Merry Christmas to you all!
I hope you all have a wonderful day xx
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All I want to do
Is curl up in a ball and write fluff about one of my OTPs, but I can't, because I'm halfway tidying my room and I'm panicking about tomorrow. I also just want it to be Spa already!
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Panic mode
Results day. Need I say more?
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AS/GCSE Biology qualifies me to give advice about cholesterol
Well, today it did. Sort of. In my job you end up being asked about everything under the sun (A speech Elizabeth I made in retaliation to the threat of the Spanish Armada is one of the more obscure) and today it was researching on the internet (ie, typing into Google and hoping something relevant would come up) tests for cholesterol and the causes of high cholesterol. I know it doesn't sound very interesting, but I rejogged most of my memory of Biology today, and now I kind of miss school. I'm enjoying working, but I just miss the security of lessons and learning. I still can't believe I'm a proper legal adult soon off to University. Crazy. I also appear to have sprained my foot yesterday. I have wrapped it up in a scarf and some strips of fabric as we don't have any bandages (or if we do, I've lost them somewhere). I await with trepidation the thought of standing for four hours tomorrow. Anyway, have a good night Tumblr people x
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Went to the zoo, bought an F1 book
Pretty much sums up my trip today. I saw Indigo and Kahilli who both looked very well. Badongo appears to have doubled in size since the last time I saw him. Kishka is still Kishka, and poor Bahasha, understandably, looks a little under the weather. Poor sweetheart. Barbara looked under the weather too - she looks as though she's missing Wolfgang a lot, and that's actually heartbreaking to see. I'm sure she's getting lots of TLC from everybody who works with her, though x I didn't see Dana (I have suspicions that she was the lady curled up under a sack) or Annette/Jantho but everybody else was around. There's an adorable photo in the orangutan house where they've announced Jantho's birth and in the photo Annette has this amazing look on her face, almost like she's pleased with herself, and like she knows something you don't know. It's an amazing photo which I now have on a magnet on my fridge, alomg with a magnet of Indigo being carried round holding to Kahilli's leg, and a key ring of Kahilli and Indigo. We ventured into the 'Gerald Durrell experience'; honestly, if they'd have been selling the photos and newspaper clippings and original documents in that room, I'd have taken all of it home with me. Lastly, wandering back to the entrance hall, we chanced across an F1 annual from 1999. I don't know how it will fit on the shelf, but I'll manage somehow. So, a sort of bitter sweet day in all, but I'm glad I could go and check on everybody :)
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This is where I collapse
I just got an offer from Buckingham! *Officially dead because now I have to potentially choose between there and Kent and I don't know what to do*
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1309 Words
Not bad for a day's work, even though all of it is for the fifth book, not the first...
Still, nothing beats the Snow Day where I wrote 3,500 words of Fan-fiction that I doubt will ever see the light of day. Talk about useless. 
Snow's on the horizon again, actually. It's actually pretty cold outside now, chilly for little reason. At least I've broken up for Easter now, so no last minute decisions in the morning regarding whether the schools will be closed. 
And now Sylvester has made an appearance in my room; I'm truly honored. Missy sleeps here at night (like a flipping body guard at my door waiting in case one of the boys comes in), and Lucky will sleep on the bed during the day, but Sil, not so much. 
Anyway, Tumblr, until the next time...
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Back to school tomorrow
Following our snow-induced impromptu half term... This has been such a bizzare week - I'll only have 5 lessons under my belt - almost no point going in tomorrow - not with a race weekend on the door step! I'm super excited for Australia - I'm not making any predictions in case I jinx anybody, but good luck to Lewis, Nico H, and JEV. A special call out too for Jules, Esteban, and Valterri in their first F1 race. This year, until I add more drivers to my 'midfield babes' support pot (even though you don't have to be in the midfield to qualify), I'm supporting Lewis, Nico R, Nico H, Esteban, JEV, and Daniel. Basically Mercedes, Sauber, and Toro Rosso... that can't end badly at all, can it? Night folks - one sleep and a half till FP1!
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School's off for me today
On account of Jersey having its first 'RED' weather warning issued since 1987... that's before I was even born - before my parents had even met! And in 1987, well, the end result wasn't pretty - some stretches of countryside are only just recovering. So now I'm in bed alternating between cuddling cats, breaking up their squabbles, and dragging Missy out of the bin. 'You've got a day off.' 'And I'm up earlier than I normally would be.' Ah well Hope everybody has a good day, and if you've weather like mine, be careful x
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Rest in peace Wolfgang
Thougbts with Barbara and their keepers x
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Goodbye Bed
This is the last night in which I sleep in my bed. Yesterday marked the 7th anniversary of moving into our 'new' house, and that's when I sort of inherited my bed. My bed for one more night used to be my parents' but the frame was too big to fit in their room as their room came fitted with wardrobes in weird shapes. The bed had to therefore go in what was meant to be my room, and my parents slept there whilst I was in their room on a blow up bed. Eventually, my parents got their new bed that they have now, and I got to move into my room, and, for the mean time, keep the big bed. The plan was always to downsize my bed, but nothing happened till this week when me and my dad went into town to buy a single bed for me, and we only ordered it today and it is being delivered tomorrow morning between 9.30 and 12.00. Is it just me or is that really quick? I'm going to be at work when my new bed arrives - I'm going to be all jittery waiting for 4.00 so I can go home! Alas, I will miss my lovely big bed, my ample duvet, and my somehow acquired five pillows; I just can't get over the fact that this is the last night in a bed I can be all sides of the room in, practically. So, that's probably not what you were intending to read about tonight, but I needed to put a mark up somewhere so I know the exact day I finally lost my big bed.
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Thank you so much Kent!
I'm giddy x
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Thank you
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thank you for this amazing year  boys, all of you.
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In less than 10 hours Lewis Hamilton will officially no longer be a member of the Mclaren F1 team. 
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Ode to Fiesta
That fantastic, beautiful car is no more. Today, it suffered an oil failure that led to the engine failing. It costs less to get a new car than to repair that one, so we're letting it go (much like we did with the Escort eight years ago). I'm going to miss the only car I'm currently insured to drive in, and we've had some great times, like Sunday, when I took it and my sister to Waitrose; or the time I had to reverse it down a ramp in a car park because the hand brake failed, or even driving me and my sister to school that week. I'll miss you, Fiesta: you were a lovely little car xx ~*~* I can hear Lucky downstairs chasing baulbauls. You'd never twig that he's eight years old. Missy by comparison is slouched across my back, and Sillie: he's back in his annual Christmas den; under the Christmas Tree.
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I wish I'd been there when...
Been thinking about this a lot recently, and I’ve narrowed down a shortlist. So, in no particular order, I wish I’d been there when… -…the Berlin Wall was brought down. The atmosphere that night must have been electric, and can you imagine telling your grandchildren years down the line that you’d stood on top of that wall or been in the crowd on such an historic occasion that meant so much to so many people and unified Germany as one nation after so long seperated. Can you imagine being from East Berlin and stepping across the gap into West for the first time, or visa versa? It must have been a bittersweet moment for a lot of people. -…man landed on the moon for the first time: it was such an epic occasion, and a happy one too. A milestone for the whole world, and to have seen it first hand would surely have been aweinspiring. Imagine… gees, I’m in serious need of a time machine. -…Jersey was liberated on May 9th 1945. The war and the occupation of the island by German soldiers ended, Allied soldiers arrived, and there were celebrations and for the first time since 1940, I guess it could be said that islanders were properly happy. The liberation of Jersey is a bit like the Berlin Wall falling as both were momentus occasions that signalled the end of so many horrible things that had affected the lives of so many innocent people. …to be continued soon… (Sorry, sleep’s calling me, and it’d be rude to say ‘no’). Night x ~*~*~*
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