, where the arts (especially contemporary arts) take center stage.From artistic works to electronic music, Turin becomes the center of the world for 7 days, showcasing the best of the international…
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blaggando · 2 years
Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, enters the green deal with The Merge
Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, enters the green deal with The Merge
Credit: Google Ethereum represents an important cryptocurrency for the crypto ecosystem, and The Merge represents a great opportunity to combine the excellent economic opportunities provided by this crypto with the green deal. It is estimated that 99.95 percent of electricity will be saved after this momentous breakthrough. Credit: Google Ethereum, like all cryptocurrencies, relies not only on…
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blaggando · 2 years
Oil V/S Solar Energy. The new challenge
Oil V/S Solar Energy. The new challenge
Credits: Google Is It better the economically or “naturally” survive? We are coming from one of the worst historical periods, from any economic or non-economic point of view, that has ever occurred up to now; the consequences of first the pandemic and then the war have completely altered the economic and non-economic values of our Planet. The effects on the economy were unquantifiable, just…
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blaggando · 2 years
Planet:Tech Conference @Web Summit 2022.
Planet:Tech Conference @Web Summit 2022.
Our planet is facing an incredible set of challenges. At planet:tech, leading innovators, startups, companies, and activists come together to discuss the solutions to our environmental crisis. 6 November 2018; Rick Ridgeway, Patagonia, on PLANET:TECH Stage during the opening day of Web Summit 2018 at the Altice Arena in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by Diarmuid Greene/Web Summit via Sportsfile The…
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blaggando · 2 years
Solutions for aesthetic photovoltaic panels
Solutions for aesthetic photovoltaic panels
Whether the choice of a design panel is motivated by personal taste or by specific laws designed to protect architectural and landscape assets, companies today offer not only economically and environmentally advantageous solutions, but also visually appealing.The integrated photovoltaic system Credits: Google The integrated photovoltaic system, as opposed to the old unsightly models, is…
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blaggando · 2 years
Bitcoin and solar energy: the benefits for the environment
Bitcoin and solar energy: the benefits for the environment
Bitcoin and renewable sources: these are two of the “hot topics” inflaming public opinion. In this context, it was thought to combine the two in order to turn the current situation around. Credits: Bitcoin Magazine Although Bitcoins have several advantages, quite a few people have doubts. This is because the process of “mining” (creating) bitcoins, called precisely “mining,” requiring the…
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blaggando · 2 years
The metaverse: toward a more sustainable world.
The metaverse: toward a more sustainable world.
The environmental premises of the Metaverse are diverse, all centered on the impact it can have on human life and terrestrial ecosystems. Credits: Google This virtual world of infinite possibilities will actually be able to accommodate a range of events that currently affect global warming, emissions, and the conservation of flora and fauna. We will become more connected without leaving home.…
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blaggando · 2 years
Green economy: the best Italian startups
Green economy: the best Italian startups
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blaggando · 3 years
User Experience, an hope for trade and live event in the post Covid-19 era
User Experience, an hope for trade and live event in the post Covid-19 era.
With vaccines, anything can be done, thanks in part to technology that helps create safer, more usable spaces. Often technology becomes more human, to get closer to what are the needs of users, and in recent years of Covid-19 pandemic there have been many cases to confirm what we said. A historical period that has marked all, for various reasons, we are now dedicated to explore what have been…
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blaggando · 3 years
New forms of clean energy. When aesthetic design becomes pure energy.
New forms of clean energy. When aesthetic design becomes pure energy. #BlaggandoStories
Can clean energy and aesthetics coexist? Credits: Andrew Pogue When Elon Musk became co-founder of Tesla in 2003, he wasn’t the only one who wanted to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles. Numerous manufacturers understood, just as he did, that the market for clean cars was a blue ocean, as they say in the jargon, an area where there was a lot to gain. The example of Tesla: beauty…
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blaggando · 4 years
Survived 2020..projected into 2021.
Survived 2020..projected into 2021.
Credits: Unsplash/Christopher Burns ENG/ It has been a difficult year and incredible, that no one could have ever imagined. But it ended a few days ago, and already the euphoria for the new vaccine makes everyone hope (or rather pray) that this new year is really the beginning of a period of rebirth and return to the old freedom.The last 12 months for better or worse, have gone away one after…
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blaggando · 4 years
25 April 20202.Before, During After coronavirus.
25 April 20202.Before, During After coronavirus.
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ITA/Sconvolgente, inaspettato, globale. Il Coronavirus è qualcosa che va al di là di ogni aspettativa, è qualcosa di subdolo, non immediato, che ti porta a non capire subito cosa succederà da li ai prossimi 10/15 giorni. Poi si scatena in maniera distruttutiva, senza lmiti geografici, senza distinguo. Siamo tutti uguali, poveri o ricchi, giovani o meno giovani, uomini o donne. Passano le…
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blaggando · 5 years
ISE Amsterdam is coming
ISE Amsterdam is coming
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ITA/ Gennaio 2020. Sebbene il dramma del coronavirus cinese, stia generando pesanti ricadute in ogni settore e in ogni parte del globo, certamente le cose non si sono fermate. Tra affermazioni e smentite, febbraio e marzo sono mesi di grandi eventi a livello mondiale nel settore della tecnologia. Il MWCdi Barcellona, sicuramente si farà, con alcuni accorgimenti in più a tutela della salute dei…
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blaggando · 5 years
ITA/ Tra fine ottobre e inizio novembre, due città sono diventate capitali europee della cultura, della creatività, dell’innovazione. Lisbona e Torino, così lontane ma allo stesso tempo vicine e legate da un “fil rouge” che da anni porta decine di migliaia di persone nelle due città in questo periodo dellì’anno, per incontrarsi rispettivamente grazie all’arte e alla tecnologia. Alla base di tutto la creatività, espressa sotto forma di opere d’arte o di prodotti hi-tech, tutto parte grazie ad un’idea che nasce da un bisogno. A Torino da anni Artissima, Paratissima, The Others, Flashback, Dama, animano il capolouogo piemontese, diventando l’epicentro dell’arte contemporanea, dove tutta Europa si incontra affamata di fotografia, di tele colorate, di oggetti complessi da costriure ma che hanno come obbiettivo, quello di trasformare sensazioni in arte. Tutto culmina poi nel sabato delle Arti Contemporanee in cui musei, gallerie ed eventi sparsi per la città accendono la notte grazie anche alle serate a base di musica elettronica in cui Movement e Club to Club suonano i “dati” che creano brani e sonorità energizzanti per tutta la notte. Subito dopo, ancora carichi dall’adrenalina sabauda a Lisbona, si iniziano a ritorvare da ogni parte del globo le più grandi aziende tech del mondo, in una cornice di startups, di speakers, di innovatori che danno vita al Web Summit. Qui per tutta la settimana, centinaia di conferenze animano i palchi in cui si parla di tutto, ma quest’anno i dati, sembrano essere il tema principale. Non fosse che ad aprire i lavori insieme al fondatore del Summit, Paddy Cosgrave, come ospite in videoconferenza, c’è il famoso ed esiliato Edward Snowden, scappato per le sue rivelazioni sulla National Secutiry Agency degli Stati Uniti. I dati sono tutto, sono parte delle vite degli inventori e degli artisiti che con i loro prodotti e soluzioni, mirano a cambiare il mondo. Guida autonoma, software che analizzano le vite delle persone, nuovi strumenti per la ricerca medica o per aiutare le persone nella vita di tutti i giorni, i dati sono diventati importantissimi perchè se compresi e utilizzati nella maniera corretta, possono valere soldi, come accade proprio con le opere d’arte. Robot che disegnano nuove opere in maniera autonoma, guidati solo dalla casualità, gli stessi che comandanti in maniera precisa da algoritmi sofisticati, riescono a salvare vite di persone grazie ad operazioni chirurgiche complesse. Questi sono i legami che conducono nuovi artisti e ingegneri a vivere lo stesso sogno, spesso guidati da intuizioni geniali che danno vita a soluzioni che segneranno per sempre il destino del mondo. Abbiamo incontrati artisti famosi ed emergenti, venture capitalist e designer, creativi ed innovatori, tutti con una visione chiara e promettente del futuro. Questi sono i motivi per cui, per 10 giorni, vale la pena essere a Torino e Lisbona.
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ENG/ Between October and November, two cities became European capitals of culture, creativity and innovation. Lisbon and Turin, so far away but in the same time close and linked by a “fil rouge” that for years has brought tens of thousands people to the two cities at this time of year, to meet respectively thanks to art and technology. Creativity, expressed in the form of works of art or hi-tech products, is the base of everything, and everything starts thanks to an idea that comes from a need. In Turin for years Artissima, Paratissima, Flashback, The Others, Dama animates the Piedmont capital, becoming the epicenter of contemporary art, where the whole of Europe meets hungry for photography, colorful canvases, complex objects to be constrained but that have as their goal, to transform feelings into art. Everything then culminates in the Saturday of the Contemporary Arts where museums, galleries and events scattered around the city light up the night thanks to the evenings based on electronic music in which Movement and Club to Club play the “data” that create songs and sounds energizing throughout the night. Immediately afterwards, still charged with the adrenaline of the Savoy in Lisbon, the greatest tech companies in the world begin to return from all over the world, in a setting of startups, speakers, innovators who give life to the Web Summit. Here for the whole week, hundreds of conferences animate the stages where everything is discussed, but this year the data, seem to be the main theme. If it weren’t for the fact that the Summit’s founder, Paddy Cosgrave, opened the proceedings together with the famous and exiled Edward Snowden, who escaped for his revelations about the National Secutiry Agency of the United States, as a videoconference guest. Data is everything, they are part of the lives of inventors and artists who, with their products and solutions, aim to change the world. Autonomous guidance, software that analyzes people’s lives, new tools for medical research or to help people in everyday life, data have become very important because if understood and used properly, they can be worth money, as it happens with works of art. Robots that draw new works independently, guided only by chance, the same ones that command precisely by sophisticated algorithms, are able to save lives of people through complex surgical operations. These are the bonds that lead new artists and engineers to live the same dream, often guided by brilliant insights that give rise to solutions that will forever mark the fate of the world. We met famous and emerging artists, venture capitalists and designers, creatives and innovators, all with a clear and promising vision for the future. These are the reasons why, for 10 days, it is worth being in Turin and Lisbon.
Fabrizio Chiara
Ten days of culture, creativity and innovation from Turin to Lisbon. ITA/ Tra fine ottobre e inizio novembre, due città sono diventate capitali europee della cultura, della creatività, dell'innovazione.
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blaggando · 5 years
Tik Tok. From the game to ammbassador.
Tik Tok. From the game to ammbassador.
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ITA/ E’ l’app mobile dell’anno, che sta riscrivando i trend topic di mezzo mondo grazie ai suoi #hashtag. Nata come un gioco per reinterpretare brani più o meno famosi con il nome di Musical.ly, di colpo cambia branding ed inizia la sua scalata verso l’olimpo di tutti stores di applicazioni per smartphone. Oggi Tik Tok non è solo più una piattaforma dove gli utenti cantano e ballano, bensì è un…
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blaggando · 5 years
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ITA/ Il 2019 è l’anno zero per Torino, per l’Italia e per l’ecosistema europeo delle startup. E’ successo nella settimana dal 25 al 28 giugno appena trascorsa, con il taglio del nastro alle OGR Tech, il lato sud delle Officine Grandi Riparazionidopo quasi 5 anni di lavoro che hanno riportato a nuova vita, l’ex stabilimento manuntentivo delle ferrovie. A nord, il polo culturale e…
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blaggando · 5 years
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Always connect..off grid. ITA/ Il mondo, non è mai stato tanto connesso quanto ora. Grazie ad Internet e alle tecnologie che si evolvono, persone e cose stanno diventando oramai una cosa unica, seppur in forma ibirida.
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