Tamaki being a complete nervous WRECK about being in readers room for the first time (studying or smthg), until he readers cat comes up and just,,, cute tamaki interacting with readers cat (sorry if that's not specific enough,,,)
Fluffy Tales [Tamaki Amajiki x Reader]
Word Count: 1,094
Request: Yes
Warnings: None
Whatever (Y/N) was talking about was barely registering in Tamaki’s head. The only thing he could try to focus on was how to steady his heartbeat. He felt like it was going to burst out of his chest at any minute and was surprised that his girlfriend couldn’t hear it. When he had agreed to study with her, he did NOT expect that she meant in her room. Though they had been together for several months now, he’d never been to her room before. To others, it may not seem like something to panic about, but to Tamaki, he felt like the world was ending.
‘What if I break something? What if I’m so nervous I throw up on her carpet? What if-‘
“Ah, here we are!” His thoughts were interrupted. (Y/N) opened the door to her bedroom and motioned for him to go in. Tamaki hesitated for a second, but a glance at his girlfriend’s smiling and expectant face made his stiff legs move. The fear of letting her down by telling her he was too nervous to walk in surpassed his other fear. He stood still as a statue taking in his surroundings.
(Y/N) walked past him and set her bag down on the kotatsu that was in the middle of her room. “Feel free to sit down, Tamaki-kun. Make yourself at home.”
“A-ah, um…ok…” He mumbled. ‘Easier said than done’. He placed his bag on the kotatsu and sat down on the floor.
“Hey, no need to be nervous,” (Y/N) said, “You’ll be alright.”
“R-right,” Tamaki cringed. She could tell that he was uncomfortable. He was already screwing things up.
“I’ll go get us something to drink and some snacks, alright? I’ll be right back.”
All Tamaki could manage to do was nod. Once (Y/N) had left, Tamaki let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. What was he supposed to do while he waited? He really wished Mirio and Nejire were here. They always knew how to act and what to say. They’d be able to help him out in this situation.
Suddenly, Tamaki felt something brush past his leg making him jolt.
‘A villain!’ Was the first thought that popped in his mind, even though it seemed like a ridiculous and unlikely situation. Before he could activate his quirk, however, a small, furry head peaked out from under the kotatsu. Two big, green eyes blinked at him. He blinked back. He realized that it was a cat. A very adorable cat that was coming out from under the kotatsu.
“Hey there, kitty,” He reached out cautiously and let the cat sniff his hand. After a sniff or two, the cat nuzzled his face into Tamaki’s hand and began to purr. Tamaki began to blush and a small smile spread across his face at the cuteness of it. He scratched the cat’s chin and the cat seemed to love it because his purring got louder. Tamaki remembered (Y/N) mentioning she had a cat once before. He never imagined that it would actually be here in U.A.
With his other hand, he began to pet the cat’s body. It’s gray fur was so incredibly soft. Tamaki couldn’t get enough of the comforting feeling of its fur. The cat walked over and settled down on Tamaki’s lap, still purring. Tamaki felt slightly giddy at this. There was nothing better than when a cat wanted to be near you.
Tamaki startled a bit when he heard the door open, but managed to keep the cat from moving away. (Y/N) walked in carrying a plate of snacks and some drinks. She looked over at him as she was beginning to say something, but paused when she saw the sight before her. A sweet smile spread across her face.
“I see you and Rover have gotten acquaintanced.”
“Mm, I didn’t know U.A. allowed you to have pets,” Tamaki replied looking down at the ball of fur on his lap.
“I asked Principal Nezu if I could bring him with me. I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing him every day. Whenever I’m sad or anxious he makes me feel better. Luckily Principal Nezu was understanding and let Rover come with me.” She explained.
“H-he’s very cute,” Tamaki said.
(Y/N) hummed in agreement. “He likes laying under the kotatsu since it’s warm. He seems to really like you more, though. I’ve never seen him snuggle up to someone instead of staying under there."
Tamaki smiled at the knowledge that Rover chose him over his favorite spot.
(Y/N) smiled back, “Let’s get started on studying.”
After an hour or two, they were done with their study session. Tamaki’s legs were cramped and numb from sitting in the same spot. But it was a sin to wake up an adorable, sleeping animal.
(Y/N) stretched, her back cracking from her hunching. “Mmm, I’m kinda hungry. Do you wanna go get dinner?”
“Yeah. I’m kinda hungry too…” Tamaki said, there was just one small problem. “U-um…”
“Hm?” (Y/N) looked at him and then giggled, “Tamaki-kun, you’re so cute.” Tamaki’s face turned a bright red at the compliment. And reddened even more as she kissed the top of his head when she walked past him.
(Y/N) made her way over and grabbed something from the top of her dresser. A bag of cat treats. She shook it a few times, and, as if on command, Rover bolted up from his spot and ran over to his owner; meowing like there was no tomorrow. “I know, I know. Here you go, you big baby.” She bent down and opened her hand to give him a few treats.
Tamaki wasn’t sure why (Y/N) thought he was cute when she was obviously cuter. Especially with the way she interacted with her cat.
With Rover off of his lap, he stood up and let his stiff limbs stretch. He sighed in relief.
“Are you ready?” (Y/N) asked.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
The pair made their way out in comfortable silence.
“Um,” Tamaki was the first to speak, which was an oddity, “i-is it alright if I come and play with Rover sometime?” He asked shyly.
(Y/N) was taken aback for a second. Tamaki was asking to come into her room to play with her cat. She couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Of course you can! Just shoot me a message beforehand and I’ll leave the door unlocked.”
Tamaki smiled, he couldn’t wait to go back.
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Ohmy god I love your work so so much!! You're positively wonderful! 😊 If it's okay, could I request Kirishima with a s/o who's an absolute cuddle bug? Thank you so much in advance!
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Kirishima with a cuddle bug S/O
Kirishima couldn’t be happier.
He himself is an openly affectionate person, so to have a partner who is the same way makes him feel over the moon.
Loves the times he’ll sit down and she’ll immediately snuggle up to him.
Teases her by pretending to not want to snuggle just to see her pout.
Sometimes she’ll sneak into his room and surprise him by hugging him from behind (he knows she’s sneaking up behind him but pretends he doesn’t hear anything because it makes her happy)
During winter, she’ll practically be glued to his side. The cold gives her an excuse to need cuddles. Not that she needs an excuse for that.
“Kirishima-kun, you’re so comfy.” She always says, making him blush lightly. He’s surprised she finds his tough body comfortable.
She tends to fall asleep on him a lot during their cuddle sessions. He tries his best to not wake her up when this happens. He also takes pictures of her asleep on him, but she doesn't need to know that.
The class tends to tease them, but neither one of them mind one bit.
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I’m sorry to bug you, I’m sure you have lots of requests, but could I request an angst to fluff with Kirishima? Maybe a friends to dating situation? Your writing is lovely and I’m sure you can rock it! Thank you for your time! ❤️❤️❤️
Pieces [Kirishima X Reader]
A/N: *crawls from the depths of my shame* ...Hi. I am SO incredibly sorry this took a decade to answer @mrsreina, please find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm also sorry if I'm not the best at writing Kirshima ;0; I tried
Word Count: 1,812
Request: Yes
Warnings: Mild swearing
“Kirishima, there you are!” (Y/N) exclaimed as she spotted the red-head.
Kirishima turned his head to look at her, the sounds of the others partying inside the dorm could probably be heard for miles. Although the actual graduation wouldn’t be until the following day, classes A and B had decided to throw their own graduation party. The music became muffled as (Y/N) closed the door behind her and stepped into the balcony to join her friend.
“Hey, sorry, did you need something?” He asked, straightening up slightly from where he was leaning on the balcony.
(Y/N) walked towards him “Nah, I just didn’t see you anywhere. Started to get worried.” She leaned against the balcony like he was. Looking out into the night. The stars were shining brightly against the sky.
“No need to worry about me! A man just needs a second to breathe sometimes,” He grinned at her.
“Ugh, I know what you mean. I love Mina to death, but if I have to keep up with her dancing I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
Kirishima laughed, “If that happens, I’ll carry you”
(Y/N) smiled at him. “I might take you up on that offer,” she said and leaned her body towards him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I still can’t believe it’s tomorrow.”
Kirishima made a sound of agreement, “Yeah, it seems like just yesterday that Aizawa-sensei had us throw baseballs and race.”
“Mm, now look at us! You’re about to make your first solo appearance as Red Riot soon. Aren’t you nervous?”
“Hah! No way. Waking up Aizawa-sensei from his naps is way more nerve-wrecking.”
(Y/N) laughed at the imagery, “You make a good point.”
She stayed with her head on his shoulder and let silence fall between the two of them. Deep down within her she knew that this would be the last time they’d get to be this close for a while. And it seemed like Kirishima knew this, too. “You know,” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “if you’re ever in trouble, or need help, you’ll always be able to count on me, right?”
She nodded, too scared to talk because she suddenly realized just how fragile the situation was. She loved him, and she knew the feelings were mutual, but when she tried to picture a future with him in it right now, it just wasn’t possible. There were too many obstacles in the way.
They were too young, about to start their future careers, and both had to work on their own goals. The pieces didn’t fit.
(Y/N) felt a knot forming in her throat. There was an air of finality between them and she wanted to scream in frustration because when did things get to this point. As hard as she tried not to cry, tears started flowing.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Kirishima said softly as he turned towards her
She couldn’t think and couldn’t talk, so she just let herself feel.
Feel his calloused thumbs wipe her tears away gently. Feel his lips leave a kiss on her forehead. Feel the way her heart felt heavy with regret at the things she had left unsaid to him. All of her senses were tuned in to him at this moment.
She didn’t need to think; she just needed to feel.
“Are you ready to go back in?” Kirishima asked after letting her feelings settle.
(Y/N) wanted to be selfish and say no. Walking through that door meant that this was the last moment the two of them would have like this. She wanted more time together. But she knew that she’d never truly be ready to part. So instead she nodded and headed back in with him.
(Y/N) took a sip of her drink and looked around the large room. It was her first time as a pro-hero to be invited to such a large and well-known event. They really went all out. Everywhere she looked she saw pro-heroes in glamorous suits and dresses mingling amongst themselves. Tables full of foods that looked as if they had been made by a famous, blond, English chef. A live band was playing music on an elevated stage in the middle of the huge room. It felt like she was in a movie.
“Oh my gosh, is that you, (Y/N)? You look amazing!” A familiar voice shouted at her over the sounds of loud music and people talking.
(Y/N) looked for the source of the voice and quickly found it. A huge smile spread across her face and she made her way towards her former classmates, “Uraraka! It’s been a while!”
“Hey don’t tell me you forgot about us!” Mina said in mock-anger.
“How could I ever forget the Alien Queen?” (Y/N) teased.
Mina groaned, “I can’t believe you still remember that.”
(Y/N) giggled, “Sorry. But seriously, I’m so happy to see you all!”
Uraraka, Mina, Momo, Iida and Midoriya looked fantastic. Life as a pro-hero meant that she couldn’t see them as often as she liked, but still kept in contact with them as much as possible. The times she got to see them in person, though, filled her with unbridled happiness. And tonight was no exception. Three years had passed since graduation, and though they still looked relatively the same, they felt more mature.
“As are we! There’s a couple more of class 1-A alumni that we’ve seen aside from you,” Momo said.
(Y/N)’s interest was piqued, “Really? Who else?” A certain red-head came to mind. Kirishima had truly made a name for himself. Though still young, he was quickly rising up the hero ranks. They hadn’t had much contact since graduation, but gossip in the pro-hero community spread fast.
“We saw Kacchan very briefly earlier, he kept getting pulled away by other pros, though,” Midoriya said, “Kaminari is around talking to people. Oh! And I saw Mineta briefly.”
At the mention of him, all the girls got the same look of disgust on their faces.
(Y/N) sighed as she closed the door to the balcony behind her. She leaned her back against it and sighed. On top of her friends, there were a lot of pro-heroes that were trying to talk to her. There was only so much socializing a girl could do before she needed to recharge.
“Long night?” A very familiar voice said and startled her. Her eyes snapped open and, for a moment, her breath caught.
“Kirishima?” She asked. And sure enough, there he was. Sitting on one of the small loveseats in the balcony. “Yo! It’s been a while, (Y/N).” He raised his hand in a greeting and grinned at her.
She stared at him, it felt so different to see him in person as opposed to on TV. He was taller and more muscular than the last time she’d seen him. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “Kirishima! I had no idea you were here! The others didn’t see you, either.”
He laughed, “I was with Bakugou, but we got separated because other pros kept bombarding us. I’ve been getting pulled left and right all night.”
“Well I can see why, I’ve been hearing rumors that you’re moving up fast.”
“What can I say? Villains work hard but a real man works harder” He bragged, “But what about you? How’re things on your end?”
“Not too bad,” She sat next to him, reveling in the fact that it was still so natural to talk to him. He was still the sweet and caring guy she knew from high school.
“Kick ass lately?” He joked.
“More like they kick their own asses. I swear the ‘villains’ I stop all share one brain cell. It has to be a quirk because nobody is THAT stupid.” She ranted.
“Well you can’t just say all that with no context, what’s the story?”
And before she knew it, the two of them were sharing their most ridiculous stories from work. Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was the late hour, or maybe it was seeing Kirishima again, but (Y/N) couldn’t remember laughing like this in a while.
“And then this MORON knocked himself and his companions up. It made the job easy for me but how were they a threat to begin with?” (Y/N) finished as Kirishima kept laughing.
“Man, I’d love to go on patrol with you one day. I need to see something like that in action!”
“Hey, you’re more than welcome. I’d have someone to vouch that I don’t make that up.” She said, “Plus it’d be nice to have some company.”
“Ah, kind of on the topic,” Kirishima suddenly looked away, “Sorry I haven’t been in contact for a while. That wasn’t very manly of me.”
(Y/N) was surprised. It’s true that when they first stopped having contact it had affected her greatly. She was so used to having him in her life every day that it felt empty without him. But as she got on with her life she began to understand that life as a pro-hero isn’t easy, and she would remember the words he said to her. She knew that if she were ever in trouble he’d be there.
“Oh, Kirishima, it’s all good,” She said, “I know it’s hard to keep in contact with people sometimes with the job we have. I’m truly not upset." She grinned cheekily, "And you're always manly."
Kirishima looked at her and stared for a second before chuckling softly. (Y/N)’s brows furrowed, “What?”
“Just... just you,” he grinned and (Y/N) couldn’t help but smile back at him. His smile was still infectious.
Absent-mindedly, she glanced at her watch and did a double-take. “Shit! It’s that late?!” She jolted up, “I have morning patrol in 6 hours! I’m sorry Kirishima, I have to get going.”
Kirishima got up, too, “Hey no worries, I’ll walk you out.”
“Thanks,” she smiled. The two of them made their way to the balcony door and (Y/N) had a feeling of deja vu hit her. She was suddenly eighteen again, the night before graduation, and she doesn’t want to walk inside because she doesn’t know when she’ll have moments like these with Kirishima again. As if in sync, they both stop.
Kirishima was the one to break the silence, “Hey...um, I’m going to be off next Thursday. Do you... wanna go on a date with me?” He asked, rubbing the back of his head and blushing slightly.
“I’d love to,” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.
Kirishima’s eyes widened, “Forreal?! Cause I know this great place... “
And, as the two of them went inside together, (Y/N) came to the realization that the pieces were starting to fit.
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Soooo hi everyone! Im SO sorry I haven’t posted in forever I promise I haven’t forgotten about this blog at all! I feel like I owe you all a way overdue explanation.
A lot of crappy stuff happened to me at the beginning of this year. My boyfriend had dumped me completely out of nowhere, and he was also my best friend of 5 years so I felt like I’d lost a huge chunk of myself. And, some of you may know, I suffer from chronic depression. The breakup didn’t help at all. It got really bad and I lost a lot of my inspiration for writing, and especially writing about romance. And then a month later my computer broke :(
It’s still broken cause I haven’t had the time or money to get it fixed though I really do wanna get back to writing again. I’ve been having the urge to write for weeks now but it sucks that I can’t. Hopefully I can have someone take a look at it.
All your messages have been super sweet though, I do read them. ;-; they mean so much to me. I’m so lucky to have you all
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Update Pt. 2!
Hiya! As I mentioned before, I’m here to let y’all know I’m fine!
The protest was really peaceful and hopefully they’ll continue to be that way. Thank you to those who were concerned, I really appreciate it. :) 
Stay safe everyone!
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Quick Update
Hey everyone! I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated anything! I’m really sorry about that! You’d think I’d be under quarantine due to the virus, but nope. Since I work at an essentials store my hours have doubled. :(
I’ve been trying to keep writing in the spare time I have but it’s been difficult to. I even had to cancel my classes since I couldn’t keep attending them. 
Another reason why I’m updating today is a more serious thing (I think?) I’m actually going to a protest for George Floyd in my city tomorrow. And I’m sure some of you have seen how serious and dangerous they can get. They’re trying to keep it as peaceful as possible, but you never know what can happen. I’m really anxious and scared, to be honest. Fingers crossed that everything goes well! I’m going to post an update on here tomorrow once I’m home so you guys know I’m safe. :)
PLEASE, if you’re going to the protests too, stay safe and be vigilant! Be aware of those who may be there for the wrong reasons! I don’t have much advice, but be careful, everyone!
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Me starting a new anime: My Hero Academia? Hmm. Ok I'll try it out.
Toshi comes on the screen:
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Can't believe this hasn't been done before yet >:[
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me every time Hop asks me to battle knowing I’m about to wreck his pretty boy shit and further exacerbate his feelings of inadequacy 
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mido, uraraka, and monoma's (seperate) s/o normally has a high voice, but i wanna see their reactions to hearing their s/o have a deep voice because something happened (ex. mineta irritating the heck out of them, or they got injured or something like that-),sorry, i'm new to this tumblr thing so bear with me aaA
A/N: Here you go @unabashedpursemakeralmond, sorry it took so long! Hope you enjoy!!
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Izuku Midoriya:
“Good morning, (Y/N)-chan!” He greeted his girlfriend as she and Uraraka walked into the living room.
“Morning, Izuku-kun.” She said, and he was momentarily stunned as his girlfriend’s normally soft voice was now deep and raspy.
”(Y/N)-chan?! W-what happened to your voice?!” He asked, startled.
”Oh that? Funny story. I was sparring with Uraraka-chan last night, and she punched me square in the throat. Her training really paid off, she can land a mean punch.”
”I know! I felt so bad! I kept apologizing over and over.” Uraraka chimed in, still feeling bad about the whole ordeal.
”O-oh, I see.”
He tries his best to help her during the day. He buys her some cough drops and helps her answer things so she wouldn’t strain her voice as much.
”Let me know if you need help with anything else!”
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Ochako Uraraka: 
Uraraka went to her girlfriend’s dorm room and knocked. It was lunchtime her girlfriend hadn’t shown up for class yet.
”(Y/N)-chan? It’s me, are you ok?” She knocked.
Uraraka stepped back as the door slowly creaked open. (Y/N) stood there in her pajamas, her hair disheveled and nose red. 
”(Y/N)-chan! What’s wrong?!” She asked in a frenzy.
”Nothing’s wrong, Ochako-chan. I just have a really bad cold.”
There was a pause where Uraraka and (Y/N) just stared at each other blankly. That was soon interrupted as Uraraka suddenly bursts into laughter.
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “What?” 
That only made Uraraka laugh harder, “You sound like an old man!”
”Ochako-chan, you’re so mean!  Your girlfriend is dying and you think it’s funny,” She pouted before smiling slightly
”I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She finally managed to calm down, wiping the stray tears from her face, “Did you want me to get you some tea?”
Uraraka keeps checking in on her throughout the day, getting things that she thought might help (Y/N) feel better.
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Neito Monoma:
Monoma approached his girlfriend, who was sitting in the living room.
”(Y/N), I need to copy your notes from last class.” He said.
”Alright, they’re in my room.” She replied in a deep voice, the complete opposite of her gentle one.
Monoma stared at her, his mouth agape, “What the hell happened to your voice? It sounds like shit.”
She rolled her eyes, “Gee, thanks. Some of the girls from class A and B went for karaoke during the weekend. I got a little carried away.”
Monoma’s eyes lit up at the mention of class 1-A, “Class 1-A? Did you beat them?”
(Y/N) looked at him in a funny way, “I don’t think there’s any ‘beating’ in karaoke, Neito-kun.”
As the day went by, Monoma kept pestering the girls from class 1-A, “How does it feel to be defeated by my girlfriend, from class 1-B, at karaoke? Don’t feel too sad, it’s not your fault that you-” 
He was interrupted by (Y/N) smacking him over the head.
”Neito-kun, stop it!” She yelled, grabbing him by the ear. She turned to the girls from 1-A, “Sorry about him! I had fun over the weekend, let’s do it again sometime.” She waved and dragged Monoma away by the ear as he protested.
”I seriously don’t know how she can put up with him,” Jirou said, sweatdropping. The other girls made sounds of agreement.
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bakubae, todoroki, dabi, and Tamaki’s S/O pushing them away and when they confront her she says it’s because she’s scared they’ll leave her because all the men she’s cared about has left her. I’m a sucker for angst that turns to fluff 😣❤️ (also sorry my English isn’t very good)
A/N: Here you go anon! Sorry this took ages! I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or shorts, so I did shorts. Also I apologize to everyone in advance, I’m still not used to writing Tamaki’s character. Hope it’s still somewhat enjoyable!
Warnings: Swearing
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Katsuki Bakugou:
He began to notice a shift in their relationship. Her smiles started to seem more forced, she wouldn’t initiate physical contact as much, and whenever they’d talk she’d give him short, curt replies. At first, he decided to give her space. If she wanted to bring it up to him, she would do it. But as time went on, she grew more and more distant. Now she could barely look him in the eye. It was starting to get to him. So one night, he goes straight to her dorm room when he’s positive she’s alone. As he expected, she freezes up when she sees him. 
He scowls at her before pushing his way into her room. “Mind telling me what the hell’s been going on?” 
She lowers her gaze, “...I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He glares as his frown deepens, “Cut the bullshit. We both know something’s wrong and I want you to tell me what it is.”
She still doesn’t look at him and stays quiet.
Bakugou sighs, his face softening, “Look, I’m not… I’m not good at this. I don’t know how to make this better. So if you can think of anything I can do to make you feel better, just tell me”
It catches him off guard when her shoulders start shaking and tears start streaming down her cheeks. He doesn’t hesitate to bring her into his arms as she cries.
“S-sorry, Katsuki-kun. It’s all just me.” She stuttered out. “I-I’m just scared that you’ll leave me.”
He said nothing, stunned, waiting for her to continue.
“Everyone I’ve cared about has left me. And you’re so amazing when I’m not that I can’t help but worry that you’ll realize that and leave me.” 
There was a pause for a moment before Bakugou spoke up, “That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard.”
“W-what?” (Y/N) sniffed.
“I’m not gonna leave you. You’ve got way more reasons to leave me.” Bakugou said, “Those assholes who left you don’t know what they missed out on.”
“...You think so?” She smiled a bit.
“Yeah, biggest mistake of their lives.” He smirked before turning serious again. “I promise I won’t leave. So don’t stress yourself about it.”
He pressed his mouth on the top of her head.
“You’re right, Katsuki-kun. I’m sorry I’ve been pushing you away. I promise to come to you if it happens again.” 
“Hmph, you better.” He muttered.
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Shoutou Todoroki:
Todoroki was a genius in a lot of subjects. Relationships, however, was not one of them. Which is why he wasn’t sure how to best approach this situation. (Y/N) had been distant and cold towards him for a few days now, and it only seemed to keep getting worse. He’d been thinking and scratching his head to see if he’d done something wrong.
Did he forget her birthday? An anniversary? Did he say something wrong?
Or maybe… Did she want to break up with him? 
He frowned at that thought. 
He’d ask the only person he could think of for help.
“Um, well I’d just confront her directly about it. Communicating with each other is the best way to solve things. Tell her how you feel.”  
Midoriya’s advice rang in his head.
Todoroki knew he was right. So he sent a text to (Y/N) asking if they could meet up.
They set up a meeting place and Todoroki made his way there. The cool night air refreshing him as he walked on. Finally, he saw (Y/N) under the streetlight of the park they’d sometimes go to, facing away from him. He took a moment to appreciate her before he made his presence known. It’d been a while since he had actually taken the time to really look at her.
He considered himself lucky.
Finally, he walked up to her. 
“(Y/N),” He called her.
She turned to look at him, “Hey Shouto-kun”
She didn’t smile at him like she normally would, and that worried him even more.
“Why did you want to meet up?” She asked him
Todoroki paused. He hadn’t really prepared on what he’d say to her. He’d never been good with words. Midoriya had told him to tell her how he felt, right? So that’s what he’d do.
“You know I’m not good with words or expressing myself, but you always managed to understand what I’m trying to convey. I’ve always appreciated that. You’ve become distant lately, I apologize if I’ve done something that hurt you without realizing it.
“I don’t want the relationship to end because of something I’ve done by accident.” He finished
(Y/N) had a hand over her mouth as she stared at him in shock, “Shouto-kun, you… you thought that I was going to break up with you?” 
He looked at her in confusion, “Is that not what you were thinking?”
He was further confused when (Y/N) began to laugh and cry at the same time. 
She shook her head, “No, that’s not what I’ve been thinking. I thought you were leaving me.”
He froze for a second, “Why would I do that?”
“I’ve been left by everyone I dated before. I thought maybe you were going to leave me, too.” She said as the tears kept streaming down her face.
Todoroki frowned, “I can assure you I have no intentions of leaving.” He reached out to hold her hand. 
“I’m sorry if I gave you that impression.”
(Y/N) shook her head again,  “No, you didn’t. I was just being stupid. I’m sorry I made you worry. I won’t do it again.”
She wiped her tears away and smiled softly at him, Todoroki allowed himself to smile back.
“Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
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It shouldn’t have fazed him when (Y/N) started ignoring his calls and avoiding him altogether. In fact, it should’ve been a good thing. He shouldn’t have let her get close to him, to begin with. 
It had been a predetermined relationship in his eyes. They’d be together until she realized that the whole world hated him, then she’d leave him and move on to someone better. That’s how he’d always seen it going. 
He hated the idea of her being with someone else. The thought of her kissing someone who wasn’t him made him want to burn the whole damn city down. But if that’s what she wanted and asked of him, then he’d have to let her go. 
The problem was that Dabi was selfish when it came to her. 
And she hadn’t asked him to let her go yet. He needed to hear it from her before he resigned himself into protecting her from a distance. 
He let himself in through the balcony of her apartment as he did every time, mildly surprised that it was unlocked considering the circumstances. The lights were all off in her apartment. She was probably still at her job, but he knew she’d be home soon. He sat down on the couch and waited.
It was about 20 minutes when he heard the door open and the lights turn on, momentarily blinding him. She still hadn’t noticed him.
A startled yelp escaped her lips as she turned to his direction, panicked. Her surprise soon turned into anger as she saw who it was.
“Dabi! Were you trying to give me a heart attack?!” She seethed. He would’ve found her anger funny any other time.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” He cut straight to the point.
(Y/N) looked away from him, “I’ve been busy.”
He let out a sarcastic chuckle, “Right. Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on.”
“Like I said, I’ve been busy.”
Dabi’s patience was wearing thin. He marched up to her and stared down at her.
“Don’t lie to me. If you want to end things now, then say so. Don’t keep avoiding me and dancing around it.” He glared at her.
She finally met his eyes again, “Oh, please. I’m the one dancing around the subject? You’re the one who wants to leave.”
“What?” He narrowed his eyes, “Is that really what you think?”
“Isn’t it true? You never even wanted this. You never wanted me. And now you’re going to leave, like everyone else.” She finished, tears welled up in her eyes.
Dabi’s shocked face turned into one of anger. “You think that I would be here if I didn’t want this? I do. You really have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.” He gritted, “So stop whatever thoughts are going through that pretty little head of yours, cause I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.” 
He proceeded to tilt her chin and kiss her roughly, all the while cursing at himself for his selfishness.
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Tamaki Amajiki:
He was scared.
More scared than usual, that is.
His girlfriend had been avoiding him lately. It felt like days since they last had talked. He thought that maybe his paranoia was getting the best of him, but even his closest friends had noticed.
“Hey did you and (Y/N)-chan have a fight?” Nejire had asked him one day.
“No. I-I don’t think so anyway?” He mumbled.
“Then why isn’t she with you? Don’t you two always hang out together? It’s so weird seeing you apart.” 
Tamaki just kept sinking into the couch. Mirio seemed to notice his friend’s worries.
“Don’t worry, Tamaki! I’m sure everything will turn out alright! If you’re worried about it, try talking to her directly.”
Tamaki broke into a cold sweat as his thoughts ran wild, “B-but what if she doesn’t want to see me? Maybe she hates me and wants to break up with me.”
“Come on, Tamaki, that doesn’t sound like (Y/N) at all. Why don’t you try talking to her about it?”
He knew he should talk to her, but his fears got the best of him, “I just...don’t know if I can.” He mumbled.
“Well, if talking doesn’t help why not write it down?” Nejire piped in.
“Hey! That’s not a bad idea! Think you can do that, Tamaki?” Mirio asked.
Tamaki thought for a moment, “I can try…” 
Which led him to his current situation. Tamaki’s pencil hovered over the blank piece of paper as he thought of what to write. He’d never been good at expressing himself, he knew that. He hadn’t even had the courage to confess to her, it’d been Mirio and Nejire who had set them up on a date. Surprisingly, she didn’t mind his shy and nervous nature. They were in a comfortable relationship. When Tamaki was with her, he felt at ease. At least, that’s how he’d seen it.
Was his behavior the reason she was growing distant? Did she hate him now? Had his lack of affection finally gotten to her?
He shook his head. 
If she wanted to leave him, he wanted her to at least know how he truly felt before her decision was finalized.
Tamaki set the pencil down and left his room.
A knocking at (Y/N)’s roused her from sleep. Groggily, she sat up and wondered who would be bothering her at, she squinted at the clock on her nightstand, 12:07 A.M. Before she could let her thoughts wander for long, she heard more knocking.
“Comin’,” She mumbled, though she doubted whoever it was could hear her.
She cracked the door open and the panic she felt when she saw who it was fully woke her up.
“Tamaki, what are you doing here?”
His eyes met hers for a second before darting to the ground.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
Fear gripped (Y/N)’s heart, “Oh. Did you want to come in?”
Tamaki shook his head, “If I delay it, I might lose my nerves.”
He took a deep breath in an effort to calm the maelstrom of anxiety that he was feeling.
“I think that you’re really amazing,” He spoke, “I’ve always admired how strong and kind-hearted you are. You have the courage that I lack. And so… when you finally noticed me, I couldn’t help but shy away like I always do. I couldn’t convey my feelings to you properly, and now I feel that I’m losing you because of that. I really don’t want you to end things without hearing how I felt. S-so, um, yeah.” He finished lamely as the courage that he had mustered up began to fade. He looked anywhere but at her; until he heard a sniffle come from her.
Panicked he looked up at her and saw the tears running down her face. A thousand apologies were about to leave his mouth, and (Y/N), who seemed to know what he was going to do, shook her head. “You don’t have to apologize, Tamaki. I’m the one who’s at fault. I’ve been thinking negative things and just let them get to me. I felt like you were too good for me and were going to realize that soon. I’m so sorry I made you think it was your fault.”
Tamaki stood there, shocked “I think...I think  that I’d have to be pretty stupid to leave someone like you.” He stated with a soft blush.
This made (Y/N) finally giggle, and it made him realize that he’d missed this. He’d missed her. His nerves began to settle. 
“Thank you, Tamaki.” She said.
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Can you make some headcanons on how Todoroki, Bakugou and Denki would deal with a shy, introverted S/O with social anxiety that didn’t talk to many people? Thx (・ω・`)
A/N: Here you go anon! Hope you enjoy!
Todoroki, Bakugou and Kaminari with an S/O who has social anxiety
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 Shouto Todoroki:
Since he’s an introverted person too, he wouldn’t force her to be in social situations. 
Their relationship would consist of mostly silence, but never an awkward one.
If there are too many people around, Todoroki would be by (Y/N)’s side the entire time 
He pays close attention to her body language.
If she starts sweating or trembling, he’ll take her to a secluded place and be with her while it passes.
Uses his cold side on her if she’s overheating.
Will ask if she needs anything.
“I can get you some water,” Or “Do you want to leave?”
Although he’s not the most affectionate, he helps in his own way.
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Katsuki Bakugou:
Bakugou doesn’t understand it at first.
“What do you mean? Do people scare you?”
“I-it’s more than that Bakugou-kun.” She tries to explain it as best as she can, but he just can’t grasp it.
It wasn’t until he actually saw her having an anxiety attack that he began to be more open-minded. Seeing her hyperventilating and shaking made him scared, though he’d never say it out loud.
From then on, he’d make sure to come up with excuses whenever he saw her symptoms start and leave with her.
“This party is shitty, c’mon (Y/N).” “We’re fucking tired, we’re leaving.”
He’s not good at comforting, but he’d stay next to her for whatever she needs.
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Denki Kaminari:
He’s someone who likes being the centre of attention, so he doesn’t understand what it’s like. He tries really hard to, but it’s difficult for someone who doesn’t experience it to understand.
However, he does try to look out for her whenever they’re in a crowded place.
He’ll do the stupidest things to draw everyone’s attention to himself.
“Hey guys, look at this!” Followed by him throwing Mineta to the ceiling and watching him stick by his head.
Sometimes he’ll even go over his quirk limit, even if he doesn’t hear the end of it from his classmates.
It works, though. (Y/N) will either go somewhere to calm down or join in on the laughter as her mind is focused on something else.
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Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a great day!! 
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Quick Update!
Hey everyone! I know it’s been a bit since the last update on the blog! Currently, the holidays are keeping me really busy as well as my new job! I’m still writing requests in my spare time, though! Once the holidays are over and my new job starts calming down I’ll be back on posting more regularly. Sorry for the inconvenience but thank you for understanding! Happy holidays! <3
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I just wanted to tell you I loved ‘Progression’ 🥺❤️ its very cute
Thanks so much! ;0; I’m so glad you enjoyed, you’re so sweet! 
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can you do a mina x fem reader about the reader having a crush on mina but mina doesn’t know that the reader has a crush on her. also can you add the bakusquad just like a lot lol.
Gals Being Pals [Mina Ashido x Fem!Reader]
A/N: Here you go anon! I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,532
Request: Yes
Warnings: Swearing
“Hi, Mina-chan! I bought this charm for you. I saw it yesterday and it reminded me of you.”
“God, that’s just pitiful,” Bakugou muttered, watching the interaction between the two girls from his seat.
“I get what you mean, she’s too obvious.” Kirishima chimed in.
“It’s a shame Mina-chan is so oblivious,” Sero said.
Just then, Kaminari walked up to them.”What’re you guys talking about?”
“Just (L/N)-chan’s poor attempt at flirting,” Sero replied.
“(L/N)-chan? With who?” 
“Are you that fucking dense? With Pinky over there, duh.” Bakugou said.
There was a moment where Kaminari looked blankly at them, as he processed the information.
“Wait, what?!” He exclaimed, drawing the looks of his classmates. Sheepishly, he closed his mouth and leaned in closer to talk more quietly. “(L/N)-chan likes Mina-chan? No wonder she blew me off.”
“That’s every girl, Kaminari-kun.” Sero snickered as Kaminari glared at him.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Kirishima suddenly said, “We should help (L/N)-chan confess to Mina.”
Bakugou groaned, “No fucking thanks. I’ll pass.”
“C’mon, we can’t call ourselves men if we don’t help out a friend.” He insisted.
“Eh, I’m in.” Sero shrugged.
“Me too. After all, I’m a hit with the girls.” Kaminari said smugly with a smirk.
Kirishima grinned, “Great! So that’s all of us!”
“Oi, when did I agree-” Bakugou was cut off by Kirishima.
“We should talk to her after class.”
“Hey! When the hell-” Bakugou was cut off, again, as the bell rang, signalling that their break was over. The rest of the boys went back to their seats, ready to help (Y/N).
As (Y/N) was walking down the hallway to the dorms, she felt a hand grab her by the arm and pull her aside. She turned and saw Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero there.
“Uhh, hi?” She said, not knowing why they needed her.
Kirishima spoke first, “(L/N)-chan, we decided to help you with your problem.”
“My problem?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“You know, your Mina-chan problem.” Sero elaborated.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she understood what they meant. A blush spread across her face. She groaned, “Is it that obvious?’
The boys made sounds of confirmation.
“Luckily for you, with our help, you’ll have Mina-chan’s heart in no time,” Kaminari said.
She raised an eyebrow, “No offence, but I think that’d slim down my chances with her.”
“Aw come on, don’t say that! I’ve known Mina for a long time, we can definitely help! At least try our way, you’ve already tried yours.” Kirishima insisted.
(Y/N) thought about it for a moment. He did have a point. She’s been trying to drop hints to Mina for a while, but they didn’t seem to be working. She would have confessed if Mina had at least given her some sign that she liked her back as more than a friend.
She sighed, “Well, what the hell? Let’s do it.” 
The boys grinned amongst themselves.
“So what’s the plan?” (Y/N) asked.
“And you’re sure Mina-chan will like this?” (Y/N) asked for the tenth time that day. Today, Kaminari had given her two tickets for a movie that came out. His plan was for (Y/N) to take Mina to see the newest romance movie.
“Positive! No girl can resist a good romance. And it’ll be great for setting the mood between the two of you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“...Alright.” She said, skeptically. “I’ll go ask her.”
“Good luck!” He called after her.
(Y/N) knocked on Mina’s dorm room. After a moment, Mina opened her door.
“Oh, hey (Y/N)-chan! Did you need something?”  
“Hi Mina-chan, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the movies with me.”
Mina’s eyes sparkled, “Oh my gosh, yes! What should we see? As long as it’s not romance.” She made a disgusted face. “Blegh! I’ve actually wanted to see that new alien horror movie.”
(Y/N) started sweating, “O-oh well you’re in luck! I got tickets for that one!” She lied.
“Really?! When? Oh, I can’t wait!”
“Me neither.” (Y/N) laughed nervously.
“Well?” Kaminari asked as she came in. Sero and Kirishima looked at her expectantly. 
“She hates romance movies! I panicked and told her I’ve got tickets for that alien horror movie.” She groaned.
“That’s still good, though! You’re going to the movies with her.” Sero said.
“Yeah! That’s even better. She’ll get so scared she’ll come to you for comfort.” Kaminari grinned.
“And don’t worry about the tickets, we’ll cover them for you!” Kirishima said.
The night of the movie had arrived. (Y/N) and Mina had left together. The entire way there, Mina wouldn’t stop talking about how excited she was for this movie. It made (Y/N) smile, as she watched Mina go on and on about it. A soft blush on her face.
Once they were inside, Mina turned to her.
“(Y/N)-chan, do you want to get seats while I get snacks?” Mina asked.
“Sure!” As (Y/N) made her way to the theatre room, she heard her name being called.
“Pssst, (L/N)-chan. Over here!” 
Looking around, she saw someone waving at her. Rather, three someones. The boys were there, dressed in the worst disguises she’d ever seen. All three of them were wearing trenchcoats and hats. They could not have looked more out of place.
“What the hell are you guys doing here? And why are you all dressed like that?” She asked.
“We just wanted to see how things would go,” Kirishima said.
“Don’t worry (L/N)-chan, we’ll be seated way behind you,” Sero added.
“That actually makes me worry even more,” She glanced at where Mina was. Seeing her already ordering snacks, she turned to the guys. “I have to get going. Please don’t be any more obvious than you already are.”
She went inside the theatre.
“We should follow in after Mina-chan joins (L/N)-chan, then we-” Kirishima was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“What the fuck?” They turned around to see Bakugou there, staring at them in confusion.
“Oh! Bakugou-kun! Are you here to spy on Mina-chan and (L/N)-chan too?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugou gave them a look, “Like hell I am, I’m just here to see a movie.”
“That’s perfect, we can all go in!” Kirishima said
“Fuck no, I’m not gonna-”
“Come on, the movie will start soon!” Kirishima dragged Bakugou, who was protesting, and the rest into the theatre.
The boys sat a few seats behind (Y/N) and Mina, and quieted down as the movie began.
(Y/N)’s heart was pounding in her ears. Her legs felt weak. The movie had ended, and it was the most terrifying, disturbing, gruesome movie she had ever seen in her life. She was petrified of going to sleep tonight, knowing she’d have nightmares.
“Wow! Wasn’t that movie great, (Y/N)-chan?” 
All (Y/N) could do was nod as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Mina got up while talking about the movie, and (Y/N) shakily followed.
She didn’t even acknowledge the boys as she passed them.
Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero all sat stunned. The color drained completely from their faces. 
“What a boring movie.” Bakugou said.
The three of them looked at him incredulously.
“Maybe we should try something simpler. Why don’t you try these?” Sero said the next day. In his hand, he had a beautiful bouquet of flowers. All of them were pink. An intricate bow that Sero had made held them together.
“Ohh, good idea, Sero-kun!” Kaminari said, “Simple, but effective. Once you hand them to her, it’ll be a good time to confess.”
(Y/N) took the bouquet from Sero and smiled, “That’s actually a pretty good idea! These flowers are beautiful, I’m sure she’ll love them. I’ll go find her.”
(Y/N) found Mina in the living room watching TV. Thankfully, she was alone as it was the weekend and everyone wanted to go out and do their own things. It was the perfect opportunity for (Y/N). She took a deep breath and made her way towards Mina.
“Hey, Mina-chan!” She greeted her with a smile.
Mina looked back at her and returned the smile, “Hey (Y/N)-chan! What’s up?”
(Y/N) held out the bouquet for Mina, “I actually brought these for you.”
Mina blinked in surprise before a smile spread on her face, “Wow, these are so pretty! Thank you!” She brought the bouquet to her face and took a big sniff out of it.
(Y/N) smiled. Things were going smoothly.
“Mina-chan, there’s something I want to tell y-”
“(Y/N)-chan, sorry to interrupt but-” Mina sneezed, “Do you know if there are chrysanthemums in this?” 
(Y/N) frowned in concern, “I’m not sure, why?”
Mina sneezed again, and (Y/N) saw that her skin had red blotches and that her eyes started swelling.
“I’m just really, really allergic to chrysanthemums.”
“What?!” In a frenzy, (Y/N) took the bouquet from Mina, opened the door that led to the outside and threw it as far away as she could. 
She ran back to Mina’s side and gasped. “Oh no! Mina-chan!”
Mina’s eyes were completely swollen shut and watery. Her nose was runny and she kept sneezing uncontrollably. 
“Come on, I’ll take you to the nurse’s!” (Y/N) said and took Mina’s hand, leading the way.
(Y/N) sat in her room. The boys were there, too. Mina had been given allergy medication which had made her sleepy, she was currently resting in her room.
“Well, that was a major disaster,” She sighed.
“Yeah, sorry about that, (Y/N)-chan. I had no idea.” Sero apologized.
“It’s fine, it wasn’t your fault.”
“So, what should we do now,” Kaminari asked.
Everyone stayed quiet. Nothing seemed to come to them. (Y/N) was about to tell them that maybe they should call it quits when Kirishima suddenly clapped his hands.
“That’s it!” He said.
They all looked at him in confusion.
“What’s it?” (Y/N) asked.
“Natto! Mina-chan’s favorite food!” He grinned. “We can make some for her! She mentioned she hasn’t had homemade natto in a while. It’s perfect!”
(Y/N) frowned. “Are you sure about that?”
Kirishima nodded, “I’m sure! Nothing can go wrong with this one.”
“Kirishima-kun is right. That’ll show that you care and have been paying attention to her.” Kaminari said.
(Y/N) thought for a moment, “Well… I suppose we can try it. But if that doesn’t work, then we stop.”
“No problem!” Kirishima told her.
“So… who knows how to make natto,” Sero asked.
This question brought on another wave of silence.
“Wait, I think I know who does.” Kirishima grinned.
“How many times do I have to tell you?! Fuck no!” Bakugou said as he stared at the three guys in front of his bedroom door.
“Aww c’mon Bakugou-kun,” Kirishima begged. They had been at this for a while now.
“Why the hell should I?” He said, “I never agreed to this.”
“Because you care about your friends and want to see them happy together?” Kaminari suggested, hopefully.
“Hah! I couldn’t care less about that,” Bakugou slammed his bedroom door in their faces.
“Ugh, now what?” Kaminari asked.
“Hang on, I have an idea.” Sero suddenly said. Then, in a loud voice, he said, “Oh well! Let’s go, guys. I knew Bakugou-kun couldn’t handle the task.”
Kirishima and Kaminari quickly caught on.
“Yeah, should’ve known Bakugou-kun would be too scared to cook,” Kaminari smirked.
“I bet he doesn’t even know how to make natto,” Kirishima joined in.
Right on cue, Bakugou’s door slammed open.
“What the hell did you just say?!” He seethed, “I can make the best goddamn natto you’d ever have!”
“Prove it, then,” Sero said.
“I fucking will!” He pushed his way past them, heading towards the kitchen.
“Here are all the ingredients, Bakugou-kun,” (Y/N) said as she laid down the bag of groceries. She’d been surprised when the guys had told her that Bakugou agreed to help. They’d told her that they’d watch out for Mina while the two of them were in the kitchen. Bakugou had asked (demanded) her to get some ingredients they’d need for the recipe. They were ready to start now.
“Good. Now pay close attention, cause I’m not repeating myself,” He said.
(Y/N) nodded.
For the most part, all they did was wait while the beans boiled for hours. Once they were done boiling, however, was when things got more complicated. (Y/N) had no idea how specific you had to be when making natto. They set the natto in the oven. All they had to do was wait now.
(Y/N) made her way to Mina’s room. The natto had come out perfectly (at least, that’s what Bakugou said) and the boys had made sure that Mina was in her room before giving (Y/N) the ‘ok’. 
She took a deep breath and knocked on Mina’s door. She prayed that there wouldn’t be another mishap. 
Mina opened the door.
“Mina-chan, hey. I have something for you. It’s more or less an apology for the flowers.” She said sheepishly and held out the container, “It’s natto. Um, you do like it, right?”
Mina smiled widely, “(Y/N)-chan, I LOVE natto! It must’ve taken you forever to make it, you really didn’t have to go through all that. But thank you, you’re a really good friend!”
(Y/N)’s smile dropped. Seriously? Friend? Was that all Mina would ever think of her? (Y/N) was waiting for a sign that Mina liked her, at least somewhat. But it seems like Mina was really dense.
“Actually, Mina-chan, there’s something I want to tell you,” Mina looked at her, waiting for her to continue. 
“I really like you, as more than a friend.” She finally, finally got it out. Her heart was pounding as she waited for Mina’s reaction.
“Oh, I knew that,” Mina said nonchalantly
(Y/N) blinked.
“What?!” She exclaimed.
“WHAT?!” They turned to see the boys in Kirishima’s room across the hall. They seemed to have been spying on them.
Mina laughed, “Yeah, I knew the whole time. I mean, it was pretty obvious.”
(Y/N) stuttered, “But-but, then why?!”
“Hmm, it’s gonna sound a little mean, but I just really wanted to hear you confess.” She grinned. “Plus it was pretty funny seeing the guys trying to help you.”
(Y/N) was stunned as she processed all of this. 
She groaned, “Mina-chaaaan!”
“Sorry, sorry! I know it was a bit mean! But I like you, too. And thanks again for the natto.”
Mina laughed at (Y/N)’s pouting face.
“Come on, don’t be like that! How about this?” She leaned in and gave (Y/N) a quick peck on the lips. 
(Y/N) blushed, a smile forming on her face. “Fine, I forgive you.” (Y/N) turned to the guys again, “Hey, thanks for helping me out guys!”
All they could manage to do was stare before they all smiled at the two girls.
Could’ve been worse, they thought.
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100+ Subscribers! WHAT?!
Guys, holy shit! 100+ subs in just a few days??? 
Thank you to everyone for the kind comments and for taking the time to read what I’ve written. And also a BIG thank you for people who have sent requests! I’ve gotten quite a few, and I promise to everyone who submitted them that I’m working on them as we speak. 
I’m so glad you guys are enjoying my blog and I can’t wait to keep writing for you all!
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