bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
I'm taking a brief hiatus from here. I made a new page to get away from everything from drama within fandom's and just where I can post what I want and rant and vent and all without worrying I'm upsetting somebody. I'll still be here but I need a break.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
shethrillertonight replied to your post: I know the reason giving up my cat is so hard is because I keep thinking about what she could be thinking.
:c -hugs-
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
I know the reason giving up my cat is so hard is because I keep thinking about what she could be thinking.
Like...she's not even gonna understand what's going on and it's just like...I dunno. She'll be scared and confused and I won't be there for her and now I'm crying again.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
So my mom is convinced people over the age of 17-18 no longer roleplay. If you're 17+, would you reblog this so I can prove her wrong?
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
You know you're depressed when you listen to slow sad sounding music and try to come up with an icon that's depressing in appearances instead of going with your normal celebrity icons.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
I hate coming up with URL's.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
So, I just got off work and found out when I got home that we have to give my cat and my mom's bird away because we aren't allowed to have pets in this apartment.
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I went from crying to being pissed to crying again now. Today isn't my day.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
i call One Direction ‘the boys’ more often than i call them One Direction
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
I don't feel good.
I think I'm just sticking to one character today and that will be Ash because I don't feel good and he's easiest for me to be on.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
My team on Left for Dead fucking sucks.
They let me die. Fucktards. See if I help them anymore.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
tlinson replied to your post: Jonas Brothers just came on at nearly 5 in the morning.
POM POMS???? I love that song, but I hated it the first few times lol
Yep! Okay. Good. So it's normal to not like it immediately.
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
UK grading system 75-100 A+ 70-74 A 64-69 A- 60-63 B+ 55-59 B 50-54 B- 46-49 C+ 43-45 C 38-42 C- 35-37 D 0-34
Time to move to the UK
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
People are like refrigerators.
It doesn’t matter if you’re pretty
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or plain,
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or short,
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or have things all over your face, 
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because what truly matters is 
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what’s inside you.
this is actually the most meaningful and thoughtful post i have ever seen on tumblr
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
Jonas Brothers just came on at nearly 5 in the morning.
Must be their new song cause I've never heard it. Too lazy to type the title. I know Kody knows it.
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It hasn't grown on me yet. This is only the first time I've heard it....
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
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bleepblapbloopx2-blog · 11 years
Music has been there for me when everyone decided to go away from me. That’s why music is my one and only true love.
(via frydaynightbeneaththestars)
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