poetryinsepiatones · 1 year
i just found out i knit left-handed.
i knit left handed because my older sister taught me how to, because my aunt taught her how to, because her older sister, who was left handed, taught her how to. and it's like that one thing that went around for a while that said "you're face is from thousands of faces of people who were loved" or something, except all i am is just a collection of little habits and sayings from the people i've loved and the people they've loved over and over again. i am just patchwork within patchwork within patchwork, each something that was loved enough to be remembered
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poetryinsepiatones · 2 years
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when you’re lowkey venting to a friend and they try to lighten the mood
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poetryinsepiatones · 2 years
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i love emailing my therapist
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poetryinsepiatones · 2 years
Roadkill Prophet
Death sat in crows and vultures
Burying their heads into the carcasses
Laid in asphalt graves on the side of the road
And when they looked up
Their bald heads transparent for a moment
So you could see Death's bones and blood
Shining in their face
Death was much more real
Till you drove past
And It flew away on rotting wings
Death lay splattered underneath car tires
Apathetic as they chased the white and yellow lines
Oblivious to the carnage in their wake
Yet somehow still hitting
The same body again and again
Till it became nothing more than a smear
A greasy memory on a commute
Only remembered at its freshest
With empty sockets
Bloody roads
And disgust at that dirtying
The lowest belly of the car
Death screamed in shiny eyes
That balked and dilated in the holy high beams
And teared up at roaring engines.
Proud, high crowned bucks and
Cowardly possums crawling across the road
Met with the same curses
Hearts stammering the same beat
Bodies frozen with the same fear
Splayed on the same sides of the road
But never in the same grave
Never in the same thought
Only revulsion for what was left behind
Death perches in the trees.
As you climb out the driver's side,
Panicked voice catching between trunks and stars.
Bald heads turn in unison
Watching you approach the corpse ripped in half
On the double yellow line
Bones and blood flickering under the flashlight's beam.
Death coats the bottom of your car.
It spills out from under the headlights
Paints the pavement in red
And drowns the tires
Dipping into every groove and peak
Leaving vicious fingerprints on the road.
Death floods the eyes.
There is no recognition of light or person
They don't even blink.
But the chest is still stuttering,
The hooves twitch and thrash
Its high and mighty crown scrapes painfully
But you take no steps closer
Not when it stares at the Devil
And you stand in his place
Death brushes your tense shoulder.
Trickles a finger down your shocked and rigid spine
Strokes your tear stained cheek gently.
Whispers into your ear
You are lucky."
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poetryinsepiatones · 2 years
a letter
to those who will remain unnamed i thank you for my childhood the small clumps of hair we chopped off with safety scissors never really grew back the mud stains never washed out of my socks my knees still scab over from the carpet burn we got together running from growing up somewhere, in the basement, the tinny television set still plays those old reruns and VCRs we forgot to wind back and on some bench there's still the plastic sleeve covered in sticky fingerprints from the juice popsicles that our moms bought when we begged so we could save our favorite flavors for each other i still have the bracelet with your misspelled name strung on the blues you thought were the same shade in the flashlight's beam and in my drawer i have the almost empty notebook titled "Our Summer" with amateur signatures in the top right corner and smiley face beneath them that never got filled when you drove away in june you don't have one name and often i hit myself where you asked to kiss my cheek because i forget one of them and when i remember one i scribble it in crayon on my heart (i always forget that crayon fades like the drawings i helped you with when you were three) now, when i'm the age you were when you would push the swings because i was too short to touch the ground and my shoes would be too big to line up perfectly with your purple ones like you always liked to do i wish you were still here to split your jelly beans wait at sticky bus stops drink bittersweet lemonade and help me forget that one day you would walk off in your hand-me-down pants and take my childhood with you
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