blooming-peace · 10 months
To not lose you (Chap. 3)
Hi I'm not death!
I'm sorry to not update in such a long time, I had been doing my thesis (I'm still doing it, I'm fighting for my life, send help)
There for, today's update is a bit short, but very sweet in my opinion.
Pairing: Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader Tags: Arranged Marriage Wordcount: 465 Warnings: Swearing, Miscommunication, OoC(?)
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Two weeks
You hadn’t come through the door of his office in two weeks.
And he knows fully well that he has no right to complain after all the pain he caused you, and that he is the one being greedy for wishing you to come through the door with that soft smile and gentle eyes of yours.
How much longer are you planning to play this game of pride?
Is he truly willing to lose the closest friend he ever had because of his pride? Because you had given up yours all those 6 long months of marriage. Perhaps even longer.
He stands up from his desk at the realization, and open the door of his office.
“Yes, my lord?” the blonde responds quickly
“Is (Y/N) in the Estate?” he asks him
“The lady should be tutoring young lady Ayaka right now” he answers with a smile “They should be in the lady’s office”
“Thank you Thoma” and with that said he walked to your office.
The door was open, and he got to catch a glimpse of how you and Ayaka smiled as you taught her the history of Inazuma.
He hesitated for a moment, but he knocked the door of your office. “(Y/N)” he called your name softly. “…Can we talk?”
There was a faint surprise in your eyes when you heard him, but nodded “That’ll be all for today’s lesson, Ayaka, you are free for the rest of the day” you said the younger girl gently.
“Ah, yes” Ayaka nodded, noticing quickly she had to left “Big sister, may we play shogi later?”
“Surely, now, of you go” you answered with a soft smile, Ayaka smiling back in return and leaving the room. Soon after, Ayato went inside the office, closing the door. “…So?” there was no anger on your voice, but a hint of tiredness.
“…I wanted to apologize…” He said and bowed towards her “you are right I’m the biggest fool in all of Teyvat, and you didn’t deserve all the pain I caused upon you…” he paused, not lifting his head “and with things only getting from bad to worse recently I had been unfair with you, and a big idiot…” he breathed “…I know there are no excuses to what I had done to you… but I hope that you could forgive me somed-“ He interrupted himself when he felt your soft hand in his cheek. Lifting up his head. A tender smile gracing your lips, in contrast to the kind sadness your eyes had.
“I forgive you…” you said with that softness and care that he didn’t even know he craved to hear again. A silent tear fell from his face as he placed his hand in the one on his cheeks.
“Thanks you”
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blooming-peace · 10 months
To not lose you (Chap. 3)
Hi I'm not death!
I'm sorry to not update in such a long time, I had been doing my thesis (I'm still doing it, I'm fighting for my life, send help)
There for, today's update is a bit short, but very sweet in my opinion.
Pairing: Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader Tags: Arranged Marriage Wordcount: 465 Warnings: Swearing, Miscommunication, OoC(?)
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Two weeks
You hadn’t come through the door of his office in two weeks.
And he knows fully well that he has no right to complain after all the pain he caused you, and that he is the one being greedy for wishing you to come through the door with that soft smile and gentle eyes of yours.
How much longer are you planning to play this game of pride?
Is he truly willing to lose the closest friend he ever had because of his pride? Because you had given up yours all those 6 long months of marriage. Perhaps even longer.
He stands up from his desk at the realization, and open the door of his office.
“Yes, my lord?” the blonde responds quickly
“Is (Y/N) in the Estate?” he asks him
“The lady should be tutoring young lady Ayaka right now” he answers with a smile “They should be in the lady’s office”
“Thank you Thoma” and with that said he walked to your office.
The door was open, and he got to catch a glimpse of how you and Ayaka smiled as you taught her the history of Inazuma.
He hesitated for a moment, but he knocked the door of your office. “(Y/N)” he called your name softly. “…Can we talk?”
There was a faint surprise in your eyes when you heard him, but nodded “That’ll be all for today’s lesson, Ayaka, you are free for the rest of the day” you said the younger girl gently.
“Ah, yes” Ayaka nodded, noticing quickly she had to left “Big sister, may we play shogi later?”
“Surely, now, of you go” you answered with a soft smile, Ayaka smiling back in return and leaving the room. Soon after, Ayato went inside the office, closing the door. “…So?” there was no anger on your voice, but a hint of tiredness.
“…I wanted to apologize…” He said and bowed towards her “you are right I’m the biggest fool in all of Teyvat, and you didn’t deserve all the pain I caused upon you…” he paused, not lifting his head “and with things only getting from bad to worse recently I had been unfair with you, and a big idiot…” he breathed “…I know there are no excuses to what I had done to you… but I hope that you could forgive me somed-“ He interrupted himself when he felt your soft hand in his cheek. Lifting up his head. A tender smile gracing your lips, in contrast to the kind sadness your eyes had.
“I forgive you…” you said with that softness and care that he didn’t even know he craved to hear again. A silent tear fell from his face as he placed his hand in the one on his cheeks.
“Thanks you”
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blooming-peace · 1 year
To not lose you (Chap. 2)
Pairing: Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader
Tags: Arranged Marriage
Wordcount: 1,3k
Warnings: Swearing, Miscommunication, OoC(?)
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The marriage has been held at last.
It was nothing extremely fancy as one would expect, it all just followed the traditions of Inazuma, not many guesses. Both your families and some relevant members of the Tri-Commission. And you prefer it like this, if you were to be honest, however, there is something still bothering you greatly.
Ayato was still angry at you.
You’ll have to be dumb to not notice, he even didn’t even looked at you once you were alone in the room together.
“…I’ll go to sleep to another room...” you said, knowing he will also prefer if you didn’t share a room with him. He didn’t even nod at you, staying silent as you left to one of the guests rooms. It did hurt you, did he think of you so lowly to not even try and talk to you? You sighed and felt tears menacing to fall, but as always, you’ll just wait…
The following days were pretty much the same as before you married, Lady Kamisato trained you to over see most of the affairs expected of you, such as arranging the house finances, the retainers and handle some of the paperwork. It was not an easy job, but at least you showed to be a fast learner.
You also started training in the art of the sword with Ayaka, but it became quite obvious very quickly that you had no talent nor training when it came to weapons. Your clan was better known for being researchers and scholars than for their capabilities at combat afterall
But is this background that gave you the ability to read and understand documents very fast, you impressed both lady and lord Kamisato in the aspect of dealing with documents and paperwork. And how quickly you could come up with a solution.
“…let me asks for forgiveness in my son’s behalf…” the lady said, as you played shogi together “we thought this marriage was the best option since you both were close since childhood, but it seems our decision has been wrongly made, seen how he is acting…”
“There is nothing to apologise to, mother” she allowed you to call her that way “…Ayato is just displeased because it was all too sudden, I’m sure we will be able to be as before someday…”
“How are you feeling thought?” She asked in that sweet motherly tone
“…I was surprised at first, who wouldn’t?” you answered “Right now… it does pain me that he seems to be resentful towards me…”
The older woman just gave you a soft and reassuring squeeze on your hand, making the unconscious sad expression you made disappear.
…It snowed that day…
The Kamisatos were at the Lord’s bedside, you slightly afar.
His father had passed away, yet, he didn’t allow himself to show any sadness at this very moment. …Not even when his mother followed his father a few days after…
You stood by his side, trying to be a source of support if he were to need it. But he only grew more determined, even more when he finally started hanging his hydro vision near him. Still, you were doing your best to make his now increasing job lighter.
Is obvious how worried Ayaka, Thoma and yourself are for him, but at this moment you understand. He wants to make sure his family is safe, that the Yashiro commission doesn’t fall as the other clans within it fight for power trying to pull him down so they can use him as a steppingstone. While the Kanjou and Tenryou commissions do about the same from the outside.
So you continue to do the best you can to support him, many of the retainers abandoned the Kamisato Estate before the lord’s passing, knowing the increasing turmoil the Yashiro Commission will find itself in, now with you both as the new young and inexperienced heads many more left. But you made sure to take care of those that remained, so their loyalty was seem rewarded. You also take upon yourself to teach and raise the still young Ayaka, while taking care of some minor works to lighten your husband’s load…
He still refuses to talk to you, even as he buries himself in work. If this is his way of grieving is very unhealthy, but you’ll support him as much as you are able to. You are the one that insist him the most to at least drink the tea you made, as you thank Thoma for making sure he eats. And you continued to do this day after day, night after night, trying to not become a load or another source of worry for Thoma and Ayaka.
Is at this very moment that a most unwanted letter arrived, from your own father, asking you to use your power as the new lady of the Kamisato clan to put yours on a better political position. You don’t know if laugh or cry as you read his words, asking yourself what if any power the Kamisato clan had left. It won’t be the last time he’ll send you a letter of this kind either, even after infinite rejections from your side, you wonder what can even go worst…
You knock the door that goes to your husband office, carrying tea for him as you usually do before going inside. He barely looks at you, but he seems to grab an envelop that you quickly recognise as one of your father’s letters, you quickly come to the conclusion a member of the Shuumatsuban must had given it to him. “…Care to explain?” his voice was dry and angry; you’ll be a fool not to notice. But you could also see the tiredness of his face.
“…There is nothing to explain, the letter says what it says” You shook your head tiredly
“I disagree, there is much to explain!” he frowned, raising his voice a bit
“So what?!” you hissed back “whatever I say you won’t listen anyways, you had not doing anything but treating me as a stranger ever since we married, so why is that now I owe you an explanation”
“Oh, well then I guess is genetical to be so self-centred and greedy” He huffed “I finally understand why you said you were glad to marry me”
“Do you think I wanted to be trapped in a loveless marriage? Because no, I don’t!” you finally snapped “When I said I was glad is you that I married is because at least you were someone I knew and hold dear, and no some stranger that could had perfectly be three times my age if not more!” you frowned now clearly angry, finally letting the bottle up displeasure and sadness his words had filled you with come up “I was happy because I knew you at least will threat me fairly, I never gave a single shit about your family’s power or money, even if is obvious my father does.” You left the tray of tea in his desk, before walking to the door “I had rejected around 10 letters for him asking the same thing” you paused “but of course, I’m a self-centred and greedy (L/N) as every other. I try to make you take breaks because all I want is your power and I try my best to aid you so I can gain influence” your tone was clearly sarcastic “…you are the biggest idiot on earth, Ayato…”
You left the room as you said those words, and now it was your husband who was left speechless in return. How could he be such a fool, he knew you weren’t like this, he always did, but he has been too self-consumed on his own pain to notice the pain he was inflicting you in exchange.
And now by his stupidly he is about to lose your friendship, if it hadn’t been lost already.
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blooming-peace · 1 year
To not lose you (masterlist)
Pairing: Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader
Tags: Arranged Marriage
Warnings: Swearing, Miscommunication, OoC(?
When the childhood friendship you build together is menaced by an arranged marriage, you and Ayato will have to learn how to overcome the many challenges of this alliance. Even when the challenges as the new young heads of the Kamisato clan and Yashiro commission only seem to increase.
Will this friendship be able to overcome the storm and grow to something more or will it be lost to the tides?
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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blooming-peace · 1 year
To not lose you (Chap. 2)
Pairing: Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader
Tags: Arranged Marriage
Wordcount: 1,3k
Warnings: Swearing, Miscommunication, OoC(?)
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The marriage has been held at last.
It was nothing extremely fancy as one would expect, it all just followed the traditions of Inazuma, not many guesses. Both your families and some relevant members of the Tri-Commission. And you prefer it like this, if you were to be honest, however, there is something still bothering you greatly.
Ayato was still angry at you.
You’ll have to be dumb to not notice, he even didn’t even looked at you once you were alone in the room together.
“…I’ll go to sleep to another room...” you said, knowing he will also prefer if you didn’t share a room with him. He didn’t even nod at you, staying silent as you left to one of the guests rooms. It did hurt you, did he think of you so lowly to not even try and talk to you? You sighed and felt tears menacing to fall, but as always, you’ll just wait…
The following days were pretty much the same as before you married, Lady Kamisato trained you to over see most of the affairs expected of you, such as arranging the house finances, the retainers and handle some of the paperwork. It was not an easy job, but at least you showed to be a fast learner.
You also started training in the art of the sword with Ayaka, but it became quite obvious very quickly that you had no talent nor training when it came to weapons. Your clan was better known for being researchers and scholars than for their capabilities at combat afterall
But is this background that gave you the ability to read and understand documents very fast, you impressed both lady and lord Kamisato in the aspect of dealing with documents and paperwork. And how quickly you could come up with a solution.
“…let me asks for forgiveness in my son’s behalf…” the lady said, as you played shogi together “we thought this marriage was the best option since you both were close since childhood, but it seems our decision has been wrongly made, seen how he is acting…”
“There is nothing to apologise to, mother” she allowed you to call her that way “…Ayato is just displeased because it was all too sudden, I’m sure we will be able to be as before someday…”
“How are you feeling thought?” She asked in that sweet motherly tone
“…I was surprised at first, who wouldn’t?” you answered “Right now… it does pain me that he seems to be resentful towards me…”
The older woman just gave you a soft and reassuring squeeze on your hand, making the unconscious sad expression you made disappear.
…It snowed that day…
The Kamisatos were at the Lord’s bedside, you slightly afar.
His father had passed away, yet, he didn’t allow himself to show any sadness at this very moment. …Not even when his mother followed his father a few days after…
You stood by his side, trying to be a source of support if he were to need it. But he only grew more determined, even more when he finally started hanging his hydro vision near him. Still, you were doing your best to make his now increasing job lighter.
Is obvious how worried Ayaka, Thoma and yourself are for him, but at this moment you understand. He wants to make sure his family is safe, that the Yashiro commission doesn’t fall as the other clans within it fight for power trying to pull him down so they can use him as a steppingstone. While the Kanjou and Tenryou commissions do about the same from the outside.
So you continue to do the best you can to support him, many of the retainers abandoned the Kamisato Estate before the lord’s passing, knowing the increasing turmoil the Yashiro Commission will find itself in, now with you both as the new young and inexperienced heads many more left. But you made sure to take care of those that remained, so their loyalty was seem rewarded. You also take upon yourself to teach and raise the still young Ayaka, while taking care of some minor works to lighten your husband’s load…
He still refuses to talk to you, even as he buries himself in work. If this is his way of grieving is very unhealthy, but you’ll support him as much as you are able to. You are the one that insist him the most to at least drink the tea you made, as you thank Thoma for making sure he eats. And you continued to do this day after day, night after night, trying to not become a load or another source of worry for Thoma and Ayaka.
Is at this very moment that a most unwanted letter arrived, from your own father, asking you to use your power as the new lady of the Kamisato clan to put yours on a better political position. You don’t know if laugh or cry as you read his words, asking yourself what if any power the Kamisato clan had left. It won’t be the last time he’ll send you a letter of this kind either, even after infinite rejections from your side, you wonder what can even go worst…
You knock the door that goes to your husband office, carrying tea for him as you usually do before going inside. He barely looks at you, but he seems to grab an envelop that you quickly recognise as one of your father’s letters, you quickly come to the conclusion a member of the Shuumatsuban must had given it to him. “…Care to explain?” his voice was dry and angry; you’ll be a fool not to notice. But you could also see the tiredness of his face.
“…There is nothing to explain, the letter says what it says” You shook your head tiredly
“I disagree, there is much to explain!” he frowned, raising his voice a bit
“So what?!” you hissed back “whatever I say you won’t listen anyways, you had not doing anything but treating me as a stranger ever since we married, so why is that now I owe you an explanation”
“Oh, well then I guess is genetical to be so self-centred and greedy” He huffed “I finally understand why you said you were glad to marry me”
“Do you think I wanted to be trapped in a loveless marriage? Because no, I don’t!” you finally snapped “When I said I was glad is you that I married is because at least you were someone I knew and hold dear, and no some stranger that could had perfectly be three times my age if not more!” you frowned now clearly angry, finally letting the bottle up displeasure and sadness his words had filled you with come up “I was happy because I knew you at least will threat me fairly, I never gave a single shit about your family’s power or money, even if is obvious my father does.” You left the tray of tea in his desk, before walking to the door “I had rejected around 10 letters for him asking the same thing” you paused “but of course, I’m a self-centred and greedy (L/N) as every other. I try to make you take breaks because all I want is your power and I try my best to aid you so I can gain influence” your tone was clearly sarcastic “…you are the biggest idiot on earth, Ayato…”
You left the room as you said those words, and now it was your husband who was left speechless in return. How could he be such a fool, he knew you weren’t like this, he always did, but he has been too self-consumed on his own pain to notice the pain he was inflicting you in exchange.
And now by his stupidly he is about to lose your friendship, if it hadn’t been lost already.
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blooming-peace · 1 year
To Not Lose You (Chap 1)
Hiii, I'm very new to this of writting Charas x Readers in general.
As such please, forgive me is my writting feels rusty or weird, english is not my first language so it doesn't help me much either. If you see typos or some tags/warnings I should add tell me!
This is gonna have multiple chapters, I still don't know how much. As such, this chapter is quite short and mostly an introduction.
Pairing: Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader Tags: Arranged Marriage Wordcount: 588 Warnings: Swearing, Miscommunication, OoC(?)
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Kamisato Ayato.
You had been friends ever since you were just kids, not more than a year apart from each other in age. You had known his gentle and kind nature of him, but also his most mischievous side. As well as he knew much more than just the reserved you, knowing how to get you to step out from your shell and making you laugh. Now being both teen, 16 and 15 you doubted there will ever be a way to end such a beautiful friendship.
However… why at this very moment it just felt like a wall has been build between you two?
“Excuse me, can you repeat that?” Ayato asked unable to believe what has just been said to you, by both your parents.
“It has been decided that you will be married” His father repeated
Ah, yeah, it was that…  You had just been set for an arranged marriage to the one you thoughts as your best friend.
But you’ll be lying if you said it somehow didn’t make you glad. That it was him and not a stranger twice your age. Is normal for ladies of nobility such as you to be set up for marriage like this afterall, just for the advantage that’ll bring your families.
“I see…” you muttered and couldn’t help a little smile.
The lavender eyed just looked at you in disbelief at how quickly you just accepted, and seemed to frown a bit at the smile on your face.
The two of you just listened as your parents said, when the marriage were to be hold, how will you have to act together on public from now on, and all the other matters, such as you starting your training to be the next lady Kamisato, so you could properly support Ayato. You just agreed to all with a smile. Until you were left alone with him again.
The silent was present uncomfortably for a moment, until he finally spoke
“Why did you agree so easily?” His voice sounded like a hiss, he was clearly annoyed by the prospects of a marriage of convenience… and to be fair, who wouldn’t.
“Is not like I have a choice…” you muttered, not realizing why he sounded so angry at this moment.
“It seemed to made you quite happy by the idea of us marrying…” He gave you a glare
Oh, so is that
“Taking all things into account, yes, yes I am…” you answered bluntly frowning too at his current attitude.
“Hah? I didn’t think of you as a power seeker, guess I was wrong…” To say his reply left you speechless was an understatement. He stands up and left you alone in that room.
“What in the- Ayato wait-!” but you acted too late.
Being bad when it came to expressing yourself has proven once again to be a problem. One that’ll follow you for the rests of this marriage.
Ever since, the fact Ayato is avoiding you is more than obvious to anyone that knows you… You tried to laugh it off as just a misunderstanding by how sudden was this marriage, but it did hurt you deeply, to feel like you are losing a friend over some stupid misunderstanding and a marriage it was quite obvious neither of you wanted.
Not yet at least… After all you’ll be lying to say you did not see him as more than a friend, but you’ll never dare to tell him that, even lest now.
What are you to do now?
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