blatt-writing-place · 2 years
Pokémon Description No.3 : Budew
Species: Budew
Nickname: -/-
Age: 2 months
Gender: ♂️
Status: pet pokemon (hatched)
Home: Hoenn region, Rostboro City (his trainers apartment )
Type: Grass/ Poison
Ball: regular Pokéball
Item: -/-
Ability: Natural Cure
Stun Spore
Worry Seed
Special appearance features: -/-
Favorite food: He doesn't have a real favorite flavor yet, but it looks like he has a preference for harder and sweeter food.
He is a fan of the hard and sweet Mago Berry , Sitrus Berry and Leppa Berry
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Personality: Budew is a playful little fellow, full of curiosity and interest for almost everything. But the poor thing gets scared easily and starts crying for hours before he Finally calms down. ( one time Coscoo [his trainers Cascoon] sneezed because of budew accidentaly spilling out pollen , Budew got so scared, he cried so loud and long the neighbors almost called the police because they thought a pokémon got abused )
Hobbys: Baby Budew's only Hobbys are sleeping , eating and playing. His favorite play companion is Coscoo. He likes to climb on and around him , Budew can jump surprisingly high.
Dream: He doesn't have a dream yet , he is too occupied with exploring the world to think about his future.
Miscellaneous+Trainer info:
His trainer works as a scientist for the devon corporation
His trainer buyed him (before he hatched as an egg) from a pokémon breeder
He hatched in the middle of the night and his trainer almost missed it(Coscoo needed to wake him up)
His trainer really want to give him a nick name but he can't think of any good one (for now he just refers to him as Baby Budew)
His bed is a comfy pot standing at the window
Related Pokémon/fics :
Pokemon Description No. 2 : Coscoo
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blatt-writing-place · 2 years
Pokémon Description No.2 : Coscoo
Species: Cascoon
Nickname: Coscoo
Age: ~5 years
Status: cought(previous wild) , pet pokémon
Home: Hoenn region - Rostboro City -his trainers apartment
Type: Bug
Ball: Quick Ball
Item: Everstone
Ability: Shed Skin
String shot
Poison Sting
Special appearance features: -/-
Favorite Food: He loves bitter food,thus :green pokéblocks are his favorite treat. His favorite berry's are the bitter Coba - and Jaboca Beery's
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Personality: He is calm and lazy, nothing seems to bother him, not even the playful little baby Budew hopping on top of him
Hobbys: He doesn't have many Hobbys, he loves sleeping and eating on his favorite place : the couch. He also likes watching peaceful nature Dokumentations
Dream: He is currently living his dream , chilling on the blue couch in his trainers apartment, not forced to evolve
Miscellaneous+Trainer info:
His trainer is a scientist working for the devon corporation
He met his trainer in the Petalburg Woods while the man was looking for a shroomish ( the scientist favorite pokémon )
He got cought in an attempt to test the quick Ball,the scientist wanted to release him again but as he realized the pokémon seems to like him , he decided to keep him, a little more company in his apartment alongside the Budew in a pot
His name is based on the name of a character from a TV Cartoon
Related Pokémon/fics:
Pokémon Description No.3 : Budew
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blatt-writing-place · 2 years
Pokemon Description No.1 : Flame
Nickname: Flame
Age: unknown
Gender: ♀️
Status: cought(previous wild), battle pokémon
Home: Galar region, Wyndon(house of her trainer)
Type: Fire/Ghost
Ball: regular Pokéball
Item: -/-
Ability: Flame Body
Special Appearance features: -/-
Favorite food: Flame is a big sweet tooth, if you leave everything sweet in the kitchen , it's gone in the blink on an eye( her trainer still can't belive how a whole cake could fit in such a tiny creature, Flame just keep looking at him with an adorable and innocent smile while a few crumbs stick to her cheek)Interestingly though , while most pokémon and human like sweet OR spicy stuff , Flame loves both flavors, so you have to keep an eye out for spicy food as well.
Her favorite berry's are the spicy Cheri Berry ,the sweet Custap Berry and the sweet and spicy Liechi Berry
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Personality: She's a bit shy and very careful towards strangers, many people are afraid of litwicks because they have the ability to take people's souls( she would never do that!), she didn't want to scare anybody, she makes sure that everything is alright before she comes near. But towards her trainer and people she already knew and like, she has a complete personality shift, she is a little trickster now and very playful, she steals food at every opportunity and loves to hide her trainers things. And whenever it looks like she's got in trouble because of her shenanigans, she just cute her way out of the situation with an absolute adorable smile, an innocent soark in her eyes and her tiny little arms stretched up in the air asking for a cuddle.
Hobbys: She loves playing and pranking(poor trainer is the main victim),her favorite game is her version of hide and seek,she hides something important and her trainer runs trough the whole house trying to find whatever she have hidden this time.
"Flame , you know i love you and i love playing with you , but PLEAS stop hiding my keys, i will be late for work AGAIN!"
Of course she is a big fan of training too, cause it will help her reach her dream. After a long day spent with training and battles,she loves cuddling and watching TV with her trainer an his other pokémon.
Dream: Her dream is it to evolve into a chandelure one day. Her trainer already found a Dusk stone and now they both wait for Flame to get strong enough to evolve into a lampent.
Miscellaneous+Trainer info:
Flame is the newest pokémon in the team
Her trainer works at the battle Café in wyndon. He rarely uses Flame in costumer battles since she's not strong enough yet, as one of the stronger staff trainer in this location he -of course-get's stronger opponents then the others ,to strong for Flame to have a chance yet, even gym leader visit this café sometimes.
They keep training on route 10 and around the town,sometimes at free weekends in the wild zone.
She met her trainer not a long time ago,that day she made her way trough the wild zone looking for a few berry's to eat until she fell into a raid den near the entrance to Hammerlocke . Suddenly a red light appeared and she dynamxed. A trainer passing the area saw this, not only was a Litwick the exact pokémon he was looking for, it was also a nice challenge to fight against a dynamaxed pokemon. It wasn't a long battle and it ended with the wild Litwick getting cought by the trainer. After a visit in the poké center she got released from the pokéball and they sat down on a bench. The man was thinking ,
"You know , i always loved the flames of Litwick's and it's evolution ... i think i call you Flame now" . And Flame chirped happily .
A few weeks ago, they visited the isle of armor for an open training weekend at the dojo, that's where the attack tutor taught Flame how to use the attack Poltergeist(it's now her favorite one because she can use it easily outside of battles to play).
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blatt-writing-place · 2 years
Starting with Litwick i will write personal descriptions for pokémon;
I want to give pokémon more personality,a background ,starting with regular information like attacks and (if they have a trainer) what pokéball they are in , over to what they like to eat , what their dream is, hobby's etc.
Basically oc's but pokémon and not human.
Based on my mood i will use an official artwork or a fanart i draw in it
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blatt-writing-place · 2 years
Protect not Attack
(Not the best title i'm sorry)
Notes :Pokemon fanfiction , reader insert
warnings: graveyard, death, mention of murder
Words: ~1400
It was afternoon by the time you reached the graveyard. The place wasn't far away from Hammerlocke, just about a mile or two. You parked your car alongside a black and white colored motorcycle and another car with a dark blue color. You stepped out,locked your car and made your way into the graveyard. You put out your phone an read through your notes. People entering the place has reported a strange feeling of being watched over years, the victims said they suddebly lost cautiousness and woke up outside the graveyard wall, no one ever get's hurt but it was still a shock for everyone. As the champ of the region they thought it was your work to check what's going on, since it was most likely that a pokémon was responsible for it,a wild pokémon just playing a prank you thought.
Maybe i can catch and release it somewhere, far away from anything so it can't cause anymore problems.
You made your way through the place , you didn't like it here , but then again ... no one seems to like graveyards at all for obvious reason. You opened the map on your rotom phone and -after what feels like an eternity- you reached the area most victims went through before they got attacked by that troublemaker of pokemon. You couldn't help but look at the gravestones, it was one of the older part - but not the oldest- of the graveyard , some graves are fully overgrown and abandon while other - not many -seems to get regular vitis by family and friends . Carved into the stones you could read that this place seems to be used to bury people that died between 1980 and 1990.
You continued your way. Slowly your feel a soft sleepyness crawl into you. At first, you thought it was because of the warmth of summer and the peacefull silence of the place, not to mention your exhaustion after the battle against gym leader Raihan earlier that day .Your eyes slowly began to shut,but then right before you fully closed them, you heard a crack, you shot your eyes open again, shaking the feeling of tiredness away and you trow one of your pokeballs out into the direction of the crack you heard.
" come out who or whatever you are ", your Cinderace stood , ready to fight , right before you.
" you are strange , are you a skilled trainer ? My attack usually never missed "
The voice was strange , you wasn't even sure if you really heard it at first .
"Cinder!" Your cinderace shouted and pointed into a direction , there -not far away the crack was coming from- a guardevoir levitated from it's hiding place ,onto the path connecting the graves.
" your pokémon seems to be strong too, are you a gym leader? I saw them wearing uniforms ", the Guardevoir spoke again , well not really spoke , it seems to use an ability called telepathy , you remember your soon to be professor friend Hop talked about it.
" ehm ... no , not exactly, i'm the champion ... that's..."
" ... the strongest trainer in the region , i remember, it truly is an honor to meet such a skilled trainer , but ... what are you doing here ? I never saw you before , i thought i already knew everyone coming here to visit their loved ones."
You have to damit , a real conversation with a pokémon was nothing you thought you would ever experience in life, you called your cinderace back into it's pokeball before you started talking to guardevoir again.
" you are right , i've never been here before Guardev..."
"Tirilia, this is my name , the nickname my ... my trainer gave me", she looked back at you , now with a sad expression in her face.
" alright, T...Tirilia? What i wanted to say is , that I've been called here because people recorded to being attacked here , they said they got put to sleep and woke up outside the wall and ..."
" no no, i never attack , i always protect "
" excuse me ?", you looked back at Tirilia ," it really looks like you attack people crossing this area constantly, you even attacked me with ...hypnosis?...i think, it felt like that"
" yes , i use hypnosis on people i think they don't have the right to be here , but as i said , i don't attack , i only try to protect"
" protect? But protect what?"
Tirilia starts levitate again and she made her way trough the graves, you followed her until she stops at the side of a grave just a few steps away. Unlike the most graves in this area, this one was clean of any kind of overgrowing, fresh flowers blooming in a pot and a grave candle burned, you could even saw a figure showing a pokémon , an umbreon you thought, standing on the platform, this wasn't one of the abandon graves.
" as a Guardevoir it is my instinct to, at all cost, keep my trainer save... but i failed, i couldn't protect her during her life , this ... is her grave"
You watched Tirilia as she removed a leaf stuck in the metal letters of the stone with her psychic abilities. You took a closer look at the dates ," 1970 -1986 ... she died as teenager ... what happened?" There was a time of silence before Tirilia answered , you used this time to take a closer look at her , it was always hard to tell the age of a pokémon, especially ones without fur, but as you looked at her closer and more carefully , you could clearly see that this guardevoir was far away of beeing young , her skin seems to be a bit rougher ,her colors seems dull , not as bright as it's used to be and you could even see small wrinkles around her eyes.
Tirilia began to spoke again ," after we beat the fairy type gym and went into glimwood tangle again, she got attacked by a man, she had a shiny Umbreon and a shiny phantump , that's what the man wanted from her , he was a shiny collector i think, at first he was polite and asked her if he could buy them , of course she didn't want to seel her friends , she made that clear and wanted to go and his behavior changed in an instance ,... i was stuck in my pokéball , by the time i managed to break out it was already to late , she ... was gone "
"I...I'm so sorry... , you didn't really know what to say , not to mention a conversation like this was the last thing you expected as you made your way to the graveyard, you kept listening.
"i was able to stop him before he could steal her pokéballs and even people came to help from the village, they probably heard her screams...the police took him away ", she shook her head ," i'm sorry , i didn't mean to steal your time with my story ..., you said you are here because people got attacked , i didn't want to cause any trouble , i only tried to keep the grave save , i heard other pokémon talk about people robbing and destroying graves and i wanted to protect my trainers grave from that"
You got a bit cought of guard because- after this story- you almost forgot why you came here in the first place, you cleared your throat and started focuse again on the problem, you watched at Tirilia , " i can understand why you did this ,but you can't just attack everyone that seems unfamiliar to you , at least wait until you are sure a person is really up to something, and then not just drop them off at the wall , instead look for someone to call the police ,there is an office house near the entrance they can help, pleas promise me that you will do that and i can leave you here , this sort of random attacks have to stop!"
Tirilia nodded ," i promise ", she started to levitate again ," it was nice to meet you , i won't steal your time any longer "
Ready to leave she turned around.
" Tirilia wait , one last question , what did you mean when you said - other pokémon -?i didn't saw any besides you"
She turned her head again and smiled.
"Listen closely , watch closely , this place is more filled with life than you may expect"
And with that she disappeared back into the bushes.
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blatt-writing-place · 2 years
Hello ,you can call me Blatt🍁 or Leaf🍃 (-whatever you prefer, same word different languages-)[she/her]
I'm 24 and from germany
This is a sideblog for my writings, most things will be fanfictions off:
Pokémon (mostly)
Five nights at Freddys
Bendy and the Ink Machine
My english isn't the best so please excuse any mistakes i made (i try to get better)
You can find my main blog here: blattleaf
I try to tag everything properly (if you notice i missed something, pleas feel free to tell me what i need to add!
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