blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
How to avoid getting trapped in FEMA camps
I wrote a news story recently called “How technology will send you to hell in the FEMA camps” It was wildly popular and raised the question in my mind, “How do I prevent my family from going to the camps?”
The first thing is to know what to expect before hand. While people think about the dollar dropping to nothing, or an Obama re-election, you need to consider the most pressing signs of a pending martial law.
How pending?
About 15 minutes or less away from being put into a bus.
Now there are people who would look forward to 3 hots and a cot. And there are some who would actively encourage you to go to the camps. There was an article that said that social services folks are encourage self-sufficient people to use food stamps, and that the self-sufficient mentallity was preventing more people from being on food stamps.
But we aren’t those people. We are the kinds that enjoy freedom.
So what do we look for?
Using the backbone of a military operation, you must make the enemy (that would be you) deaf, dumb, and blind.
What does that mean? It means you must be blind: Not knowing what to expect, how many men are in the operation, and what your final destination will be. This means that the operation will most likely take place in the middle of the night. When they roll up, mega watt lights will be shone onto the neighborhood. This disorientates you as well as illuminate your home for movement. This also means the power to your block will be secured. Depending on the size of the town, perhaps several blocks at once. That would be a good thing. Read on…
Deaf means that you won’t know what is going on. Loud noises, such as bullhorns shouting orders, diesel engines running, and people yelling at you to go here or there. It also means you won’t be able to receive texts or cell phone service.
Dumb, or mute, means you won’t be able to call anyone, tweet, post a Facebook update, send an email of warning. Imagine if the events took place in Chicago. How quick would such a warning get spread all over Facebook or Twitter. It would “trends” quickly and the element of surprise would be gone. Making you deaf and dumb is as simple as securing the internet with the Internet Kill Switch. That ends Facebook, Twitter, and Email.
And all you have to do to secure the cell phone or land-line service is to have the US military show up at the local phone office and have them secure all lines in the place. Turning the power off would be as effective as cutting lines, but once power is restored you could have normal service. Infrastructure would be maintained.
Your neighborhood is now deaf, dumb, and blind.
You need to buy yourself some time. Not much time, but just enough time. And you have about 5 minutes to do it in. Maybe less.
What do you need?
You need to make an alert when you lose power. This is from my site:
“I took a small wall wart that is rated at 12 volts and about 100 mA. I attached it to the power and ground part of a small 12v relay I bought from radio shack. I then took a 9v battery connector and a piezeo alarm and put it on the connectors of the relay that if there is no power to the relay – will allow current to flow. The way you find that is to put the red wire of the connector to the relay, and one of the leads from the alarm to the opposite side of the relay. Connect the black wire and the other alarm wire together. Provided you have a 9v battery on the connector you should hear a sound. If not, change to a different spot on the relay. So when you apply power by plugging in the wall wart, the sound goes off. Remove the wart or turn off the power, you get an alarm sound. “
When I was in the Navy, any time we lost power we went into an immediate Security Alert. And you should too. When that alarm sounds (Put it in your bedroom as close to the bed as possible), after you pull the alarm out of the socket, get up and hide the children,
And that means you have to have pre-arranged hiding spots.
A window seat is a great way to start. Make a bench, bolt it to the wall under the bedroom window, and make small doors for the child to hide in. You can do the same for your room. Tell the children just to go if they are ever told, and to stay very quiet until you tell them to come out. And only you. Pretend to be someone else and see if they come to them. Soldiers may be very sneaky and say, “Your parents told me to get you. Come on, let’s go to them!”
Practice this frequently so they are aware of what needs to be done, and to be done in the dark, and to be done without question.
If you can’t make a window bench, then fill your closet up with “boxes”. These boxes are “stacked” to make it look like a storage area, but it’s just a shell. If you are in a manufactured home or a single story home, go to the closet and cut open a hatch to the crawl space. Have a black blanket so you can hide under the blanket to stay concealed. USE YOUR IMAGINATION!
The idea is that soldiers don’t have mchu time to search each home. They have to keep moving onto the next house. Once they leave and the power goes back on – DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING. If the bathroom light was on, leave it on. The smart meters will detect and record ANY changes and it will alert someone that there are people within the home!
Drones will be used to monitor communities and neighborhoods. Going out after dark is the same as going out during the day.
If you go out at night, take a night vision capable video camera. Put black platic around the IR lamp that is usually beneath the camera’s lens. This will prevent the drone from seeing the IR light, but you’ll be able to see the IR lights on the drone in the dark.
If you feel froggy, shoot down the drone AS IT LEAVES! The flight will be level and of constant speed, enough for you to get a bead on it. It’s difficult to tell where the shot came from, and you’ll get some satisfaction of taking one down. These thing are expensive and if they have to redirect one away from another area, that means someone else is getting a break.
If you have to move from one place to another, do so during a rain or thunderstorm. These conditions make drone flying very difficult and seeing anything of value VERY difficult. Yes, it is horrible conditions for you, but at least you will be free.
If, during the day, you see people wandering through your town, ignore them and hide. They may be “spies” looking for the last holdouts. As a rule of thumb, 8 to 80, blind, crippled, or crazy, means anyone may be a threat. Don’t kill them, just let them pass through. Watch them to see if they use a radio. IF they do use one, listen for codes such as, “Secure”, “Subjects”, “Natives”, or “SitRep (Situation Report)”
Such phrases would mean that they are looking for you as wolves in sheep’s clothing. DO NOTHING towards them. Get their photos if you can but remain hidden.
Satellites may detect heat from fireplaces, so use the covert cooking methods like solar cooking, Hay Box cooking or Creveche. If you can, light a match in the sewers to eliminate any flammable gasses, and cook down there. The streets should hide the heat signature well enough, especially in the day. Solar cooking using the back of a pickup may be a good decision as it may imitate the accumulated heat of a canopy.
You will be on your own. You will be the deciding factor if you live free or die free.
But it’s your decision. No one else makes it for you.
And that’s why it’s called FREEDOM.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
A Channel 2 Action News investigation found that the State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas. This investment has received criticism as the United States makes an effort to slash nearly $4 trillion in government spending.Plenty of outrage following the announcement made Thursday afternoon by a government commission that suggested huge cuts to the budget, including eliminating the interest education for home mortgage. This juxtaposed withthe United States investing millions to refurbish mosques as a good-will effort in Muslim countries has upset many taxpayer groups.
“We are spending money we don’t have. This is all on a gigantic credit card right now,” said Jared Thomas, a taxpayer advocate.
Millions more dollars have been sent to places like Cyprus. The State Department displays before and after pictures of mosques refurbished with U.S. tax dollars.
“I think it is very hard to explain to the American taxpayer right now whose having an extraordinary time paying bills and making ends meet that this is why we took this out of your paycheck, so we can fund this,” said Thomas.
The State Department declined a Channel 2 Action News request for an interview. We wanted to ask why are we using tax dollars to refurbish religious buildings overseas. The State Department did send Channel Two Action News an e-mail saying that they are fighting Islamic extremism by building relationships with Islamic leaders.
Egyptian-American human rights activist Nonie Darwish told Channel 2 Action News anchor Justin Farmer that trying to buy respect in the Middle East only shows our weakness.
“This part of the world has a lot of respect for power and America is not showing its power, it’s showing its appeasement. They are laughing all the way to the bank,” said Darwish.
Darwish was born in Egypt and is now a former Muslim. Darwish told Farmer that she moved to America and has written several books critical of radical Islam. Darwish said that most of the mosques in Egypt are run by extremists who have ordered former Muslims like herself to be killed.
“We are rebuilding mosques to support the radicals, not to support the moderates. We are building mosques to issue fatwas of death against people like me,” said Darwish.
Your tax dollars also fund computers and mosques in places like Tajikistan and Mali. At an ancient mud brick mosque in Mali, the State Department has provided Internet service and computer equipment to local imams.
Taxpayer watchdogs wonder how the State Department can explain paying for Internet service while Americans struggle through the worst recession in decades.
“To the average person who has probably seen their paycheck shrink and not grow, this could be an insult to them,” said Pete Sepp, President of the National Taxpayers Association.
With radical websites inciting violence and extremism worldwide, there are concerns that the taxpayer-funded Internet service could be misused.
“That is not the job of the U.S. because giving them Internet access to imams and Muslim preachers who hate America,” said Darwish.
Critics say that it is time to review funding for all federal programs that do not directly benefit taxpayers.
“We are spending money we don’t have and certainly we can cut items like this,” said Thomas.
The Deficit Commission announced it would look at slowing the growth of foreign aid. Channel 2 Action News is not aware if there will be cuts in this particular U.S Aid program.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Full Summary Of The Latest In Anti-American Sentiment
Having trouble keeping track of how many countries have now officially rebelled against Pax Americana in the past week? Here is your handy one-stop resource to keep you abreast of all the latest in the embassy storming fad.
Since the map above is as of September 13, don't forget to add Afghanistan and now Pakistan. And further details courtesy of AP:
Hundreds of protesters demonstrating against the film torched a press club and a government building in the northwestern town of Wari, setting of clashes with police that killed one demonstrator and wounded several others.
Hundreds also clashed with police for a second day in the southern city of Karachi as they tried to reach the U.S. Consulate there. Police lobbed tear gas and fired in the air to disperse the protesters who were from the student wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami party. Police arrested 40 students, but no injuries were reported.
Demonstrations turned violent outside a U.S. military base in Kabul, where about 800 protesters burned cars and threw rocks at Camp Phoenix. Many in the crowd shouted "Death to America!" and "Death to those people who have made a film and insulted our Prophet."
Police fired into the air to hold back about crowd and to prevent it from pushing toward government buildings downtown. More than 20 police officers were slightly injured, most of them hit by rocks. Protests also broke out along the main thoroughfare into Kabul, where demonstrators burned shipping containers and tires. The crowd torched at least one police vehicle before finally dispersing.
Hundreds clashed with police outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, hurling rocks and firebombs and setting tires alight. It was the first violence seen in the world's most populous Muslim country since international outrage over the film exploded last week. Eleven policemen were rushed to the hospital after being pelted with rocks and attacked with bamboo sticks, while four protesters were arrested and one was hospitalized.
Demonstrators burned a picture of President Barack Obama and tried to ignite a fire truck parked outside the embassy after ripping a water hose off the vehicle and torching it, sending black smoke billowing into the sky. Police used water cannons and tear gas to try to disperse the crowd as the protesters shouted "Allahu Akbar," or God is great, and burned a U.S. flag. Demonstrations were also held in the cities of Medan and Bandung.
Iran's top leader urged the West to show it respects Muslims by blocking the film. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Western leaders must prove they are not "accomplices" in a "big crime." Khamenei was quoted on state TV as noting that some nations place restrictions on expression, such as banning Nazi-related sites.
An al-Qaida-linked Egyptian jihadist, Ahmed Ashoush, issued a religious edict, or fatwa, saying it is justified to kill anyone who took part in the making of the prophet film.
Ashoush, who was believed close to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida's current No. 1, Ayman al-Zawahri, heads the relatively obscure "Jihad Group." His edict, posted on a militant website, says the blood of the participants in the movie "should be shed, including the producer, the director and the actors" and that "their killing is a duty of every capable Muslim."
Several hundred Palestinians held a peaceful protest in the city of Ramallah against the film. Men stood on one side, chanting, "We will sacrifice for you, oh Muhammad." Women wearing headscarves stood on the other side, holding up large posters in Arabic, including one that read: "The Prophet is more important than my family."
The country's telecommunication regulator said it has blocked access to the video and urged users to report any existing links to the country's Internet providers. Internet users in the Emirates searching by name for the film on YouTube, for example, now get a standard page used for other censored sites in the country saying "this website is not accessible in the UAE." There are loopholes, though, since YouTube itself is not blocked and it is still possible to view the film by clicking recently posted links found within the site.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
The Underground World of Human Cyborgs
There is a growing subculture of do-it-yourself cyborgs who want to push the limits of human potential by implanting technology into their bodies, expanding their senses and ability to interact with the world.
While writing an article on a group of biohackers in Pittsburgh, writer Ben Popper from the technology website theverge.com became one himself.
He joined us this week to share his story and demonstrate the wafer sized magnet he had implanted in his ring finger, which he describes as the "training wheels" of biohacking.
Most biohackers, like the ones Mr. Popper met, operate underground and away from medical regulation. Rare earth metals are implanted with scalpels in tattoo parlors instead of hospitals, and without anesthesia. Once implanted, the biohackers can sense electromagnetic fields, giving them a 6th sense to feel the world around them. His wife has a simpler version of this implant, which allows the two of them to feel the sensation of someone shaking her hand while separated by continents.
But the practical implications of biohacking go beyond feeling electromagnetic fields. Prof. Kevin Warwick from the University of Reading in the U.K. has been researching cybernetics for years. He himself has cybernetics implanted in his arm, which give him the ability to manipulate a robotic hand to move as his human hand moves.
Warwick's research could have huge implications for the disabled, potentially providing amputees and people without use of their limbs full range of motion.
Outside of the research of scientists like Warwick, biohacking remains an unregulated and fringe field of study. However, Mr. Popper believes that implanted technology is going to be mainstream sooner than we all may think, which is why biohackers like the ones he met in Pittsburgh want to have a little fun with it before it's highly regulated and dominated by large companies.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Deathbed power struggle at Trinity Broadcasting?
The latest in the nuclear family warfare surrounding theTrinity Broadcasting Network:  A photograph entered into the court record of what appears to be Jan Crouch, her head tossed back in ecstasy, showing off a letter that is alleged to have been written by her husband, Paul, on what was assumed to be his deathbed.
In this letter, according to documents filed in Orange County Superior Court, the ailing Paul Crouch Sr. decided who would lead the Trinity empire after he was gone. It would not be his namesake, son Paul Crouch Jr. – but another son,Matthew Crouch.
“The photo was taken by Matthew Crouch in mid September 2011 while Paul Crouch Sr. was in the hospital suffering from congestive heart failure,” says the declaration of Michael Koper. “Apparently, Matthew Crouch and Jan Crouch were celebrating what they believed was Paul Crouch Sr.’s impending death and Matthew Crouch’s promotion to President of TBN that would subsequently occur.”
Paul Crouch Sr. didn’t die. But Matthew Crouch is now in charge of Trinity’s day-to-day operations, while brother Paul Crouch Jr. and his entire family have been ousted from the Trinity empire.
Perhaps not coincidentally, both of Paul Crouch Jr.’s daughters – Brittany Crouch Koper and Carra Crouch – are suing Trinity. Brittany Koper has accused the mighty Christian broadcaster of playing fast and loose with the ministry’s millions, and provided internal documents to back up her claims. Carra Crouch alleges that she was plied with alcohol and raped by a TBN employee in Atlanta when she was just 13 – and that her family covered up the incident, rather than report it to authorities, to protect TBN’s reputation.
Trinity says it’s all untrue – and accused the Kopers of engaging in an inflammatory smear campaign to divert attention from their own financial sins against Trinity.  Trinity has filed a half-dozen suits against Brittany and Michael Koper, charging them with stealing some $1.3 million during their years of employ – as well as a trove of privileged documents that they’re inserting into the court record in “dribs and drabs” in an attempt to blackmail and destroy the network.
The Kopers are “revealing in distorted fashion confidential client files and … publishing their contents recklessly in this action to the media as part of a ‘hush money’ extortion campaign against TBN,” Trinity said in court filings.
“Unless restrained from further disclosure, TBN will be irreparably damaged and with no adequate remedy at law. There are no monetary damages which could compensate Plaintiffs for the disclosure of confidential and privileged information. Once the Kopers make a disclosure of such sensitive information, there is no means to ‘un-ring the bell’ of disclosure of confidential and privileged information, and no measure of damages that can be readily ascertained.”
The Kopers, in their turn, say they have stolen nothing and are just trying to get the truth out so Trinity’s ministry can be steered back on course. The parties are battling that out in federal court, where a judge recently threatened to brand Trinity a “vexatious litigant” for the prodigiousness of its legal maneuverings against the Kopers.
But Carra Crouch’s case – alleging sexual battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence –  is proceeding separately in Orange County Superior Court. Michael Koper, her brother-in-law and an attorney, had filed the original suit on her behalf. There are new lawyers on board now, and a case management conference is slated for November.
At stake, one might argue, is Trinity itself. It bills itself as the largest Christian broadcaster in the world, with 16 global television networks distributed on 76 satellites, multiple foreign and domestic affiliates, and thousands of cable affiliates on every continent save Antarctica. Subscribing to the “Have a need? Plant a seed” philosophy, its donors believe that sending money to the network will reap divine rewards later on. Trinity spent nearly $200 million in 2010,  and it had amassed nearly $1 billion in net assets, according to its last tax return.
Some of the assertions could cast a cloud on Trinity’s nonprofit, income-tax-exempt status – which could cost it tens of millions of dollars per year.
Carra Crouch was distraught after the 2006 assault by a 30-year-old man, according to her complaint, and told her grandmother what had happened. “Jan (Crouch) became furious and began screaming at Ms. Crouch, a thirteen year old girl, and began telling her ‘it is your fault,’ ” according to the suit. Carra Crouch then told John Casoria, TBN’s in-house counsel and her second cousin; he became agitated and told her that he didn’t believe her, it says. “He elaborated by stating he further believed she was already sexually active ‘so it did not really matter’ and he ‘believed she may have propositioned him,’ ” the suit alleges.
“Ms. Crouch, a thirteen year old girl, had not been sexually active and was absolutely devastated about what happened and about how John and Jan responded to her.”
Both Jan Crouch and John Casoria are ordained ministers, and as such, are legally required to report suspected child abuse to authorities under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, the suit says. No report was made, and TBN “deliberately covered up the incident to protect Trinity Broadcasting from negative publicity,” it alleges.
Carra Crouch was not permitted to talk to the police about the incident, and was not permitted to seek the counsel of any third parties or sex abuse counselors at the time, and has suffered severe emotional distress as a result, according to the suit. (More details of her allegations are here.)
Trinity tried to convince Michael Koper and Carra Crouch that they had the story wrong, and should drop the suit.
“You are necessarily dragging into a very emotional case all of Brittany’s family,” said an email from Trinity’s lawyers to Michael Koper and filed in Superior Court. “Based on the current circumstances, tens of thousands of dollars of attorneys’ fees will be incurred in the next several weeks just on the pleadings and the initial discovery. The facts you allege are patently different than the truth. The tort(s) occurred if at all in Georgia, and thus you have a very tenuous basis to venue it here. Corporations cannot be liable for negligent supervision or reporting of an alleged rape of a minor. Failure to report is not a legal basis of a cause of action. Sexual Battery cannot be alleged against an entity. All your claims are time barred against TBN.
“Based on these flaws and many others, it is highly probable it will be dismissed in due course,” Trinity’s lawyer continued. “Multiple attorneys will be preparing detailed authorities on these points. … This case has further entrenched TBN against you and Brittany. I strongly recommend you carefully consider dismissing it voluntarily, as once it is dismissed on its merits, malicious prosecution claims will be filed against all involved.”
That has not yet come to pass.
Trinity took special exception to Paragraph 68 in Carra Crouch’s suit.
There, it said Trinity had a general practice of covering up sexual scandals, including  ”a bloody sexual assault involving Trinity Broadcasting and affiliated Holy Land Experience employees; the cover-up of director Janice Crouch’s affair with a staff member at the Holy Land Experience; the attempted cover-up of director Paul Crouch’s sexual affair with Enoch Lonnie Ford; the cover-up of director Paul Crouch’s sexual affairs with other  Trinity Broadcasting employees, (and) the cover-up following director Matthew Crouch’s exposure of his genitals to cleaning staff on multiple occasions.”
Trinity also “knowingly continues to employ individuals who are registered sex offenders who have molested minor children before,” the suit said.
The  email from Trinity’s lawyer to Michael Koper took strong exception. “These allegations refer to information, although distorted from the truth, that could only have come from legal files of TBN that you and/or Brittany apparently stole when you were a law clerk,” Trinity said. “This conduct if proven will of course result in severe consequences to you, your (law) license in both states, and it violates the penal code in the Federal and State jurisdictions where this issue will be presented.”
That hasn’t happened. But the “dribs and drabs” of stunning allegations continue.
The photo of Jan Crouch holding the letter was in a 70-page declaration filed in support of Carra Crouch by Michael Koper.  It is supposed to help suss out whether he and Brittany Koper are bound by an old confidentiality and arbitration agreements they had signed with Trinity.
The Kopers say they are  not bound by the old agreements, as those were dissolved when they were promoted to the high positions of treasurer and secretary of the company. They have a signed letter from Paul Crouch Sr. saying as much, they say.
Paul Crouch  Sr. said he had no memory of signing such a letter, and the signature on the letter the Kopers have  is not his.
” Paul Crouch Sr. suffers from severe memory loss probably due to his years of abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs and any declarations he signs should be read within that context,” Michael Koper’s declaration says. The letter held by Jan Crouch “is a very similar letter to the one Paul Crouch Sr. wrote to Brittany and I and further shows it was in his custom and practice to write such a letter.”
Each side has reported the other to various authorities, including the police and the IRS. We’ll keep you posted on what happens.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Whooping Cough Vaccine's Protection Fades Quickly
To protect children against whooping cough, doctors recommend five shots of vaccine before they turn 7.
But what happens after that? How long does the protection last?
Researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center checked it out. They compared 277 kids who came down with whooping cough, or pertussis, to more than 3,000 children who tested negative for it. Another comparison group consisted of more than 6,000 kids who were close matches to the sick kids on a bunch of factors, including sex, age and race.
The key finding: The protection from the vaccine drops by 42 percent each year after the fifth shot. So kids who got all their shots on time could become quite susceptible to whooping cough again between ages 8 and 11.
  The researchers concluded we need a better vaccine than the current DTaP shot. (DTaP stands for diptheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis.) "Prevention of future outbreaks will be best achieved by developing new pertussis-containing vaccines that provide long-lasting immunity," they wrote.
The findings appear in the latest New England Journal of Medicine.
The pertussis vaccine used today is relatively new. It's made with purified parts of the pertussis bacteria that spur an immune response, rather than whole pertussis cells that were in the standard vaccine until the early 1990s. The switch was made because theolder vaccine had more side effects, such as swelling and pain where it was injected.
The new vaccine works, but not quite as well as was thought. "We know the short-term protection is very good," Tom Clark, an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told USA Today. "But the protection is wearing off and that is the problem."
Other researchers have zeroed in on the same issue. Last month scientists reported that children in Australia were about four times more likely to catch whooping cough after receiving the DTaP vaccine than those who got the older kind.
Spotty vaccination rates are a problem in some places, like California, where whooping cough has roared backed recently. But the weakness of the current vaccine appears to be another factor in the resurgence of whooping cough.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Mounting Evidence Suggests Coffee May Actually Have Therapeutic Health Benefits
For years, physicians have been warning about the negative health effects of drinking coffee. You may have been told that coffee will raise your blood pressure, lead to heart disease, give you an ulcer or make you diabetic. But studies continue to roll in that caste doubt on this "common wisdom."
Certainly, like anything, coffee should not be used in excess. However, study after study has failed to prove that moderate coffee consumption increases your risk for cardiovascular disease or any other serious illness.
In fact, it's beginning to look like coffee—at least in moderation—may have a number of unrecognized health-promoting properties. As a result of the rather impressive list of therapeutic benefits, I've changed my recommendations about coffee.
One of the latest studies, published in April 2012 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, confirms earlier studies that coffee may actually reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
Regardless of traditionally ominous warnings that coffee should be avoided, it's being consumed in massive quantities worldwide. Although it's inarguable now that coffee does have therapeutic benefits, if you are dousing your cup of Joe in creamer, sugar, and other sweeteners and flavorings, you are missing out on the therapeutic benefits and potentially harming your health.
Please understand that I am not changing my position to justify a "bad" habit. I personally have never enjoyed the taste of coffee and have had less than five cups my entire life and those were used therapeutically to compensate for jet lag.
Could Coffee Really be GOOD for You?
My understanding of coffee's virtues was greatly enhanced by my interview withOri Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet and Unlocking the Muscle Gene, who has researched coffee extensively. Ori explained how coffee, when consumed in the right way, can be used effectively as part of your overall health and fitness plan.
Although organic coffee as a whole food may be therapeutic, caffeine in isolation can be quite toxic. The natural blend of polyphenol antioxidants (including chlorogenic acids), bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals in coffee beans all work together to help neutralize the harsher effects of the caffeine. There are literally thousands of different natural chemical compounds in your brew, and science now suggests the synergy between them can pack a nice nutritional punch.
With all of these compounds, you might wonder if there are any that have undesirable health effects. Yes, there are. But as I mentioned earlier, these are more concerning if ingested in isolation, as opposed to being consumed as part of the whole food.
What about the Caffeine?
Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world and can be helpful or harmful, depending on how it's used. Caffeine provides a "lift" by blocking the normal action of adenosine. Adenosine normally slows down your brain's activity and induces sleepiness. Some people are caffeine sensitive and don't tolerate it well, or have problems sleeping if they have caffeine too late in the day.
Caffeine levels vary depending on type of bean, roast, grind, and brewing method. Contrary to popular belief, darker roasts typically contain less caffeine than lighter roasts due to the prolonged heat breaking down more of the caffeine molecules. Bean species also differ widely in their naturally occurring concentrations of caffeine. Additionally, drip coffee actually has morecaffeine than espresso because the brew time is much longer. And in general, the finer the grind, the higher the caffeine in the coffee. So, you might want to vary some of these factors if you experience a reaction, like switching from drip coffee to espresso, or changing brands.
If you have an issue with decreased adrenal function, use coffee with care, as it can be hard on your adrenal glands. Coffee also has a diuretic effect, so if you have problems with electrolyte imbalance, you might want to avoid it.
If you have any negative reactions to coffee, caffeine isn't always the culprit. You could be sensitive to some of the burnt sugars or oils produced during the roasting of the beans, rather than the caffeine. People experience symptoms such as stomach cramping, heart palpitations and other autonomic symptoms, and these symptoms are usually interpreted as caffeine sensitivity when they are actually more of a food intolerance. There is also the possibility of mold or other contaminants triggering an allergy (as coffee is a dried food), so you want to make sure your coffee is of the highest quality and meticulously produced.
But as a whole, if you're healthy, coffee is pretty well tolerated and the positive effects seem to outweigh the negative ones for most people. Please note that I still recommend women completely avoid using caffeine while pregnant.
The List is Growing of Health Benefits from Coffee
The following is a summary of some of the more recent research that supports coffee's health benefits.
Type 2 DiabetesA Japanese study in 2010 revealed that coffee consumption exerted a protective effect against type 2 diabetes; further confirmed by 2012 German study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers have also found that coffee doubles glucose intake, which will greatly reduce blood glucose levels. Parkinson's Disease Coffee may significantly cut your risk of Parkinson's disease . In fact, coffee is so preventative against Parkinson's that drug companies are designing experimental drugs that mimic coffee's benefits to your brain Alzheimer's Disease A 2011 study revealed that a yet unidentified mystery ingredient in coffee interacts with the caffeine to help protect you from Alzheimer's diseaseProstate Cancer A large 2011 study of nearly 50,000 men found men who drank six cups of coffee per day had 60 percent lower risk of lethal prostate cancer, and those who drank three cups per day had a 30 percent lower riskLiver CancerA Japanese study found those who drank coffee daily, or close to it, had about half the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a type of liver cancer, than people who never drank coffee; coffee is also associated with less severe liver fibrosis, lower levels of fat in your liver, and lower rates of hepatitis-C disease progression Kidney CancerCoffee consumption may be associated with decreased risk of kidney cancer Colorectal Cancer A 2007 study suggested coffee consumption may lower colon cancer risk among women Heart Rhythm Problems A study showed moderate coffee drinking reduces your chances of being hospitalized for heart rhythm problems Pulmonary FunctionA 2010 study revealed a beneficial effect of coffee on the pulmonary function of nonsmokers Stroke A 2011 study found that women who drank more than one cup of coffee per day had about a 25 percent lower risk of stroke than women who drank less; a 2009 study found women who drank four or more cups of coffee per day reduced their stroke risk by 20 percent Gastrointestinal FloraA study in 2009 showed coffee produced an increase in the metabolic activity and/or numbers of Bifidobacterium, which are beneficial bacteria in your gut
There are many more studies with positive findings—in fact, too many to list. Not every single study shows coffee to be beneficial, but the majority are quite positive, suggesting that coffee has been unfairly maligned. There is strong evidence coffee can help stabilize your blood glucose level and may even help curb sugar cravings. Caffeine binds to your opioid receptors, which essentially prohibits you from craving something else, such as sugar.
Research also shows that coffee triggers a mechanism in your brain that releases a growth factor called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, and also expresses itself in your muscles. It does this by supporting the neuromotor, which is the most critical element in your muscle. Without the neuromotor, your muscle is like an engine without the ignition. Neuromotor degradation is part of the process underlying age-related muscle atrophy. Essentially, caffeine from natural whole coffee may help keep your brain and muscle tissue young.
When to Drink Coffee for Maximum Benefit
According to Ori Hofmekler's extensive research, coffee increases your metabolism by up to 20 percent. I've previously discussed the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach. But coffee can actually be quite beneficial if consumed before exercise. Ori states:
"Coffee before training allows you fast energy to initiate your workout. For people who train in the morning, having coffee before training is a great advantage."
However, coffee is a potent substance and should be used only in moderation—without sugar. Ori recommends having just one cup of organic coffee or one shot of espresso in the morning or before training, and that's it for the day. If you exercise in the morning, have your coffee prior to your workout, NOT after. Consuming coffee after your workout interferes with your body's muscle-building mechanism. Again, your body can handle whole, fresh organic coffee because it doesn't hit your system the way synthetic caffeine does. But you don't want to go overboard.
Dark Roast Coffee may be Superior to Light Roast
When it comes to the health benefits of organic whole-bean black coffee, the darker the roast, the better. It's often the case that foods with the darkest pigments also offer the most robust benefits to health, and dark roast coffee, such as French or Italian Roast, or roasts used to make espresso or Turkish coffee, are no exception.
Roasted coffees are higher in neuroprotective agents than green (unroasted) coffees. A new study in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research found that dark roast coffee restored blood levels of the antioxidants vitamin E and glutathione more effectively than light roast coffee. The dark roast also led to a significant body weight reduction in pre-obese volunteers, whereas the lighter roast did not. Other studies have shown that dark roast coffee produces more of a chemical called N-methylpyridinium, which helps prevent your stomach from producing excess acid, so darker roast coffee may be easier on your stomach than lighter roast coffee.
Coffee Quality is Key: Four Tips to Remember
When it comes to achieving any therapeutic benefits from coffee, only quality coffee will do. You can find a great deal of information at Coffee & Conservation . Here are five primary considerations:
Choose Organic: Coffee beans are one of the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides. So, you should select only coffee beans that are certified organic. Remember, you will obliterate ANY positive effects if you consume coffee that's been doused in pesticides or other chemicals. Whenever possible, purchase sustainable "shade-grown" coffee to help prevent the continued destruction of our tropical rain forests and the birds that inhabit them. There are many who say shade grown coffee tastes better as well.
Whole Bean: You'll want to purchase whole bean coffee that smells and tastes fresh, not stale; if your coffee does not have a pleasant aroma, it is likely rancid. Grind it yourself to prevent rancidity as pre-ground coffee may be rancid by the time you get it home.
Drink it Black: If you're interested in the health benefits, drink your coffee black, without sugar or cream or flavorings. Add sugar and you'll certainly ruin any of the benefits discussed above by spiking your insulin levels, which contributes to insulin resistance. Make sure the water you're using is pure.
Coffee Filters: If you use a "drip" coffee maker, be sure to use non-bleached filters. The bright white ones are chlorine-bleached, and some of this chlorine will leach from the filter during the brewing process. Bleached filters are also notoriously full of dangerous disinfection byproducts, such as dioxin.
Coffee Mugs: Please be careful about the container you use. Avoid plastic cups as the BPA will leach into your drink, and also avoid Styrofoam cups that can leach polystyrene molecules. Your best bets include glass and ceramic travel mugs.
Take a Crack at Roasting Your Own
If you want ultimate control over the quality of your coffee, as well as great cost savings, you may want to check into roasting your own beans. Many places are now offering dried organic green coffee beans for sale at less than half the cost of roasted. This can amount to a huge savings over grocery store prices—and is certainly more cost effective than daily visits to your local coffee house, even after the cost of a small home roasting machine is factored in. Your coffee will be fresher and the nutritional benefits more dependable. And it's fun!
Roastmasters is a popular online resource for information about home coffee roasting and supplies. If you follow the guidelines above, I see no reason why coffee cannot be a sensible and even therapeutic part of your diet.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Find a Compassionate Doctor to Help You Prevent Vaccine Injuries
Ever since the first vaccines – smallpox and rabies vaccines – one of the most serious complications of vaccination has been brain inflammation Brain inflammation can cause convulsions, also known as seizures. Continuing seizures can permanently damage the brain over time.
In fact, for the first 40 years that the pertussis vaccine was given to children in the DPT shot, pediatricians were told: "Do not give any more pertussis vaccines to children who develop seizures within 72 hours of a DPT vaccination." Convulsions were an absolute contraindication to more DPT shots, especially if they occurred without a fever.
Protecting Children Vulnerable to Vaccine Reactions
But that changed after Congress passed a 1986 law shielding doctors and vaccine manufacturers from vaccine injury lawsuits. Once pediatricians were protected from lawsuits, public health officials and medical trade associations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, said serious vaccine reactions – such as seizures (1 child in 14,000), high-pitched screaming and collapse/shock (hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes) – weren't all that important.
So today, it is really up to parents to find a doctor they can trust, who will take the precautionary approach to giving more vaccines in the face of previous vaccine reactions, like seizures, especially if the child has symptoms of brain injury.
On NVIC's Vaccine Freedom Wall at NVIC.org, mothers are posting descriptions of how they have been threatened and punished with dismissal from pediatric practices when they try to protect their children from vaccine reactions.
Here is one Mom's story:
"After receiving her first vaccines, including DPT, my daughter began to have violent seizures, which continued but lessened over the next year. On many occasions, pediatricians have attempted to bully me into allowing more vaccinations for her. Telling them about her seizures, I refuse and tell each of them 'unless you will personally guarantee, in writing, that there will be no adverse reactions so I can sue you if there are, then I won't do it.' Not a single doctor has taken me up on my offer," she said.
"My daughter is now diagnosed with autism. After we moved, we had to get another doctor and, after a year when I wouldn't change my mind about more vaccines, he told me he wouldn't be our doctor anymore. I went to another doctor, who wouldn't even take us into his practice. We finally found someone who understands. She is an awesome pediatrician! So something good came of it in the end," she said.
The Precautionary Approach: Children Are Not All the Same
There are enlightened pediatricians, who do take the precautionary approach to vaccination because they care about preventing vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. They want to be partners with parents in making personalized health care decisions for children because they know that children are not all the same and that some children are not able to handle the process of vaccination.
Please don't be afraid to stand up for your human right to protect your child from harm. Especially if your child has already experienced a vaccine reaction, search until you find a compassionate pediatrician or family practice doctor who will work with you to make the best health care decisions for your child.
It's your health, your family, your choice.
CA Bill to Restrict Personal Belief Exemption Passes
On Aug. 27 an amended California bill (AB2109) to restrict a parent's ability to obtain a personal belief exemption to vaccination for their child to attend school, passed the Assembly by a vote of 49 to 24. The bill will force parents filing a non-medical exemption to pay for an appointment with a medical doctor or state-designated medical worker and ask for a signature that permits the parent to obtain an exemption for religious, conscientious or philosophical beliefs.
School Nurses, Not Pharmacists Can Sign the Form
The bill was vigorously debated on the Senate floor on Aug. 24 after an amendment had been added to allow school nurses to sign the personal belief exemption form but denied pharmacists the right to sign the form due to opposition from the bill's sponsor, pediatrician Richard Pan, M.D. (D-Sacramento). There are fewer than 2500 nurses working in California's 10,000 schools but there are more than 300,000 pharmacists working in local drug stores.
Contact Governor Jerry Brown and Make Your Voice Heard
If Governor Jerry Brown signs AB2109 into law, it will take effect on Jan. 1, 2014. If you want to tell Governor Brown what you think about AB2109, sign up for NVIC's Advocacy Portal and be put in touch with him with the touch of your iPhone screen or click of a computer mouse.
Watch the Aug. 24 Senate floor debate on AB2109 here. (scroll in to 4 hours, 20 minutes, 27 seconds)
Read the text of A2109 here.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
In the Middle East, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost
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According to President Obama’s narrative, the murder of four Americans in Libya is a story of “senseless violence” provoked by an anti-Islam video. According to his Praetorian Guards in the media, the story is how Mitt Romney rudely criticized Obama’s foreign policy.
Here’s the real story: The murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others is the most important terrorist attack on American civilians since 9/11. And it happened on the 11th anniversary of that day of infamy, on Obama’s watch.
There were no Marines on guard, and there are reports that the Benghazi embassy had been warned of an Al Qaeda assault, yet there were no precautions. It is likely the organized attackers, some carrying rocket-propelled grenades, had inside information about a “safe house,” where they killed two of the Americans.
Obama, after offering condolences and vowing to find those responsible, flew off to a campaign event in Vegas.
If that were all, it would be reason enough to doubt his competency and character. But it’s not all.
The crisis, including riots at our embassies in 20 countries, is the full flowering of a policy predicated on appeasement and apology. To borrow a phrase, the Obama chickens are coming home to roost.
The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?
To ask is to concede despair. Starting with his Cairo speech in 2009, Obama promised a “new beginning” in our relations with Muslims. Had the comment been a marketing tool for a new administration, it would have been understandable. But the speech was far from benign. It foretold the ruinous path he would follow.
In Cairo, Obama insisted that, after 9/11, America “acted contrary to our ideals,” by using torture — a libel against his own country and the warriors who defend it. Under the Obama “ideals,” we follow a “kill or release” protocol, blasting terrorist leaders with drones while freeing all others without interrogation. So death is now more humane than waterboarding.
He suggested in Cairo that Americans harbor bigotry against Muslims, saying, “We cannot disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of liberalism.” That, too, was a slander, and the policy corollary is that he says nothing about the slaughter of Christians in Arab lands.
He misstated Mideast history to draw a moral equivalency between Israelis and Palestinians. His portrayal of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza was spun of whole cloth, as was his claim that Israeli settlement activity “violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace.” As a result, there have been no direct negotiations during his term.
On Iran, he talked as if the mad mullahs and the US are equally responsible for the 30-year rupture, even though Iran was at that moment helping to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said, “No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons,” a tip-off to his feckless policy.
The central idea of that speech is that America and Israel are largely to blame for radical Islam. The same instinct drips from the statement issued by Obama’s Cairo representative last Tuesday.
Utterly craven, the statement “condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions . . . we firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”
Deciphering the childish gibberish leads to the conclusion that free speech is OK only until Muslim feelings are hurt. Then we surrender our values to the mob.
In its cockeyed defense, the White House offered conflicting claims: one, that the statement came before the riots began; two, that we should, Obama said, “cut folks a little bit of slack” when they fear for their lives.
Let’s see — there was no riot, but they feared for their lives?
In fact, the embassy reaffirmed the apology twice while the riots raged.
After the statement was online for nearly 10 hours, Mitt Romney called it disgraceful and the White House quickly disavowed it. Until then, the apology for free speech was the sole response from the White House to the day’s events.
And why not? It is perfectly consistent with the last four years.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Shalom, New Moon
The New Moon was seen in Israel. How do I know? I, along with over 100 people just saw it! This marks the Biblical Seventh Month. The Fall Feasts are upon us! May His presence be upon each of you as we enter this special time.  
Look toward the western sky at sundown tonight and celebrate the goodness of HaShem in our lives.
Celebration Tips
Lighting of the Menorah 
Reading Psalms
Blowing of the shofar Celebration dinner Special time of thanks and blessing
May HaShem open His floodgates of blessing upon you in this new month. Chodesh Tov. (Good month)
Be Strong,
  Mike Clayton
Joined To HaShem
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike
An armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons programme.
Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war.
Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world’s petroleum traded by sea.
A blockade would have a catastrophic effect on the fragile economies of Britain, Europe the United States and Japan, all of which rely heavily on oil and gas supplies from the Gulf.
The Strait of Hormuz is one of the world’s most congested international waterways. It is only 21 miles wide at its narrowest point and is bordered by the Iranian coast to the north and the United Arab Emirates to the south.
In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise.
The war games are the largest ever undertaken in the region.
They will practise tactics in how to breach an Iranian blockade of the strait and the force will also undertake counter-mining drills.
The multi-national naval force in the Gulf includes three US Nimitz class carrier groups, each of which has more aircraft than the entire complement of the Iranian air force.
The carriers are supported by at least 12 battleships, including ballistic missile cruisers, frigates, destroyers and assault ships carrying thousand of US Marines and special forces.
The British component consists of four British minesweepers and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Cardigan Bay, a logistics vessel. HMS Diamond, a brand-new £1billion Type 45 destroyer, one of the most powerful ships in the British fleet, will also be operating in the region.
In addition, commanders will also simulate destroying Iranian combat jets, ships and coastal missile batteries.
In the event of war, the main threat to the multi-national force will come from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps navy, which is expected to adopt an “access-denial” strategy in the wake of an attack, by directly targeting US warships, attacking merchant shipping and mining vital maritime chokepoints in the Persian Gulf.
Defence sources say that although Iran’s capability may not be technologically sophisticated, it could deliver a series of lethal blows against British and US ships using mini-subs, fast attack boats, mines and shore-based anti-ship missile batteries.
Next month, Iran will stage massive military manoeuvres of its own, to show that it is prepared to defend its nuclear installations against the threat of aerial bombardment.
The exercise is being showcased as the biggest air defence war game in the Islamic Republic’s history, and will be its most visible response yet to the prospect of an Israeli military strike.
Using surface-to-air missiles, unmanned drones and state-of-the-art radar, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and air force will combine to test the defences of 3,600 sensitive locations throughout the country, including oil refineries and uranium enrichment facilities.
Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya air defence base, told a conference this month that the manoeuvres would “identify vulnerabilities, try out new tactics and practise old ones”.
At the same time as the Western manoeuvres in the Gulf, the British Response Task Forces Group — which includes the carrier HMS Illustrious, equipped with Apache attack helicopters, along with the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle - will be conducting a naval exercise in the eastern Mediterranean. The task force could easily be diverted to the Gulf region via the Suez Canal within a week of being ordered to do so.
The main naval exercise comes as President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, today to discuss the Iranian crisis.
Many within the Obama administration believe that Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the US presidential elections, an act which would signal the failure of one of Washington’s key foreign policy objectives.
Both Downing Street and Washington hope that the show of force will demonstrate to Iran that Nato and the West will not allow President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian leader, to develop a nuclear armoury or close Hormuz.
Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service, reportedly met the Israeli prime minister and Ehud Barak, his defence secretary, two weeks ago in an attempt to avert military action against Iran.
But just last week Mr Netanyahu signalled that time for a negotiated settlement was running out when he said: “The world tells Israel 'Wait, there’s still time.’ And I say, 'Wait for what? Wait until when?’
“Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.”
The crisis hinges on Iran’s nuclear enrichment programme, which Israel believes is designed to build an atomic weapon. Tehran has long argued that the programme is for civil use only and says it has no plans to an build a nuclear bomb, but that claim has been disputed by the West, with even the head of MI6 stating that the Islamic Republic is on course to develop atomic weapons by 2014.
The Strait of Hormuz has long been disputed territory, with the Iranians claiming control of the region and the entire Persian Gulf.
Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps recently boasted that “any plots of enemies” would be foiled and a heavy price exacted, adding: “We determine the rules of military conflict in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.”
But Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, warned that Iranian attempts to exercise control over the Strait of Hormuz could be met with force.
He said: “The Iranians need to understand that the United States and the international community are going to hold them directly responsible for any disruption of shipping in that region — by Iran or, for that matter, by its surrogates.”
Mr Panetta said that the United States was “fully prepared for all contingencies” and added: “We’ve invested in capabilities to ensure that the Iranian attempt to close down shipping in the Gulf is something that we are going to be able to defeat if they make that decision.”
That announcement was supported by Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, who added: “We are determined to work as part of the international community effort to ensure freedom of passage in the international waters of the Strait of Hormuz.”
One defence source told The Sunday Telegraph last night: “If it came to war, there would be carnage. The Iranian casualties would be huge but they would be able to inflict severe blows against the US and British.
“The Iranian Republican Guard are well versed in asymmetrical warfare and would use swarm attacks to sink or seriously damage ships. This is a conflict nobody wants, but the rhetoric from Israel is unrelenting.”
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Doomsday Ready? More Americans Becoming 'Preppers'
When an unexpected summer storm knocked out power across the mid-Atlantic region in July, more than 4 million people went without power for up to two weeks.
Throughout the summer, a severe drought across much of the country also put a serious strain on the nation's infrastructure.
Couple that with the threat of a currency collapse, civil unrest, and other nightmare scenarios - stocking up for the unexpected is looking smarter all the time.
Now, a small but growing segment of society is asking the question, "What happens when the lights go out for more than just a few days?"
Preparation or over reaction? CBN News Reporter Chuck Holton talked more about the "prepper" movement as well as how and why many Americans are readying for the worst, on "The 700 Club," Sept. 12.
Many of these "preppers" think the recent record-setting blackout could be just a preview of things to come.
Keith Iton is a die hard prepper and has started a business to help others get ready as well.
"The biggest problem we suffer here in North America is complacency," he claimed.
"People figure since nothing has happened in 'x' amount of years, nothing bad will ever happen," Iton continued. "So they get comfortable, and they get lazy and then unpreparedness comes in. Then you have other people who look at history."
From 'Crazy' to Common
Survivalists are sometimes seen as wild eyed, crazy people waiting for the 'zombie apocalypse.' But with the state of the economy in today's world, being prepared is more popular than ever.
Recently, some 2,000 people gathered in North Carolina for the the Carolina Readiness Seminar to discuss the risks and what can be done about them.
"It's very environmental, very green, takes us off of fossil fuels, and [is] very easy to do," prepper Joel Henderson said.
Henderson is co-owner of Green Gold Filters, one of the vendors at the recent convention. His patented filtration system is helping people accomplish something that America has been trying to do for years -- run a vehicle without foreign oil.
"If anybody has a diesel engine, truck, tractor, or generator, you can use used cooking oil as an alternative diesel fuel, or motor oil," Henderson explained.
"If you go to the restaurants, this is a local restaurant here in Nashville, an Indian restaurant, this is their used cooking oil they were throwing away," he continued. "We picked it up, ran it through our filter system, and now we have a nice alternative diesel fuel that I'll put right in my tank."
'Doomsday Preppers'
The prepper movement is being helped along by a new trend in television shows about the subject. The most popular is National Geographic's "Doomsday Preppers."
"'Doomsday Preppers' is the highest rated show right now ever on National Geographic," casting director Brooklyn Bagwell said.
"It's a show about your average American family, unique people who are prepping for any of life's uncertainties, whether that be economic collapse to solar flare in 2012. No matter what it is they're going to be prepared," he added.
One of the challenges for the show is that most preppers aren't eager to advertise their stockpiles of supplies, since if the bottom drops out, looting could be a real problem.
"We do understand it could be a risk, but we do respect privacy on the show. We don't have to say your first name or last name or where you're from," Bagwell said.
"We try to get in the lives of many diverse preppers, and have each prepper give a take away to our viewers so they can learn more about prepping," he said.
Prepare with God
Iton said the first step to being prepared, however, has nothing to do with canned food or bottled water.
"Your first step to preparedness, for me personally, is your relationship with Jesus Christ," he explained. "If you build a solid relationship with Jesus Christ, then you are more prepared than the average Joe."
"Then after that, if you can get a little food, water stored away, a little safe retreat, it'll all fall into place," Iton said. "You want to be able to feed yourself, feed your family, help a neighbor, help a friend."
A hundred years ago, having extra supplies in the house was considered completely normal. But that has changed.
A recent survey found that 55 percent of Americans have less than three days supply of food in their homes. Many people have no emergency supplies, or even a first aid kit.
But with America's infrastructure becoming more fragile every day, preppers say it's a good idea to stock up, just in case.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
PM: You want fanatics to have nuclear weapons?
In attempt to curb flood of criticism against possible military strike against Tehran, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells Meet the Press 'Iran puts zealotry above survival', explains why containment strategy won't work
 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized certain American columnists saying that they "set a new standard for human stupidity" for writing that a nuclear Iran may "stabilize the Middle East".
In interviews with CNN's State of the Nation and NBC's Meet the Press, both scheduled to be aired on Sunday, Netanyahu tried to rein in the flood of criticism expressed in American newspapers.
In a segment from the interview which was published Saturday night ahead of the NBC interview, the prime minister was asked whether he believed a "containment strategy" would work on Iran, as was done with the Soviet Union in its time.
Netanyahu responded: "I think Iran is very different, they put their zealotry above survival, they have suicide bombers all over the place, I wouldn't rely on their rationality."
According to Netanyahu: "Since the advent of nuclear weapons you've had countries that have had access to nuclear weapons who always made a careful calculation of cost and benefit but Iran is guided by a leadership with an unbelievable fanaticism.
"It's the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassiestoday. You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?"
Netanyahu then responded to the slew of recent criticism expressed in US newspapers towards his plans for a military strikeon Iran: "I heard some people suggest…I actually read this in the American press, they said 'well you know if you take action that’s a lot worse than having Iran with nuclear weapons.'
"Some have even said that Iran with nuclear weapons would stabilize the Middle East. Stabilize the Middle East! I think that the people who say this set a new standard for human stupidity."
On Friday Defense Secretary Leon Panetta dismissed this week's public debate between US and Israeli leaders over whether the allies should set "red lines" that could trigger military action against Iran's nuclear program.
"The fact is, look, presidents of the United States, prime ministers of Israel or any other country – leaders of these countries don't have, you know, a bunch of little red lines that determine their decisions," Paneta told Foreign Policy Magazine.
Iran: Fanatics with nuclear weapons? (Photo: AP)
"What they have are facts that are presented to them about what a country is up to, and then they weigh what kind of action is needed to be taken in order to deal with that situation. I mean, that's the real world.
"Red lines are kind of political arguments that are used to try to put people in a corner," he added.
The New York Times reported on Friday that President Barack Obama has rejected an appeal by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to define a specific “red line” that Iran could not cross in its nuclear program.
Netanyahu reportedly asked Obama in a phone call earlier this week to set the size of Iran’s stockpile of close-to-bomb-grade uranium as the threshold that, if passed, would trigger a US military strike on the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities.
The report cited an unnamed senior US official as saying that the Obama administration's "red line" is a nuclear weapon.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Op-Ed: Today the fuse has been lit for Armageddon
This month, the White House declines Netanyahu's request to meet with Obama, while Obama offers to meet with new Egyptian President Morsi. The damaged relationship between Israel and America has lit the fuse for Armageddon.
From NEWSMAX: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ramped up recent threats to attack Iran, saying if the world powers refused to set a red line for Tehran's nuclear program, they could not demand that Israel hold its fire. "The world tells Israel 'wait, there's still time'. And I say, 'Wait for what? Wait until when?' Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel," said Netanyahu. Netanyahu must stand up to Obama and Clinton and expose their Mideast pro-Islamic agenda. Obama and Clinton are interested in the Muslim Brotherhood coming to power by helping Morsi assemble his Egyptian Army to attack Israel.
From HAARETZ: The White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's request recently to meet U.S. President Barack Obama during a UN conference in New York at the end of the month. Obama is making Israel the enemy and not Iran. Iran has identified Obama’s bluff by ignoring everything Obama said publically and continuing its nuclear weapons program daily. Obama told Israel just to wait until the sanctions are in place and negotiations are finished. While Israel waits, Iran gets closer to building a nuclear weapon.
From THE HILL: President Obama has invited Egypt's new president to meet him in New York when the United Nations General Assembly convenes in September, an administration official confirmed to The Hill. The invitation to Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, a group with a violent past, could raise concerns among lawmakers who have questioned continued U.S. support for Egypt. Obama has completely turned against Israel and is now supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. He invites Morsi to the White House after he rejects Netanyahu, while the Muslims attack US embassies throughout the Mideast. The Muslims are energized for war because they do not believe America will support Israel during the next Arab-Israeli conflict.
The Islamic caliphate unity is now shaping. The attacks on America’s Mideast embassies were planned by the Muslim Brotherhood members and they struck on 11 September to commemorate the devastating attacks on America in 2001. This will advance their anti-West agenda and energize them greatly. Analysts see no turning back from warfare now. The Muslim Brotherhood controls the Islamic power throughout the Mideast. They can sense Obama’s weakness and they will manipulate his political situation. Their objective is the complete takeover of Jerusalem because Jerusalem is the third holiest site within the Islamic religious traditions. When the Brotherhood controls Syria, their takeover will be complete in the Mideast and they will focus all their power and military means against Israel and America.
Many analysts assess the Mideast war is very close. The tension is in the air, while troop movements continue as people store food and water. The military concentration is in the north where Syria and Hezbollah forces operate. This war will appear to be Armageddon because there will be massive bloodshed among the Arab, Jewish, and Christian populations in the Mideast. Recently, Obama turned his back on Israel after promising that he would always support Jerusalem. He then humiliated Netanyahu before the Muslims attacked American embassies to humiliate the U.S. and Obama.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Obama's weak 'war' on terrorism
The President doesn't understand or acknowledge the nature of the radical Islamist enemy
On the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11, President Obama uttered these words at the Pentagon:
"Most of the Americans we lost that day had never considered the possibility that a small band of terrorists halfway around the world could do us such harm."
But over a decade later, and on the same day, we were sharply reminded that still, a small band of terrorists halfway around the world are still doing us such harm, and that the threat of radical Islamic jihad is real.
Following the riots at the American embassy in Cairo and at the U.S. Consulate in Libya, where our ambassador to the war-torn country was murdered by what is reported to have been a calculated attack, our administration had a duty to respond. Not only had our flag been desecrated and four of our own been murdered, but it was done on the most symbolic and somber of days.
Unfortunately, the reaction from the White House was anything but firm. Though it distanced itself from the embassy's weak initial response that sympathized with the rioters and expressed sadness "senseless" acts, it failed to accomplish what a nation under attack should.
It instead allowed the Obama campaign to respond first, slamming Romney for his statement. Then, rather than pledge retribution out of the gate, the White House responded with a statement that was limp and lacking in outrage. Said the President: "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants."
Why didn’t the White House warn Egypt it would cut off funding or worse? Obama missed his Reagan moment in a national crisis. His remarks seemed canned. Even Secretary of State Clinton showed more resolve, yet even she appeared in denial when she denounced the attacks as being from a small mob.
None of this is surprising. From day one of his tenure, Obama hasn’t grasped the fight we’re in.
Since taking office, the President has refrained from using the terms “war on terrorism” or “radical Islamic terrorism." He has softened our alliance with Israel. As recently as last week in Charlotte, Obama and Democrats naively rallied around the misconception that because Osama Bin Laden is dead, we can somehow declare that the mission of defeating terrorism is accomplished.
At ceremonies this week for Sept. 11, Obama proclaimed, “Al Qaeda's leadership has been devastated and Osama Bin Laden will never threaten us again.”
But what Bin Laden was fighting for is exactly what the other Muslim extremists are fighting for - and have been pursuing since the seventh century. And they won't stop until their goal has been reached.
According to Bernard Lewis, author of "The Crisis of Islam," "For most of the fourteen centuries of recorded Muslim history, jihad was most commonly interpreted to mean armed struggle for the defense or advancement of Muslim power.
"In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into two houses: the House of Islam (Dr al-Islm), in which Muslim governments rule and Muslim law prevails, and the House of War (Dr al-Harb), the rest of the world, still inhabited and, more important, ruled by infidels. The presumption is that the duty of jihad will continue, interrupted only by truces, until all the world either adopts the Muslim faith or submits to Muslim rule. Those who fight in the jihad qualify for rewards in both worlds - booty in this one, paradise in the next."
Meaning: For some radicals, the fighting will keep going, even if there are periods of peace, until we all become Muslims or we live under a Muslim reign. Lewis also cites utterances of the Prophet Muhammed, including "jihad is your duty under any ruler, be he godly or wicked:" and "a day and a night of fighting on the frontier is better than a month of fasting and prayer."
This knowledge is something that President Bush, like him or not, acutely comprehended. The radicals hate America and what we stand for. Killing Americans because of a cartoon, a movie or otherwise is simply an excuse, and no mealy mouthed mea culpa or naive attempts to get the world to understand us better will change that.
Our weakness will only enable their mission to covert or kill.
Obama, to his credit, has used predator drones to kill terrorists, rather than capture them. But this alone does not a leader make. And what good are drones behind the scenes if publicly the President is soft out of the gate after an act of carnage against America?
As Dennis Miller wisely noted, this administration will harp on a made up war on women, but not cite the very real war on America that has been thrust back onto the main stage. One that has been going on for centuries, and one that will never be defeated until we have a commander-in-chief who not just gets it, but who is willing to fight it head on.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Dr Pepper Evolution Ad Creates Controversy on Facebook
Increasingly, businesses are taking advantage of the vast reach that social media offers to connect with consumers. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter provide a free platform with which to advertise and engage an audience. While using social media can be a useful tool, some companies are finding it to be a double-edged sword. One wrong post on a company's official Facebook page can become a lightning rod for controversy.
This is what seems to have taken place with soft drink maker Dr Pepper. The company posted a graphic on its Facebook page Thursday titled "Evolution of Flavor." The image parodies the popular "March of Progress" diagram, which shows the evolution of human beings from lower forms to present-day people. The Dr Pepper version evolves from "pre-pepper" to "Pepper Discovery" to "Post Pepper." The post made quite a splash, but maybe not for the reason that Dr Pepper intended. Purported creationists started commenting with complaints about what they thought was Dr Pepper's endorsement of evolutionary theory. One person wrote, "I love Dr Pepper but hate this photo. Forget evolution." Another person wrote, "Well, there goes my support for this company." It's unclear how many of the entries were sarcastic, but the post now has more than 3,000 comments, with most of them debating evolution. Among those supporting evolution were people encouraging everyone to calm down. One person wrote, "It's just a joke. People gotta lighten up and just live life."
The post has received more than 25,000 likes so far, and the company does not seem to be in any rush to remove the graphic. Guess this controversy proves that this saying holds true:"There's no such thing as bad publicity." People are still talking about  Dr Pepper.
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blogginghounds-blog · 12 years
Fasting and Prayer for the USA - 16 September, 2012
Recently, I realized that there are about forty days between the commemoration of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and the eve of the forthcoming U.S. presidential elections. With the political direction of the world’s preeminent superpower in the balance—which despite some of its limitations, is still a widely godly country that continues to purport to be a Christian nation, broadly favoring the good news of salvation in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)—we believe that all Messiah followers have a great opportunity to fast and pray for the outcome of this election, according to the ultimate will of God Almighty.
Outreach Israel Ministries is recommending a serious time of reflection, so that we may all seek the Father’s face and plead for His mercy with fasting and prayer (Matthew 6:16-18). By imploring Him to maintain a political leadership of America that will not impede the work of advancing the Kingdom of God on Planet Earth, true Believers have a unique opportunity to put their faith into action, by humbling themselves through fasting and prayer.
For those followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who consistently remember the weekly Sabbath, it just so happens that between the fast of Yom Kippur and the American presidential election, there are six weekly Sabbaths that conclude the Torah cycle and begin it anew. Many of you, especially who are concerned with the current political environment in the world at large, the Middle East and Muslim/Arab nations, and the United States, are likely among those who can be fasting and praying, to some degree, on these days separated apart to commune with the Holy One and His people. Perhaps by coming before Him with contrite hearts, the great Beacon of Freedom andLiberty, the United States of America, will continue to have God's countenance and favor shine upon it.
Yom Kippur will commence on the evening of September 25 and continue to the evening of September 25. The associated weekly Sabbaths between now and the American presidential election are: September 29; October 6; October 13; October 20; October 27; and November 3.
May the Holy One of Israel have mercy on all of His faithful people—and most especially the country, the United States of America, where a great many of them not only reside, but are able to make a difference among the masses of the planet at large!
Until the restoration of all things...
William Mark Huey
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