blog-oddeyecircle · 4 years
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Some of your are attracted to Cioccolata but bruh his hair predicated and started the Corona virus 
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I don’t see any difference 
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blog-oddeyecircle · 4 years
Can I get headcanons for Rohan with an outgoing s/o who’s stand revolves around luck manipulation, uses it to cheat while gambling maybe? Maybe he’s possibly helping her to recover from a gambling addiction as well.
Rohan with an outgoing s/o who’s stand revolves around luck manipulation, uses it to cheat while gambling and he’s possibly helping her to recover from a gambling addiction as well.
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Rohan met his S/O at a bar where she seemed to be gambling at a table. He noticed how easily she was winning at gambling and he was drawn to how much luck she seemed to have. He noticed a figure standing there, it was helping her use luck manipulation and she was using it to win easily at gambling. At some point he formed a friendship with her and they eventually became a couple. Both Rohan’s and his s/o’s lifestyles made it easy for them to spend time with each other. 
Rohan would often gamble with her, they didn’t always use money to gamble. Sometimes it was who was going to unblock the toilet or who was going to clean the dishes. He always lost but he enjoyed challenging her and he was intrigued by her stand. He knew gambling was a huge part of her life but he did not realize that the gambling lifestyle had an iron grip on his s/o. 
His s/o developed an uncontrollable urge to keep on gambling. She always constantly planned on her next gambling session and how to earn more money. She started to ask Rohan if she could borrow some money due to her often wanting to bet huge amounts of money because she felt she wouldn’t get the same thrill on gambling if she betted on low amounts of money. She always seemed to suffer high anxiety from her gambling lifestyle due to her constantly worrying about making a loss, she always seemed uneasy about her outcome whenever she gambled. 
 Despite not suffering from any financial losses from her gambling addiction, Rohan was worried about her mental health. He tried to develop methods to gamble less through date nights of watching movies, cooking together or going out. But no matter what he tried to make her gamble less, she was tense and bad tempered. She started to become angry with him and she argued with him more. He tried to reason with her and tell her “I’m worried about you, you seem trapped by the gambling lifestyle, let me help you”. But she always shot back at him with “It’s not like I’m losing any money so what’s the issue?”. 
He finally put his foot down when he caught her asking Koichi if she could borrow some money from him. He even started to use his stand Heaven’s door on his S/O when she started to lie to hide the extent of her gambling. He started to realize that she could be suffering from compulsive gambling. He decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew he was going to be criticized for doing this to his own S/O by his fellow stand users but he cared about her. 
He was going to make her “forget” her interest of gambling with his stand Heaven’s Door. His S/O knew about his stand’s Heaven’s door so gradually, he start to write in simple commands like “Go to the bar four times a week instead of six”  then “Go to the bar three times a week instead of five” and so on until he eventually wrote in “Refuse to gamble no matter how high the chances of winning may be”. 
He never told anyone about this and he simply told everyone that his S/O lost interest in gambling. Koichi was not convinced and demanded him the truth. Eventually Rohan admitted to Koichi that he used Heaven’s door on his S/O to make her gambling addiction disappear. He explained to Koichi that he did it because he cared about her. He claimed to Koichi that he couldn’t standby and watch his S/O destroy her life through gambling. He was criticized by Koichi on how he didn’t have the patience to sit through the process of his S/O actually trying to lose the addiction of gambling and he should have supported her in trying to become less addicted to gambling.  Rohan just told Koichi “what if it wasn’t possible to cure her gambling addiction? What if those attempts to make her less addicted failed? When my S/O was addicted to gambling, it was like watching a burning building, there would be limited time in saving the burning building and soon the building would eventually be consumed by those flames”. He told Koichi that he was satisfied with his decision to make his S/O less addicted to gambling and send him on his way. Even now, Rohan still has a huge fear that his S/O could end up being trapped by the gambling lifestyle. One day his S/O would fall into the trap of gambling and he may have to use Heaven’s door on her again. He lived in fear that he may have to watch his S/O destroy her life again through gambling.
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blog-oddeyecircle · 4 years
Hello, my get a matchup for part 3 or 5 (preferably villains, as I’m a sucker for them!)? I’m an ENTP, 7w6, straight female! I’m a rather outgoing person, and enjoy being around small crowds. I’m pretty adaptable to most situations and have a tendency to have a bit of a temper but otherwise I’m a laid back person who just tries to enjoy life. I have a goth/grunge fashion sense, and am pretty short. I enjoy playing video games, memes, and hanging out with friends.
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Well my first ever match up, I pair you up with Risotto from part five! I know what you are thinking, “But Odd eye circle! You are just paring me up with Risotto to make me happy and my fashion sense is similar to him, I want a refund!” Here me out! Risotto is attracted to you because he finds you pretty adaptable which is a vital skill to him since he is always going to be in a new situation due to his profession as a gang leader in terms of changing locations, names and even appearances because his job doesn’t allow him to have a peaceful and stable life. 
Not to mention he knows what is like to have a temper, he tends to be prone to violent outbursts and he does threaten during those outbursts. He will try to calm you down if you are about to have a violent outburst. He would find you a chill person to hang out with and he would enjoy to relax with. He would appreciate you trying to enjoy life and he would find it hard for him to appreciate life himself due to his profession. Maybe you and Risotto can try to appreciate life despite how hard it can become. 
He would love your fashion sense and both of you would match. Maybe you might not be keen to have a boob window but you and Risotto would be the sort of couple that looks perfect together. He would find your height endearing and he would be fond of picking you up. Your shortness might give him a little smile and even the other members of his team might see his smile slip out.  There you go!!!! I hope this is good, I also would pair you up with Prosciutto, Formaggio and Illuso since you like Jojo villains so much. 
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blog-oddeyecircle · 4 years
Jojo manga panels be like:
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blog-oddeyecircle · 4 years
Polnarneff having a girly s/o and meets the crusaders for the first time?
Polnarneff having a girly s/o and meets the crusaders for the first time?
Polnareff’s S/O was the most girly partner he ever had. They wore frilly pink clothes, ribbons in their hair and they had the brightest colour scheme ever. They had the sweetest and maternal personality. They often worried and fussed about Polnareff. They knew how to bake sweets, cakes and biscuits. Today they were going to meet Polnareff’s friends, the stardust crusaders and they were nervous. They baked some cookies to bring to the squad and try to make the squad like them. (Sorry for the long delay, the only excuse I have is that I lost interest in the blog but it’s back baby!)
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Jotaro met Polnareff’s S/O and he didn’t care about them. He didn’t care if they were girly and he didn’t care if they brought cookies or not. He did give the impression to the S/O that he didn’t like them because he was extremely quiet and stoic. The only thing he said was “nice cookies” and he did make the S/O relieved that they were some good cookies. He only gave one word answers whenever the S/O asked him some questions but he was polite enough to actually answer them and he treated them with basic respect as they were Polnareff’s S/O. At the end of the meeting, Polnareff simply explained to them that Jotaro was not an ongoing guy and he will eventually come out of his shell. His S/O asked Polnareff what he seemed to like and Polnareff responded with him liking sea animals. Maybe next time they will make dolphin shaped biscuits when they receive the opportunity to meet Jotaro again. 
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Kakyoin was extremely polite with Polnareff’s S/O and he seemed to be a pleasant young man to be around. He appreciated the cookies very much and even asked the S/O if he could take some more to bring some home. The S/O liked Kakyoin because he seemed very polite and pleasant but he did seem too polite. The S/O got along with Kakyoin very nicely and they didn’t feel shy around Kakyoin. At the end of the meeting, the S/O got to know Kakyoin very well, they found him pleasant and polite. They discovered that Kakyoin really liked video games and he was very good at them. They decided that the next time they met Kakyoin again, they were going to try to make some video game themed biscuits despite the challenges imposed on the S/O. The S/O hoped that Kakyoin would be more ongoing and less formal next time. 
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Abdul was polite with Polnareff’s S/O despite thinking “how does his partner put up with Polnareff’s idiocy? Is his partner just like him?”. He decided to break the ice by reading some tarot cards to the S/O as a way to get to know them and he wanted to tell them about his hobby and his job. The S/O got the lovers cards and this card made the couple extremely happy with this result. That meant they would have an excellent and long running relationship. Abdul was relieved that he picked a good card and pleased the couple. Abdul made a good impression on his S/O with his politeness and kindness. When he left the scene, he wished Polnareff and his S/O a happy life together. His S/O did consider making tarot card biscuits but after looking at all of the cards, they gave it up since it would be way too hard to create. 
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Joseph was very ongoing and even loud to Polnareff’s S/O. He seemed very friendly to his S/O and he appreciated the cookies very much. He was definitely overwhelming to his S/O which made them a bit shy and timid around him. Joseph was able to make his S/O feel less shy by cracking some dumb jokes about Polnareff’s hair which made his S/O laugh a lot while Polnareff was not amused at this joke. Still he was happy that his S/O was laughing and he decided to put it up with Joseph comparing his hair to a pillar. After the trip, his S/O seemed happy and was still in a fit of giggles after those dumb jokes. Polnareff was a little hurt that his hair that he spent hours on was being used for the subject of jokes but his S/O made him feel much better by telling him that they liked his hair a lot and they even stroked his pillar of a hair. The S/O decided to make the cookies again for Joseph since he loved them so much. 
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Polnareff’s S/O wanted to meet Iggy since they loved dogs a lot and they even said they wanted to meet the “cute doggy”. This did not go well as Iggy jumped on Polnareff’s face, ripped his hair and farted on his face. His S/O had to rip Iggy off which resulted in Iggy trying to do the same thing but Polnareff just smacked the dog away since no one will ever do that to his S/O. They ended up running away from an angry Iggy and they lost Iggy after his S/O chucked some cookies away to distract it. They agreed to never see Iggy again.
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
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Melone celebrating with cake to show how proud of you for wearing a period cup for the first time
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
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Shhhhhh do not disturb him, he’s sleeping.
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
La Squadra helping their girlfriend put on and remove a period cup headcanons because I used one for the first time during my period. 
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Risotto was interrupted from his work with you holding a strange cup with a huge blush on your face asking him to help you put on your new period cup. He agreed to help you but he couldn’t help but wonder if it was going to even be able to fit as it looked too big. You told him that you had to fold it up and shove in there, he nodded calmly trying to understand the period cup. As you keep trying to put it on, he tries to calm you down by whispering in her ear saying to keep calm and you will get through it. If you struggle to make it unfold inside your hoohah, he would be willing to use his tiny Metalica beans to make it unfold as well as remove it if it gets stuck due to the suction. He wants to make this experience more comfortable and he knows how hard your first time using the cup is. 
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It would take a lot of convincing for Prosciutto to help you as he expects you to handle certain things like your period on your own but after you beg him to help you out because you tried your very best to put it on but it won’t go in, he sighs and he decided to help you after all. You can’t even put it on yourself because you are so tense and scared from this experience, Prosciutto sighs and decides to put it on for you. He tells you to get in a position that is comfortable and tries to make you calmer by telling you that you will get through it. After putting it on, he leaves it up to you to make sure it unfolds itself inside you and he tells you to try to put it on yourself next time. He acknowledges how hard it is for the first time and he has a lot of respect for women that they go through that. 
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Formaggio would look at you after asking him to help you with your new period cup and he would be like “babe, it’s like a tampon you don’t need my help” because he doesn’t understand how different it is from a tampon. He isn’t the best person to try to calm you down and he would keep teasing you by calling the period cup a “pussy cup”. If you really struggle to put it on or remove it, he could just use little feet to shrink himself really small. Super Tiny Formaggio will help you make sure it’s on, it unfolded inside and remove it by breaking the suction to help you remove it. He is willing to support your decision to use a cup as it’s so much cheaper and respects the whole concept of shoving something up your hoohah. But prepare to be teased by the entire team as he will obviously tell the entire team how he has to shrink himself to help you put on and remove a period cup, he will definitely exaggerate how he is drenched in period blood when he is super tiny and he gets a huge slap by you.
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Illuso was surprised to see the period cup, he knew what it was and he was even more surprised when you asked him to help you put it on. He expected it to be like a tampon but he decided to help. He will try to calm you down by somewhat shading you and mocking you by saying “come on, you shoved a tampon up there, you can shove a literal cup up there,” to try to make you stop being so dramatic about it and calm down. When you started panicking that it’s stuck there, he just tells you “I’m not taking you to the doctor, you know it’s not stuck.” and he does try to calm you down by gently hugging you. Despite him mocking you, he has huge respect for you going through that and he knows using a period cup would be so much sustainable. Then again, there will be moments where he does make snide remarks to remind you how you acted like a drama queen during the first time you wore a cup and is not going to let you forget it. 
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Ghiaccio will look at you with disbelief when you ask him so desperately to help you put on a period cup. He couldn’t believe that was why you seemed so desperate that you want him to help you with your cup that he asks you in a somewhat angry voice: “Is that what you wanted from me?!?”. But he helps you and tries to calm you down the best of his ability but he’s not good at it, he does try to be calm just for you and for once you see him being composed instead of being angry. But it’s up to you to calm down and get through wearing the period cup because he might become angry and impatient if you take too long. He does know that period cups save a lot of money so he’s happy you made the decision to buy the cup. He will start to go on a rant on why they are called cups if they don’t even resemble cups nor you can use it for drinking. That’s where you have to patiently explain to him it’s a cup to catch the blood. 
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Oh god. Melone knew you have a period cup and it’s just about time before you ask him. He will wait for the time and when the time comes, he’s more than happy to assist you. But he’s really into helping you and is maybe insisting that he puts it on for you. Maybe he develops a kink out of putting it on for you because he’s a very honry man. Who knows he develops kinks from left to right. But anyway, he’s pretty good at calming you down by gently massaging your shoulders and telling you it’s not as scary as you think it is. After you put it on and make sure it unfolded inside you, he’s proud of you and even suggests he takes you out on a special date to celebrate the first time of you wearing the period cup. He’s just that dramatic and over the top about normal things like that but since you are his girlfriend, he wants to express how proud he is of wearing the cup. He knows how better it is for the environment and how much money you will save from wearing the period cup. 
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Pesci’s face turned bright red when you ask him very nicely to help you put on your new period cup. He really wants to be a supportive boyfriend by helping you with the period cup but he’s so anxious about being a terrible boyfriend because he feels he will never be able to support you enough on putting on the period cup. His mind is full of thoughts like “what if it gets stuck?”, “what if it’s too painful for her and I can’t make it any better?” and “what if Prosciutto finds out?”. He’s so anxious about it but he forces himself to pull himself together to calm you down by telling you sweet things about how you are so much braver than him, how much of a great person you are for choosing to wear a tampon as they are better for the environment and promises you that you will get used to wearing a cup. After you successfully master wearing the cup, he couldn’t be any more proud of you and you tell him it’s all because of him that you mastered the cup. He could never be happier and full of confidence that you told him that. 
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
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Me when Araki runs out of names to call his stand and characters and starts to look into kpop for inspiration.
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Tag game!
I got tagged by @furiouspasta, I am so happy that I am considered a mutual to pasta!!!! 
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name? I’m gonna say my real name which is Leonora so you can call me Leo. 
Birth year? 2001 just like you @furiouspasta
Sign? Capricorn 
Height? 5′5
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs:
(I’m going to go with Youtube shuffle so here we go!)
LovelyZ-Sixth Sense
LovelyZ: Cameo
AOA: Egoistic 
Park Bom feat Cheetah: Hann
Yeah I’m a huge koreaboo when it comes to my music taste
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line?
Ok so the nearest book is called Dustbin Baby by Jacqueline Wilson so here we go: “She doesn’t go home. Her mum will be spawled on the sofa watching television”.  
Ever had a song or a poem written about you?
Nope! I don’t have a song or poem about me, but I don’t mind if someone writes me a song or Poem
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Nope I don’t remember playing air guitar
Celebrity Crush(es)?
Properly Hwasa ( Ahn Hye-jin ) from Mamamoo! This beautiful and amazing woman radiates just pure confidence and she has true body goals! 
What’s a sound you hate/love?
I really like the sound of chocolate being cut up or broken off, the sound of Bruno and, Hwasa, Pesci, the sound of eating candied strawberries and the sound of crickets at the night. 
I hate the sound of scratching, the sound of vomiting and the sound of eating salmon.  
Do you believe in ghosts?
No, not really, I think they only belong in fiction.
Do you believe in aliens?
No, not really, I think they also belong in fiction. 
Do you drive?
Nope! But I’m going to be taking them soon hopefully!
Last book you read?
 I don’t remember. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Yeah, I do. 
The last movie you saw?
The tale of Princess Kaguya, it’s just an amazing film!
Do you have any obsessions rn?
Jojo, especially La Squadra and Mamamoo 
Do you tend to hold grudges?
Not too much depending on the grudge, I can easily forgive people if they apologise to me effectively. 
Are you in a relationship?
Nope, I’m single and ready to mingle
And that was the tag game! I don’t know who should I tag so I will just post this!
Tag game wiiiiiii
I got tagged by @anasuisprisonwife I’m glad I get to answer this, I never thought I’d ever interact with someone here because of my shy ass 😂😂😂
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name? You can call me Siralos (I love Funamusea alright)
Birth year? 2001, I’m babey
Sign? Libra :D
Height? 5’3, me smol
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs:
闇祭 (Festival of the Dark) — Kikuo
ナンセンス文学 (Nonsense Bungaku) — E ve
ジグソーパズル (Jigsaw Puzzle) — Mafumafu
Sweet Devil — REOL & Kradness cover
Yeah I’m a huge weeb when it comes to musical taste ^^’
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line?
Uhhh the book is in Spanish sO unless you know the language you should search a translator online xD Also the book is The Call of Cthulhu lol (I’ve been meaning to read h.p lovecraft for a while now)
“En primer lugar, me dije a mismo, aquellos seres me asqueaban porque no eran sino la más fiel muestra de la total falta de humanidad e insensible crueldad de Pickman”
Ever had a song or a poem written about you?
Nope! I don’t think I’ll ever go through this neither do I care pfff
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Never? I mean, I don’t do the gesture that much (or at all whoops)
Celebrity Crush(es)?
None at the moment, my weeb ass only crushes on 2d characters 7u7
What’s a sound you hate/love?
I love the purring of my cat and the waves of the ocean, I hate the buzzing of insects I just can’t- I flinch whenever a fly goes really close to me, I freak out with that sound hhhhh nasty. Ironically though I’m not afraid of insects, I just hate that sound.
Do you believe in ghosts?
While I say that I don’t, I also explain my classmates how to properly play an ouija board in order to not have their asses haunted by spirits by doing it wrong. I mean, I’m skeptical but if they were to exist I’d be prepared because I like reading about the supernatural.
Do you believe in aliens?
Absolutely, we can’t be the only lifeform in all of the universe.
Do you drive?
Nope! But I’ll take driving lessons this summer ^^
Last book you read?
HMMMM Does Stone Ocean count? Bwshahshhs im still reading it
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
No, ew
The last movie you saw?
Grave of the Fireflies, I convinced my mother to watch it with me and needless to say: we were both in tears.
Do you have any obsessions rn?
My cat and La Squadra :>
Do you tend to hold grudges?
Hhhhhhhhyes I’m very prone to do so but I’m working on that
Are you in a relationship?
Nope, I’m single and ready to mingle
And that was the tag game! I’m gonna tag some peeps here that I follow and coincidentally follow me back (idk if I can say they’re my mutuals, do you have to be close to that person to call it that? 🤔) @cas-anubis-jackalthatscreamsalot @lenawritesjojos @blog-oddeyecircle @dongiovannaswife if you don’t want to answer the game that’s totally fine!
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Headcannons of The crusaders reaction meeting a child and thinking she is a normal child but when a enemy stand user comes she lets out a demonic roar and uses her demonic powers
Headcanons of the crusader’s reaction meeting a child and thinking she is a normal child but when an enemy stand user comes, she lets out a demonic roar and uses her demonic powers. (Sorry if the replay took a long time, I had exams and a huge writer’s block but nevertheless enjoy!)
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Jotaro didn’t care too much when he met the child during his journey to defeat Dio. He simply ignored her and moved on since he wasn’t a fan of annoying little girls. But suddenly he was attacked by a fearsome stand user and he could hear a demonic screech nearby. He thought that screech was from the stand user but in fact, it was the little girl! 
There was a dark aura surrounding her as demon wings, a tail, two pairs of horns emerged from her body, her eyes turned crimson as she was transforming into a demon. Jotaro assumed the spawn of Satan was also an enemy stand but to his surprise, the pint-sized demon used her demonic powers to defeat the stand user
 After that experience, Jotaro decided to take her to the crusaders and they all agreed to take her on the journey to slay Dio. He wasn’t keen on dealing with children and he ignored her when she asked him to play games with her. He refused and she transformed into her demon form which he still didn’t agree to play with her. She was angry with Jotaro, she tried to beat him up which Jotaro without using his stand just whacked her head hard and he knocked her out. He was scolded by the crusaders for doing that and he was forced to make it up to her by playing with her. He didn’t find it as awful as he thought it would be since the child had such a vivid imagination and he even enjoyed it. 
These activities would become common as he would use them as a ploy to get her to behave more and not wander off. He became fond of her because he never had to deal with younger siblings, and it was pleasant to him that he had someone that looked up to him. After killing Dio, Jotaro returned to Japan taking her with him to live with him. His mother Holly liked the small child a lot and she treated her like her own daughter. He would often walk with her to school and no one messes with her otherwise they have Jotaro to deal with 
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Kakyoin bumped into the little girl during the journey to defeat Dio. He wondered if the little girl was lost so he approached her and asked if she was lost. Before the little girl could answer him, an enemy stand user appeared out of nowhere. Kakyoin told her to run for her life expecting her to flee in fear like a normal child. 
But he was in for a shock when she slowly transformed into a demon, her tail popped out, her wings emerged from her shoulder blades, her eyes turned crimson and two pairs of horns grew from her. She didn’t need to demonstrate her demonic powers to the enemy stand user as the moment they saw the little demon, they were the one to flee from the scene like a coward.
 Kakyoin assumed she was a stand user and he took her to the crusaders. They decided to take her on their journey which Kakyoin didn’t care too much as long she was not a second Polnareff. He kept being pestered to play with her which he decided to agree but he said he could only do it for 30 minutes. 
He did enjoy playing with her as he was surprised that she could come up with some really imaginative twists with the example of playing hide and seek with her, every time he found her, she transformed into his demon form and she chased him. When playtime was up, he had to stop despite the child protesting but he promised her he would play with them again. He found the child imaginative and he could see them using that to become an amazing adult. After the events of killing Dio, he decided to take the child back to live with him and his mother because he decided he wanted her as his little sister since he never had any siblings when he was younger.
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Joseph met the little girl on the streets of New York, and he wondered where her parents were since she was alone. He was about to approach her when an enemy stand user attacked him and out of nowhere, he heard a demonic roar. 
To his surprise it was from the child and he could see the child slowly transforming into the devil. She slowly transformed into a demon, her tail popped out, her wings emerged from her shoulder blades. A dark aura surrounded the little demon and she used her demon powers to kick the stand enemy’s butt. Joseph could not believe this girl was a stand user and had such a powerful ability. 
After the little girl was back to normal, he took her into the speed wagon foundation to help her use her stand for good and luckily since she was at a young age, she accepted it quickly. She was trained under Joseph and Adbul as they taught her how to use her stand effectivity so that one day, she could use it to fight against evil. She would often demand anyone in the speed wagon foundation to play with her, but they were often too busy, so Joseph took over the duties of getting some energy out of her. 
He liked to play hide and seek with her; he would often carry her and tickle her to make her laugh. He liked her as his own little granddaughter. He liked to spoil her with lots of presents and treats. The child loved him like her own grandpa since she never had a caring parent in her life. Surprisingly, he didn’t take her on the journey to defeat Dio because he wanted to wait until she was old enough to handle her stand and he didn’t want her to be killed. He would murder Dio with his bare hands if he ever laid a hand on her. The little child cried many tears as she begged him to let her come with her because she was terrified that it might be the last time, she saw him. Joseph hugged her tight as he said, “Don’t worry, your old gramps will be back soon”.
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Polnareff met her in the streets of Egypt and he ignored the little girl because he was too busy flirting with a beautiful woman to care about a child. But suddenly, the beautiful woman summoned her stand and she attacked Polnareff when his guard was down. He suddenly heard a demonic roar and before he knew it, he saw the child kicking the stand user’s ass like it was nothing.
 He was completely amazed that this little girl managed to beat the stand user like it was nothing. He decided to quickly take the child to the crusaders to deal with her. He was not happy when all of the crusaders agreed to take the child with them instead of sending her home, he didn’t want to deal with some brat, why oh why it couldn’t be a beautiful woman instead?
 He hated it when the child kept interrupting him to play with him when he was trying to get a woman but when the woman he was flirting with liked that he was being pestered by a kid because she found it adorable and she thought he was the father, he decided this child wasn’t so bad and he could win some good dad points with the women since they seemed to appreciate a good father figure. 
He started to have her next to him pretending to be his daughter with the promise of games or sweets. The other crusaders found this completely stupid, but they were not surprised. After playing this charade, he found himself being more and more immersed with being this girl’s father. After the events of Dio, he asked her: “Do you actually want me to be your father? I mean for real, not just to get pretty girls,”. The girl didn’t think for a moment and cried happily: “Yes!” 
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Abdul was walking in the streets of Egypt in the events before he met Joseph Joestar, he found a little girl playing on the streets alone and he asked her where her parents are. When she answered she didn’t have any, he decided to help her find suitable parents for her but on his way to find someone, a stand user attacked him. This stand user was too powerful for him, they managed to put him on the brink of death, just when he thought this was the end for him; he heard a demonic roar, he saw the little girl transformed into a demon and scare off the stand user with her powers. 
He was surprised that this little girl was a stand user, so he decided to take her in for a short time to learn about her stand powers until he found her parents or someone to look after her. While he learned about her stand and teaching her about her powers, he bonded with her as she was eager to learn; she was very energetic and constantly demanded his attention to play with her which he did occasionally.
 He found the child imaginative and unique in a way as he never had a child be so clingy towards him. The child kept following him and sticking to him like glue. When he met Joseph Joestar, he was invited to the Speedwagon Foundation. He knew he had to leave her and luckily for him, the girl’s actual father came along to claim her. He was a monster of a man and when he showed up, the little girl hid behind Abdul in fear. He wondered why the child was scared of her father and he was suspicious of her father.
 He found out from the child that she ran away from her father because he was abusive to her, constantly putting her on the constant fear that he would explode, and he was always on a warpath with her, often using physical violence as a harsh punishment. Adbul decided to tell the father to leave, he was not going to claim his daughter since he clearly wasn’t a good father to her. Her father was furious and tried to fight Abdul. After a lot of shouting and fighting, the father left in defeat as he cursed to himself. Abdul told the little girl that he was gone, he was hugged by her and she told him he was way better than her real dad. Adbul felt this warm father like love to her and he promised himself that he will be a better father than her real father.
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Iggy didn’t like the little girl at first, he found her annoying that she kept trying to play with him and pet him. Despite the Crusader’s warnings, she continued to annoy him until he lashed out on her and chased her. The little girl ran off in fear, but she suddenly stopped, she let out a demonic roar and soon she was the one chasing Iggy. After a lot of chasing, they were both tired and they started to appreciate each other. The little girl would often give him bits of food and he liked it. Soon, the little girl was the only human that he didn’t bite or lash out at her. 
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Ghiaccio: Fuck you I don’t like kpop! It’s a waste of fucking time and I’m a gangster! I skate and freeze people with White Album! 
Also Ghiaccio: Watches this music video while working out and keeping his thunder thighs in check
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
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Hello, the rest of my squad has been doing this so i might as well join the bandwagon, my name is onore coltello, you may ask my anything
// ask box open! \\
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
reblog this if you’re jewish or your blog is a safe space for jewish people
in light of recent events as well as a new rise in creating nazi ocs I think this post is an important one to have on your blog if you stand behind your jewish followers or are jewish yourself.
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Hello, all you small people!
My name is Giorno Giovanna, I’m 15 years old, and I’m about 15 feet tall. Life hasn’t been easy for me, especially considering my height, but I recently managed to fulfill my dream of stopping the drug trade in Italy. Feel free to ask me any questions! Promos are greatly appreciated!
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Most people when it comes to Were-Wolf AUs: Oh my god, Risotto is already so hot! Imagine Risotto as a werewolf! I would love to be his mate!
Me: I think this video above represents poor Werewolf Pesci just trying to eat an apple in peace but Werewolf Formaggio, Illuso and Ghiaccio are just messing about around him and even trying to take his apple! Let Werewolf Pesci have his snack! Please!
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blog-oddeyecircle · 5 years
Next time I will try to write his name as Abdul. 
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PSA 🔥🔥🔥 as an arabic speaker this makes me SO mad. idk which clown manga translator came up with this transliteration but its HORRID. even the anime subs wrote it correctly so idk how this even happened. his name is a very important (and common) name in Islamic cultures that means “servant (of God)” so pls put some respect on his name. a single middle eastern char appears in anime and nobody knows how to act...
(reposted from my ig @umbrellawarrior)
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