bonniesbowtie · 7 months
Just wanted to say how much i appreciate your art and works. You write really, really well, and I’m no expert on that, but yes I can surely say this even as an amateur. You’re able to characterize the ones you write just in point, it’s as if you know them in real life, as if they were your friends or something. Please, keep doing what you do, I’m pretty sure there are a plenty of other people that enjoy your writing as much as I do. It’s so rewarding when I go to bed after a hard day and have one of your one-shots to read, it’s like I’m in another reality. Sorry if that sounds weird, I’m afraid I might sound a little crazy but I really like to encourage people, especially when it’s art related. Your art does touch people! And forgive me for any grammar mistakes, as English isn’t my first language
By the way, if that’s possible and if you would want to, would you ever do an schmelly one-shot about an “only one bed” prompt? It’s my favorite, I’d really like to see how they’d act. I know you don’t write smut, and I don’t want it either, so as long as you’re comfortable writing it, I’d really appreciate it 🥹
(AWWW <33 THANK YOU :D!! I really do appreciate that. I know I say it in a lot of my author’s notes, but I am really, truly grateful for all your guys’ support!!)
Sometimes I worry that my writing is trash. The plot makes no sense, or there are too many grammar mistakes, or the characters are…well….not in character. So, hearing that you like my writing makes me super happy :))
And it’s super kind of you to support/lift up artists and writers. There are too many people in this world that like to tear others down, so kudos to you for continuing to be kind and supportive <33
(And just as a little extra note: I think your English might be better than mine, and I say that as a native English-speaker. I mean that positively :D!! And I 100% guarantee that you write/speak English better than I could write/speak in your language, so take pride in that :))!!)
As for your request……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Word count: 1,417
Trigger warnings: implied/referenced kidnapping, implied childhood trauma - but both of those things aren't the focal point of the story.
Summary: What do you get when you add a snowstorm, a (nearly) booked out hotel, and Mike and Vanessa needing a room?
Answer - a hotel room with only one bed!
Snow as far as the eye can see. It comes down in clusters and catches on the wind, blanketing the ground in white. This isn’t abnormal for this time of year, and usually Mike and his sister waited for the first snowstorm with great anticipation. Her because it means Christmas is right around the corner. And Mike because it reminds him of Christmas’ past. 
This year, however, he’s stuck driving in it. A last-minute trip a few hours away and a surprise blizzard don’t really mix. Maybe if he would have checked the weather channel one more time this could have been avoided.
“We should stop for tonight,” Vanessa says, always the voice of reason (for the most part). “I think I saw a sign for a hotel just up the road.”
Mike squints his eyes, leaning forward. He’s going ten under the speed limit, and that’s the only reason his pile-of-junk car hasn’t slid into the ditch. “Okay, I think I see it.”
Somehow, they make it in one piece into the motel’s tiny parking lot. It’s crowded, and it takes him a solid five minutes to find a spot. Apparently they aren’t the first people to need a room for the night. 
“Do you think they have any rooms available?” Mike asks, gripping the steering wheel. The thought of bearing the cold is already making him chilly. 
Always optimistic, Vanessa smiles. “I’m positive they can squeeze us in somewhere.”
“You two are in luck,” the receptionist-the stereotypical midwestern soccer mom-says, looking at her computer screen, “we have one room left.”
Both of them sigh in relief. The idea of trekking back out into the cold was daunting,  and the idea of finding a different hotel is downright scary. 
“We’ll take it,” Vanessa pipes up. 
“Okey-dokey then. I just need you to sign here and date there.” 
As Vanessa signs the logbook, the receptionist passes over a key for the room. “Are you two married?” She asks, conversationally. Though, Mike knows growing up around these types, that she’s just being nosy. 
Vanessa shakes her head. “Oh, uh…no. Just friends.” 
The woman laughs. “That’s what they all say.”
Face turning red, Vanessa scurries away from the desk, keys clutched in her hand. Mike follows behind her, not trusting himself to not glare at the woman. 
They step into the elevator. “You okay?” He asks. 
Vanessa’s face is still red, but she seems otherwise calm. But he wouldn’t be a good friend if he didn’t at least try. She clears her throat, shrugging her shoulders. 
“I’m fine.”
The elevator doors open.
“So, what’s our room number?” 
Vanessa holds the key up. “Uh….says 204. And judging by the positioning of the light, the direction of the wind, and my knowledge of the polar vortex it’s down the hallway to the right.”
He stands there, dumbstruck. “Wow, you actually know our room number from all that?”
She stares at him for a solid minute, not saying anything. “Yep. I definitely didn’t listen to the lady downstairs, and didn’t read the sign right in front of our faces.”
Mike turns slightly, and sure enough there’s a sign directing people to their rooms on the wall. 200-220 to the right and 221-241 to the left.
“Huh,” he says. “Well, I never said I had good reading comprehension skills.”
Vanessa smiles at that, but quickly turns away. “C’mon, I’m really tired.”
Thankfully, the rest of the trip to their room is uneventful. The hotel is eerily quiet, which is weird given that it’s full tonight. But with their luck, the minute they try to get some sleep, everyone and their mother will be causing a ruckus. 
“This is it,” Vanessa says, indicating to a number plate on one of the doors. 
Mike sighs. “Thank god. It’s been a long day.”
The room is pleasantly warm and smells of mothballs. It’s kind of small, not that they were expecting much. A bathroom that lacks a shower or bath, a closet that’s full of cleaning supplies, and a TV stand that lacks an actual television. 
But the thing that gives them pause is none of those things. Instead, it’s the bed in the center of the room. The single bed. 
Single as in only one. 
They stand there in complete silence. Standing and staring. And then, staring some more. 
“Well…” Mike starts, “I can…take the floor.”
Vanessa shakes her head. “No, the floor’s probably filthy. I’ll take the chair over there, and you take the bed.”
He scoffs. “I’m sure I’ve slept in worse places. Besides, you paid for this room. So, you get to sleep in the bed.”
“But….you drove us all the way to Utah and back, so really I owe you.”
They face each other.
“But the reason we went to Utah was for me, so really I owe you.” Mike hates the idea of sleeping in the chair or the floor for that matter, his back has enough problems without adding to them. But he also has the advantage of being imbued with an unholy amount of stubbornness. 
Unfortunately, his opponent is Vanessa. 
“Well, I’m not sleeping in the bed,” she says, throwing her hands up. “So, if you don’t, then I guess it’ll just go to waste.”
“I guess so,” he shoots back. 
Vanessa rounds the bed, presumably to go sleep in the chair. (Another thing that there’s only one of.)
“What if…” he pauses, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the idea. Vanessa looks at him. “What if we shared the bed?”
“Share the bed?”
“Like I sleep on this side.” He points to the side closest to him. “And you sleep on that side?”
“Would you be okay with that?” Vanessa asks. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he says, waving off her concern. “I’m more worried about you.”
“I’m fine. It’s not a bad idea, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Mike shrugs. “I mean as long as you’re okay with it, I’ll be fine.” And he would be. A lot of his discomfort comes from sleeping somewhere unfamiliar. Sure, he’s slept in a lot of different places, but never this far from home. After Garrett was taken, he grew to fear being away from his parents (and later Abby) for long periods of time.
“Okay,” she says, slipping off her shoes and climbing under the covers. She looks up at Mike expectantly. “Well?”
He takes a deep breath. “I have to call the house. The babysitter is probably expecting me back soon, and Abby will be upset if I don’t say goodnight.”
She nods, snuggling deeper into the covers. 
Mike slinks back into the room. Thankfully, both the babysitter and Abby understood his predicament. Abby told him goodnight - which was sweet. And then, she started teasing Mike about his apparent “crush” (like he’s in middle school or something), to which he hung up.
He loves his little sister, but sometimes she drives him up a wall.
He slips into the bed, curling up. The blankets are scratchy and the pillows are lumpy, but Mike would be lying if he said he wasn’t half-asleep by the time his head hit the bed.
Next to him, Vanessa giggles. 
“What?” He mutters, eyelids drooping. 
“Nothing. Goodnight, Mike.”
“Yeah….goodnight to….” Before he can finish his thought, Mike is fast asleep. And not long after, Vanessa follows suit. 
For the first time in a long time, their dreams are pleasant. 
Mike is used to waking up with someone hanging off him. It’s a natural part of being a big brother. First with Garrett-who he shared a room with-and then with Abby, who always preferred his company, even before mom died and dad left. 
What he’s not used to is the other person being taller than him, and having their chin rest on his head. 
He panics, jerking backwards. Sadly, the bed's not big enough for the amount of panicking his sleep-addled brain is doing, and Mike very nearly tumbles to the floor. At the last possible second, a pair of arms save him, pulling him back. 
Vanessa looks at him. He turns on his side, staring at her. 
Without another word, they go right back to snuggling. Sure, it might be awkward in the morning, but that would be the future-them’s problem. 
They fall asleep, curled up right next to each other. If their fingers wind up intertwined, or they end up snuggling in their sleep, well then, that’s no one else’s business but theirs.
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bonniesbowtie · 7 months
Secret? - Schmelly Fanfic (2/?)
“Mike, I forgot to ask you but I need to buy glue and cardboard for my Science class…” — Abby asks as she drags an unicorn plushie through the corridor, half-asleep at 8am, yawning as she realizes that Mike wasn’t alone in the couch, in fact, he was sleeping with his fingers intertwined Vanessa’s hair.
None of them were expecting this appearance, but time didn’t seem to pass when they were together, and they had never been this close. This time, they both woke up at the same time they heard Abby’s voice; their bodies could feel it was already awakening time, so it didn’t take much for them to process what they had just heard.
“Hi, Abby”, Vanessa said as she smiled at her. Mike’s brain was still on loading screen.
“…why were you hugging each other?”
“Good morning, A-Abs, do you need somet—“ Mike tries to quickly undo his arm-tie around Vanessa’s shoulders, in vain. “…you guys are acting like boyfriend and girlfriend. EW” — Abby says as she pretends to be grossed out.
“What did you say about something class something? Listen, I’ll get you everything you need but you didn’t need to wake me up to that…” he says as he yawns, kind of blushed because of what his sister just asked, and regretting not had been faster “…and we just ended up sleeping here, nothing like what you’re thinking. Don’t do that, Abby, it’s rude. Right, Vanessa?”
“We’ll help you as soon as we have breakfast, okay, dear?” Vanessa completely ignores Mike’s try at defending themselves, as if the thought of them being, in fact, a couple, wouldn’t bother her at all. “Come join us, Mr Unicorn is also invited” — says the officer as she winks discreetly at Michael, that reciprocates by smiling, a little shy.
“Okay, thank you. But it’s actually MISS Unicorn, and her name is Rainbow.” Abby jumps at the couch, accidentally stepping on her brother’s leg, which leaves to an “ABBY, MY LEG OUCH”. Although it kind of hurts at the moment, Mike jokes: “We don’t need another injured person, Abby, or are you gonna take care of me if you hurt my leg??”. All of them laugh. Vanessa even had forgot about her sore stomach. Mike had been such a nurse to her; he would never forget the pill time or to change the band aids. He had to learn how to take care of her sister since their parents passing, so he was surprisingly good at first aids and stuff, he even had a little medicine box in case they ever needed something.
They were always used to running short on money, but health is something that Mike would always prioritize, especially if it was regarding to his sister’s. He’s the type of person that would stay with a broken arm, but if Abby papercut her finger, he would come back from work just to make sure she was safe. He promised himself he would pay all the attention that he didn’t on the day Garrett was took. He blammed himself everyday for it and, deep down, he knew everyone blammed himself, including his parents and family, although they’d deny if asked about it.
And with Vanessa, it wouldn’t be different. He didn’t have any relatives besides Abby, so she literally is his family. And now, Vanessa too. At least, while she’d stay in his house, he’d consider her as a responsibility of his. But he didn’t like to consider a future where she just leaves. Now that William is gone, Vanessa’s situation is very similar to Mike’s, except that she doesn’t have even a little sibling. It’s just her, herself, and she. Surely she had a comfortable life because of her job, but you could say that the only stable aspect was the financial. She’s just as traumatized as Mike is, or even more.
After around 30 minutes of family cuddling, they decide it’s breakfast time. Mike’s frying eggs and bacon while listening to the radio; music is one of the few pleasures he allows himself to have. He’s more of a rock guy, but in general enjoys all kind of songs. Even pop, although it’s only when he’s with Abby.
“Thriller” by Michael Jackson starts playing on the radio. Vanessa, which is at the table with Abby, says she loves this song — it reminds of when she was a little kid and would listen to it with her father, albeit she doesn’t mention this part. William might be a serial killer, and a monster, but he’s a man of culture. “The music video gives me chills, but the song is pretty fun” Abby says as she trembles her hands to indicate fear. “…did you know my brother knows some of the choreography??” she tickles to him, that responds with “Yes, but don’t mention it” afraid Abby might ask him to demonstrate it
“Oh my God. This one I would pay to see!” Vanessa declares, unbelieving. “By the way, I might have forgotten a lot of things but I still remember very clearly that you owe me a dance, Mr Schimdt” she says in a kind of flirty but also oblivious way. She knows Mike knows what she’s talking about, and that by referring to him like that, he would feel things.
“Dance! Dance! Dance!” — Abby starts shouting in a rhythm contagious enough to make Vanessa join her. “HA. HA. HA. Nice try, not today though. So you two decided to team up against me? I guess I’ll just have to bring Cassidy here so we can have a fair girl-woman and boy-man competition, because you’re clearly praying for my downfall” he says as he points two fingers at his own eyes and then at them, as in a “I’m watching out” way.
Mike finishes preparing the food, and is now serving his sister and his… his what? Colleague? Roommate? Friend? Were they ever friends? Anyway, he displays three plates with two eggs and one piece of bacon each, in a way that resembles a smiley face. “Besides your cooperation to embarass me, that’s how you two make me feel.” he says gently. “Aww”, say Vanessa and Abby at the same time, but the woman completes with “That’s also how you make us feel, Mike. Thank you for everything.”
“About the cardboard thing, Abby, do you really need it for today or is it okay if we buy it tomorrow?” — suddenly Vanessa reminds of what woke them up this morning.
“Today we’re going to watch a movie at school, so it’s ok if we buy it tomorrow, Nessa. I hope we watch Shrek, it’s my favorite movie” — Abby responds. She really likes Shrek, she has watched it over 10 times and never gets tired of it. At this point, Mike’s even memorized half the dialogues.
“That’s great, so what about we give your brother some peace of mind and we go to the store on our own? We can have a girls-only shopping!”
“Yes!!! I’m in” — the little girl isn’t used to going out with anyone that isn’t Mike, and she kind of misses having a mother figure. Of course she was going to accept it.
“That sounds great, I’ll go to the laundromat while you two have fun, just don’t gossip about me, okay?” — although Mike enjoys taking care of Vanessa, he was really needing some time alone, for himself and his thoughts. Socializing can be rather tiring sometimes, especially for him; he’s not very used to it, since he doesn’t have many friends and people are usually rude to him. Few are the people that he actually enjoys spending time with. And they were going stationery shopping together the next day.
“Then you’d be taking the best part away from us” — Vanessa says, trying to provoke him. She loved to do that, and he’d never be actually bothered by it. Both of them liked the tension when they did this, although Mike rarely was the one to start it.
“Don’t worry, Mike. I won’t tell her your secret.” — Abby joins Vanessa. “Secret? There’s a secret? Hmmm… Now that you’ve started, Abby, you’re gonna have to say it, but I can wait till tomorrow” it interests Vanessa, but deep down she’s just playing along to see Mike’s reaction.
“Abby. Don’t make things up.” — he does have secrets, but none of them was once shared with his sister. There are some things, most of the things, by the way, that he keeps to himself. So his sister was likely joking, but it worries him a little. What was she up to?
Hey, guys! This is the chapter 2. You can find the first chapter here: https://www.tumblr.com/bonniesbowtie/734596972693061632/just-stop-talking-you-silly-chapter-1
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bonniesbowtie · 7 months
“Just stop talking, you silly”
Her head was gently resting on his chest. He wrapped his right hand around her neck and some of her back, next to her shoulders. It was soft. It was light.
Mike was the first to wake up and, the moment he realized he was hugging her, he restrained himself. “Oh my– “ he thought, as he blushed a little and tried to recompose himself. Vanessa was still sleeping, as anyone at 6 am of a Sunday would be or, at least, anyone whose sleeping habits weren’t heavily affected by the memories of your little brother being kidnapped.
They had fallen asleep while watching a corny comedy show the night before. Of course, the blanket-sharing sleepover wasn’t planned; they were just friends, that is, if taking care of someone you’ve known for 2 weeks in your own house could be qualified as such.
The early sunset orange reflected in Vanessa’s blond hair as if God had painted it just to match her strands. Mike couldn’t help but admire it for solid 3 seconds while he tried to put a pillow under her head and, at the same time, not to wake her up so she wouldn’t notice the position they were in. What would she think?
Thankfully, Abby’s bedtime is around 9 pm, and their comedy night had only started after 11 pm, when she was already dreaming about being a princess or whatever kids her age dream about. And, also fortunately, children aren’t very fond of arousing as soon as the day starts. They were alone, at least for some time.
Unfortunately, Mike wasn’t very successful at his task, and ended up waking the former officer up. “Hmmm…” — Vanessa murmurs as she slowly scrubs her eyes, barely awake. As soon as she processes what happened, she gets up and recomposes herself as if her head — and body — were never there.
Mike sees that she basically had the same reaction as him. “Hey, it’s okay” he says as he gently smiles as if he were saying “you can do this whenever you want to”, but Vanessa is too flushed to even look at him. “I don’t even remember falling asleep, I guess these pills I’m taking weren’t lying about the sleepy symptoms, sorry” she tries to explain herself, although she is still kind of flushed for using him as a headrest.
“Don’t worry. It’s still early in the morning, you can keep on sleeping… o-on the bed by the way if you want to” he middle-phrase realizes the possible double interpretation what he just said could have as she raise a little of her left eyebrow and laughs at him. “I mean there’s no problem if you don’t wan’t to go there I’m just saying because of the comfort but—“ he is surprised with Vanessa resting her face on his chest again and hugging him tighter. He paralyzes for 1 second and, as his cheeks go completely red, his lips are touched by white, soft hands, in a “shhh” way. “Just stop talking, you silly.”
Hey, guys! I’ve been working on a fanfic, here’s the link on ao3 if anyone wants, it already has two chapters
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bonniesbowtie · 7 months
it is actually so crucial to my mental wellbeing that in the next fnaf movie we get a scene with mike seeing vanessa with her hair down for the first time
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bonniesbowtie · 7 months
"A Sky Full of Stars."
This was a request for a one shot where Mike and Vanessa reveal their true feelings to each other. I didn't get all the plot points in the request, but I'll save those for a different one shot.
Thank you to the person that requested this. It was a joy to work with you, and I hope you enjoy :D!!
word count: 1,537
"How was school today?" Vanessa asks, taking her seat at the dinner table. Behind her, the setting sun casts an orangish glow on the off-white wall. It's a quarter after seven. It was a little later than 
their usual dinner time, but only because Mike and she had to work later. 
Mike at the local diner downtown. 
And Vanessa at the police station. 
Thankfully, she had the foresight to pick up a pizza before heading home. 
And isn't that such a novel concept?
A place that Vanessa looks forward to returning to every day, with people that fill her heart with joy. 
She feels….safe. 
Mike smiles at her across the table. It's not as rare a sight since the entire incident at Freddy's occurred. For a while there, Vanessa worried he was incapable of smiling. 
"Good," Abby answers, biting into her pizza. "I aid-"
"Ew, Abbs, don't talk with your mouthful," Mike lightly admonishes. "It's gross."
Swallowing, Abby sticks her tongue out. "You're grosser!"
Mike makes a face. "Nuh, uh!"
Watching the pair of siblings bicker is the highlight of her day. Their arguments are almost always silly and nonsensical, but they are the most entertaining things Vanessa has ever watched. 
"Vanessa," Abby says, "tell Mike he's grosser than me."
She looks between the siblings. To a (relatively) clean little girl, save for the pizza sauce stain on her shirt. And then to the nearly 30-year-old man, with chronically sad eyes and a penchant for sleeping. 
Neither of them are "gross" by any means, but Vanessa once watched the aforementioned nearly 30-year-old man dig through the trash can for coupons. Which she would be sympathetic to if they weren't already five months expired. 
"See," Abby gloats, sitting back in her chair. 
Mike puts a hand over his heart, leaning back. In a dramatic voice, he yells out, "Betrayal!" He touches the back of his hand to his forehead, feigning sickness. 
Both she and Abby erupt into laughter. The kind that makes your sides hurt. 
These are the moments that make this house feel like a home. 
These are the moments that make Vanessa feel like she's finally found her people. 
That night, Vanessa tucks Abby into bed. It's usually Mike's job, but he's setting up the VCR in the living room. 
"Vanessa…?" Abby asks, fiddling with a loose thread in her blanket. 
"Yeah?" She tucks a stray hair behind Abby's ear, soothing down the girl's bangs. "Something wrong?"
"No, I just…"
"Just what? You know you can talk to me. I promise, whatever it is, I won't get mad."
Abby nods. "You aren't going to leave anytime soon, right?"
"I would hope not. Unless this is your way of telling me to kick rocks?"
Abby blinks owlishly up at her. "What does kick rocks mean?" 
Again, Vanessa soothes the girl's bangs down. "Leave, get out."
"Oh," Abby murmurs. "No, I'm asking because we don't want you to leave." She furrowed her eyebrows. Such a severe expression on such a cute face should be laughable, but Vanessa listens to her as intently as she would her boss. "I think if you left, Mike would be sad again. He smiles more when you're around."
"He smiles when you're around, too," Vanessa says. And that's the truest thing she's ever said. 
Everything he does, he does for Abby. Hell, what led Mike to even take the job at Freddy's was his need to stay with his sister.
"Yeah, 'cause he loves me, too."
Vanessa flounders, trying the right words. "Yeah…uh….well, your brother doesn't love me. But we are pretty good friends, so-"
"No, he loves you." Her tone is so matter-of-factly that Vanessa finds it hard to argue. "Or, at the very least, really, really likes you."
She nods along, unable to formulate a coherent thought. 
"But that's okay with me. I like you being here." Abby's eyes start to shut, head sinking deeper into the pillow. "I think you're cool." 
Vanessa pulls the covers up. "I think you're cool, too," she murmurs. "Goodnight, Abby."
It's nine by the time Vanessa makes her way down the hallway. A glance at the clock hanging in the dining room tells her that much. 
The living room is only lit by a static-filled screen. The VCR rests in front of the TV, not hooked up. Mike is nowhere in sight. 
"Mike?" She calls. "Where did you go?" It's times like this that Vanessa really hates her father. When her anxiety starts acting up, and it feels like there's a weight on her chest. Making it hard to breathe. To think. 
She panics - just a little and quietly because Abby is sleeping. She looks behind the couch, in the 
kitchen, and even behind the TV stand. But there's no sign of Mike, which only makes her anxiety worse. 
The front door opens. Mike pops his head in. "Right- are you okay?"
Vanessa stares at him, eyes wide and hair a mess from the frantic search. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
He looks at her, and then looks at the askew couch cushions, and then back at her. 
"No reason. I wanted to show you something." Mike holds the door open.
"I thought we were gonna watch a movie."
"I promise this is better," he says.
"Better than," Vanessa eyes the cassette tape on the TV stand, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?" 
Mike shakes his head. "Nothing is better than Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but this is definitely a close second."
She laughs, joining Mike outside.
It's a warm night in the middle of July. Pleasantly warm, too. There's a slight breeze that offsets the heat. 
He takes her by the hand, fingers intertwining with hers. "Sit here," Mike says, leading her to an area in the front yard. A thin blanket has been laid out.
"You have to lay down." As if to emphasize this point, Mike lies down. He glances up at her. "C'mon, you're going to miss it."
Heaving a sigh, Vanessa lays down next to him. The yard is lumpy, and her back still hurts, even with a blanket. She hopes whatever Mike wants to show her is worth the back pain she'll be dealing with for the next month. 
"Good, now, look up."
She does so. The sky is beautiful tonight, a million tiny twinkling stars against the black void of space. It's mesmerizing. Vanessa smiles. "This…this is beautiful."
"I know," Mike says, "but that's not why I brought you out here. Keep looking."
Vanessa hums a response, focused on the night sky. Something about looking at the sky puts in perspective how small they truly are. 
Suddenly, something crosses the sky. A ball of light. Her eyes widened. "Mike?"
"Make a wish," he murmurs, interlocking his fingers with hers. 
Considering Mike doesn't seem concerned, she chooses to believe that whatever that is, it's not dangerous. Especially when a few more pass by after it. 
She closes her eyes and makes a wish. When Vanessa opens them, Mike is eyeing her intently. 
"What did you wish for?" 
Her smile turns mischievous. "I can't tell you. Wish rules and all that."
He turns his head back to look at the sky. "Right, right, otherwise it won't come true." Mike sighs dramatically. "I guess that means I can't tell you mine."
"Nope," she says, zero hesitation in her answer. 
It's silent for a solid minute. The only sounds are dogs barking in the distance and the occasional car passing by. 
Mike is the first to crack up, and Vanessa's composure crumbles shortly after that. Their laughter feels contagious, being passed back and forth until their sides and faces hurt. 
Vanessa takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. There are tears in her eyes, but for once, they're the happy kind. 
"Phew," Mike starts, breathless, "hehe…I…I haven't laughed that hard in a long time."
"Me either."
It finally hits Vanessa that they're holding hands, like…like a couple. She glances down at their 
interlocked fingers. Mike is so gentle when he holds her hand. She could yank it away without any extra force at any point, but he's still firm in his grasp. He squeezes her hand every so often. 
It makes her heart beat faster, and her face turn red. 
They look at each other. Not a single word passes between them, but they don't have to talk. 
Vanessa doesn't remember if she or Mike made the first move. All she knows is that they're staring into each other's eyes one second. And the next, they're kissing. 
His hair is surprisingly soft beneath her fingers. His lips, too, and he tastes like an after-dinner mint. 
When they pull away, his face is red, and his pupils are blown. Mike smiles at her. "I like you," he admits. "And it's okay if you don't-"
Vanessa leans in again, kissing his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finally, his lips. "I like you, too, Michael Schmidt."
"Really?" He asks, sounding genuinely surprised. 
"No, I just go around kissing everybody." 
Mike laughs. "Okay, smartass."
They continue watching the sky. Vanessa gets closer and leans her head against Mike's shoulder. Hand-in-hand, they fall asleep under a sky full of stars.
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bonniesbowtie · 7 months
So me and my girlfriend have watch the FNAF movie, she ships Mike and Vanessa so here’s a little scenario she came up with:
When Vanessa leaves the hospital after the whole incident (her dad stabbing her) she temporarily lives with Mike and Abby. While living with them, Sunday morning becomes a routine of Abby and Vanessa drawing together/Abby showing off her drawing while Mike makes breakfast. One of these mornings Abby shows off one of her drawings. It’s Mike and Vanessa getting married. She then goes on about Mike having a crush on her and also has a scary amount of evidence against. By the time she’s done both of them blushing and alone since Abby finished her breakfast. They decided to talk about their feelings for each other and it turns out Vanessa has a crush on him as well.
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bonniesbowtie · 8 months
What are your thoughts over the movie? I have some myself (and a mild mental breakdown over the Thing™), but overall, it was good. I want to talk about it with anyone, lol
Okay, so....
Spoilers below the cut:
Firstly, I loved it. You can tell how much effort they put into this movie, and it really shows. Kudos to everyone involved.
Things I liked:
Piper Rubio did amazing. No comment beyond that. Abby is one of my favorite characters now, and if anything happens to her, I'll cry.
Actually, all the kids did a wonderful job. Especially Grant Feely. He really embodied that creepy, restless spirit vibe.
Mike and Abby's sibling relationship was everything to me!
Vanessa asking Mike if he wants to dance with her (OMG).
The Springbonnie suit looked great!
Mike having a little bit of an attitude (I love him so much)!
The animatronics were cool. I like that they took the time to make them seem friendly, and almost childlike, before switching gears.
Things I didn't like:
I'm not an expert on filmmaking, so excuse me if I'm wrong here. But the pacing was all over the place. The first act of the movie was perfect, and then the second act was....fast. Like fast-fast. Based on what other people are saying, I'm 99.9% sure they cut out a lot of footage.
This one might come back to bite me in the ass later, but some plotlines felt unnecessary. I know this is FNAF and complicated is written somewhere between Freddy and Fazbear, but did we really need some side plot about an evil aunt? They didn't go anywhere with it, and we still don't know what happened to her. Did Golden Freddy K.O her? Kill her? Who knows? Because we certainly don't. We see her legs, and then she's never mentioned again.
I don't know if this is controversial, but I hate that Vanessa's an Afton. Maybe it's because I was so set on Mike being an Afton, but I really, really hate that they changed it. (I'll elaborate on that more down below).
I felt like they could have given us some more background. Some more flashbacks to the 80s. Anything.
I know I'm being overdramatic, but having the plot twist be Vanessa's and Afton kind of killed all my excitement. Which is stupid, I know, but yeah....
I mean, I'm still going to write fanfictions about the movie, and about all the ways that Mike Schmidt is actually Michael Afton.
--Sorry in advance, but I'm going to ramble--
I have a feeling that William knows Mike better than he's letting on. Of course, he did kidnap Garrett, who could have told William everything about Mike. He could have also watched the news and seen Mike with his parents, asking for Garrett to come home.
But that's not the vibe i was getting from William during the office scene. But I'll let you all decide for yourselves:
William Afton is a skilled manipulator and actor, but the expression he makes looking down at his coffee doesn't scream, "holy shit, the brother of my victim is sitting in my office." He has no reason to look concerned. Mike has no idea who he is, and he isn't even looking at William. So, why put on a show?
Also, the change in his attitude is telling. He went from cold and distant to personable in a heartbeat.
Of course, there's always the possibility that I'm totally wrong, and William is scared he's been found out. Which could be true, given that he doesn't hesitate to fuck Mike up the second he's able to.
In the same vein, why would William Afton-a guy known for killing/kidnapping kids around the pizzeria, or at least close to the pizzeria-drive to the middle of nowhere, pick a random kid, and kill him? I know he's crazy, but I don't buy it.
Some people are saying that Garrett is a Charlie parallel, and that Mike is Henry's son. Which could be the case, I mean, we see a mechanic in the training video that bears a striking resemblance to the actor that plays Mike's dad. I don't know if those two things are connected, but it's interesting to point out.
But, like I said, it's weird that William went out of his way to kidnap a kid for no reason. And he likely wasn't in a costume (at least I hope he wasn't, because if he was and no one saw who took Garrett, I think a kidnapped child is the least of their worries.) So, how did he convince Garrett, who was by himself for a grand total of five second, to get in the car? Maybe he offered him candy or toys? I dunno.
I might go into all the evidence/theories so far that Mike's an Afton in another post. And where they're going with Garrett's character. But yeah....
Everyone, please, feel free to share your thoughts on the movie. I would love to hear them :D!!
((Thank you for this question btw <3333))
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bonniesbowtie · 8 months
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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bonniesbowtie · 8 months
Some of my opinions, in no particular order
golf courses should be abolished. mini golf can stay. actual golf? no. golf courses take up so much water to maintain their grass, grass which, btw, is a monoculture and bad for wildlife. the area that golf courses take up could be used for affordable housing, or natural areas left to grow with wild native plants that are better for the insect populations. but nooo, we gotta use all this land so that stuck up rich people can play the most boring game ever invented. bullshit.
the police should be abolished. i would settle for defunding but really they just need to go.
children are people, treat them as such. kids have thoughts and feelings that are just as real and valid as yours.
on a similar vein, you are allowed to not want children, but that doesn't give you a free pass to hate kids or be mean to kids. they didnt ask to be here, be kind.
there should be a maximum wage. after a certain point, there is no amount of labour you could possibly do to Earn that much money. your workers earned that money, and you are stealing it from them.
there is a difference between millionaires and billionaires. when i say eat the rich im not talking about actors and musicians, im talking about people who are directly responsible for poverty, hunger, suffering, and homelessness around the world. people who hoard obscene amounts of wealth that No One could ever hope to spend in an entire lifetime and simply watch while minimum wage workers struggle to put food on the table and the elderly freeze in their homes.
sex ed should start in primary school, at an age-appropriate level. if kids are old enough to ask questions about sex, they are old enough to learn about it in a safe environment. they should be taught correct anatomical names for body parts (penis, vulva, vagina, etc.).
there should be more research into autism and ADHD in adults, this shit doesn't just go away when you grow up.
diagnostic criteria for disabilities, disorders, and mental health conditions should be written by people who have or have had these conditions. how is someone supposed to know if they have autism, for example, if the symptoms are written from the perspective of someone who has never experienced it?? doesn't make any fucking sense.
hostile architecture should be illegal. unhoused people deserve a place to sleep. or better yet, give them houses. there are literal studies done that prove that housing people saves the government money in the long run, so why aren't we doing that? make it make sense
edit: updated to add more clarity to the golf thing. didn't explain that one well enough and left some people confused
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bonniesbowtie · 8 months
Summary: Mike takes the first step in confessing his feelings. It goes as well as you'd expected. (ft. Abby being adorable, baking cookies, and drawing pictures).
Thank you, guys, for all the support these one shots have been getting. I appreciate all of it <3 You guys are the best!
There are few things Mike loves more than spending quality time with his little sister. It’s harder now that mom’s gone. Money’s tight, and he knows that he isn’t as present as he used to be. A lot of the things they used to do together cost money.
Thankfully, their favorite activity, doodling random pictures while seated next to each other, is free (free, because Abby guilted Aunt Jane into buying her an art set for Christmas). 
“Keith pulled my hair today,” his sister says, shading in the sun she’s drawn. 
“Did you kick him in the-”
Abby cuts him off. “No. Rachel saw him do it and told the teacher.”
Mike hums. “So, he got in trouble?”
“Ms. Arbor said that he did it, because he likes me.”
“That’s a lie,” Mike says without skipping a beat. “Kyle’s a fu- freaking… uh…not a nice person.”
His sister gives a long-suffering sigh. “His name is Keith.”
Teasing his sister is Mike’s other favorite pastime. “That’s what I said,” he says in an exasperated voice. “ Kyler.”
Abby giggles, shaking her head. “No, Keith.”
“Kevin?” He raises an eyebrow. 
His sister laughs, wiping at the tears in her eyes. “You’re being silly, Mike. That’s not even a name.”
There are few sounds more precious to Mike than his sister’s laughter. It’s a rare sound nowadays. 
He pretends to pout, crossing his arms. “It could be.”
“Nuh, uh,” she says. 
“Yeah, huh,” Mike shoots back. 
Suddenly, their doorbell rings. 
“Who is it?” Abby asks
“I don’t know.”
The person rings the doorbell again. 
Mike pats his sister’s head. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Creeping to the door, he goes through every single person that could possibly be bothering them. Uncle Hank and Maxine have been missing for a couple weeks now. Aunt Jane usually calls before she comes over (usually). Social services maybe? 
It wouldn’t surprise him, but Mike would rather not deal with them today. They always upset Abby with their questions, and she’s in a really good mood today. 
He peeks out the window, trying his best to be discreet. 
Vanessa makes eye contact with him. She waves at him, smiling sunnily. 
He opens the front door. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?” Mike asks, genuinely curious. 
“Well….I had the day off, and I was in the neighborhood…” she trails off, 
Wait. Does she want to spend time with him (and Abby)? That can’t be the case, right? Right? Mike tries not to get his hopes up. 
“Oh,” he says, blinking, “come inside. Abby and I are coloring right now.” He steps aside, letting her come in. 
Abby runs over to Vanessa, a piece of paper in her hands. She bounces up and down. “I drew this for you.”
Mike takes Vanessa’s jacket, watching as she engages Abby in excited conversation. Her face lights up when she looks at the paper. 
“For me?” She asks.
“Yeah,” Abby says, timidly. 
The paper has three figures. One with short dark hair, a slightly shorter one with shoulder length dark hair, and one that’s taller than both of them with a yellow ponytail. All three of them wear matching smiles. A sun sits in the corner of the paper and other, more animalistic figures stand behind the three figures. 
“Is that…”
“Foxy, Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, and Fredbear.”
“Fredbear…?” She quirks a brow. 
Mike’s heart seizes in his chest. The name feels hauntingly familiar. Vanessa looks at him, and he somehow manages to keep a neutral face. He shrugs. 
“Yeah, he’s my friend.” Abby places the paper off to the side. She takes Vanessa by the hand. “Do you want to make cookies?”
“Abby,” Mike starts, not wanting to his sister to scare off Vanessa, “she-”
“I would love to.” 
Abby squeals, pulling her to the kitchen. Vanessa looks back at him, winking. 
It takes Mike’s brain a solid minute to process what just happened. “Did she just….”
He chases after them.
“It says we need to pour ¾ cup of water into the bowl,” Abby reads from the book. Flour sticks to her face, hair, and hands. 
Vanessa nods, filling up the measuring cup with water. She hands it to Abby who dumps it into the bowl. 
“Cool, now we need three eggs.”
Mike carefully cracks the eggs, making sure none of the shells fall into the batter. As much as he trusts his sister, he’s also sure none of them want eggshell-flavored cookies. He passes the bowl back to her, and goes to the sink to wash his hands off. 
Vanessa takes his place, making sure Abby reads the recipe correctly (and also making sure she doesn’t fall off the chair.) A grin breaks across his face, watching the exchange. A sudden thought pops into his head. 
“I have to grab something, stay here,” Mike says. 
“Was planning on it,” Abby sasses. Vanessa hides her laughter behind her hand. 
“Yeah, yeah.”
He returns five minutes later, camera in hand. His mom used to take pictures of everything. They have entire boxes full of Garrett, his, and Abby’s baby pictures. Mike never saw the appeal of taking photos, it annoyed him to no end having to stand still. But now that’s she gone….
Mike lifts the camera. “Smile,” he says.
Vanessa and Abby turn to look at him, smiling for the camera. He snaps a quick picture. 
“Your turn,” Vanessa tells him, reaching out for the camera.  
“My turn?’ 
Abby nods. “You need to be in the picture too. It’s not the same without you.”
“Okay, okay.” He laughs, situating himself between his two favorite people Vanessa and Abby. 
Vanessa snaps a photo of all three of them crammed together. Messy with flour and batter staining their hair, faces, and clothes. Abby has an arm slung over both of their shoulders, and a wide grin across her face, and Mike and Vanessa both look like they’re trying not to laugh. 
Mike already knows he’s going to frame it. 
Later after they’re done with baking, and Abby’s been sent off to bed, Vanessa starts wiping down the counters. 
“That was fun,” she says.
“Mhm,” Mike agrees, scrubbing a pan. “Though, I could do without the cleanup part.”
Vanessa snickers. “And miss all the fun?”
“Yeah, so much fun.”
They fall into a comfortable silence, cleaning the kitchen. 
“Thank you,” Mike says, breaking the quiet. 
“For?” Vanessa throws the dirty rag she’d been using in a corner. 
“For….I dunno.” Mike shrugs. His eyes remain fixated on the sink in front of him. 
“You….don’t know…?”
“I mean…I like having you around. You’re nice.”
“I’m nice?”
“Yes.” He shakes his head. “No. I mean, yes. God why is this so difficult?”
A hand rests on his shoulder. Warm and comforting. “Mike….? Is everything okay?”
Mike turns to face her, wiping the soapy water clinging to his hands on his pants. “I wanted to say, thank you for hanging out with Abby and me. It’s been a long time since anyone’s gone out of their way to do that. And you keep doing it. The tea party last week, the diner you took us to the week before that. It….means a lot to us. To me.”
Vanessa shifts in her spot, arms crossed. An unreadable expression crosses her face, but her eyes look like they’re misting up. “Uh…I like hanging out with you guys too.” Her voice sounds strained, like she’s struggling not to cry. 
Mike’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit!  I didn’t mean to make you cry. Are you okay? I can-”
“No, you’re okay. I just…need to go home.” She starts for the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at Freddy’s. Thanks for the cookies, and tell Abby that I said, ‘bye.’” 
“Are you sure you’re okay? I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Yeah…I’m okay. Just a little tired. See you later, Mike.”
Before he can get another word in, she’s gone. 
Resting his head in his hands, Mike groans. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he mutters under his breath. 
“I want out,” Vanessa hisses into the phone. 
“How come?” 
“My priorities have changed.”
She grips the phone tighter, imagining it’s her boss’ neck instead. “ Meaning, that I don’t want to work for you anymore.”
“You like him.” 
She scoffs. “No, I just-”
“You know what you’re giving up if you go against me, don’t you?”
“I’m not going against you. I haven’t told him anything. I just can’t go against him either. I’m….” Vanessa trails off, trying to choose her words carefully. “ Fond of him. Besides, he’s kind of cute.”
“Cute, eh?” Her boss says, annoyance clear in his tone. “Cute enough to abandon your brother?”
She deflates a little. “I’m…I’m not-”
“Are you fond of him enough to leave your brother all alone?”
“Stop it,” Vanessa grits out, tightening her grip. “He has nothing to do with that.”
“Well, if you’re ready to give that all up….then, I’m sure Cassidy would understand.”
Tears slide down her face. Her breath comes out shuddery, as she fights the urge to cry. “Stop. I- I don’t want to leave my brother. Don’t make me give that up.”
“Oh, my dear, I’m not making you do anything. You’re doing it all by yourself.”
“I’m sorry. I change my mind.”
“Good,” her boss says, pleased. “Then, I expect you’ll have no problems this upcoming week.”
“Of course not.”
The phone line goes dead. Her grip on the phone is slack, and it falls from her hand. Sobs wrack her body, as Vanessa curls up on her couch. 
She never wanted this. 
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bonniesbowtie · 8 months
could you keep doing fluffy schmelly fanfics?? i’m in in love with those 🥹
Of course :D!! I'm thinking of making these a series.
Have these two goofballs being overly competitive!
Vanessa beats Mike to the pizzeria. Not by much, as he pulls in right after her, but Vanessa takes her victories where she can. She pretends not to notice how his face seemingly lights up when they both get out of their respective cars. 
“Slow night?” He asks, sounding exhausted as always. She stands next to him, watching as he struggles to unlock the front door. 
“Not slow enough.”
They make their way into the lobby. The animatronics are still on stage, which makes sense given that it’s only ten. 
“So, you’re here early,” she says, taking off her jacket. The inside, for once, isn’t freezing cold. Maybe the owner finally realized that there’s actual people inside? 
“The babysitter got to my house earlier than expected,” Mike explains, starting his routine check of making sure everything is still in place. He peeks through the curtains, using a flashlight to check on each of the animatronics. “And Abby was already in bed.”
“....And you didn’t want to hang out any longer than you had to.” It’s not a question, but Mike answers anyway. 
“No, if I have to sit through one more minute of Max scrutinizing every little thing about how I parent Abby, I’ll scream. More and more, she reminds me of my Aunt Jane.” 
“What’s wrong with your Aunt Jane?”
Mike finishes up looking behind the curtain, and gives her an annoyed look. 
“Come on, she can’t be that bad. Right?”
“She’s actively trying to get Abby taken away from me. That woman has had it out for me since I was a kid.”
Vanessa hums. “Well, at least she isn’t here.”
“Small mercies,” Mike says in a monotone voice.
He groans, sweeping his flashlight across the various arcade machines. 
Vanessa shrugs. She looks over all the different games. “I used to love playing these games,” she murmurs. “I had the highest score on a majority of the cabinets.”
“Really?” Mike asks, sounding genuinely impressed. “Which one did you have the highest score on?”
“Pac-Man,” Vanessa repeats. “What about it?”
“I just….that happens to be a game I also got the highest score on. Not here, obviously, but I think it’s kind of cool that we….” Mike trails off, returning to his nightly task of making sure nothing’s broken. 
“Heh, bet my score was higher.”
“Was not,” Mike shoots back. Realizing how childish he must sound, Mike composes himself. “I guess we’ll never know.”
They both look longingly at the arcade cabinet. It’s powered off and covered in a layer of dust, likely due to not being used for years on end. 
They exchange a glance at one another. 
“I’m going to turn the power on for the arcade!” Mike shouts, sprinting towards the office. 
In the same breath, Vanessa shouts back, “I’ll start cleaning the machine off!”
“Wow,” Mike says, watching Vanessa play over her shoulder. “You are pretty good.”
She scoffs playfully. “Just pretty good?”
“Eh…goodish,” he teases. To which Vanessa takes her hand off the joystick to smack his shoulder. 
Her attention wavers for just a second, but in that second, Pac-man dies. “Noooo,” she groans. “Thanks a lot.”
Vanessa sees him smirk out of her peripheral vision. This only fuels her insistent need for competition. The last time she felt this strongly about beating someone was before her brother died. 
She grits her teeth and focuses even more on the game. 
“....You know-”
“Shut up,” Vanessa mutters, refusing to allow anyone to distract her. 
“But I-”
“Shush.” She waves a dismissive hand in his direction. 
“Hmpf.” Mike crosses his arms, looking almost like a petulant child. If she weren’t so set on getting the best high score, Vanessa would laugh. 
Eventually, though, she makes a mistake, and she has to move aside to let Mike play. Although, seeing her score (albeit briefly) makes the ten minutes of constant stress well worth it. Vanessa doesn’t want to think less of Mike, but there’s no way he can beat her score. 
“Soooo,” she starts, in the same conversational tone that Mike did, “you come here often?”
Instead of shushing her, Mike just side-eyes her. “Unfortunately. You?”
“Same,” Vanessa sighs, dramatically.
Mike snorts. “Well, you don’t have to. You know that right? Unlike me, you don’t get paid for being here.”
Vanessa gives an even more dramatic sigh, whirling around so she’s facing towards the lobby. “I can leave if you want.”
“What?” Mike asks, sounding actually terrified at the prospect of her leaving. “Wait, Vanessa, I didn’t mean-”
The arcade game goes into a game over screen. 
Vanessa grins, turning back to face Mike. “Ha!”
He rolls his eyes, trying and failing to keep the grin off his face. “Whatever. It was bound to happen anyway.”
“Uh, huh, sure.”
They glance over their scores, taking the time to appreciate them. Vanessa’s last score from over a decade ago is nowhere near their scores from today. 
Mike stares at the screen in disbelief. “We-” 
“Tied,” she finishes. 
Which is a very good question, and one that Vanessa can not possibly answer. By all accounts they should not have tied. And not because she’s a sore loser or anything, but because Vanessa’s fairly certain they were both on different levels when they lost. Not that there’s any way to prove that.
“We need to break the tie,” Mike says, a finality in his tone. 
She nods. 
They look around the arcade. There’s five or six different arcade cabinets, a few (probably rigged) claw machines, and….
They look at each other. 
“Skee ball,” they say in unison.
In the corner, unseen, two boys watch over their respective, overly-competitive siblings. 
“She’s always been like this,” Cassidy mutters. “Used to sock me in the arm when she lost.” He rubs his arm. “Hurt like a-”
“Mikey has always been competitive too. Though, he didn’t hit me when he lost.” Garrett watches the display with interest. “I’m just glad he’s having fun. I haven’t seen him smile since…”
“Her either. It’s…kind of nice. I’ve missed seeing her smile.”
Watching is the best they can do (well, that and occasionally messing with the arcade machines), but for now, that’s all they have to do. For once, their siblings aren’t in pain or danger. 
And for now….
….that is more than they can hope for.
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bonniesbowtie · 2 years
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Miles in fall
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bonniesbowtie · 3 years
Speaking of the eldest Von Karma sibling (all we know about them is that during the first game they have a daughter who has a dog named Phoenix), I really like the idea that they’re a regular person who is has a regular job that they’re a regular amount good at. Like they’re still traumatized, although Manfred abused them differently because they weren’t a prodigy. The not prodigy thing also lets them avoid Manfred’s influence as an adult, although they haven’t cut off contact because they still want to be able to talk to Franziska and Edgeworth. They have their own problems, but they’re working on it. When they hear about Turnabout Goodbyes on the news they sigh and call their therapist to schedule an extra appointment because their dad is trying to get their brother convicted for murder.
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bonniesbowtie · 3 years
Superhero universes probably had a lot of wannabe villians and heros that were immediately killed on their first mission
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bonniesbowtie · 3 years
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they do look kinda similar
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bonniesbowtie · 3 years
when your attorney is ace idk i’ve never played the game
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73K notes · View notes
bonniesbowtie · 3 years
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Haven’t posted here in awhile, but a new year does call for new art ^^ Hope 2021 goes better for all of us!
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