blairtheprincess · 9 months
time will pass anyway. might as well be fulfilled while it does instead of sitting, complaining, being scared that the law is fake.
be fulfilled anyway.
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blairtheprincess · 9 months
I just found your blog and I relate so much. I've been into loa for 3+ years now, had a phase with void obsession and sometimes I just feel tired of being stuck for so long. I know now that thoughts don't manifest but it can be kinda overwhelming and I want to do nothing more than live my dream life. I feel scared that things might never change. I'm just focusing on fulfilling myself when I can while dealing with the 3d. We'll def have our success soon<3
wow we're literally the same. ik how hard it is and im happy u didnt give up. wishing u the best and we will for sure 🤍
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blairtheprincess · 9 months
my only job is to know what i want and to experience it within. i don't know how and i don't know when it will come in the 3D because i don't control any of that.
but isn't that so blissful to let all that control go and just be the one who has it? to enjoy it now while whatever else is handling everything else and i don't have to?
it's like i am a princess. i am forreal. i declare that i already have what i want and know it will come to pass just as long as i make my future wish a present reality by dwelling there. that's it.
it's simple, it's fun, it's royalty treatment.
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blairtheprincess · 10 months
listening to neville again for the first time in like a year or something idk. going to try doing sats consistently.
also… happy december. holidays are coming, i’m really sad. but it’s fine. just need money.
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blairtheprincess · 10 months
fulfilling myself when i can and when i feel like i’m desiring.
sometimes i get so stuck with finding a job, wishing i had money, i don’t notice it. but when i am really really conscious of it, of my desires, i fulfill myself.
i do not worry because if i’m truly in the state i wouldn’t worry.
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blairtheprincess · 10 months
i thought i was almost there but i guess not.
i’m going to make a goal that my state is somewhere I stay and not a place that I visit like edward art says
- but still. i thought i was already there/close to it. sigh.
the holidays are already here. i just want my manifestation before it. i’ve been here for 2 years… this is really pathetic of me.
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blairtheprincess · 1 year
I wanted to share a few words of advice with you guys for times when you feel overwhelmed by doubt or uncertainty that you might fail or it won't turn out in your favor:
whenever I feel myself succumbing to an unfavorable pattern of thinking by giving into my worries, I like to recenter myself by remembering that I don’t live in a world of facts, I live in a world of imagination and the only one who can sabotage anything is myself by what I choose to be because I am, have been and always will be the cause, so if I can pick between being accepted or rejected and the same "effort" is required for both then why would I not pick acceptance?
a lot of us self sabotage by feeding into the unfavorable scenario because we have so many reasons to believe that it won’t work out. but you don’t need to be concerned with it “working out” or not because creation is finished. you’re not "creating" a state of consciousness because they all exist within you awaiting occupancy. the means are not up to you to determine. you're only asked to accept it by claiming yourself to be via I AM.
I'll repeat this again because it's very important that you understand this: the world is a reflection of the state you choose to be conscious of. key word: choose. if you can choose fear, you can also choose love. if you can choose failure, you can also choose success. every possibly conceivable state is ready for you to select and occupy at all times. there's no need to fear the outer world since it's only showing you your self concept (the state you have selected willingly or unwillingly). when you bring yourself back to this fact, you realize that you really are above your fear and you no longer need to feel bound by it because you can always select something other than fear. the 3D cannot show you anything you aren’t conscious of being, so it’s always up to you whether you want to be conscious of winning or losing. it follows you, the 3D isn’t randomized and subject to chance, it is a reflection of you. at this and every moment you get to decide what the reflection will look like. so will you persist in desire or will you persist in fulfillment?
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blairtheprincess · 1 year
— 𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝐒𝐓, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ⋆ 𝟐𝟏:𝟒𝟗
happy october. another month without making any progress in life. sometimes i feel like i’m just wasting my time. what if all of this is just a lie and a waste of time. i’m still here though. sadly. might as well, right.
i’m scared. i’m scared to fail. i’m scared to be even wasting more time.
i’m really really terrified actually.
hope you guys have been doing better than i have. seriously this mental torture is killing me inside. i’ve been having a hard time in my life right now.
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blairtheprincess · 1 year
— 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟓𝐓𝐇, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ⋆ 𝟏𝟔:𝟒𝟐
i don’t want to get old. i want to rewind time so bad. for a restart.
i’m doing my best to imagine that i am being what i want to be in imagination.
whenever i have time, i try to remember to do it before bed too. and whenever i desire.
i need to stop making desire a habit.
ihml rn.
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blairtheprincess · 1 year
— 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏7𝐓𝐇, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ⋆ 𝟐𝟏:𝟎𝟓
sigh… sometimes when i’m studying so i can have a good career, i know deep down it’s not what i want. i just want to manifest my dream life already. i mean yeah a good career would work, i like to study for it but i want to be living my dream life already too.
sometimes when i’m spending so much hours of my day studying and then going to work, i’m like, am i even giving myself time to fulfill myself?
then i start to worry.
im going to try to just go back within and feel that i have it when i feel like that.
but the thing is — i am barley thinking about my dream life (or so i think) since i’m always so busy thinking about studying and working and all that stuff, i don’t even have the time to “catch my thoughts” just incase i’m accidentally dwelling in the feeling of “i have to keep studying so i can have a good job.”
idk how to feel about this tbh. wish i can ask someone that question even though i probably know the answer but some reassurance would be nice.
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blairtheprincess · 1 year
— 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟏𝐓𝐇, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ⋆ 𝟏𝟑:𝟎𝟎
let’s talk about my goals ever since i found out about the law.
i still have the same goals. i want to live in a mansion, my dream is to be a model or just a house wife.
one of the biggest things is: i want to be 2 years younger than i am right now.
yes, i want to change my age. i also want everyone in my family to be a little bit younger too so I can have more time with them.
i want to have a beautiful slim body, a prettier face, i want to be happy, i want to never be scared of being broke ever again, i don’t want to work a regular job anymore. i’m so so so sick of it. i hate it. i want to go to a very good, prestigious university. i want my dream man with all the perfect qualities i want him to have and more. i want to feel like i’m in my favorite romance book. i want a cute, pretty, amazing friend group. i want friends. i want them all to be loyal and smart and from all walks of life. i want to be iconic. i want to live that dream girl life in new york, la and europe.
the more i type this, the more i feel like people are going to judge me for being “unrealistic” with me wanting to change my age, change everyone’s age, or even change “the date”. but i don’t care. if i can imagine it, then i can have it.
in the realm of imagination, anything is possible.
i just need to gain courage to change the “i want” to “i am/i have.”
i’m trying to meditate to edward art’s meditation and remind myself in the middle of the day that i already am the version of myself i want to be in imagination.
but idk. i know there is not try. let's do this.
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blairtheprincess · 1 year
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this is my diary to vent and soon, and hopefully, be able to manifest my dream life using the law of assumption.
i just want to keep track of my progress in hopes that I can look back at it one day and say “wow, i actually did it.”
i doubt a lot but i’m still hanging onto my faith. i’ve been on loatumblr for 2 years now. i had an affirming and persisting and huge void obsession phase. I reached phases where i’d pay for spells, pray to go to the void every night, stressed myself out, laid in bed for 5 hours to enter the void, read neville and edward art, i paid for 4 coaches, i witnessed so many people lie on here and honestly… i’m still here. surprisingly. idk how i am but i am.
i don’t overconsume. i just live. i already know everything there is about the law tbh so it might seem sad and atp i should just give up on the law after trying so hard for almost 2 years right? but i have nothing to lose if i’m still continuing with my life in the outer world.
anyway, this is just to keep track of my journey. for any epiphanies or brain dumps i post, this blog is not for teaching. it's just for me.
i hope anyone who finds my blog enjoys ♡ my goals are here.
blogs i love. they make me feel comfortable and safe: @sparklingself @lavender--fairy @divinegrapes @/aphroditeapprenticee @blushydior @sexyandhedonistic @nakedbibi333 @cinefairy
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