blvckm1lk · 26 days
You’re his babysitter
[Ghost x You]
Insta: blvck.mvlck [Will start posting bots and fanfics there too]
You loved children dearly. Simon, on the other hand, hated them, to him they were more of a burden than a blessing.
What are children good for? They cry, shit, eat, sleep and cry some more.
He was really tired of this 'being a dad' shit. It wasn't easy.
The baby cried every night for hours until the clock struck morning. He wasn't focused on his duty anymore because of the lack of sleep.
Yes, he hadn't slept much before, but now he couldn't even get two hours of sleep.
That was it, he finally had enough.
He slammed open his computer and searched for a babysitter. He has found an acceptable babysitter for his son.
Simon has been watching your interaction with his son for a whole week. And shit, you're good at what you do.
He enjoyed watching you form a bond with his son, a bond he never had.
Not that he ever wanted one.
In his eyes, he was a mistake that haunted him after a stupid, meaningless fling.
Simon was gone for weeks or months sometimes when he was on missions or deployments, he even set up a room for you in his house and paid you very well. You didn't need any other jobs. So you can concentrate fully on your job; his one-year-old son.
His son loved you endlessly. He saw you somehow as something similar to a mother who took care of him, bathed him, played with him, made sure he had fresh food on the table and... loved him.
Today was one of the few days Simon spent at home, he was off duty until the next mission in a week's time. Nevertheless, he showed little to no interest in his son. As always.
"Simon, dinner's ready," you shouted from the kitchen as you put the food on the dining table and the little toddler, who you had in your arms while you were cooking, back in his chair.
Simon came down the stairs with sauntering steps, the smell of lasagna rising to his nostrils, almost melting in his mouth.
He was grateful that he had you, even if he couldn't really show it. Thanks to you, he was able to take a step back and didn't have to take on the role of being a father, in which he would fail anyway. Just like his own father did.
His son didn't need a father like him when he had you.
Simon sat down opposite you and stared at his food that you had prepared for him, his heart pounding painfully hard in his chest; he was goddamn thankful .
"Thank you, YN."
"... not for that."
Simon took a forkful of the lasagna and hungrily stuffed it into his mouth. The lasagna tantalized his taste buds, he had to stifle a small groan that threatened to leave his lips when he tasted the warm sauce and the perfectly layered noodle plates.
After all... Since he arrived this morning he hadn't eaten a thing. He was more than thrilled with your cooking skills and he thanked god for it.
His dark eyes fluttered back and forth between you and the little boy, who had red sauce around his little lips, like a little vampire. God he is so unbearable, he kept trying to tell himself, but the tugging in his chest kept reminding him painfully that he was too soft to hate his own son.
Maybe it wasn't hate he felt, but simply the need to push him away.
"Let me feed him, you have to eat, YN," he said bitterly, looked in your eyes.
His heart skipped a beat or two.
He was torn. On one hand, he didn't want to feed his son, on the other hand, he couldn't watch you feed his son and end up eating your food cold.
You didn't want to interfere so you handed Simon the childish blue spoon without even millisecond's hesitation. Your heart leapt with joy and hope that Simon was getting a little closer to his son, even if it was only a small interaction between father and son.
Your manicured fingernails ran gently over the head of the little boy, who went by the name Luce.
"He's lucky to have you," Simon murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached out, his gloved hand hovering for a moment before gently resting on son's head, trying to mirroring your affectionate gesture.
Luce deserved a father, someone who could be there for him, even if Simon struggled with the concept of fatherhood himself.
Growing up with a bastard of a father who constantly tortured and tormented you... it left its scars, both physically and mentally.
The touch was brief, almost hesitant, as if Simon was still grappling with the unfamiliar sensation of blossoming like a snowdrop in spring, slowly thawing from the cold winter.
But it was a step, a crack in the thick wall he had built around himself.
Deep down, Simon knew that he couldn't shield himself from these emotions forever, no matter how much he tried. A part of him began to wonder if there was room for more than just duty and detachment in his life.
"I'm just the babysitter in this whole thing," you said with a shy smile on your plump lips that makes his thoughts spin. Lips, which he has fantasized many unspeakable things in his imagination on lonely nights.
"Just a babysitter, eh?" Simon replied, his voice tinged with a smoky pitch that he owed to years of smoking. One of his few bad habits that couldn't get rid of.
"Well, you're doing a damn good job at it."
As the evening wore on, the three of you continued to share the meal in the cozy warmth of the room.
Simon eyes occasionally flickered towards you, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary. There was a certain comfort in having you around, a feeling that makes his mind go silent.
He knew that his time at home was limited, and soon he would have to return to the life he led based on duty and detachment. Missions and wars.
But for now, in this moment, Simon allowed himself to savor the peace and the connection that had unexpectedly blossomed between you and his son.
And perhaps, just perhaps, there was a part of him that dared to hope you're more than just a babysitter for his little burden... for him.
But wasn't it your job as Luce’s aunt to look after him?
English isn’t my native language, , I’m sorry for mistakes :)
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