bluekayanite · 4 years
Theory: WHY does Pearl Like Rose-like People?
I personally always thought it weird that Pearl is so into people who remind her of Rose - personally, I always assumed that they would bring up bad memories and feelings that would take priority.  Well, I've now thought up a scenario that I think might explain it... regardless of if the assumption I mentioned is actually weird to most people (or not... I wouldn't know). XD;
Details below the line... as well as a lot of artistic laziness. XDD
Okay, first off, in case you're not familiar with my blog: I'll note that this is based on my probably-crazy-sounding theory that White has the power to alter Gems' memories and Rose and Pink weren't really the same person - Pink might have made Rose part-Diamond, and maybe White's tampered with Steven's Gem to bring out what little Diamond there is in him... but they're not really the same.)  If you're not up for at least entertaining the idea, you might as well close this page now.
Still here?  Okay, let's go!
Possible Story
I've mentioned before that I believe that Pink actually did care deeply for her (singular!) Pearl.
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I believe that this might mean that any accidents would've actually strengthened their relationship...  It could also be how Pink found out about any healing powers she has.
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On the other hand, I believe that White was a LOT more uncaring.  Maybe she'd even take her anger out on Pearl - you know, "our" Pearl - sometimes.
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And since Pearls seem to be programmed to be, ah... enamored with their owners, it could've been an especially hard wake-up call for her. ^_^;
Anyway, we've seen that Pearls do seem to hang out while their owners are busy - at least some of the time.
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Maybe Pink's Pearl (...I don't like the nickname "Volleyball" XD;  I'll get to that, someday) bragged at some point.
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...Could be why one Pearl has a positive association with the Reef, but the other one very much does not. XD;
At any rate, I think that Pearl saw that the two of them had a positive - and actually very close - relationship.
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This more-than-likely would've evoked feelings of jealousy.  I believe that she intensely desired that relationship for herself...
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...and possibly wished that the other Pearl could know the suffering of working under White, instead. ^_^;  (Pearl does have a history of jealousy.  Remember Coach Steven?  Strong in the Real Way?  Yeah...)
I've mentioned that I think that Pearl's "imaginings" reflect what actually happened... better than her (presumably) false memories, at any rate.  I believe that odds are that, when the time came for Pink to leave for Earth, she may have snuck aboard the legs-ship... possibly not long after White had been hard on her, giving Pearl even more incentive to leave.
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...And during transit, realized how foolish it was to think that she could just be with Pink like that. ^_^;  There's no way that she'd just abandon her Pearl, and who knows if she'd end up bringing Pearl back to White?
After landing, Pearl probably snuck out.  Not wanting to go back, she may have also figured that she shouldn't stick around, lest she get caught.
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Not knowing what to do, she would've felt lost.  However, I think that Pink managed to find her - like, maybe she spotted her through the observation orb.
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One of my theories is that Steven's dream powers were originally meant as a way for Pink to contact Rose in secret.  I don't remember if I've mentioned, but I've long believed that Pink led Rose to Pearl.
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Rose would've done something that most wouldn't: actually listened to the Pearl.
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Maybe Pearl left out some details (namely the part about wanting to be with Pink), but she would've at least given the part about running away and not being able to return (lest she probably be broken).
And then Rose said the magic words...
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"What do you wanna do?"  Something that I suspect she may have heard Pink say to her Pearl, but that - in this context - would've ALSO meant an awful lot more than simply letting a good friend choose what to do:
The idea that a Pearl could choose her own fate.  Be her OWN boss.
Belong to no one.
And so, Rose would've become associated with what Pearl had originally admired about Pink: a kind, loving person who cared about someone as lowly as a Pearl, and gave her the freedom to make her own decisions.
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Someone who could help her to heal...
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...in more ways than one. X3
Pearl's memories may have been altered, but I believe that the desire for that kind of relationship still rests within her: a relationship with someone who'd nurture even a Pearl, and who even led her to have the courage to create her own purpose, rather than worry about the one that the Gem Empire assigned to her.
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...*cough*  Yet another detail that I think White may have tried to make her forget. ^_^;
Granted, I think that the 'enamored with owners' thing being directed toward Rose could also be a factor, but I suspect that it mostly comes from something deeper. ='3
(...Heck, I'm starting to wonder if Pearl's infatuation even existed before the Diamond attack happened. o.O  Appreciation?  Respect?  Sure.  Infatuation...?  Not so sure... XD; )
Anyway, tl;dr - Pearl saw how Pink treated Pink Pearl and wanted that kindness. Rose had a similar kindness - and enabling demeanor - and reminded her of Pink.  She's been forced to forget the (original) reasons, but the desire is still there, and it still gets brought up (subconsciously) whenever she sees someone who reminds her of Rose... despite the fact that Rose might otherwise be associated with a loss.
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bluekayanite · 4 years
Theory: Steven’s Passenger
Okay, so not only does it seem like we're going to see more of Steven's adventures, but that he's about to spend the next set of them with a plot-worthy new friend!
More below the line.
So, not only did the SU:F climax not feel very climactic to me, but the part about Steven striking out on his own just kinda felt weird to me.  I mean, I guess in hindsight I can see how it was being led up to, but at the time it still felt a lot like it came out of nowhere. ^_^;  That said, that feeling seemed to be be based on some other, underlying feeling that 'no logical/sane person would do that'...
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...and I think I've found out why.
One of the major plot points of SU:F was how Steven was struggling with PTSD, with the symptoms brought on partially by the fact that he was losing a lot of his supportive relationships, and that he either didn't reach out to, or couldn't be helped by the friends that stayed around.  Maybe he's gotten past a major crisis, but I can pretty much guarantee that his problems haven't simply vanished like that.
What Steven would really need is to get help from his friends, family, and/or a therapist or something, at least until he can handle his trauma better.  Until then, he's basically a time bomb, ready to go off as soon as something bothers him just a little too much.  It might be one thing if he had asked his friends to come with him, but NOPE!
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He pulled a Cookie Cat and decided to strike out entirely on his own. =/
I can't emphasize this enough: Steven NEEDS someone to be there!!  And I can't imagine Steven just meeting random people being enough... or all that interesting, really. ^_^;  He needs a road trip buddy.  And I don't think a convoy would work... not on its own, anyway.  I think he needs someone IN the car, to talk to whenever, about whatever.  Someone he could trust to talk about things - including Gem stuff and whatnot - without them freaking out or whatever.
And given everything that's been going on, I think I know who that buddy needs to be.
There's only ONE person...
(Yanno... since all the others have tried and failed and also been left behind. ^_^; )
Okay, first off, I've been paying attention to the moon for quite awhile now.  The SU series is one of the rare cases where - among other things - the moon appears in the day.
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And on top of that, when the moon shows up appears to be far from random to me: I believe that a Gem is trapped in the observation orb in the Diamond base.
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Like how Lapis could see through the mirror, I believe that this Gem can see things through the orb, and I think that the moon showing up is just one of several signs that this Gem is watching.
That said, the moon tends to show up a lot - and is often brighter - for certain types of events, including, but not limited to:
Steven and Amethyst's wrestling matches
Beach-a-Palooza (seems to be big on entertainment)
Steven and Connie being together
Rose and Greg being together
Garnet's wedding (appears to be a 'shipper)
Pink Pearl (I don't like the name "Volleyball" XD;;; ) coming to Earth
The Rose Buds coming to Earth
The whole fiasco after Steven found Pearl's phone (i.e. the whole "Rose was Pink Diamond" thing)
On top of that, when this Gem is paying extra close attention, it can affect the color of the moon, or even the sky without the moon...
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Namely, it turns pink.
Now, I'll also note that I figured that White must've had mind-affecting powers long before her name was dropped: namely, after the Wanted arc (before Dewey Wins came out).  I came to that idea because corrupted Gems - namely Centi - had their memories affected by the Diamond Song, and neither Blue nor Yellow showed any signs of using or probably even having such powers, with their powers already shown as being over emotion and physical forms, respectively.
I also noticed that it was shown that some things actually CAN reach through Rose's shield.
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So if a search robonoid's beam can get through Rose's shield, then you can certainly bet that White Diamond's powers could, and if White Diamond's powers could get through the shield, then there's no guarantee that the Gems were fully protected by it, if at all.
And if White Diamond's mind-control powers can affect Gems' memories, then there's no guarantee that that anything the CGs remember is completely untainted, or even really based in reality...
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...or that Rose Quartz was really Pink Diamond.
Even Steven's powers and such don't seem like a full guarantee.  Did you notice the color of his Diamond-pupils?
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White.  Not black, like Yellow's, Blue's or Pink's - WHITE.
Like... well, White's.
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I believe this is a sign that White not only tried to tamper with the memories in Steven's Gem, but also the powers and such, trying to give powers that shouldn't even be there, and/or amplify what little bit of Pink might actually have been in Rose.
Which... honestly, could explain a lot about why Steven's so unstable. ^_^;
But... yeah.  Basically, I believe that White tried to make Rose/Steven into a replacement for the real Pink... who I believe to be the Gem trapped in the Earth's observation orb.
Release of a Prisoner
While people were trying to figure out "who shattered Pink Diamond?" I came to believe that Pink wasn't shattered at all, but was imprisoned on the moon... by White.  (WARNING: REALLY OLD AND OUTDATED POST!)  The narrative appeared to be that she and Rose were secretly working together to try and save at least one planet, with Rose rebelling openly, and Pink secretly feeding Rose info, pretending to be a tyrant.
It seemed to me like Pink was probably the only one who couldn't be controlled by White, having grown more powerful than her, as indicated by their murals.
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In general, I figured that it would be a bad idea for Pink to have rebelled openly, or to have tried to convince the other Diamonds to stop taking planets (still do).  I also figured that she also plain didn't want to fight directly against her family... and now, I'm also thinking it's possible that she might've been too afraid to do it. ^_^;
Since not long after A Single Pale Rose came out, I've also believed that Pink trying to fight a rebellion AS ROSE and not get noticed would be logistically impossible, what with all the going back-and-forth she'd probably have to do for Homeworld not to worry about her... and all the chances of getting caught by either side. XD;
But I've also long believed that she actually was caught: somehow, White managed to figure it out... and naturally was't happy.  Pink was probably actually standing on the upper ledge behind her palanquin when she got dissipated, trying to reveal what she'd actually been doing before White managed to stop her.
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(Hence the palanquin leaning forward, knocked over by the shockwave of Pink being poofed.)
White, however, still cared enough that she couldn't break Pink, and stuck her in a convenient prison, instead.  Meanwhile, she hatched a plan to try and replace Pink, so that the Diamonds to stay together with a controllable, "Pink" free to keep expanding their Empire.
Since then, the real Pink has been stuck, able to watch what's going on, but unable to participate in it.
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(Pic originally posted here.)
Heck, I wonder if her powers are the only reason the corrupted Gems were corrupted, instead of destroyed. =o
I've basically wanted her to be released ever since I figured she'd be stuck in there.  To me, she was a hero who tried to do whatever she could to try and preserve a planet and give Gems some freedom - or in case she failed, to at least preserve a bit of the planet's people (thus, the zoo).  I've seen ways she impacted the lives of the CGs... including Amethyst's before she had even emerged.  I've wanted it to become known what kind of an impact she'd had, and for her to be able to have a positive impact again.
Well, I think that time is finally coming.
I've mentioned before that Pink would be a REALLY good person to help Steven with his powers and his PTSD (and other issues).  I still think that this is true, and that now would be the BEST time for that to happen.
That said, I also think it would be good for some help to be had in the other direction.
Pink's Problems
Aside from the obvious complications of revealing that Pink didn't become Rose after all - which, actually, could be delayed while on the road, which might actually be a good thing (more later ^_^; ) - I think that Pink is going to have some struggles of her own.  I'd noticed before that, while the moon tends to show up a lot to support Steven and such, it actually tends to DISAPPEAR if a conflict begins to escalate.
At the time, I just labelled it as "anxiety or something," but now I'm pretty sure what that "something" probably is:
I mean, think about it: she'd been involved in a GINORMOUS conflict for 1,000 years, controlling both sides and having to keep it secret.  Maybe Pink even shattered a few Gems on purpose, because if she DIDN'T it would risk blowing her cover, which could blow her entire operation and leave the creatures of Earth with zero chance for a future... but of course, it would've pained her GREATLY.
In general, I always figured that the war would've been INCREDIBLY stressful for her... but that she always had Pink Pearl to help her through it.
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(Pic from this old fic.)
And then she got stuck in the orb. =(
In the orb, Pink is well and truly alone; no one even realizes that she could be up there.  She can watch events, but if they get stressful for her, there isn't an way for her to get any comfort or help.  And she has to experience it after the war had be left with a painful sort of resolution.
If Lapis was affected badly... ho boy. O_O;;;
A Time for Healing
But yeah, if Steven and Pink both have the same kind of issues, then maybe it would help them both understand how to help the other.  It could also help them feel a bit of solidarity; give them something to bond over.
I think it could also solve this:
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Well... Pink isn't exactly Steven, but all things considered, she might be close enough - and maybe also different enough -  for him to have what he needs. XDD  At the very least, I suspect that they're both helpers, and that having someone with the same issue could give them a way to help themselves by healing the same thing in somebody else.
And hey, now the "other Steven" (i.e. Pink) could also have Steven, too. ;3
I think this could also help Steven with his "finding out who his is" stuff.  In a way, Pink could be like a part of Steven that he never even knew he had.  Maybe, by learning who she really is, he could learn about himself as he sees it reflected back at him - or at least, I think he could find aspects of her that he’d be proud to aspire to emulate, and she could FINALLY stop being someone for him to be plain embarrassed to be related/compared to. XD;
As for the two meeting...  I figure White's gotta be involved - maybe finally try to confess - but other than that, it's pretty up in the air. XD;  White does seem like she might be realizing that she messed up BIG TIME, given some of her recent behavior.
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I've honestly expected Pink to lash out if White is involved - if so, I suspect that she wouldn't be able to finish it. XD;
As for accepting Pink... well, if there's anything left of Rose in him, I've imagined that Steven might break out crying in relief of seeing her alive, even if he doesn't recognize it, or understand why.  ...Or, even if not, he might be a bit relieved - if confused - about not having inherited Pink's Gemstone.  At the end of it, though, I think that he'll see her as someone new - someone he doesn't know - and who needs help, who may or may not share some of the same troubles as him.
...And if, by any chance, Pink knows how to calm him from a panic attack, that'll certainly be a nice bonus. XD;
But yeah, even if striking out on his own is technically a HORRIBLE idea on its own, I think that it'll turn out to have been the best choice.  Like I mentioned, the two could travel, get to know each-other, and sort a lot of things out - just the two of them, keeping it simple before they add other things to their plate... things like the mess that'll happen as soon as the Gems find out. XD;
After watching the Earth for so long, I do think that Pink will likely want to experience it, so the timing of the road trip is good for her - it might even be one of the (many) meta-reasons why Steven is leaving (though I'm not ruling out that he's not entirely sane right now XD; ).  I wouldn't be surprised if Steven even offers to let her ride with him - maybe even allow her to drive, sometimes. =3
And really after so much stress, I think that the two walking bombs softies really do need some time to party, relax, and generally have fun.
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...As long as they don’t both panic at the same time, they should be okay. =D;;;
(Hoping for a running joke where they get mistaken for a couple. X3)
For the longest time (~3 years?), I have been seeing ways that finding Pink could happen within the next few eps (relative to whenever I was writing).  Now, I believe we have signs that finding Pink NEEDS to happen... and soon!
(I mean, I always kind of figured that finding Pink needed to happen "and soon," but now it seems even more urgent, and for a LOT more pressing reasons. ^_^;
And besides... everything really does seem to be pointing to it now - at least, as far as I can tell. XD;)
Ultimately, I'm thinking that the trip will be memorable for Steven less because of the places he experiences, and more because of the one that he's likely to experience the trip with... and what he experiences because of her. =)
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bluekayanite · 4 years
SU(:F) theory: Is it (really) over?
To me, that ending was kinda... unsatisfying, and not just because there was a lack of finding a Pink Diamond separate from Steven (AGAIN). ^_^;  Like, for some reason, I Am My Monster didn't feel that... intense, somehow?  I mean, maybe it was the not-too-dark lighting, or the fact that the ep wasn't focused on Steven's POV (which I guess is interesting, but it also made the ep feel odd to me).  Or maybe it's because there wasn't much in the way of a battle.  But whatever the case, it just didn't fit my expectations, tension-wise. ^_^;
However, Is say that the BIGGEST issue for me is that there's still so much left to uncover.  I've previously mentioned [a short list of mysteries that haven't been solved], and I don't think that SU:F touched upon any of them.  I think I'll reiterate, add well as adding to it:
What happened to the other lions?  How did Rose get them in the first place?
The mystery of Amethyst having ears when most Gems do not.
The magic lizards that Lion kept eating, for Pete's sake! >.<
We still haven't really seen the colonies.
We haven't seen this building:
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That book in Rose's "junk pile" still seems important.
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We still know so little about Gem culture, esp. folklore, celebrations, history outside colonizing, etc.
We STILL don't really know what Gems made by/for White are like.
Yellow's extraction chamber hasn't actually been explained.
We still don't know what happened to Pink's court.
There are STILL multiple timeline conflicts: When Pink (supposedly) had each Pearl + Amethyst incubation periods, at least.
Did Pearl belong to White at some point (even if she doesn't remember)?
A song was teased via Blue, and we still haven't heard the whole thing.
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For some stuff I haven't mentioned before, I kind of expect gender politics to be brought up via Gems, esp. the uncorrupted ones: Mother Centipeedle (Gem Glow) + "That's not a leg!" (The Kindergarten Kid) seem like foreshadowing to me.  Plus, Jasper, Larimar, and Snowflake Obsidian all seem like they could be non-binary in some way.  Not to mention those two Gems that Yellow was working on.
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Speaking of the Centipeedle, we still haven't seen how Centi's doing, and I REALLY wanna see how Centi's doing. 3=  I mean, she was featured in the opening, so I kind of expected her to be featured in the show, again.
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I doubt that many (formerly) elite Gems are happy with all the social changes, i.e. they don't like the idea of "lesser" Gems suddenly being equal to them, and I bet that a lot of then don't like the Diamonds giving up command, either.  (I did notice that it was primarily common Gems and "off-colors" featured in Homeworld Bound, being all happy, particularly in the tour group and whatnot - mostly from Famethyst, and/or the uncorrupted Gems.  Seems like it could be a piece of foreshadowing.)
And for something uber-serious, I HIGHLY doubt that the Diamonds went around stomping out life on so many planets without making some enemies.  I mean, obviously Earth has sapient species, I think odds are that some other planets - namely colonies - had sapient life, too.  White even alluded to this.
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...And I'm willing to bet that at least one of those races or there has not been completely wiped out, and would be seriously powerful. ^_^;  At least, I think at least one of them would have friends that would (now) be powerful, and would be up for taking advantage of how all the Gem armies have now been disbanded. =D;
But yeah, I'd like to see sapient species on other planets, in general. ^_^
...Aaaand then there's pretty much everything else I've mentioned under the "rose quartz wasn't pink diamond" tag. ^_^;  I mean, sure, a fair amount of it has been genuinely disproven, particularly when it comes to when (or I guess you could say "if," at least for some cases) as well as how a lot of it would it would happen.  A lot of it is also seeming a lot more unlikely.  Still, there are a lot of things that still seem like they still need to be addressed, not the least of which being how little details of Pink's appearance just keep on changing.
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Even just in the movie, there's like a dozen different ways or so that her appearance varies - 15+ in the series, overall.  It's to the point where it seems heavily like they're using different models of her for different shots!
But yeah... there's still so much I wanna know. ;.;
Like I mentioned, some of those things do seem like foreshadowing - hints of things that are to be touched on later, and NOT to be simply left unresolved. ^_^:  That said, they do give me some hope that things will continue.
And personally, I do think that I Am My Monster brought up another (possible) mystery:
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I do wonder... what exactly does White mean by this?  How would White hurting Pink result in Pink hurting Spinel?   And SPECIFICALLY White (she's the only Diamond who didn't say we/us and entirely blamed herself) - I mean, sure what the others did probably started with her, aaaand maybe she has a tendency to put everything on herself (and that’s where Pearl got it), but I think this might mean something that White did specifically.
AFAIK, Pink/Rose didn't intentionally try to hurt anyone ("else"), even with the fact that she kept on being hurt.  So why would there be an exception for Spinel?  Particularly one that White would know/feel guilty about?
If you've been following me then you might be able to guess where I'm going with this: To me, it sounds like White might be slipping on the fact that she hid the real Pink on Earth's moon and used "Modify Memory" at an epic level; if White kept Pink from returning, Spinel would've been left alone FAR longer than Pink had intended. =(
...Also, the Diamonds STILL aren't going for an actual hug, even though this seems like a more-than-appropriate time to so.
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Heck, they're essentially the only ones who didn't (besides maybe Connie - Lion and the Cluster don't count).  Even Spinel managed one, and she had to stretch like CRAZY to do so. XD;
EDIT: One of the particularly-strong reasons why I consider this noteworthy is because White actually ran up with wide-open arms.
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(Say... is Blue waterbending herself over the water instead of running?  I believe she is. =3)
But yeah... I haven't heard anything, but I'm holding onto hope that there will still be something more... and not just because I'm still hoping that the REAL Pink will be released from the moon.  (Though that is certainly a part of it. XD)  Like, maybe there'll be another series called "Steven Universe Returns" or something.  It certainly seems like an appropriate title, at least. X3
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bluekayanite · 4 years
Comments/theories: In Dreams - Homeworld Bound
So I kind of missed the SU:F updates for a bit. ^_^;  That said, I'm caught up now, and have some misc. comments that I figured I'd share... before the next eps or two comes out. XD;
...That said, I was actually working on this when I'd heard that Homeworld Bound was out already. -.-;  It's on XFinity Stream, at least - and I suspect other streaming services - so I consider it "officially released."  I've since adjusted to implement the new info.  However, I'm making the comments in an ep-by-ep structure, so if you want to avoid spoilers, you can easily stop once you get here. =3
I'd also like to note that this one's more rambly than usual, so prepare yourself for rambles. XD
EDIT: Some adjustments, mostly additions. EDIT2: Couple more little deets. EDIT3: Few more MAJOR deets. XD;
Just a quick note: my current, primary theory is that, even with everything that seems to be glaringly obvious, White also has the power to alter Gems' memories and such, and Rose was not truly Pink Diamond (or at least, in a sense, not THE Pink Diamond).  Lately, I basically think that she may be a sort of a hybrid, or at least that Pink put a lot of herself into Rose... lately I've even suspected that it might be even more literal than I've previously noted... as in, Pink may have prepped some healing tears and broken off a shard of herself... or something. ._.;;;
But yeah, I figured I'd note this in advance because, well... I realize it sounds crazy.  It's going to be mentioned, so I ask for a bit of open-mindedness - or at least a willingness to entertain the idea, even if you think it's wrong (and I don't blame you if you do).  Frankly, I wouldn't be surprized if a lot of people would have already closed this post before getting to this sentence.  (That said, if you're still here, thank you!)
With that out of the way, let's get going!
In Dreams
Okay, so Crewniverse was definitely being self-aware, and using meta-humor. XD
I've commented here before that previous eps had a building feeling of listlessness and whatnot.  My sister also has commented (not in a place I can link XD; ) that the opening theme gets more and more jarring with each episode.  The both of us think that odds are pretty good that they'll switch to using something the reprise version of the theme. XD;  ("Here we are in the future, and it's wrooooong!")
...That said, while things have been getting intense (not to mention REAL!), I do appreciate that we seem to be moving out of "boredom" eps. XD;
The dreams-being-broadcast thing is more-than-likely a bit of setup for later story points.  I'm thinking "Emergency broadcast."
On an entirely different note, I like the confirmation that Peridot has green eyes. =3
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Been sort of a headcanon of mine for awhile now. ^_^
Also, is it just me, or is Peridot getting taller? 83
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Anyway, it's nice to have a bit of lighthearted funtimes in the midst of all the seriousness that has been going on. =3
Bismuth Casual
So... those toilet paper jokes certainly ended up being at an ironic time, right? XD;
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Anyway, one of the things that stuck out to me is how increasingly obvious Pearl's obliviousness is.
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One of my long-standing theories is that Rose saw Pearl more like a daughter, if anything... and didn't realize - or even have a clue that Pearl had a thing for her.
And I mean, really, if Pearl can't tell whether any human - or Gem - is into her, then how could she know for sure whether or not Rose did (or didn't)?  Odds are she's just going by her memories... which I strongly believe to be unreliable, what with how many contradictions they have. ^_^;
Together Forever
(...Does anyone else keep hearing the old Pokémon song by the same name in their head? ^_^; )
...Okay, I'm gonna confess: it actually didn't occur to me that either Steven or Ruby was supposed to be "cute" until it was mentioned in Hit the Diamond and Sadie Killer.  (I didn't count Andy saying it in Gem Harvest because I figured he had a family bias. ^_^;  I mean, he did make a complete and abrupt 180 about the parts of his plane being recycled, once it was Steven who started using them.)
...Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. XD;
I guess I can see how Crewniverse was going for "cute" with Steven...  Still, about the only time I've considered "Steven" to be cute - visually or otherwise - was after that last bout of Ultimate Steven tag.
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...Yeah, I think that the Gems did the puppy-dog eyes better than Steven did. ^_^;  I mean, I would call Steven "sweet," "silly," and a number of other things.  Just... "cute" isn't typically one of them for me. ^_^;
That said, there are moments when I think that Ruby is being cute. =3  One of them is when she RAEGING.
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Another one is when she's being happy... especially when she's super-excited.
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So yeah. =3  For me, it was pretty nice to see Ruby spazzing like that.  It's also kind of nice to see Steven eating sweets again... even if it's for unfortunate reasons.
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It's also nice to see R+S's new forms. =3
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The headband is back! 83
(...Why hasn't there been a mention of Sapphire being cute?  She seems like the most obvious choice. XD; )
On another topic... So it’s not just Pearls that can store stuff in their gems? o.O
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Anyway, part of my theory is that [Pink is really trapped in the moon base's observation orb], which she can use to see some of what's going on.  When Pink is watching, the moon might show up, and/or the sky might turn pink (usually around dawn/dusk) - the more intense either of these things are, the more intensely she's watching.
Looking back at when either of these happen, I've noticed that:
She seems to be a 'shipper
She particularly 'ships Steven + Connie
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This ep certainly continues with that pattern. 83  Heck, I think that the extra lights on the horizon might even be from Pink - maybe even intentional on her part.
Even after the turn-down, the moon still showed, BRIGHTLY - at least until Garnet got there.
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I also noticed the moon at the end of Little Graduation - in general, I'm getting an impression that Pink has been wanting to help Steven... but obviously, she wouldn't be able to.
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However, that said, with the way things are looking, I think that she's going to get her chance, shortly... more on that farther down. =3
Side note: The glowstick-bracelet “ring” is a nice touch. =3
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Other side note: JAM BUDS REFERENCE! 83
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Also: Strawberry. =3
Also-also: it seems like Garnet actually does tend to give some pretty good love advice.
"Your soulmate is your compliment, not your missing piece.  [...]  Whatever hole there is in your life, Steven, I want you to understand that Connie - Stevonnie - won't be able to fill it." - Garnet, Together Forever
...Also-also, my suspicions about Garnet sorta being three people keep growing. XD;
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...Incidentally, I’ve mentioned before that I think that Connie is probably ace and/or aro (though I didn’t know the latter term at the time).
Growing Pains
On the funny (at least to me) side, I noticed that Dr. Maheswaren checked for Steven’s heartbeat on his right side (which, ironically, would be the wrong side XD).
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There actually is a genetic condition that can flip the positioning of the internal organs, though I’m pretty sure that it’s simply an oversight in this case.  For one, Dr. Maheswaren shouldn’t think to check there unless she’d checked the usual positioning, first.  For another... it’s actually not the only slip up in that shot; Steven’s gem has a hexagonal crown instead of the usual pentagonal one.  (This happens a lot, especially on Quartzes.)  The biggest thing, however, is that Steven actually does grab the left side of his chest later on.
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But yeah, just some stuff that I thought maybe some other people might consider interesting. =3
So it's FINALLY established that Steven has PTSD... and appears to be having panic attacks.  Frankly, for a long time, I was under the impression that nothing like this would ever come up. XD;;;  Call me crazy, but in a weird way, this is kind of a relief for me.  It makes things feel more genuine to me.
...Hmm... I wonder if part of why we haven't seen panic in other characters is because they're hiding their own PTSD?  Maybe the reason why so many are just carrying on is as a sort of coping mechanism.  Maybe the also don't want anyone to worry.
...Or maybe this is an effect of this being a cartoon. >.>;  I mean, as much as I can see that Crewniverse is trying to touch on a lot of hard topics (and I appreciate that), we can only expect it to be so realistic.  Plus, a good story needs a bit of balance to it - as nice as it is to see the worrying stuff, it needs a good balance, or else it tends to be overwhelming.
In particular, I've been reminded that SU:F does have a number of much-younger viewers - I think we need to bear in mind that they probably aren't likely to handle this stuff as well as the older audiences. ^_^;
But yeah, I'm definitely glad that at least there's something, and the reaction seems fairly realistic (at least as far as having a half-Gem character goes).  Even the fact that there was a delay is fairly realistic... maybe a bit more of a delay than usual, but... I guess Steven is half-Gem?
Also: cartoon. XD;
And of course, it's really fascinating to see the medical aspect of Gems (or a lack thereof).
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And of course, the sneaking in of an Amethyst-behavior joke. X3
Also: you can see Steven's chart in two of the transitions. 83
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(Assuming Dr. Maheswaren got his height right... I’m actually admittedly jealous that he’s actually taller than me - especially since it looks to me like he should be shorter. XD; )
Also-also: I noticed that a lot of things that had nothing to do with Steven's life being in danger got referenced. ^_^;  Granted, I'm sure they're still important to him, but I thought I'd still bring it up.
I also couldn't help but notice there being a direct reference to Adverse Childhood Experiences, which is an actual term.  I suppose Steven's are unusual... but whatever the form, ACEs can still be pretty impactful. =/
...I do wonder if Crewniverse knows anything about Childhood Emotional Neglect.  It's supposedly an even bigger impact than abuse and whether one recovers from it.  That said, AFAIK it's lesser-known - even the term was coined less than a decade ago (2012, if I've got my dates right).  It's mentioned on the list of ACEs... I think?  But it's not very well defined there, so... it's hard to know.
At any rate, it definitely seems like a thing that could be a factor... more on that farther down.
Mr. Universe
It was nice to see Steven and Greg getting some bonding time in... even if it was short-lived. ^_^;
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Can't help but wonder whether or not Steven's eating a veggie burger. XD;
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Steven drooling in his sleep... it's been a headcanon/theory of mine that maybe Pink does that. X3
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Okay, so maybe this is a cute picture of Steven... now that he's more grown-up. X3
Anyway, It's nice to learn some more about Greg's side of the family.  Especially since - aside from the strictness - they really do seem like they're probably nice people.
I mean, for one, they still kept reminders of Greg - his stuff, pictures of the whole fam, and even his letters... even if they never opened them.
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(...Is it just me, or does Greg's mom look an awful lot like Connie's?)
And based on their stuff, I think it's pretty likely that they at least have a gentle side... even if maybe they didn't know how to properly use it with Greg. XD;  (Or maybe they're simply an appearance-conscious family. ^_^;  ...Which is apparently considered a gaslighting type of parenting-style. =/)
In any case, I hope we meet them, later. =3  Maybe they've mellowed out... or maybe they will as soon as they meet Steven. X3
My sis pointed out that Dear Old Dad plays - as in, the song from the last ep Steven and Greg fought in.  Only this time, it didn't end out well. ^_^;  Quoth her, "That's some next-generation foreshadowing!"
But yeah, I can see why Greg might be so frustrated at his parents that he would want to change his surname. ^_^;  ...And I can also see why Steven would be upset at Greg going as far as he did. =/  Pendulum effect: being so upset by one extreme that you go just as far into the other extreme, and it sounds like Steven paid for it. -.-;
This is part of what I mean by Childhood Emotional Neglect potentially being a factor... though in general, Greg's hands-off parenting style could very well fit in as a form of emotional neglect - parents who are just kind of buddies and try to give comfort on everything kind of avoid a lot of the issues, instead of teaching their kids how to deal with them, including on an emotional level. ^_^;
But yeah, the fact that Greg apparently didn't consider whether Steven might still want some of the usual aspects of childhood seems like it could also count. ^_^;  At the very least, it's common for Well-Meaning-But-Emotionally-Neglected-Themselves parents to give their kids what they wish they had in childhood, without actually considering whether it's what the children themselves want.
It's also common for emotional neglect to be passed on through families in ways such as this, so... seems like it could be a thing.
Oh, and you know how Steven also had to be "the adult" for the Gems a lot?  That also counts as CEN. XD;  Heck, that link even mentions the need to care for others that Steven continues to struggle with.
The parts about Steven trying to hide his struggles would also fit in with CEN, though his knowledge of emotions - and vocabulary thereof - does seem to be pretty big.  I can't help but wonder if CEN is something that's being inserted in more as a retcon, but wasn't planned at the beginning.  I mean... CEN was just being figured out around the time that the original SU series came out, so it seems pretty unlikely that it was the original plan.  I could see Crewniverse trying to work it in now, though.
...It's also possible that it's not really what they're going for and that it's sort of included by accident. XD;  I mean, there's often more than one way to arrive at the same conclusion, even coming from the same set of information, at times.
But yeah, CEN is important to me, and it's nice to see that it might be a part of the show. =3
Okay, so that first convo was chock-full of examples on what NOT to say to someone who’s panicking. ^_^;
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And those are just a few of them. ^_^;
I think that this is probably foreshadowing, and/or a setup for something coming shortly.  More on this farther down.
Anyway, I'm sure I'm not the only one who was thinking back to Why So Blue? XD;
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(Or, belatedly, Strong in the Real Way.)
I do think Jasper has kind of a point about learning to control anger by using it.  All-in-all, though, I think she's only about half-right. ^_^;  The parts about using it solely in violence... yeah
I see Steven’s eating fish, again. =3
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It’s also neat to see him chopping wood with his hands. X3
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...Not to mention Jasper’s new helmet. 83
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It looks to me like Pink might have noticed some training, or at least may have been looking around the area.
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...I suspect that she doesn't know about all the details, though. ^_^;
Homeworld Bound
Okay, first off, I think that Garnet may have said the family thing for Future Vision reasons - probably related to what the Diamonds said, even if she doesn't know that.
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And now that that's out of the way, I was really glad to see Spinel again. =3
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It does seem a bit weird that she's around as tall as Steven when she was shorter than him in the movie.
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And I'm pretty sure that Steven's gotten even taller since the movie. XD;  Though maybe Yellow made Spinel taller...?
EDIT: I remembered that she probably wouldn’t be the first.  Could be a pattern.
Anyway, I also like the confirmation that Yellow's and Blue's powers seem to be about affecting the forms of Gems, and their emotions, in general - I've made a little spreadsheet (vaguely) touching on stuff like that, before.
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Also, Blue getting a full song of her own.  Plus, the implications that Blue's powers are probably water-related. =3
(Who wants to try one of Blue's happy clouds? *raises hand* =D)
Not to mention Spinel doing the hammock hair thing. X3
*ahem* However... this is the second time one of the eps has felt like it's been full of Gems that are more-or-less hypnotised (the first one being Familiar).  A little too happy and/or nonchalant, and a little too conclusion-jump-ish. =/  (Especially Yellow for that last one. XD; )  Steven's even pointed stuff like this this out.
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Which... White acted also that way.  If she really does have mind control powers, I think that this might be a sign that she's still using them, even on Blue and Yellow. ^_^;
Another thing that I think is odd is that the Diamonds were all taking initiative in doing good stuff.  In the movie, it seemed pretty clearly like they were only doing good things in order to try and please Steven and get him to stay with them.
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White in particular was still disgusted at the idea of thinking of others as “equal.” XD;
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They were even willing to move to Earth, leaving all those hurt Gems behind, instead of trying to do anything for them. =/
And yet, despite all that, Spinel in particular felt a little too weird to me (somehow XD; ).  A little too unconcerned about Steven's feelings, a little too relaxed and... blissful? ^_^;  She actually handwaved the "embarrassing" issue of having tried to kill Steven.
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This is the second time we've seen something like this. =/
In a way, maybe Spinel's a little too close to her original personality, in general - as in, maybe less "healed" and more "reverted." =/
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I mean, it's only been... a few months?  If I understand correctly?  Difficult thoughts and such do not just evaporate like that - ESPECIALLY if they're more-or-less intrusive ones. =/
And a lot of the time, it seems like her voice and intonation is closer to what she had with her original personality.  ...It does seem kind ambiguous, though I suspect that that’s on purpose. XD;
Here's what I think to be the kicker, though: you know the song she started singing when Steven asked how she stopped having vengeful thoughts?
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It's the same song that Spinel said had said would NOT make everything better. XD;
"Just can it, won't ya?!  You can't just make everything better by singing some STUPID SONG!" - Spinel, SU Movie
(Incidentally, I noticed that the moon actually did show up - rather obviously - during said song.  Whoops. ^_^;  It looks like Pink has probably seen Spinel’s “evil” form, after all.)
Also... Quite honestly, the way Spinel mentions not getting vengeful thoughts anymore makes her seem... "drugged" to me. ^_^;
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Possibly-similarly... this line seems odd to me.
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For Spinel to tell Steven that White's powers work in reverse, she'd have to know:
How White's powers worked in the first place
That Steven knows how White's powers worked in the first place
I mean, I guess it's not impossible that White's powers are/were common knowledge, but... I dunno. XD;  It would have to mean letting Gems know that White could control them outright... and that White had used her powers on Steven's friends. ^_^;  I guess it's also possible that this was told to Spinel as a way of trying to bond over/help with the "tried to kill Steven" thing but... yeah, again, I dunno. ^_^;  If that were the case, it's possible that Spinel would mention it, rather than bursting out into song.
At any rate, I'm not ruling out mind-affecting as a possible reason for her knowledge.
So... yeah.  I suspected that White acted the way she did when seeing Spinel because Spinel knew (or otherwise had) something that White wanted to be kept hidden.  I kind of suspected that poor Spinel would get hit by White's powers pretty much right away, and to me, it looks like she did, and was placated a la mind-control. =(
Speaking of White... I'm guessing that the "pink-colored White" in the intro was actually Steven controlling her, or something. ^_^;
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If so, then that's interesting twist on what's considered a "danger"...
...though that said, it looks like White managed to shed the pinkish tinge she had in the movie.
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Now it seems to depend on the lighting, and is a fair bit fainter.
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(Upper pic: purple.  Lower pic: brown.)
So... that said, I wouldn't rule out that maybe she found a way to keep the pink from getting worse - heck, maybe that's even one of the reasons why she's letting Gems control her, briefly.  Maybe it somehow keeps the pink from growing more saturated, or something.
So... yeah, while I think there's a good chance that the foreshadowed "Pink White" is already touched on, I'm not entirely ruling out that it might still be coming.  I mean, the theory that I was going with was that [Rose's gemstone had a virus in it], that Pink made specifically for White.  Possible circumstances to trigger the virus include:
Removing Rose's gemstone from whoever Rose’s child would be
Touching Rose's gemstone, in general
Trying to remove Rose from her gemstone - especially if from her child
Mind- and memory-manipulation on Rose's gemstone, in general
It's also possible that more than one trigger was programmed in.
Possible reasons for a virus include:
Trying to force White to learn empathy
Exposing White
In case the worst more-or-less happened
Though yeah, if Rose's/Steven's gemstone really does have a virus in it, or something, I think odds are that White letting Steven control her is going to accelerate it. XD;
Also thought I'd note: while Spinel!White accurately reflects the colors of Spinel, Steven!White seems to better resemble Pink Steven than Pink Diamond, or Rose.
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...Don't wanna dig up comparison pics, but I still thought I'd bring it up. XD;
Anyway, I can't help but wonder if there's some sort of deeper meaning to the scene with giant!Steven controlling little!White - like if there's something from Pink slipping in there, and her frustrations with whatever White did to her in the past.
I mean... Steven mentioned "everything" she did to him, and there were only flashbacks of stuff from Change Your Mind.  Which... yeah, sure, a lot happened in a short period of time, but... I still wonder. ^_^;
Aaaand it's becoming pretty evident that whatever traces of Pink are in Steven are coming out pretty strongly.
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...On another note, the softer "Pink" hairstyle that Steven is getting might be a hint that the more-solid, five-lump "Steven" style that Pink is sometimes shown with is not her actual style. ;3
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(My personal belief is that her appearance in Jungle Moon accurately reflects what she looks like - everything else is probably tainted by memory-alteration a la White.)
My guess(es) on what's next
Okay, I was previously assuming that Steven would first fight the worm-thing (which I thought might have been a mutated Jasper, after getting all that essence-of-Diamond in one dose XD; ).  I was also speculating about White having turned a much-more-intense shade of pink, accusing Steven of it, and a fight breaking out between the two (with a note that it might be a good thing that Steven's learned to better control his Diamond powers =D; ).
Now it’s looking like the “Pink White” may have already been covered... or maybe it’s still being foreshadowed.  Hard to say at this point.
That said, I think there's still a good chance that White will still try to follow Steven for one reason or another, despite his plea not to.  I mean, it looks like she may have genuinely been impacted by what happened with Steven controlling her... or at least terrified. XD;
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She still asked him to wait, despite that.
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Steven did leave his shoe behind, a la Cinderella.  This could be a hint about someone following him and returning it to him.  Maybe there'll be something about it fitting after he's calmed down? =3
Though... yeah.  Maybe letting Steven puppet her will result in her turning pink and coming after him for it.  Or maybe White will still try to follow out of more a compassionate reason - or just to “fix him, like she’s apparently done with so many other Gems XD - and Steven will try to keep her away.
In any case, I’m thinking that odds are that Steven will end up getting in a fight with What, and that it will end up being on Earth, at least at some point during the struggle.  If so, I tend to imagine something like this happening:
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If Pink observes a fight between the two, it might be enough for the moon + sky thing to trigger in broad daylight.  If so, then the fact that there's someone on the moon who can turn the sky pink will be impossible to miss. XD  Even if it's not a fight that does it, I think odds are good that something like that will be how Pink being up there would be revealed, as well as working as a quick explanation that the moon + sky color are actually important.
If something like that does happen, then I think that White will finally fess up about messing with Gems' memories + thoughts and imprisoning Pink in the orb.  I mean... she'd basically be backed into a corner.  It also seems like she's getting to a point where she'd consider telling Steven anyway - just maybe she'd freak out and back out first, and/or the sky would beat her to it. XD;
I've also considered that maybe Steven's powers would get strong enough that he could be contacted by Pink in his dreams, anyway - they're not mutually-exclusive, so maybe both will happen?
But yeah.  There's plenty of evidence of a moon prisoner, and plenty of that evidence highly suggests that it's Pink.  I know I always say this, but I think it's time - maybe even well-past-time XD; - for Pink to be released.
A few possible roles of Pink (plus rambles)
Think about it: just about everyone that Steven knows - or is close to, at least - has been failing him in one way or another.  No one seems to know what's the best way to help him, or even fully understand just what exactly he might be going through - even White said that no one would be able to relate to him... but I don't think that's fully true.
Sure, maybe nobody could easily, and/or fully relate to the half-human thing, but I think there's a chance that, say, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth could at least help with the "vengeful thoughts" thing.
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But Pink, Pink could probably help with the powers, and maybe a few other things.  I mean, they're probably her powers - or at least a variation of them.  Heck, she may be even more powerful than Steven is. XD  If anyone could help Steven get things under control, Pink can.
Heck, maybe Pink even knows how to help calm down somebody who’s having a panic attack - or at least knows how to help Steven with his panic.  Given that nobody else seems to know about this, it seems pretty likely that it might be what Crewniverse is going for. =3  And hey... if nothing else, maybe it’s something she picked up just from watching the Earth for so long.  (I mean... if she’s really been stuck for 5,000 years, odds are that she’s picked up on a few things.  Not like she’d have an awful lot else to do, anyway. XD; )
I admit... it’d be a little extra cool to me since I’ve had the idea that it might be something that Pink would do. 83  Sort of a headcanon/fanfic idea that I never really got to or anything. XD;
But yeah, at this point, I think odds are good that Steven will more-or-less beg Pink to stay with him for awhile. XD
I mean... maybe they could ask Pink Pearl (I really don't like the name "Volleyball," sorry XD; ) about Steven’s powers, but I think she might still have too much trauma of her own over Pink's powers to really be able to help. ^_^;
...Though that said, I've suspected that White placated her, too.  If her traumas can still show through... I think odds are good that others' traumas will end up resurfacing - and thus being addressed - too. =3
...But yeah, it seems like White's MO involved making everyone just forget about things, and/or suddenly become happy. ^_^;  ...Another form of emotional neglect, I suppose.
I also it's possible that part of the reason why Steven is having trouble is because White did something to him. =/  I mean, if White really did remove whatever was left of Rose, then she may have removed an important part of Steven... and if she added something to him, it might be a big part of why he's so... unstable. -.-;
...Heck, maybe the reason why Steven's been getting white Diamond-pupils is because White did something to him. o.O  Maybe that why Steven!White has them, too, despite Spinel!White having black pupils.
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At any rate, maybe the real Pink could shed some light on that, too.  ...And/or maybe White will fess up. XD;  I think the latter is much, much more likely in this case, though.
I do think that, once Pink is released, it's likely to result in a lot of chaos, on account of Gems learning that things aren't how they thought they were - just one of many reasons why I think that White has still left her in there. ^_^;  However, that said, maybe Pink could end up being a catalyst in bringing those problems to the surface, so that they can be addressed. XD;
But yeah.  Overall, I think one of her roles would be in healing... just like with Rose, Steven, and their powers.  I think she'd also be good for helping uncover the truth of what really happened, along with other things.
Could be ironic; it's Steven Universe: Future, but there might end up being a lot of looking at the past.  Granted, maybe that's the point: look to the past to better understand the future. =3
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bluekayanite · 4 years
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Direct and shameless reference to this page of @egscomics. X3  (I do wonder how she’d handle A Friend In Deed, though... or maybe even just Pinkie Pie in general...)
Even with loosening up on myself, there was still a lot to erase on this page. XD;  I enjoy making backgrounds on computers, but there are reasons why I tend to avoid them on paper.
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bluekayanite · 4 years
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So Tumblr tells me that this is my 200th post.  I wanted to do something special, but unable to think of anything fancy, I just decided to go with something Spinel-related (since 1. I haven’t posted art of her yet 2. I’ve wanted to draw her a LOT XD).  And since this joke is based on ACPC’s February event, I figured I’d post this before February was over... even though the event technically ended already. ^_^;
I’ve been trying to break out of the idea that I have to draw everything perfectly and erase every stray pixel before uploading, or else people will get on my case about it (and instead give myself permission to laugh at anyone who does).  That said, I’m still allowing myself to make some adjustments, particularly for the stuff that I want to be higher-quality - I’m just being more lenient with what might get the eraser treatment.
That said, I’m willing to bet that you probably didn’t even notice any difference. XD  If you want some idea, I allowed myself to be somewhat sloppier on the stray Heartifacts - particularly with perspective.
I was going to use an earlier screenshot with only two Heartifacts, but then I decorated the second floor of my cabin with Spinel in mind, so I figured, why not use it as a background?  It also works because then I could give her a whole pile of them. X3
I hope you had a good Valentine’s season. ^_^  If not, that’s fine.  I had an “Eh... it’s another day” one, myself - and I’m okay with that. XD
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bluekayanite · 4 years
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Little mini-prediction, around one of the reasons why I suspect that Rose and Pink couldn’t have actually been the same person.  If true, this is how I imagine it being addressed.
Yes, that’s a reference to an Amethyst line from Catch and Release.  They are related, after all. ;3
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bluekayanite · 4 years
(SU:F Theory) Steven’s Struggles - What’s Coming Next??
While things may be pretty dull in SU:F right now, I think that there's something amazing coming on the horizon. =3
...yeah, that's all I got for an intro. XD;  More below the line.
EDIT (Jan 2, 2020): Added a few observation that I think are pretty important.
The General Mood
I'll admit to knowing pretty much exactly how Steven feels: watching people drift away and move forward while you seem to be stuck... needing to talk to someone about how you feel, but feeling like your options are bad, or that you need to talk to someone who can keep it a secret, first...  Yeah, I relate a lot to these last two eps.
I also seem to relate (though I can't remember why XD; ) to what I call being "stuck in time," or "displaced in time" - when I say these, I mean things like wanting/needing to move on, but not wanting to, or not knowing how.  It can also count for things like how Steven is both wanting things to be like they've been for him, and trying to move away from those things.
And I'm going to admit... the abrupt way that a lot of them left kinda doesn't seem to help. =/
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As much as I hate long goodbyes at regular gatherings, short goodbyes when you don't know if you'll see each-other seem even worse.  ...Not to mention they could’ve tried to keep him in the loop at least a little bit...  (If you ask me, I say "Some friends they are... -.-;")
This said, I'm noticing something about the general tone of the show, and a pretty big contrast to the original series: Unlike SU, which started out with more of a feeling of lighthearted adventure and discovery, SU:F has started with more of a feeling of listlessness, melancholy, and ends that don't seem to lead anywhere, and leave Steven (and - by extension, in a possible way - the audience) with a feeling of having nowhere to go.  And it's only kind of broken up with things that aren't really that dangerous - and in general, aren't really that exciting. XD;  It's kind of interesting to see how things are "grown up," sure, but it's also kind of a drag.
Which... all of that seems pretty strange, if you think about it.
(EDIT) I mean, for one, it’s a pretty big contrast to the bright, happy, optimistic tone of the opening theme.
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And for another... I remember a comment that there are still plenty of mysteries left unsolved from the original SU, and I'm more than inclined to agree with that.  To name a handful of them...
We know about how strict Gem culture is, but hardly anything about any of their, say, folklore, traditions, mythologies etc. - things like a Cosmic Jubilee have only been mentioned in passing.
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We still don't know what was in the chest in Lion's mane (which has been opened).
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We still haven't seen that one Diamondy-looking structure that's been hinted at in the colony plans
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We don't know about that one book in Rose's treasure trove that appears to be important.
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(Ref post)
What was up with the lizards?
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We still don't really know much about White's type of Gems - though we can venture a few guesses.
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(Not listed: possible vanity, melodramatic-ness among said Gems)
So, even though there's plenty to be explored - more than I think could be covered in a single season, or maybe even two - this fact seems to have been forgotten in-canon... and I would say conveniently so.
EDIT: Side note: It’s pretty frequently said that the kinds of things that bug us the most are the kinds of things that we ourselves need to work on.  …Personally, I actually question how true it is, and if it’s more of an assumption Freud made that people run with, not being as much of “THE reality” as people tend to think - if at all. XD;
Regardless, it appears to be an assumption that’s being run with: You remember Steven’s complaint about Amethyst?
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Well, personally, I’m sick of Steven acting like he’s so> mature now.  Let yourself be yourself, dude!  You don’t have to leave your old interests behind!!
...Anyway, similarly, the complaint about Garnet being "high-and-mighty" could easily be applied to Steven - even <i>he's</i> aware of his need to be needed, and the fact that he just suddenly took over Amethyst's mentorship program.  And the part about Pearl being likely to blame herself and fall to pieces... well, admittedly, it seems like that one <i>might</i> be stretching a little bit, but I <i>guess</i> you could say that Steven <i>assumes responsibility</i> for other people's issues - even if he technically doesn't "blame" himself.  And given his reactions during <i>Little Graduation</i> (as well as his behavior <i>Prickly Pair</i>), then I'd say that he's pretty <i>close</i> to falling to pieces.
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(Bonus points for the gardening joke. X3)
At any rate, this only helps to feed the feelings of listlessness and such that have been going on. XD;
This said, one of the things about storytelling (of all forms) is that you can't keep the tone the same for long, or else that tone starts to get old.  A feeling of boringness, naturally, is one of the worst tones to keep, and the whole point of what's been going on is that things have been pretty dull.  I’m sure Crewniverse knows this: I doubt that they'd push a “boring” feeling for too long...
Especially not without it being a build-up for something BIG. =3
What I think is Coming
So one of the things that has been keeping the monotony from growing too big is the enemies shown in the intro.
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So far, we’ve been encountering enemies from this shot every single week - or very-nearly every two eps.  We’ve already encountered most of them, and only two are left: a big, spiny, worm-y thing (which looks pretty intimidating =3), and “White” Diamond…
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I think her change of color is probably pretty important.  I can only imagine that whatever’s made her not-so-white is going to be covered, and assuming that this isn't self-inflicted somehow (or maybe even if it was), I can only assume it was triggered by something BIG. 83  ...If subtle. XD
Now, obviously, White doesn't seem the kind to do something like this to herself.  In the post in the link above, I theorized that it may have been something she picked up from Steven - something that he wouldn't have used consciously.  Something that he couldn't have even known about, because I think that even Rose didn't know.
I think it's a virus designed specifically for White - something that Rose wouldn't (couldn't!) have made on purpose.  More likely, I think it was from someone who White eventually got, and was stuck in the moon base orb as punishment for her crimes.
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I think that this prisoner is someone important who hasn't been given a proper introduction - someone who is going to get her introduction shortly. =3
There's Plenty of Evidence of a Moon Prisoner
The appearance of the moon seems FAR from random to me.  I’m not really sure how to explain how, but the timing of it seems... planned, and it feels too much like it's not a coincidence.
One of the things I can say is that it's sometimes there, and sometimes not, and in of itself, it might seem inconsistent.  It doesn't fit the “Okay, let's just stick the moon in the sky because it's night” thing that comes with most portrayals of the moon - this is partly because of just how often it shows during the day; something which happens IRL, but which few ever really put a focus on, especially in art.
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And they can't be going for lunar accuracy because it’ll do things like staying almost-in-place after sunset, changing position entirely too quickly, and changing phases within the same day.  In fact, in Sworn to the Sword, during the Jam Buds song, the moon is full during the day (which is impossible IRL), and then changes to a quarter-moon as soon as the song is over.
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So basically, I think that there's a prisoner in the moon base’s observation orb, and she likes to watch what’s going on.  When said prisoner is watching, there will be a change in the moon - or even the color of the sky.  And judging by this, the prisoner...
Is interested in Steven and the Gems
Is especially interested in Steven and Connie
(Is probably a 'shipper in general)
Is supportive and excitable, though appears to have some issues with anxiety or something
Has pink magic
Is POWERFUL enough to affect the appearance of the moon, sky, and maybe even stars through her emotions
Is also INCREDIBLY interested in entertainment (wrestling, Beach-a-Palooza), the Rose Quartzes, and "Volleyball"
Yeah...  I believe that - much like the robonoids in the ep Off-Colors - White Diamond was able to get through Rose's shield, and that a certain big "reveal" is basically a lot of mind-control on her part.
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This has been by theory since a week after A Single Pale Rose came out (warning: large post) - or less than a week, technically.  (It takes time to write these things. XD; )
Since before even Dewey Wins came out (after the Wanted arc), it has been my theory that Pink has been the prisoner in the orb (warning: old and long), and if the above list doesn't describe Pink - particularly the last few bullets - then I don't know what does.  Add in the fact that she probably has empathy magic, and it seems pretty much guaranteed.
And yeah, the segments of Steven's dome suggest that he is part Diamond, but one of my theories suggests that Rose may have been made that way, anyway - that Pink made Rose to be part Diamond, and thus an abomination from the start (by Gem standards).  Or at least that Pink put enough of herself into Rose that Rose's powers (and thus Steven's) could sort of emulate this.
But yeah, the behavior of the moon is... not very logical, as far as moons go. XD  It makes a lot more sense if you interpret it as a sign that somebody is watching - especially if you take things like the size, frequency, and brightness of the moon into account.  (The color of the sky also works - sometimes it has pink in it, especially around sunrise/set.)
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This includes one of the two latest eps: The moon was generally there (and full! =D) throughout the graduation.
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(Side note: It's neat seeing the Off-Colors eating. ^_^)
It blends in with the lighting, so it's hard to say whether a certain circle is the moon around the stage performance...
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But it's definitely around the stage when the dome is created and the lighting is lost.
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Once the dome is up, it's actually more visible through the dome, and it nearly-always shows in shots that include Steven.
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(It also actually disappears from behind Lars' head after Steven points at him. XD)
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(...granted, that one detail might be an error.  But I believe it also might not be. ;3)
It disappears entirely right before the dome starts shrinking, and doesn't reappear for the rest of the party.
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This is actually consistent behavior; I noticed the same thing in Cry for Help and Sadie's Song.  It seems like when it looks like things could go reallybad (socially, at least), it's too difficult for her to watch.  This is what I meant by "issues with anxiety or something."  (The consistency seems like another good clue on it being intentional.)
However, the moon does show up again after things have calmed down again: it's full and BRIGHT as Steven drives and ponders things.  This could be meant as wanting to give support, and feeling more than a little sorry - possibly including being sorry for looking away before.
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But yes, in general, the behavior of the moon in this ep fits with my general assessment on the moon's appearances, as well as what I understand/believe of Pink's personality.  And it looks to me like she already both would like to give help, and would probably need some, especially after release. ;3
(And seriously, why show the moon through the wall of the dome if it wasn't important?  Especially if it was going to get covered and such, anyhow?  The pattern of the dome already makes the background pretty busy and complicated - artistically speaking, I'm pretty sure it would've been better to leave the moon out.
And even more... why make it dis appear for only part of the story?  It seems like they were committed to showing it, otherwise, so it seems like there'd have to be an important reason for that one, too. ;3)
I'll note that I didn't find any signs of the moon in the ep Prickly Pair, and that the sunset is clearly orange.
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(Seriously, that's a huge contrast to the sunrise from Bluebird.)
But yeah, to me, it seems like pretty much everything points a new, major plot change coming very soon, and the moon - and its prisoner - are a really big part of that. =3
Possible Role(s) for Pink
(All my posts lead to Pink.  SUE ME.)
Okay, so obviously if Pink were revealed not to be the same as Rose Quartz, then it would be a pretty big shake-up - there would probably be at least a few eps about the main characters trying to get used to the idea (especially Pearl HO BOY).  This could definitely give Steven some stuff to do, though I think odds are good that Pink herself would do a lot of it.  (And should, I believe - they'd partly be her problems, after all!)
...Though granted, I think there's a pretty good chance that pretty much every Gem on Earth - as well as in general - would need some time to get adjusted. XD;  Speaking of which, I've already mentioned that en encounter with Jasper seems likely, as well as a possible-reveal with Smokey Quartz.  (Aaaand of course, there’d have to be stuff about the Rose Quartzes and "Volleyball" HO BOY  =D; )
I'll also note that I noticed that the moon was around during the "fight" at the end of Sunstone's video, so she would've seen both Sunstone and Rainbow.
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(I've found out that XFinity wasn't showing the wrong vids after all. XD;  Should've checked more intently sooner how embarrassing...)
But yeah.  So far, Smokey's the only one of the three main Gem-Steven Fusions that hasn't been shown with a moon around, so that makes it seem even more likely to me that Smokey is gonna be important to her. =3
In general, I think that Pink being around could help tie up a lot of loose ends, and explain a lot of odd details - partly because a shake-up could lead to the Gems doing more thing, partly because of whatever Pink's actual involvement was during the war, and partly because I would be far from surprised if there were things that only Diamonds were allowed to know. XD
As I've already mentioned, it seems like Pink would want to help with things, as well as needing help, herself.  It seems like she could be just the person Steven needs to help with his problems - possibly including the problem of how to solve his own problems, without always needing outside help. XD;  She could be connected-yet-detached enough from everything that's been going on that it'd make her a pretty good candidate for somebody to listen to him, and there is some pretty good evidence that she was good at keeping secrets - even before the whole Earth fiasco happened.
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The watching-from-the-moon thing could both complicate and simplify matters, depending on the situation. XD;  (Not that I could really blame her.)  ...Personally, I'm hoping for at least one joke about Pink having seen something awkward and embarrassing. X3
Anyway, I've mentioned that the moon wasn't there for Prickly Pair - well, it wasn't there for Guidance either, when the subject of Steven not knowing what to do first came up.  ...Come to think, I guess you could also count it not being there when brought up in Little Graduation.  At any rate, it seems that the topic of Steven feeling aimless is one that she probably doesn't know about, and would have to be brought up after her release. XD
I was theorizing before that maybe she wasn't sure about what was going on with Steven's new powers, but I think it's safe to say that those powers have been seen now. XD;  At any rate, I think there's a good chance that Pink'd be able to give him some help regarding said newer powers.
And on Steven's side, she could give him someone to help, for awhile. =3  I mean, I've already mentioned that she seems to have fear issues - I'd bet she has a whole slew of baggage after whatever she did in the war, as well as being trapped on the moon. XD;
And for something that might be bigger...  I think the Diamonds - as well as the Gem worlds in general - really need Pink.  She just has so many traits that could balance the Diamonds out, if they really gave her the chance.  I mean, forget the "problematic" Gems - I would think that Gems as a whole would probably be lost without helpful direction.  After a long existence where everything was directed, it sounds like they don't really know what to do on their own... and instead of trying to help them through it, Blue, Yellow, and White just sort of... left them to their own devices.
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And maybe it's just me, but I don't think that Steven would cut it - aside from not knowing the ins-and-outs of Gem culture and how it could affect things, I think that they'd need someone who could be there constantly.  Not only would needing to sleep 1/3 of the time really cut into that, but biological needs in general would need to be accounted for, and neither returning to Earth nor trying to to equip the planets for his needs seems like a feasible route. XD;
(Also, one of my theories is that Pink grew immune to White's control due to growing more powerful, as indicated by their mural-halos...
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((Image source))
...and I think that White needs a person that she can't control. XD;  Seriously, she needs to have someone who can force her - teach her - to have an honest relationship, and I don't think that's gonna happen so long as White has the option to go an easier route.)
So yeah.  I think that, before too long, the real Pink will return to her throne... and probably even get a series of her own. 83  Of course, she'd still visit, and deal with things on Earth now-and-then, but I think it'd be so awesome to have a series IMMERSED in the Gem side of things. 8333333
...And, of course, on Pink's side of things. ='3
Call it a weird hill to stand-and-die on, and I'd be lying if I said there wasn't any motivated reasoning, but I've always been a big fan of Pink, since I started gleaming what little I could from what little clues I found.  I saw a quirky, loving little Diamond who planned to save the Earth from the very beginning - even if she couldn't bring herself to openly stand up to the other Diamonds - and who planned from the very beginning to help to make Gems free.  And if this Pink is really who she is, then I would love to see her get a show of her own. *^_^*
...So yeah.  "Team" Pink-was-never-Rose forever. =3
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bluekayanite · 4 years
(SU:F Theory - Snow Day) Has Steven REALLY Changed That Much?
...Or is he just still dealing with an old issue?
(I intended to post this last week, but apparently forgot to actually, you know, post it. >_<  I’ve got another one upcoming, but here’s this one for now.)
EDIT: Some edits have been made.  Not gonna stress myself over the details this time.
My Feelings on the Ep
Okay, I dunno about you, but I actually found the story of Snow Day pretty upsetting.  The whole thing was about Steven running from his childhood favorites, and he pretty much stated that it was because he didn't want to be seen as a kid.
Sure, I can get behind not liking when people assume you haven't changed, especially when the changes in question have to do with you learning and growing (been there... -.-), but it didn't feel like that was the real issue.  I mean, there's growing up and changing, and then there's more-or-less trying to hide, or to erase the past.  IMO, this ep showed Steven trying to avoid "kids stuff" to an extreme.  He literally jumped over the edge!
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And not just the kids stuff, but it feels to me like he's been avoiding silly stuff in general, like that goofy charm that seemed like an essential character trait throughout the first series.
Even the idea that he could've left behind so much of the goofiness I love was pretty distressing - it really feels like he's trying to run away from a part of himself, essentially killing a part of himself (or at least a version thereof).  But that's not the whole of the issue for me.
To me, it really kind of felt like Steven believed the Gems were wrong to still want to appreciate the old stuff with him - not because of “seeing him as a child, still,” but... like they couldn't still appreciate the way he used to be, even in a nostalgic sense.  Like he believes that they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the silly stuff, either.  Or the little things in general.
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(If you're not taking the time to pet something cute, I'd say it's pretty serious.)
Also: come on!!  The Cheeseburger Backpack and Together Breakfast are two of the most iconic things of the series-es!  And personally, like I kind of said, I’d say Steven's goofiness is right up there with them!  Even the vegetarianism!  Remember how big Steven was on hot dogs?
"I think there isn't such a thing as a bad [hot] dog, though.  Only bad chefs!" - Steven, Wacky Sacks Unboxing minisode
It was even in the first opening of SU!
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I don't mind that SU:F is more mature than SU, but it feels like it's missing a lot of the heart that made SU so easy to love.  I’m even noticing that there's been a shortage a star-iris-endings.  I’m pretty sure the last iris was used in Guidance... for a fake ending.
Not that I think the star-iris should be forced, but it seems like it's not being used, even when Crewniverse has a perfectly good chance to do so.  The fact that they've used it at all suggests that they're not trying to avoid using it - more like they've fallen out of the habit, or something.  And I’m really starting to feel the absence of the little bit of lighthearted warmth that it typically brings.  It just kinda quietly punctuates just how serious the show has been.
...It's pretty depressing, really.
But yeah, in general, I'm not a big fan of the idea that you have to let go of kid things as soon as you grow up.  Doctors believe that play is just as important for adults as it is for children.  Heck, that article even mentions reading aloud to someone (and I'd say, by extension, being read to) as a form of play... one of the forms that Steven specifically avoids.
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And if you ask me, The No Home Boys sounds like its pretty deep - not just a basic, “silly” kids’ story.
"My favorite story is this classic one where the No Home Boys are chased[...] by a mysterious pursuer, which turns out to be the very fear resting within themselves." - Steven, On The Run
At the very least, it's what led to him having an adventure that led to him learning something important, and to bringing to light - and resolving - some previously-unspoken tension between Pearl and Amethyst.
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So at the very least, I wouldn't cast aside childish things so quickly, if only for all the good that they have already brought.
There's also the fact that adult play has been accepted as a pretty important thing in our current society - it's basically our culture now.  As said on the YT Channel Lockstin & Gnoggin (in response to COPPA), "This isn't the 1970s anymore[...]  Adults are no longer afraid to be interested in things."  I mean, heck, I think odds are pretty good that if you’re reading this, you're probably an adult who enjoys “kids stuff.”  I know I technically fit in that category - I’m getting old enough that I don't like to think about it. ^_^;
Personally, I believe that the “adults can still like ‘kids’ stuff” thing could really use more representation in mainstream media, ESPECIALLY after the whole COPPA thing.  Personally, I’ve always believed that this would be done through Steven Universe.
And personally... I still think odds are good that it will.
Why I Think There's Still Hope for the Subject
The “adults enjoying ‘childish’ stuff” thing isn't just a thing with Millennials and the Internet in general: it's a pretty strong part of the culture of the Crewniverse, what with them actually enjoying Together Breakfast for the release of the ep by the same name.  Not to mention donuts topped with Pop Rocks fire salt (exact quote - for Joking Victim), a big bowl of macaroni-and-nothing (for Warp Tour), and even a Rice Krispie temple that promptly got pummeled by a giant hand (technically for Bismuth, but also referencing Jailbreak).  And those are just a few examples.
And in general, I've noticed that SU is very Millennial show, featuring values like that the reason for work should be to enjoy life, rather than to make money (Drop Beat Dad), and I've already said that being able to enjoy "kids stuff" as an adult is a pretty Millennial thing.
So to me, it seems like it's probably inevitable that Steven's going to get over the "trying too hard to adult" thing.  Heck, if anything, I'd say that Snow Day is just another part of the long-running-buildup.
Steven has a history of trying to cut everything “childish” out of his life, and/or being embarrassed when it's brought up.
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This felt like an extension of that history - to me, it feels like this issue leveled up, like he's trying harder than ever before to avoid being associated with "kids stuff."  His reaction to Garnet presenting the Cheeseburger Backpack certainly looks like one of embarrassment, and one of not even appreciating the gesture, regardless.
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And if you look, this whole thing started when the Gems implied that birthday parties were a "kids thing."
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(My apologies for VUDU’s captions - they got better, I promise.)
Since then, he’s been stuck on the idea that he would have to leave things behind as he got older.
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Before that, he was trying to convince the Gems of just the opposite.
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Little did Steven know that they actually came around, while he was away...
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But now?  Now that they've obviously come around, he's still having trouble getting over what was once said.
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He's even overtly objecting to being called "cute," or like a kid!
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I think this is a pretty good example of how one little thing can result in a problem that a person struggles with for a long time afterward; how one idea can result in a person pressuring themselves to try and be something or not, even if the people who gave the idea have changed their minds.  I think it's a pretty good example of the kind of baggage - the kind of problems - we carry around with us.
And you know what the official description of SU:F says?
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"[A]s [Steven] runs out of other people's problems to solve, he'll finally have to face his own."
I very much believe that this is one of them. =3
Before I saw the movie, I had been spoiled by the “catchup” vid for the last season clearly being narrated by an older-voiced Steven.  (So sorry, Hilary, that you want through so much trouble, but the neck wasn't much of a secret to me. XD; )  And spoilers aside, it had been pretty well hinted that he was going to grow up, via both of the “Birthday” episodes. 
(Personally, I’m kind of disappointed that we missed the magic growth spurt - I always thought it would've been hilarious. X3)
I’d often thought that Steven was going to grow up when he realized that he didn't have to leave “childish” stuff behind - that he can be grown up without having to "stop being a kid," or worrying about how people would see him if he didn't.  I kind of figured it would allow him to feel more comfortable about growing up, and so he would grow up.
But, apparently, that's still a thing he needs to work on.
And sure, I'm glad Steven came around at least a little, but I wonder if it's really enough... especially since he doesn’t even seem sincere on loving that the Gems upgraded the Steven Tag game.
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But also, it seems to me like this issue is affecting more of his personality than just his desire to have fun... like he's losing quite a bit of himself.  Remember how Pearl once described him?
You have to feel like yourself!  Sweet and considerate, and only occasionally obnoxious! - Pearl, So Many Birthdays
It does seem like Steven's been having trouble with the considerate angle, lately.  I mean, he kept busting into Jasper's hideout, he took over Amethyst's mentorship program (completely ignoring the feelings of the Gems being mentored), and in general, he's kinda... asserting himself and his opinions more than listening to others(').  I'd even say that he's lost a lot of his sweet, and he's... probably more than occasionally obnoxious. ^_^;  I mean, Aquamarine and Eyeball certainly think so. X3
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Now?  Well... I'd say that the Gems have at least as much of a point as Steven does.  I have to admit, I feel a lot like Amethyst - I think she has a point about the direction Steven is (or had been) heading, and about what kind of example he was setting.
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I agree that the issue is serious enough for Pearl to be justified in being willing to join in (which I really love her doing =3).
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(Seriously, I’ve actually been worried for Steven.)
...And now I’d say that her old plea to feel like himself again is even more valid than ever.
In a way, Snow Day felt a lot like So Many Birthdays in reverse: instead of Steven trying to spend time with the Gems and making them feeling awkward about silly stuff, we now have the exact opposite.  Now, instead of allowing himself to still be a kid, Steven tries to convince them not to make him be a kid.  ...Which, again, is fair, but still.  I'd say it goes too far when he hates the idea of "kid."
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But yeah...  I figure this has gotta be addressed sooner or later.  Personally, I can't wait fo the day when it is. XD;
...call me crazy - call me super crazy - but I’m hoping that a certain Pink Doofball* will talk some more sense into him. X3  That, or maybe his dad.
(*If you're not familiar with my blog... well, here's my main theory, in case you're interested.  I know it probably sounds insane, but it would mean a lot if you'd give it a look.)
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bluekayanite · 4 years
(SU:F Theories) Pink Steven and Roses
Whew...  I struggled a lot with this one, and not because I decided to tackle two subjects at once. XD;  Thankfully, I managed to get it done, and BEFORE the next eps came out, so... Enjoy, if you will. =3
EDIT: Added another bit of speculation.
THE Rose is Probably Different
Granted, she obviously would be if she really were Pink Diamond.  But as I believe there's more than enough room for doubt, I'm going to tackle the subject as if she were not.  (A lot of this may be interesting in either case.)
I'm sure many have noticed by now that Rose has certain features that average Rose Quartzes do not - one that's normally associated with organic women.
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(Incidentally, I wonder what the actual odds would be of just getting a Rose Quartz that looks virtually identical to Rose. XD; )
...I will point out that not only did Rose supposedly have the basic shape for them before she'd even met any organic women, but Pearl supposedly suggested that shape.
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At any rate, the point is that she's a bit different than usual, and it may not be by choice.  Along with her shape, Rose's coloring is different - whereas standard Rose Quartzes all have skin + hair in the reddish-purplish spectrum of "pink," the Rose has more human-like skin, much more in the yellow-orangish range...
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In recaps and flashbacks, the narrative seems to be that Pink (more-or-less) swapped her hair and skin colors to achieve the "Rose" look.
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(The colors aren't exact, but they're pretty close - particularly with the the Pink hair/Rose skin color.)
...but no clearly-lit shots (or, I'd say, even any shaded ones) of Pink really look like they have Rose's peach-coloring.
...In fact, the only time Pearl clearly remembers Rose having that kind of skin tone is when seeing Garnet's first fusion - otherwise, she looks pink.
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One exception to definitely-Rose being peach-colored is in the "Nora" tape... but in that tape,
is more pinkish, too.
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(It looks like they're both being tinted by one of those pink sunsets. =3)
Anyway... sidetracked... compelled to point out inconsistencies with the "Rose = Pink" thing... yadda yadda...  While I don't believe that Rose was Pink Diamond, I'm really starting to think that she was specially made.  In fact, while I don't think that Rose was the Pink Diamond... I think it's possible that she may have been made as some sort of Diamond-Quartz hybrid.  I mean, in Pink's secret room, it looks like she may have been studying the pink stones from a few pieces of rock.
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I think it's possible that those stones are from the same meteor/whatever that Pink drew - and specifically pointed out - in her drawing of the other Diamonds, from before she came around.
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This said, I've been speculating that the meteor is what Pink may have originally come from (at least supposedly).  So if she was studying the crystals that may have come from it, she may have been studying herself... and her composition.  And if Pink was planning on making a Gem that shared her powers, it would be a good reason for her to do that.
Heck, it could explain why Rose's Gemstone is different from the other Rose Quartzes.
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And even why Pink's form showed up during Rose's/Pink Steven's reformation - part of me even wonders if Pink used a small part of her own Stone, and then healed it.
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It could even explain how Blue and Yellow could mistake Steven's aura for Pink's.
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...it might conflict with the fact that Steven's aura in reunited has a complete lack of diamond-shapes in it, though. ^_^;  (I'm still not ruling out that "recognizing" the aura would be all due to White meddling with their memories.)
At any rate, I've long figured that Pink probably put a lot of herself (maybe too much) into Rose, if not the Rose Quartzes in general.  Though now I figure that there's a good chance that Rose may have been intentionally made differently - like how I suspect Amethyst was, except even more so.  Maybe she was even made on Homeworld - it would explain why Rose refers to Homeworld as "home."
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But most of all, it could explain why Steven is manifesting the kind of destructive powers that Pink apparently had... even if Rose never did.
The New Pink Steven
The main thing I've noticed with the new Pink Steven is that it's... he's? ...that this effect is mostly triggered by anger and frustration - maybe other manifestations of pain, at times.  Another thing I've noticed is that said anger is justifiable - at least, in my opinion.
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I mean, consider when we've seen the newer Pink Steven, so far:
Not allowing Jasper to talk bad about him (defending self-worth)
Being frustrated about Smokey not having enough time to save the rollercoaster riders (defending people)
Not being able to deal with the idea of Rose/Pink having hurt anybody (defending his emotional wellbeing)
Not allowing Aquamarine and Eyeball to just hurt people - especially his dad - without consequence (again, defending people - also, not allowing blatantly unethical behavior)
Not to say that there's no danger or that he never goes overboard... or loses control entirely.  I mean, not only did he end up causing the Reef to malfunction...
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(Closest pic I've got. -.-; )
...but he took out a chunk of the forest while fighting Jasper!
(Sadly, no pic on this - I'm a little low on cash, XFinity shows the wrong show right now, and CN only has the latest ep. -.-;  And no, I'm not going the YT route or anything like that. >.<)
Still, it looks to me like Steven "powering up" might have to do with righteous anger.  The kind of anger that really drives him to try and do something - especially something that has to do with protection.  I mean, it doesn't trigger with the anger he's having when Bluebird is beating him up.
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And it didn't trigger when he was ticked-off at Jasper for not wanting to join Little Homeschool.
(Again, no pic. -.-; )
So it can't be just any form of anger.  There's gotta be some other criteria - like I mentioned, it could be that it has to be the kind of anger that comes from wanting to bring something good... or at least to try and protect something important.
If so, then this could also say something about Pink: it could be that she wasn't just "throwing tantrums left and right" just because she got angry at everything, but rather because she was prevented from doing things that would genuinely bring something good.  It could be that - even if the use of these powers led to some destruction - the emotions behind them weren't inherently destructive.  I'm not even ruling out that she didn't even throw tantrums that often, but that it's just another case of White altering memories.  (Or if she did throw tantrums that often, White may have changed the memories about the reasons for them. XD; )
That said, if the basic trigger is "defending something important," then it is still possible that the powers could've been triggered for misplaced priorities: just because something was important to her doesn't necessarily mean that it was inherently a good thing. XD;
At any rate, there weren't any signs of that kind of power being triggered in the dream sequence of Jungle Moon, despite there obviously being tantrums involved.
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...Though granted, one of my theories is that she hadn't grown into her powers, yet. XD;
Still, I'm not ruling out that the trigger for the powers is less about the reason for the anger, and more about the flavor of the anger.  It might be exact enough that I'm not sure of the exact word for it, but so far I'm leaning toward something like "fury." XD;
The Moon Prisoner has Likely Seen Pink Steven by Now
I basically believe that the moon showing up is almost-always a sign that someone - who I believe to be Pink Diamond - is watching the scene through the Diamond Base orb, which she is trapped in.
The moon wasn't in the first two SU:F eps, but it was there for Volleyball.
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And it was also at the start of Bluebird.
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I also believe that the sky being pink will also indicate that the moon-prisoner is watching; the pinker, the more-intensely she's watching, and the sky is INCREDIBLY pink in Bluebird when Greg is being kidnapped.
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And is like that through the point where Greg cuts himself free.
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Interestingly, even before Steven catches Greg, the sky takes on more of an orange gradient (on the left) - and stays that way until the end of the ep.
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Though it’s still largely pink.
I'll note that I noticed that they apparently used the same orange-pink sky for all the backgrounds from the point where Steven catches Greg, onward - not that I blame them; I can say from experience that doing backgrounds can take a LOT of work.  (...but I still find it funny. XD)
Still, if they were intent on saving themselves work, then why change the sky at all? ;3  I would guess that the fact that they did change the sky is a sign that it was important. =3
In this case, I would guess that the moon-prisoner was worried about Greg, and relaxed a bit once she realized that he would be safe.  But regardless, she continued to watch the whole fight.
If so, then she would've had to have seen Pink Steven fighting Aquamarine and Eyeball.
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...but she probably wouldn't have seen his time-control powers, or his sonic scream (which, IIRC, would've been off-planet).
Basically, I've been wondering if Pink's not supposed to know just how much of these powers he's inherited.  She may or may not suspect, but depending on what she sees, she might be left not knowing if Steven can do more with this than fly up and smash things.
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(...Or wear hats. XDD)
At any rate, I think there's a good chance that she would know about how these powers work, and have some good advice on how to use them. ;3 83
Rose May Have Been Carrying a Secret Payload
...one that she didn't even know about.
This would be one of the ways that Rose would be special... one of the ones that I think she would probably not be proud of, if she knew about it.
In the movie, White had already picked up on a pinkish tinge.
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It wasn't there at the end of Change Your Mind.
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But in the SU:F opening, she looks REALLY pink. =O
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Everyone else's color in that shot seems normal (for being shaded), so I think odds are good that White really is is going to look like that at some point.
But what would make her that way?  I doubt she'd do it on purpose...  What would've changed to make her that way?
Well, obviously, the biggest pink-(or Pink-)related thing to come into her life is Steven, and I really doubt that Steven would be doing something like this on purpose. XD;  So what seems most likely to me is that it was something that Steven did without even knowing it.
I doubt it's simply an effect of gradual exposure to Steven, since 1) he's been spending most of his time on Earth, and 2) if that were the case - and Rose was Pink - I think it would've happened looooong ago, from exposure to Pink. XD  So to me, it seems mostly likely to be a one-time thing that Pink put into Rose that would be activated on its own.
Like... a color-changing virus? =O
A logic bomb is a type of malware that will only get triggered under certain circumstances - for example, "on this date, activate a virus" or "if employee X is fired, erase all employee info."  I think that Rose was made with a type of logic bomb, just in case White tried anything funny - like, trying to turn Rose into a replacement for Pink.
If so, then it is both kind of amazing that Pink would have that kind of foresight, and saddening that she would think it necessary to prepare for something like that.  It would mean that she knew (or at least suspected) that White was the kind to try something like that.
I will note that one of the things about a logic bomb is that, if the conditions for triggering it never happen, then the "bomb" never goes off - if Rose really was made with such a bomb, then it's possible that Pink put it in there with the hopes that it would never be triggered.  If White would prove herself, then she would never get hit with the punishment.  But if White did do the worst... well, Pink probably figured it was better not to risk it.
One of those "Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" sort of things. ^_^;
It's also possible that the color-change is meant for more than just punishment, payback, or exposure: it could be meant as a lesson in empathy, to give White an idea of what it feels like to be "wrong" - and/or treated as such.
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EDIT: I also think it’s possible that it could be for learning empathy for what it’s like to have a change forced onto you by someone.  (Have I mentioned that I believe that White’s been using mind-control?)
Another idea is that Pink may have done it in the hopes that, if anything did happen to her, it could prompt others to try and find out what had really happened - maybe even find her, if White decided not to break her. XD;  (Or heal her, if White did. ^_^; )
Though that said, so far, the effects seem to be fairly harmless... and yet not. ^_^;  At the very least, the sudden saturation would be embarrassing for the "White" Diamond.  Though even if the change itself is harmless, it could have MASSIVE implications for her position as the "flawless" ruler - at any rate, it could be a very good way to catch and expose her red-handed (or pink-handed, as the case may be).
I do wonder if the malware could've affected more than just White's color (though even just THAT could make for a good payback-prank) - maybe it affected her powers, or even her feelings in some way... big or small.  Maybe it's the reason why she was even capable of blushing the way she did.
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Maybe White's words were more accurate than we thought. XD;
As for what would've triggered the virus...  It could be a number of things.  I think the most likely one would be "trying to insert being-Pink-related memories/personality traits," but still, there's no rule that says that a logic bomb can only have one trigger... a programmer could put in as many triggers as they want, really.  Pink could have put in any number of possible conditions for White to start getting pink-ified.  So while I do think it most likely that White using her powers in certain ways would be the trigger(s), it could've also been triggered by, say, White physically handling Rose's Gemstone... or even removing it from whoever Rose's child would be!
(...I could provide visual examples, but I'd rather not in this case. ^_^; )
Heck, she might've even included things completely unrelated to what panned out, just in case a number of different scenarios happened. XD;
Though that said... it's also not impossible that the trigger was also made to remove any inserted memories/traits of the being-Pink-related sort.  ...But not restore any lost ones.  Which could explain - among other things - the comment about Pink being "gone."
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... (RIP Rose. ='( )
...But yeah.  All things considered, it looks most likely to me that the idea was to try and bring things to light should White ever try to replace Pink.  If anything, maybe that'll lead to the truth getting out, as well as the true Pink.
(And maybe we could get some laughs along the way about White's new look - as well as what to call her. X3)
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bluekayanite · 4 years
(SU/SU:F Observations/Theory) More on the SU Moon
So I've been convinced for awhile that the moon appearing in Steven Universe eps (and at least one of the books) is NOT RANDOM.  The first four eps of Steven Universe: Future helped solidify this for me even further.
So here's what I think the appearance of the moon means, as well as a number of my moon-related observations from the original SU.
EDIT (Dec 16, 2019): Corrected a detail that I missed/got wrong. =3 EDIT2 (Dec 17, 2019): Added another detail. ^w^
So, I believe that an important person from the Gem War has been imprisoned in the observation orb in the Diamond base.
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(The force field is for extra insurance, filtering out anyone who might intend to do a rescue.)
Like the mirror that Lapis was trapped in, I believe that this prisoner can see what's going on through the orb's observation functions.  When this person is watching, the moon will appear.
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When this person is paying closer attention than usual, the moon will often be bright and/or full... it may even be pink.
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Sometimes, when this person is watching hard, even the sunset (or sunrise) will be pink.
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I believe that - like with the search robonoids in Off-Colors - Rose's sheild wasn't enough to black out White Diamond's mind control powers.
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I believe that the prisoner on the moon is the real Pink Diamond.
The Prisoner is Certainly Interested in Pink's Stuff
The reason I decided to write this is because of the moon's presence in the third and fourth eps of SU:F, Rose Buds and Volleyball - eps that would certainly be relevant to Pink Diamond's interests, because they're about Gems that would more-than-likely be important to her.  The moon shows up a LOT in Rose Buds, and is often on the bright side.
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Granted, most of the appearances are in the same background of Steven's Room, during the slumber party - I omitted about half the shots because they'd be redundant. XD;  Still, it's quite a bit for the amount of show it's in.
That said, it doesn't start showing up until after the Rose Quartzes came to Steven's house.  And Crewniverse definitely took some creative liberties for *where* it appears.  For example, it's seen in *almost* the same place in the sky for both night and day shots of the house.
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The moon doesn't work that way. XD  It's going to appear to go across the sky, just like the sun does, and at about the same rate.  The amount of shift that it does have would only suggest a change of... maybe a half-hour, if that.  Certainly not enough time to go from broad daylight to a dark, starry sky.  Another thing is that, even though the moon is shown on the opposite side of the house from Steven's new sliding-doors, you can see it through the sliding doors. XD
Also: even though you normally see it through the left side of the doors, it switches to the right side, just for this one shot.
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So it really seems to me like they're trying to emphasize "the moon is there!"  I can't think of a reason why they would do that, unless it were important to the story... in this case, a story about a few Rose Quartzes, who Pink made.  (I like to imagine that it's like she's trying to press her nose to the door. XD)
Now in Volleyball, while most of the shots are indoors, the shots of the house include the moon... again, in both day (right at the beginning of the ep) and night (right at the end of the ep), and again, in about the same position in the sky for both day and night.
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Though this time the moon even changes phases, going from quarter-moon to a full one.  Again, the moon doesn't work that way!  It takes a week to go between a quarter-moon and a full moon.  (It's also one of the times when its on the brighter side.)
So again, I don't think this'd be done unless it were important to the story.  Again, the story is about a Gem that Pink (probably) made, and who is probably important to her.  I've already mentioned that I suspect that a full moon means that Pink is paying extra-close attention - this suggests to me that Pink Pearl really was that important to Pink.
...I could only imagine what Pink would be feeling.  She might be a that the Pearl (esp. the pink one) seem to be doing okay, but what they think about her would probably be awkward at best.  ...more likely it would be painful though IMO - one of the Gems who she was really closest to has forgotten who she really is.
The Moon-Prisoner Seems Interested in Steven and the Crystal Gems
Okay... so I haven't actually scanned through all the SU eps to see where the moon shows up, but here are the things I have noticed:
The moon shows up a lot when Steven and Connie are together - as does the pink-sky thing.
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In Sworn to the Sword, the moon is actually full briefly during the Jam Buds song... and then instantly changes to a quarter-moon.  This is extra weird moon-behavior, since it's actually impossible for the moon to be full during the day, since it has to be on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun to be full. XD  She's gotta be paying really close attention - not to mention be very POWERFUL - if she managed that. X3
(And yes, I'm sure it's not the sun.  The sun isn't made of two shades of blue.)
Anyway, the moon is there for two of Greg's stories.
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It's also there for Garnet's wedding. ;3
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(Looks to me like Pink's a 'shipper. =3 X3  It even shows up during Gemcation, when Connie and Steven aren't talking.)
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It's there, full, and bright, for ALL of the wrestling matches.  (Seriously, ALL of them.)
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It's hard to see after Tiger and Puma get beaten, but it's there.
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It's bright and pink when Steven is having trouble with his cat fingers - possibly suggesting freak-out.
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Speaking of freak-out, the moon shows quite a bit during the Heart of the Crystal Gems arc, after "the Reveal" - as do pink sunsets.
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In The Question, there's also a higher rate of pink-colored, diamond-shaped stars with a halo around them - something else that I think could be a clue that the prisoner's watching... maybe even trying to communicate.
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She also seemed to be watching during the fiasco with the communications tower (where the moon is explicitly used to show the passing of time).
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...and may have checked in out of worry, after.  Specifically, on Amethyst.
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And seemed to have watched for the resolution. =‘3
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It's hard to miss the moon at the end of Rose's Scabbard.
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She also apparently watches Beach-A-Palooza - the moon is even noticeably pink during Sadie's Song!
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(...though admittedly, the pink may be harder to notice against my marks. XD; )
There's some INTENSE pink-sunset going on in Raising the Barn, when a fellow prisoner is thinking about running away.  (Plus a half-moon, after it's too late to stop her.)
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She may have noticed when Lars - a friend of Steven's - went missing.
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She may have even followed Buddy’s adventures.
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I even wonder if she somehow got Lion to go get Steven out from the ocean in Escapism.
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Overall, the impression that I get from when and how the moon appears is sort of a curious, excitable, and supportive (and/or worrying) feeling.  And it would seem to me like the prisoner enjoys entertainment, much like Pink is established to. ;3
The Moon is Conveniently Absent for Certain Plot Points
Like I hinted at, there don't appear to be any signs of the moon in either Little Homeschool or Guidance.  In fact, other than when Jasper first arrives, the moon hasn't shown AT ALL when either Jasper or Smokey have been involved - and even when Jasper first arrives, it's a stretch, because you have to count seeing the moon from the hand-ship, where I'm not sure the orb could look into.
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Though I guess the sky could be considered pink after the crash... (I'd say it's more of a light/pale red, though - not quite "pink" range.)
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And the sky is definitely pink at the end of Back to the Kindergarten - an ep that Smokey appeared in.
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Still, it seems plausible that the prisoner doesn't know much about what's happened with Jasper, and she might not know about Smokey (or the other with-Gem Steven-Fusions) at all.  I'm thinking there's a pretty good chance that there's going to be an ep where Pink meets Jasper, and there's some shock involved (on both sides).
Similarly... one of my theories is that Smokey's freckles are a recessive trait indirectly inherited from Pink, who had to hide her own freckles.  (They're the only truly new trait gained when Steven fuses with one of the CGs.)
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I think this might be setting up for a pleasant surprise on a first-meeting with Smokey. =3
There are other points where it seems like she missed something important - for example, there's no sign of the moon during Pearl's most famous song... or anywhere else in Mr. Greg.
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I've also yet to see the moon any time when the other Diamonds were on Earth.  (Though it does show up after they've already left...)
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And... well, while the sky is pink through much of the movie, I think that's caused by the injector, not the moon-prisoner.  The only time you see the moon during the *actual story* is during Independent Together.  (Plus one of halo'd stars that I think could also be important.)
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So... depending on where her focus was, the prisoner may, or may not, have noticed Spinel.
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...And even if she did, she probably hasn't seen Spinel's newer form.
(It also shows during Steven's recap - one place where it seems like she might be watching proudly. =3)
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(...Come to look, it really looks like the rings of light coming off the moon are focused toward Steven, too. 83)
I think it's also possible that the moon disappearing could mean that the prisoner's stopped watching.  For example, while the moon was clearly above the communications hub near the end of Cry For Help, it disappears when Sugilite knocks it down.
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I also realized while gathering screenies that the moon isn't found in Sadie's Song after Barb goes to get more glitter.  (I'd previously assumed that Pink was watching all the way through, but now I'm not so certain.)
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Granted, it's possible that both these cases were meant to declutter...  I certainly don’t think that just because the moon is missing in a specific shot means that the prisoner isn’t watching at that very second.  For example, there are a number of moonless shots in The Question that come in-between shots with the moon.
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(In general, I believe that if the moon shows up outside, before an important scene inside, then it means that she’s watching throughout the indoor scene - possibly throughout the whole ep, even.)
It's also possible that, since they actually were keeping track of the moon's position in Sadie's song, it just didn't show after the glitter-run because the camera never faces toward it.  Still, it did seem like they fudged its location when they showed the empty stage, so that seems like a stretch.
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Though now, I'm thinking there's a really good possibility that, since they both looked like they were leading toward trainwrecks (even if it was only the case one of those times), she couldn't bring herself to watch. =D;
Maybe she has even more trouble with anxiety than I realized...
The Moon is in the Openings
So I couldn't find any sign of the moon in the first two eps of SU:F, but you can see it in the opening.
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((SIde note: I really love when Peridot is doing cute stuff. =3))
The moon has always been in the SU openings - you can find pink sunsets in them, too (though not the one for SU:F) - it's one reason why the moon and the sky seem so important to the story, to me. =3
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EDIT: It took me awhile to notice, but you can also find some pink sky in the SU:F opening! =D
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It’s just mixed in with a blue sky, during the day, instead of a sunset, which usually has orange.
(The way I read it, I guess you could say that Pink was part of the group shot, too. =3  Anyway...)
I find it kind of odd that the moon only shows up for Amethyst in the first intro... though I guess it makes sense that it'd at least show for one of Pink's Gems. XD;
EDIT2: Oh!  And not only is there pink sky during the songs, but you can sometimes find it during the ep title. =3
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But yeah, this is another one of those places where it seems to me like Pink's offering support, following Steven's adventures.  In a way, it kind of feels to me like she's always been a part of those adventures - or at least, like she wanted to be. 3′=
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bluekayanite · 4 years
(SU:F Theory) Was “Volleyball” REALLY hurt by Pink?
So I guess that the premiere was not one big, long ep as I expected, but rather four little ones in succession. XD;
Still, there's a good chunk of theory material.  I decided to start with the one that was most important to me.  It took longer than I expected to write (I'm sort of amazed at how much I can find in a 10-minute ep XD), though it’s actually a lot shorter than a lot of my posts (which... is only saying so much). XD;  (It may also be a bit messier than usual because I've been tired and lacking the energy to edit much. -.-; )
EDIT: Added another section at the end - also, some clarifications and stuff have been made. EDIT2: Added another detail that seems important. =3 EDIT2a: And another. XD
Quick note in case you don't know: my basic theory is that Rose was not Pink Diamond, and that the whole thing was crafted by White, through her mind-control powers.  This is not only a list of what looks like general contradictions, but a list of stuff that seems to support this idea. =3
More timeline inconsistencies
Pearl's story is loaded with things that don't make sense, in terms of chronology.  And this ep just introduced another:
"I was given to Pink Diamond just a few thousand years before she was given the Earth." - Pearl, Now We're Only Falling Apart
A few thousand years - as in, probably 3,000-4,000.  It's been established that Pink first got the Earth 6,000 years ago.  This would mean that Pink got Pearl 9,000-10,000 years ago.
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...this doesn't match with Pink Pearl's (AKA "Volleyball's") timeframe.  (I hope you don't mind if I still call her Pink Pearl. XD; ) I mean, I guess it's possible that there's a lot of rounding involved, but it seems unlikely - it seems like Gems have a tendency to round to centuries and quarter-millenia.
"[Amethyst's] exit marks look about 500 years newer than every other hole." - Peridot, Too Far "The Earth, 5750 years ago[...] was a promising site of a new Gem colony." - Garnet, The Answer "It's been about 5,300 years [since we last saw you, Bismuth]. - Pearl, Bismuth
If Pearl were given to Pink a couple thousand years before the Earth thing happened, I think she would've said "a couple thousand years," and if were longer than a couple thou, I'd think that Pink Pearl would say so - at the very least, I'd think she'd say 8,500 years, or so.  As it is, though, it seems like a stretch at best, though a contradiction seems more likely.
I'd also like to note that the original name for "So Many Birthdays" was "10,000 birthdays" - I think this is probably how old Pearl is, and it fits within her timeline for when she was (supposedly) given to Pink.  I think the idea is supposed to be that she was given to Pink as soon as she was made - or at least, she remembers it that way. It seems likely that Pearl belonged to White at some point (it seems like everybody and their dogs have that theory XD; ), but it couldn't be the case if Pearl was given to Pink as soon as she was made.
Though even if she was rejuvenated and counting from that point... it still seems like a stretch to me.
I will note that Pink P.'s timeline was mentioned away from Pearl, who could've "corrected" her if she was nearby.  This kind of strikes me as a setup to a reveal that their memories aren't right - something that would be more obvious, later. XD
EDIT2: Also, the fact that Pink Pearl specifies Pink having destructive powers suggests that she knows that Pink had non-destructive powers - ones which, from the sound of it, she supposedly didn’t use until after losing Pink Pearl. ~_^
I know that a lot of people are in a "Pearl belonged to White once" camp right now - though personally, I never really left the "Pearl never belonged to Pink Diamond" camp. XD  I think this is one of the clues to support my "side" on this.
Pink Pearl's Still-Lasting Injury
First thing I want to note is: Change Your Mind, Pink Pearl seemed confused about her injury, as if she wasn't sure how she got it - the way she touched her broken eye highlights this.
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And now, not only does she claim to know where it came from, but she's awfully nonchalant about it, even to the point of waving it off.
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It's also implied that Pink Pearl was damaged before... possibly more than once.
Pearl: Well, when a Pearl was damaged, they were usually brought to the Reef. Pink Pearl: Yes!  That’s exactly what Pink would do.
And yet, the ONLY sign of a lasting, psychological trauma, is with her eye.  If getting hurt was a repeated occurrence for her, and it was that impactful for her, then why is there only the one major, lasting injury?
If Pink Pearl getting hurt by her Diamond, in of itself, was enough to cause emotional trauma, I'd think that she'd be covered in cracks that Pink couldn't repair.  The crack even shows on her hair, so I don't think any clothes on her form would cover them. Also, Shell implies that she only has one of this type of injury.
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"This" injury - not "these" injuries (which would be a giveaway, if she had others).
That said, there must be something different about this injury.
Given Pink Pearl's story about going to White for a colony, it seems like the narrative would be that the same outburst that caused the injury was the same outburst that was the last straw for White, leading to the punishment that Blue talked about.
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So in that case, it seems like it could've been trauma from being separated from Pink... though I have my doubts.  For one, Shell implied that it was the injury itself that was impactful - not the aftermath. So it sounds to me that what caused the injury is more likely to be the source of the trauma.
I think that the assumption that Steven and Pearl made - that White had something to do with it - is a lot more likely.  I don't think that White necessarily had to have caused the injury directly, though. Personally, I've always imaged that the injury happened because Pink Pearl, tried to resist the mind-control (possibly with help from an order of Pink's), and the pressure between the two became so great that something had to give... and it ended up being her eye.  (I also imagine that the immense pain involved would've given White a chance to take over.)
At any rate, White did manage to use her mind-control powers on Pink Pearl, so it's possible that whatever defenses White had to fight against are gone now (or at least, incredibly weakened).  And if White could take over a Gem completely, then altering memories seems well within her capabilities. I pretty much believe that White's been trying to cover up anything that might incriminate her, and an injury like that would certainly count.  And it's been years since Pink Pearl was released from White's control, so White's had plenty of opportunity to work her magic.
Another reason why I don't think that being taken away was the source of trauma is... basically what the entire next section's about (especially later in). XD;
Pink's Relationship with Pink Pearl
I think that Pink Pearl is a little too nonchalant about things besides her broken eye.  It's hard to forget how hard it was for Pearl to move on.
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And Blue was torn to pieces over the loss.
"You cannot fathom how much I've mourned... what thousands of years of grief has done to me!” - Blue Diamond, Reunited
Even Yellow showed pain that she was trying to avoid.
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So why isn't Pink Pearl more torn up about the thought of Pink?  She outright says that they were close...
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And it's pretty obvious that she still thinks fondly of her.
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So why isn't she grieving?  It's only been a couple years - maybe three - and she can talk about Pink without a hint of grief.
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Also: she was told more about Steven than just his healing powers, right?  So she has to be thinking about Steven being "Pink's son"... right?  Because I'd really think that just being around Steven would be hard for her.
And yet... it doesn't seem to be an issue for her.
This just doesn't seem natural to me.  2-3 years is a really short time for a Gem, and many humans have trouble moving on in that timespan.  She cries freely later...
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So it seems to me that the likely reason why she's not crying - or otherwise mourning - over Pink is because she's being prevented from doing so.  Once again, mind-affecting magic seems like a probable explanation.
On the flipside, it looks like Pearl is being prevented from remembering other details; she certainly seems jealous about the ribbon wand... which Pink Pearl explicitly says was a GIFT from Pink; not just an accessory.
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This suggests that Pink saw Pearls - and I would guess Gems in general - as more than just objects.  It would certainly suggest that she saw HER Pearl as more than just an object, and reinforces the idea that they did have a good relationship (and I don't think I've mentioned, but it's been a headcanon of mine for a long time, so I'm happy there =3).  I don't think that Pearl would be jealous of such of gift unless she didn't have one - which doesn't seem like it would make sense, since Pearl clearly remembers that Pink did try to bond with her.
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Even if Pink desperately wanted to change, I think it's unlikely that she would change in a way that would make her less kind, even if it was hard for her to really "click" with Pearl.  The wand is physical (magical?) evidence that Pink was the kind to really try to get along with her Pearl, so I'm going to say that this is a place where Pearl's memories are likely the (more-)altered ones.
Also, we have evidence that Pink would entertain Pink Pearl - and they had fun together.
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And that she was even kind to Pebbles - judging by the way they "recognized" Steven.
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So... yeah.  I think that Pink was kind to her Pearl in... basically EVERY way.  (Including Pearl, if that were applicable.)
I think that this would apply to injuries too.  If Pink really had brought Pink Pearl to the Reef multiple times, I think it would actually be an indication of how much she cared - sure, she may have messed up a lot, but she always made sure to try and take care of Pink Pearl when it happened.  This especially seems likely, given all the stuff that's said about how close they were, and all the evidence to support it.
And there is evidence that Pink Pearl had probably been exposed to Pink's sonic scream... most likely more than once.
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So running under the assumption that she had been impacted by it, there are three ways (that I can think of) that it could have impacted her:
1) General emotional trauma related to the subject.  Would probably make the subject hard to talk about... possibly detail surrounding it, too (e.g. because the trauma would've come from Pink, Pink herself would've become a trauma-triggering topic).  (Doesn't fit with the story.) 2) Physical trauma becomes normalized.  Would be able to talk about it in stride, though might still be emotionally impacted by it if it happens, or if reminded of it.  (Seems to be the narrative being used.) 3) Care is given after physical trauma, so much that any emotional trauma is largely, or entirely negated, or even strongly outweighed by the care given.  Might be able to take physical trauma in stride because of a positive after-result, and/or may still react because it's still scary, even if things are better after. (Also plausible.)
As I've kind of talked about already, I'm thinking that number 3 is the most likely, even if it seems like number 2 is being said.
I'll also note that with number 3, it's possible that the scream could be upsetting not because it's associated with physical or emotional trauma on the part of Pink Pearl, but because it's associated with Pink being upset - something that Pink Pearl probably wouldn't want in any situation, especially considering that it has the potential to damage things, and make things go wrong (as had happened in the Reef).
Still, if number 3 was done, then physical injuries could actually result in a strengthening of the relationship, rather than a weakening.  I've even heard a story where a kid hurt his hand at a daycare, and the nurses treated him so well that other kids started hurting their hands on purpose - not as a simple "way of getting attention," but because the love that was shown was so moving and appealing that they were willing to put up with the pain in order to get it.
It could be that the reason why Pink Pearl is so okay with the Reef is because she associates it with her relationship with Pink - and it could be that Pearl doesn't like it because of a lack of that association.
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I'd also like to go back to my mention of how I think that the eye-injury was probably not caused by Pink (or the relationship with her), but by trying not to be taken away from Pink.  Even so, I think it's possible that, since she now thinks that it was made by Pink's screaming, then a similar scream could still have been made into a trigger for the emotional trauma that DID make the injury, even if it was unrelated.
So... that said, I think it's still possible that the scream triggers trauma of being taken away from Pink, even if the injury was a result of being taken away, instead of maybe a cause of it. XD;
Still, if it was a result of her fighting to stay with Pink, then the broken would be a symbol of the STRENGTH of their relationship - not of problems with it.  Even then, the cracks getting worse could be a sign of underlying, hidden stressed... except suppressed subconsciously, as a result of White's magic. If this is the case, then I think there's a good chance that P. Pearl will opt to keep the injury, rather than remove it.
(Heck... even if the injury was caused by P. Pearl being taken away and Pink screaming because of it... a lot of the above paragraph could work, even if it's not as inspiring. XD; )
EDIT2a: I think it’s also important to consider how this fits (including timeline-wise) with what Spinel remembers: Pearl’s story suggests that Pink was working hard to be less hurtful, and she was already pretty kind to the Amethysts.
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Pink Pearl’s story suggests that Pink already saw Gems as more than just objects to be tossed away once she got bored with them, and if she ever DID hurt them, then it wouldn’t be on purpose, and she would do her best to try and make things up, afterward.
(My personal theory is that Pink was trying to protect Spinel from the war that Pink was planning, and that was the only way she could do it.)
In general, it seems to me that Pink was always kind toward Gems.  Not cruel to them.
Pink and Secret-Keeping
Pink Pearl says that Pink "couldn't keep a secret to save her gem."  And yet, Steven had a dream where he (as Pink) and Pink Pearl would put on a "formal" act for Yellow, to hide the fact that they were having fun a moment ago... and it WORKS.
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It really seems like there’s an element of truth to this, so I'd say that Pink was able to keep a secret just fine while Pink Pearl was still there - heck, it looks to me like they would keep secrets together.
There's more than that, though: there's also the fact that all the Pebbles would hide as soon as someone besides Pink was around.  (Even Pearl!)
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This behavior seem to suggest that the Pebbles could've been in trouble - probably even in danger - if they were found out about.  Which means that Pink would've had to keep them secret; a secret that she apparently kept well, considering that the Pebbles are still there.
She even had a hidden room that was activated by a panel on the inside of the wall.
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So... yeah.  I'd say that she kept a number of secrets just fine.  And Pink Pearl should know that.
Certainly seems like a sign of memory-alteration to me.
Other little notes
The idea of Pink having destructive powers would fit well with my theory that White was afraid of what Pink might do to her.  I was already thinking that Pink could probably do a lot with levitation and rapid plant-growth. If she really had sonic screams and such, it would certainly give White more reason to fear her... And the intro does imply that they're going to have to fight White again. =3
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Speaking of Pink having destructive powers... the Pearl Fusion talks about Pink desperately wanting to change.  The thing is, if Pearl didn't even know about those powers, then she would've had to have already made an effort to stop using those powers... which probably would've taken her a LOT of time and practice.
So basically, if Pearl really DID belong to Pink, then Pink would've had to have had a time BETWEEN her two Pearls when she worked REALLY HARD on controlling herself... sometime between the time 8,000 years ago when she would've lost her first Pearl, and the 9,000-10,000 years ago when she would've got her second one.  (Her time-control power must be AMAZING if she could get this stuff done in negative 1,000 years or less. XDDD)
I couldn't help but notice that Pink's features are blanked out when Pink Pearl is thinking about her.  Even the outline for her hair is largely obscured.
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I've pointed out a number of times (I'm going to go with my SU Movie post for reference) that Pink's appearance varies in a LOT of subtle ways... her hair is one of the more-noticeable ones, especially when you consider Jungle Moon (which I suspect shows what she REALLY looks like).
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At any rate I can imagine that, if Crewniverse were prepping for another reveal on who Pink Diamond was and what she looked like, they'd want to keep Pink Pearl's memory of her appearance secret until after it happened. =3
And yeah, I noticed that both Pearls were the same height in this one.  It was kind of hard to miss.
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(If anything, Pink Pearl might be a little taller than average...)
It does seem a little odd considering how much this shot from Legs From Here to Homeworld fits in with Crewniverse's style of leaving hints.
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Seriously, if they were already the same height, then Crewniverse wouldn't have had to pull out all those optical illusions (or whatever the term for that sort of visual-trickery would be).  It has been two or three years... I'm not ruling out the possibility that White may have adjusted the height of Pink Pearl since the last time we saw her, along with her memories. (She does still act a lot like a kid.)
Pink Pearl's Intelligence (add-in)
I'm putting this at the bottom both to make it easier to find, and for context.  I've already mentioned that Pink Pearl is fairly childlike.  I didn't mention that it felt like, despite her fairly simple, childlike behavior, she wasn't unintelligent.
I think I've figured out why... or at least part of why.  One reason is because she doesn't stick to simple, childlike language and will actually use somewhat-more-advanced terms.
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For some reason, XFinity is showing the wrong video today, so I can't grab more screenshots. -.-;  Still, I remember that other examples include "refurbishment," and when she says "Pardon?" instead of something like "Huh?" or "What?"
And it's not just her vocabulary: she's pretty good at picking up on subtler things.  She recognized when Steven misunderstood what she meant by her eye being "from before.  She was easily (casually!) able to figure out that she's older than Pearl (well... at least in theory XD; ).  She was also able to recognize when Steven thought she didn't understand what a nickname is, and correct him before he even started to explain.
Now, I've noticed that Gems share traits with their Diamonds.  This could be because of the Diamonds programming their own biases into their Gems (intentionally or otherwise), or because those traits are literally inherited from the Diamond who made them.  (I lean toward inheritance, with maybe a few exceptions.)  I think that the intelligence of Pink Pearl could be a hint of Pink Diamond being intelligent, rather than the... well frankly, blundering idiot that Pink is often portrayed as, especially in Pearl's memories.
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...and that Rose must've still been, since Greg remembers her that way.
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(She was actually smarter in Pearl's memories... at least in some parts.)
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Still, this is actually something I noticed way-back-when and (sort of?) referenced in one of my big-old-and-outdated theory posts; it seemed to me like there were several hints that a number of parts of the war were well-planned-out, and Rose did not exactly stike me as the type who was capable of such planning - even for the parts which she had already been said to have done long before she was "revealed" to be Pink. ^_^;
However, if Pink P. really did get her intelligence from Pink D., then it could explain how a LOT of the war could've been done... and even where Rose got many of her ideas.  Heck, I've even long imagined that Pink and her Pearl had planned things together, and it would be hard for them to do that if either of them were lacking on that front. X3
I'm even kind of excited that this seems to be hinted at in a similar way that I did, back in my old "Predictions" fic (which... I never finished XD; ).  The idea was that Pink herself generally preferred to use simpler language, but would pull out a more-advanced term if it better described what she wanted to describe.  I also tried to show her picking up on a lot more of the subtler details (at least usually XD; ).  I think it's really neat to see the same kind of thing going on with her Pearl. ='3
And yeah... I still keep waiting for when someone mentions (or finds) something that obviously contradicts an established story.  (And I'll admit, I keep hoping that it's in the next episode... or group thereof. XD; ) It feels like the two Pearls almost got to doing that before Steven interrupted. ^_^;  *sigh* At any rate, it feels to me like we're probably close to another reveal. I mean, they've been piling on the idea that "Rose/Pink did a lot of bad things," even though Rose was shown to be compassionate in earlier episodes.  Seems like a pretty good build-up to a reveal that Rose/Pink being THAT bad was actually NOT the case. XD
6 notes · View notes
bluekayanite · 4 years
(Theory) SU Movie - Rose Still Wasn’t Pink D
Okay, so I got to watching the movie rreeaallllyy late. XD;  I understand that SU:F is premiering on Saturday, and I'd like to get in a theory-post within a hemi-demi-semi-reasonable amount of time before the first ep.
So yeah.  Here's another post on things that look to me like they still suggest that Rose wasn't really who the average person thinks she was. XD;  (Sorry in advance for the quality of some of the pics.)
EDIT (Dec 16, 2019): Added a bit - and made some other minor changes - regarding a certain important flower in an important memory.  Also added a tag. EDIT 2 (Dec 20, 2019): Added another detail which seems important. =3 EDIT (again): Another comment, and a small formatting fix.  Keeping up with the edit details is getting stressful for me, so I’m thinking of stopping. EDITAGAIN: Some small-but-maybe-significant deets. XD;
Okay, quick rundown of my theories for those who might be unfamiliar (or who might have forgotten): White's been using mind control to keep the Empire in check for basically-forever, including the other Diamonds.  However, Pink became more powerful than White (indicated by the halos in their murals), and thus became immune to White's mind-control powers.
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Pink also found out about said powers.  Pink was already fond of imperfect, and/or organic stuff, and decided to try and protect at least one planet, under the guise of trying to take a colony normally.  White may have suspected that Pink was immune and would have threatened the Empire as she'd made it to be, and tried to keep Pink from gaining a colony for as long as possible.
Pink worked with Rose in secret in order to lead a rebellion as best as they could, with Rose in the public, and Pink acting as a cruel dictator.  Through this, Pink managed to keep White from getting too suspicious for about 1,000 years.
Near the end of the war, I believe that Pink decided to come out and try to create peace.  However, at this point, White knew what Pink was up to, intervened at the site of the palanquin, got Pink poofed, changed the memories of the witnesses, and stuck Pink in the moon base's observation orb.  However, wanting to still have Pink in some form, she enacted a (rather convoluted) plan to try and "turn" Rose "into" Pink, and to get "Pink" home and on a throne.
This plan mostly involved White altering the memories of Rose and whatever Gems she ended up protecting, occasionally nudging things in the direction she wanted.  I believe that White's power worked, even though Rose's shield.
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(GIF from Off-Colors)
I mean, if a robonoid could get through it, then it really seems like White could.
At this point, I believe that White is just going with what's been dealt.  I really doubt that she would completely go back on her plan.  For one, it would make her look incredibly bad (and let's face it, it wouldn't exactly just be appearance).  For another, she's just dug herself in so deep with Steven (who she can't mind control), that it would be really hard to go back at this point.
And for a third, I think that she'd still be scared of what Pink could do... and of what she would do after White had left her on the moon for so long. ^_^;
At any rate, she certainly hasn't had a genuine change of heart.
White: *near-desperate* "I've been saying "please" and "thank you," even to lower life forms!" Steven: *stern* "What did we talk about?" White: *disgusted-annoyed* "Ugh... equal life forms..."
Blue and Yellow might not have, either, though I also suspect that at least part of the reason why Blue and Yellow are acting the way they are (trying to get Steven to stay in the way that they are) is because White has been magically influencing them to.  And it does look like White's attempts at getting Steven to stay on Homeworld usually involve at least a little overacting.
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(Seriously, IMO, she's really creepy in that last pic... she even looks more like she's looking at the camera than at Steven.)
Anyway.  Let's get to it!
Spinel "Recognizing" Pearl
So I'll tackle one of the more-prominent bits first; I don't think that Spinel calling Pearl out necessarily means that she actually saw her before.
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She was able to "recognize" Garnet and Amethyst, even though she'd only heard of them through Steven's broadcast; she'd probably never even seen another Amethyst before, and she certainly hadn't seen anyone like Garnet.
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Now, when calling out Pearl, she doesn't use the words "you must be," and it would easily sound like that's because she has seen Pearl before, but I think that's the assumption that's being played with; a subtle omission, a subtle manipulation of words, that's meant to play to the narrative that Rose was actually Pink.
Because, let's face it: A Single Pale Rose sold it pretty hard, and the idea of such a dramatic reveal being a red herring (assuming I'm using that right...) would be pretty hard to believe.
Which, IMO, is why it would be the perfect cover for an even BIGGER reveal - a reveal that the original "reveal" would be a big fakeout.
At any rate, it seems to me like another explanation for the omission would be because it would seem to her like the natural progression, the natural assumption for what she's doing: "You must be Garnet, you must be Amethyst, and [you must be] Pink Diamond's Pearl." - Spinel [mostly], SU Movie
That's certainly how it feels to me, at least.
At any rate, she doesn't actually say that she's met Pearl before - in fact, according to her story, it's possible that Pearl had never been to Pink's garden, and I can't help but wonder if Spinel had ever really left, even before the "game."
"This was our garden.  A special world, built just for Pink and I. - Spinel, SU Movie
So I think there's room for doubt, at least, concerning whether or not Spinel had actually met with Pearl.
The Diamonds' Pearls might be Up to Something
You remember what Yellow Pearl said to White?
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It could just be a comment about the broadcast, but I think there's more to it.  For one, Blue Pearl snickers at that line.
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I mean, it could be that she just likes being able to talk back to a Diamond - and not just any Diamond, but the head Diamond, more-or-less (or at least the one that used to be the head Diamond).
...Or maybe it's some kind of joke that might be obvious to some, but I'm just not getting. XD;
However, I think that the Pearls are working on some kind of plan - something big that involves taking White down in some way.  Maybe Pink Pearl still remembers a lot of stuff that that's been forgotten, and that shows that it would've had to have been because of White.  It's possible that the Pearls got talking, and came up with something to try to expose her.
There are some things that support this theory: The phrase "Your time is up" is the kind of thing that you might hear in action movies right before the person saying it kills (or otherwise stops) the person they're saying it to.  There's a subtle emphasis on the word "your" - "Your time is up" - as if to subtly indicate that she's talking about White.  Y. Pearl also looks directly at B. Pearl right after saying it (on the word 'anyway').
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This might basically be a way for her to say "You know what I'm talking about" without actually verbalizing it - B.Pearl's snicker could be in anticipation of what the Pearls just set in motion.
But most of all, she actually turns up the broadcast after Steven starts talking about going back to Earth, after White, Blue, and Yellow have already expressed confused, disapproving surprise.
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She could be upping either the volume or the signal - or maybe both - and she does it after the Diamonds have essentially indicated that they don't want this.  To me, this seems like she's trying to make a point, or to get a message to someone - either to make a show of what Steven's saying, or maybe she's sending a hidden message, and the broadcast is being used as the cover.  But either way, it seems that she's trying to say something to someone.
I don't think that this shot would be included unless it were important.  Especially since, IMO, it could've been left out, and nobody would've missed it.
Amethyst - Product of a War
So Amethyst wouldn't have had any memories to have been altered, but she did still sing something that might show a contradiction.
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To be a product of something means to have been made for, or by something.  For example, Switch consoles are a product of Nintendo.  So to be the product of the war would mean that she was either made as part of advance plans for the war, or as a direct result of it.
According to Pearl's memories, neither of these would've been possible, because the Amethysts were made before the war had even been thought of.
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(...also, I realized as I was getting this picture ready - AFTER I'd already written pretty much all of this post - that the Kindergarten walls already have Gem holes in them. XD; )
And to be fair, Amethyst wasn't there when Pearl was telling her story.  However, regardless - I've [mentioned this before], but - Pearl's story doesn't match with Peridot's estimate.
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Also: Lapis mentioned that she was supposed to have only been on Earth a short time, but ended up getting stuck because of the war, and not only can you see her briefly in Garnet's story in The Answer, which explicitly took place 5,750 years ago...
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But the only type of Quartzes in the war scene that Lapis showed Steven are Jaspers.
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It also shows her getting poofed by Bismuth, who supposedly hadn’t joined the Rebellion yet.
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(Not to mention that, in Gemcation, Garnet also mentions Pink "ravaging the planet" 5,750 years ago, with a shot that includes Bismuth.)
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Anyway... Granted, Peridot suggests that the Beta Kindergarten was made "halfway though the rebellion, but... well, 1) the records might have been changed, 2) there's nothing that says they couldn't have made the Prime Kindergarten first, done the Beta "one in a pinch," and then moved back to Prime.  (And 3... the Kindergarten walls already have Gem-holes in them. XD;  This could be an inconsistency leftover from when the Amethysts actually emerged.)  I'm seriously starting to think that the Amethysts - as a whole - are actually newer than the Betas.
I'd also like to note that there's nothing that says that Amethyst had to have emerged immediately after the war: Bismuth was bubbled 5,300 years before the events of SU, and she knew about the Amethysts.  So between that, and Peridot's estimate, she could've emerged up to 200 years after the war ended (though probably a fair amount before that).
Another thing... You know how Amethyst seems was apparently a blank slate at first, mostly just imitating anyone around her?
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That, and how her different her appearance is from other Amethysts, besides just her height?
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Not only are her limbs not properly... connected? smoothed? but her "uniform" isn't much of one.
This might be just me, but I wouldn't think that staying in the ground too long would've affected her appearance that dramatically, nor would it have affected her personality - heck, as far as I can tell, she didn't even know what her orders were supposed to have been, and I really think that would be top-priority among a Gem's programming.
Now, one of my long-time theories is that Amethyst was intended to be late.  The reason for this was so that Pink could - at least hopefully - have made at least one Gem that wouldn't have to be a tool of the Empire; instead, this Gem could become her own person, and have experienced freedom, right from the moment that she was made.
One of the things that is said about personality is that it's shaped by one's experiences.
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Think about it: Amethyst was essentially blank at first, and instinctively imitated those around her.  Sounds to me like a perfect setup for becoming her own, unique person.
Her initial appearance could tie into this too: she didn't have a soldier's uniform, and she definitely wasn't wearing a Diamond emblem.  Even the fact that her seams are visible might tie in with her being an 'unfinished product.'
And personally, I just really love the idea that Pink may have gone out of her way to strip Amethyst of anything that says that she's a product of Homeworld - or even the Diamonds in general.  It would really emphasize that she was saying "I'm freeing you of any expectations.  No go on and do you own thing!"  I really suspect that she was hoping that the world would be one that would really nurture her, too.
Though it seems that, even with all of that nurture shaping her, she still shares a common, basic nature with her fellow Amethysts.
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This also something that I really love; that despite all that's shaped her, she still has so much that she shares with her "geo"-logical sisters - and from what we know of Pink's story, it's possible that some of that fun-loving nature comes from her.  And I like the idea that, even with everything that has happened, they would still have that nature to tie them together - that they would still have something that would help them to be a family. ='3
Garnet - The True Kind of Love
So with Garnet, fusion brought back part of what she was like, but it wasn't enough to really bring back who she was.  Instead, what really captures her attention is a mention of "the truth."
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And then it seems that everything comes flooding back, and she starts singing (ad nauseum) about how she believes that the true kind of love - as opposed to the weak, artificial stuff - which she describes as the kind where you decided to stick together and work things out, even when it gets hard to do so (and I agree with her).
Now this is the kind of thing that she has talked about before...
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...but I wouldn't say that we've really seen her demonstrating it, especially in the terms of Ruby and Sapphire.  Sure, we've seen a couple cases (that I can think of) where they ended up falling apart and making things up afterward, but we haven't seen them having to really work to do so; no cases of them saying something like "Okay!  I know this is a big conflict, but if we hunker down and really work at it, we can figure out something that works for the both of us!"
Frankly, I'd say that detail was actually kind of missing from the times that they got back together - those times were less about working something out, and more about missing just one detail (or maybe two) and everything just kind of falling into place afterward.
In fact, given that working things out is apparently a crucial detail for her, it seems odd to me that we didn't even see them try to work out a conflict.
...It could be the reason for this line (even if it was doubling as a playful ribbing/taunt):
"I think Power Couple's losing their spark!" - Bismuth, Bismuth
Like, what if they really did lose some detail that was really important to them (but still continued to resonate with them on a subconscious level)?  What if White took that away from them, hoping that it'd make it harder for them to stick together (and yet, they somehow did, anyway)?
I think there may actually be a hint at this: I seriously think that - at least in most cases - the moon showing up is a sign that Pink is watching from the moon, especially if it's seen in the day... and especially if it's completely full, slightly pink, or if it's around the same time as an unusually pink sunset; these can suggest that she's paying even closer attention.
For example, it would suggest that she was probably freaking out about "the reveal." 
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...but also, that she really wanted to be there for the wedding.
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Now, Garnet's story in The Answer would have to have been before Pink could have been stuck in the moonbase-orb, but I've noticed that it still includes a moon... and it looks pretty weird.
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I think that this could be a sign that there's something wrong with their story - maybe even something related to Pink.
(...I also still wonder about Rose doing that wicked grin + laugh before attacking the Ruby Fusion.  Like... it it actually happened, or if that’s one of White’s distortions.)
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Now, don't get me wrong: the story from The Answer is probably very accurate (technically speaking) - it's just that it's missing a piece.  What would that piece be?  I dunno, but I would it think that - like with bringing the memories back - it would have something to do with fusion and love not being enough, but that in order to get through the times when a relationship gets really rocky (no pun intended), you're going to have to work through the lack of a "magical" relationship, and everyone involved will need to develop true love.
Garnet (bonus) - A Bundle of Questions
You may or may not know that Garnet doesn't usually ask questions - in fact, in Know Your Fusion, she actually says that she "can't."  However, in The Answer, she's asking quite a few.
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And once reset (and fused again), it seems like nearly all of her dialogue is made up of questions.
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So obviously, it's not that she's incapable of asking question; it would have to be either that she believes she has some restriction against questions, or that she chooses not to because of something that's important to her (or both).
The only thing I can think of that matches that description is what Rose said.
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Now, Sapphire has outright mentioned that she understood that Rose meant no more questions about who she and Ruby are as Garnet, and both Ruby and Sapphire have asked questions while unfused.  And yet, Garnet still avoids asking questions.
There are a couple reasons I can think of for this: one of them is, sort of like with the true love thing, White has somehow tweaked Garnet so that she will avoid asking questions, even though on some level, she knows that she doesn't have to.  A good possible-reason for this would be to discourage Garnet from asking the kind of questions that would lead to her finding out what really happened to Pink.  After all, one of the most dangerous things to a secret plot is for someone to be asking too many of the right/wrong kind of questions - especially if that someone has the ability to see into possible futures.
The other possible reason... well, have you ever noticed that sometimes a Fusion will have traits that can't exactly be explained by either Gem, much less both of them?  Take Sardonyx for example.
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Sure, Pearl likes presentation, but I don't think she's much of a show-Gem.  Garnet seems even less so on both of these.  And neither of them are much on the silly side.  It's like Sardonyx somehow gained traits beyond the base Gems involved.
One of the things I've speculated about is that - at least in some cases - Fusions might not just be the result of the base Gems being combined; somehow, in some cases, the Fusion themself might be a sort of another person.  For example, Garnet would be made out of Ruby, Sapphire, and Garnet - a sort of third, partial entity, not entirely dependent on the other two.
If so, it could mean that it was Garnet that decided to not ask any sort of questions - not Ruby and/or Sapphire.  Another possibility is that White somehow used the distinction (on purpose or otherwise) in order to create the undetected difference.
It would also mean that not questioning who exactly Garnet is would be a bad idea. XD;
Pearl - What Do You Want to Do?
Now, similar to Garnet, the idea of Rose isn't enough to bring back Pearl's memories.
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However, unlike Garnet (or even Amethyst), it isn't enough to trigger even a partial recovery.
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A song about rebelling didn't even start to work, either; instead, what got her foot tapping was a song about independence - and what REALLY hit her was this line:
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This line reminds me of a detail that was important to Bismuth.
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This suggests to me that this kind of line was important to the both of them, and the similarity suggests that they both first heard it from Rose.
However, there's no indication (so far) of Pearl remembering Rose ever saying that to her.  In fact, when she remembers really "connecting" with Rose, Pearl is still acting... well, like a Pearl.
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Once again, I think that something important was taken from her, but still has a not-entirely-conscious resonance.  I think that just seeing Rose wasn't enough to bring Pearl back - even though it was supposedly 'hitting where it hurts' - because on some level, what's more important is why Rose was so important to her; because Rose helped her realize that she could be her own Gem.  I suspect that what actually happened is a lot closer to what Pearl simply thinks she imagined:
"I imagined that I ran away and met you here on Earth, a Rose Quartz, and I'm not yours, but I make you happy anyway." - Pearl, Now We're Only Falling Apart
And actually, this does (potentially) have some pretty sad connotations.  I kind of hate to say it, but I actually wonder if part of the reason why Rose wasn't enough to trigger Pearl's memories is because the importance of Rose to Pearl has been distorted... as in, maybe her emotions have been adjusted or exaggerated, and she didn't really connect with Rose that way (if you know what I mean).  Maybe this is even why she had a hard time moving on from her feelings about Rose; because they were essentially not real.
Maybe... maybe not.  Though I'm still willing to bet that the fact that some important element of her love had been changed was still a pretty big factor.
And even so, there's still some potential-heartbreak in store for Pearl: Personally... I don't think that Rose even knew that Pearl had a thing for her.
...Though personally, I also think that Pearl seriously needs it.  It'll SUCK, but I think that Pearl could really use a pretty major wake-up call regarding her connection with Rose, because her feelings seem to be of the "unhealthy obsession" type.  (Heck, even White implied this.)
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And yeah, I understand that part of the idea is that one doesn't have to be perfect, but another big theme of the story is the power to change, and to become stronger; no you don't need to be perfect, but that's not an excuse to keep from learning and from being better than you currently are.  (Heck, you can't even learn if there's nothing to learn from, and how boring would THAT be? XD)
But yeah, it would seem to be that what's really important to Pearl, deep down, is not that she rebelled, or even that she cared so deeply about Rose, but rather, that she could become free... and that Rose helped her get there, even if Pearl ended up never leaving her side..
Steven's Powers ≠ Pink Flowers
One of my theories is that Pink's magic turns flowers pink - it's not a thing she can control, it's just a thing that happens.  If so, this would be the reason why the vast majority of flowers in SU - especially ones in the background - are pink; just because her magic has subtly, slowly affected them over the ages.
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I also noticed that the more the story revolved around Pink, the less likely you were to find pink flowers (same with the moon-being-pink thing I mentioned earlier).  To me, these seem like they was probably on purpose - more subtle omissions: around when people were more likely to look for, or notice, the flowers (or a pink moon), they were made harder to find, in order to make the whole thing harder to notice.
And now, we even see that Steven's powers allow him to regrow non-pink flowers, without changing their color.
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To me this seems like one of those things that could be obvious in hindsight. XD;
The Garden
So Spinel said that Pink was unhappy outside the garden.
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But the thing is, why would she have been lonely and sad?  Particularly in such a way that Spinel would be enough to satisfy those feelings?  What about Pink Pearl? 
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Or, heck, the Pebbles?
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It certainly seems like she was good friends with them - why wouldn't they be enough to keep Pink from being lonely and/or sad?
Well... personally, I think that Pink is probably an extrovert - specifically an ESFP.  One common thing with extroverts is that they tend to prefer having a broad range of friends, whereas introverts tend to prefer having only a few, especially-close friends.
Another thing is that Pink strikes me as the only extrovert among the Diamonds. XD;
So one very strong possibility, in my mind, is that at some point, the other Diamonds found out that Pink was feeling lonely and wanting for more friendship - maybe she even specifically mentioned wanting to be friends with Gems.  Misunderstanding, the other three Diamonds figured that a single new friend would be enough to fill in the gap - after all, it probably would be enough for them, so why shouldn't it be enough for her?
Another possibility is that the garden (plus Spinel) was simply meant to placate Pink in general - i.e. "Here, let's give her some of that organic stuff she likes and a Gem to play with.  Maybe that will shut her up/keep her occupied for a few millennia."  ...sort of a cheap substitute for a babysitter, maybe.
At any rate, if I'm right on Pink being an extrovert, then it really would make sense that Spinel wouldn't be enough to try and help keep Pink from feeling lonely.  Especially if she's supposed to be a replacement for something or someone.
And regardless if she was an extrovert, I think that absolutely nothing could truly satisfy her so long as she still had to worry about the Diamond Order trying to wipe out so many organic worlds.
...which, could be the actual reason(s) why Spinel was (supposedly) "not good enough." XD;
(Incidentally, Rose strikes me as an ISFP - it's pretty similar to ESFP, except that it has more of an emphasis on the tender, empathetic Introverted Feeling, and the experience-loving Extroverted Sensation is second in strength.  With an ESFP, it's the other way around.)
Hibiscus Flowers
So basically, I believe that while the rose is, well, the symbol of Rose, the hibiscus - AKA rosemallow - is the symbol of Pink.  I believe its meaning is very important.
In the case of the movie, I think what's important about it is that the kind we see in Steven's little greenhouse-dome-thing...
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And the space Garden...
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...is the same as the kind that we saw in Steven's Dream...
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And not the kind that Pearl remembers Pink giving her.  (Or that were seen in Pearl's memory in general.)
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...though, come to think, I think that one particular flower, on the ground by Steven (the one I chose for the upper image) might be the exact same flower that Pearl remembers being given (in the lower image), judging by the fact that the top one doesn’t seem to be growing in the ground.
If so, this would be odd because Pearl remembers it falling at her feet - to the floor of the palanquin - as soon as she shapeshifted.
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The fact that we see hibiscus syriacus in the actual garden - even in a withered form, when Steven visits (or even when Spinel has been waiting for too long) - already seems to me like a hint that this is the type of rosemallow that belongs to Pink.  And Pearl getting a hibiscus rosa-sinensis (or something similar-looking) instead - especially when the syriacus variety is growing at the palanquin 5,000 years later - seems like a hint (one of... MANY) that Pearl's memories aren't the real deal.  The flower somehow teleporting far outside the palanquin could also be a clue that the flower itself isn’t real - and by extension, Pear’s memories of Pink Diamond.
Fake flower, fake memories, fake Pink.
Pink's Appearance
Once again, Pink looks a little different basically every time we see her.
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Sometimes, her appearance even changes between shots.  This happens a LOT in the movie - especially in Spinel's memories.
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In case anyone's wondering (or can't tell), here's a list of the differences I've noticed (and could think of)
The shape of the eyes ["O" vs almond-ish or anything in-between]
Outline of the eyes [solid vs. gaps on the corners a la Rose]
Style, thickness, and direction of the eyelashes (one lash, two lashes, three lashes, no lashes; lashes both pointing out vs. both pointing the way she's facing)
Thickness of the brows (or whether they're even visible)
Presence or absence of arbitrary eyeshine (i.e. unrelated to her emotions)
Shape of the nose (pointed, rounded; narrow or wide point [when pointed]; presence, absence and shape of the bridge)
Shape of the lips (rounded a la Rose vs. more tapered to her mouth, and everything in-between - also whether the upper and lower lip always match up)
Presence or absence of a highlight on the lower lip
Presence or absence of consistent shading
Type/color of the lip-highlight (white vs. skin-tone vs. other shade of pink)
Hair (whether it's made of five solid-looking circle-shapes [a la Steven], more loose, soft, and flowing [a la most of Pink's Quartzes], or somewhere in-between - sorry I didn't show this one better)
Whether the hair is more likely to frame both sides of her face, or just the one facing the camera
Whether or not nostrils are used
Style of bangs (parted more in the middle vs. swept to one side, among others)
Even her color varies!
That's 15 places (or more!) where her appearance can vary.  15 or more!
EDIT (Dec 20, 2019): I also just noticed that, in Pearl’s recap of her story, Pink’s leggings/stockings, the edge of her half-skirt, the highlights on her shoulders, and even her little shoe-floofs are PINK, instead of their usual white.
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(And come to look, it also happened in Steven’s dream with Pink Pearl - scroll up to see it.)
This is especially odd since Crewniverse discussed what her eyes, face and such should look like.  A little difference here-and-there is to be expected, but this is to the point where it really seems like they're not even using the same reference/model, even throughout a scene.  To me, this screams "WE'RE LEAVING HINTS THAT THIS ISN'T RIGHT!!!"
The fact that this happens so often in Spinel's memories suggest that White somehow got to her, too, though I suspect that a lot of the differences in her memories are more subtle... like, she probably mostly remembers what happened, but there are little differences.  (More on that below.)
Incidentally, I've also noticed that the only times we've "heard" Pink talking is during Pearl's memories; every other time, some other character has spoken for her, whether Spinel, Steven, or Garnet.  I personally think this is to hide what she actually sounds like, until the time is right.
Though if I had to guess, her voice is the one we hear laughing, moaning, and shouting during Garnet's story in Your Mother and Mne - also, the one that we hear singing the Love Like You reprise, and the Escapism song.  (Similarly, I'm pretty sure that the Pink we see in the Jungle Moon reflection is real, and so is her appearance.)
Pink's Behavior
Okay, so this is Spinel's belief (and not solid evidence on anything), but I still wanted to bring it up.
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Now, I feel like I just have to point out that this doesn't work with everything we knew about Rose:
"Rose loved [the magic moss] anyway.  She saw the beauty in everything, no matter how gross." - Pearl, Lars and the Cool Kids
"She felt real love for those around her.  She felt real sorrow when they were hurt." - Garnet, An Indirect Kiss
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Right down to what she chose for the password to her laser light canons.
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And (of course) her manifesto...
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Basically, everything points toward the idea that Rose accepted... pretty much everything.  And I really don't think that this was just a sudden change of heart that occurred as soon as she saw what the Earth was like.  There are signs that Pink was just as compassionate, even before the Earth colony.
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Even with "lower life forms."  Consider what caught her Pebbles' attention and made them "recognize" Steven.
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Heck, if I got it right, it looks like her Pink Pearl is shorter than usual - and I like to think that this is on purpose.
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IMO, it's kind of amazing (though not in a good way) that it's gotten to a point where Spinel's story is so believable, and easily accepted at face-value - because it seems to me like everything points to the idea that it shouldn't be.
That said, I already mentioned that I think that Spinel's memories have been tweaked slightly.  I figure they're probably mostly accurate (something had to have led to her waiting in the garden), but a number of little things have been altered - mostly having to do with Pink's expressions.  Take this shot, for example:
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I just have a really hard time believing that she (or anyone) would've had such a sinister feeling - especially considering that just barely before that, she was looking depressed.
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It just doesn't make sense to me, regardless of character.  I'm pretty good at coming up with different possible explanations for something, and I just draw a blank at this one.
That said, there are still parts that I do think are believable - and probably basically-accurate (at least as far as expressions and behavior go).
For example: IMO, for having just gotten what she wanted "more than anything," Pink doesn't seem thrilled enough - even considering that Spinel is interrupting her.
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I mean, consider Pink's reaction(s) when Yellow mentioned talked about the stuff she was doing for one of her colonies.
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In general, Pink strikes me as a generally playful, excitable type of character.  To me, it seems like if she really did (still) want a colony more than anything, she should be just as excited as Spinel (more-or-less), and yet, her expressions in response to the news can be summed up as just "pleased."
I've already explained my theory a number of times here, so you can probably guess by now why I think she wouldn't be thrilled.  Honestly, I'm pretty sure why she even looks as pleased as she does is just to put on a show - any annoyance she could have actually had toward Spinel might have been because she was making it hard for Pink to focus on her act.  Though I would guess that this tense reaction is real - and maybe even a sign that her anger wasn't there.
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In fact, it seems to me like there are a number of little clues suggesting that a lot of Pink's anger wasn't really there.  I've already mentioned Pink looking depressed, before looking sinister - I figure the depressive bit was real.  As well as the awkward, sad smile near the end, after explaining her "game"...
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Her attempt at a gentle, polite turn-down…
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The expression of awkward-ish surprise when Spinel actually listens to her instructions...
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The bit of tenderness involved when Pink gives Spinel a noseboop...
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And the angry-sad-ish expression when Spinel grabs onto her wrist.
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(Incidentally, I’m noticing that in this shot, Pink looks like she might only about twice as tall as Spinel - who is shorter than Steven, who is shorter than Pearl.)
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(If so, this might suggest that Pink was smaller at this time than during A Single Pale Rose.)
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(So... assuming I’ve got the height thing right, it could be an important detail.)
Anyway, I personally would guess that many - or possibly even all - of the angry expressions were actually originally sad and/or worried.
And yes, I'll note again that I believe that Pink did actually leave Spinel behind in that manner, but not for the sake of abandoning her, or getting rid of her in any sense of the term.  There's one little detail that I think is really a BIG clue that she really was planning on coming back:
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Pink's Pebbles were waiting for a specific time - a time that required Pink coming back.  She had explicitly told them that she was going to come back, and that something would happen.  And I've already established that she was kind to them; I really doubt that she would be openly kind to her Pebbles, and then careless or cruel when it comes to Spinel.  Like with everything else I've... well, justified when it comes to Pink, I think that she had actually left Spinel behind for compassionate reasons.
Seriously.  I believe that Pink was planning a war.  Would she really want to risk her fun, sweet, innocent little friend hurt by all that?  (Or worse, shattered in it?)
Also... well, even Spinel said that her more-innocent self wasn't that smart.  (Yes, I'm using a nicer term than she did.)  Even if Pink had tried to explain, Spinel may have had a hard time really understanding it; or if she did understand it, she may have tried to prevent Pink from going through with it, or maybe even blown Pink's cover!
So... yeah.  I do think a part of it was so that already-sensitive operation would better be kept under wraps (which was pretty dang important).  But on a more-personal level, I believe her motives were centered around wanting to keep her special friend safe.
And if I may be so bold, I think that the fandom would probably like that idea.
Blue and Yellow in Spinel's Flashback
Blue always struck me as the most lenient with - and supportive of - Pink.
"Remember when I let you name that batch of Pyrite 'fool's gold'?" - Blue Diamond, Familiar
One detail that seems to support this is that Pink apparently didn't get a colony until Yellow caved - which sounds to me like Blue was for the idea long before Yellow was.
"I knew Pink couldn't handle her own colony, but I gave in." - Yellow Diamond, Reunited
And yet, for some reason, Yellow is actually more smiley than Blue when Spinel is talking about them giving Pink the Earth.
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Not only that, but she actually seems to be disapproving of Blue's behavior.
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Also it seems weird to me that Blue and Yellow were apparently the ones who gave Pink a colony when the Earth's Moon Base looks more like it was designed for White.
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Heck, it still seems weird that White isn't shown as having been involved at all until the time came for the corruption to be done.
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Especially since it seems like a number of Gems that were bubbled were probably White's - and at least one of them looks like she participated in the war.
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To me, these seem like even further clues that Spinel's memory has been impacted.
...I think that's all I have to say about this one. XD;
White's Reaction to Spinel
So basically, my theory is about how White is a ginormous liar who tried to cover up anything that might implicate her.  Getting to the point: I think that Spinel might be one of those things.
For one, when White hears Spinel mentioned by Steven, her reaction seems a little too urgent to me; her footsteps and speaking rate are both on the quick side, and that is not an expression of surprise or confusion.
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Taking these things together, I'd say that her reaction is something along the lines of apprehensive; something that suggests she's not double-checking to see if she heard right so much as hoping that she didn't.
(Also: she's a Diamond.  You'd think she'd know about all the different types of [standard] Gems.)
Her gasp could be read more than one way, too.
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Even the eyeshine isn't specific - eyeshine is often used for worry when it comes to SU.  And something about the way she just stands there, blinking, with her hands over her mouth while Blue and Yellow talk about how great Spinel is strikes me as out-of-place (compared to Blue and Yellow's behavior).
But I think, overall, some of the most telling behavior is in what she said about Spinel afterward.  For a start, she actually begins by talking to Spinel, interrupts herself, and then switches to Steven.
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If she was only just about to express compassion or something, I don’t think that she would do that. XD;
And then there's her "reasoning" for bringing Spinel back with her.
"Steven, since the Earth is so disgustinging, we'll just take Spinel back to Homeworld with us and you can stay here."
The reason why this is odd is because, just a minute ago, she was trying (not very well, but still) to convince Steven to let them stay despite the Earth being so disgusting.  (I usually try to avoid using quote blocks this large, but in this case, I think it might be needed.)
White: "Has your planet always been this... destroyed?" Blue: "Not that we're judging!" White: *unconvincingly* "Goodness no!  Because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!" Steven: *unconvinced* "...Yeah.  I dunno about this." White: *exaggerated whining* "But Steven!  It's been so BORING since you've left!  *fake sob*  I guess we'll just wait for you to visit us whenever you're ready..."
(Yellow even seems to disapprove of this act.)
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My conclusion: She's using the state of the Earth as an excuse to take Spinel back to Homeworld.
EDIT: And hey, given how non-reactive Blue and Yellow are when White reacts to the mention of Spinel - and then how they behave after Spinel salutes - I suspect that White may have even been controlling Yellow and Blue (if loosely)... and that her control got overcome by her distraction at seeing Spinel walking around freely.
I suspect that Spinel holds some key piece of information that White doesn't want getting out in the open - in particular, I would guess that she doesn't want the Crystal Gems (ESPECIALLY Steven!) to find out.  To me, her gasp probably means something like "Oh no... I forgot about Spinel!" or "Oh no... I didn't expect her to leave the garden..."  I wouldn't be surprised if what she almost said was something in one of those veins, either.  (Pun intended this time.)
I think that her aim at that point was to take Spinel back and to wipe (or alter) her more-crucial memories before anyone found out about them (hopefully).  I have already talked about how she's probably altered Spinel's memories before, so I would guess that she'd originally taken Spinel into account.
Heck, it seems to me like she even remembered to get Yellow and Blue to more-or-less forget about her.  You remember how Blue wanted to preserve anything related to Pink that she could?  ...Heck (again), you know how she still wants that?
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Yeah... she had apparently forgotten that Spinel and the garden were among those things to preserve.
"This is all we have left of [Pink]... these Gems, this place [the zoo], and the Earth." - Blue Diamond, That Will Be All
I do think it odd that she would remember about the zoo, but not the garden - well, assuming that her mind hadn't been altered when it comes to the subject.  And if it has, well... it would certainly explain why White seems like she might be tense and nervous.
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But yeah.  I strongly suspect that White had planned to just leave Spinel in the garden indefinitely.  It could even be that the only reason why Spinel even got the news of Steven is because of whatever Yellow Pearl did.
At any rate, something about Spinel is important enough for her to just completely drop the issue of wanting to be with Steven.
I could go on, but all the other stuff that I noticed (so far) is unrelated to this main topic, so... yeah.  I guess I'll leave it there. XD
At any rate, there you have it: even more reasons why I believe that Rose wasn't really Pink Diamond... and why I hope that you'd at least see why I see it that way. ^_^;
My fingers are crossed that the first SU:F ep is about finding Pink on the moon. 83  (It would explain why they're starting with an hour-long special. 833333)
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bluekayanite · 5 years
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A bit late, but there was a recent event in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp where we were to collect feathers called (in English) “Pearlplumes.”  In my head, Pearls turned Ponies are Pegasi, so here you go. X3
I had to do some color correction because my the scanning part of my all-in-one printer sucks, and I’m still not completely satisfied.  This is why I don’t often go with the colored pencil route.  (Pearl was left white on purpose mostly for the sake of the joke, however.  Though I’ll admit that the scanning part is also a factor.)
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bluekayanite · 5 years
Theory - Can Garnet see UV?
If you stop and think about it, you might start to wonder why Garnet wears shades.  I think I’ve found a plausible reason why.
What’s with the shades?
Obviously, there's design reasons + the reveal factor...
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But I'd say that those are more of meta reasons.  In canon Garnet isn't shy about showing her third eye.
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But she’s still pretty insistent on covering them: for example, she still pushes her shades up, even around fellow Fusions and such.
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So what's the canon reason Garnet wears her shades?
The possible UV factor.
If you look up ultraviolet light, one of the things you might run into while reading about it is the fact that a lot of minerals fluoresce under UV.
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I was looking up UV, myself, and similarly encountered it.  It took a little bit, but then I remembered something...
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When Garnet sees Fluorite and calls her “beautiful,” the obvious assumption is that it’s because Fluorite is sort of a super-Fusion.  I’m not ruling it out, but what if that’s not the whole answer? What if it’s less of the answer and more of the assumption that’s being played to?
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One of the things that fluorite (the mineral) is known for is the way it often fluoresces under UV “blacklight” - in fact, the word “fluoresce” comes from fluorite, because it was the first mineral seen to have the effect.
And, well... many of you probably know that when you mix red light and blue light, you get magenta - a color that’s actually not on the physical light spectrum.
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So if we can already get a brand new color by mixing colors that aren’t close on the spectrum, who knows what crazy colors you would get if had more than just red, green, and blue light to work with?  It could be that the fluorescing colors we do see are just the closest color that our eyes + brain can see - kind of like how colorblindness (or, more accurately, color vision [deficiency]) can make people have trouble telling the difference between, say, red and green - and creatures that see UV by default can see all sorts of crazy colors without needing additional blacklight.
So it could be that the rainbow Fluorite (which - by the way - is a pun/reference) has even more colors in the eyes of Garnet. =3
Why might this be? + Possible reason for the shades
You know how Sapphires usually keep their eye covered?
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...But other single-eyed Gems don’t?
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I think it’s possible that, in order to be able to see the future, Sapphires’ eyes had to be made a lot more sensitive than usual - not to the point where they can’t uncover their eye, ever, but enough that they’ll generally want some kind of shielding.  Such sensitivity boosting could include allowing them to see into a broader light spectrum - which, I suspect, could lead to even greater overwhelm just because there are a lot more colors to process. And I know from personal experience that overwhelm is something that you’ll generally want to reduce and avoid. ^_^;
Naturally, Garnet would have inherited any such sensitivity, and as a fighter, it would be especially important to reduce overwhelm in order to deal with the chaos and rapid pace that generally comes with combat.
Solution?  Reduce the amount of light taken in. =3  It might not eliminate overwhelm, but evidently, if it helps, it helps enough.
But yeah, if nothing else, I wouldn’t be surprized if Sapphires have a light-sensitive eye.  And to help myself with disappointment (just in case)... I wouldn’t mind much if this wasn’t true.  But I think it would be really awesome if it was. 83
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bluekayanite · 5 years
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“Pebble Beach.” =3
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bluekayanite · 5 years
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So I’d tried comparing the Escapism song to the new Love Like You in the credits once before, thinking that maybe they had the same voice.  Maybe it was the parts I picked, but at first, they sounded different enough that I thought “Maybe not,” so I ended up dismissing the idea, disappointed.
I tried giving them another listen today because I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that maybe they really still are the same voice, trying to compare the whole Escapism song to the credits from different episodes.
This time, I’m pretty sure that they are the same voice.
And since I’ve noted before that it’s a different voice than in the original Love Like You, and I still think that Rose wasn’t really Pink, I can’t help but think that maybe it really is Pink singing the Escapism song. 83
Incidentally: I noticed that - particularly in the Escapism song - she seems to have a bit of an American-southern/country-ish accent.  (Yet another thing that I suspect the other Diamonds may have forced her to hide/reduce. =/)
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InB4 this ^ is more-or-less how they actually reveal it. XD
(Incidentally, this is NOT an April Fools’ joke!  I just happened to do this today, I swear. ^_^; )
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