bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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history cornell notes 📝
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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my march spread 🌻🌷🍃
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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some swatches of my tombows and artline stix!
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
types of study breaks for every situation
if you realize you’ve been studying for hours: grab a snack to refuel your body and watch a sitcom to refuel your brain. then back to the books.
if you’re feeling stressed out: take some deep breaths, text your friends, maybe stare at a wall for a few minutes. gather yourself.
if you can’t seem to focus: get moving and get outside. take out the garbage, check your mail box, maybe walk your dog. just get moving and get fresh air. it’ll help bring you back.
if there’s something else going on in your life and you can’t get it off your mind: write down what’s going through your head, sort of like a diary entry. it’ll help you work things out.
if you’re just mentally and physically exhausted: set a timer for 25-30 minutes and take a nap. any longer and you’ll hit REM and you’ll wake up feeling just as tired. once you wake up, get some caffeine in you.
if the material is boring as hell: find another way to study. see if there’s a crash course video online about it or draw out what you’re trying to learn in diagrams and pictures to make it fun.
if people around you won’t shut up: listen to some music. soundtrack and classical music is always good because they won’t absorb you as much as music with lyrics. white noise (like ocean waves, rain sounds, etc.) also works.
if you only half understand a concept: call/message a friend who’s not in the class and try to teach the material to them. this will help you mentally work through the material and will help you remember it as well.
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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tagged by megan ( @bobastudiies ) weeks ago but didn’t know until now LOL
nickname: beckster
gender: female
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5’3
time: 10:16pm
birthday: December 5th
favorite bands: MONSTA X, ASTRO
song stuck in my head: Bodak Yellow ( @bobastudiies @mangostudies ) and idk not much is stuck right now
last movie I watched: IT
last show I watched: i don’t even know
when did I create this blog?: some time in the beginning of this school year
last thing I googled: LMAOO i was googling the Pokemon Go teams because i forgot the name of the red team (which is Valor btw) (btwbtw i’m on team mystic)
lucky number: i don’t believe in those
instruments: piano and cello
what I’m wearing: an oversized pink shirt and some sweatpants
how many blankets do I sleep with?: 2
dream job: my ideal job would be a teacher because i like teaching but unfortunately they don’t pay enough (at least not enough to satisfy my mom smh) but regardless, being a teacher is my dream job.
dream trip: Tokyo and Paris 
favorite food: pasta, anything with cheese tbh, korean food
favorite song: a favorite song isn’t in my dictionary. there’s just too many to choose a favorite
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
huge masterpost
just a collection of all the reblogs and posts i have and enjoy on study tips, life hacks, and everything on my studyblr. this is always being updated, so tune in for more! (most are not mine, i mainly just want to save these for later use, so credit goes to the studyblr! if you’re a creator and you’re reading this, i really enjoy your content, and obviously that’s why i like quick access to your great posts!) 
ap course help:
that ap life: friendly advice, having been there and done that - @hollohat
ap english lit: is so lit and so are you - @hollohat 
ap calculus: finding the limits of expressions and not of endurance - @hollohat 
math (it needs its own section):
maths shortcuts - @trigonometrv
math: study and exam tips - @studymelody
tumblr math resources: masterpost - @apricot-studies
public speaking:
tips for writing speeches and talks - @stu-tea
public speaking - @universi-tea 
general studying tips / tricks:
websites for school / studying - @spud-studies 
study habits: in and out of school - @firereine 
masterpost on essay help - @studyblrjess
tips for timed essays? (anon response) - @fuckstudy 
work smarter, not harder: study tips psychology taught me - @wherefunsurvives
an honest study guide - @prodessostudies
study less, study smart - @marias-studyblr
rare study tips - @studybllog
tips on getting shit done a few days before the exam - @morgai-study 
how to deal with a concept you do not understand - @berkeleyandbiscuits
how to get stuff done - @minimaliststudy 
3 study methods you should use more often - @eintsein 
how to learn a new language - @studiyng 
life hacks / self-care tips: 
how to get your life together - @studeebean 
fitness and health for the busy student - @abby-studies-art 
how to have a good morning - @sstudys 
5 easy productivity tips - @hufflepuffwannabe
a real ass guide to life - @sprintingstudies
dealing with the worst case scenarios - @lilypotterr 
self-care masterpost - @castillos-co
time management plan masterpost - @universtudy
foods to eat (for different occasions) - @eintsein 
life cleansing tips - @sleepbby 
what to do when you really don’t want to study - @tae-studies 
back to school:
mental preparation for school - @whenstudyblooms
high school in review (so far!) + some tips - @scholarish 
your guide to having the best first day of class - @universi-tea 
before school checklist - @ladyhannahjane 
bts (back to school) series - @studyessie 
the road to good grades - @sherlockian-studies
how to prepare for the new school year - @nightystudying
how to take notes - @elkstudies 
study organization: notebooks - @studiousbees
act masterpost - @printerpress 
how to get a 30+ on the act - @collegerefs 
stress management techniques for reducing test anxiety - @study-studymore-studyhard
college / university: 
college applications - @universi-tea
adapting to uni studying - @optomstudies
law school 101 - @deepfriedjupiter
advice for university freshman - @juniorincollege
college comparison and application checklists - @science-is-golden 
a masterpost for applying to college - @science-is-golden
legit anything else:
big subject masterpost!! - @chemlstry 
have a blank notebook but don’t know what to use it for? here’s some ideas! - @pridebulletjournal
summer productivity - @anateamy
4 tips for getting ahead after falling behind - @passwithclassandaniceass 
dealing with lazy group members - @optomstudies 
planning your month - @chloestudiess
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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thanks @codexerstudies ies for tagging me to do this!!
(I tried to post this a while ago, but tumblr would let me)
nickname: meegan
gender: female
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5’4”?
time: 10:15pm
birthday: December 4
favorite bands: Rex Orange County, the strokes, and the Walters
song stuck in my head: a lot of Hamilton songs, “watch” by Billie eilish, “perfect” by ed sheeran, and a lot more
last movie I watched: Star Wars: the last Jedi
last show I watched: riverdale s2ep12
when did I create this blog?: a couple of weeks ago
last thing I googled: blue light filter
lucky number: 4 (even tho it’s an unlucky Asian #)
instruments: flute, and piano (I quit)
what I’m wearing: a school club shirt, jean shorts, adidas shoes
how many blankets do I sleep with?: 1
dream job: probably not gonna happen, but it’ll be kinda cool to be a doctor
dream trip: Tokyo, Italy, London
favorite food: ice cream, pasta, ramen, anything with cheese
favorite song: it changes a lot so I don’t really know
I tag: @bekistudies @mangostudies @yhogurt @applesstudy @studypetals @peachystudy @studying-hard @studiiesx @studies-corner @studysthetics
tag ten other people when you’re done!
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
Hoe Tips: School and Studying
I’m currently in PA school with close to a 4.0 GPA, and with college and back to school starting up, I’m dropping some tips for y'all. A hoe gotta get bomb ass grades if ya want a bomb ass career and to be successful af. So let’s get it✨
1. Write out your notes. Have two notebooks: one for when you’re in class (this one can be messy) and one for at home (this one is the neater one, for color coding, formatting, and all that organizational jazz). Writing things out is proven to enhance memorization 7X more than just reading is.
2. Have a go-to format for your notes. Numbering, bullet points, whatever floats your boat.
3. Type out your notes. I use Google Drive, because it automatically saves all your shit, and you can access your notes via your Google account literally anywhere. Typing out your notes does the same thing writing them out does, as far as helping you review the material.
4. Use Quizlet. Quizlet is a free flashcard website/app that allows you to type in all of your flashcards and definitions, and gives you review options like matching, testing, flashcard mode, and more. This shit made me my high schools valedictorian, no lie.
5. Keep your old quizzes and tests. Often times, teachers will ask similar questions on finals.
6. For math-based subjects, always always always show your work in your notes. I try to explain each step for a math problem in the margins of my notes, and generalize how to do each problem at the end.
7. Do practice problems consistently.
8. For my college hoes: never take an 8 am class. You think you can do it because you did it for high school, but I promise you will regret it. If there’s no avoiding the 8 am lecture, bring coffee and skip any makeup/hair that day. Sleep is too important.
9. Make flashcards. The night before my exams, I like to try and fit everything I need to know for a specific chapter/topic onto one flashcard, in order to weed out main ideas.
10. For essays, easybib.com is amazing with free citations to avoid any plaigiarism or incorrect bibliographies.
11. Rent👏your👏textbooks👏. Unless your teacher specifically requires you BUY it, you likely won’t need the actual textbook. Buying access codes for the book online is hundreds of dollars cheaper.
12. If you do get your textbooks, a lot of them have chapter summaries at the end of each chapter. Be sure to write out/type out/review those summaries.
13. For science labs, if you are allowed, take pictures of any models or slides you need to know for your exams. Pretty much all labs won’t let you take pictures of cadavers or animal dissections, but plastic models and microscope slides should be fine.
14. If you have a question, ASK YOUR TEACHER. It is better to look stupid in class and get your clarification, than to look stupid when you get your exam back and actually have it count against your grade.
15. Do study groups. I have two nursing friends in some of the same classes as me, and we’d always meet up before exams to go over the material. We would bring dry erase markers and map out shit in empty classrooms, taking turns explaining shit to each other until we nailed it.
16. Try to teach the material. Like I said in #15, study groups are great for this. By teaching the material out loud, you are subconsciously reviewing it yourself. This is a HUGE help.
17. Take breaks. You cannot exhaust yourself and expect to still recall anything you learned.
18. I know everyone does this and there’s no avoiding it sometimes, but DO NOT CRAM. Gradual learning is most effective.
19. Have one day every week where you don’t do any schoolwork. You need time to reboot.
20. Use your phone’s calendar/task checklist app for all major assignments, due dates, exam dates, study plans, appointments, etc. Set reminders as needed.
21. Charge your phone in another room while studying. No distractions.
22. Rainymood.com is a free website that plays a 30 minute loop of rain sounds. It helps me focus like nothing else, especially in my loud ass household, and every time the loop stops and replays, I know to take a break between 30 minute study sessions.
23. Feel distracted at home when studying? Try studying in a library, cafe, or even at school. I find that going somewhere else to study actually forces me to pay attention to what I’m doing, for some reason.
24. Reward yourself for good grades. Buy yourself a slice of pizza or a new highlight, have a netflix marathon, go to a party, or take a nap. Whatever conveys a job well done, do it. It’ll make all that studying feel that much greater when it’s over, and you’ll have a goal to work towards.
25. Sit in the front of the classroom as often as possible. You’ll be forced to pay attention, be able to actually see the board, hear the instructor better, and you’re more likely to have your questions answered quickly because your teacher will actually see your hand go up.
26. Caffeinate. I prefer tea because it’s healthier, but coffee works too. Ya girl is NOT a morning person, but my morning tea at least helps me pay attention during earlier classes.
27. Keep all of your school shit organized, together, and labelled.
28. Do NOT skip a class just because you’re lazy or don’t feel like going. The temptation is real sometimes, but a hoes gonna be pissed when ya see your participation average decline.
29. This may just be a psychological thing, but I love to use the same colored/brand of pen for all of my notes/assignments/tests. It just makes everything seem more uniform, and I’m able to recall information better.
30. Trouble taking tests? For any multiple choice question, read the question and try to answer it first without reading any of the options. If your answer doesn’t match the options, then use process of elimination to find the best answer. For true/false questions, write out justifications for each answer (you can also do this for multiple choice). You’ll be acing your exams in no time.
31. Chewing gum during class/studying, and chewing that same flavor gum during the exam, has been scientifically proven to boost your memory recall.
32. Literally any time you have the opportunity to do extra credit, DO IT. Cherish that shit.
33. If you aren’t doing so hot in a particular class (literally any math class for me lol), schedule a private meeting with your professor and go over test questions you missed, or topics you didn’t get. If you know your professor is a flop, or can’t get an appointment, meet with a tutor or another professor of that same subject. Sometimes another voice can shed new light on a difficult topic.
34. For essays, readable.io critiques your writing for free based on readability, grade level, formality, tone, grammatical errors, etc. Seriously a life saver.
35. Also thesaurus.com is ya bff for fancier words/phrases to make your writing more eloquent
36. Always make an outline for every essay or project to organize what you want to say. This will keep you on track, and help you work around any quotes or sources in you writing to make sure your writing is hella organized.
That’s all I can think of for now, please please please feel free to add and share. Enjoy those 4.0’s, hoes💞
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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you ever love something so much that you dedicated a whole spread about it wow crazy right
ig: annastudied
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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I’m in love with my February spread!
cover idea : @studyquill
stationary used :
- tombow dual brush pen #991
- kuretake pocket double sided brush pen
- muji capped 0.5 gel ink pen
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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hi! my name is becky chen and i’m an 03’ liner that lives in SoCal :) i started this studyblr to motivate myself stay organized in my studies! here are a couple facts about me:
my favorite subject is english! i just love writing and publishing things
my worst subject is history because i’m bad at geography
this is actually my sideblog! my main blog is a kpop stan account
i’m not lying when i call myself a procrastinator lol… i suck at managing my time wisely
i also play the piano and am currently doing level 8 CM (Certificate of Merit) testing 
i video edit a lot 
i love corgis so much oh my god
i play cello at my school orchestra but will be joining pit in high school
will be taking AP Calc in junior year (wish me luck)
lofi hip hop enthusiast
listen,,, music is my life
still indecisive about my future plans for college and career choices
i already feel welcomed in the studyblr community so i hope i can grow as a student AND person here! 
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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calligraphy drop shadow reference sheet, see the process for some of these letters in this video 
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
bullet journal ideas masterpost
Over 250+ spread ideas!🎊
hoping your dreams are fulfilled, your grades are awesome and your skin is glowing in 2018!
my tips for bullet journalling
Year in Review
highlights / reflection
achievements this year
lessons learnt / growth as a person
things you want to improve on
advice you’ve received / given
best music/movies/tv shows/etc of the past year
friends made during this past year
commonplace journal pages
things you’ve discovered during the past year
useful tips during the past year
odd facts and trivia during the past year
topics to explore during the past year
questions to ask during the past year
New Year, New You
calendar / future log / yearly or monthly logs
things to look forward to this year
upcoming books/music/movies/tv shows being released this year
maslow’s hierarchy of needs self-reflection spread
goals / new year’s resolutions + steps to put it into action
skills you want to learn this year e.g. coding
habits you want to break / habits you want to pick up
diary: day-to-day happenings
budgets: monthly/yearly budgets
inspiration spread for new projects
level 10 life: rate areas (academic, personal, mental, physical, spiritual, social, financial) of your life out of 10, and write down goals to improve that rating!
monthly overviews (e.g. progress on goals)
assignment due dates calendar
18 things to do by the end of 2018
Special Pages for Special Friends
business cards from networking events
gift ideas for your friends/family/significant other
birthday / anniversary calendar
emergency contacts / phone numbers of important people
friendship journal:
memories / moments they were there for you
how you met
moments you want to share in the future
their mbti/hogwarts house
their best qualities
Trackers/Logs/______ of the Day
gratitude journal - # things you’re grateful for every day
habit trackers
motivational quotes
news headlines / this day in history
daily affirmations
currently reading / watching / listening to / feeling / eating / wanting etc.
time usage (read: wastage) tracker
k-drama or tv show episode tracker (always forget what ep I’m up to :S)
expenses tracker / tax deductibles
dream diary (tracker, plot(?), lucid or not, dream meanings)
new album or song releases
photo diary / sketch diary
follower milestones
social media post tracker
household duties/chores tracker
grades tracker
year in pixels
TIL (today I learned)
appointments: dentist, optometrist, doctor, therapist, etc.
bills: car / internet / rent etc
tax: income statements and work expenses receipts
membership/licence renewals
weight tracker
resting heart rate tracker (gives general idea of cardio fitness)
water intake tracker sleep log / time to bed / time awake / total hours slept
exercise log: number of reps / steps / minutes
mood trackers
period tracker
Various Creative Spread Ideas
day-to-day / life planning spreads
skincare routines
perfect/ideal morning routine 
self-care reminders
exercise routines
bucket list
firsts: kiss, date, house, vacation, car, concert, etc.
DIYs to attempt
savings jar (doodle it!)
yearly / monthly recurring tasks
usernames/passwords (hints only for security!) 
5 or 10 year plans
dream job
dream house
planning for moving houses
dream wedding / planning
date ideas
make a worse case scenarios primer
summary tutorials for your reference e.g. step-by-step tax returns
studyblr ideas
topics I need to revise
finals study timetable/plan
aspirations: what you want to be and why / how to get there
class timetable
assignment ideas
project schedules / team meeting dates
professors’ emails/office hours
assessment results
anti-procrastination page
motivations to study
skills you want to learn or are useful e.g. coding
formulas page
courses you want to take and their pre-reqs
college comparisons
back to school shopping list
textbook list with prices
language learning
vocabulary lists
grammar structures
media (books/tv shows/movies) to consume in that language
self-reflection / personality traits
best and worst characteristics
what to be mindful of / what you need to work on
mbti types you’re most compatible with 
fears and how you want to overcome them
letters to your future self (include hopes and dreams)
letters to your past self (include achievements and things to be proud of!)
inspirational people
stress management tips
charities to donate to and why you support them
volunteering activities
fun, cute, and aesthetic spread ideas
things worth staying alive for / getting out of bed for
a spread with all the things you were worried about which turned out fine
message page from your friends to you
“i can’t live without ______”
creative crafts spread: tips / equipment / tutorials
aesthetic colour moodboards
happy / comforting / relaxing / funny things spread 
seasons (summer/autumn/winter/spring) spread
rainy day spread
holidays spreads: christmas / easter / halloween / thanksgiving
idioms and proverbs from all different cultures
flowers spread: fav flowers, meanings, bouquet/arrangements, press ‘em!
crystals spread: fav gemstones (doodle ‘em), meanings
succulents spread: fav succulents, terrarium layout ideas
coffee/tea spread: paint with coffee / fav blends / best cafes
what’s in my bag (doodle it!)
outfit ideas / polyvore style collections
magazine clippings
shower thoughts / hypothetical ideas spread
draw my life spread / personal timeline
favourite characters e.g. gudetama, kumamon, etc. (doodle ‘em!)
interesting words list (ephemeral, mellifluous, serendipity, scintillating etc)
ideal date ideas
wedding anniversary ideas (like 1st is paper, 25th silver, 30th pearl, 40th ruby, 50th gold, 60th diamond)
baby animals spread (duckies, puppies, bunnies!!)
#just bullet journal things
bujo spread layouts and devices to try out (e.g. chronodex, parallel time ladder) 
key/legend (keep it simple!)
colour palettes/swatches
washi tape / pens / markers swatches
banners / fonts
ticket stubs / receipts
stickers / stamps
cutouts of info brochures
pressed flowers
calligraphy / brush lettering / handwriting practice
favourite stationery
_______ that you want to do* / have done* (kind of bucket list) *watch, read, listen to, try, taste, cook, play etc. 
tv shows
arts/crafts e.g. paper quilling
sports e.g. archery
how to play / equipment / etc.
video games
board games
books / movies / tv shows
summary / review
favourite characters
meaningful moments / moments that made you laugh / cry
(for the media critic) artful moments:
best descriptive passages
best cinematography
best action scenes
best use of soundtracks
(basically moments that make it deserving of awards)
album reviews
favourite songs
playlists for every mood and all seasons
meaningful lyrics
songs you shazamed
favourite genres and exemplar songs
reasons why i love my bias / bias wrecker / group
letter to your bias
comeback concepts / favourite outfits
visual/picture tutorials for makeup styles
calendar of your favs’ schedules during comeback season
awards / achievements / records broken / milestones
translated lyrics
kpop songs vocab lists
upcoming releases
on this day
pics of your favourite artworks/artists + write about it
art styles you want to emulate
explain techniques for different media e.g. watercolour wet-on-wet
doodle ideas
natal chart readings/aspects/placements
solar return reading for the incoming year / transits
synastry / compatibility chart readings
constellation/star charts
symbol reference page for planets, zodiac signs, aspects
meal plans
shopping lists
interesting foods: (doodle ‘em!) taste / texture / smell (e.g. truffles, caviar)
cafes/restaurants you want to go to + their specialty dish (photo)
cocktails you want to mix/taste (doodle ‘em!)
interesting articles + moral/ethical issues it prompted you to think about
controversial topics on the news and for/against arguments/your thoughts
on this day in history
fav websites / blogs
jokes / puns / pickup lines
favourite poems / quotes / short stories
burn book - write things that make you angry/sad and rip the page out
wreck it journal - e.g. colour, scribble, stickers all over this page
places to visit
travel itinerary
cultural parables
useful phrases in the language and their meaning
travel memories spread: things you did / places you went / selfies
postcard collection
packing list
friendly and not-so-friendly people that you met in foreign lands
short story ideas
plot brainstorming spreads
journal prompts
character designs
foreign words which can’t be directly translated into english
Follow optomstudies for daily original posts and study masterposts!  Links: all originals + langblr posts + 15-part college 101 series + web directory!
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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Hello! My name is Megan and I am new to the study community on tumblr! I decided to start this blog so I can be more inspired and get study tips from others.
To get to know me a bit more, here are some random facts about me!
- I love boba (obviously)
- I am Korean 🇰🇷
- vines butter my egg roll
- I play the flute in my school marching band
- I am in the eighth grade
- I started calligraphy sometime last year, but I started my first bullet journal this year!
- some of my favorite shows are : the office, parks and rec, greys anatomy, riverdale, stranger things, and cooking shows haha
- I lOvE listening to music
- I have a Labrador retriever named Ben :)
- I hate math.
- i love to eat cereal at night ( cereal before milk btw)
- I don’t really have a favorite color?
- I live in California ☀️
- some of my favorite foods: pasta, ramen, poke, ice cream,and kbbq
- I got inspired to start bullet journaling/ calligraphy from @studyign @studyquill @tbhstudying and more!
Hope you got to know me a bit more, and I can’t wait to meet more people on here! <3
~ bobastudiies
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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Reblog it and save a life !
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
Descriptive words for book reviews, essays and other things
“I liked it / it was nice”
“It was complex in a good way/ it really grabbed my attention”
thought provoking
“It was complicated in a negative way / I didn’t quite understand it”
“It wasn’t very interesting / not very exciting”
“It made me a bit emotional/gave me the feels”
“I’m not crazy about it / it was okay”
not bad
moderately pleasing
“Best thing ever”
comparing things / “It was better than this other thing”
more advanced
of higher rank
a cut above
more desirable
more valuable
higher/better quality
more useful
more sophisticated
“It wasn’t good I didn’t like it”
“It was really bad”
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bobastudiies-blog · 7 years
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This is a masterpost of various math resources and masterposts to help anyone that needs it!
tips & advice
math study and exam tips by @studymelody
how to do math if you’re struggling by @studycoffee-drinkstudies
how to study math by @studyquill
top 5 math tips by @etudiance
how to study math by @studyingmeblr
math masterpost by @jehtudie
how to study for mathematics by @littlestudyblrblog
how to study maths by @smartspo
as level maths c1 printable by @urjareads
maths revision masterpost by @sapphicsweetwine
derivative cheat sheet by @oculusrepairo
formulas to remember for the math section of sat by @thereligionofstudying
a2 maths formulae by @moanastudies
coordinate geometry and graph function cheat sheet by @studinyg
how to
maths shortcuts by @if-bts-studied
maths shortcuts pt2 by @if-bts-studied
gcse maths youtube channels by @lilpeachstudies
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